Arinc 436-1
Arinc 436-1
Arinc 436-1
Prepared by FSEMC
Published by
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©2010 BY
21401-7435 USA
ARINC organizes aviation industry committees and participates in related industry activities that
benefit aviation at large by providing technical leadership and guidance. These activities directly
support aviation industry goals: promote safety, efficiency, regularity, and cost-effectiveness in
aircraft operations.
ARINC Industry Activities organizes and provides the secretariat for international aviation
organizations (AEEC, AMC, FSEMC) which coordinate the work of aviation industry technical
professionals and lead the development of technical standards for airborne electronic
equipment, aircraft maintenance equipment and practices and flight simulator equipment and
used in commercial, military, and business aviation. The AEEC, AMC, and FSEMC develop
consensus-based, voluntary standards that are published by ARINC and are known as ARINC
Standards. The use of ARINC Standards results in substantial benefits to the aviation industry
by allowing avionics interchangeability and commonality and reducing avionics cost by
promoting competition.
a) ARINC Characteristics – Define the form, fit, function, and interfaces of avionics and
other airline electronic equipment. ARINC Characteristics indicate to prospective
manufacturers of airline electronic equipment the considered and coordinated
opinion of the airline technical community concerning the requisites of new
equipment including standardized physical and electrical characteristics to foster
interchangeability and competition.
b) ARINC Specifications – Are principally used to define either the physical packaging
or mounting of avionics equipment, data communication standards, or a high-level
computer language.
The release of an ARINC Standard does not obligate any organization or ARINC to purchase
equipment so described, nor does it establish or indicate recognition or the existence of an
operational requirement for such equipment, nor does it constitute endorsement of any
manufacturer’s product designed or built to meet the ARINC Standard.
In order to facilitate the continuous product improvement of this ARINC Standard, two items are
included in the back of this volume:
An Errata Report solicits any corrections to the text or diagrams in this ARINC Standard.
APPENDIX A GLOSSARY .................................................................................................11
ARINC REPORT 436 – Page 1
1.1 Purpose/Goals
The purpose of ARINC Report 436 is to provide Flight Simulation Training Device
(FSTD) users, suppliers and regulatory authorities a set of guidelines for Electronic
Qualification Test Guide (eQTG) systems. This document is intended to be
supplementary to existing regulatory authority requirements. This document is not
designed to direct the use of certain technologies or platforms, but to outline the
minimum requirements of an eQTG system. The choice of the technology used to
meet these requirements is left to the system’s designers and users.
1.2 Background
The modern FSTD requires numerous binders to store its complete Qualification
Test Guide (QTG). An electronic system is becoming a regulatory requirement
which will eliminate the need for storing large volumes of paper and facilitate the
transfer and analysis of data. As both the number of FSTDs and the volume of
required qualification tests have grown, FSTD users and manufacturers have
developed electronic systems for storing, reviewing and analyzing FSTD test guide
The production of the QTG, particularly the collation and indexing of the document’s
many parts, can be automated beyond the limits of that possible for a paper
document. With an automatically generated eQTG, the test results that constitute
the eQTG document could be automatically inspected to ensure that only the latest
results have been used, and that any necessary supplementary data has also been
included into the document.
This collation and checking task requires considerable effort, and should not be
underestimated, as a typical QTG may be the assembly of 500 separate articles.
Any automation in the production of the eQTG will be of great benefit during the
initial build and approval of the device, but the greatest benefit of automation will be
during the recurrent evaluations during the life of the device.
During the introduction of the eQTG, some operators and regulators may require a
traditional paper copy of the QTG, particularly during the initial approval. Clearly, it
would be impractical to have to produce two unique formats, hardcopy and
electronic, therefore the eQTG should also be the source of the hardcopy QTG. This
is an important consideration as it effectively limits the level of electronic interaction
that can be incorporated at this stage.
As more of these systems are developed, with different features and interfaces, the
need for an industry standard has emerged.
In all instances of references, it is intended that the latest versions of each applies.
14 CFR Part 60: Flight Simulation Training Device Initial and Continuing
Qualification and Use
2.1 Content
The eQTG should be presented in a form to allow for a quick and efficient review
and evaluation as defined below.
The eQTG should provide the user with the ability to uniquely identify a given
release, and provide adequate traceability of the results included therein. It is
recommended that this information include:
1. Operator and Regulatory FSTD ID(s)
2. Unique eQTG ID (e.g., date/time stamp, revision number)
2.1.3 Supporting Material
The supporting material should be included within the eQTG and be easily
accessible electronically while reviewing the associated test, and should include all
of the material required by the applicable regulatory authority (e.g., test
documentation, test description, clarifying notes, reference material, and rationale).
The eQTG test results should support color display. The following items, where
applicable, should be coded as follows:
1. Grid lines and axes Black
2. Background White
3. Validation data Blue solid line
4. FSTD results Green line
5. Out of tolerance FSTD results Red line
6. Master eQTG (MeQTG) FSTD results Gray line
The data lines should be wider than the grid lines, the individual traces must be
clearly identifiable, particularly when overlaid (e.g., line type, line width, symbols).
The following line types are suggested:
1. FSTD Results - short dashed
ARINC REPORT 436 – Page 4
In the event that the eQTG is to be printed in a monochrome format, the individual
traces must be clearly identifiable (e.g., line type, line width, symbols).
Properly labeled axes should be used. Standard divisions on plot scales should be
used wherever possible. Scales should be sufficient to demonstrate trends, evaluate
tolerances and contain the plotted data of interest.
When applicable, the following should be performed and included in the eQTG test
1. Automatic identification of out of tolerance results
2. Calculation of parameters applicable to the analysis of the results (e.g.,
damping ratio, speed, time, period)
The methods used for calculations should be described.
ARINC REPORT 436 – Page 5
2.1.8 Security
The eQTG should provide sufficient security to ensure the integrity of the original
contents. Specifically, the system should have the capability to lock or protect
specified sections while providing the ability to add electronic notes and electronic
approvals to the test results.
The eQTG should be capable of being archived and allow quick retrieval and
The contents of the MeQTG should be defined, and an automated means within the
eQTG system provided to track the revision history.
The eQTG System should provide a method to update portions within the MeQTG
without affecting the remainder of the MeQTG. Chapter 3 describes in detail the
update process.
If the eQTG makes use of hyperlinks to join each of the articles together, then every
article must be linked into the correct place, otherwise it may be inaccessible and
effectively missing from the eQTG. Manual checking of every link is tedious.
Therefore, the eQTG system should provide an automated collation process, which
should either faultlessly create or verify each and every one of the links in the
The eQTG should be usable as both an electronic and hardcopy document. When
printed, the hyperlinks should be visibly complete references, so that they can be
followed in the hardcopy result. This full expression should be as a complete and
traditional document reference and not as an internet URL (e.g., Document AB1234
- Revision G - Page 789).
If needed, the author of the eQTG should provide the regulatory authorities the
software necessary to review the eQTG.
The eQTG should include all the information required to ensure that when viewed,
the on-screen appearance of the eQTG is independent of:
1. Application options
2. User profile
3. Installed fonts
4. Operating System and Computer platform
2.2.3 Document Navigation
The eQTG viewer should allow the user to easily review each test and navigate from
test to test in a sequential, logical manner consistent with the table of contents. It
should also have a method which will enable the user to jump to new sections of the
document easily. This capability can be similar, but is not limited to:
2. Hyperlinks
2.2.4 Viewer Operation
The viewer should support standard keyboard operations (e.g., page down key
moves the document one page down) and standard mouse operations. The viewer
should also provide instructions as to its operation, including help facilities.
2.2.5 Zoom
2.2.6 Printing
The eQTG viewer should provide ability to print results, with the capability to support
correctly scaled output on the appropriate paper format. The resolution of the
recorded data should be sufficient to allow hard copy to be printed at a quality high
enough to allow appropriate manual evaluation of results.
These additional features are not required for an eQTG, but are presented as
options to assist in test analysis or reduce test review time.
1. Development mode to separate results from non-approved/development
simulation loads and the official results for the quarter
2. Automatic initial condition verification to confirm the required settings
3. The ability to simultaneously display multiple FSTD results of the same test
4. Plot multiple FSTD results on one plot with the validation data
5. Manual offsetting of the FSTD results, including clear annotation
6. Automatic display of (X, Y) value of cursor, including the ability to mark the
7. Selectable viewing of plots chosen from a list of available parameters
8. Provide the user with options to alter the presentation of the data including
axis range (e.g., time slice) and scale, plot size and order
9. The capability to search an eQTG or eQTGs based on filtered values
ARINC REPORT 436 – Page 8
3.1 Introduction
The following sections describe in detail the eQTG process depicted below.
The following should be provided with the initial QTG submittal letter:
1. All eQTG components submitted on CD, DVD, or any other electronic media.
The electronic media used should be acceptable to the regulatory authority,
and may include:
a. Master QTG on CD, DVD or any other electronic media readable on a
standard PC
b. Web-based system accessible via the Internet
c. eQTG downloaded from a server via the Internet
2. eQTG tool, viewer, or access to the internet site required to review the
3. eQTG user manual or any relevant procedures to access eQTG information
on electronic media.
4. A statement of compliance to ARINC Report 436.
ARINC REPORT 436 – Page 9
On receipt of the eQTG, the reviewer may wish to raise comments regarding the
QTG in the form of temporary notes using the features described in Section 2.3, and
return an annotated copy to the sender. The temporary notes may become
permanent notes.
During FSTD qualification, the MeQTG may be signed by the authorities using the
features described in Section 2.3, Item 6. The MeQTG should be retained by the
FSTD operator, and if required, a copy provided to the regulatory authorities on CD,
DVD, or other electronic media as described in Section 3.2, Item 1.
Section 2.3, Item 6. The FSTD operator should archive the approved eQTG results
from the recurrent qualifications.
When the author updates the MeQTG, only the portions affected by the update are
included in the MeQTG and reflected in the revision history as specified in Section
2.1.10 and Section 2.1.11.
The regulatory authority may sign and approve the updated MeQTG using the
features described in Section 2.3, Item 6.
ARINC REPORT 436 – Page 10
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Security
Once the results are approved, either as the initial qualification or recurrent results,
they must be protected to prevent accidentally overwriting an approved eQTG.
4.3 Access
A method should be provided to control who has read only, read/write, or full access
to results. A method should be provided to record the time, date and author of each
4.4 Privacy
The person who creates or modifies an eQTG.
An electronic copy of a paper MQTG for legacy systems (e.g., scanned).
Electronic Qualification Test Guide – a QTG produced by an eQTG System.
A code identifying a release of the eQTG
eQTG System
Tools and processes to create, modify, and view an eQTG.
eQTG Viewer
An application that presents the eQTG to the user.
Flight Simulation Training Device
A code identifying an FSTD.
Legacy Systems
FSTDs that do not have an eQTG System.
Master Electronic Qualification Test Guide – an MQTG produced by an eQTG
Master Qualification Test Guide – the authority approved QTG which incorporates
the results of tests witnessed by the authority. The MQTG serves as the reference
for future evaluations.
Portable Document Format
Permanent Notes
Annotations within the eQTG that are automatically propagated from one eQTG
release to the next.
Qualification Test Guide – primary reference document used for evaluating an
aircraft FSTD. It contains test results, statements of compliance and capability, the
ARINC REPORT 436 – Page 12
configuration of the aircraft simulated and other information for the evaluator to
assess the FSTD against the applicable regulatory criteria.
Regulatory Authority
Qualifying agency (e.g., FAA, CAA, MOT)
A uniquely identifiable version of the eQTG.
Supporting material
Additional information for a test (e.g., test documentation, test description, clarifying
notes, reference material, rationale)
Temporary Notes
Annotations to the current release of the eQTG that are not automatically
propagated to the next release.
Validation data
Data used to prove that the FSTD performance corresponds to that of the aircraft.
2551 Riva Road
Annapolis, Maryland 24101-7435
2. Reference
3. Error
(Reproduce the material in error, as it appears in the standard.)
4. Recommended Correction
(Reproduce the correction as it would appear in the corrected version of the material.)
6. Submitter (Optional)
(Name, organization, contact information, e.g., phone, email address.)
Note: Items 2-5 may be repeated for additional errata. All recommendations will be evaluated by the staff. Any
substantive changes will require submission to the relevant subcommittee for incorporation into a subsequent
Review Status:
Project Scope
Describe the scope of the project clearly and concisely. The scope should
describe “what” will be done, i.e., the technical boundaries of the project.
Example: “This project will standardize a protocol for the control of printers.
The protocol will be independent of the underlying data stream or page
description language but will be usable by all classes of printers.”
Project Benefit
Describe the purpose and benefit of the project. This section should describe
“why” the project should be done. Describe how the new standard will improve
competition among vendors, giving airlines freedom of choice. This section
provides justification for the allocation of both IA and airline resources.
Example: “Currently each class of printers implements its own proprietary
protocol for the transfer of a print job. In order to provide access to the cockpit
printer from several different avionics sources, a single protocol is needed. The
protocol will permit automatic determination of printer type and configuration to
provide for growth and product differentiation.”
Issues to be worked
Describe the major issues to be addressed by the proposed ARINC standard.
Anything else deemed useful to the committees for prioritization of this work.
The following table identifies the number of meetings and proposed meeting days
needed to produce the documents described above.