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Sexual Harassment has been a worry for mostly women. Sexual harassment could be in
any form; Verbal, inappropriate Physical touches, ill-suited jokes such as sexual act, and sexually
inappropriate remarks, unwanted advances, verbal violence based on a person's gender, and
homophobic slurs are all examples of verbal abuse. What one person may deem to be sexual
harassment may not be the same for another. Accurate definitions that are applicable to all
cultures are more challenging to come up with because there is no single, universal sociocultural
interpretation of the phenomenon. In the setting of an uneven power relationship, it is an
undesired imposition of sexual expectations. Sexual harassment as "one component of social
sexual conduct characterized by repetition, unwelcomeness, and inherently coercive acts" in
accordance with this. (Gabriel & Panahon, 2017)

Sexual Harassment is not a light-weight. It has to be taken seriously as a result of it will

have loads of dangerous result on the victim. Sexual harassment can damage all of the aspect of
health of the person. Sexual harassment can cause trauma to the victims that can possibly be a
hindrances for their entire life. As the domination of the men over women, victims of sexual
harassment are often being disregarded by many people and victims have no choice but to hold
their voice for justice and freedom. (Gabriel & Panahon, 2017)

Sexual harassment victims may experience a range of problems as a result. After

experiencing sexual harassment, it could have an impact on how individuals go about living their
lives. Every time the victims feel that people are talking about them, they will get traumatized.
For the victims of sexual harassment, there are numerous issues to contend with, including
conditions like Post-traumatic Disorder, depression, anxiety, and heightened stress levels. It will
cause the victims to lose sight of their purpose in life and their role. Because they think they
were just being friendly and didn't realize the ramifications of their conduct, sexual harassers
frequently claim that they didn't commit a crime. They usually combine actions with words or
slang, adding physical touches that can make the victims uncomfortable. One of the frequent
ways through which people engage in sexual harassment is cat calling. (Gabriel & Panahon,
Sexual harassment ought to be addressed because of the increasing quite victims and
most women only see the social media platforms as their way of sharing their experiences. The
symbol of medusa are one of the trending posts in social media as it represent or relate to the
victim of sexual harassment. Immediate actions have to be compelled to be taken and suppose
the victim's thoughts concerning them obtaining intimidation on men and its effects on their
studies to resolve the results of cyberbullying on them. Parents, lecturers and besides fellow
teenagers need to participate and forestall this sexual harassment. We have got a bent to need to
discuss the ways in which on the due to stop sexual harassment and besides educate ourselves to
be respectful once exploitation on social media platforms. As students we tend to square measure
reaching to unfold awareness to forestall cyberbullying , associate in example of this campaign
United for a vaw-free Philippines. It's an eighteen-day campaign to end vaw by virtue of
Republic Act 10398 or the act declaring November 25 of every year as the National
Consciousness Day for the Elimination of VAWC.

Review of Related Literature and Studies

Witkowska, E. (2005) defined sexual harassment as inappropriate and unacceptable

sexual or gender-based behavior in school that interferes with a student's right to a supportive,
respectful, and safe learning environment. This includes several behavior patterns with verbal
and nonverbal cues. The recipient or the school may find the actions to be inappropriate.
According to the findings of Witkowska's study, high-school pupils are exposed in their
classrooms to various improper and unwanted actions (verbal, non-verbal, assaultive, and
teacher-to-student). Even though actual acts are considered environmental concerns, students
hesitate to label incidents as sexual harassment. Except for homophobic name-calling, exposing
pornography, and more authoritarian physical actions, girls reported more exposure to all
behaviors and were far more likely to perceive verbal behaviors as problematic.

Conversely, males had a less clear structure and a fit worse, although the presence of a
general sexual harassment component was validated. Sexual harassment is an organizational
issue since its expressions and perceptions are socially and culturally based. Offensive behaviors
become accepted in the school environment, making them tough to comprehend and resolve in a
circumstance where schools give little support. Males and females require different measures.
The power of sexuality remains uneven in the public sphere; being sexual has distinct
repercussions for men and women. It is essential to remember informal structures in school,
including peer groups, and how they influence views and behaviors and support certain forms of
gender (re)production. Witkowska concludes that more efforts are required to assess and
effectively prevent sexual harassment in schools. Schools must use more sophisticated
assessments and implement education and preventative initiatives that involve an awareness of
the phenomenon's complicated nature and perceptions.

According to Shawn Megan B. (2018)Sexual harassment occurs when an individual is the

target of unwanted sexual remarks, sexual gestures, or sexual activities (SH). regardless of their
gender, gender expression, or sexual orientation. SH is a problem for psychologists because of
how frequently it occurs and how damaging it is to people. It frequently manifests as social
inequality in individuals, groups, and organizations. Using theory, research, and intersectional
and contextual lenses, this article explains how SH varies in its forms, targets, and contexts.
origins. It investigates possible causes of SH with a focus on sociocultural gender and power
perspectives. A case-by-case approach is also used to demonstrate how context interacts with
individual factors to influence incidence. Reducing SH is critical for inclusive and secure
institutions and public settings, as well as identifying potential solutions to this widespread social
problem. They debate how and why teaching SH psychology can promote positive individual,
group, organizational, and social change. To summarize, it illustrates fascinating and important
psychological concepts and methods, as well as how psychology can be used to understand and
treat social problems and inequalities.

According to Goldschmidt-Gjerløw and Trysnes (2020) any unwanted sexual attention

with the intent to offend, terrify, be hostile, condescending, humiliate, or bother someone falls
under this definition. Comments made about the body or genitalia, requests for sexual favors,
and verbal technology communication with a sexualized tone are all examples of verbal
harassment. Sexual harassment and non-verbal abuse are closely related, and non-consensual
sexual contact like unwanted kissing and touching of private body parts falls under this category.
Christia B. Spears (2023) Sexual harassment of girls and women is widespread,
beginning in adolescence and continuing into adulthood. Not only is sexual harassment common,
but it is also widely accepted and tolerated. In this article, we explain why this is so using the
bioecological theory of sexual harassment of girls. We specifically discuss how gendered
socialization, media consumption, peer interactions, and permissive school environments
encourage passivity and objectification in girls and aggressiveness and dominance in boys. We
describe how this process begins in infancy and continues throughout development, eventually
resulting in an environment conducive to sexual harassment of girls and women. Significant
prevention implications for preventing sexual harassment are also discussed.
Conceptual Framework


 Sexual

 Gathering of
Conceptual and
Research  Understanding
 Factors that
Literature sexual
contribute to
harassment based
on the lived
experiences of
victims among
the senior high
school studens of
Aguinaldo J.
Santos National
 Sexual
 Analysis of Data High school
Among Students
Research Questions

The purpose of this case study is to determine the underlying problem regarding Sexual

Harassment among the senior high school students of Aguinaldo J. Santos National High School

for the school year 2022-2023.

1. Do students view sexual harassment as a large problem?

2. How often do students experience sexual harassment in their lives?

3. How do genders differ in their experience of sexual harassment?

4. What are the emotional and behavioral consequences of sexual harassment?


Significance of the Study

1. Students, This research will be beneficial to the students of Aguinaldo J. Santos

National high school to spread awareness about the factors that may contribute to sexual

2. Administrators, this research will help them to provide good school leaders and policy
makers with information on how they will deal with the sexual harassment.

3. Teachers, this research will help them to address attention and help the students that is
potentially victim of sexual harassment.

4.Parents, this study will help them to determine the signs that their child might be a
victim of sexual harassment and help them dealing with them.
5. Future Researchers, this study will be useful for the researcher to conduct a study
related to Sexual Harassment and understand precisely the perceived factor of Sexual
Harassment in the Academic performance of the students in Aguinaldo J. Santos National High

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study focuses on the lived experiences of the victims of Sexual Harassment and how
it made an impact in the lives of the students of Aguinaldo J. Santos National High School only.
The main subject of this research study are the Boys, Girls and even members of the LGBTQIA+
students for the year 2022-2023 on Aguinaldo J. Santos National High School. The respondents
of this case study are total of twelve (12) students.


Research Design

Case Study Approach is will be used in this study because it is appropriate in providing
facts and unusual type of problem on which allows us to explore the key characteristics,
meanings, and implications of the case.

Case study approach is an intensive study about a person, a group of people or a unit,
which is aimed to generalize over several units. It is suitable in providing facts to unfamiliar
types of problem on which it will allow to us to find a solution and explore the implication of the

The use of case study will make it easier to identify the data required and the questions
that must be addressed. It will be used in order to make the study applicable to outlining,
contrasting, assessing, and comprehending the concepts that will be addressed in the future. It is
pertinent to the causes of sexual harassment, and using the case study approach, it is essential to
finding solutions.


The Population this Study will be the Senior High School students of Aguinaldo J. Santos
National High school. The Participants of this study are the students from both Academic and
Technical-vocational strands within Aguinaldo J. Santos National High school; in total of twelve
(12) students from different strands. This study will focus on the experiences regarding Sexual
Harassment of Girls, Boys and the members of the LGBTQIA++ community that studies in
Aguinaldo J. Santos National High school.

Sampling Method

This study falls under a Qualitative research. Qualitative research is usually use for small
sample sizes. It has the advantage of providing comprehensive information, descriptions or
analysis of a research topic without limiting the extent of the study (Collis & Hassey, 2003)

This study utilizes purposive sampling technique. In this sampling method, the
participants that will be engaged in this study are suitable for more reliable and efficient data
because of their lived experiences regarding the chosen topic.

Sources of Data

Instruments (Questionnaire)

The first thing that this study needed before conducting a qualitative research are the
letters that is require to give to every participants before conducting the interview. After the
distribution of the letters the group will finally start conducting the interview through google
meet in order to maintain the safeness of our respondents due to the threat of disease to both
researcher and respondent. This research will conduct structured interview in which there are
fixed questions that will be use to the interview, this will be narrative and subjective.

Data Collection Procedure

The first medium that this research study needed is the letters that is required to give to
every respondents before conducting a research. After the distribution of the letters the
researchers will finally start conducting the interview using Structured questions, this will be
narrative and subjective.

All of the valid research question that will be used in our interview will be analyzed by
the researchers to ensure that all the questions that will serve as the medium are brief and
effective, efficient, systematically sequential, valid & reliable, and most of all sample-friendly.

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