CHP 33 Revised

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Cleaning and maintenance of eating establishment: Essentials for

food safety

Chapter · December 2018


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1 author:

Puja Dudeja
Armed Forces Medical College


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Cleaning and Maintenance of Eating Establishments 275

Cleaning and Maintenance of
Eating Establishment
Puja Dudeja, Amarjeet Singh

Last Sunday I went with my family to a visit a restaurant. FBO generally ensure that
popular franchise outlet of international food the service area or the place where people sit
chain. To my surprise I was offered something and eat is clean. However, it is the hygiene of
different which is not routinely in the menu: cooking area, which is cost cutting often
A free kitchen tour!!!. We gladly accepted the neglected. Reasons are many. Small time FBOs
proposal. All of us were given shoe covers, wish to spend less and their endeavor is to
masks and cap for visiting the kitchen. We employ same people for cooking and cleaning
were glad to see the state of art equipment and activities. Alongside they want to spend
impressed by the standard of hygiene and minimum time in maintenance. In addition,
cleanliness inside the kitchen. this is generally a hidden area from
Clearly the idea was that the Food Business customer’s eyes.
Operator (FBO)/Eating Establishment (EE) However, with changing times beside the
wished to flaunt its good hygiene to promote pricing and taste the consumers demand food
itself. safety along with aesthetics and ambience of
Another experience I would like to share at the eating establishment.
this moment is that of a restaurant were I went Cleaning of EE involve removal of soil, food
for lunch last month. The kitchen was next to residue, dirt, grease or other objectionable
the serving area with a glass door where the matter. Separate cleaning materials, including
customer could see the food handlers working cloths, sponges and mops should be used for
inside! This is a total contrast to other eating the designated clean area. Use of disposable,
establishments where a board stating ‘Entry single-use cloths is recommended wherever
of outsiders is not allowed inside’ is placed to possible. Effective cleaning is essential to get
ensure, no visitor barges inside kitchen rid of harmful bacteria and stop them
premises for a surprise check on hygiene and spreading to food. Water alone is not a very
cleanliness of cooking area. efficient cleaning agent because of its high
It is well said that cleanliness is next to surface tension. Adding of detergent to water
godliness. Whether it is a cloth/shoe/bag shop facilitates the contact between water and
or an eating outlet a customer prefers to visit surface soil. The detergents enable water to
a shop which is tidy and clean. Consumers penetrate soil by lowering the surface tension.
expect that premises are germ-free when they A good detergent should be able to soften

276 Food Safety Implementation: Farm to Fork

water completely, completely soluble in facturer’s instructions, and then rinsing with
water, non-corrosive to surfaces (metals and drinking water. Sanitisers, have both cleaning
buildings), non-toxic and biodegradable and and disinfection properties in a single product,
economical in use. It should have good but cleaning and disinfecting process must
wetting or penetrating ability, emulsifying still be carried out as above to ensure the
ability on fat, dissolving ability on food solids, sanitiser works effectively, that is, to first
deflocculating, dispersing or suspending provide a clean surface and then again to
ability, good rinsing properties and scale and disinfect. Disinfection may be necessary after
rust removing properties. cleaning in high hygiene areas. Cleaning and
The types of chemical compounds used to disinfection programmes shall be continually
achieve the functions of cleaning described and effectively monitored for their suitability
above are: and effectiveness once in six months and
1. Alkalis and alkaline salts: Sodium hyd- records maintained. Cleaning and disinfection
roxide, sodium carbonate (soda ash), schedule in an eating establishment as given
sodium metasilicate by FSSAI are given in Tables 33.1 to 33.5
2. Surface active agents: Aryl sulphonates (Source: Food Safety and Standards Authority of
3. Sequestering agents: are EDTA (ethy- India). Disinfection methods are of two types:
lenediamitnetraacetic acid), NTA (nitrilo- 1. Non-chemical disinfection methods like
triacetic acid) heat/steam: Expensive, impractical
4. Inhibitors (anti-corrosive agents): Silicates 2. Chemical disinfection methods: Com-
monly used disinfectants
5. Acids: Phosphoric acid, nitric acid, sul-
phuric acid and hydrochloric acid, The There are a large number of disinfectants,
organic acids used are gluconic acid, each claimed to be the best on the market.
tartaric acid, citric acid, acetic acid and Nevertheless, the only ones suitable for the
sulphamic acid. food industry contain chemicals of one of the
following groups:
6. Fillers: Sodium chloride or sodium sul-
phate • Chlorine and chlorine-releasing com-
Disinfection is the killing of infectious
agents outside the body by direct exposure to • Quarternary ammonium compounds
chemical or physical agents. Disinfection • Amphoteric (ampholytic) compounds
reduces the number of microorganisms in the • Phenolic compounds
environment, to a level that does not com- • Peracetic acid
promise food safety or suitability. Disinfection Chlorine is the most effective disinfectant
can be used to destroy bacteria from surfaces. available and sodium (or calcium) hypo-
However, chemical disinfectants only work if chlorite is a cheap disinfectant commonly in
surfaces have been thoroughly cleaned first use. The hypochlorites have a characteristic
to remove grease and other dirt. For effective smell produced by free hypochlorous acid
disinfection, it is important to first clean the which is considered to be the germicidally
surface by and remove visible dirt, food active form of chlorine. A practical disad-
particles and debris, and then rinse to remove vantage of sodium hypochlorite is the risk of
any residue. After this step, application of a corrosion to all common metals (especially
disinfectant is done using the correct dilution aluminium and galvanized iron), except
and contact time, according to the manu- perhaps high quality stainless steel. Other
Cleaning and Maintenance of Eating Establishments 277

Table 33.1: Cleaning of structure

Component Least frequency Equipment and Method

Floors except End of each day Brooms, damp 1. Sweep the area and remove debris
wash room or as required mops, brushes, 2. Apply detergent and mop the area
sanitizers detergents, 3. Use scrub for extra soil
4. Rinse thoroughly with water
5. Remove water with mop
Walls, doors, Fortnightly or Clean wiping 1. Remove dry soil
ceiling, as required clothes (one 2. Rub with wet cloth or rinse with
ventilators time use) brushes water
fans and and detergents 3. Apply detergent and wash
exhaust fans 4. Wipe with wet cloth or rinse with
5. Air dry
Air As per manufacturers maintenance manual
Desert coolers Fortnightly or Water, mop 1. Remove water
as required 2. Rub with cloth or rinse with water
3. When not in use remove water and
keep dry
Washroom Once every 4 hours Brooms, damp 1. Sweep the area
mops, brushes, 2. Apply detergent and mop the area
detergents, 3. Use scrub for extra soil
sanitizers 4. Rinse thoroughly with water
5. Remove water with mop
Store End of each day or Brooms and 1. Sweep the area
as required camp mops 2. Mop the area
3. Use scrub for extra soil
4. Air dry
Water storage Once in six Clean wiping 1. Remove foreign matter and tank
month clothes (one time 2. Rub with wet cloth or rinse with
use), detergents, water
sanitizers soil 3. Apply detergent and wash
4. Rinse with water and sterilizer
5. Air dry
Insect Once in a week Clean wiping 1. Remove insects and other foreign
Electrocuting or as required clothes (one matter
devices time use) 2. Rub with wet cloth
3. Reinstall insectocutors
Waste bins End of each Water, clean wiping 1. Remove foreign material and soil
and waste day or as required clothes (one time 2. Rub with wet cloth and rinse with
areas use), detergents water
3. Apply detergent and wash
4. Air dry
278 Food Safety Implementation: Farm to Fork

Table 33.1: Cleaning of structure (Contd.)

Component Least frequency Equipment and Method
Parking and End of each day Water 1. Sweep the area and remove debris
open spaces or as required 2. Wash parking space thoroughly
with water
Street lanes End of each day Water or mop 1. Sweep the area and remove debris
and other or as required 2. Wash thoroughly with water
public places
or the common
part of build-
ing which are
adhering and
or nearby
food premises

Table 33.2: Cleaning of food contact surfaces

Component Least frequency Equipment and Method
Work tables After use Clean wiping clothes 1. Remove food debris and soil
(one time use), 2. Rub with wet cloth or rinse with
detergents, sanitizers water
3. Apply detergent and wash
4. Wipe with wet cloth or rinse
with water
5. Apply sanitizer
6. Air dry
Sinks After each use Running water, 1. Remove food debris and soil
detergents, 2. Rinse with water and or

Table 33.3: Cleaning of equipment

Component Least Equipment and Method
frequency chemicals
Utensils, cutting boards, After use Clean wiping cloths 1.Remove food debris and soil
knives, other cooking- (one time use), 2.Rinse with water
equipment, service ware, brushes, detergents 3.Apply detergent and wash
crockery, and cutlery and sanitizers 4.Rinse with water
5.Apply sanitizer
6.Air dry

Cleaning and Maintenance of Eating Establishments 279

Table 33.3: Cleaning of equipment (Contd.)

Component Least Equipment and Method
frequency chemicals

Food processing- As per manufacturers cleaning and maintenance manual

vending machines
Refrigerators, freezers and Weekly or Clean wiping 1.Remove food debris and soil
storage areas, refrigerated as required cloths (one time 2.Rub with wet cloth or rinse
display counters use), brushes with water
and detergents 3.Apply detergent and wash
4.Wipe with wet cloth or rinse
with water
5.Dry with clean cloths/air dry

Table 33.4: Cleaning of hand contact surfaces

Component Least Equipment and Method
frequency chemicals

Doors and door Daily Damp cloths and 1. Remove debris

knobs detergents 2. Apply detergent
3. Rinse or wipe with damp cloths
4. Dry with paper towels/air dry
Upholstery Daily Clean wiping cloths 1. Remove food debris and soil
(one time use), 2. Wipe with dry cloth
Fortnightly or steam/chemicals 1. Remove debris
as and when 2. Apply chemicals
required 3. Vacuum dry

Table 33.5: Cleaning of furniture and decorative items

Component Least Equipment and Method
frequency chemicals
Chairs and tables, Fortnightly or Clean Wiping cloths 1. Remove dry soil
reception and as required (One time use), 2. Rub with wet cloth or rinse
cashcounters, brushes and with water
displaycounters detergents 3. Apply detergent and wash
held at ambient 4. Wipe with wet cloth or rinse
temperature with water
5. Air dry
Paintings, Artificial Fortnightly or Clean wiping cloths 1. Remove dry soil
plants and as required (One time use), 2. Wipe with wet cloth
decorations brushes and 3. Air dry
Plants Daily Washing Water
280 Food Safety Implementation: Farm to Fork

chlorine-releasing compounds are chlo- The choice of disinfectants will normally

ramines (chloramine T) and chloroisocyanu- depend on several factors, one often being the
rates. supply situation when the more specific
Quarternary ammonium compounds are disinfectants are marketed by only a single or a
surface active agents which are free of odour few companies. Expenditure on disinfectants
and colour, are highly stable and have little will also be important and the cost must be
corrosive action on metals when used in compared to the characteristics of the disin-
recommended concentrations. They are more fectant before a choice is made. The previous
expensive than hypochlorites. Utensils and cleaning programme should also be considered.
equipment should be thoroughly rinsed after A disinfectant will never assure a demanded
applying these compounds as disinfectants hygienic level without previous cleaning.
because of possible toxic effects. The choice will often be hypochlorites that
are inexpensive disinfectants with a good
Amphoteric compounds are essentially
germicidal effect. Precautions to prevent
alkyl or acyl amino acids. They combine
corrosion of the surfaces and to prevent
detergent and disinfectant properties. They
development of toxic gases, i.e. to prevent the
are of low toxicity, are non-corrosive and are
possibility of mixing hypochlorites and acids,
should be taken.
Phenolic compounds are not generally As per the FSSA 2006, food premises, their
suitable for use in the food industry. Some fixtures, fittings, equipment and utensils shall
halogenated phenol derivatives can be used be maintained clean, and in a good state of
in the meat industry. They are effective against repair and working condition. A well-plan-
spores, viruses, moulds and gram-positive ned, well-executed and controlled cleaning
and gram-negative bacteria. They are corrosive and sanitation programme for eating estab-
and can irritate the skin of personnel. lishment (service area, kitchen, equipment,
A quite new disinfectant is a mixture of utensils) is very important to achieve a
peracetic acid, hydrogen peroxide and acetic hygienic standard. Cleaning and sanitation
acid, which is stable and is effective against alone, however, will not assure a hygienic
bacteria, spores, yeasts, moulds and viruses. standard in production as process hygiene as
The active agent is peracetic acid. The mixture well as personal hygiene are also equally
is non-corrosive. important factors

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