Adobe Scan 11-Jul-2021
Adobe Scan 11-Jul-2021
Adobe Scan 11-Jul-2021
7STEE Y oTRTR s is
hTRE is to
Gride Sheet eum Certificate of Terlorman46aR577
certity that NILESH
tr certity that
NILt KUMAR0 niay Rolt No 7159
en RRs/Father'
s/Guaraisn's Name
of Bith
fRTerera Schoet 11/01 000 11TH
2t TE
TR V has performed as foltows HILESH KUMA
1. arrr
RTe Academic R09-3011
Performance Part-1 terr eA Scholastic Areas
Subjeg Code and Name sradte
25617 Cinss X
A4A Grade Grae
Sayect indicagie
ws micatve saluet
percentpeage of maris G
Additionai Ovarall
aR h (
) Cumulathve Grade Polnt Average 9.0
au 511G7 (yyen)
SIThe T (CaPA) X-A2 X- A1
2 () (A) han are ife Skilts Grade in Assessment of Speaking a ls ( L)
97 Part-2: ME Co-schaliastic Ar
Life Skills 1 Class M Cless
qUHTST3 ecr Descriptive In ade Identifies personal strerngths and weaknesses, evaluates information and
Easily identifies personal strengths and weaknesses and
uses them to arrive at
meaningrul decisions, raises questions, capable of independent thinking, nas
A chooses appropriate alternatives, arrives at innovative and
Thiniaino Skills exceptional problem- solving and decision- making skills. solutions to problems.
B) 1 T Viork
Education and is
very punctual
with excellent grasp-of any assignment
Innovaüve, with excellent grasp of any
very punctual the
in innovative,
the completion of set task, self-motivated, empathetic, inspires others and
completion of any assigned task, self-motivated, empathetic, inspires others and A
Visual and Performing Arts:
Participates actively in artistic activities at different levels, entiusiasticallyA
Participates actlvely in artistic activities at different levels, enthusiastically plansA
plans and conducts creativo events, very observant, displays an aesthetic,
a sreandconducts creative events, very observant,displaysan aesthetic,innovative
innovative approach to the appreciation and understanding of different art
Visua and approach to the appreciation and understanding of different art forms.
Pertorming Arts forms.
Very courteous to teachers and elders, adheresto schoolrules,sincere and Very courteousto teachers and elders, has a positive attitude towards
helpful towards teachers, has a positive attitude to leárning, communicates learning and adheres to school and class norms, communicates effectiveiy
easily with and corfides in teachers, accepts feedback and criticism positively with teachers and takes feedback and criticism with positivity.
Expresses ideas and opinions with clarity,is sensitiveand supportive towards A Sensitive and supportive towards peersand differently-abled schooimates A
peers and differently-abled schoolmates, receptive to new ideas and expresses ideas and opinions with clarity in a group, receptive to new
suggestions, inspires others and manages diversity well. opinions and suggestions, displays sensitivity to differences.
Enthuslastic, shoulders responsiblityreadily and 1s a keen participantin varlous"A Punctual and takes partin school programmes regulariy, possesses A
taurea school programmes, po5sesses leadership qualities, inspires others, concerned leadership qualities and displays team spirit, motivates and inspires others
SR HYdR about the environment. Participates in related events. to participate. Respects school property and takes pride in the school.
oorogramres &
EnvironTient Understands value systems, abides by ruiesand regulations. Ethical and always A Abides by rules and understands value systems. Honest, courteous towards
courteous towards peers and elders, respects the national tlag and symbols, peers and elders, and has leadership qualities. Respects the nanonal Tiag
sensitive to diversity and shows enmpathy towards the disadvantaged. and symbols, sensitive to diversity, is empatheic towards the
Value Systems
Part-3 E VicioN DUUN Go-Curicutar Activitias
3 ( A ) EE Te E Co-Curricular Activities:
U9 Activity
Uierary and Creative Shili Actively plans and paricipatesin literary and creative events such as debates, Plans, organizesand actively participates inliterary and creative evenls at A
reative writing, declamation etc. at different leveis, has excellent literary skills, various levels, writes shoit stories, litarary criticism and composes poems,
an avid reader, creative and collaborates easily with peers. an avid reader and displays a high level of interpretative skills.
rganizateonal and An active member of various clubs, participates in activities at the intra- and Is an active member of various ciubs, Cemonstrates initiaive and
Leadershp Skalis inter- mural events, co-ordinates Leam events, has good organizational and enthusias1n for planning and organizing events at different levels,
leadership qualities, is very observant and an active listener
possesses good organizational and ieadership skils, a team worker,
delivers assigned jobs effectively and punctually
a(aya) tarer qe erta R41 Health and Physical Education :
Spotaindigenous Good in an identified sport and represents the school at various levels, has
A Talented in an identified sport, represents the school at various ieveis, has A
Sporte(Kd h o E
excellent hand-eye co-ordination, exhibits agilily, endurance and flexibility, stamina, strength and flexibility with good nand- eye coordination, displays
demonstrates sporing skills, leam spirit and determinaticn to excel. team spirit, discipline and punctuality.
Gardening/ Shramdaan1S aware O ypes of u e plarnts and tie ime of the year during which they are
B Shows enthusiasm for gardening/'shramdaan tasks assigned and ready t o A
grown. Shows keen lntorest in gardening and can look after plants well, Enjoys work with hands. Has basic knowiedge of types of plants, gardening tools
and exhibits a desire to learn. Readily takes part in shramdaan. and the time of the year during which they are to be plantedgrown.
f ot Beihi
TE5 Daced 28-05-20155 RpTRE Princip Controler of Examinatins
Ekelaxya cheationat Camplex
Palanga, Ratna-B04453