Influence Line Draft 2
Influence Line Draft 2
Influence Line Draft 2
An influence line represents the variation of either the reaction, shear, moment, or deflection at a
specific point in a member as a unit concentrated force moves over the member. The influence line
equations technique can be used to create influence lines for a member that has a concentrated live
load moving over its span. When the influence line is drawn, it is easy and quick to find the area
of the live load that has the largest influence on the structure. Furthermore, the ordinates of the
influence-line diagram can be used to calculate the magnitude of the related reaction, shear,
moment, or deflection at the point.
The influence lines for statically indeterminate structures are determined using the static
equilibrium method or, as with determinate structures, the kinematic method. An influence line is
a diagram in which the ordinates are shown as a function of distance along the span and give the
value of an internal force, reaction, or displacement at a specific point in a structure as a unit load
moves over the structure. Influence lines are important for the design of a structure that resists
large live loads moving along the spans such as bridges and cranes. An influence line shows the
variation of an external or internal force as a unit load travels across the length of the structure.
Since structures are designed for the critical loads that may occur in them, influence lines are used
to determine where on a structure a moving load will create the most stress. Influence lines are
graphs whose ordinates depict the fluctuation in magnitude of a specific response function of a
structure as a unit load traverses the structure.
Moving loads on beams are common design characteristics. Many road bridges are made
of beam and must be designed to sustain a knife edge load, a string of wheel loads, a uniformly
distributed load, or the worst combination of all three. The influence line is used to determine the
critical shear and moment in a section. Furthermore, the magnitude of the associated reaction,
shear, moment or deflection at the point can be calculated from the ordinates of the influence-line
Influence lines play an important part in the design of bridges, industrial crane rails,
conveyor belts, and other structures where loads move across their span. Bridges and overhead
cranes, for example, must be constructed to withstand moving loads as well as their own weight.
Because structures are intended to withstand critical loads, influence lines are used to determine
the location on a structure where a moving load will create the most stress. Influence lines are
graphs whose ordinates depict the fluctuation in magnitude of a specific response function of a
structure as a unit load traverses the structure.
This laboratory is a type of testing to determine the influence lines of shear force and bending
moment formed in the beam. Two types of apparatus will be used in thistest, which are Structure
Test Frame 3 (STR 3) for shear force in beam and Structure Test Frame 2 (STR 2) for bending
moment in beam. Both of the beams have a 440mm length and contain a 300mm cut section.
Other than that, both apparatuses are simply supported beam with 23 hanging stations, each of
them is 20 mm apart.
There are 3 cases with different masses are used in this laboratory, which are respectively
with a weight hanger on them. The self-mass of a mass hanger which is 10g should be considered
into the total mass. For example, a 100g fixed mass just needs to add on 9 pieces of mass (each
mass is 10g) because the mass hanger itself has 10g.
The results are measured by the Digital Force Display Reading (DFDR) to compute the force
obtained. The laboratory needs to illustrate a lorry moving over a simply supported bridge beam.
Therefore, three masses used at three locations to illustrate three loading points of the lorry. Two
300g masses are used as the rear tyres of lorry because the lorry is assumed with goods, while the
front tyres will be represented by a 100g mass.
The structural analysis course content will be used to complete the laboratory. Technical
abilities can be tested in this lab to learn more about structural engineering. In order to
differentiate between these outcomes, a comparison of experimental and theoretical data will be
performed. Given that beams comprise the majority of highway infrastructure, including highways
and bridges, they must be able to sustain dispersed loads, generally known as vehicle wheel loads.
To solve the problem, civil engineers must be skilled in the usage of influence lines and to
establish the relationship between experimental and theoretical shear force and bending moment
Definition: Influence line is defined as a line representing the changes in moment, shear force,
reaction or displacement at a section of a beam when a unit load moves on the beam.
The influence line can be used to calculate the bending moment at the cut portion in the
circumstance presented in figure above by using equation:
1. Simulate the load produced by lorry with three load hangers by case selected.
2. Use three different positions of hangers between the supports to simulate three different
3. Record the positions of hangers and the digital display force reading.
4. Calculate and tabulate the data.
1. Load (N) = Load (kg) x 9.81
2. Calculate the theoretical value using the Equation 3.
1. Load (N) = Load (kg) x 9.81
2. Calculate the theoretical value using the Equation 4.
4.1.1 CASE 1
P1 P2 X
P3 P4
100g 100g 100g 100g
220mm X 140mm
1. a/L = 440/580
= 0.759
2. b/L = 140/580
= 0.241
3. y1 / 40 = 0.759/440
y1 = 0.069
y2 = 0.380
y3 = 0.587
y4 = 0.172
P1 P2 X P4
50g 200g 50g 100g
220mm X 140mm
1. a/L = 440/580
= 0.759
2. b/L = 140/580
= 0.241
3. y1 / 40 = 0.759/440
y1 = 0.069
y2 = 0.380
y3 = 0.587
6. y4 / 100 = 0.241 / 140
y4 = 0.172
P1 P2 X
P3 P4
50g 100g 150g 100g
220mm X 140mm
1. a/L = 440/580
= 0.759
2. b/L = 140/580
= 0.241
3. y1 / 40 = 0.759/440
y1 = 0.069
y2 = 0.380
y3 = 0.587
7. y4 / 100 = 0.241 / 140
y4 = 0.172
In this experiment, load used in case 3 are 50g, 100g, 150g and 300g. Then, load are changed but the
distance are fixed in every 3 cases. From this experiment, the value for the experimental is bigger
than theoretical value. The experimental and theoretical values are virtually identical.The value is
determined by the load's position. It demonstrates that the location is one of the causes of the value
disparities. It is important to understand that influence lines can be utilised to compute shear force
and bending moment at the cut section.
This experimental results are sometimes different from theoretical results are due to human
error and instrument sensitivity as the reading of the instrument keep changing when conducted
the experiment.
From the result that we get, there are some errors that make our result not accurate and
contribute the error between the experiment and theory:
i. Digital indicator is not too accurate. Although the value of experiment quite near with the value
of theory a there are still have error. The digital indicator is not too accurate.
ii. The digital indicator is too sensitive .When we taking the reading, the screen show that the
reading not in static. That mean the digital indicator is too sensitive with the wind and the
surrounding movement.
iii. The load hanger is shaking. When taking the reading, we put the load to the hanger. When the
load is putting to the hanger, the hanger is shaking and the reading of digital indicator is change.
So it effect the reading.
iv. Parallax error: Reading the ruler scale The ruler scale is in centimeter (cm). So, when the
reading process, can’t get the accurate value, because the scale ’ are not suitable for our eye to
read with accurately
v. The beam is sensitive. When we do the experiment, the beam is moving when we try to put the
load. When we want to change the holder of hanger to right side, the beam is not in the original
position yet.
In this bending moment experiment, the values of bending moment was computed by multiply the
shear force values with the distance of the lever arm which is 125 mm. Four values of load been
applied to the beam. There were 3 cases subjected into this experiment. All cases have different
values of load applied with the same distance. Case 1 consisted of 4 load cases which are 100g for
each load hangers. Case 2 consisted of 4 load cases which are 50, 200, 50 and 100g respectively.
For case 3, its consisted of 50, 100, 150 and 100g respectively. From the analysis of the results,
the data of experimental and theoretical values is linear. When the experimental values increased,
the theoretical values also would be increased. Basically, the percentage error for each case is
above 40%. The maximum percentage error is on case 1 which is 66.4% and the smallest
percentage error is happened on the case 3
For a good measurement system, the acceptable percentage error in a experiment for the
accuracy error should be within 5% and precision error should within 10%. Therefore, the
experimental values computed from this experiment are very far off from the original value.
In a nutshell, both experiment of influence line for shear forces and bending moments achieved its
objectives. For shear forces, the percentage error is above 30% and for bending moments is above
40%. Percent error calculates the difference between an estimate and a right value and expresses it
as a percentage. Analysts can use this statistic to determine how big the error is in relation to the
actual number. It is also referred to as % error and percentage error.
There are some ways to reduce errors which are by verifies the correctness of all measures
twice. Second is by considering entering all inputs twice into two worksheets and comparing the
results. Third, ensure all of the formulas are accurate. Fourth, ascertained the training of observers
and measurement takers. Lastly is by using the most precise measuring device for taking the
reading and the measurements should be taken in a controlled environment.
When constructing beams and trusses for crane rails, conveyor belts, floor girders, and
other structures where loads will move along their span, influence lines are crucial. The influence
lines display the areas of any function where a load will have the most impact. The largest
advantage is that once an influence line has been built for a reaction, shear, or moment at a crucial
position in a structure, it is simple to assess how various load patterns will affect that load effect
which are the reaction, shear or moment.
1. Huzz-ellieyza, Nov 2014, Report shear force & bending moment in influence line