Bookofrandomtables Ancientworld
Bookofrandomtables Ancientworld
Bookofrandomtables Ancientworld
Random Tables
Written by
Matt Davids
Contents copyright © 2021 dicegeeks. All rights reserved. All images in the public domain.
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Table of Contents
How to Use this Book.............................................................................................5
Encounters and Items on a Battlefield...................................................................16
and Odd Jobs
Rumors and Odd Jobs......................................................................................18-20
Assyrian Female Names.............................................................................22
Assyrian Male Names.................................................................................23
Babylonian Female Names.........................................................................24
Babylonian Male Names.............................................................................25
Egyptian Female Names #1.......................................................................26
Egyptian Female Names #2.......................................................................27
Egyptian Male Names #1...........................................................................28
Egyptian Male Names #2..........................................................................29
Greek Female Names #1............................................................................30
Greek Female Names #2............................................................................31
Greek Female Names #3............................................................................32
Greek Male Names #1................................................................................33
Greek Male Names #2...............................................................................34
Greek Male Names #3................................................................................35
Greek Male Names #4...............................................................................36
Greek Male Names #5................................................................................37
Phoenician Female Names.........................................................................38
Phoenician Male Names.............................................................................39
Sumerian Female Names...........................................................................40
Sumerian Male Names...............................................................................41
NPC Jobs
NPC Jobs...................................................................................................43
Canaanite Deities.......................................................................................45
Egyptian Deities.........................................................................................45
Mesopotamian Deities...............................................................................46
Greek Deities..............................................................................................46
How to Use this Book
Like all of the other Books of Random Tables, The Book of Random Tables: Ancient World was created to help
gamemasters cut down their prep time. These random tables are geared to help GMs fill in details as they are
running sessions of a mythic role-playing game or games set in the ancient world.
These tables can be used during, before, or after a session to add flavor that is otherwise difficult to provide. It is
recommended that a GM use these tables during a session, so there is no need to spend time before the session.
While names from different ancient cultures are included, the random tables of items mainly focus on the Greek
culture. The Greek or the Homeric era is a popular setting for RPGs.
First you will find the section of Items & Things. Role-players want to search every room, closet, jar, and whatever
else they come across. These tables let you roll for details without telling your players there is nothing in the
room or spending time in preparation.
Next is a table of battlefield encounters and items. Again, a table like this adds details to a session without the
need for preparation beforehand.
Then there is a table of Rumors and Odd Jobs. Tables like these can be the gamemaster’s best friend. If you need
an idea or you need to feed your players story hooks, here they are ready to go.
Then come the names. Names are always frustrating. Players want to know every NPC’s name. Having a list at
hand is a lifesaver. Plus when was the last time you had an ancient Egyptian name on the tip of your tongue?
The last two sections provide jobs for NPCs and lists of deities for several different ancient cultures.
It is my certain hope that tables will augment your RPG sessions and enhance the experience for you and your
players. Now, have fun and write your own myths.
Matt Davids
1. Cilantro 51. Chickpeas
2. Kykeon 52. Sturgeon
3. Garon 53. Quinces
4. Donkey 54. Pork
5. Mint 55. Leeks
6. Broad beans 56. White wine
7. Olive oil 57. Spelt
8. Anchovies 58. Raisins
9. Plums 59. Salt
10. Chicken eggs 60. Prawns
11. Teganites 61. Wild hare meat
12. Boar 62. Eel
13. Celery 63. Cos lettuce
14. Yellow peas 64. Wheat flour
15. Goat cheese 65. Honey mead
16. Green peas 66. Swordfish
17. Acorns 67. Asparagus
18. Poultry 68. Squid
19. Dill 69. Cuttlefish
20. Rose wine 70. Cabbage
21. Oregano 71. Wheat
22. Mutton 72. Pheasant
23. Pepper 73. Pasteli
24. Beer 74. Bergamot oranges
25. Yellowfin tuna 75. Goose
26. Almonds 76. Honey
27. Carrots 77. Fennel
28. Goat milk 78. Figs
29. Barley flour 79. Rays
30. Crayfish 80. Arugula
31. Apple cider vinegar 81. Quail eggs
32. Red mullet 82. Sea bass
33. Thyme 83. Port wine
34. Cress 84. Barley
35. Sardines 85. Pears
36. Curdled milk 86. Olives
37. Wrasse 87. Goose eggs
38. Garlic 88. Cardoons
39. Chestnuts 89. Octopus
40. Snails 90. Bread
41. Cucumbers 91. Radishes
42. Sprat 92. Carob
43. Marrows 93. Lentils
44. Saffron 94. Red wine
45. Grapes 95. Turnips
46. Vinegar 96. Apples
47. Honey 97. Grouper
48. Goat meat 98. Venison
49. Walnuts 99. Beechnuts
50. Pomegranates 100. Jujubes
Items in a House
1. Copper bracelet 51. Large basket
2. Quern 52. Perfumed oil
3. Clay oil lamp 53. Pink dye
4. Goatskin bag 54. Map carved on a mud brick
5. Wool mat 55. Small basket
6. Leather sandals 56. Broom
7. Reed mat 57. Shears
8. Water jar 58. Brown dye
9. Mattress 59. Vase
10. Bronze oil lamp 60. Couch
11. Pottery (1D20, various) 61. Thread
12. Short tunic 62. Needle
13. Riding boots 63. Candles (1D6)
14. Goose feathers 64. Yellow dye
15. Footstool 65. Toy rattle
16. Wooden bed 66. Bucket
17. Gold earrings with garnet 67. Wooden bowl
18. Blue dye 68. Inflated pig’s bladder
19. Bronze earrings 69. Bronze bull statuette
20. Wooden chair 70. Lilies
21. Small pottery figures 71. Cypriot terracotta jug
22. Wood and leather folding seat 72. Wooden platter
23. Sword (hidden) 73. Silver spoon
24. Animal skin mat 74. Mirror (polished bronze)
25. Large water jar 75. Bronze ingot
26. Loom 76. Scythian lion head applique
27. Bloody rag 77. White lead powder
28. Wax 78. Roses
29. Water pitcher 79. Serving spoon
30. Oil jar 80. Shattered clay pot with strange writing
31. Barley jar 81. Wide-brimmed hat
32. Bowl for washing hands 82. Astrolabe
33. Cooking pot 83. Ibex head earring
34. Large bowl for washing feet 84. Small leather pouch with four silver coins
35. Linen 85. Chamber pot
36. Ball of tied up rags 86. Parthian gold earrings
37. Dish with starburst decoration 87. Hobby horse
38. Drinking vessel 88. Bowl with food refuse
39. Papyrus manuscript 89. Statuette of Asclepius
40. Wheat jar 90. Doll
41. Cooking pan 91. Pouch with clay marbles
42. Bronze knife 92. Toy chariot
43. Gold hoop earrings 93. Knucklebones
44. Kylix decorated with bulls 94. Yo-yo-like toy
45. Fleece covering 95. Toy hoop
46. Salt bowl 96. Dried grass
47. Ivory scarab 97. Coin purse (empty)
48. Apulian ceramic gutto 98. Silver necklace
49. Firewood 99. Gnathian thistle cup
50. Serving bowl 100. Toy top
Items in a Market
1. Tin jewelry 51. Papyrus
2. Tea 52. Sandarac
3. Sage 53. Glass disk ingots (turquoise)
4. Egyptian weapons 54. Oak planks
5. Myrrh 55. Faience jewelry
6. Frankincense 56. Glass disk ingots (dark blue)
7. Orpiment 57. Silver jewelry
8. Olive wood 58. Sugar
9. Clay figurines 59. Amber
10. Linen 60. Shoes
11. Silk 61. Dates
12. Cedar planks 62. Lapis lazuli
13. Bronze swords 63. Faience beads
14. Farming tools 64. Ostrich eggshell vases
15. Clothing 65. Wooden figurines
16. Olives 66. pistachio nuts
17. Pork 67. Amethyst
18. Turtle shells 68. Bread
19. Clay vessels 69. Pine resin
20. Cheese 70. Wine
21. Seashells 71. Gypsum
22. Bronze jewelry 72. Glass disk ingots (yellow)
23. Greek pottery 73. Mesopotamian pottery
24. Jewels 74. Ivory figurines
25. Murex shells 75. Sycamore planks
26. Grapes 76. Olives
27. Fir planks 77. Turquoise
28. African weapons 78. Beer
29. Glass jewelry 79. Hyssop
30. Figs 80. Pomegranates
31. Glass beads 81. Glass disk ingots (purple)
32. Pine planks 82. Cedar resin
33. Double axes 83. Nets
34. Cypress planks 84. Fragrances
35. Hats 85. Poultry
36. Mastic 86. Fishing tools
37. Sumac 87. Wooden boxes
38. Terebinth resin 88. Grain
39. Elephant tusks 89. Almonds
40. Cumin 90. Baltic amber
41. Rhino horns 91. Coriander
42. Cypriot pottery 92. Rabbit meat
43. Beef 93. Salt
44. Riding tack 94. Lamps
45. Olive oil 95. Tamarisk logs
46. Greek weapons 96. Honey
47. Saddles 97. Dates
48. Safflower 98. Jade
49. Laurel leaves 99. Gold jewelry
50. Rope 100. Woodworking tools
Items in a Palace
1. Fluted bowl with two handles
2. Seated statuette of the Egyptian god Serapis
3. Chlorite amphoriskos
4. Copper ingots (1D8)
5. Terracotta statuette of woman with bird face
6. Figure of a man with an oryx, a monkey, and a leopard skin
7. Cosmetic items
8. Blue faience flask
9. Combs (1D12)
10. Footed tripartite dish
11. Gold finger ring in the shape of a reef knot
12. Papyrus manuscript
13. Ivory horse blinker
14. Agate lentoid
15. Vessel terminating in the head of a ram
16. Terracotta kylix with flower design
17. Chlorite tripod
18. Perfume flask in the form of a hedgehog
19. Square jar
20. Heavy gold bracelet
21. Silver spoons (1D6)
22. Tiny gold birdcage pendant
23. Bronze sculpture of Venus loosening her sandal
24. Terracotta one-handled cup
25. Bronze ring (goddess with a staff)
26. Bronze razor
27. Honey (half jar)
28. Glass and gold necklace
29. Bronze shepherd’s crook
30. Cloak
31. Knife with an ivory handle
32. Aulos
33. Horse blinker carved with a seated sphinx
34. Bronze ring (rite at a seaside shrine)
35. Gold cup
36. Five interlocked bronze hoops
37. Lapis lazuli pendant
38. Amethyst pendant
39. Bronze and bone dagger
40. Bull’s head staff
41. Bronze basin
42. Gold ingots (1D6)
43. Seal stone (griffin with outstretched wings)
44. Chlorite lid of a vase
45. Emery (rock)
46. Bronze swords (1D10)
47. Plaque carved with two figures flanking a volute tree
48. Statuette of Apollo stringing his bow
49. Ceramic kylix
50. Bronze biconical cinerary urn
Items in a Palace
51. Luristan bronze horse bit with “Master of Animals”
52. Phiale
53. Terracotta askos in the form of a bird
54. Set of golden beads
55. Olive oil (full jar)
56. Gold-and-agate necklace
57. Gilt-silver ornament
58. Carnelian beads
59. Ornamented and painted ostrich eggs
60. Bronze disc with the head of Helios
61. Amphora with painted decoration
62. Seal stone (three reclining bulls)
63. Bull-man wrestling with a lion figurine
64. Terracotta chariot krater
65. Glass amphoriskos
66. Ivory plaque of a lioness biting man
67. Gold beads
68. Miniature chlorite bowl
69. Gold ring with lapis lazuli inlays
70. Phoenician scarab seal
71. Clay tablets (1D20, administrative records)
72. Ivory horse frontlet
73. Bronze ring (goddess with a mirror)
74. Dichroic glass
75. Gold pendant showing the Lord of the Animals
76. Semi-precious stones (1D10)
77. Quartz pendant
78. Scoop
79. Green jasper pendant
80. Phoenician bronze inscribed arrow-head
81. Gypsum figure of a noble lady
82. Ivory comb
83. Vase with a handle of a human-headed bull protome
84. Ivory panel of a winged sphinx
85. Ring decorated with cross hatched lines
86. Gold diadem decorated with chimeras and lions
87. Bronze statuette of the god Posiden
88. Large ceramic amphora
89. Griffin-decorated ivory plaque
90. Gold pendant shaped like an owl
91. Bronze ring (bull-leaper)
92. Jar handle with a seal impression
93. Amethyst beads
94. Carnelian pendant
95. Disk bead made from crystal
96. Necklace made of pearls and sapphires
97. Bronze four-nozzled lamp-stand
98. Bronze spearhead
99. Glass beads
100. Fine long tunic
Items in a Temple
1. Terracotta protomes
2. Ceramic dolphin symbol
3. Bronze standard top
4. Kylix
5. Spouted jar
6. Bronze female figurine thymiaterion
7. Gold pendant in the form of a bull’s head
8. Milk (half jar)
9. Bronze horses’ heads (1D4)
10. Terracotta vase in the form of a bull’s head
11. Flask with Egyptian hieroglyphic inscription
12. Cups (1D8)
13. Stone thymiaterion in the shape of a sphinx
14. Silver ingots (1D4)
15. Phoenician jug
16. Bronze bust of the goddess Isis
17. Terracotta pyxis
18. Five interconnecting golden rings
19. Ivory boxes (1D8)
20. Elongated breast ornament with human heads at both ends
21. Terracotta stirrup jar with octopus design
22. Rhyton terminating in the forepart of a wild cat
23. Terracotta standing human figure
24. Scarab seal with Osiris flanked by protective deities
25. Phoenician glass perfume jar
26. Tripod-bowls (1D6)
27. Terracotta larnax
28. Earrings
29. Ancient Egyptian scarabs (1D12)
30. Sleeping lady figurine
31. Phoenician carved scarab seal
32. Figure of Mercury seated on a rock
33. Figurines with Tanit symbols
34. Copper bracelet
35. Intricately carved gold ring
36. Agate vase
37. Terracotta stamp seal with Master of Animals
38. Copper ingot
39. Clay figurines (1D20)
40. Gold cup
41. Silver spoon with an apocalyptic Chrismon engraved in the centre
42. Gold and gemstone necklace
43. Papyrus texts (1D10)
44. Brazier
45. Silver lamp stand
46. Wine (half jar)
47. Bracelets (1D8)
48. Scarabs (1D20)
49. Sidonian white marble coffin
50. Terracotta conical rhyton
Items in a Temple
51. Sacred water (full bowl)
52. Gold bands
53. Head of a goddess wearing a necklace
54. Olive oil (full jar)
55. Bowls (1D4)
56. Bronze vessels (1D6)
57. Ceramic figurines (1D20)
58. Gold ornament with two chains ending in owl figurines
59. Snake goddess faience figurine
60. Spatula
61. Copper alloy bowl
62. Copper alloy statue of Harpocrates
63. Thymiaterion depicting mythological creatures
64. Ceramic hydria
65. Stone libation table
66. Phiale
67. Gold ceremonial headdress
68. Miniature limestone temple model
69. Bronze tablet
70. Aulos (bone)
71. Embossed gold cup with a rosette and spirals
72. Bronze tripod stand with a hammered ring and cast feet
73. Human-headed winged bull figurine
74. Bronze sculptures (1D4)
75. Terracotta zoomorphic askos with antlers
76. Bronze rod tripod
77. Amulets (1D10)
78. Bronze wheels (1D6)
79. Rhyton terminating in the forepart of a ram
80. Terracotta askos in the form of a fish
81. Cinerary urn
82. Terracotta masks (1D10)
83. Clay face of a Phoenician
84. Strainer
85. Cauldron
86. Bronze statuette of Venus with a dove on her head
87. Ladle
88. Terracotta plank-shaped figurine
89. Iron brazier
90. Ring inlaid with lapis lazuli
91. Carved ivory panel
92. Chlorite miniature jar
93. Wine (full jar)
94. White marble funerary stela inscribed in Phoenician script
95. Metal bowls
96. Clay calendar carving
97. Gypsum sculptures
98. Cup (bull’s head)
99. Gold medallions (1D6)
100. Plaque with horned lion-griffins
Ship’s Cargo
1. Oil lamps (1D20) 51. Persian helmet
2. Honey 52. Copper ingots (1D100)
3. Marble (1D20 slabs) 53. Cedar logs (1D20)
4. Pomegranates (1D100) 54. Clay figurines (1D20)
5. Mesopotamian cylinder seals (1D8) 55. Greek pottery (1D20)
6. Coriander 56. Cheese
7. Tin ingots (3D100) 57. Olives
8. Glass jewelry (3D20) 58. Olive oil (2D20 gallons)
9. Double axes (1D20) 59. Bronze sword
10. Faience beads (1D100 x 8) 60. Gold jewelry (1D6)
11. Figs 61. Hippopotamus teeth (1D20)
12. Khopesh 62. Cumin
13. Almonds 63. Sumac
14. Myrrh (1D4 lbs) 64. Grain
15. Murex shells (1D20) 65. Faience jewelry (1D20)
16. Riding tack 66. Iron knife
17. Bronze jewelry (1D8) 67. Fishing tools
18. Elephant tusks (1D4) 68. Silver jewelry (1D10)
19. Map to a ruined temple 69. Glass disk ingots (turquoise, 2D100)
20. Olive oil (1D100 gallons) 70. Ebony logs (2D20)
21. Lapis lazuli (1D12 lbs) 71. Basalt (1D20 lbs)
22. Tamarisk logs (2D20) 72. Sage
23. Mesopotamian pottery (2D20) 73. Phoenician sword (ivory/ebony handle)
24. Papyrus 74. Silver ingots (1D20)
25. Clay vessels (1D10) 75. Glass disk ingots (dark blue, 2D100)
26. Amethyst (1D8 lbs) 76. Grapes
27. Wine (1D100 bottles) 77. Balm of Gilead
28. Scrap gold jewelry 78. Galley wares
29. Meat 79. Hyssop
30. Pine resin 80. Tin ingots (1D100)
31. Gypsum (1D8 lbs) 81. Glass beads (5D100 x 10)
32. Linen (1D10 rolls) 82. Ostrich eggshell vases (1D6)
33. Bronze ingots (3D20) 83. Safflower
34. Gold ingots (1D10) 84. Baltic amber (1D4 lbs)
35. Seals (1D10) 85. Fir logs (2D20)
36. Limestone (1D10 slabs) 86. Amber (1D6 lbs)
37. Olives 87. Winged horse statuette (lapis lazuli)
38. Copper ingots (2D100) 88. Sandstone (1D12 slabs)
39. Wooden boxes (1D8) 89. Terebinth resin (1D8 lbs)
40. Pine logs (2D20) 90. Scrap silver jewelry
41. Bronze knife 91. Greek shield
42. Cobble ballast (1D100 x 10) 92. Balances (weights inaccurate)
43. Orpiment (1D10 lbs) 93. Glass disk ingots (purple, 2D100)
44. Cypriot pottery (1D12) 94. Tin jewelry (2D20)
45. Mastic 95. Italian sword
46. Frankincense (1D12 lbs) 96. Pistachio nuts
47. Acacia logs (1D20) 97. Balances (weights formed like animals)
48. Cedar resin 98. Saddles (1D6)
49. Sandarac 99. Glass disk ingots (yellow, 2D100)
50. Turquoise (1D10 lbs) 100. Sycamore logs (1D20)
Encounters and Items on a Battlefield
1. Wineskin (half full) 51. Leather strips (1D20)
2. Mud pits 52. Logs (1D10)
3. Pool of water 53. Burning siege weapon
4. Burning scroll 54. Greaves
5. A kettle of vultures 55. Bronze jug
6. Wounded soldier 56. Pile of bones
7. Drum 57. Overturned wagon
8. Muscle cuirass (pierced) 58. Bronze dagger
9. A murder of crows 59. Hard bread (1D6 loaves, scattered about)
10. Fallen banner 60. Dead ox
11. Pond with bloody water 61. Ransacked supply wagon
12. A man stripping the dead 62. Sling stones (1D20)
13. Chariot wheel 63. Mirror handle
14. Iron dagger (made from meteorite) 64. Salted fish (1D20, scattered about)
15. Chalcidian helmet 65. Spear shafts (1D12)
16. Aspis 66. Corinthian helmet
17. Pile of dead pigs 67. Bands of gold (1D4)
18. Pottery sherds 68. Two soldiers butchering a goat
19. Spear shaft (head broken off) 69. Sealed message
20. Wounded soldier (god in disguise) 70. Bone flute
21. Bronze scarab with hieroglyphics 71. Boar tusk plates (1D20)
22. Olive oil (one flask) 72. Marble sphinx
23. Falcata 73. Phrygian helmet (broken in two)
24. Silver pins (1D8) 74. Carnelian beads
25. Old man begging for help 75. Fallen trees
26. Linothorax 76. Broken standard pole
27. Dead dog 77. Bronze sword (broken)
28. Gold pendant depicting Hathor 78. Woman with a newborn
29. Burning bushes 79. Thin bands of bronze (1D10)
30. Dead bodies (1D20) 80. Waterskin (full)
31. Pit with sharpened stakes 81. Bronze axe (bent)
32. Wooden spoon 82. Pile of wood
33. Unconscious soldier 83. Clay tablet
34. Arrowheads (1D20) 84. Severed head
35. Amber beads 85. Wineskin (full)
36. Severed foot 86. Waterskin (half full)
37. A trotting horse with a dead rider 87. Pylos combat agate
38. Javelins (1D12) 88. Boeotian helmet (dented)
39. Injured cat 89. Ornate staff
40. Cheese (1D10 pieces wrapped in cloth) 90. Burning debris pile
41. Dead body 91. Tar pits
42. Amentum 92. Cuirass (Phoenician inscription inside)
43. Pile of rocks 93. Severed arm
44. Shattered vase 94. A wake of vultures
45. Wineskin (empty) 95. Severed toe
46. A hawk with an arrow through its breast 96. Silver cup
47. Olives (1D100, in a sack) 97. Dead horse
48. Figs (1D20, in a sack) 98. Bronze greatsword
49. Severed hand clutching a map 99. Dead elephant
50. Malachite beads 100. Arrow shafts (1D10)
Rumors and Odd Jobs
1. Some new philosophers are in town. They have been holding spirited debates with people for
several days.
2. The heavy rains are going to ruin the crops. The villagers need help harvesting the barley quickly.
3. Several children are stuck in a boat that is drifting away from shore.
4. A ship captain is hiring sailors.
5. A large white bull was seen running through the hills.
6. A noble is looking for someone to track down a runaway slave.
7. The tavern needs its roof repaired, or it will have to close down.
8. Poseidon was seen swimming near the coast.
9. A noble’s jewelry was stolen. She wishes to hire someone to find the items and the thief.
10. The local sundial’s shadow doesn’t follow the sun. Weird.
11. A merchant wants to hire adventurers to track down a lost caravan.
12. A javelin throwing contest begins soon. There’s a hefty purse at stake.
13. A dead body was found at the edge of town this morning.
14. A bloody dagger was found in a tree near the city. It had a strange symbol inscribed on it.
15. Strange lights have been seen in the hills the last few nights.
16. A group of musicians needs someone to fill in for a sick member at the big show tonight.
17. A war rages on distant shores. Who will go to fight?
18. More bulls are needed for the bull-leaping competition.
19. Supposedly, a wrathful goddess turned a young village girl into a bird.
20. A chariot racer needs help fixing his chariot before the big race.
21. Several ships went missing in a recent storm.
22. A merchant wishes to outfit a ship for a dangerous trade mission.
23. The wrestling competitions begin soon. There are always worthy prizes up for grabs.
24. An artist is making a sketch for a new mosaic and needs models to pose for her.
25. A man was seen flying toward the sun.
26. A ship sank not far off the coast, or at least that is what some of the locals are saying.
27. An athletic and poetic competition will be held in the city soon.
28. A young poet asks the party for help composing a poem.
29. Pirate vessels seem to be operating along the coast.
30. A shepherd found a baby on a hillside. He is looking for someone to take the child away from the
area and find a family who can raise her.
31. A local farmer needs help rounding escaped donkeys.
32. Supposedly, a plague is raging in a nearby country.
33. A merchant ship, laden with trade goods from Phoenicia, is expected to arrive soon.
34. The town leaders ask the party to stage a play about their exploits.
35. A secluded shrine was desecrated. The townspeople are worried about the wrath of the spirit of
the shrine.
36. A noble is hiring guards for a journey to the oracle.
37. Bands of refugees have been seen along the main road.
38. A group of Egyptians arrived at the inn last night. Why would they stop here?
39. A fleet of unknown ships is said to have landed not far from the town. Who could they be?
40. A strange creature has been seen wandering in the forest near the village at night.
41. The king is looking for spies who are willing to travel to a rival city and bring him back information.
42. A young shepherd boy hasn’t been seen in a few days.
43. The king is seeking a tutor for his children.
44. Someone burned down an inn in a neighboring village last night.
45. It hasn’t rained in a long time, and the town is running dangerously low on water.
46. The volcano seems to be rumbling and smoking more than usual. Probably nothing.
47. A merchant is hiring caravan guards.
Rumors and Odd Jobs
48. The old hermit came to town and said he saw a god herding goats in the hills.
49. Supposedly a dagger made of gold was found in an ivory box floating down the river. The town
leaders are looking for someone to investigate.
50. A crow has left a snail shell on the base of a certain statue every night for the past week.
51. A fisherman needs help pulling in his nets.
52. A merchant is hiring adventurers to search for a lost ship.
53. A mudslide has trapped several families in their homes.
54. A lion is roaming the streets at night. No one feels safe anymore. A reward is being offered for its
55. A group of children set off on a “quest” a few days ago. Their parents are frantic and don’t know
which way they went.
56. A baby was found in a basket floating down the river this morning.
57. The tavern’s owner asks the party to gather firewood.
58. Bird signs indicated excellent weather for sailing in the next few weeks.
59. Some field workers reported seeing a talking owl.
60. An arsonist needs to be captured before one of his fires kills someone.
61. The statue in the center of town switched positions last night, and everyone is scared.
62. Furies have been tormenting a village, and no one knows what incited them.
63. A young athlete asks the party to help her train for the games.
64. A handsome man asks the party to gather laurel leaves.
65. That crazy inventor is running all over the village shouting, “I found it, I found it!”
66. The king’s daughter mysteriously vanished from her chamber. He’s seeking adventurers to search
for her.
67. The librarian needs help categorizing scrolls in the great library.
68. The body of a foreign soldier was found dressed in armor and stabbed through the heart near
69. An uprising in the slave market. Join the rebellion or help put it down?
70. A member of the party is challenged to a match by the best wrestler in the city.
71. Some kids say they saw a giant frog in the nearby swamp.
72. A runner arrived in the village a few hours ago warning of an approaching enemy army.
73. The chariot races are being postponed until someone can figure out which racer offended the
74. Supposedly a naiad has been kidnapping people as they go to the pool to fetch water.
75. A forest nymph is seeking someone to solve a riddle.
76. A princess needs to find a mythical object or she’ll be forced to marry an evil tyrant.
77. It’s been raining fish in a nearby village.
78. The town is looking for adventurers to take an object to the mountains to appease an angry god.
79. A madman ran through town last night claiming he had seen a god.
80. A group of ne’er-do-wells is planning to sabotage the lighthouse.
81. A young playwright asks the party to help him stage a play.
82. The town needs help rebuilding after an earthquake.
83. A man wearing strange robes visited the village and foretold the coming of doom.
84. Several people reported seeing blood in the street this morning. No one seems to have heard
anything last night, though.
85. Sirens have been luring ships to their doom. Something must be done.
86. The queen has been cursed by the gods. She is hiring adventurers to travel to an island to retrieve
a sacred object and bring it back to her.
87. The winemaker needs help making a large delivery to a nearby town.
88. A volcano buried a town, but everyone escaped safely. A nobleman wants someone to go back to
retrieve certain valuables before the looters get them.
Rumors and Odd Jobs
89. Someone defaced several statues around the city during the night. The perpetrator, if found, is to
be put to death.
90. The town’s well recently began to smell strongly of sulfur. Town leaders are looking for someone
to investigate.
91. A fisherman reportedly pulled a strange relic from the sea.
92. Bull leaping competition is seeking more participants.
93. A prince is looking for warriors to accompany him on a quest.
94. An angry goddess will either put the entire village to death, or someone from the village must
make a journey to a distant mountain spring to offer sacrifice.
95. The party is asked to help clear the streets so the parade of athletes can begin.
96. Something fell from the sky recently. It seemed like it landed in the forest outside of town.
97. A recent earthquake revealed a tunnel leading down into the ground.
98. A party member is challenged to play a chess-like game with a wily philosopher.
99. Bandits were seen lurking near the south road.
100. A band of female warriors has raided several villages kidnapping girl children.
Assyrian Female Names
1-2. Khannah 51-52. Shimta
3-4. Nardina 53-54. Baileet
5-6. Madjida 55-56. Brat youm
7-8. Yayota 57-58. Lwita
9-10. Yata 59-60. Yamima
11-12. Huda 61-62. Ninsina
13-14. Shamrina 63-64. Nahrina
15-16. Nasibin 65-66. Baila
17-18. Emmita 67-68. Akhita
19-20. Nashiram 69-70. Muneera
21-22. Eilbrat 71-72. Abella
23-24. Anochina 73-74. Walita
25-26. Shirat 75-76. Aurhai
27-28. Ninsun 77-78. Shamiran
29-30. Marnita 79-80. Shamreta
31-32. Paldina 81-82. Sawrina
33-34. Achadina 83-84. Lelu
35-36. Mardina 85-86. Simta
37-38. Lawita 87-88. Beerta
39-40. Ashourina 89-90. Ramina
41-42. Aurya 91-92. Sahdina
43-44. Wardina 93-94. Nardeen
45-46. Rashomta 95-96. Sorme
47-48. Aramina 97-98. Awijil
49-50. Damrina 99-100. Osmet
Assyrian Male Names
1. Aguha 51. Ashur-nasir-pal
2. Harshu 52. Ishmid-Ili
3. Hadirseen 53. Sin-shumu-lishir
4. Ilali 54. Mekha eil
5. Shu-Kubum 55. Laith
6. Ennanum 56. Sard eil
7. Lammo eil 57. Dorara
8. KhnanishoAa 58. Hanu
9. Ashur-Damiq 59. Abazu
10. Abu-Shalim 60. Ram bail
11. Bardisan 61. Baryoom
12. Shimmokeen 62. Nabû-Shar
13. Naram eil 63. Ttwa eil
14. Malik 64. Awinam
15. Eilbroon 65. Shalim-ahum
16. Ramsen 66. Mar bail
17. Shu-Anum 67. Shamshi-Adad
18. Kushi 68. Shukal-Ila
19. Tiglath-Pileser 69. Hanodeen
20. Bailseen 70. Dem atour
21. Innaya 71. Suhlamu
22. Semiramis 72. Ashur-nadin-ahhe
23. Ammina 73. Eliya
24. Akhu-Akhi 74. Sardanapal
25. Ha wail 75. Shu-Hubur
26. Quqadum 76. Apiashal
27. Rab bail 77. Zaia
28. Zuabu 78. Ashur-Dan
29. Warad-ilû 79. Adad-salulu
30. Erishum 80. Aulada
31. Ashur 81. Awitar
32. Awidan 82. Ashur ram
33. Tudiya 83. Khnan seen
34. Sulili 84. Rimush
35. Bel-bani 85. Awiqam
36. Belu 86. Yaw eil
37. Ashur-apla-idi 87. Aurnina
38. Giliana 88. Ashur-dugul
39. Nebuchadnezzar 89. Aprim
40. Rafa eil 90. Zomaya
41. Meesha 91. Nabo pal
42. Awshalim 92. Baryamin
43. Ili-Bani 93. Imshu
44. Sennacherib 94. Zah seen
45. Rab eil 95. Ashur-etil-ilani
46. Pnu eil 96. Rabona
47. Hamed 97. Ashur-Itimmi
48. Ninurta-apal-Ekur 98. Awiseen
49. Mardokh 99. Ila-kabkabu
50. Shukutum 100. Harharu
Babylonian Female Names
1-2. Kalumtum 51-52. Ashlultum
3-4. Anunit 53-54. Ubalnu
5-6. Belatsunat 55-56. Tabni-Ishtar
7-8. Arahunaa 57-58. Ahassunu
9-10. Mushezibitu 59-60. Mushezibti
11-12. Gemegishkirihallat 61-62. Kissare
13-14. Anagalmeshshu 63-64. Ahatsunu
15-16. Tashmitum 65-66. Anatu
17-18. Gemeti 67-68. Enheduana
19-20. Monireh 69-70. Damkina
21-22. Adeeshuduggaat 71-72. Humusi
23-24. Alittum 73-74. Omarosa
25-26. Ia 75-76. Ku-Baba
27-28. Mylitta 77-78. Munawwirtum
29-30. Gashansunu 79-80. Anagalshu
31-32. Mupallidat-serua 81-82. Aralu
33-34. Nidintu 83-84. Ahati-waqrat
35-36. Kishar 85-86. Zirat-banit
37-38. Sabitum 87-88. Rubati
39-40. Ku-Aya 89-90. Gula
41-42. Nin-marki 91-92. Gemekaa
43-44. Atanah-ili 93-94. Ettu
45-46. Beletsunu 95-96. Erishti-Aya
47-48. Sarpanitum 97-98. Iltani
49-50. Beltis 99-100. Belessunu
Babylonian Male Names
1. Zamama-zikur-idinna 51. Simti-sil-hak
2. Maruduk-bel-usate 52. Adad-apla-iddina
3. Makru 53. Naplanum
4. Marduk-nadin-ahhe 54. Samas-sum-ukin
5. Utultar 55. Orchamus
6. Anti’iikusu 56. Nabu-kullani
7. Ammi-saduqa 57. Nergal
8. Ligish 58. Nigsummunu
9. Ahuni 59. Gamil-ninip
10. Gallamta-uddua 60. Misa-nana-kal-ammi
11. Maruduk-balad-su-iqbi 61. Sin-baladan
12. Irshusin 62. Ipqu-Annunitum
13. Rim-agu 63. Nebuchadnezzar
14. Nazi-Bugash 64. Asardin
15. Maruduk-sapik-zirrat 65. Itti-Marduk-balatu
16. Sumu-abum 66. Nabu-sha-pik-zir
17. Khamourabi 67. Naditabirus
18. Gungunum 68. Adiur
19. Urhammu 69. Niiqarquusu
20. Annunnaki 70. Dunnusaidu
21. Ninip 71. Numunia
22. Irigibel 72. Isiratuu
23. Shuzigash 73. Sargina
24. Nebo-pal-assar 74. Kinéladan
25. Zabaia 75. Maruduk-bel-uzur
26. Harbishihu 76. Kinziru
27. Maruduk-salim-anni 77. Arakhu
28. Amarsin 78. Sin-mat-ikali
29. Hammurabi 79. Dadanum
30. Adadanu 80. Kurigalzu
31. Marduk-kabit-ahheshu 81. Hunzuu
32. Nigsummu 82. Bel-samu
33. Deemeethresu 83. Abil-ilishu
34. Belsamilicapi 84. Kineládanos
35. Kandalanu 85. Buzur-sa-di-rabi
36. Muranu 86. Agum-Kakrime
37. Nabu-mu-set-si 87. Anu
38. Apil-Sin 88. Nabu-zar-adan
39. Sin-ishmeanni 89. Ardorach
40. Kashtiliash 90. Deemethresi
41. Nazi-Maruttash 91. Labynetus
42. Nidintulugal 92. Urukh
43. Sardanapalus 93. Puzur-Ishtar
44. Dapinu 94. Nikiiarqusu
45. Nabu-salim 95. Samsuiluna
46. Issaruutunu 96. Ul-khum-khum
47. Kir-shamash 97. Kuribattaraya
48. Zuuthusu 98. Chinzirus
49. Aloros 99. Kiipluuu’
50. Samsu-Ditana 100. Isbi-bar-ra
Egyptian Female Names #1
1. Khas-khem 51. Panya
2. Uatchit 52. Quibilah
3. Nes-maut 53. Tutu-ten-apet
4. Hapi-u 54. Tauret
5. Lapis 55. Monifa
6. Thot-hartais 56. Tet-anhur
7. Kemat 57. Bentres
8. Gararai 58. Tat-maut-a-s-ankh
9. Khata 59. Sa-tat-neb-enito
10. Irbastutanifu 60. To-hem-sueits
11. Hat-hors 61. Ra-ka-tme
12. Zesiro 62. Nofre-ra
13. Hehet 63. Ra-i
14. Si-en-ea 64. Ta-si-ten-hiset
15. Tahort 65. Nephtys
16. Aahmas 66. Buto
17. Ra-ka-mat 67. Benemba
18. Hat-hor 68. Karo-amat
19. Nebit 69. Maat
20. Arsinoe 70. Hat-hor-set-dsjatho
21. Toses 71. Mut
22. Fukayna 72. Ariuru
23. Samira 73. Scemiophris
24. Merit 74. Ta-ki-uata
25. Sebek-em-isis 75. Hise-t-nofre-t
26. Tsont-nofre 76. Antarta
27. Ta-urt 77. Aahotep
28. Thiti 78. Hesi-em-kheb
29. Aua 79. Meri-s-te-khu
30. Meri 80. Sotemeit
31. Neithoker 81. Oohhotep
32. Maani 82. Serq
33. Netem-mennefer 83. Ife
34. Hon-t-to-kheb 84. Nushim
35. Anouke 85. Sofh
36. Nitk-hotep-iri-bent 86. Ra-to
37. Ta-user 87. Menhit
38. Hat-hor-set-month 88. Anku
39. Khufut 89. Hat-mehi
40. Nitocris 90. Ankarama
41. Sitiribeu 91. Ankhnas ranofrehet
42. Tummites 92. Thii
43. Ankhta 93. Eboni
44. Hotephetes 94. Mut-snat-em
45. Meten-hont 95. Nitakret-seret-en-pi-muntu
46. Ten-kheta 96. Mukarramma
47. Anippe 97. Ta-set-ta
48. Hat-hor-se 98. Echidna
49. Hat-mit-ra 99. Set-amen
50. Talibah 100. Tent-es-peh
Egyptian Female Names #2
1. Tii 51. Hat-scheps
2. Nebt-nehi 52. Nub-hotep
3. Naham-ua 53. Maibe
4. Meri-s-ankh 54. Enskerk
5. Kartek 55. Olufemi
6. Sabo-en-ea 56. Suvan
7. Teti 57. Makara
8. Mut-hat-ankhes 58. Nishem
9. Siti 59. Sati
10. Sa-mouth 60. Bahiti
11. Ma-ka-ra 61. Ta-se-sert
12. Qelhatat 62. Nes-khons
13. Masika 63. Meret-pa
14. Tauau 64. Aziza
15. Nailah 65. Dendera
16. Senet 66. Naeemah
17. Hapu 67. Ha-nofre-t
18. Amenset 68. Is-artais
19. Aria 69. Ta-ament
20. Set-kherta 70. Bastet
21. Nekhbet 71. Sapt
22. Khem-ra-n-sem-khekh 72. Teti-hor-noub
23. Safiya 73. Ketet
24. Babmouth 74. Ameniritis
25. Amaunet 75. Thoth-mes
26. Sekhmakh 76. Shen-pe-uts-neter
27. Tat-akat 77. Nofre-aten-tunen-et
28. Renpa 78. Sen-nu
29. Hapentmat 79. Mouth-en-ap
30. Nohem-s 80. Nourbese
31. Semet 81. Set-en-isi
32. Uadjit 82. Surhet-het-u-fent
33. Raziya 83. Mer-ankhes
34. Mer-tetes 84. Acenath
35. Ashtarchemosh 85. Hes-ra
36. Mert-sekert 86. Nub-em-tekh
37. Thoeris 87. Tas-nekht
38. Ahura 88. Khet-ankh
39. Nebt-het 89. Taf-nekhta
40. Hat-ka-nebter 90. Uza-rans
41. Isi 91. Memphis
42. Ta-menat-khonsu 92. Meht urt
43. Kabir 93. Neith
44. Kit 94. Hafsah
45. Iseueri 95. Ankhes
46. Mut-iritis 96. Mes-sit
47. Anka 97. Uuhetu
48. Aahhotep 98. Tes-bast-peru
49. Kahi 99. Neit-aker
50. Ti-ei-mest-nibs 100. Oni
Egyptian Male Names #1
1. Meire 51. Se-pthah
2. Pa-sen-en-khons 52. Har-shaf
3. Anaa 53. Tathra
4. Asychis 54. Ra-en-ka-neb
5. Khons-hotep 55. Atekhramun
6. Ta-na-sa-ta-nasa 56. Onouris
7. Aimenamun 57. Nes-unnefer
8. Chemmis 58. Khons-neb-ankh
9. Ra-to-men 59. Anhahorrau
10. Nahresi 60. Hapi-ankh
11. Serapis 61. Kefschemsu
12. Scheds-nefer 62. Ankhu
13. Pisem 63. Amenhotephapu
14. Barukatatau 64. Mukhwana
15. Neb-seni 65. Pent-eni
16. Akhekh 66. Aten
17. Silsi 67. Mi-ra
18. Khonsuairitis 68. Empe-ankh
19. Un nefer 69. Rut-amen
20. Akil 70. Amenhemoft
21. Nuterhek 71. Totoun
22. Baut 72. Atemu
23. Apui 73. Ra-apepi
24. Heh 74. Ra-mes
25. Sebercheres 75. Acheri
26. Urshu 76. Nefer-rempe
27. Sutekh 77. Osirtesen-pepa
28. Neferu 78. Mera
29. Pueri 79. Ra-hotep
30. Ammenepthes 80. Nakht-ankh
31. Neb-nefer 81. Meines
32. Husani 82. Zaphnath-paaneah
33. Ouza 83. Kan-ra
34. Hui 84. Unika
35. Ra-en-ka 85. Kekara
36. Suphis 86. Tnephachthes
37. Nascht-amen 87. Khaem-miamen
38. Nes-pthah 88. Necho
39. Abayomi 89. Neb-en-khata
40. Ra-aa-kheper 90. Ounephes
41. Babafemi 91. Apherumes
42. Turo 92. Kek
43. Khaf-hor 93. Harpakrut
44. Piouer 94. Nes-pa-khuen-nu
45. Sebek-hotep 95. Osiris-aah
46. Paduneith 96. Snefru
47. Senusnet 97. Hek-an
48. Si-hathor 98. Pent-aur
49. Amon 99. Khaf-ra-sif
50. Amenthes 100. Psametik
Egyptian Male Names #2
1. Hagar 51. Neb-uer
2. Khatiuer 52. Ra-ma-neb
3. Se-maut 53. Har-sam-toui
4. Suten-ra-ankh 54. Tef-amen
5. Tabari 55. Petemet
6. Neb-em-chut-et 56. Aiari
7. Tlas 57. Doun-se-pa-nefer
8. Houi 58. Meiri
9. Neb-ka 59. Msrah
10. Kabhsenuf 60. Men-kheper-ra
11. Pa-mau 61. Ten-em-haa-pthah
12. Uah-er-meri 62. Nofre
13. Ameneman 63. Achoris
14. Pent-uau 64. Aten-nefru
15. Nitakret-mimut 65. Ebo
16. Hon-pthah 66. Maro-iua-amen
17. Senet 67. Anemher
18. Nechtarhebi 68. Aut
19. Apries 69. Her-hor-si-amun
20. Neb-er-tcher 70. Merhu
21. Antefaker 71. Ra-amen-em-ha
22. Nep-ra 72. Masa-ha-rota
23. Shauf-sa-karta 73. Altakhsas
24. Si-sebek 74. Usur-ha
25. Makalani 75. Par-ab-hor
26. Peteharpocrates 76. Namrut
27. Rashidi 77. Akar
28. Menkara 78. Ra-amen-su-meses
29. Menkheper 79. Baruti
30. Nepherites 80. Amenmeseshikuas
31. Neb-uau 81. Chafkem
32. Sesostris 82. Pa-uer
33. Si-mouth 83. Ra-meses-nekht
34. Uahbra 84. Uga
35. Suten-rekh-ata 85. Amenemha
36. Ka-nefer 86. Mibahu
37. Anum 87. Abianes
38. Zet-auf-pthah 88. Cechous
39. Sadiki 89. Ra-nefer-ab
40. Apepi 90. Amenhemti
41. Mentu-ra 91. Babu
42. Petisis 92. Qeb
43. Setnau-chaem-uset 93. Abasi
44. Khai 94. Se-anhur
45. Aukheperu 95. Nechtanebos
46. Neocaisaros 96. Manu
47. Har-em-heb-i 97. Scheschanq
48. Shaa-em-uas 98. Hem-bai
49. Gno 99. Tsillu-assur
50. Kha 100. Rie-aei
Greek Female Names #1
1. Meletê 51. Kharis
2. Oinone 52. Aglaia
3. Xene 53. Ariadnê
4. Rhea 54. Dianthe
5. Arethousa 55. Amethea
6. Hestia 56. Theodora
7. Harmonia 57. Sophronia
8. Zenobia 58. Eleftheria
9. Klytaimnestra 59. Klotho
10. Anemone 60. Aphrodite
11. Isidora 61. Apollonia
12. Evdokia 62. Karme
13. Nikephoros 63. Elektra
14. Phaidra 64. Euthalia
15. Vasiliki 65. Thalassa
16. Sappheire 66. Thyone
17. Sibylla 67. Dorothea
18. Zephyra 68. Sofia
19. Eumelia 69. Kassandra
20. Priska 70. Eirênê
21. Anthousa 71. Olympia
22. Gaia 72. Agaue
23. Elysia 73. Alkestis
24. Thyia 74. Parthenopê
25. Xanthê 75. Phyllida
26. Amaltheia 76. Kleio
27. Spyridoula 77. Persephone
28. Êionê 78. Salōmē
29. Kyra 79. Elene
30. Sappho 80. Hippolyte
31. Kuria 81. Aikaterine
32. Polymnia 82. Rheia
33. Thetis 83. Astraia
34. Ophelia 84. Zenia
35. Aspasia 85. Zoe
36. Chrysanthe 86. Anastasia
37. Damalis 87. Alkmene
38. Atropos 88. Medousa
39. Phyllis 89. Herodias
40. Kallistê 90. Terpsikhore
41. Hêbê 91. Leda
42. Thaleia 92. Akeldama
43. Natása 93. Olympias
44. Thaïs 94. Melpomenê
45. Titania 95. Efthalia
46. Ekho 96. Helle
47. Photine 97. Hêrâ
48. Satyrion 98. Philyre
49. Hemera 99. Hekate
50. Helénē 100. Kynthia
Greek Female Names #2
1. Zenais 51. Andronika
2. Aristodeme 52. Hekabe
3. Efrosyni 53. Eugeneia
4. Theodosia 54. Tisiphone
5. Talitha 55. Iphigeneia
6. Adonia 56. Zosime
7. Polona 57. Medeia
8. Thera 58. Hypatia
9. Ioulia 59. Adelfa
10. Nephelê 60. Gorgophone
11. Chloē 61. Sotiria
12. Titaia 62. Philomel
13. Themis 63. Narkissa
14. Disdemona 64. Minthe
15. Nikê 65. Thana
16. Daphne 66. Euadne
17. Iole 67. Euterpe
18. Theokleia 68. Phillida
19. Apphia 69. Myrine
20. Adrasteia 70. Psykhe
21. Iô 71. Klytiê
22. Mnêmosynê 72. Desdemona
23. Artemis 73. Prokris
24. Nerine 74. Akakallis
25. Euphrosynê 75. Baukis
26. Theophania 76. Anaïtis
27. Podarge 77. Bethania
28. Demeter 78. Amphitrite
29. Sapphira 79. Lysandra
30. Antigone 80. Khariklo
31. Antheia 81. Semele
32. Penelopeia 82. Xenia
33. Sibyl 83. Adelpha
34. Persis 84. Agathe
35. Myrina 85. Kassiopeia
36. Maria 86. Phile
37. Iris 87. Stamatia
38. Despoina 88. Kalligeneia
39. Alkyone 89. Melina
40. Zenovia 90. Euphêmia
41. Leukothea 91. Tryphaina
42. Nephthys 92. Paraskeve
43. Eurydike 93. Arachne
44. Kallisto 94. Ourania
45. Damaris 95. Tasoula
46. Sousánna 96. Delia
47. Lakhesis 97. Glykeria
48. Akantha 98. Ilithyia
49. Kandake 99. Magdalēnē
50. Tabitha 100. Korina
Greek Female Names #3
1. Eutropia 51. Tyro
2. Pherenike 52. Ioanna
3. Tryphosa 53. Kalypso
4. Phoibe 54. Halkyone
5. Xanthippe 55. Kyriake
6. Aphrodisia 56. Bethzatha
7. Dorkas 57. Melissa
8. Callidora 58. Chariklo
9. Alekto 59. Eurynome
10. Andromēde 60. Alala
11. Athanasia 61. Evgenia
12. Klymene 62. Dido
13. Lydia 63. Thekla
14. Nikoleta 64. Lysimache
15. Eurybia 65. Eudoxia
16. Lêtô 66. Anastasoula
17. Sostrate 67. Atalante
18. Galênê 68. Sofronia
19. Skylla 69. Ambrosia
20. Aristomache 70. Ptolema
21. Despoine 71. Khloris
22. Andromache 72. Alexandra
23. Lysistrate 73. Kalliope
24. Erato 74. Kyriaki
25. Kybele 75. Hermione
26. Thea 76. Panagiota
27. Euphêmê 77. Eudokia
28. Theophila 78. Timothea
29. Kora 79. Philomela
30. Pandora 80. Dionysia
31. Jocaste 81. Delphinia
32. Iokaste 82. Eupraxia
33. Rhodē 83. Parthenia
34. Aoede 84. Iolanthe
35. Khthonia 85. Pelagia
36. Dareia 86. Eileithyia
37. Okyrhoe 87. Keres
38. Priskilla 88. Polyxene
39. Berenike 89. Lois
40. Philomena 90. Diônê
41. Eidothea 91. Sophia
42. Achima 92. Kleopatra
43. Rhouth 93. Xena
44. Phanessa 94. Syntyche
45. Zona 95. Golgotha
46. Maia 96. Europe
47. Eudora 97. Mnêmê
48. Khryseis 98. Ianthe
49. Bethesda 99. Plêionê
50. Ismênê 100. Megaira
Greek Male Names #1
1. Matthaios 51. Gerasimos
2. Antipatros 52. Gaïos
3. Klaudios 53. Teris
4. Silenos 54. Stephanos
5. Iesos 55. Herakleitos
6. Kornelios 56. Phobos
7. Stamatios 57. Narkissos
8. Lebbaios 58. Damon
9. Theophanes 59. Demon
10. Fotios 60. Palinouros
11. Galen 61. Klementos
12. Isidoros 62. Pontios
13. Tarasios 63. Kosmos
14. Markos 64. Aigidios
15. Amenophis 65. Hilarion
16. Ladon 66. Orpheus
17. Lysistratos 67. Nestor
18. Neoptolemos 68. Gennadios
19. Philippos 69. Olympiodoros
20. Iaeiros 70. Iakkhos
21. Makednos 71. Zotikos
22. Horos 72. Aristoteles
23. Argos 73. Spyros
24. Nikon 74. Ikaros
25. Dionysodoros 75. Telamon
26. Nazoraios 76. Agathon
27. Nikomachos 77. Aristoboulos
28. Pytheos 78. Hyginos
29. Kastor 79. Ianos
30. Xanthippos 80. Ptolemy
31. Eugenios 81. Vlasis
32. Zenobios 82. Dimitris
33. Aniketos 83. Atlas
34. Diogenes 84. Theophilos
35. Poseidôn 85. Stamatis
36. Terentios 86. Aiolos
37. Nikolaos 87. Triton
38. Stathis 88. Haides
39. Amyntas 89. Charalampos
40. Apollonios 90. Khthonios
41. Spiridion 91. Nikephoros
42. Diodoros 92. Leon
43. Basileus 93. Karpos
44. Eosphoros 94. Lykourgos
45. Argyros 95. Isokrates
46. Timaios 96. Paramonimos
47. Athanasios 97. Kreon
48. Amarandos 98. Ptolemaios
49. Poseidonios 99. Euphranor
50. Ioulios 100. Hephaistos
Greek Male Names #2
1. Olympos 51. Linos
2. Kyprianos 52. Paramonos
3. Meleagros 53. Xenophon
4. Simonides 54. Artemidoros
5. Phoibos 55. Hyakinthos
6. Panoptes 56. Panteleimon
7. Gerbasios 57. Stelios
8. Spyridon 58. Seleukos
9. Kerberos 59. Onesimos
10. Pyrros 60. Balios
11. Makarios 61. Sotiris
12. Sophos 62. Kallikrates
13. Angelos 63. Ariston
14. Nikandros 64. Dysmas
15. Theodotos 65. Kronos
16. Pythis 66. Yanni
17. Diomêdês 67. Kleisthenes
18. Adrastos 68. Aither
19. Lapidos 69. Sosigenes
20. Pyrois 70. Apollon
21. Pegasos 71. Anastasios
22. Sophronios 72. Philokrates
23. Lysandros 73. Miltiades
24. Euripides 74. Deucalion
25. Hymenaios 75. Epaphroditos
26. Demokritos 76. Tryphon
27. Loukianos 77. Phortounatos
28. Drakon 78. Theodoros
29. Euphemios 79. Heli
30. Apollyōn 80. Herodotos
31. Alkandros 81. Barabbas
32. Homer 82. Euaristos
33. Phoinix 83. Seilenos
34. Euthymios 84. Athos
35. Okeanos 85. Khrysaor
36. Kadmos 86. Deimos
37. Origen 87. Silouanos
38. Demosthenes 88. Hermês
39. Apollos 89. Dimosthenis
40. Phaidros 90. Phrenicos
41. Hesiod 91. Cronos
42. Abraxas 92. Aeton
43. Anakletos 93. Tritonos
44. Hermogenes 94. Yianni
45. Dionysios 95. Alphaios
46. Androkles 96. Kleitos
47. Panagiotis 97. Kambyses
48. Pelagios 98. Athamas
49. Ambrosios 99. Hesperos
50. Usiris 100. Platon
Greek Male Names #3
1. Phelix 51. Lykaon
2. Adonis 52. Alastor
3. Erasmos 53. Alexandreus
4. Andreas 54. Anaxagoras
5. Daidalos 55. Heraclios
6. Leuis 56. Abrax
7. Phokas 57. Aristodemos
8. Hellen 58. Archippos
9. Anargyros 59. Pythios
10. Lefteris 60. Kallistos
11. Phrixos 61. Telesphoros
12. Epiktetos 62. Vangelis
13. Alexios 63. Perseus
14. Erastos 64. Arktophonos
15. Iovilios 65. Kharon
16. Petros 66. Sostratos
17. Theoklés 67. Zopyros
18. Phorkys 68. Hesperus
19. Sebastianos 69. Zosimos
20. Theokritos 70. Aischylos
21. Perikles 71. Kephalos
22. Kallistratos 72. Priamos
23. Titan 73. Polykarpos
24. Antonis 74. Hektor
25. Baltasar 75. Thales
26. Methodios 76. Yorgos
27. Leandros 77. Themistokles
28. Klopas 78. Ophion
29. Xenon 79. Heracles
30. Diabolos 80. Morpheus
31. Artemas 81. Krios
32. Priam 82. Aineas
33. Kapaneus 83. Amosis
34. Agathangelos 84. Menelaos
35. Titanos 85. Yannis
36. Takis 86. Dorotheos
37. Eleutherios 87. Agamemnon
38. Philon 88. Blasios
39. Therapon 89. Erríkos
40. Kreios 90. Arsenios
41. Loukas 91. Athanas
42. Antigonos 92. Telamonion
43. Ioustos 93. Amaranthos
44. Hieronymos 94. Ioannis
45. Artemisios 95. Lavrentios
46. Ourbanos 96. Patrikios
47. Kleopatros 97. Minos
48. Doros 98. Andonios
49. Arkadios 99. Sergios
50. Pythias 100. Akhilleus
Greek Male Names #4
1. Agrippas 51. Antonios
2. Tychon 52. Theron
3. Puroeis 53. Palaimon
4. Idouma 54. Polydeukes
5. Konstantinos 55. Diokles
6. Bariesous 56. Photios
7. Monimos 57. Theophylaktos
8. Eutychios 58. Porphyrios
9. Ploutarchos 59. Euandros
10. Erebos 60. Oulixes
11. Oulixeus 61. Thanos
12. Solon 62. Helladios
13. Kheiron 63. Aristeides
14. Kaisar 64. Helios
15. Adelphos 65. Asklepios
16. Zephyros 66. Kallistrates
17. Thaddaios 67. Silas
18. Odysseus 68. Pamphilos
19. Aktaion 69. Aison
20. Eutropios 70. Bariesou
21. Akrisios 71. Hermokrates
22. Ophelos 72. Aphrodisios
23. Demetrios 73. Philomenos
24. Pythagoras 74. Nêreus
25. Apollodoros 75. Efstathios
26. Aristaios 76. Chrysanthos
27. Paris 77. Loukanos
28. Timotheos 78. Ophiuchus
29. Eusebios 79. Agathias
30. Onesiphoros 80. Khryses
31. Benediktos 81. Midas
32. Achaïkos 82. Pandaros
33. Amphiōn 83. Eirenaios
34. Spartakos 84. Olysseus
35. Kyriakos 85. Herodion
36. Phlegon 86. Akylas
37. Vasilios 87. Ares
38. Kalogeros 88. Patroklos
39. Zakharias 89. Thoukydides
40. Gregorios 90. Philetos
41. Delphinios 91. Panagiotakis
42. Herodes 92. Kephas
43. Kimon 93. Bakchos
44. Theseus 94. Sabbas
45. Epaphras 95. Heliodoros
46. Phestos 96. Attis
47. Kepheus 97. Nicolaos
48. Damianos 98. Vlassis
49. Pilatos 99. Artaxias
50. Kyrillos 100. Aristarchos
Greek Male Names #5
1. Demostrate 51. Lysimachos
2. Apophis 52. Herakleides
3. Kaiaphas 53. Phosphoros
4. Leonidas 54. Dareios
5. Nikias 55. Sokrates
6. Paion 56. Makedon
7. Halphaios 57. Eustorgios
8. Phyllidos 58. Theristís
9. Kleophas 59. Dioskouroi
10. Achim 60. Prôteus
11. Eustathios 61. Nikodemos
12. Zeus 62. Stavros
13. Sophokles 63. Aristophanes
14. Asklepiades 64. Aristokles
15. Podarge 65. Ampelios
16. Didymos 66. Artemus
17. Eulalios 67. Pankratios
18. Prokopios 68. Chariton
19. Kallias 69. Hypatios
20. Archelaos 70. Metrophanes
21. Orestes 71. Aridaios
22. Zenon 72. Elpidios
23. Eukleides 73. Alexandros
24. Annas 74. Klemes
25. Agapetos 75. Andonis
26. Plouton 76. Akakios
27. Oidipous 77. Promêtheus
28. Yiorgos 78. Pantheras
29. Dimitrios 79. Polydoros
30. Gervasios 80. Eros
31. Ouranos 81. Atreus
32. Praxiteles 82. Hippolytos
33. Aegidios 83. Xanthos
34. Stylianos 84. Archimedes
35. Argyris 85. Anatolios
36. Zephyr 86. Aisopos
37. Ptoophagos 87. Damokles
38. Praxis 88. Xenocrates
39. Philotheos 89. Nikostratos
40. Hermolaos 90. Abioud
41. Agapios 91. Nikomedes
42. Philandros 92. Antipas
43. Phaeton 93. Alkaios
44. Pharao 94. Dionysos
45. Hippokrates 95. Dorieus
46. Sethos 96. Ektor
47. Spiros 97. Thanatos
48. Philemon 98. Theodoulos
49. Iason 99. Alexio
50. Myron 100. Andronikos
Phoenician Female Names
1-2. Izabel 51-52. Ashdonbal
3-4. Nikkal 53-54. Shapash
5-6. Dido 55-56. Ashdanot
7-8. Zakiah 57-58. Izavel
9-10. Anath 59-60. Arisha
11-12. Mitunbaal 61-62. Jezabel
13-14. Asherah 63-64. Baalat
15-16. Pawly 65-66. Ummashtart
17-18. Tanithia 67-68. Adonyah
19-20. Muttunbaal 69-70. Tanit
21-22. Arishot 71-72. Coryender
23-24. Yasha 73-74. Monica
25-26. Emeshmoon 75-76. Bitnima
27-28. Septy 77-78. Demna
29-30. Adonna 79-80. Arshut
31-32. Adoncia 81-82. Barkitbal
33-34. Batnoam 83-84. Amma
35-36. Athirat 85-86. Jetzabel
37-38. Ashmonrabti 87-88. Birkanda
39-40. Azibal 89-90. Imashtart
41-42. Coriender 91-92. Quarta
43-44. Shiba 93-94. Melita
45-46. Sisa 95-96. Jezabella
47-48. Arishat 97-98. Imashmon
49-50. Amatashtart 99-100. Amatbal
Phoenician Male Names
1. Ashtartyaton 51. Bamah
2. Abibaal 52. Yehawwielon
3. Baanah 53. Barekbaal
4. Eshmunamash 54. Resheph
5. Rib-Addi 55. Aderbaal
6. Annaba 56. Zimrida
7. Rithmah 57. Baltser
8. Baltazar 58. Hammon
9. Abdeshmun 59. Abdi-Milki
10. Hanno 60. Baali
11. Addir 61. Hamilcar
12. Belshazzar 62. Baalim
13. Bodeshmun 63. Bodinelqart
14. Baasha 64. Bodashtart
15. Baalah 65. Ashtzaph
16. Baal-shalisha 66. Addonia
17. Kanmi 67. Zidon
18. Donis 68. Itthobaal
19. Baaseiah 69. Baara
20. Balzer 70. Baalshillek
21. Adon 71. Yutpan
22. Rissah 72. Baal-hamon
23. Aqhat 73. Baal-perazim
24. Baal-berith 74. Shemen
25. Hasdrubal 75. Ahirom
26. Maasiai 76. Baalhanno
27. Hadoram 77. Berut
28. Tabnit 78. Tammuz
29. Milkherem 79. Himilco
30. Baal-gad 80. Hiram
31. Danel 81. Hadrach
32. Adohnes 82. Baalath
33. Aradus 83. Maath
34. Ahiram 84. Paltibaal
35. Jebel 85. Adoniah
36. Baalis 86. Sakarbaal
37. Gebal 87. Abdastartus
38. Maaz 88. Sikarbaal
39. Abdmelqart 89. Eshmunazar
40. Zephon 90. Bedezorus
41. Milkpilles 91. Sidon
42. Baladan 92. Philosir
43. Abdosir 93. Ahinadab
44. Shamayim 94. Riphath
45. Qarnaim 95. Hagab
46. Maharbaal 96. Khilletzbaal
47. Botrys 97. Arvad
48. Adonibaal 98. Milkyaton
49. Melqartpilles 99. Germelqart
50. Yarikh 100. Hannibal
Sumerian Female Names
1. Nintuda 51. Eulli
2. Amarezen 52. Summirat-ishtar
3. Delondra 53. Shagshag
4. Aruru 54. Irkalla
5. Abi-simti 55. Lahamu
6. Ishtar 56. Belessunu
7. Yadidatum 57. Eshargamelat
8. Ninshubur 58. Gemekala
9. Meania 59. Ummi-waqrat
10. Ninhursag 60. Ninlil
11. Ali-ahhusha 61. Tabni-ishtar
12. Nin 62. Bikku-lum
13. Sapurtum 63. Ninbanda
14. Ninkurra 64. Aya
15. Sharrat-sippar 65. Istar
16. Hunabatum 66. Silili
17. Enanatuma 67. Alittum
18. Shat-sin 68. Ilusha-hegal
19. Shub-ad 69. Takurtum
20. Ealamassi 70. Antum
21. Amarenzu 71. Ereshkigal
22. Nisaba 72. Beletum
23. Arwi-a 73. Anu
24. Ishtar-gamelat 74. Inanna
25. Ninki 75. Munawirtum
26. Shatu-murrim 76. Elutil
27. Lugalme 77. Semiramis
28. Zimu 78. Shiptu
29. Kammani 79. Bau
30. En-hedu-anna 80. Ku-aya
31. Ninil 81. Nindukugga
32. Ishtar-rabi-at 82. Siduri
33. Ishtar-ibbi 83. Nakurtum
34. Shubure 84. Ninsun
35. Nin-imma 85. Manatum
36. Sin-nada 86. Nin-kagina
37. Mammetum 87. Nanna
38. Nin-dada 88. Amarsin
39. Ahassunu 89. Uttu
40. Anunit 90. Bauninsheg
41. Mesh-he 91. Kishar
42. Taram-uram 92. Gesthinanna
43. Lugulbanda 93. Nammu
44. Ashusikildigir 94. Ninsar
45. Asharru 95. Liwwir-esagil
46. Sabit 96. Urnina
47. Amurritum 97. Puabi
48. Ningikuga 98. Tiamat
49. Ishtar-belessa 99. Radjni
50. Humusi 100. Ningal
Sumerian Male Names
1. Ishme-Dagan 51. Shulpae
2. Ur-Nammu 52. Ir-Nanna
3. Kalibum 53. Ilshubani
4. Ilu-asu 54. Anunnaki
5. Nur-ishtar 55. Awil-sin
6. Shesh-kalla 56. Baqqanum
7. Sisuthros 57. Balih
8. Warad-shamash 58. Akiya
9. Mashda 59. Shamshi-addu
10. Enmerkar 60. Puzur-erra
11. Ur-Ninurta 61. Mesh-ki-ang-Nuna
12. Argandea 62. Munawirtum
13. Shu-Durul 63. Apil-ilishu
14. Shu-mama 64. Uselli
15. Namtar 65. Puzrish-dagan
16. Nidnatum 66. Lugal-kinishe-dudu
17. Sin-idinnam 67. Utu
18. Warassuni 68. Ludari
19. Ibbi-Suen 69. Lugal-azida
20. Lugal-zaggisi 70. Sin-alshu
21. Buttatum 71. Ses-kalla
22. Shar-kali-sharri 72. Nanna-mansum
23. Eannatum 73. Silli-ishtar
24. Zamaranum 74. Sagil-zimu
25. Abuwaqar 75. Endukagga
26. Warad-murrim 76. Huttupum
27. Ipqu-aya 77. Arammadara
28. Ugazum 78. Kullassina-bel
29. Dazuzum 79. Ilum-aha
30. Samum 80. Kikuid
31. Sumalika 81. Kug-Bau
32. Lu-nin-ilduma 82. Ellu-mushu
33. Entana 83. Namzu
34. Assur-taklaku 84. Dada
35. Amar-Suena 85. Ahatiwaqrat
36. Rish-shamash 86. Ilshu-abushu
37. Duququm 87. Lugatum
38. Sangasu 88. Puzur-assur
39. Ibbi-adad 89. Addi-liblut
40. Ninurta 90. Kurumtum
41. Namhu 91. Assur-susuli
42. Etana 92. Iter-pisha
43. Enkidu 93. Gazualum
44. Ilanum 94. Askur-addu
45. Nabi-enlil 95. Gimil-ninurta
46. Ur-dumizida 96. Ishme-karab
47. Humbaba 97. Ut-napishtim
48. Sin-nadin-shumi 98. Shep-sin
49. Xisuthros 99. Wardum
50. Enmebaragisi 100. Amar-Sin
NPC Jobs
1. Philosopher 51. Street food vendor
2. Shepherd 52. Blacksmith
3. Mathematician 53. Plum grower
4. Advisor 54. Architect
5. Potter 55. Lawyer
6. King 56. Goldsmith
7. Olive farmer 57. Stonecutter
8. Teacher 58. Actor
9. Tentmaker 59. Innkeeper
10. Cotton farmer 60. Musician
11. Mercenary 61. Tree nut farmer
12. Statesman 62. Baker
13. Magician 63. Painter
14. Glass trader 64. Vineyard manager
15. Weaver 65. Priest/Priestess
16. Ivory carver 66. Goatherd
17. Quince grower 67. Sophist
18. Lentil farmer 68. Druggist
19. Grammarian 69. Alchemist
20. Magistrate 70. Foreman
21. Cloth dyer 71. General
22. Fortune Teller 72. Poet
23. Soldier 73. Sculptor
24. Slave 74. Pea farmer
25. Astronomer 75. Apple grower
26. Doctor 76. Gladiator
27. Money changer 77. Mosaic Artist
28. Astrologer 78. Tax collector
29. Jewelry maker 79. Attendant
30. Hunter 80. Sailor
31. Slaver 81. Emperor
32. Banker 82. Pear grower
33. Carpenter 83. Silversmith
34. Gem cutter 84. Bergamot grower
35. Spinner 85. Glassblower
36. Fig farmer 86. Gardener
37. Playwrite 87. Bricklayer
38. Trader of fine perfumes 88. Governor
39. Historian 89. Athlete
40. Tailor 90. Ivory trader
41. Writer 91. Translator
42. Public servant 92. Tavern owner
43. Wheat farmer 93. Trader of cloths
44. Jujube grower 94. Perfume maker
45. Coppersmith 95. Tiler
46. Barley farmer 96. Glassmaker
47. Fisherman 97. Pomegranate grower
48. Tanner 98. Messenger
49. Barber 99. Rhapsode
50. Winemaker 100. Pearl diver
Canaanite Deities
1. Aglibol 18. Bel 35. Milcom
2. Anat 19. Chemosh 36. Misor
3. Arsay 20. Dagon 37. Moloch
4. Arsu 21. El 38. Mot
5. Asherah 22. Eshmun 39. Nikkal-wa-Ib
6. Ashima 23. Gad 40. Pidray
7. Ashtar-Chemosh 24. Horon 41. Qadishtu
8. Atargatis 25. Ishara 42. Resheph
9. Attar 26. Ishat 43. Shachar and Shalim
10. Azizos 27. Kothar-wa-Khasis 44. Shadrafa
11. Ba’al Hadad 28. Kotharat 45. Shamayim
12. Ba’al Hermon 29. Liluri 46. Shapash
13. Baalat Gebal 30. Lotan 47. Sydyk
14. Baal Hammon 31. Malakbel 48. Tallai
15. Baal-zephon 32. Manuzi 49. Yam
16. Baalah 33. Marqod 50. Yarhibol
17. Baalshamin 34. Melqart 51. Yarikh
Egyptian Deities
1. Aker 18. Osiris 35. Isis
2. Amun 19. Ptah 36. Maat
3. Anhur 20. Ra 37. Menhit
4. Aten 21. Set 38. Mut
5. Atum 22. Shu 39. Neith
6. Bennu 23. Sobek 40. Nekhbet
7. Geb 24. Sopdu 41. Nephthys
8. Hapi 25. Thoth 42. Nepit
9. Horus 26. Wadj-wer 43. Nut
10. Khepri 27. Amunet 44. Pakhet
11. Khnum 28. Anuket 45. Renenutet
12. Khonsu 29. Bastet 46. Satet
13. Maahes 30. Bat 47. Sekhmet
14. Montu 31. Hathor 48. Tefnut
15. Nefertum 32. Heqet 49. Wadjet
16. Nemty 33. Hesat 50. Wosret
17. Neper 34. Imentet
Mesopotamian Deities
1. Abzu 18. Marduk
2. An 19. Nabu
3. Anshar 20. Nammu
4. Ashur 21. Nanna-Suen
5. Dagan 22. Nanshe
6. Dumuzid 23. Nergal
7. Enki 24. Ninazu
8. Enlil 25. Ningal
9. Ereshkigal 26. Ningishzida
10. Geshtinanna 27. Ninhursag
11. Gilgamesh 28. Ninlil
12. Gula 29. Ninshubur
13. Inanna 30. Ninurta
14. Ishkur 31. Nisaba
15. Ištaran 32. Tiamat
16. Ki 33. Utu
17. Kishar
Greek Deities
1. Zeus 8. Ares
2. Hera 9. Aphrodite
3. Poseidon 10. Hephaestus
4. Demeter 11. Hermes
5. Athena 12. Hestia
6. Apollo 13. Dionysus
7. Artemis
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