Shadows of God
Shadows of God
Shadows of God
". . . all our phrasings are spiritualized shadows cast multitudinously from our
readings . . ."
- Mark Twain
“The shadows of this world are perceived by mortals, and they think they know
Truth, but the Reality which casts the shadows is hidden from them, and they do
not perceive the light.”
Some twenty years later, I was visiting my hometown, when a man that I
didn’t recognize approached me and asked if I was Mr. Fisher. I responded
in the a rmative and he told me that I had been his PE teacher in High
School and that he wanted to let me know that he and his friends enjoyed
the atmosphere in the class, appreciated the way I treated them fairly, and
that they considered me the favorite teacher they had ever had.
This is the sort of thing, as you might imagine, that a teacher lives for.
Teachers are an altruistic lot, hoping we might somehow help a young
person grow and develop. Hearing this praise from my old student had me
oating on air, thinking to myself how nice it was that I had made an
impression, that I had done some good in my beloved profession.
We shared small talk for a bit and it was time to go. As he turned to leave,
he recounted a nal memory of his time in my PE class. “My buddies and
me,” he said with a big grin on his face, “used to go behind the shed by the
football eld every day during your class and smoke pot.”
This might account for why I was their favorite teacher. It wasn’t because I
was the nurturing educator I pictured in my mind moments earlier, but
because I was apparently the most oblivious person to ever take classroom
attendance, and the students associated me with the splendid buzz they
had going on a daily basis. I had never felt so de ated. Where I had
perceived an orderly, respectful educational experience, a teenage bong
party had actually existed. For all I knew, they might have been wearing
togas instead of gym clothes.
But just how dependable are our senses and our brain’s ability to process
the information our senses accumulate? As it turns out, the very
construction of our sense organs makes them not so dependable at all.
Had my sense organs more depth and breadth, I might have seen or heard
those students in the shadows of the storage shed, giggling at my
obliviousness. As it is, our eyes are limited in the distance we can see, and
further, our eyes can only see the narrow band of wavelengths from 400
to 700 nanometers. Others types of electromagnetic waves beyond that
range and thus outside the visible spectrum include, X-rays, UV, gamma
rays, radio waves, microwaves, infrared rays, and so on. If our eyes were
constructed di erently our visual universe might include these
wavelengths and make for a distinctly di erent visual reality. Our hearing
is limited to a narrow band of wavelengths and amplitude, making us
inferior to many other animals in our ability to sense sounds. Smell, taste,
and the kinesthetic senses also are limited to a narrow range of
perceptions, that, if expanded would again change our world in remarkable
ways. Imagine a world in which these very real forms of energy beyond the
range of our perceptual apparatus could be perceived. Some people don’t
have to imagine an expanded perceptual existence. Their are people on
earth a icted with a disorder called synesthesia. They can smell sounds,
hear images, see colors in their mind when they read, numbers can make
them sense tastes. Their perceptual reality is vastly di erent than most
people, but no less genuine, revealing aspects of the natural world denied
to the rest of us. The reality the sense organs reveal is inextricably tied to
the brain that processes the perceptual input.
So, if we can only perceive a small amount of the delights of the physical
universe, just how reliable are our senses in understanding the cosmos?
Professor Carl Woese’s work at the University of Illinois studying the
genetic sequences in bacteria show us that life on earth can be divided into
23 groups, only three of which, animals, plants, and fungi, are large enough
to be visible to the human eye. The other 20 groups are microscopic in size
and as di erent from each other as humans are from spiders. In fact 80%
of the biomass on planet earth is made up of the 20 groups of living things
we can’t visually perceive. Four hs of life, by volume, on this remarkable
planet, is beyond our perceptual experience, existing beyond the shadows.
You begin to see the di culty in pondering a cosmos with sense organs
that hide the existence of most of Creation from observation.
Once our senses gather perceptual information our brain goes to work to
organize this terribly incomplete information. But again we have issues.
It turns out that a women’s corpus callosum is signi cantly thicker than a
man’s with a correspondingly larger number of neural pathways. Thus
women are more able to multitask - they can write a report, nurture a
child, read a book, change a tire, and talk - all at the same time. The verbal
and intuitive sides of the female brain maintain a dialogue. The relative
dearth of neural pathways in men’s corpus callosum would seem to make
them excel at doing one thing at a time. You can test this by trying to
engage a man in conversation while he is reading a paper. Once that fails,
try exploding a paper bag next to his ear. In either case he will not
acknowledge you, indeed will seem incapable of acknowledging you until
he nishes his article. So men, as your mate becomes frustrated when you
seem unwilling to discuss your relationship while you are watching ESPN,
counsel her to count her blessings that she was born with such a splendid
corpus callosum, and ask her to pity you for the atrophied corpus callosum
that you and other men are cursed with.
But wait - not all men are so cursed. An interesting adjunct to this
research is that gay men o en have larger corpus callosums that even
women. As we ponder such giants of creativity and expression as da Vinci,
Alexander the Great, Oscar Wilde, Tennessee Williams, Tchaikovsky,
Michaelangelo, and countless others, the historical record shows us that
gay men have been inordinately represented in cutting edge fashion,
design, art, theater, music, writing, and other creative activities.
Since a larger corpus callosum allows the emotional side of the brain and
the verbal side of the brain to better communicate, this may explain the
depth and breadth of the creative achievements of gay men. Further, it
may illuminate the phenomena reported by my female acquaintances that
gay men excel as friends and soul mates. Their brains, even more so than
women, are wired to verbalize about feelings and emotions. This is in stark
contrast to heterosexual men whose brains are wired to laugh at farts.
A few examples:
The rain in Spain falls mainly on the .....
If you are like virtually every human in the english speaking world, you
completed that little ditty in your head. You had to say the word Spain in
your mind. Your brain insisted upon it.
Have you ever tried to remember the name of an actor in a movie and
been unable to remember it? Did you feel anxiety and discomfort until it
came to you? Think about it - it literally made you uncomfortable to not
have closure on this meaningless issue.
Have you ever woke up in the night, unable to sleep because you were
thinking about the task you nished at work? No, you woke up because of
the tasks that were un nished. No closure, no completion, no gestalt, no
Need I mention the heartache and su ering brought about by unresolved
issues of romance, family, economics, health? If these things aren’t
resolved the human brain rebels by creating physical and emotional stress
that can literally cripple a person, and send them scurrying to the doctor
for serotonin regulators to get the synaptic chemistry back in shape.
Take out the insert in today’s order of service and play along with me in a
visual exercise illustrating just how much the brain hates un nished
business. (do exercise on blind spot created by optic nerve) As I said, and as
this illustration of how your brain lls in an empty spot in your eld of
vision shows, the brain will actively construct reality if un nished business
is dramatic enough. The brain will literally create something from nothing
if it deems it necessary.
More about the brain. Did you know that some theorists think that
awareness itself is a mathematical equation?
As geneticist Matt Ridley points out in his book NATURE VIA NURTURE,
for the rst time in almost 4 billion years a species on this planet has read
it’s own recipe. He is speaking of the human genome project, in which we
are being given a window into the ultimate nature of why humans are as
they are. Did you know that they recently isolated the gene for shyness?
Yes, shyness isn’t learned, it is there in your genes, another example of how
the apparatus determines our reality. The human genome project even tells
us where we came from. Genetic research on mitochondrial DNA suggests
that every single human in the world descended from one woman who
lived in Africa’s Ri Valley about 80,000 years ago. Every single person
alive today has the same common ancestor. We know now how closely
related we all are and this reinforces how we di er in only the most
super cial ways. Go back a few thousand generations and we all have the
same picture of grandma on our mantle.
A nal bit of research that helps us better understand our place in the
universe. Recent research has shown that we each have more bacteria cells
in our body than human cells. 99% of the di erent kinds of genes in our
body aren’t ours, but rather come from microbes. These foreign cells are
necessary for vital bodily functions like digestion. Without the bacteria in
our digestive track we would quickly die. Bacteria "rule this planet,
including our body," said Jeroen Raes, a researcher at the European
Molecular Biology Laboratory in Germany. "I think it's important that
people realize that we are not really human - we are a walking colony of
bacteria and they are crucial for our well being and health."
But suppose I told you that the universe began a few thousand years ago,
created by an omnipotent God. The universe’s purpose is to serve man, and
man’s purpose is to serve God. God sent his son to earth some time ago to
save mankind from their naturally sinful state, and if you simply accept this
and serve God properly, you will live with your loved ones, a er death, for
all eternity, experiencing perpetual joy and bliss.
Don’t you feel better already? Such is the sweet release of closure, of
You begin to understand now how your neighbor can think a short
tempered man in the clouds made you and watches over you and
occasionally drops frogs out of the sky on Egyptians. It is much easier to
believe than the truth. Incredibly, the truth is more magni cent, more awe
inspiring, more unfathomable than the myths that have sprung from man’s
This is it: When trying to solve a problem, the best solution is the one that
can solve the problem with the fewest assumptions. This modest idea, that
the simplest solution is the best solution, is the foundation for all science.
Science can’t tell all of life’s secrets, some things will remain a mystery
forever, but science can surely tell us what things simply can’t be true.
Thus, the old supernatural explanations that our ancestors relied on to
provide themselves with the comfort and closure our brains demand must
fall by the wayside, exposed by the light of day as misguided, unnecessary,
and o en dangerous myths.
Third - Use your big, clumsy brain to consider the greater good, to
consider empathy, in all your thoughts and actions.
Do these things and your life will be satisfying and have meaning. You will
have a spring in your step and strangers will comment on the cut of your
jib. Avoid them and you will always feel like something is missing from
your life - and you know how the brain hates un nished business.