First Communion Songs - Revised
First Communion Songs - Revised
First Communion Songs - Revised
For You alone are the Holy One, You alone are
10 December 2022 the Lord. You alone are the most High Jesus
Christ. With the Holy Spirit, in the glory of God
Entrance Hymn: Great Is Our God the Father! (Refrain)
REF: Come let us sing to every nation
"Great is our God and King" Gospel Acclamation: Seek Ye First
He is the Rock of our Salvation Seek ye first the kingdom of God
Lift up your hearts and sing And His righteousness;
Stanza 1: And all these things shall be added unto you.
So sing, for we are God's people Hallelu, Hallelujah!
For He has shown us His ways
He gathers us to His table Offertory Song 1: Take and Receive
To partake of His grace Take and receive, O Lord, my liberty
(Repeat Refrain) Take all my will, my mind, my memory
Stanza 2: All things I hold and all I own are Thine
So when the Lord's voice you hear Thine was the gift, to Thee I all resign
Don't fear or harden your hearts
We know that our God is near Do Thou direct and govern all and sway
By the word He imparts Do what Thou wilt, command, and I obey
(Repeat Refrain) Only Thy grace, Thy love on me bestow
Great is our God and King! These make me rich, all else will I forego.
Lamb of God
Hear me Jesus
Lamb of God, You take away the sins of the world,
Hide me in Thy wounds
Have mercy, have mercy on us (2x)
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world,
That I may never leave Thy side
Grant us peace, grant us peace. From all the evil that surrounds me
Defend me and when the call of death arrives
Communion Song 1: One Bread, One Body Bid me come to Thee that I may praise Thee
Refrain: One bread, one body, one Lord of all With Thy saints forever
One cup of blessing which we bless (Repeat Refrain)
And we, though many, throughout the Earth
We are one body in this one Lord TRIBUTE TO MARY: HOLY MARY, NOW WE CROWN
YOU Johann Ludwig Steiner
1.Gentile or Jew, Servant or free
Woman or man….No more (REF) 1. Holy Mary, now we crown you,
Honored Queen of all our race;
2. Many the gifts, many the works
Noble Virgin, may our tribute
One in the Lord….Of all (REF)
Win your love and gain us grace.
3. Grain for the fields, scattered and grown, Refrain:
gathered to one, for all. (REF) Ora pro nobis! A - - - - - - men! (Repeat)
Communion Song 2: Christ in Us, Our Hope of 2. Glorious Queen, look down in kindness,
Glory While before your throne we stand;
We felt Your word burning within us Bring God's blessing to your children;
Your word unlocked the hardness of our hearts Watch our homes and guard our land. (Ref)
And opened our eyes that we may see You
Hidden in the broken bread Recessional Song: I Will Sing Forever
I will sing forever of Your love, oh Lord
I will celebrate the wonder of your name
Lord, You laid down Your life as bread and wine we
For the word that you speak is a song of
Gave strength to our hearts and made us shine
And a song of gentle mercy and of peace
with glee
When we eat the bread and drink the cup of wine
Let us wake at the morning and be filled with Your
We believe that Christ in us is our hope of glory
You brought a ray of light And sing songs of praise all our days
And You rekindled our hope For Your love is as high as the heavens above us
And led our hearts to yearn for Your love And Your faithfulness as certain as the dawn
For in You is our hope of glory
(Refrain) I will sing forever of your love, oh Lord
For You are my refuge and my strength
Through Your own flesh, Now made living You fill the world with your life-giving spirit
And by the spirit, Made life-giving That speaks Your word
You offered life to us Your word of mercy and of peace
And as your sweat became like drops of blood And I will sing forever of Your love, oh Lord
Falling down upon the ground Yes I will sing forever of Your love, oh Lord..
You shed Your blood for us. Amen! (Refrain)