Configuring QoS Settings On Aruba Switches
Configuring QoS Settings On Aruba Switches
Configuring QoS Settings On Aruba Switches
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Configuring QoS Settings on Aruba Switches
QoS is used to classify and prioritize traffic throughout a network. QoS enables you to establish an end-to end traffic-priority policy to improve the
control and throughput of important data. You can manage available bandwidth so that the most important traffic goes first.
Aruba Central allows you to configure QoS settings on individual or group of switches through the UI. The settings that you apply at the group level
are applied to all switches in the group, except in the following conditions:
▪ A switch has a configuration override—That is, a QoS setting is changed at the device level. Once you update or apply a setting at the device
level, any further changes that you make at the group level are not applied to the switch. A notification for the configuration override is added to
the Audit Trail. If you remove local overrides on a switch, then all QoS configurations that were applied to the switch are removed, and the
configurations available at the group level are applied to the switch.
For example, when a switch does not have any policies, if you add a policy for port 2 and 3 at the group level, then the policy is applied to the
switch. If you add a policy for port 4 at the device level, and then add a policy for port 5 at the group level, then the policy for port 5 is not
applied to the switch. You must add the same policy again at the device level to apply the policy. If you remove the local overrides on the
switch, then any policies that were updated or added to the switch and the associated QoS class are replaced by the policies at the group level.
▪ A switch has invalid port number or VLAN ID—The port or VLAN to which the setting was applied at the group level is not available or is invalid
on the switch. For example, if you apply a setting to port 15 and 16 at the group level, and a switch has only ports 1 to 10, then the settings will
not be applied to that switch.
▪ Creating QoS traffic policies on switches in your network to enable traffic-handling rules across the network.
▪ Defining QoS classes for a QoS Policy.
▪ Changing the priorities of traffic from various segments of your network as your business needs change.
ID Select one or more ports or VLAN ID to mapped to a traffic policy. Numeric value
5. Click Save.
1. Select a QoS policy from the New QoS Policy table. The QoS Class table is displayed below the New QoS Policy table with the configured
QoS classes.
2. Click + to add a QoS classifier for the selected policy. The Add QoS classifier window is displayed.
3. Configure the following parameters.
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Configuring QoS Settings on Aruba Switches
Source The type of source for which you want to apply a policy. Any, Network, or Host.
If you select Network, enter the IP address and
wildcard mask .
If you select Host, enter the IP address.
Destination The type of destination for which you want to apply a policy. Any, Network, or Host.
If you select Network, enter the IP address and
wildcard mask .
If you select Host, enter the IP address.
Protocol Select the type of data transfer protocol from the drop-down. Protocol types
If you select UDP or TCP, the Source and Destination type and ports fields
are displayed.
Source Port(s) The port numbers of source. You can specify a comma separated list of ports Numeric value
or range of ports.
Destination The port numbers of destination. You can specify a comma separated list of Numeric value
Port(s) ports or range of ports.
DSCP Select a Differentiated Service Code Point (DSCP) from the drop-down. DSCP value range from 0 to 63.
Default value is No Change.
Priority Select a priority value for the selected DSCP. The priority range from 0 to 7.
0 – Normal Priority
1 – Low Priority
7 – High Priority
Default value is No Change.
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