Activity 3 - Deputado Maning

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 Activity

Activity 3: Reaction Paper – Deputado Maning


First section of the reaction paper should provide a background/context about the movie
they’ve watched. Tell us about the focus of the story. Include the author/director, actors.
Include several good quotations to support your personal idea about the movie. This
section must contain a summary of the reviewed film (try to make it short) – avoid sharing
personal opinion in this part.

Second Part. Student must share their thoughts on the require movie. Discuss important
ideas being learned in the movie. Relate the subject of the movie in the contemporary
society, and to your personal experience. No evidence is needed, but a student may leave
some remarkable quotations or lines they get from the documentary. Discuss new
conceptions or changes in your misconceptions? Provide insight of how you can relate
what you’ve learned from the movie in to your personal life and goals as a student of the

Deputado Maning Film Review Rubric

Exemplary – 5 pts. Satisfactory – 4 pts. Needs
Improvement- 2
Lead Fabulous opening Adequate opening Poor
sentence that attracts reader sentence that gives the opening
interest and establishes the reader some indication of sentence- the
tone of the review. your opinion. reader is left
wondering how
you feel about
the film.
Performers Mentions key Mentions key Fails to
performers and roles they performers or their roles. mention
play. significant actors
or characters by
Plot Summary Provides a succinct plot Provides an overly Provides so
synopsis without divulging detailed plot synopsis or a much
too much about the film. synopsis that does not quite information
give the reader enough about the plot
information that the film is
ruined for the
viewer, or gives
almost no
about the film.
Uses examples Provides relevant Provides some Includes no
from the film. examples/illustrations from examples of action/dialogue examples of
the film to back-up the from the film that supports action or
reviewer’s opinion about the the opinion. dialogue from
film’s effectiveness. the film.
The opinion Makes a provable case Voices an opinion but Has virtually
for the film’s merit and does not explain in depth no opinion about
analyzes what worked and why things in the film worked the film or has


did not work in the film. or didn’t. an opinion that

is not backed up
by any
examples from
the film.
Spelling/ Makes virtually no Makes 2-3 Multiple
grammar spelling/grammar/punctuatio spelling/grammar/punctuatio writing errors.
n errors. n errors.
Inspired word Chooses interesting Uses appropriate word Inappropriat
choice/ writing appropriate words and well- choice but may have a few e word choices,
fluency constructed sentences and poorly constructed poorly
paragraphs. sentences constructed
sentences or


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