IMAS 11 30 Ed2 Am6
IMAS 11 30 Ed2 Am6
IMAS 11 30 Ed2 Am6
Second Edition
(Amendment 6, June 2013)
IMAS 11.30
Second Edition
01 January 2003
Amendment 6, June 2013
United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS)
380 Madison Avenue, M11023
New York, NY 10017
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: (1 212) 963 1875
Fax: (1 212) 963 2498
IMAS 11.30
Second Edition
(Amendment 6, June 2013)
This document is current with effect from the date shown on the cover page. As the
International Mine Action Standards (IMAS) are subject to regular review and revision,
users should consult the IMAS project website in order to verify its status at
(, or through the UNMAS website at
Copyright notice
This UN document is an International Mine Action Standard (IMAS) and is copyright
protected by the UN. Neither this document, nor any extract from it, may be reproduced,
stored or transmitted in any form, or by any means, for any other purpose without prior
written permission from UNMAS, acting on behalf of the UN.
United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS)
380 Madison Avenue, M11023
New York, NY 10017
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: (1 212) 963 1875
Fax: (1 212) 963 2498
IMAS 11.30
Second Edition
(Amendment 6, June 2013)
Contents ........................................................................................................................................ iii
Foreword ....................................................................................................................................... iv
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... v
National planning guidelines for stockpile destruction .................................................................. 1
1. Scope ..................................................................................................................................... 1
2. References ............................................................................................................................. 1
3. Terms, definitions and abbreviations ..................................................................................... 1
4. Stockpile destruction process ................................................................................................ 1
4.1. Management process ......................................................................................................... 1
4.2. Planning .............................................................................................................................. 1
4.3. Preparation.......................................................................................................................... 2
4.3.1. Ammunition account ........................................................................................................ 2
4.3.2. Storage location ............................................................................................................... 2
4.3.3. Security of storage ........................................................................................................... 2
4.3.4. Transport of EO for destruction........................................................................................ 2
4.3.5. Priority for demilitarization or destruction ......................................................................... 3
4.3.6. Selection of destruction technology ................................................................................. 4
4.3.7. Development of destruction technology ........................................................................... 4
4.3.8. Funding (mobilisation of resources) ................................................................................. 4
4.3.9. Contract preparation ........................................................................................................ 4
4.3.10. Training .......................................................................................................................... 5
4.3.11. Information ..................................................................................................................... 5
4.3.12. Equipment and tools ...................................................................................................... 5
4.3.13. Accreditation .................................................................................................................. 6
4.4. Destruction .......................................................................................................................... 6
4.4.1. Safety and Occupational Health (S&OH) ......................................................................... 6
4.4.2. Explosive safety procedures ............................................................................................ 6
4.4.3. Quality Assurance (QA) ................................................................................................... 6
4.5. Verification .......................................................................................................................... 7
4.5.1. Verification systems ......................................................................................................... 7
4.5.2. Media operations.............................................................................................................. 7
4.5.3. Post Project Review (PPR) .............................................................................................. 8
5. Quality Management (QM) ..................................................................................................... 8
6. Responsibilities ...................................................................................................................... 8
6.1. United Nations..................................................................................................................... 8
6.2. National authority ................................................................................................................ 9
6.3. Donors ................................................................................................................................. 9
6.4. Destruction organisation ..................................................................................................... 9
Annex A (Normative) References............................................................................................... 10
Annex B (Informative) Destruction process ................................................................................ 11
Annex C (Informative) The demilitarization cycle ....................................................................... 12
Annex D (Informative) Example financial model ........................................................................ 13
Annex E (Informative) ISO 9000 ................................................................................................ 16
Appendix 1 to Annex E (Informative) Procedures required by ISO 9001:2008 ......................... 19
Appendix 2 to Annex E (Informative) ISO 9001:2008 and IMAS .............................................. 20
Amendment record ...................................................................................................................... 21
IMAS 11.30
Second Edition
(Amendment 6, June 2013)
International standards for humanitarian demining programmes were first proposed by working
groups at an international technical conference in Denmark, in July 1996. Criteria were
prescribed for all aspects of demining, standards were recommended and a new universal
definition of ‘clearance’ was agreed. In late 1996, the principles proposed in Denmark were
developed by a UN-led working group and the International Standards for Humanitarian Mine
Clearance Operations were developed. A first edition was issued by the UN Mine Action
Service (UNMAS) in March 1997.
The scope of these original standards has since been expanded to include the other
components of mine action and to reflect changes to operational procedures, practices and
norms. The standards were re-developed and renamed as International Mine Action Standards
(IMAS) with the first edition produced in October 2001.
The United Nations has a general responsibility for enabling and encouraging the effective
management of mine action programmes, including the development and maintenance of
standards. UNMAS, therefore, is the office within the United Nations responsible for the
development and maintenance of IMAS. IMAS are produced with the assistance of the Geneva
International Centre for Humanitarian Demining.
The work of preparing, reviewing and revising IMAS is conducted by technical committees, with
the support of international, governmental and non-governmental organisations. The latest
version of each standard, together with information on the work of the technical committees, can
be found at Individual IMAS are reviewed at least every
three years to reflect developing mine action norms and practices and to incorporate changes to
international regulations and requirements.
IMAS 11.30
Second Edition
(Amendment 6, June 2013)
The general principles and guidelines for the technical aspects of the stockpile destruction of
Anti-Personnel Mines (APM) are covered in IMAS 11.10, which also includes an overview of the
use of industrial demilitarization technology. Technical standards and guidelines for the use of
Open Burning and Open Detonation (OBOD) as a destruction technique are covered in IMAS
11.20. This standard specifically focuses on the development of national policy and the
management of explosive ordnance (EO) stockpile destruction by national authorities and
destruction organisations. It is based on information also contained within IATG 10.10
Destruction and demilitarization.
Stockpile destruction is the process of final conversion of munitions and explosive ordnance into
an inert state whereby they can no longer function as designed1. The effective management of
stockpile destruction planning and operational activities aims to physically destroy EO in a safe,
cost effective and efficient manner. This is achieved by developing and applying appropriate
management processes, by establishing and continuously improving the skills of managers and
workers, by obtaining accurate and timely technical information on the technical specifications
and physical condition of the EO, by applying safe and effective operational procedures, and by
using appropriate and efficient equipment. However, management is not just about planning
and supervising current tasks; it is also about reviewing current practices and procedures to
improve safety, effectiveness and efficiency.
The process and procedures that aim to achieve this continuous improvement to an
organisation's management system and operational practices are commonly referred to as
Quality Management (QM). One method of demonstrating QM for an organisation is to become
ISO 9000 compliant. There is a great deal of general information and training material available
for national authorities and destruction organisations who may choose to adopt the ISO 9000
approach. This approach is covered in detail in IMAS 07.10 - Guide for the management of
demining operations, but it has also been adapted for stockpile destruction and included in this
Note: The requirements of the ISO 9000 family of standards changed on 15 December 2000. The
new system replaces the ISO 9001:1994, ISO 9002:1994 and ISO 9003:1994 standards with a
single quality management system (QMS), ISO 9001:2000. It is this new standard that is
referred to in this IMAS.
This standard aims to explain systems and procedures that can be used at the national level to
plan the destruction of EO stockpiles, including APM that need to be destroyed/demilitarised.
1. Definition: NATO Maintenance and Supply Agency (NAMSA), P Courtney-Green, May 2000.
IMAS 11.30
Second Edition
(Amendment 6, June 2013)
This Guide establishes principles and provides guidance for the effective national planning and
management of stockpile destruction operations of explosive ordnance (EO) including Anti-
Personnel Mines (APM). It does not cover planning and management of the destruction of
nuclear, biological or chemical weapons.
2. References
A complete glossary of all the terms, definitions and abbreviations used in the IMAS series of
standards is given in IMAS 04.10.
The term 'national authority’ refers to the government entity, often an inter-ministerial
committee, in a mine-affected country charged with the responsibility for the regulation,
management and coordination of mine action.
Note: In the absence of a NMAA, it may be necessary and appropriate for the UN, or some other
recognised international body, to assume some or all of the responsibilities, and fulfil some or
all the functions, of a MAC or, less frequently, an NMAA.
Note: The planning and management of stockpile destruction will generally be undertaken by the
Ministry of Defence, in liaison with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The term 'destruction organisation' refers to any organisation (military or commercial entity)
responsible for implementing stockpile destruction projects or tasks. The destruction
organisation may be a prime contractor, subcontractor, consultant or agent.
The term ‘stockpile destruction’ refers to physical destructive procedure towards a continual
reduction of the stockpile of explosive ordnance. This will include APM and cluster munitions as
well as small arms ammunition etc.
The stockpile destruction management process is shown in outline in Annex B. In practice, the
process may not be linear and the activities may not always be consecutive. Nevertheless the
process indicates the general sequence and logical progression from defining the problem to
the final destruction of the surplus stockpiled explosive ordnance (EO). The four stages of the
management process (planning, preparation, destruction and verification activities) are
addressed below.
4.2. Planning
IMAS 11.30
Second Edition
(Amendment 6, June 2013)
Planning for stockpile destruction requires accurate and timely information on the quantity,
storage location, type and technical design of the EO, together with knowledge of the available
destruction technology. Finance will obviously have an influence, but until the destruction of the
stockpile has been planned it is difficult to calculate the real costs. Indeed, once the real costs
have been identified, it may be necessary to re-plan the destruction operation in an attempt to
find a more cost-effective route.
Stockpile destruction operations shall be planned in a manner that minimises the impact to the
environment. If necessary, the NMAA may conduct an Environmental Impact Assessment, See
IMAS 10.70 for the protection of the environment.
For new stockpile destruction programmes, the planning process should ideally start with a
formal assessment of the country situation. This assessment will draw heavily on existing
information provided by the military, research agencies and, if applicable, commercial
companies. Technical expertise is essential during the planning process, and countries can
request the support of UNMAS to assist in the planning process.
4.3. Preparation
Preparation includes all enabling activities that help clarify the destruction requirement, and
develop the capacity of a national authority and destruction organisation to carry out a
destruction task. All aspects of the demilitarization cycle at Annex C should be considered.
The accuracy of the national ammunition account is very important to ensure that future
monitoring and verification activities do not identify accounting errors once the stockpile
destruction process has started. It is therefore highly recommended that a national authority
should conduct a 100% stock check of the EO stockpile to be destroyed prior to the
commencement of the destruction process and monitoring and verification activities. Any
accounting errors can be rectified at this point, which further contribute to security and
confidence building measures. There should be no ‘surprises’ once the destruction, monitoring
and verification processes commence.
There are a variety of personal computer (PC) based ammunition accounting systems available.
The national authority should consider loading the EO stockpile details on to such a system; this
will enhance accuracy and improve operational efficiency during the demilitarization cycle.
The national ammunition account will provide information on the initial storage locations of the
stockpiled EO. An assessment should then be made as to the storage capacity and conditions
at the final point of disposal. This assessment will then determine how much EO can be safely
stored during the destruction process.
The physical security of the EO stockpile at the final point of destruction shall also be assessed,
and the national authority shall ensure that adequate physical security standards are in place.
Although the EO will be in the physical possession of the destruction organisation at this phase
of the operation, the ultimate responsibility for ensuring stockpile security shall remain with the
national authority.
Once the storage capacity of the final destruction location and the production levels have been
estimated, the transport element of the logistics plan can be formulated.
IMAS 11.30
Second Edition
(Amendment 6, June 2013)
The physical condition of the EO will determine whether they are ‘Safe to Move’ or not and
qualified ammunition technical personnel should make a formal ‘Safe to Move’ assessment as
part of the transport process. Once this technical assessment has been made, the EO can then
be physically moved to the destruction location.
The demilitarization and destruction of surplus ammunition stockpiles in countries that do not
currently adopt a ‘whole life management’ approach to stockpile management does not often
follow logical destruction priorities. Small arms ammunition often has priority as donors have
budgets to support the demilitarization or destruction of these particular natures. Yet the
destruction of the large stockpiles of other generic ammunition natures has been identified as a
humanitarian and security priority. The hazards that certain ammunition natures present to local
communities and the associated large costs of destruction mean that States shall determine
demilitarization or destruction priorities. The inclusion of APM should be regarded within the
context of wider destruction activities, although compliance with the Mine Ban Treaty may be a
Priority 1 destruction task if the treaty time lines are to be met.
Donors should ensure that one of their major priorities is capacity building of national institutions
to develop and guarantee continuance of a longer-term nationally financed, safe, efficient and
effective destruction of ammunition to appropriate technical standards.
Examples available from UNDP for Croatia and Montenegro.
IMAS 11.30
Second Edition
(Amendment 6, June 2013)
Technical guidance for the selection of the appropriate destruction technology for APM is
contained in IMAS 11.10 Guide for the destruction of stockpiled APM
The selection of the most suitable technique or technology by a national authority will depend
primarily on the resources available, the physical condition and quantity of the stockpile to be
destroyed, the national capacity and the applicable environmental and explosives legislation.
The most influential factor is likely to be economies of scale, in that the more EO that is to be
destroyed, the larger the economies of scale and therefore the wider range of available
technology. Consequently, national authorities may wish to consider EO destruction on a
regional basis in order to achieve the large economies of scale required for an industrial
National authorities should be aware that the development of even relatively simple destruction
systems can be a time consuming process. Safety must be paramount, therefore there is little
opportunity to ‘fast track’ many of the necessary processes.
The development of OBOD processes will take weeks to months, whilst the development of
industrial demilitarization processes can take months to years. This time requirement needs to
be incorporated into the planning and preparation processes to ensure that, in the case of APM,
the political requirements of the Mine Ban Treaty (MBT) can be met.
Funding comes from many sources. Funding may be provided by the government of the
country, from donor governments, the United Nations or other international organisations, or in
some cases from benefactors and philanthropists. Funds may be held in trust funds or some
other form of controlled accounts. Regardless of the source of funding it is important that the
funds match the true cost of stockpile destruction and that a long term commitment is provided
by the donor. This is particularly important for major projects that require the destruction
organisation to make major investments in staff, infrastructure and expensive new equipment
such as furnaces and pollution control systems.
An example of a possible simple financial model for the stockpile destruction process is at
Annex D.
The definition of the work to be undertaken should ideally be in the form of a contract, tasking
order or other such formal agreement. The preparation of a contract or tasking order enables
the national authority, together with the donor agency (if applicable), to specify the destruction
requirement in detail. The contract should give details of the risk and QM processes to be
adopted during the destruction work. It also should outline the reporting requirements, and the
progress and financial milestones to be achieved.
IMAS 11.30
Second Edition
(Amendment 6, June 2013)
Although the guidance given in IMAS 07.20 is for demining contracts, these principles and
procedures are equally applicable for destruction contracts .
4.3.10. Training
4.3.11. Information
The effective management of destruction programmes requires accurate, appropriate and timely
information. There are many sources of information – at local, national and international level
that have an application to the needs of programme planners, managers and the donor
community – but access to such information is often restricted and the accuracy of critical data
often cannot be confirmed.
National authorities and destruction organisations should establish and maintain effective
management information systems. These are vitally important in the areas of accounting,
monitoring and verification.
Destruction programmes for small size and small scale EO have, until recently, traditionally
relied on OBOD techniques using manual practices, procedures and drills. In many situations,
OBOD may be the most efficient and cost effective means of destruction.
However, in some programmes economies of scale, or the technical problems posed by the
destruction of certain EO types, may enable destruction to be conducted more safely, effectively
and efficiently by industrial processes.
Destruction technologies can be grouped in three general categories according to their technical
maturity and availability: equipment that has been fully developed, tested and evaluated (T&E),
and can be introduced into destruction programmes without any major modification or changes
(for example, rotary kiln furnaces); those technologies that have been proved to work but
require further development and formal T&E, (for example, cryofracture); and those
technologies that may have an application to destruction, but have yet to mature and have not
yet been formally demonstrated, (for example, Silver II). A summary of available technologies
for APM is in IMAS 11.10 - Guidelines for the destruction of stockpiled APM. Some of these may
be suitable for the destruction of other EO.
Destruction organisations should focus their equipment procurement on the first category, but
whenever possible should assist in the development and fielding of those technologies in the
second category. Some new technologies have the potential to generate major improvements
in safety and cost-effectiveness; donors should provide assistance and encouragement to those
destruction organisations fielding new technologies, and their T&E.
3. Further advice on destruction contracts could be obtained from the NATO Maintenance and Supply
Agency (NAMSA), who are experienced in formulating demilitarization contracts on behalf of NATO
IMAS 11.30
Second Edition
(Amendment 6, June 2013)
4.3.13. Accreditation
Guidance for the accreditation of demining organisations is given in IMAS 07.30, but this applies
equally to the accreditation of destruction organisations.
4.4. Destruction
Destruction is the process of final conversion of munitions and explosives into an inert state
whereby they can no longer function as designed.
Stockpile destruction operations shall be planned, conducted and monitored to ensure minimum
impact to the environment. If necessary, the NMAA may conduct an Environmental Impact
Assessment, See IMAS 10.70 for the protection of the environment.
Guidance for the development and implementation of S&OH management systems is given in
IMAS 10.10. Guidance on the storage, transportation and handling of explosives is given in
IMAS 10.50, and guidance on the reporting and investigation of incidents is given in IMAS
The need for effective and safe operational procedures is essential. Standard Operating
Procedures (SOPs) should be prepared for all operational procedures, practices and drills.
SOPs are instructions that define the preferred method of conducting an operational task or
activity. Their purpose is to establish recognisable and measurable degrees of uniformity,
consistency and commonality within an organisation, with the aim of improving operational
effectiveness and safety. SOPs should reflect local requirements and circumstances.
The purpose of QA is to confirm that management practices and operational procedures for
destruction are appropriate, and will achieve the stated requirement in a safe, effective and
efficient manner. Monitoring should involve structured discussions with management and
employees, and formal inspections of SOPs, reports and records.
IMAS 11.30
Second Edition
(Amendment 6, June 2013)
The national authority may appoint an agent to carry out the monitoring and inspections of the
destruction organisation and its sub-units under its authority and responsibility, exercised under
conditions agreed in the contract or formal agreement. Any agent so appointed by the national
authority will be required to have all the facilities, qualified staff, management systems and
SOPs necessary for adequate monitoring.
More detailed guidance on QM is included in clause 5 of this IMAS, whilst IMAS 07.42
establishes principles and guidelines for the monitoring of stockpile destruction programmes.
4.5. Verification
The national authority and destruction organisation shall design and implement a verification
system as a security and confidence building measure. One possible procedure follows:
b) an independent 100% stock check should be conducted on the EO once they have
been moved to the destruction facility. This should be monitored by independent
d) on completion of the initial stock check the building should be sealed by the
independent observer team; and
e) there should then be a controlled release of stocks to the destruction organisation for
destruction. The destruction organisation will ‘bid’ to the international monitoring
team for the release of operating stocks for destruction. An accredited member of
the independent monitoring team, or their representative, will then travel to the
destruction facility to break the seals and release the agreed stocks of EO. The
building will then be resealed. At this point the destruction organisation will also be
allowed to conduct a safety inspection of the building and the remaining stocks.
Rules should be agreed for the breaking of seals by the destruction organisation in
exceptional circumstances, (for example a fire in the storage building).
a) press releases;
b) access to the destruction site by journalists and film crews at short notice;
IMAS 11.30
Second Edition
(Amendment 6, June 2013)
Wherever possible, destruction organisations should conduct a formal PPR to identify lessons-
learned during the planning, preparation and destruction phases of the operation. The PPR
should include a report on the suitability of the equipment, procedures, training and support.
Issues of concern should be identified and prioritised, and solutions proposed. The requirement
for PPRs should be included in destruction contracts by donors and national authorities. PPRs
should be distributed to the United Nations (UNMAS, UNDP and UNOPS), to donors or
sponsors and a copy should be placed on the UN stockpile destruction website. Where PPRs
highlight shortcomings in established equipment or procedures, particularly issues involving
safety, they should be more widely distributed.
The effective management of destruction operations aims to destroy EO stockpiles in a safe and
efficient manner. This is achieved by developing and applying appropriate management
processes, by establishing and continuously improving the skills of managers and workers, by
obtaining accurate and timely information on the stockpile, by applying safe and effective
operational procedures, and by using appropriate and efficient equipment. But management is
not just about planning and supervising current tasks. It is about reviewing current practices
and procedures to improve safety, effectiveness and efficiency.
The process and procedures that aim to achieve this continuous improvement to an
organisation's management system and operational practices is commonly referred to as QM.
One method of demonstrating QM for an organisation is to become ISO 9001:2000 compliant.
There is much general information and training materials available for destruction organisations
who choose to adopt the ISO 9001:2008 approach.
A summary of the ISO 9001:2008 approach is given in Annex E. In essence, ISO 9001:2008 is
a series of international standards for quality systems. They specify requirements and
recommendations for the development of a management system, the purpose of which is to
ensure that the 'products' or 'services' delivered meet the agreed needs. In the case of
destruction, the product is the safe and efficient destruction of the EO stockpiles.
Managers of destruction organisations are encouraged to examine how to apply the principles
of QM to stockpile destruction. In doing so they should take particular note of two issues. First,
how a special processes should be planned, implemented, monitored and reviewed. Second,
they should note the responsibilities of all managers and workers to identify and take advantage
of opportunities for improvement to the process.
6. Responsibilities
6.1. United Nations
The United Nations has a general responsibility for ensuring the establishment of a regime
conducive to the effective management of all aspects of mine action programmes, including the
stockpile destruction of EO.. To achieve this, the United Nations will continuously refine IMAS
to reflect developing mine action norms and practices, and will incorporate changes to
international regulations and requirements such as those produced by the International
Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) and the International Labour Organisation (ILO).
UNMAS is the office within the United Nations Secretariat responsible to the international
community for the development and maintenance of IMAS, including this Guide.
The United Nations applies IMAS to its humanitarian demining contracts unless the local
situation precludes their effective use. In such circumstances, when one or more IMAS is not
appropriate, the UN provides alternative, specifications, requirements and guidance. In the
event that the UN is directly involved in stockpile destruction, guidance will be provided after
discussion with the national authority and the destruction organisation.
IMAS 11.30
Second Edition
(Amendment 6, June 2013)
The national authority, or the organisation acting on its behalf, is responsible for ensuring the
national and local conditions that enable the effective management of destruction projects. The
national authority is ultimately responsible for all phases of a destruction project within its
national boundaries, including defining the explosive safety requirements, the accreditation of
destruction organisations, the monitoring of destruction organisations during destruction
operations, and final verification that the EO stockpile has been safely destroyed. In the case of
APM and Cluster Munitions, States Parties to both conventions are also responsible for
reporting progress to the UN in their Article 7 reports respectively.
The national authority is responsible for establishing and maintaining national regulations and
procedures for the management of destruction operations. These procedures should be
consistent with IMAS, other relevant national and international standards, regulations and
6.3. Donors
Donor agencies are part of the management process, and as such are responsible for ensuring
that the projects they are funding are managed effectively, and in accordance with international
standards. This involves strict attention to the writing of contract documents, and ensuring that
destruction organisations chosen to carry out such contracts meet the accreditation criteria.
Donors, or their agents, are also partly responsible for ensuring that the standards and
guidelines for quality management are applied, including monitoring and verification of the
stockpile destruction process. This responsibility and accountability is even greater when the
national authority is in the process of formation, and has not had the opportunity to gain
Where the national authority is in the process of formation, the destruction organisation is also
responsible for assisting the formation process, by giving advice and assistance including the
framing of national standards. However, it would be unusual for stockpile destruction operations
to commence prior to the formation of a national authority.
IMAS 11.30
Second Edition
(Amendment 6, June 2013)
Annex A
The following normative documents contain provisions, which, through reference in this text,
constitute provisions of this part of the standard. For dated references, subsequent
amendments to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. However, parties to
agreements based on this part of the standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of
applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below. For undated
references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies. Members of ISO
and IEC maintain registers of currently valid ISO or EN:
The latest version/edition of these references should be used. GICHD hold copies of all
references used in this standard. A register of the latest version/edition of the IMAS standards,
guides and references is maintained by GICHD, and can be read on the IMAS website:
(See NMAA, employers and other interested bodies and
organisations should obtain copies before commencing mine action programmes.
IMAS 11.30
Second Edition
(Amendment 6, June 2013)
Annex B
Destruction process
Determine stockpile
Start destruction requirements
Collect and collate the
information necessary to enable Develop a stockpile destruction
the planning, development and/or programme which aims to reduce
refinement of a national stockpile Programme
the technical risk, and is conducted
destruction programme planning
in a safe, efficient and cost effective
Contractual Specify the technical Authorise desk (provisional)
arrangements requirements and responsibilities accreditation
IMAS 11.30
Second Edition
(Amendment 6, June 2013)
Annex C
The demilitarization cycle
IMAS 11.30
Second Edition
(Amendment 6, June 2013)
Annex D
Example financial model
E.1. Introduction
This Annex shows a simple example financial model that can be used for planning and bid
submission purposes. Obviously, for complex destruction operations, qualified accountancy
advice should be sought.
It is emphasised that the below figures are only used to illustrate the design of the model; they
do NOT reflect the costs of destruction for any known explosive ordnance destruction
programme in any particular country.
(US $) (US $) (US $)
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h)
1 Personnel
1a Director 1 20 $10.00 $200.00
1b Manager 2 40 $8.00 $640.00
1c Supervisor 4 80 $6.00 $1,920.00
1d Foreman/ Forewoman 6 80 $5.00 $2,400.00
1e Labourer / Driver 40 80 $4.00 $12,800.00
2 Communications
2a Telephone 1 $100.00 $100.00
2b Fax 1 $200.00 $200.00
2c Internet 1 $200.00 $200.00
3 Equipment
3a Computer 1 $1,000.00 $1,000.00
3b Photocopier 1 $4,000.00 $4,000.00
4 Consumables
4a Stationary 1 $200.00 $200.00
4b Postage 1 $50.00 $50.00
4c Printing 1 $1,000.00 $1,000.00
4d Statutory Publications 1 $20.00 $20.00
5 Professional Fees
5a Legal 1 $5,000.00 $5,000.00
5b Accountancy 1 $5,000.00 $5,000.00
5c Consultancy (HASW) 2 50 $40.00 $4,000.00
6 SUB TOTAL $38,930.00
7 Personnel
7a Director 1 20 $10.00 $200.00
7b Manager 2 40 $8.00 $640.00
7c Supervisor 4 80 $6.00 $1,920.00
7d Foreman/Forewoman 1 80 $5.00 $400.00
7e Labourer / Driver 1 80 $4.00 $320.00
8 Equipment (EXAMPLE ONLY)
8a Design and Procurement 1 $200.00 $200.00
8b Installation Costs 1 $10,000.00 $10,000.00
8c Disassembly Equipment 1 $5,000.00 $5,000.00
8d Band Saw 1 $30,000.00 $30,000.00
8e Fork Lift Truck 1 $5,000.00 $5,000.00
8f Hand Pallet Transporters 4 $500.00 $2,000.00
8g Hand Tools 10 $25.00 $250.00
8h Vehicles 2 $15,000.00 $30,000.00
8i Rotary Kiln Furnace 1 $200,000.00 $200,000.00
IMAS 11.30
Second Edition
(Amendment 6, June 2013)
(US $) (US $) (US $)
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h)
9j Pollution Control Systems 1 $200,000.00 $200,000.00
8k First Aid Equipment 10 $50.00 $500.00
8l Fire Fighting Equipment 20 $40.00 $800.00
9 Infrastructure Refurbishment (EXAMPLE ONLY)
9a Painting 1 $5,000.00 $5,000.00
9b Windows, Doors and 1 $10,000.00 $10,000.00
9c Fencing 1 $5,000.00 $5,000.00
9d Lightening Protection 2 $1,000.00 $2,000.00
9e Floor 1 $4,000.00 $4,000.00
9f Walls 1 $2,000.00 $2,000.00
9g Plumbing and Sanitation 1 $2,000.00 $2,000.00
9h Signs $25.00 $50.00
10 SUB TOTAL $517,280.00
11 Personnel
11a Director 1 100 $10.00 $1,000.00
11b Manager 2 500 $8.00 $8,000.00
11c Supervisor 4 500 $6.00 $12,000.00
11d Foreman/Forewoman 6 500 $5.00 $15,000.00
11e Labourer / Driver 20 500 $4.00 $40,000.00
12 Transport
12a Fuel (per 100 km) 10 $3.00 $30.00
12b Maintenance 1 $20,000.00 $20,000.00
12c Capital depreciation 1 $60,000.00 $60,000.00
13 Equipment
13a Repair and maintenance 1 $20,000.00 $20,000.00
`14 Operating Costs
14a Electricity 1400 $1.00 $1,400.00
14b Oil 1600 $2.00 $3,200.00
14c Water 1200 $0.50 $600.00
14d Gas 500 $1.00 $500.00
15 Consumables (OBOD)
15a Donor Explosive $0.00
15b Electric Detonators $0.00
15c Detonating Cord $0.00
15d Firing Cables $0.00
16 SUB TOTAL $181,730.00
17 Personnel
17a Director 1 20 $10.00 $200.00
17b Manager 1 20 $8.00 $160.00
17c Supervisor 1 20 $6.00 $120.00
17d Foreman/Forewoman 1 20 $5.00 $100.00
17e Labourer / Driver 2 20 $4.00 $160.00
18 Consumables
18a Tamperproof Seals 200 $1.00 $200.00
19 Equipment
19a Computer and Software 1 $5,000.00 $5,000.00
20 SUB TOTAL $5,940.00
21 Ferrous Scrap (per tonne) 1 $35.00 ($35.00)
22 Non Ferrous Scrap 0.2 $400.00 ($80.00)
(per tonne)
23 Plastic 1 $5.00 ($5.00)
24 SUB TOTAL ($120.00)
25 TOTAL $743,760.00
26 Administration @ 2.0 % $14,875.20
IMAS 11.30
Second Edition
(Amendment 6, June 2013)
(US $) (US $) (US $)
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h)
27 Fee @ 10.0 % $74,376.00
28 Contingency @ 2.0 % $14,875.20
29 Tax @ 17.5 % $130,158.00
30 GRAND TOTAL $978,044.40
5. Should the costs of an explosive ordnance destruction programme be funded by international donors
then it is usually a condition of such funding that the programme is exempt from tax. Tax has only been
included in this model for illustrative purposes; for many APM destruction programmes it will not be
IMAS 11.30
Second Edition
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Annex E
ISO 90006
E.1. Introduction
A framework of international standards for humanitarian mine clearance and demining was
developed and agreed at the International Conference on Mine Clearance Technology,
Denmark in July 1996. Criteria were prescribed for many aspects of mine action and standards
were recommended.
The conference also recommended that a coordinated approach to quality assurance and
quality control be adopted; in particular, the relevance of quality management systems
(including the application of ISO 9000) to mine action was to be examined. In his 1996 report to
the General Assembly, the Secretary-General acknowledged the UN's responsibilities in taking
this work forward. [A/51/540 dated 23 October 1996.] In the Fifty First session, the General
Assembly encouraged Member States, intergovernmental organisations, NGOs and foundations
to support this developing work on mine action standards and quality management.
[A/RES/51/149 dated 4 February 1997.]
This paper focuses on the application of QMS to stockpile destruction tasks and processes,
although the recommendations are applicable to other facets of mine action.
The concept of total quality management (TQM) and the development of quality management
systems (QMS) evolved in the 1980s, and was used by management to achieve levels of
excellence in manufacturing. Those companies which embraced the philosophy to change their
organisations and empower their staff achieved remarkable levels of performance and a clear
competitive edge. During the 1990s this approach has been applied to the public sector and
'non-profit' organisations with similar improvements in performance.
QMS comprises three components: (1) standards and common procedures that define the
rules, norms and required performance of an organisation; (2) an internal management system
(such as ISO 9001:2008) that encourages an organisation to achieve these standards; and (3)
institutional arrangements, such as national and international professional bodies, that establish
the rules, norms and required performance, and monitor the performance of its member
organisations. This section of the paper will address these three components and will discuss
their relevance to stockpile destruction.
6. This Annex is directly derived from a UN paper on the application of quality management systems
which was prepared by UNMAS and delivered to the International Workshop on the Management of Mine
Action, Ottawa, March 1998. It is also included in its original form in IMAS 07.10 - Guide to the
management of demining operations.
IMAS 11.30
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(Amendment 6, June 2013)
Three levels of ISO 9000 accreditation were available in the original 1994 system: ISO 9001
was seen as the most comprehensive quality system, ISO 9002 was more appropriate for
organisations delivering a product or service where no conceptual design work is required,
whilst ISO 9003 provided a model quality system for use when conformance to special
requirements could be assured only by final inspection and test. On 15 December 2000 these
three standards were replaced by a single standard, ISO 9001:2000. ISO 9001:2008 is a
revised version of ISO 9001:2000.
Organisations which seek ISO 9001:2008 accreditation are required to comply with an agreed
set of criteria: the 5 major standard clause ‘areas’ that define the agreed criteria are listed at
Appendix 1 of this paper. The interpretation of the criteria depends on the role of the
organisation and whether it delivers a product or service. Many professional bodies have
produced guidelines that relate to their own business sectors and professions. Currently no
agreed international criteria or guidelines exist for stockpile destruction.
The 5 major standard clause ‘areas’ of ISO 9001:2008 need to be modified to reflect the role of
organisations engaged in stockpile destruction.
The relevance of these clauses to stockpile destruction can be established by mapping them
onto the IMAS standards and guides, as shown in Appendix 2 of this paper. The resulting
matrix provides a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of the total quality
requirements of stockpile destruction. For example, a destruction organisation seeking ISO
9001:2000 accreditation would be expected to demonstrate (as clause 8.3 in the ISO) how its
internal quality assurance and quality control procedures would be used to identify critical non-
conformities, an action that is currently required in many contracts.
Such an approach would provide a common framework to assess and evaluate the suitability
and preparedness of contractors and sub-contractors as part of accreditation procedures. It
would generate transparency and this, in turn, would improve confidence in the product.
Various international affiliations and partnerships exist; examples include the Institute of
Explosives Engineers (IExpE), which has a world-wide membership, the International
Federation of Explosive Engineers (IFEE) and the Institute of Munition Clearance Engineers
E.5. Recommendations
GA Resolution 51/540 of 23 October 1996 provided the UN with an obligation and the mandate
to develop effective international mine action standards and to provide guidance on the
application of quality management. In order to affect this mandate the following
recommendations are proposed:
IMAS 11.30
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IMAS 11.30
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(Amendment 6, June 2013)
Appendix 1 to Annex E
Procedures required by ISO 9001:2008
The following 5 subject areas represent the major standard 'clauses' of ISO 9001:2008. These
clauses contain numerous sub-clauses, which must be satisfied in order to achieve ISO
9001:2008 accreditation. Each sub-clause has more specific requirements; in total there are
184 subjects that require evidence of some form of documentation or process - either policy or
practice or both. Guidance on the relevance of each subject is provided by professional bodies
and institutions. Guidance for stockpile destruction is given in Appendix 2.
IMAS 11.30
Second Edition
(Amendment 6, June 2013)
Appendix 2 to Annex E
ISO 9001:2008 and IMAS
Monitoring (SERIES)
ISO 9001:2000's clauses
4 Quality Management System
4.1 General requirements ν ν ν ν ν
4.2 Documentation requirements ν ν ν ν ν
5 Management Responsibility
5.1 Management commitment ν ν ν ν
5.2 Customer focus ν ν ν ν
5.3 Quality policy ν ν
5.4 Planning ν ν
5.5 Responsibility, authority and communication ν ν ν ν ν ν ν ν ν ν ν ν ν ν
5.6 Management review ν ν
6 Resource Management
6.1 Provision of resources ν
6.2 Human resources ν
6.3 Infrastructure ν ν ν
6.4 Work environment ν ν ν ν ν ν ν
7 Product Realization
7.1 Planning of product realization ν ν ν ν
7.2 Customer-related processes ν ν ν ν
7.3 Design and development ν
7.4 Purchasing ν
7.5 Production and service provision ν ν ν ν
7.6 Control of monitoring and measuring devices
8 Measurement, analysis and improvement
8.1 General ν
8.2 Monitoring and measurement ν
8.3 Control of non-conforming product
8.4 Analysis of data ν
8.5 Improvement ν
IMAS 11.30
Second Edition
(Amendment 6, June 2013)
Amendment record
Management of IMAS amendments
The IMAS series of standards are subject to formal review on a three-yearly basis, however this
does not preclude amendments being made within these three-year periods for reasons of
operational safety and efficiency or for editorial purposes.
As amendments are made to this IMAS they will be given a number, and the date and general
details of the amendment shown in the table below. The amendment will also be shown on the
cover page of the IMAS by the inclusion under the edition date of the phrase ‘incorporating
amendment number(s) 1 etc.’
As the formal reviews of each IMAS are completed new editions may be issued. Amendments
up to the date of the new edition will be incorporated into the new edition and the amendment
record table cleared. Recording of amendments will then start again until a further review is
carried out.
The most recently amended IMAS will be the versions that are posted on the IMAS website
3 01 Aug 2006 1. Minor changes/additions to the first and second paragraph of the foreword.
2. Minor changes to the first paragraph of the introduction.
3. Clause 4.2.9, change to second paragraph concerning training.
4 03 Dec 2009 1. UNMAS address updated.
2. Definition of NMAA updated.
3. Minor changes throughout to ensure gender issues.
4. Removal of the specificity towards APM and ensure more generic terms – changes to
this end throughout the IMAS.
5. Inclusion of reference to convention on cluster munitions.
6. ISO 9001/2000 changed to ISO 9001/2008.
7. Removal of Annex B terms and definitions and its references,
Changing Annex C to B, D to C, E to D and F to E. References to Annexes updated.
5 20 Sep 2012 1. New Clause 4.3.5 Priority for destruction included and remaining clause renumbered
2. Minor typographical amendments.
6 01 Jun 2013 1. Reviewed for the impact of land release IMAS.
2. Amendment No and date included in the title and header.