Lec 7

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Two Phase Flow and Heat Transfer

Dr. Arup Kumar Das

Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee

Lecture No: 07
Slug Flow Model
Hello welcome to the seventh lecture of Two Phase Flow and Heat Transfer. So, today’s topic is
slug flow model. So, at the end of this lecture you will be understanding the following points,
you will identify the important non-dimensional numbers to specify the velocity of the slug
(Refer Slide Time: 00:39)

We will be predicting the velocity of the slug bubble using drift flux model and laminar regime,
we will be finding out how the velocity is changing for turbulent flow. We will be calculating the
film superficial velocity around the gaseous plug inside a vertical tube. And we will be
understanding the assessment of pressure drop inside the horizontal slug flow.

Now to give you better understanding what is stuck slug flow, I have shown you here a
schematic. So you can find out that in this schematic we are having a Taylor bubble as gaseous
plug over here.
(Refer Slide Time: 01:23)
And in between 2 gaseous plugs, we will be having liquid slug. So in real slug bubble regime
you will be finding out lots of satellite bubbles are here preceding this gaseous plug but for
simplicity and purpose of analysis we have eliminated those satellite bubbles. We are only
dealing with the gaseous plug over here and followed by a liquid slug.

So it will be some sort repetitive pattern of gaseous slug and gaseous plug and liquid slug. So
what we have considered over here. We have considered that this is a unit cell where we will be
finding out a gaseous plug is over here. At the top of that we are having a portion of the liquid
slug from the previous gaseous plug and at the bottom of that we are having another portion of
the liquid slug for this gaseous plug. So this cell will be actually continuing in the bottom side as
well as top side right.

So our point of concern is over here, this unit cell okay now let us consider this unit cell if you
see minutely this unit cell, we are having gaseous plug but around that we are having liquid film
also okay. So here we are having liquid film, here also we are having liquid film. Now this
gaseous plug will be moving up with the velocity ub and to accommodate that movement of the
gaseous plug, the liquid needs to come down okay.

So here we will be finding out the liquid velocity volumetric flow rate of the liquid. We have
considered over here Qf` right. And to recognize the film thickness over here, we have
considered the film thickness is delta and in the vertical portion of the slug bubble we have
considered that the film thickness is becoming uniform and that thickness is actually d infinity

And obviously we know that pipe diameter, we always represent with capital D and the overall
flow rates for the liquid and gas that is Qf and Qg. Remember though the liquid is actually
coming down over here with a volumetric flow rate of the Qf`, actually the liquid overall is
movement moving up because this liquid slug is being pushed by the bottom Taylor, bottom
gaseous plug and overall movement of the liquid is also in the upward direction along with the

So you can find out Qf is also in the upward direction along with Qg right. So at first let us try to
find out that how this rise velocity of this gaseous plug can be calculated. So for that there are
lots of correlations available, experimentally observed correlations available. The best one is this
one. K1 is equal to 0.345 into (1 minus e to the power minus 0. 01 Nf divided by 0 .345) into {1
minus e (to the power 3.37 minus Eotvos numbers by m)} right.

Let us find out what are these terms first. K1, so K1 is actually Rho f u infinity square. So where
Rho f is actually the liquid density, and u infinity is the terminal velocity of the bubble of the
gaseous plug. And we are having D pipe diameter g into (Rho f minus Rho g to the power half
okay. So we can put this whole expression over here which will be getting as a function of u

Then in the expression if you go further, we are having another non-dimensional number which
is Nf, this is actually inverse non-dimensional viscosity. So you can find out this Nf is actually
represent as [D cube g into (Rho f minus Rho g) into Rho f to the power] half divided by Mu f.
So as Mu f is in denominator. So we call this one as inverse viscosity non -dimensional viscosity.
On the other hand if you progress further, we are having Eotvos numbers.

So the Eotovos numbers all of you know once again to represent that the Eotovos numbers will
be D square g (Rho f minus Rho g) divided by sigma. So here we get the ratio between the
buoyancy force and surface tension force. Here we get the ratio between your buoyancy force
and viscous force and here inertia and your buoyancy force right. Now only empirical constant
over here left is m.

So m will be 10, if your non-dimensional inverse viscosity is higher than 250. m can be represent
as a 69 Nf to the power minus .35. If Nf varies in between 18 to 250 and if Nf is less than 18 that
means for very viscous flow you will be finding out m is equal to 25 right. So if I put all these
non -dimensional numbers over here, so all other parameters will be known. Only unknown will
be u infinity. So one can find out the velocity of the gaseous plug right.

Next once we know the gaseous plug velocity then we have to find out what is the superficial
velocity and how this can be found out for some different situations like laminar and turbulent
zones. So lets us try to see that how in a slug plug flow bubble velocity varies.
(Refer Slide Time: 07:02)

So first we have shown you over here average liquid slug velocity will be nothing but j okay
which is equal to all of we know that j equals to Q by A and Q can be written as Qg plus Qf
okay. So Qg and Qf already I have shown you in the figure here, this Qf and this Qg okay. So
you will be finding out that j is actually (Qg plus Qf) by A. Now for a free rising bubble, so let us
say the bubble is moving freely. So we know that u b will be actually symbolizing the gas
So bubble velocity eventually will become the gas velocity. So we can right down ub is equal to
ug right. And if we see that what is the velocity in comparison to the average. Overall velocity
that means the velocity slip in comparison to the average overall velocity that will be u jg that is
actually equivalent u infinity which we have calculated in the previous slide okay. Next over
here you see in this equation if we put u b which is equivalent to your ug, so here we will be
finding out j plus ugj right.

Now ugj just now we have shown that is actually u infinity. So we will be founding out u b equals
to j plus u infinity okay. So this new expression, we get u b equals to j plus u infinity this is valid
for a laminar bubble movement in a slug plug flow right. So this u infinity is the unconstraint
bubble velocity. So if you do not consider the walls inside the slug plug flow then this u infinity
can be found out from the previous expression over here.

And a bubble velocity in slug plug flow can be found out by adding j along with the u infinity
okay. Now already we know that if we have to find out that what the average void fraction,
average void fraction alpha can be written as j g by ug okay. Now we know that ug will be ub. So
actually, the alpha in this slug plug flow case we can be we can write this one as jg by ub okay.

So ultimately, we get for laminar flow ub is equal to j plus u infinity and alpha average void
fraction is equal to jg by ub. Remember in this type of slug plug flow case the void fraction at
different cross section will be changing with respect to time as the flow progresses. Because
here, whenever we are seeing through this liquid slug obviously void fraction will be 0. And here
if you see over here you will be having a finite amount of void fraction.

So we are always interested to find out the average fraction in the cell okay. Now here we have
talked about the laminar flow. Let us see what happens if we are having fully developed
turbulent flow okay. So if we are having fully developed turbulent flow, we will be finding that
the bubble velocity is changing little bit. So what we can do empirically we can add 2 constants
over here 2 constants over here.
C1and C2 along with the expressions whatever we have found out for ub in the laminar regime. So
already we have shown in the laminar regime ub is j plus u infinity for turbulent regime.
(Refer Slide Time: 10:29)

We are writing down ub is equal to C1j plus C2u infinity right. Now various researchers they have
proposed the values of C1and C2. Wallis has proposed that you can take for slug plug flow C 1
equals to 1.2 and C2 equals to 1 if your overall Reynolds number is in is actually greater than
8000 okay. If your Reynolds number is in between 2000 to 8000, this expression will not be
valid. If it is more than 8000 then only you can apply C 2 equals to 1.2 and C2, C1 equals to 1.2
and C2 equals to 1 right.

Now using this mean void fraction what we can written down. Alpha what I have earlier showed
you over here which is nothing but jg by ub. So same thing we can write down over here. Alpha
is equal to Qg now this jg can be converted to Qg by A okay. Qg by Ag. So that can be written as
Qg and Ag will be absorbing over here. So in place of in place of your ub, we are writing down
C1j plus C2 into u infinity.

So C1j, now j can be once again written as jg plus jf and jg can be written as Qg by Ag and Qg by A
and jf can be written as Qf by A. So you can find out here we are having Q g by A. Here we are
having Qg by A and here we are having Q f by A. So A can be cancelled out and A can be
absorbed in the last term which was C2 into u infinity. So C2 into u infinity into a. So this
becomes the expression for alpha for turbulent flow right.

Now as we know that not only the value of alpha and the velocities of bubble will be important.
Important will be to know what is the pressure drop. So here I have given you the expression for
pressure drop in slug plug flow also. You see minus dp/dz can be written as the buoyancy
pressure drop. So this is g into Rho f into (1 minus alpha). Now this alpha will be actually used
from the previous calculation.

The average alpha whatever we have found out so Rho f into (1 minus alpha) plus Rho g into
alpha. This is from the buoyancy and then (1 minus alpha) into f f. So we are using fluid part only
assumption okay. So ff into 2 into Rho f j square by D okay. As you are dealing with the slug
flow finding out the liquid superficial velocity and gas superficial velocity will be difficult. So
what we do, we find out the overall superficial velocity j and we express the frictional pressure
drop in terms of fluid part okay.

So ff we are using over here this frictional portion we have already discussed in a previous
lectures okay. Now after finding out the friction factor it is also very important to know that what
will be the liquid flow rate okay. What it is coming out in downward side okay. So to assess that
first let us get what is the gaseous flow rate. So the gaseous flow rate will be flow of the gaseous
(Refer Slide Time: 13:50)
So this is Qg` and liquid flow rate would be Qf`. So Qg` can be written as the area occupied by
the liquid sorry, gaseous plug multiplied by the velocity of the gas. So here what we have
considered the pipe diameter was D and we have considered that this thickness of the film
uniform thickness of the film around the gaseous plug is D infinity. So overall we will be finding
out the diameter of this gaseous plug is D minus 2 into delta infinity.

So we will be finding out the area of this gaseous plug, if you consider a perfect cylinder as this
gaseous plug. So it will be pi by 4 into (D minus 2 delta square) okay. So this is the area of the
gaseous plug considering it as a cylinder multiplied by its velocity ug. So will be finding out this
is the gas flow rate in this cell right. Now let us try, to find out what is liquid flow rate. So what
will be doing? As we know the overall flow rate overall flow rate we know from summation of
Qf plus Qg.

So I can write down Q is equal to in situ Qg` to minus Qf`. Now this Qg` is will be never
equivalent with this Qg okay because they are different because in this case we are having no
gaseous phage right. In the liquid slug we are having no gaseous phase. So here we can find out
this Q as Qf plus Qg and that can be written as Qg` minus Qf`. Why this Qf ` minus because in
this cross section if you see this cross section, this dotted line here Qf is in the now negative
direction right.
So we can write down Qf` divided by A is equal to Qg` by A minus Q by A. So from this
expression I can write down Qf` is equal to Q minus Qg` and if you divide it by A, we get this
expression. The left hand side can be written as jf` okay because Qf` by A is nothing but jf`
okay. So we get jf` is equal to Qg` by A. Now what is Qg` once again we have written over here
or assessed found out the value of Qg` gaseous flow rate. So this will be written over here and A
which is nothing but the area of the pipe.

So that will be pi by 4 into D square. So you can write down over here in terms of a pi by 4 D
square and obviously we know that Q by A is actually j right. So if we simply, this first term in
the right hand side we will be getting something around (1 minus 2 into delta infinity by D )
whole square into ub now this ug we are converting to ub because we know here this gaseous
velocity a gaseous plug velocity will be same as the bubble velocity okay.

So we get jf` is equal to (1 minus 2 into delta infinity by D) whole square ub minus j okay. So
already we have found out what is ub in the previous slide. For turbulent cases so same formula
will be using over here (1.2 into j by u infinity plus 1). So that was actually (1.2 into j plus of u
infinity). If you will take u infinity common and then divide the whole expression by u infinity.
So this left side, so left hand side will become jf` by u infinity, right hand side will become (1.2
into j by u infinity plus 1) and then this expression multiplier will be this is coming from the area

So this will be staying over here and the last term will remain as minus j by u infinity. So in this
way we can find out the liquid flow rate. Liquid superficial velocity in the in the cross section
where gaseous plug is present right. Next if we consider the falling film theory then this jf` by u
infinity can be predicted from falling film theory. So that has been discussed by Miosis and
Griffith. I will not going into detail of this one.
(Refer Slide Time: 17:52)
But I will be showing you that how empirically can be found out that falling film theory using
falling film theory how the liquid velocity superficial velocity can be found out. So here you see
this velocity will be nothing but jf` by u infinity will be 3.85 Nf. Nf already we have discussed
that is non-dimensional inverse viscosity into delta infinity, uniform film thickness divided by D
whole cube. This expression valid is valid for Reynolds number, film Reynolds number less than

The definition of film Reynolds number, I have given over here. So film Reynolds number is
nothing but Qf`by A into u infinity into (0.345Nf). And if this film Reynolds number is larger
than this 3500 then you can use this expression jf` by u infinity is equal to 183 into (d infinity by
D) to the power 3 by 2 right. Next let us shift to horizontal slug flow from the vertical one. So
here I have shown once again the schematic of horizontal slug flow.

So you can find out that in case of horizontal slug flow this is once again like a Taylor bubble.
So this is actually a gaseous plug in between we are having in between 2 gaseous plug, we are
having a liquid slug.
(Refer Slide Time: 19:12)
Once again the same situation this is having bubble velocity. The film thickness we have
represented as delta okay. And here I have shown the length of the bubble as Lb and the length
of liquid slug as Ls. Now if you start from the very basic continuity equation then I can write
down Ab to into ub is equal to A into j. Why because you see in this horizontal slug flow
actually the movement of the bubble will be causing the overall flow because otherwise it is not
assisted by buoyancy.

The flow is not assisted by buoyancy. So you will be finding out when the bubble is moving that
will be only causing the flow. So it you see from the continuity side if you find out what is the
volumetric flow rate for this bubble so which is nothing but Ab into ub that will be responsible
for the overall flow A into j right. Now from here if we try to find out that what is the value of
ub, so ub will be Ab by A into j right.

Now A once again we know that will be pi by 4 D square, D is the tube diameter and Ab, I can
write down as pi by 4 (1 minus 2) pi by 4 D square into (1 minus 2 delta by D) whole to the
power minus 2 which I have already shown you in the vertical case okay into j will be remaining
from here. So here we are having j so the same j will be remaining over here okay. So already I
have shown you the expression over here. So you can find out so this from this we are getting
this expressions.
So ub finally after cancelling this D square and D to the power minus 2 comes out as (1 plus 4
delta by D) into j okay. Now this we can write down whenever we considered delta by D less
less than 2. Why because this is a polynomial. So if we find out this delta by d is very small than
1 then only I can write down this is actually (1 minus 2) into (minus 2 into delta by D). So which
is actually 1 plus (4 delta by d) okay. So this expression bubble velocity is valid only for very
small film thickness compared to the pipe diameter.

If it is not small then you have to go with the overall polynomial and we have to evaluate the
value okay. Now let us see just like our vertical case what are the important non-dimensional
numbers in case of horizontal slug flow.
(Refer Slide Time: 21:49)

So important non-dimensional numbers first one is j Mu f by sigma okay. Second one we can
take as jD by Mu f. So this is having the viscous effect this is having the surface tension effect
compare to viscous effect. And another one we can derive as lambda which will be the ratio
between these 2 okay. So here you will be finding out that in this we are having 3 parameters
lambda, jMu f by sigma and jD by Mu f.

If you try to find out that how this parameter are actually interlinked then we can plot something
like this. So in the abscissa we are having the first non-dimensional number jMu f by sigma. And
in the ordinate we are having the second one which is actually j by ub. So here this is actually
non-dimensional bubble velocity, non-dimensionalised by the overall superficial velocity and
here will be finding out several curves having different lambda value.

So lambda is actually the ratio between these 2 non-dimensional numbers and it is values Mu f
square divided by D Rho f into sigma okay. So here we can find out that the curve will be
varying like this. For a low viscous fluid will be finding out that bubble velocity is high okay.
And we will be finding out that for different lambda. As lambda increases we will be finding out
that the curve is falling. Actually, in the downward side right this has been proposed by Wallis.

Next let us try to find out what is the bubble velocity in this case and the overall void fraction. So
as we know already that ub is nothing but C1 into j plus C2 into u infinity for turbulence
(Refer Slide Time: 23:28)

So here what we can do, u infinity we can make 0 because it is in horizontal pipeline. So there
will be no velocity, unconstraint velocity of the bubble. So you can write down u infinity is equal
to 0. So we get ub equals to C1 into j, over here C1 into j right. Now once again various
correlations are there. One very important correlation is for finding out the C 1 for horizontal slug
flow C1 will be 1 plus 1.27 into {1 minus e to the power (minus 3.8 into (ufj by sigma) to the
power. 8)} right.
Okay now if we want to calculate the void fraction also, you see void fraction alpha will be jg by
ug. So jg by ug, we know that ug will be actually your ub because gaseous phase is only limited
in bubble. So we will be finding out ug by ub okay. And already I have shown ub is equal to C 1j.
So what we can write down jg by C1 into j. So ub has been replaced by C1 into j. So we get 1 by
C1 and then jg by j. j can be written as jg plus jf okay. In the first lecture I have shown you this
part right.

And once again j’s can be converted into corresponding Q’s. So you can write down that alpha is
equal to 1 by C1 Qg by (Qg plus Qf). So over here Qg by (Qg plus Qf) right. Now let us try to
assess that what will be the pressure drop across this slug plug flow. So here we are writing first
or we assessing first the volume of the bubble.
(Refer Slide Time: 25:17)

So we can find out that volume of the bubble will be v into alpha and this volume of bubble, this
volume can be written as A into Ls plus Lb. Now this A into Ls plus Lb is the volume for the
unitary width of the cell. Whatever we have shown over here that we are having a gaseous plug
and liquid slug. So if we consider a unit, so this unit volume is this one A is the pipe diameter
and Ls is the slug length and Lb is the bubble length.

So we can find out that Vb turns out to be A into (Ls plus Lb) into alpha. Now already we have
shown that for long bubble. We will be finding out ub is equal to C1 into j in the previous slide
we have shown ub is equal to C1 into j. So what we can do we can write down C1 1by C1 is
actually equals to j by ub okay. So now let us try to find out what is this j and u in terms of the
volumetric flow rates. So j can be written as Q by A and ub can be written as Qb by Ab okay.
And as we know that Q and Qb both will be same because the slug bubble is actually causing the
flow inside the pipeline. So we can find out that 1 by C1 comes out to the ratio of Ab by A okay.

Now what is Ab, Ab once again can be written as Vb by Lb because of bubble volume will be
actually your area of the bubble and length of the bubble okay. So ultimately, I get 1 by C1 is
equal to Vb by A Lb right. Now related to pressure drop already we know as it is a horizontal
pipe. So for horizontal cases your gravitational pressure drop will be 0. So –dp/dz for z
gravitational head is actual buoyancy head is actually 0. But there will be frictional head.

So frictional head I can write down – (dp/dz) f will be 2 into ff. Here I am considering fluid part
okay. So 2ff into Rho f into j square by D okay. Now if we are considering that inside dynamics
of the Taylor bubble that means the gaseous dynamics inside the Taylor bubble then we will be
finding out one multiplier is necessary. So this multiplier has been proposed by Wallis over here
in 1969. So this multiplier is Ls plus 4D divided by (Ls plus Lb).

So dependent on the slug length and the bubble length and the tube diameter okay. So next let us
try to find out that this pressure drop how that can be simplified and found out in the form of
volumetric qualities.
(Refer Slide Time: 28:08)
So already we have shown that –dp/dz will be 2ff Rho f into j square by D (Ls plus 4D) by (Ls
plus Lb). Now let me simplify this part. So this, I can write down easily 1 minus Lb by (Ls plus
Lb) plus 4D by (Ls plus Lb). Basically this first 2 terms gives me Ls by (Ls plus Lb) okay. Then
this Lb and Ls plus Lb, I can replace so Ls plus Lb quickly I can write as A into Vb because
already I have shown Vb is equal to A into Ls plus Lb into alpha right. So Ls plus Lb will be Vb
by A alpha.

So what I can do here, I have written A Vb by alpha right and for Lb, I have written Vb C1 into
A okay Vb C1 into A why because this Lb is actually the length of the bubble. So length of the
bubble will be actually merged with the volume of the bubble over here. So volume of the bubble
into the area of the bubble will be coming out as the length of the bubble okay. So here we can
find out that both this Lb and Ls plus Lb has been replaced by this factor and here once again this
Ls plus Lb has been done by same treatment.

So this will be V by A once again V by A. So if you simplify it further ultimately, I will be

getting –dp/dz = 2ff Rho f j square by D into (1- C1) into alpha plus 4 DA by V. Now here in
this expression you see C1 is actually empirical parameter. So using this this can be found out
from Wallis correlation whatever I have explained you earlier okay. And the rest things we can
find out from the slug plug flow and can be evaluated okay.
To summarize in this lecture, we have understood the procedure of calculation for terminal
velocity of a Taylor bubble from non-dimensional numbers.
(Refer Slide Time: 29:58)

We have evaluated the liquid film superficial velocity around the gaseous plug from geometrical
configurations. We are formulated velocity of bubble in horizontal slug flow situation okay. And
in that we have considered that we are having thin film around the bubble and at the end we have
presented the procedure for calculation of pressure drop inside a horizontal slug situation okay.

Next let us test how you have gone through this lecture. So we are having once again 3
(Refer Slide Time: 30:33)
First, in slug flow around the gaseous plug liquid velocity is 4 options we are having upward,
oscillating, downward and horizontal. So mostly you have understood what is the answer.
Correct answer is downward because liquid will be having downward velocity around the slug.
Okay second question which force is considered for calculation of rise velocity of a single
bubble okay.

We are having 4 options buoyancy, inertia, viscous and surface tension. Which force is important
for calculation of terminal velocity rise velocity of a single bubble answer all? So all the forces
are equally important for calculation of right rise velocity okay. Last question for horizontal slug
flow which relationship is not correct.

So we are having 4 equations, gravitational pressure drop is equal to 0, frictional pressure drop is
equal to 2ff Rho f j square by D, once again gravitational pressure drop is equal to 2ff Rho f j
square by D and ub is equal to C1j. Probably you have understood which one is the correct one,
obviously part c is not the correct answer. Hope you have like this lecture. Thank you.

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