Different Exercise Endurance Modalities
Different Exercise Endurance Modalities
Different Exercise Endurance Modalities
understood. Recently, high-intensity interval exercise (HIIE) is the negative influence of interoceptive stimuli (e.g., heart
has been gaining attention in the public health area as a rate) on affective response in the severe domain postulated
time-efficient, less monotonous exercise strategy to improve by DMT, although recent evidence supports the link between
cardiorespiratory and metabolic health (e.g., Batacan et al., affective valence and homeostatic perturbations (Hartman et al.,
2017; Mattioni Maturana et al., 2021a). HIIE is characterized 2019).
by relatively brief, repeated bouts at maximal or near-maximal Despite emerging trends, the comparison of affective
effort, interspersed with recovery periods of low intensity response between continuous and interval-based exercise is still
or complete rest (Gillen and Gibala, 2014). The numerous insufficiently elucidated. Due to the large number of existing
benefits of HIIE on physiological outcomes are well-documented; endurance exercise modalities, barely any reliable predications
however, concerns have been raised about the likelihood of HIIE can be made. In addition, the question arises as to which
(i.e., exercise in the severe-intensity domain) evoking a high psychophysiological factors are relevant in which exercise
degree of displeasure (Decker and Ekkekakis, 2017). modality, and to what extent these are related to the variability of
In recent years, an increasing number of studies have affective response.
investigated differences in affective response between HIIE and
continuous exercise, so review-based evidence is now available.
Niven et al. (2020) performed a meta-analytic synthesis of the Study Rationale
current research (HIIE vs. MICE: 15 studies; HIIE vs. VICE: 7 This study aimed to investigate acute affective response
studies) and concluded that, while HIIE is associated with more to different endurance exercise modalities in previously
negatively valenced affective responses during exercise when insufficiently active individuals. Covering the exercise intensity
compared with MICE, there is no difference in in-task affective domains described within DMT, the following three exercise
valence between HIIE and VICE. Importantly, a large degree modalities were compared: (a) MICE (i.e., moderate domain),
of heterogeneity was evident in both comparisons. A detailed (b) VICE (i.e., heavy domain), and (c) HIIE (i.e., severe domain).
discussion on the apparent inconsistency regarding affective Within this approach, we first wanted to explore differences
response to interval in comparison with continuous exercise can in valence and variation of in-task affective response among
be found elsewhere (Decker and Ekkekakis, 2017). the three different exercise modalities. With respect to
Regarding the affective-rebound effect, the empirical data the outlined theoretical arguments regarding continuous
confirmed the assumptions of DMT for exercise at or above exercise (MICE and VICE) and review-based evidence
the VT1/LT1. Resembling the numerous findings on continuous on HIIE (in comparison with MICE and VICE), we
exercise in the heavy domain (i.e., VICE; e.g., Ekkekakis et al., hypothesized that MICE would result in more positive
2008, 2011), the affective valence decreased consistently during in-task affective valence compared with VICE and HIIE,
HIIE. However, as assumed, this decline in pleasure was followed while there would be similar affective responses between
by an affective rebound immediately after exercise termination the latter two (MICE > VICE, HIIE [Hypothesis H1a]). We
or in the post-exercise period, returning to or even exceeding moreover assumed that, in line with the DMT postulate,
baseline values (Oliveira et al., 2013; Jung et al., 2014; Niven et al., VICE would be associated with a higher variability of in-task
2018; Stork et al., 2018; Alicea et al., 2020; Box et al., 2020). affective valence in comparison with MICE (VICE > MICE
To date, not much is known about exercise modality- [Hypothesis H1b]).
dependent factors of affective valence and its variation. However, Second, we examined whether the course of affective response
among other cognitive factors, concepts relating to perceptions across the session differs depending on the exercise modality.
of ability (e.g., perceived competence) and attentional focus (e.g., Considering the assumptions of DMT and the high consistency
awareness of interoceptive cues) have been shown to account of research findings, we hypothesized that MICE would be on
for variation in the valenced (pleasure–displeasure) response to average accompanied by a constant or slightly increasing trend
continuous exercise within the moderate and especially within in affective valence from pre- to post-exercise, while VICE and
the heavy domain (Rose and Parfitt, 2007; Ekkekakis et al., 2011). HIIE (i.e., intensities above the VT1/LT1) would cause a decline
Recently, a narrative review found perceived competence to be in pleasure, followed by a positive affective rebound immediately
a consistent explanatory variable for affective valence (Bourke after exercise termination (Hypothesis H2).
et al., 2020). This is in line with the important role attributed Lastly, we aimed to identify psychophysiological predictors of
to competency-related characteristics in prevalent theories of in-task affective response. As cognitive factors, we first considered
behavior change (e.g., Self-Determination Theory; Deci and perceived competence (PC) as an already highlighted important
Ryan, 1985, Social Learning Theory; Bandura, 1977). In contrast, explanatory variable for affective valence. Second, within the
mixed results were found for the concept of attentional focus concept of attentional focus, we examined the awareness of
(Bourke et al., 2020). Rose and Parfitt (2010) illuminate such interoceptive cues (AOI) as a less consistent variable. Based
mixed results in exercising around VT1, showing that some on the DMT postulate and previous studies, we hypothesized
individuals interpret interoceptive cues positively and others that cognitive factors (PC and AOI) would be more strongly
negatively. Thus, the directional influence of the awareness associated with in-task affective valence in VICE than in MICE
of interoceptive cues on affective valence seems to be highly (VICE > MICE; Hypothesis H3). Since evidence for interval
variable, depending on how the cues are interpreted (i.e., exercise is particularly scarce in this regard, no directional
individual’s cognitive appraisals of the stimuli). Still less studied hypothesis for HIIE was formulated. Third, we examined the
association of heart rate (HR), the interoceptive factor, with pregnancy or breastfeeding period, and (h) German as a native
in-task affective valence on an exploratory basis. language. Reasons for exclusion from the iReAct study included
the following:
MATERIALS AND METHODS - Chronic diseases or findings that result in a decreased ability
to exercise
Study Design - Medication or supplement intake within the previous 4-weeks
This study was part of a larger research initiative entitled
- Counter indication(s) for local anesthetics
“Individual Response to Physical Activity—A Transdisciplinary
- Clinically relevant deviations in the lab results
Approach” (iReAct; Thiel et al., 2020). The iReAct project is
- Pathological indications in the resting electrocardiogram
an interdisciplinary research network, investigating individual
- Vein conditions that do not allow for multiple blood sampling
physiological, affective, and cognitive responses based on a
- Participation in a medication study within the last 3 months
randomized, two-period sequential-training-intervention design.
- History of drug use or alcohol abuse
Over a period of ∼15-weeks, participants underwent two 6-week
- Current psychotherapy.
training periods starting with either HIIE or MICE (HIIE–MICE
vs. MICE–HIIE). The training programs were of significantly Recruitment occurred in six consecutive waves over a 2-year
different intensity, but matched for energy expenditure. Each period (March 2018 to March 2020). Eligibility was assessed
training period consisted of three training sessions per week (on during a telephone screening, as well as a medical examination
average). Participants underwent a physical fitness assessment prior to final enrollment in the study. A total of 58 participants
before the start of training (week 1), between the two training were assessed for eligibility, 49 of whom were included in the
periods (week 8), and at the end of the study (week 15), including randomization process and nine were excluded during medical
an incremental step test for the standardization of exercise diagnosis. Out of these nine excluded participants, two were
intensity and a VICE session (see Figure 1). excluded due to time management issues and seven for not
The present manuscript addressed a secondary research meeting the inclusion criteria (gastrointestinal issues [n = 2],
question of the iReAct project. As listed in detail above iron deficiency anemia [n = 2], under psychological treatment
(Hypotheses H1–3), a comparison of acute affective response [n = 1], drug consumption [n = 1], and BMI above the
and potential influencing factors was made among three different predetermined upper limit [n = 1]). One female, who exhibited
endurance exercise modalities, which were linked to the intensity a BMI below the specified range, was also included due to her
domains described within DMT (MICE moderate domain, normal percent body fat of 23.5 (normal range: 18–28%) as
VICE heavy domain, HIIE severe domain; Ekkekakis et al., measured at baseline. The included participants (N = 49) were
2005a). Our focus of interest was the in situ assessments, which provided with detailed information about the study procedure
were conducted at four time points (t0 -t3 ) in three exercise and associated risks prior to giving written informed consent.
sessions per exercise modality (Ses1−9 ), resulting in a within- During the baseline assessment, five participants dropped out
subject design with a total number of 36 observations per for different reasons (migraine episode [n = 1], lung condition
participant (see Figure 1). Therefore, it is important to note being discovered [n = 1], time management issues [n = 1], lack
that the group comparison between training type effects across of willingness to continue participation [n = 1], and withdrawal
sequences (i.e., MICE–HIIE vs. HIIE–MICE) was not relevant for during the VICE session due to discomfort with the exercise
the current study, and that the following description refers to the [n = 1]). Two other participants did not complete the first
relevant aspects for the present analysis. Further details on the training period due to illness and thus not being able to complete
clinical trial can be found in the study protocol (Thiel et al., 2020). the minimum adherence. Two non-native speakers included in
deviation from study protocol were subsequently excluded from
Eligibility and Recruitment this data analysis because comprehension of the questionnaires
The targeted study group consisted of insufficiently active could not be guaranteed. Thus, the final study sample comprised
adults at the time of recruitment following the health- 40 insufficiently active healthy adults (men and women) from 20
enhancing physical activity recommendations of the World to 40 years of age. An overview of participants’ demographic and
Health Organization (WHO). That is, <150 min/week of anthropometric characteristics can be found in Table 1.
moderate physical activity, <60 min/week of leisure-time
exercise (including sports participation, endurance-oriented Sample Size
activities, and muscle strengthening), and no regular exercise We did not reach the sample size of N = 60 as originally
engagement for several weeks during the last 6 months. Non- projected in our power calculation and as documented in the
adherence to the WHO recommendations was assessed using study protocol (Thiel et al., 2020). This calculation, however,
the validated German version of the European Health Interview aimed at group comparisons between training type effects across
Survey—Physical Activity Questionnaire (EHIS-PAQ; Finger the two training sequences (i.e., MICE–HIIE vs. HIIE–MICE),
et al., 2015). Further inclusion criteria were (a) age from 20 to which was not the focus of the current study. No separate power
40 years, (b) body mass index (BMI) from 18.5 to 30.0 kg/m2 , (c) analysis was performed for this secondary research question. A
non-smokers, (d) maximal oxygen uptake (V̇O2 max) from 25 to post-hoc sensitivity analysis (with the given sample size of N =
50 ml/min/kg, (e) no current or former eating disorder or obesity, 40) suggests that using a simple t-test for matched pairs and
(f) no severe internistic or neurological previous illness, (g) no assuming a type I error of 0.05 (2-sided) and a power of 80% effect
FIGURE 1 | Overview of the within-subject design. In situ assessments were conducted at 4 time points (t0 -t3 ) within 3 exercise sessions per exercise modality (VICE,
vigorous-intensity continuous exercise; MICE, moderate-intensity continuous exercise; HIIE, high-intensity interval exercise; Ses1−9 ), resulting in a total number of 36
observations per participant (N = 40). In laboratory visits at weeks 1, 8, and 15, exercise intensities were standardized using an incremental step test with lactate
diagnostics and spiroergometry.
Before starting the test, baseline blood pressure and capillary Data Collection
blood lactate concentration ([La− ]) were measured. The test An overview of measures used at the different survey time
began with a 2-min resting period on the bike, followed by points can be seen in Figure 2. Within each survey session,
25-watt (W) step increments every 3 min, starting at 50 W affective valence (measured by FS) was recorded prior (t0 ), at two
for males and at 25 W for females, until task failure. [La− ] time points in-task (t1 , t2 ), and immediately after exercise (t3 )
was analyzed (Biosen S-Line; EKF, Cardiff, UK) by collecting (i.e., four time points in total). In-task assessments for FS were
capillary blood samples (20 µL) from the right earlobe during performed after 14 and 30 min in HIIE (i.e., in the last 15 s of the
the last 20 s of each stage and immediately after volitional first and third loading intervals). To achieve temporal alignment
exhaustion. HR and electrocardiogram (ECG) were constantly of the measurement time points, minutes 20 and 40 were set for
monitored throughout the test (12-channel PC ECG; custo med the continuous exercise modalities (MICE and VICE). Cognitive
GmbH, Ottobrunn, Germany). Breath-by-breath pulmonary factors were assessed during and after the exercise session.
gas exchange and ventilation (V̇E) were measured using Data collection points for PC were minutes 22 and 38 in HIIE
a metabolic cart (MetaLyzer; CORTEX Biophysics, Leipzig, (i.e., in the last 15 s of the second and forth loading interval),
Germany). Calibration was performed before each test following minutes 20 and 40 in VICE, and minutes 31 and 53 in MICE.
the manufacturer’s instructions. Lactate thresholds were analyzed The time-lagged assessment in MICE and HIIE resulted from
using a segmented regression model at which two breakpoints other study interests as well as the rationale of not overloading
were estimated from the [La− ]–power output relationship. LTP1 individual measurement time points. Consequently, PC values in
was determined as the first rise in [La− ] above baseline levels MICE/HIIE were estimated using the next observation carried
(first breakpoint), which is accompanied by the first increase in backward (NOCB) method (Engels and Diehr, 2003). AOI was
V̇E as a function of V̇O2 (i.e., VT1). LTP2 was determined as the collected in the form of a retrospective rating immediately after
second abrupt increase in [La− ] (second breakpoint), which is exercise cessation (see Figure 2).
accompanied by the second sharp increase in V̇E as a function In-task assessments were implemented by presenting the
of V̇O2 (i.e., VT2; Binder et al., 2008; Hofmann and Tschakert, individual items on A3 posters as visual references so that
2017). the participants could concentrate on the exercise itself. The
questions, including scale anchors, were read aloud by the
Exercise Modalities investigator and the participant’s response was recorded via
All exercise modalities were performed on calibrated smartphone (Google Nexus 5; LG Group, Seoul, South Korea)
bicycle ergometers (ec5000; custo med GmbH, Ottobrunn, with the movisensXS application (movisens GmbH, Karlsruhe,
Germany). Based on the results of spiroergometric and lactate Germany) after consultation. Pre- and post-surveys were
measurements, the following exercise protocols were defined (for conducted independently by the participants with smartphone
a graphical illustration, see Figure 2): in hand. HR was collected throughout all sessions using a HR
belt (3-channel ECG; custo med GmbH, Ottobrunn, Germany).
(a) MICE was prescribed as 60 min of continuous cycling at
Based on this training monitoring, HR was adjusted to fitness
the power output (PO) corresponding to 90% of LTP1 (
changes over the weeks (for details, see Mattioni Maturana et al.,
moderate-intensity domain).
2021b). This ensured that participants were always exercising
(b) VICE was performed for 50 min at a constant PO
within the originally prescribed relative intensity of exercise.
corresponding to the midpoint between the first and the
second lactate threshold (i.e., 50% of the difference between
LTP1 and LTP2; heavy-intensity domain). The session
Statistical Analyses
A manipulation check was carried out to verify whether the
was introduced by a 10-min warm-up at a PO corresponding
participants were exercising at different exercise intensities in
to 90% of LTP1 ( intensity of MICE), totaling 60 min
the three exercise modalities as intended. Separate one-way
of exercise.
analysis of variance (ANOVAs) were executed for the variables
(c) HIIE involved 4 x 4-min intervals at a PO corresponding to
of %HRmax and %HRR.
90% of HRmax . This exercise intensity was chosen as such
Descriptive statistics using means (M) and standard
intensity would be within the severe-intensity domain for this
deviations (SD) were generated for continuous variables
population (i.e., all the exercise intensities were above LTP2).
according to the distribution; frequencies (n) and percentages
Each high-intensity load interval was interspersed with a 4-
(%) were generated for categorical variables. Intraclass
min active recovery at 30 W. The session was enclosed by a
correlation coefficients (ICCs) were calculated for the main
10-min warm-up (at 70% of HRmax ) and a 5-min cool-down
outcome measures. Furthermore, estimates of the within-person
at 30 W, totaling 43 min of exercise duration.
variability across the FS measurements (9 sessions × 4 time
All exercise sessions were supervised by trained personnel. points) and the PC, AOI, and HR measurements (9 sessions ×
While VICE took place under standardized controlled laboratory 3 time points), as well as the between-person variability in these
conditions, MICE and HIIE were completed in a health and outcomes, were calculated.
fitness orientated training environment. However, we considered For the first research question regarding in-task (t1 , t2 )
a potential modality-dependent influence of environment-related affective valence in the three different exercise modalities
characteristics on the affective response in preliminary analyses (Hypothesis H1a), we fit a multilevel model for repeated
(see Supplementary Table 1). measures with the levels subject (ID), session (s1, s2, s3), and
FIGURE 2 | Overview of exercise modalities and measures. Data was collected at 4 points in time: pre-exercise (t0 ), in-task (t1 , t2 ), and post-exercise (t3 ). The x-axis
describes the percentage of exercise completed (0–100%). FS, Feeling Scale; HR, heart rate; PC-VICE, perceived competence assessed in VICE; PC-MICE/HIIE,
perceived competence assessed in MICE/HIIE; AOI, awareness of interoceptive cues; MICE, moderate-intensity continuous exercise; VICE, vigorous-intensity
continuous exercise; HIIE, high-intensity interval exercise; LTP1, first lactate turning point; LTP2, second lactate turning point.
the crossed factor modality (MICE, VICE, HIIE) to examine affective response (Hypothesis H3), we extended Model 1 by
the effect of intensity conditions during the intervention on separately introducing one of three factors (PC, AOI, or HR)
the FS (Model 1). A step-up model construction strategy was and its interaction with modality as fixed effects (Model 3a, b,
applied, retaining fixed effects in the model if they demonstrated c, respectively).
statistical significance (p < 0.05) and successively adding random Due to the low numbers of units on the subject level,
effects to account for the correlated structure of the data. simple covariance structures (scaled identity) had to be chosen
Due to non-convergence caused by over-parameterization (the to reach convergence in all the models. Significant effects
random effects structure exhibited a complexity not supported were followed by pairwise post hoc comparisons applying
by the underlying data), we did not account for the nesting of Bonferroni adjustments. For significant interaction terms, post
individuals within group sequence (i.e., MICE-HIIE vs. HIIE- hoc probing was performed to describe the direction of
MICE). Thus, our final model included the fixed effect modality the interaction effect. We contrasted effects with one SD
and a random intercept on the subject and session level, as below and above the mean value (± 1 SD) using two-way
well as allowing for a random slope for exercise modalities. To interaction plots.
examine the in-task (t1 , t2 ) variability of affective valence in the Data preparation and statistical analyses were carried
three different exercise modalities (Hypothesis H1b), equality out using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS,
of variances between exercise modalities was tested using the version 26; IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, USA). All p-values
median-based Levene’s test. were two-sided, and the statistical significance level was set
To address the second research question with regard to the at p < 0.05.
course of the affective valence across a session within the three
different exercise modalities (Hypothesis H2), data from the pre- RESULTS
exercise time point (t0 ), the in-task time points (t1 , t2 ), and
the post-exercise time point (t3 ) were examined in the model Descriptive Analyses
(Model 2). As fixed effects, we considered modality, time point, The manipulation check confirmed that participants were
and the interaction term modality x time point. A random exercising at different intensities in the three exercise modalities
intercept on session and subject level, as well as a random slope, based on mean in-task %HRmax , F (2,645) = 701.53, p < 0.001,
were included. η2 = 0.69, and %HRR, F (2,645) = 643.92, p < 0.001, η2 =
For the third research question concerning the identification 0.67. In addition, comparison of the HR data with reference
of exercise modality-dependent predictors of in-task (t1 , t2 ) values proposed by Binder et al. (2008) indicated that the
FS [−5 to +5] 0.35 40 2.70 0.96 −0.12 to 4.46 1360a 80 1.29 0.17 to 2.66
PC [1 to 7] 0.63 40 5.29 1.13 2.70 to 6.89 1020b 60 0.85 0.19 to 2.37
AOI [0 to 100] 0.47 40 56.10 12.83 33.11 to 85.11 1020b 60 13.14 3.03 to 27.41
HR 0.25 40 149.74 12.01 122.35 to 169.34 958b 122 19.48 13.03 to 26.49
ICC, intraclass correlation coefficient; mV, missing values; FS, Feeling Scale; PC, perceived competence; AOI, awareness of interoceptive cues; HR, heart rate.
a FS was measured at 4 points in time (pre-exercise [t ], in-task [t , t ], and post-exercise [t ]). b PC, AOI, and HR were measured at 3 points in time (t , t , and t ).
0 1 2 3 1 2 3
Main Analyses
Valence and Variation of In-task Affective Response
Figure 3 illustrates the differences of in-task (t1 , t2 ) affective
FIGURE 3 | Affective valence (Feeling Scale) and its variation within the three
valence and its variation among the three different exercise
different exercise modalities: MICE, moderate-intensity continuous exercise;
modalities (the corresponding descriptive statistics are provided VICE, vigorous-intensity continuous exercise; HIIE, high-intensity interval
in Supplementary Table 3). Model 1 revealed a significant main exercise. The diamonds represent the mean values. Raw data is presented for
effect for modality (F = 14.56, p < 0.001) on affective valence the in-task time points (t1 , t2 ) of each of the three sessions (Ses1−3 ) without
(FS). Pairwise post hoc comparisons (see Table 3) showed FS adjustment for the dependencies within clusters.
TABLE 3 | Associations of exercise modality and psychophysiological factors with TABLE 4 | Comparisons of affective valence at four time points within exercise
affective valence. modalities.
Fixed effect B SE p Tp 1M SE p
and lower in PC resulted in an increase and decrease, respectively,
on the FS by 0.80 in VICE vs. 0.31 in MICE and 0.38 in HIIE (see The present study was designed to investigate acute affective
Figure 5A). response associated with endurance exercise modalities
The current results revealed the heavy-intensity range influence of HIIE observed in the study of Decker and Ekkekakis
(i.e., VICE) as the zone of the highest response variability. (2017) could have been due to their demanding protocol with a
Furthermore, the study provided an explanation for this finding work-to-rest ratio of 1:0.66 and a comparatively high intensity
by showing a higher importance of psychophysiological factors within the recovery periods (85% of VT1). In contrast, the
within the heavy domain. Both cognitive factors (perceived 1:1 work-to-rest ratio used in this and in other studies (e.g.,
competence and awareness of interoceptive cues) almost Jung et al., 2014; Alicea et al., 2020), with comparatively lower
consistently had a greater association with affective response dependence on anaerobic metabolism, resulted in equal or even
during VICE in contrast to MICE and HIIE (see Figures 5A,B). more positive affective states in HIIE vs. VICE. Interestingly,
A one SD higher score on either cognitive factor resulted in the negative impact of longer interval duration of 120 s in HIIE
twice the rate of change in affective valence in VICE compared on affective response in comparison with VICE that was found
with HIIE. Moreover, perceived competence was shown to be in the study by Martinez et al. (2015) was not evident for this
more relevant within continuous exercise in the heavy domain study which had an interval duration of 240 s. However, due to
(i.e., VICE) compared with the moderate domain (i.e., MICE), an equation of energy expenditure in their study, HIIE was of
associated with an even 2.5 times higher rate of change in affective longer duration than VICE (24 vs. 20 min), whereas in our study,
valence. Such a tendency could also be seen for the awareness we used a significantly shorter HIIE protocol compared with
of interoceptive cues with a factor of 1.5 for the comparison of VICE (43 vs. 60 min), since the main argument for promoting
impact in VICE vs. MICE, although here the significance level HIIE in public health is its time efficiency. Nonetheless, there is
was not achieved. increasing evidence that low-volume HIIE may diminish feelings
There was no difference in the association of cognitive of displeasure during exercise (e.g., Haines et al., 2020). Similarly,
factors on affective response in the moderate (i.e., MICE) and reducing the intensity of load intervals (from 100 to 85% of peak
severe (i.e., HIIE) modalities considered here. While previous power) has been shown to be a successful strategy for obtaining
research based on a comparison of imposed and self-selected more positive affective experiences in HIIE while maintaining a
HIIE concluded that (reflecting the assumptions of DMT on health-promoting heart rate stimulus (Malik et al., 2019).
continuous exercise) affective valence within the severe domain
is mediated by exercise intensity rather than the feeling of Strengths and Limitations
autonomy (Kellogg et al., 2019), the present results suggest an Some strengths of the current study are noteworthy. First,
influence of cognitive factors in HIIE. Thus, it is possible that responding to the call for psychophysiological perspectives in
the intermittent nature of HIIE prevents a switch to a mode of research examining the affective response to exercise (Acevedo
affect induction that relies primarily on interoceptive stimuli. and Ekkekakis, 2006), we standardized exercise intensities
Supporting this assumption, we found an analogous pattern for relative to metabolic landmarks with reference to a physiological
the modality-dependent association of the interoceptive factor framework. This allowed us to ensure accurate comparisons of
with affective response to that of the cognitive factors studied affective response across the three different exercise intensity
(see Figure 5C). That is, heart rate had a greater importance domains proposed by DMT. Second, in line with current
in the heavy vs. the other two domains, with a two times recommendations, we assessed the valence component of basic
(VICE vs. HIIE) or even five times (VICE vs. MICE) higher affect (using FS) before, during, and after the exercise session
rate of negative change in affective valence. This finding does to provide in-task as well as course-specific patterns of affective
not support the proposition of DMT for continuous exercise, response. Third, we applied a mixed model approach to account
that interoceptive stimuli have the greatest (negative) influence for the nested data structure of the within-subject design (9
in the severe domain. Importantly, the heart rate examined in sessions with 4 time points per participant). Finally, by recruiting
this study represents only one physiological factor and may adults who did not achieve the recommendations for health-
have a different influence on affective response in contrast to a promoting physical activity, the current findings are of direct
neurophysiological (e.g., heart rate variability), cardiorespiratory relevance to a segment of the population that is particularly in
(e.g., oxygen uptake), or metabolic marker (e.g., blood lactate). need of interventions for promoting exercise.
For example, a study by Roloff et al. (2020) demonstrated that Although the current study produced novel and important
valenced affective states closely track changes in oxygen uptake findings, some potential limitations should be mentioned. As
in four different HIIE protocols. this study addressed a secondary research question of the iReAct
Taking a closer look at HIIE, the contradictory study results project, no group comparison between training type effects
can potentially be explained by examining the exercise protocol across sequences (i.e., MICE–HIIE vs. HIIE–MICE) was made,
variables, such as work-to-rest ratio, total session duration, thus neglecting potential carry over effects. In addition, it is
and energy expenditure. Since these characteristics decisively important to consider that, because the participants completed a
determine the extent of reliance on limited energetic resources 15-week training program, strictly speaking, they were no longer
of the anaerobic metabolism, they are supposed to have a physically inactive during the study. However, through training
decisive influence on affective response to exercise (Ekkekakis monitoring, we accounted for fitness changes over the weeks and
et al., 2005a). Therefore, it is not surprising that the strenuous ensured that participants were exercising within the originally
HIIE protocol in a study from Oliveira et al. (2013) with 2- prescribed relative intensities.
min work intervals and <1-min recovery periods resulted in Other limitations relate to the in situ assessments. First, due to
less pleasure compared with VICE. Likewise, the detrimental concerns about overloading the surveys, not all measures were
collected at each survey time point during exercise, so the PC endurance exercise in order to achieve more positive affective
scores had to be estimated using the NOCB method. Although states. In addition to this acute experimental manipulation
we consider this missing data approach to be reasonable due to study of affective response to prescribed endurance exercise
the assumption of a certain latency period of the competence modalities, future studies should expand the scope of the
experience, the shift in data may have been associated with present investigation to real-world settings (i.e., increase external
an over- or underestimation of effects. Second, for HIIE, validity) and long-term exercise adherence monitoring.
we considered only responses within the load intervals (as In the process of personalized exercise programming, trait
representants of the severe-intensity domain). However, looking differences (i.e., individuals’ preference for and tolerance of
at the whole, the intermittent nature of interval exercise seems exercise intensity or modality; Ekkekakis et al., 2005b) as well
to play an important role (Stork et al., 2018). Especially when it as state differences (i.e., individuals’ pre-exercise physical and
comes to predicting subsequent exercise behavior on the basis of mental “readiness-to-exercise”; Strohacker and Zakrajsek, 2016)
in-task response, fluctuations in affect during both the rest and need to be considered. Thus, HIIE may be a viable, time-efficient
load intervals should be considered in future studies. Third, the strategy for some individuals and certain occasions in obtaining
5-min cool-down period in HIIE compared with VICE made it positive psychological responses and long-term health benefits.
difficult to compare the extent of the affective rebound. It would A combination of both HIIE and continuous exercise should
certainly have been worthwhile to have considered affective be considered, in order to better utilize the advantages of each
valence not only immediately after the end of exercise, but also modality and to bring more variety and flexibility into the daily
at several time points in the post-exercise period (e.g., 10, 20, and exercise routine.
30 min post-exercise; Decker and Ekkekakis, 2017), but this was Our results suggest that, in addition to bolstering one’s self-
not possible due to other study interests. Last, in situ assessments perception of competence, changing individual interpretations
were carried out in different environmental conditions with a of interoceptive cues (i.e., cognitive reframing) may be one
rather sterile laboratory setting (VICE) on the one hand and avenue to increase pleasure during exercise, especially in the
a less standardized training area (MICE and HIIE) on the heavy intensity domain. Consequently, in addition to dissociative
other. Although we took this potential confounder into account strategies of directing attention away from bodily symptoms
in preliminary analyses, a minor influence of environment- (i.e., producing an external attentional focus by exercising with
related characteristics on affective response to exercise cannot be music/video; Karageorghis et al., 2021 or exercising in natural
completely ruled out. environments; Bourke et al., 2020), there is also potential for
Moreover, the three exercise modalities assessed in the present the use of associative strategies that consciously address the
study should be considered as only a selection of a large pool (unpleasant) bodily sensations themselves (e.g., mindfulness
of possible options. In particular, we solely examined one HIIE practices during exercise; Cox et al., 2020).
protocol, so no conclusions can be drawn about which specific Collectively, this study provides insight into how exercise
variables of HIIE influenced acute affective response in our study. can be structured to elicit more positive affective states, and
Because there is high variability in HIIE protocol configurations contributes to a theory-based foundation for the development
among studies that limits the generalizability of our and previous and implementation of more individualized exercise promotion
findings, future research should emphasize a more detailed interventions, thereby improving the subjective experience
comparison of different HIIE sessions to determine optimally of exercise.
configured protocols. A balanced work-to-rest ratio as well as
shorter total duration compared with continuous exercise seems
to be promising.
Lastly, only 40 participants could be recruited for the elaborate The raw data supporting the conclusions of this article will be
within-subject design with 15-weeks of training and three made available by the authors, without undue reservation.
extensive diagnostic blocks that did not allow for extended
absences. Due to this low sample size, observed effects have
to be interpreted with caution. In future studies, accounting ETHICS STATEMENT
for interindividual differences, it should be tested how stable
these effects are, in order to improve the generalizability of the The studies involving human participants were reviewed and
results. In this context, due to the highly standardized ergometer approved by Ethics Committee of the Medical Faculty, University
training, the limited external validity should be mentioned as of T(# 882/2017BO1) and was registered at the German Clinical
another limiting factor. Trials Register (# DRKS00017446). The participants provided
their written informed consent to participate in this study.
Practical Implications and Conclusion
The current findings provide us with a more comprehensive AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
understanding of insufficiently active people’s acute affective
response to MICE, VICE, and HIIE. When it comes to KD, FM, AN, AT, and GS conceptualized the paper. KD and FM
aerobic exercise prescriptions, one size does not fit all due to performed the measurements and prepared the data. AN, AT, and
interindividual differences. Thus, health promotion practitioners GS supervised the study. PM contributed to the planning of the
should offer beginners the opportunity to try different forms of statistical procedures. KD and IR analyzed the data. KD wrote the
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