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Energy Conservation & Management



Energy is one of the major inputs for the economic development of any country. In the
case of the developing countries, the energy sector assumes a critical importance in view of the
ever increasing energy needs requiring huge investments to meet them.
Energy is the ability to do work and work is the transfer of energy from one form to
another. In practical terms, energy is what we use to manipulate the world around us, whether by
exciting our muscles, by using electricity, or by using mechanical devices such as automobiles.
Energy comes in different forms - heat (thermal), light (radiant), mechanical, electrical, chemical,
and nuclear energy.

Energy can be classified into several types based on the following criteria:
• Primary and Secondary energy
• Commercial and Non commercial energy
• Renewable and Non-Renewable energy

Primary and Secondary Energy

Primary energy sources are those that are either found or stored in nature. Common
primary energy sources are coal, oil, natural gas, and biomass (such as wood). Other primary
energy sources available include nuclear energy from radioactive substances, thermal energy
stored in earth's interior, and potential energy due to earth's gravity. The major primary and
secondary energy sources are shown in Figure 1.1

Dept. Of EEE, SVCE, Dr K Sudheer Page 2

Energy Conservation & Management

Primary energy sources are mostly converted in industrial utilities into secondary energy
sources; for example coal, oil or gas converted into steam and electricity. Primary energy can also
be used directly. Some energy sources have non-energy uses, for example coal or natural gas can
be used as a feedstock in fertilizer plants.

Commercial Energy and Non Commercial Energy

Commercial Energy

The energy sources that are available in the market for a definite price are known as
commercial energy. By far the most important forms of commercial energy are electricity, coal
and refined petroleum products. Commercial energy forms the basis of industrial, agricultural,
transport and commercial development in the modern world. In the industrialized countries,
commercialized fuels are predominant source not only for economic production, but also for
many household tasks of general population.
Examples: Electricity, lignite, coal, oil, natural gas etc.

Dept. Of EEE, SVCE, Dr K Sudheer Page 3

Energy Conservation & Management

Non-Commercial Energy
The energy sources that are not available in the commercial market for a price are
classified as non-commercial energy. Non-commercial energy sources include fuels such as
firewood, cattle dung and agricultural wastes, which are traditionally gathered, and not bought at a
price used especially in rural households. These are also called traditional fuels. Non- commercial
energy is often ignored in energy accounting.
Example: Firewood, agro waste in rural areas; solar energy for water heating, electricity
generation, for drying grain, fish and fruits; animal power for transport, threshing, lifting water for
irrigation, crushing sugarcane; wind energy for lifting water and electricity generation.

Renewable and Non-Renewable Energy

Renewable energy is energy obtained from sources that are essentially inexhaustible.
Examples of renewable resources include wind power, solar power, geothermal energy, tidal
power and hydroelectric power (See Figure 1.2). The most important feature of renewable energy
is that it can be harnessed without the release of harmful pollutants.
Non-renewable energy is the conventional fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas, which are
likely to deplete with time.
ME 482 Energy Conservation & Management

Energy and Power

Energy is the ability to do a work. Its unit is Joule (J)
Energy = force * Distance
Power is defined as the rate of doing work. Its unit is watt (W)

Relation Between Energy and Power

Energy = Power * Time

Example 1.1

A portable machine requires a force of 200N to move it. How much work is done if the
machine is moved 20m and what average power is utilized if the movement takes 25s?
Work done = force * distance
= 200N * 20m
= 4000 Nm or 4 kJ
Power = work done / time taken = 4000 J / 25 s = 160 J/s = 160 W

Present and Past Scenario of Primary Energy Resources In The World


Coal is the most abundant fossil fuel in the world. Coal reserves are available in almost every
country in the world. The largest coal reserves are available in the USA followed by Russia,
China, Australia and India. The global coal reserve was estimated to be 891.531 billion tones by
the end of 2013. But by the end of 2003, it was estimated to be 984.453 billion tones.
ME 482 Energy Conservation & Management

Crude Oil
The global proven crude oil reserve was estimated to be 1687 billion barrels by the end of
2013. But by the end of 2003, it was estimated to be 1147 billion barrels. Almost 48% of proven oil
reserves are in the Middle East countries. Saudi Arabia has the largest share of the reserve with 15.8%
followed by Russia and USA.

Natural Gas
Natural gas is a gaseous fossil fuel consisting primarily of methane but also includes small
quantities of ethane, propane, butane and pentane. Before natural gas can be used as a fuel, it
undergoes extensive processing for removing almost all constituents except methane. Natural gas
resources are large but they are highly concentrated in few countries. Iran has largest share (18.2%)
followed by Russia (16.8%) and Qatar (13.3%). India has only about 0.7% of global natural reserves.
The global proven natural gas reserve was estimated to be 176 trillion cubic meters by the end of
2003. But by the end of 2013, it was estimated to be 186 trillion cubic meters.

National Energy Consumption Data

The primary energy consumption of some of the countries are given in table. It is seen that India’s
primary energy consumption is only 4.7% of the world (USA-18%, China-22%).
ME 482 Energy Conservation & Management

4.18% 1.52% 8.47% 1.33% 3.48% 4.18% 4.7%

Environmental Aspects Associated with energy utilization

The usage of energy resources in industry leads to environmental damages by polluting the
atmosphere. Few of examples of air pollution are sulphur dioxide (SO2), nitrous oxide (NOX) and
carbon monoxide (CO) emissions from boilers and furnaces, chloro-fluro carbons (CFC) emissions
from refrigerants use, etc. In chemical and fertilizers industries, toxic gases are released. Cement
plants and power plants spew out particulate matter.

Air Pollution

In both developed and rapidly industrializing countries, the major historic air pollution problem
has typically been high levels of smoke and SO2 arising from the combustion of sulphur-containing
fossil fuels such as coal for domestic and industrial purposes.

In both developed and developing countries, the major threat to clean air is now posed by
traffic emissions. Petrol- and diesel-engined motor vehicles emit a wide variety of pollutants,
principally carbon monoxide (CO), oxides of nitrogen (NOx), volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and
Energy Conservation & Management

particulates, which have an increasing impact on urban air quality.

In addition, photochemical reactions resulting from the action of sunlight on NO2 and VOCs
from vehicles leads to the formation of ozone, a secondary long-range pollutant, which impacts in
rural areas often far from the original emission site. Acid rain is another long-range pollutant
influenced by vehicle NOx emissions.

The principle pollutants produced by industrial, domestic and traffic sources are sulphur
dioxide, nitrogen oxides, particulate matter, carbon monoxide, ozone, hydrocarbons, benzene, 1,3-
butadiene, toxic organic micro pollutants, lead and heavy metals

Climate Change
Human activities, particularly the combustion of fossil fuels, have made the blanket of
greenhouse gases (water vapour, carbon dioxide, methane, ozone etc.) around the earth thicker. The
resulting increase in global temperature is altering the complex web of systems that allow life to thrive
on earth such as rainfall, wind patterns, ocean currents and distribution of plant and animal species.

Greenhouse Effect and Carbon Cycle

Life on earth is made possible by energy from the sun, which arrives mainly in the form of
visible light. About 30 percent of the sunlight is scattered back into space by outer atmosphere and the
balance 70 percent reaches the earth's surface, which reflects it in form of infrared radiation. The
escape of slow moving infrared radiation is delayed by the green house gases. A thicker blanket of
greenhouse gases traps more infrared radiation and increase the earth's temperature

Carbon dioxide is responsible for 60 percent of the "enhanced greenhouse effect". Humans are
burning coal, oil and natural gas at a rate that is much faster than the rate at which these fossil fuels
were created. This is releasing the carbon stored in the fuels into the atmosphere and upsetting the
carbon cycle (a precise balanced system by which carbon is exchanged between the air, the oceans and
land vegetation taking place over millions of years). Currently, carbon dioxide levels in the
atmospheric are rising by over 10 percent every 20 years.
Energy Conservation & Management

The effects of increase in the earth's temperature are as follows:

 Severe Storms and Flooding

 Food Shortages
 Reduced Freshwater supply
 Loss of Biodiversity
 Increased Diseases

Acid Rain

Acid rain is caused by release of SOX and NOX from combustion of fossil fuels, which then
mix with water vapour in atmosphere to form sulphuric and nitric acids respectively.

The effects of acid rain are as follows:

• Acidification of lakes, streams, and soils
• Direct and indirect effects (release of metals, For example: Aluminum which washes away
plant nutrients)
• Killing of wildlife (trees, crops, aquatic plants, and animals)
• Decay of building materials and paints, statues, and sculptures
• Health problems (respiratory, burning- skin and eyes)

Energy Auditing
As per the Energy Conservation Act, 2001, Energy Audit is defined as "the verification,
monitoring and analysis of use of energy including submission of technical report containing
recommendations for improving energy efficiency with cost benefit analysis and an action
plan to reduce energy consumption".
Energy Conservation & Management

The objective of Energy Management is to achieve and maintain optimum energy procurement and
utilization, throughout the organization and:

To minimize energy costs / waste without affecting production & quality

To minimize environmental effects.

Energy Audit: Needs

In any industry, the three top operating expenses are often found to be energy (both
electrical and thermal), labour and materials. If one were to relate to the manageability of the
cost or potential cost savings in each of the above components, energy would invariably
emerge as a top ranker, and thus energy management function constitutes a strategic area for
cost reduction. Energy Audit will help to understand more about the ways energy and fuel are
used in any industry, and help in identifying the areas where waste can occur and where scope
for improvement exists.
The Energy Audit would give a positive orientation to the energy cost reduction, preventive
maintenance and quality control programmes which are vital for production and utility
activities. Such an audit programme will help to keep focus on variations which occur in the
energy costs, availability and reliability of supply of energy, decide on appropriate energy mix,
identify energy conservation technologies, retrofit for energy conservation equipment etc.
In general, Energy Audit is the translation of conservation ideas into realities, by lending
technically feasible solutions with economic and other organizational considerations within a
specified time frame.

The primary objective of Energy Audit is to determine ways to reduce energy consumption
per unit of product output or to lower operating costs. Energy Audit provides a " bench-mark"
(Reference point) for managing energy in the organization and also provides the basis for
planning a more effective use of energy throughout the organization.
Energy Conservation & Management

Energy Audit: Types

Type of Energy Audit

The type of Energy Audit to be performed depends on:
.Function and type of industry
.Depth to which final audit is needed, and
.Potential and magnitude of cost reduction desired

Thus Energy Audit can be classified into the following two types.
i) Preliminary Audit
ii) Detailed Audit

Preliminary Energy Audit Methodology

Preliminary energy audit is a relatively quick exercise to:

• Establish energy consumption in the organization
• Estimate the scope for saving
• Identify the most likely (and the easiest areas for attention
• Identify immediate (especially no-/low-cost) improvements/ savings
• Set a 'reference point'
• Identify areas for more detailed study/measurement
• Preliminary energy audit uses existing, or easily obtained data

Detailed Energy Audit Methodology

A comprehensive audit provides a detailed energy project implementation plan for a
facility, since it evaluates all major energy using systems.
This type of audit offers the most accurate estimate of energy savings and cost. It
considers the interactive effects of all projects, accounts for the energy use of all major
equipment, and includes detailed energy cost saving calculations and project cost.
In a comprehensive audit, one of the key elements is the energy balance. This is based
on an inventory of energy using systems, assumptions of current operating conditions and
calculations of energy use. This estimated use is then compared to utility bill charges.
Energy Conservation & Management

Detailed energy auditing is carried out in three phases: Phase I, II and III.

Phase I - Pre Audit Phase

Phase II - Audit Phase
Phase III - Post Audit Phase

Phase I -Pre Audit Phase Activities

A structured methodology to carry out an energy audit is necessary for efficient working.
An initial study of the site should always be carried out, as the planning of the procedures
necessary for an audit is most important.

Initial Site Visit and Preparation Required for Detailed Auditing

An initial site visit may take one day and gives the Energy Auditor/Engineer an
opportunity to meet the personnel concerned, to familiarize him with the site and to assess the
procedures necessary to carry out the energy audit.
During the initial site visit the Energy Auditor/Engineer should carry out the following
actions: -
• Discuss with the site's senior management the aims of the energy audit.
• Discuss economic guidelines associated with the recommendations of the audit.
• Analyze the major energy consumption data with the relevant personnel.
• Obtain site drawings where available - building layout, steam distribution, compressed air
distribution, electricity distribution etc.
• Tour the site accompanied by engineering/production

The main aims of this visit are: -

• To finalize Energy Audit team
• To identify the main energy consuming areas/plant items to be surveyed during the audit.
• To identify any existing instrumentation/ additional metering required.
• To decide whether any meters will have to be installed prior to the audit eg. kWh, steam,
oil or gas meters.
Energy Conservation & Management

• To identify the instrumentation required for carrying out the audit.

• To plan with time frame
• To collect macro data on plant energy resources, major energy consuming centers
• To create awareness through meetings/ programme

Phase II- Detailed Energy Audit Activities

Depending on the nature and complexity of the site, a comprehensive audit can take from
several weeks to several months to complete. Detailed studies to establish, and investigate,
energy and material balances for specific plant departments or items of process equipment are
carried out. Whenever possible, checks of plant operations are carried out over extended
periods of time, at nights and at weekends as well as during normal daytime working hours, to
ensure that nothing is overlooked.
The audit report will include a description of energy inputs and product outputs by major
department or by major processing function, and will evaluate the efficiency of each step of the
manufacturing process. Means of improving these efficiencies will be listed, and at least a
preliminary assessment of the cost of the improvements will be made to indicate the expected
pay- back on any capital investment needed. The audit report should conclude with specific
recommendations for detailed engineering studies and feasibility analyses, which must then be
per- formed to justify the implementation of those conservation measures that require

The information to be collected during the detailed audit includes: -

1. Energy consumption by type of energy, by department, by major items of process
equipment, by end-use
2. Material balance data (raw materials, intermediate and final products, recycled
materials, use of scrap or waste products, production of by-products for re-use in other
industries, etc.)
3. Energy cost and tariff data
4. Process and material flow diagrams
Energy Conservation & Management

5. Generation and distribution of site services (eg. compressed air, steam).

6. Sources of energy supply (e.g. electricity from the grid or self-generation)
7. Potential for fuel substitution, process modifications, and the use of co-generation
systems (combined heat and power generation).
8. Energy Management procedures and energy awareness training programs within the

Energy Audit -Methodology

A comprehensive ten-step methodology for conduct of Energy Audit at field level is presented below.
Energy Manager and Energy Auditor may follow these steps to start with and add/change as per their
needs and industry types.
ME 482 Energy Conservation & Management

FARIS K.K (AP/EEE) Al-Ameen Engineering College, Shornur

ME 482 Energy Conservation & Management
ME 482 Energy Conservation & Management

Barriers to Energy Conservation

Traditional energy prices are understated because they do not include the health, social, and
environmental costs of using fuels. For example, gasoline prices do not take into account the costs
associated with military requirements to protect access to oil sources, global warming, acid rain, and
adverse health effects. This is an institutional barrier to increasing energy efficiency. Some of the key
barriers to achieving increased efficiency are listed below.

Lack of Objective Consumer Information

Efficiency claims in the market place are often made by competing manufacturers, without an
objective third party to evaluate the actual efficiency claims.

Failure of Consumers to Make Optimal Energy-Efficiency Decisions

Consumers often choose the least expensive appliance, rather than the appliance that will save
them money over the long term; consumers are also often confused about efficiency ratings and
efficiency improvements.

Replacement Market Decisions Based on Availability Rather Than Efficiency

Decisions concerning replacement of worn out or broken equipment are made without energy
efficiency as a high priority. Usually, the primary concern for the consumer is restoring service as
quickly as possible. This requires buying whatever equipment the plumbing or heating contractor may
have on hand.

Energy Prices do not take into Account the Full Environmental or Societal Costs

External costs associated with public health, energy production, global warming, acid rain, air
pollution, energy security, or reliability of supply are usually ignored.
ME 482 Energy Conservation & Management

Competition for Capital to Make Energy-Efficiency Investments

Energy-efficiency investments in the commercial and industrial sectors often must compete
with other business investments; therefore, efficiency investments with a payback of more than 3 years
are avoided.

The Separation of Building Ownership from Utility Bill Responsibility

Renters will rarely make energy-efficiency investments in buildings that they do not own,
especially when the utilities are included in the rent.

Commercial Buildings and Retail Space are Usually Built on Speculation with Low First-
Cost a Priority

The building’s long-term operation cost, which is usually paid by the tenant(s) rather than the
owner, is not important to the speculator/builder.

Role of Energy Managers

“The tasks of energy manger are setting goals, tracking progress, and promoting the energy
management program. An Energy Manager helps an organization achieve its goals by
establishing energy performance as a core value.”

The Energy Manager is not always an expert in energy and technical systems. Successful
Energy Manager understands how energy management helps the organization achieve its financial and
environmental goals and objectives. Depending on the size of the organization, the Energy Manager
role can be a full-time position or an addition to other responsibilities.
ME 482 Energy Conservation & Management

Energy Manager: Responsibilities and Duties to be Assigned Under The Energy

Conservation Act, 2001.


• Prepare an annual activity plan and present to management concerning financially attractive
investments to reduce energy costs

• Establish an energy conservation cell within the firm with management's consent about the mandate
and task of the cell.

• Initiate activities to improve monitoring and process control to reduce energy costs.

• Analyze equipment performance with respect to energy efficiency

• Ensure proper functioning and calibration of instrumentation required to assess level of energy
consumption directly or indirectly.

• Prepare information material and conduct internal workshops about the topic for other staff.

• Improve disaggregating of energy consumption data down to shop level or profit center of a firm.

• Establish a methodology how to accurately calculate the specific energy consumption of various
products/services or activity of the firm.

• Develop and manage training programme for energy efficiency at operating levels.

• Co-ordinate nomination of management personnel to external programs.

ME 482 Energy Conservation & Management

• Create knowledge bank on sectoral, national and inter-national development on energy efficiency
technology and management system and information denomination

• Develop integrated system of energy efficiency and environmental up gradation.

• Co-ordinate implementation of energy audit/efficiency improvement projects through external


• Establish and/or participate in information exchange with other energy managers of the same sector
through association


• Report to BEE and State level Designated Agency once a year the information with regard to the
energy consumed and action taken on the recommendation of the accredited energy auditor, as per
BEE Format.

• Establish an improved data recording, collection and analysis system to keep track of energy

• Provide support to Accredited Energy Audit Firm retained by the company for the conduct of energy

• Provide information to BEE as demanded in the Act, and with respect to the tasks given by a
mandate, and the job description.

• Prepare a scheme for efficient use of energy and its conservation and implement such scheme
keeping in view of the economic stability of the investment in such form and manner as may be
provided in the regulations of the Energy Conservation Act.
ME 482 Energy Conservation & Management

Energy Audit Instruments

Electrical Measuring Instruments:
These are instruments for measuring major
electrical parameters such as kVA, kW, PF,
Hertz, kVAr, Amps and Volts. In addition
some of these instruments also measure

These instruments are applied on-line i.e

on running motors without any need to
stop the motor. Instant measurements can
be taken with hand-held meters, while
more advanced ones facilitates cumulative
readings with print outs at specified

Combustion analyzer:
This instrument has in-built chemical cells
which measure various gases such as O2, CO,
NOX and SOX.

Fuel Efficiency Monitor:

This measures oxygen and temperature of the
flue gas. Calorific values of common fuels
are fed into the microprocessor which calcu-
lates the combustion efficiency.

A hand bellow pump draws the flue gas
sample into the solution inside the fyrite. A
chemical reaction changes the liquid volume
revealing the amount of gas. A separate fyrite
can be used for O2 and CO2 measurement.
ME 482 Energy Conservation & Management

Contact thermometer:
These are thermocouples which measures for
example flue gas, hot air, hot water tempera-
tures by insertion of probe into the stream.

For surface temperature, a leaf type probe is

used with the same instrument.

Infrared Thermometer:
This is a non-contact type measurement
which when directed at a heat source directly
gives the temperature read out. This instru-
ment is useful for measuring hot spots in
furnaces, surface temperatures etc.

Pitot Tube and manometer:

Air velocity in ducts can be measured using
a pitot tube and inclined manometer for fur-
ther calculation of flows.

Water flow meter:

This non-contact flow measuring device
using Doppler effect / Ultra sonic principle.
There is a transmitter and receiver which are
positioned on opposite sides of the pipe. The
meter directly gives the flow. Water and other
fluid flows can be easily measured with this
Speed Measurements:
In any audit exercise speed measurements are
critical as thay may change with frequency,
belt slip and loading.

A simple tachometer is a contact type instru-

ment which can be used where direct access
is possible.

More sophisticated and safer ones are non

contact instruments such as stroboscopes.

Tachometer Stroboscope

Leak Detectors:
Ultrasonic instruments are available which
can be used to detect leaks of compressed air
and other gases which are normally not pos-
sible to detect with human abilities.

Lux meters:
Illumination levels are measured with a lux
meter. It consists of a photo cell which sens-
es the light output, converts to electrical
impulses which are calibrated as lux.

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