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(Enclosure No.1 to DepEd Memorandum No. 043 , s.


To the Personnel Division/ Section/ Unit:

In compliance with the Guidelines for Alternative Work Arrangements and Support Mechanisms for Personnel in the Department of Education for the Duration of the State of
Public Health Emergency, the ABUAN NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL is hereby submitting the workweek plan for November 01 – November 30 /Week 9 -13, 2021

Name of Personnel Position Pre- existing Days of Work Attendance and Time Period
Condition and/ 1 2 3 4 5 Target Deliverables for the Week
or disease (if
applicable) Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
 Conduct 4th faculty meeting
Head  Checked teachers WAP, IWAR,
ARISTEO D. BABARAN Teacher - None Summative test with TOS of 6 teachers
I  Submit DTR of teachers,
accomplishment report, IWAR and
itinerary of travels.
Week 9/ Nov. 03 Week 9/ Nov. 05  Supervise the distribution & retrieval
REGULAR Week 9/ Nov. 02 Week 9/ Nov. 04
Scheme: MWF (3 -2) Scheme: MWF (3 -2)
Time: 8AM – 5 PM
Scheme: WFH
Time: 8AM – 5 PM of modules
 Supervise synchronous and
asynchronous teaching of teachers
 Supervise Brigada Eskwela plus
activities and crafting of BE package
 Attend virtual meetings and webinars
 Supervise teachers’ online class
Week 10/ Nov. 08 Week 9/ Nov. 09 Week 9/ Nov. 10 Week 9/ Nov. 11 Week 9/ Nov. 12
Scheme: MWF (3 -2) Scheme: WFH Scheme: MWF (3 -2) Scheme: WFH Scheme: MWF (3 -2)
 Checked teachers WAP and IWAR,
Time: 8AM – 5 PM Time: 8AM – 5 PM Time: 8AM – 5 PM summative test of 6 teachers
 Supervise synchronous and
asynchronous teaching of teachers
 Supervise teacher’s online class
 Supervise physical preparation for
Gawad Kalikasan National Greening
Program Best Implementer
(beautification of assigned area)
 Attend virtual symposiums and
(Enclosure No.1 to DepEd Memorandum No. 043 , s. 2020)
 Submit school report to SDO
 Provide TA to teachers regarding
 Supervise teachers home
visitation/small group teaching,
 Checked teachers WAP and IWAR,
summative test of 6 teachers
 Supervise synchronous and
asynchronous teaching of teachers
 Supervise teacher’s online class
 Attend virtual symposiums and
 Supervise physical preparation for
Week 11/ Nov. 15 Week 11/ Nov. 17 Week 11/ Nov. 19 Gawad kalikasan national greening
Week 11/ Nov. 16 Week 11/ Nov. 18
Scheme: MWF (3 -2)
Scheme: WFH
Scheme: MWF (3 -2)
Scheme: WFH
Scheme: MWF (3 -2) program best implementer
Time: 8AM – 5 PM Time: 8AM – 5 PM Time: 8AM – 5 PM
(beautification of assigned area)
 Submit school report to SDO
 Provide TA to teachers regarding
 Provide TA to teachers regarding
National greening program package.
 Supervise teachers home
visitation/small group teaching,
Week 12/ Nov. 22 Week 12/ Nov. 23 Week 12/ Nov. 24 Week 12/ Nov. 25 Week 12/ Nov. 26
Scheme: MWF (3 -2) Scheme: WFH Scheme: MWF (3 -2) Scheme: WFH Scheme: MWF (3 -2)
 Checked teachers WAP and IWAR,
Time: 8AM – 5 PM Time: 8AM – 5 PM Time: 8AM – 5 PM summative test of 6 teachers
 Supervise synchronous and
asynchronous teaching of teachers
 Supervise teacher’s online class
 Supervise physical preparation for
Gawad kalikasan national greening
program best implementer
(beautification of assigned area)
 Attend virtual symposiums and
 Submit school report to SDO
 Provide TA to teachers regarding
(Enclosure No.1 to DepEd Memorandum No. 043 , s. 2020)
 Submit DTR of teachers
 Accomplish IWAR, accomplishment
report, and itinerary of travels.
 Supervise teachers home
visitation/small group teaching,
learning Accomplish IWAR,
accomplishment report, and itinerary
of travels.
 Supervise teachers home
visitation/small group teaching,
 Checked teachers WAP and IWAR,
summative test of 6 teachers
 Supervise synchronous and
asynchronous teaching of teachers
 Supervise teacher’s online class
 Accomplish IWAR, accomplishment
Week 13/ Nov. 29 report, and itinerary of travels.
Scheme: MWF (3 -2)
HOLIDAY  Supervise teachers home
Time: 8AM – 5 PM
visitation/small group teaching,
learning Accomplish IWAR,
accomplishment report, and itinerary
of travels.
 Supervise teachers home
visitation/small group teaching,
REGULAR Week 9/ Nov. 02 Week 9 / Nov. 03 Week 9/ Nov. 04 Week 9/ Nov. 05
HOLIDAY Scheme: MWF (3 -2) Scheme: WFH Scheme: MWF (3 -2) Scheme: WFH
 Prepare Digital Materials for Science
Time: 8AM – 5 PM Time: 8AM – 5 PM Online class
 Retrieve Science 7 LAS (school
 Distribute, Retrieve, and check
summative test for Grade 7 LAS
(school innovation)
 Assist Learners (via online) in
accomplishing their activity
 Facilitate the scheduling of science
classes online Kumustahan and
 Preparation of Weekly Activity Plan
 Accomplishment of IWAR
(Enclosure No.1 to DepEd Memorandum No. 043 , s. 2020)
 Conduct Online Discussion and
Kumustahan in Science
 Participate in Brigada Eskwela
 Entertain questions from the learners
via online, SMS or Phone call
 Prepare Digital Materials for Science
Online class
 Assist Learners (via online) in
accomplishing their activity
 Preparation of Weekly Activity Plan
 Accomplishment of IWAR
Week 10/ Nov. 08 Week 10/ Nov. 10 Week 10/ Nov. 13
Scheme: MWF (3 -2)
Week 10 / Nov. 09
Scheme: MWF (3 -2)
Week 10 / Nov. 12
Scheme: MWF (3 -2)
 Revisit/check other school-related
Scheme: WFH Scheme: WFH
Time: 8AM – 5 PM Time: 8AM – 5 PM Time: 8AM – 5 PM works/activities
 Conduct Online Discussion and
Kumustahan in Science
 Participate in Brigada Eskwela
 Check and Evaluate Grade 7 Learners
in the competency: The learner should
be able to describe the components of a
scientific investigation (S7MT-Ia-1).
(School Innovation)
Week 11/ Nov. 15 Week 11/ Nov. 16 Week 11/ Nov. 17 Week 11/ Nov. 18 Week 11/ Nov. 19
Scheme: WFH Scheme: MWF (3 -2) Scheme: WFH Scheme: MWF (3 -2) Scheme: WFH
 Prepare Digital Materials for Science
Time: 8AM – 5 PM Time: 8AM – 5 PM Online class
 Distribute Summative Test to Grade 7
Learners (School Innovation)
 Assist Learners (via online) in
accomplishing their activity
 Facilitate the scheduling of Science
classes online Kumustahan and
 Preparation of Weekly Activity Plan
 Accomplishment of IWAR
 Revisit/check other school-related
 Conduct Online Discussion and
Kumustahan in Science
 Prepare accomplishment report in
 Participate in Brigada Eskwela
(Enclosure No.1 to DepEd Memorandum No. 043 , s. 2020)
 Check retrieved summative Test of the
 Prepare Digital Materials for Science
Online class
 Assist Learners (via online) in
accomplishing their activities
 Facilitate the scheduling of Science
classes online Kumustahan and
 Preparation of Weekly Activity Plan
Week 12/ Nov. 22 Week 12/ Nov. 24 Week 12/ Nov. 26  Accomplishment of IWAR
Week 12/ Nov. 23 Week 12/ Nov. 25
Scheme: MWF (3 -2)
Scheme: WFH
Scheme: MWF (3 -2)
Scheme: WFH
Scheme: MWF (3 -2)  Revisit/check other school-related
Time: 8AM – 5 PM Time: 8AM – 5 PM Time: 8AM – 5 PM
 Conduct Online Discussion and
Kumustahan in Science
 Prepare accomplishment report in
 Participate in Brigada Eskwela
 Check retrieved summative Test of the

 Prepare Digital Materials for Science

Online class
 Assist Learners (via online) in
accomplishing their activities
 Facilitate the scheduling of Science
classes online Kumustahan and
 Preparation of Weekly Activity Plan
Week 13/ Nov. 29 REGULAR  Accomplishment of IWAR
Scheme: WFH HOLIDAY  Revisit/check other school-related
 Conduct Online Discussion and
Kumustahan in Science
 Prepare accomplishment report in
 Participate in Brigada Eskwela
 Check retrieved summative Test of the
(Enclosure No.1 to DepEd Memorandum No. 043 , s. 2020)
 Give additional instruction to learners
in answering their modules and in
using the Messenger™ as (other)
ALONA B. CUARESMA T - III None platform for easier communication
 Monitor and check the activities done
by the learners
 Revisit and check other activities
Week 9/ Nov. 03 Week 9/ Nov. 05  Check Students’ Output and Summative
REGULAR Week 9/ Nov. 02 Week 9/ Nov. 04
Scheme: MWF (3 -2)
Scheme: WFH
Scheme: MWF (3 -2) tests
Time: 8AM – 5 PM Time: 8AM – 5 PM
 Record Students’ scores
 Update Students with incomplete
 Conduct Brigada Eskwela (Grade-8
 Conduct Brigada Eskwela (Grade-8
 Accomplish weekly IWAR & WAP
 Give additional instruction to learners
in answering their modules and in
using the Messenger™ as (other)
platform for easier communication
 Monitor and check the activities done
by the learners
 Revisit and check other activities
Week 10/ Nov. 08 Week 9/ Nov. 10 Week 9/ Nov. 12  Check Students’ Output and Summative
Week 9/ Nov. 09 Week 9/ Nov. 11
Scheme: MWF (3 -2)
Scheme: WFH
Scheme: MWF (3 -2)
Scheme: WFH
Scheme: MWF (3 -2) tests
Time: 8AM – 5 PM Time: 8AM – 5 PM Time: 8AM – 5 PM
 Record Students’ scores
 Update Students with incomplete
 Conduct Brigada Eskwela (Grade-8
 Conduct Brigada Eskwela (Grade-8
 Accomplish weekly IWAR & WAP
Week 11/ Nov. 15 Week 11/ Nov. 16 Week 11/ Nov. 17 Week 11/ Nov. 18 Week 11/ Nov. 19
Scheme: MWF (3 -2) Scheme: WFH Scheme: MWF (3 -2) Scheme: WFH Scheme: MWF (3 -2)
 Give additional instruction to learners
Time: 8AM – 5 PM Time: 8AM – 5 PM Time: 8AM – 5 PM in answering their modules and in
using the Messenger™ as (other)
platform for easier communication
 Monitor and check the activities done
(Enclosure No.1 to DepEd Memorandum No. 043 , s. 2020)
by the learners
 Revisit and check other activities
 Check Students’ Output and Summative
 Record Students’ scores
 Update Students with incomplete
 Conduct Brigada Eskwela (Grade-8
 Conduct Brigada Eskwela (Grade-8
 Accomplish weekly IWAR & WAP
 Give additional instruction to learners
in answering their modules and in
using the Messenger™ as (other)
platform for easier communication
 Monitor and check the activities done
by the learners
 Revisit and check other activities
Week 12/ Nov. 22 Week 12/ Nov. 24 Week 12/ Nov. 26  Check Students’ Output and Summative
Week 12/ Nov. 23 Week 12/ Nov. 25
Scheme: MWF (3 -2)
Scheme: WFH
Scheme: MWF (3 -2)
Scheme: WFH
Scheme: MWF (3 -2) tests
Time: 8AM – 5 PM Time: 8AM – 5 PM Time: 8AM – 5 PM
 Record Students’ scores
 Update Students with incomplete
 Conduct Brigada Eskwela (Grade-8
 Conduct Brigada Eskwela (Grade-8
 Accomplish weekly IWAR & WAP
Week 13/ Nov. 29 REGULAR
Scheme: MWF (3 -2) HOLIDAY
 Give additional instruction to learners
Time: 8AM – 5 PM in answering their modules and in
using the Messenger™ as (other)
platform for easier communication
 Monitor and check the activities done
by the learners
 Revisit and check other activities
 Check Students’ Output and Summative
 Record Students’ scores
(Enclosure No.1 to DepEd Memorandum No. 043 , s. 2020)
 Update Students with incomplete
 Conduct Brigada Eskwela (Grade-8
 Conduct Brigada Eskwela (Grade-8
 Accomplish weekly IWAR & WAP
 Prepare Brigada Eskwela 2021
 Monitor and check the activities done
by the learners
 Revisit and check other activities
 Prepare purchase order, BIR form and
disbursement voucher.
 Issued cheques for the disbursement
Week 9/ Nov. 03 Week 9/ Nov. 05 voucher.
REGULAR Week 9/ Nov. 02 Week 9/ Nov. 04
Scheme: MWF (3 -2)
Scheme: WFH
Scheme: MWF (3 -2)
Time: 8AM – 5 PM Time: 8AM – 5 PM  Conduct Online Kamustahan with
Grade-7 Learners
 Conduct Brigada PLus( checking of
attendance, assisting volunteers and
 Retrieve Grade 7 modules for the first
 Accomplish weekly IWAR & WAP
 Liquidate MOOE
Week 10/ Nov. 08 Week 9/ Nov. 09 Week 9/ Nov. 10 Week 9/ Nov. 11 Week 9/ Nov. 12
Scheme: MWF (3 -2) Scheme: WFH Scheme: MWF (3 -2) Scheme: WFH Scheme: MWF (3 -2)
 Compute grades for the first quarter
Time: 8AM – 5 PM Time: 8AM – 5 PM Time: 8AM – 5 PM  Give additional instruction to learners
in answering their modules and in
using the Messenger™ as (other)
platform for easier communication .
 Monitor and check the activities done
by the learners
 Revisit and check other activities
 Prepare purchase order, BIR form and
disbursement voucher.
 Issued cheques for the disbursement
 Conduct Online Kamustahan with
Grade-7 Learners
(Enclosure No.1 to DepEd Memorandum No. 043 , s. 2020)
 Conduct online class in Mathematics
7-10 subjects.
 Accomplish weekly IWAR & WAP
 Follow-up learners through text and
 Craft Weekly Activity Plan
 Check students’ outputs
 Prepare program of works for the
different school projects.
 Compute grades for the first quarter
 Give additional instruction to learners
in answering their modules and in
using the Messenger™ as (other)
platform for easier communication .
 Monitor and check the activities done
by the learners
 Revisit and check other activities
 Prepare purchase order, BIR form and
disbursement voucher.
Week 11/ Nov. 15 Week 11/ Nov. 17 Week 11/ Nov. 19  Issued cheques for the disbursement
Week 11/ Nov. 16 Week 11/ Nov. 18
Scheme: MWF (3 -2)
Scheme: WFH
Scheme: MWF (3 -2)
Scheme: WFH
Scheme: MWF (3 -2) voucher.
Time: 8AM – 5 PM Time: 8AM – 5 PM Time: 8AM – 5 PM
 Conduct Online Kamustahan with
Grade-7 Learners
 Conduct online class in Mathematics
7-10 subjects.
 Accomplish weekly IWAR & WAP
 Follow-up learners through text and
 Craft Weekly Activity Plan
 Check students’ outputs
 Prepare program of works for the
different school projects.
Week 12/ Nov. 22 Week 12/ Nov. 23 Week 12/ Nov. 24 Week 12/ Nov. 25 Week 12/ Nov. 26
Scheme: MWF (3 -2) Scheme: WFH Scheme: MWF (3 -2) Scheme: WFH Scheme: MWF (3 -2)
 Give additional instruction to learners
Time: 8AM – 5 PM Time: 8AM – 5 PM Time: 8AM – 5 PM in answering their modules and in
using the Messenger™ as (other)
platform for easier communication .
 Monitor and check the activities done
by the learners
 Revisit and check other activities
(Enclosure No.1 to DepEd Memorandum No. 043 , s. 2020)
 Prepare purchase order, BIR form and
disbursement voucher.
 Issued cheques for the disbursement
 Conduct Online Kamustahan with
Grade-7 Learners
 Conduct online class in Mathematics
7-10 subjects.
 Accomplish weekly IWAR & WAP
 Follow-up learners through text and
 Craft Weekly Activity Plan
 Give additional instruction to learners
in answering their modules and in
using the Messenger™ as (other)
platform for easier communication .
 Monitor and check the activities done
by the learners
 Revisit and check other activities
 Prepare purchase order, BIR form and
Week 13/ Nov. 29 disbursement voucher.
Scheme: MWF (3 -2)
HOLIDAY  Issued cheques for the disbursement
Time: 8AM – 5 PM
 Conduct Online Kamustahan with
Grade-7 Learners
 Conduct online class in Mathematics
7-10 subjects.
 Accomplish weekly IWAR & WAP
 Follow-up learners through text and
 Craft Weekly Activity Plan
REGULAR Week 9/ Nov. 02 Week 9 / Nov. 03 Week 9/ Nov. 04 Week 9/ Nov. 05
HOLIDAY Scheme: MWF (3 -2) Scheme: WFH Scheme: MWF (3 -2) Scheme: WFH
 Give additional instruction to learners
Time: 8AM – 5 PM Time: 8AM – 5 PM in answering their modules and in
using the Messenger™ as (other)
platform for easier communication
 Monitor and check the activities done
MYLENE M. RAQUEL T - III None by the learners
 Revisit and check other activities
 Conduct Online Kamustahan with
(Enclosure No.1 to DepEd Memorandum No. 043 , s. 2020)
Grade-10 Learners
 Accomplish weekly IWAR & WAP
 Attend webinars
 Conduct BE
 Follow-up learners through text and
 Craft Weekly Activity Plan
 Guide and assist the learners in
accomplishing the activities in their
modules via messenger
 Check students’ outputs
Week 10/ Nov. 08 Week 10/ Nov. 10 Week 10/ Nov. 13  Revisit and check other activities
Week 10 / Nov. 09 Week 10 / Nov. 12
Scheme: MWF (3 -2) Scheme: MWF (3 -2) Scheme: MWF (3 -2)
Scheme: WFH Scheme: WFH
Time: 8AM – 5 PM Time: 8AM – 5 PM Time: 8AM – 5 PM  Conduct Online Kamustahan with
Grade-10 Learners
 Conduct Brigada Eskwela (ILAW
MEMBERS for the construction of new
Gulayan sa Paaralan.)
 Join Online/Webinar Meetings
 Accomplish/Update School Forms
 Attend webinars.
 Follow-up learners through text and
 Submit Weekly Activity Plan
 Guide and assist the learners in
accomplishing the activities in their
Week 11/ Nov. 16 Week 11/ Nov. 18 modules via messenger
Week 11/ Nov. 15 Week 11/ Nov. 17 Week 11/ Nov. 19
Scheme: MWF (3 -2) Scheme: MWF (3 -2)
Scheme: WFH Scheme: WFH Scheme: WFH  Check students’ outputs
Time: 8AM – 5 PM Time: 8AM – 5 PM
 Revisit and check other activities
 Conduct Brigada Eskwela (ILAW
MEMBERS for the construction of New
Gulayan sa Paaralan.)
 Conduct Online Kamustahan
Week 12/ Nov. 22 Week 12/ Nov. 23 Week 12/ Nov. 24 Week 12/ Nov. 25 Week 12/ Nov. 26
Scheme: MWF (3 -2) Scheme: WFH Scheme: MWF (3 -2) Scheme: WFH Scheme: MWF (3 -2)
 Follow-up learners through text and
Time: 8AM – 5 PM Time: 8AM – 5 PM Time: 8AM – 5 PM messenger.
 Submit Weekly Activity Plan
 Guide and assist the learners in
accomplishing the activities in their
modules via messenger
 Check students’ outputs
(Enclosure No.1 to DepEd Memorandum No. 043 , s. 2020)
 Revisit and check other activities
 Conduct Brigada Eskwela (ILAW
MEMBERS for the construction of New
Gulayan sa Paaralan.)
 Follow-up learners through text and
 Submit Weekly Activity Plan
 Guide and assist the learners in
accomplishing the activities in their
Week 13/ Nov. 29 REGULAR modules via messenger
Scheme: WFH HOLIDAY  Check students’ outputs
 Revisit and check other activities
 Conduct Brigada Eskwela (ILAW
MEMBERS for the construction of New
Gulayan sa Paaralan.)
 Online Kamustahan
 Give additional instruction to learners
in answering their modules and in
using the Messenger™ as (other)
platform for easier communication
 Monitor and check the activities done
SHERYL ANN T. by the learners
DIONICIO T-I None  Revisit and check other activities
 Check Students’ Output and Summative
Week 9/ Nov. 02
Scheme: MWF (3 -2)
Week 9 / Nov. 03
Week 9/ Nov. 04
Scheme: MWF (3 -2)
Week 9/ Nov. 05  Record Students’ scores
HOLIDAY Scheme: WFH Scheme: WFH  Update Students with incomplete
Time: 8AM – 5 PM Time: 8AM – 5 PM
 Conduct Online Kamustahan from
Grade 7 to 10 Learners
 Conduct Brigada Eskwela (Grade-9
 Accomplish weekly IWAR & WAP
 Update SBM Files in the Google Drive
 Upload and answer queries in the
school’s fb page
Week 10/ Nov. 08 Week 10 / Nov. 09 Week 10/ Nov. 10 Week 10 / Nov. 12 Week 10/ Nov. 13
Scheme: MWF (3 -2) Scheme: WFH Scheme: MWF (3 -2) Scheme: WFH Scheme: MWF (3 -2)
 Give additional instruction to learners
Time: 8AM – 5 PM Time: 8AM – 5 PM Time: 8AM – 5 PM in answering their modules and in
using the Messenger™ as (other)
(Enclosure No.1 to DepEd Memorandum No. 043 , s. 2020)
platform for easier communication
 Monitor and check the activities done
by the learners
 Revisit and check other activities
 Check Students’ Output and Summative
 Record Students’ scores
 Update Students with incomplete
 Conduct Brigada Eskwela (Grade-9
 Conduct Online Kamustahan from
Grade 7 to 10 Learners
 Accomplish weekly IWAR & WAP
 Update SBM Files in the Google Drive
 Upload and answer queries in the
school’s fb page
 Give additional instruction to learners
in answering their modules and in
using the Messenger™ as (other)
platform for easier communication
 Monitor and check the activities done
by the learners
 Revisit and check other activities
 Check Students’ Output and Summative
Week 11/ Nov. 15
Week 11/ Nov. 16
Scheme: MWF (3 -2)
Week 11/ Nov. 17
Week 11/ Nov. 18
Scheme: MWF (3 -2)
Week 11/ Nov. 19  Record Students’ scores
Scheme: WFH
Time: 8AM – 5 PM
Scheme: WFH
Time: 8AM – 5 PM
Scheme: WFH  Update Students with incomplete
 Conduct Brigada Eskwela (Grade-9
 Conduct Online Kamustahan from
Grade 7 to 10 Learners
 Accomplish weekly IWAR & WAP
 Update SBM Files in the Google Drive
 Upload and answer queries in the
school’s fb page
Week 12/ Nov. 22 Week 12/ Nov. 23 Week 12/ Nov. 24 Week 12/ Nov. 25 Week 12/ Nov. 26
Scheme: MWF (3 -2) Scheme: WFH Scheme: MWF (3 -2) Scheme: WFH Scheme: MWF (3 -2)
 Give additional instruction to learners
Time: 8AM – 5 PM Time: 8AM – 5 PM Time: 8AM – 5 PM in answering their modules and in
(Enclosure No.1 to DepEd Memorandum No. 043 , s. 2020)
using the Messenger™ as (other)
platform for easier communication
 Monitor and check the activities done
by the learners
 Revisit and check other activities
 Check Students’ Output and Summative
 Record Students’ scores
 Update Students with incomplete
 Conduct Brigada Eskwela (Grade-9
 Conduct Online Kamustahan from
Grade 7 to 10 Learners
 Accomplish weekly IWAR & WAP
 Update SBM Files in the Google Drive
 Upload and answer queries in the
school’s fb page
 Give additional instruction to learners
in answering their modules and in
using the Messenger™ as (other)
platform for easier communication
 Monitor and check the activities done
by the learners
 Revisit and check other activities
 Check Students’ Output and Summative
Week 13/ Nov. 29 REGULAR  Record Students’ scores
Scheme: WFH HOLIDAY  Update Students with incomplete
 Conduct Brigada Eskwela (Grade-9
 Conduct Online Kamustahan from
Grade 7 to 10 Learners
 Accomplish weekly IWAR & WAP
 Update SBM Files in the Google Drive
 Upload and answer queries in the
school’s fb page
REGULAR Week 9/ Nov. 02 Week 9/ Nov. 03 Week 9/ Nov. 04 Week 9/ Nov. 05
HOLIDAY Scheme: WFH Scheme: MWF (3 -2) Scheme: WFH Scheme: MWF (3 -2)
 Give additional instruction to learners
(Enclosure No.1 to DepEd Memorandum No. 043 , s. 2020)
in answering their modules and in
using the Messenger™ as (other)
platform for easier communication
 Monitor and check the activities done
PHEBIE GRACE H. Time: 8AM – 5 PM Time: 8AM – 5 PM by the learners
MANGUSING T-I None  Revisit and check other activities
 Check and record Summative Tests
 Conduct Online Class
 Craft Weekly Activity Plan
 Give additional instruction to learners
in answering their modules and in
using the Messenger™ as (other)
platform for easier communication
Week 10/ Nov. 08
Week 9/ Nov. 09
Week 9/ Nov. 10
Week 9/ Nov. 11
Week 9/ Nov. 12  Monitor and check the activities done
Scheme: MWF (3 -2) Scheme: MWF (3 -2) Scheme: MWF (3 -2)
Time: 8AM – 5 PM
Scheme: WFH
Time: 8AM – 5 PM
Scheme: WFH
Time: 8AM – 5 PM by the learners
 Revisit and check other activities
 Check and record Summative Tests
 Conduct Online Class
 Craft Weekly Activity Plan
 Give additional instruction to learners
in answering their modules and in
using the Messenger™ as (other)
platform for easier communication
Week 11/ Nov. 15
Week 11/ Nov. 16
Week 11/ Nov. 17
Week 11/ Nov. 18
Week 11/ Nov. 19  Monitor and check the activities done
Scheme: MWF (3 -2) Scheme: MWF (3 -2) Scheme: MWF (3 -2)
Time: 8AM – 5 PM
Scheme: WFH
Time: 8AM – 5 PM
Scheme: WFH
Time: 8AM – 5 PM by the learners
 Revisit and check other activities
 Check and record Summative Tests
 Conduct Online Class
 Craft Weekly Activity Plan
Week 12/ Nov. 22 Week 12/ Nov. 23 Week 12/ Nov. 24 Week 12/ Nov. 25 Week 12/ Nov. 26
Scheme: MWF (3 -2) Scheme: WFH Scheme: MWF (3 -2) Scheme: WFH Scheme: MWF (3 -2)
 Give additional instruction to learners
Time: 8AM – 5 PM Time: 8AM – 5 PM Time: 8AM – 5 PM in answering their modules and in
using the Messenger™ as (other)
platform for easier communication
 Monitor and check the activities done
by the learners
 Revisit and check other activities
 Check and record Summative Tests
 Conduct Online Class
 Craft Weekly Activity Plan
(Enclosure No.1 to DepEd Memorandum No. 043 , s. 2020)
 Give additional instruction to learners
in answering their modules and in
using the Messenger™ as (other)
platform for easier communication
Week 13/ Nov. 29
REGULAR  Monitor and check the activities done
Scheme: MWF (3 -2)
Time: 8AM – 5 PM
HOLIDAY by the learners
 Revisit and check other activities
 Check and record Summative Tests
 Conduct Online Class
 Craft Weekly Activity Plan

Percentage Attendance per day: 50% 43% 50% 43% 50%

Submitted by: Reviewed by: Recommending Approval: Approved by:

Head Teacher I Administrative Officer V Assistant Schools Division Superintendent Schools Division Superintendent

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