Leonardo Act.6 Final-Activity Global-City

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TCWD Activity 6: May 27, 2023

Part I.

Name of the Global City :

The N.E.W. E.R.A. Global City

World w/
Resources in an
Archipelagic location

Geographical Location (/Blueprint/map) • The Geographical Location of the N.E.W. E.R.A. Global
and Land Area: City was similarly proportional to one of the various
islands or islets of the Philippines since the city mainly
surrounds and is in proximity to the bodies of water such
as rivers and sea. Moreover, it is bounded by the eastern
side of the Philippine archipelago which has the presence
of resources that could play a vital role in sustaining the
development of the city and its future. This city has the
potential to build a strong fisheries economy, industrial,
and agricultural due to the strategic location of its
geographic which consists of a series of mountains,
forests, rivers, and untouched parts of the city that could
be a source of the resources of the main city.

Main thoroughfares • Highway

It is either a public or private road that serves as where the

point of entrance and exit for any establishments,
infrastructures, facilities, and places in the city. Notably, it
separates into two groups of the city, the first one is where
most of the city lives whether in high-rise buildings or known
as urban and in low-density residential areas or known as the
rural part of the city. On the other hand, the second section
would be where the airport and city management facilities
were located.

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• Streets

It is a road in the N.E.W. E.R.A. global city that separates

and connects the establishments on both sides.
Furthermore, the streets are composed of three lanes that
would help organize and avoid traffics, road rages, and

- Red Lane for Public Transportations such as

Busses, Taxis, and Trams
- Green Lane for Bicycles
- Normal Lane for Private Vehicles

Nearest ports
• Seaport

The function of the city’s seaport is to guarantee the safety

of seagoing vessels as they enter, operate in, and depart the
ports. Supplying the infrastructure and tools required for
seagoing vessels to anchor, load, and unload cargo, and
board and disembark passengers. Moreover, the trade
industry and economy are located here.

• Airport

A location and facility for aircraft takeoff and landing is the

city's airport hub. An airport acts as a terminal for residents,
outsiders, and cargo, such as imports and exports, and often
contains paved runways and maintenance facilities.

• Fish port

For the unloading, processing, storage, and market of fish

products as well as for the upkeep and maintenance of the
fishing fleet, this city's fishing port functions as an industrial

- N.E.W. E.R.A. Global City’s Common Fish

Products were Salmons, Anchovies, and

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Infrastructure/ Facilities/ • Political

Establishments/ Business and Trade:
The political system of this city is adopted and based on the
government of the Philippines since the city lies on the
territorial eastern side of the country. Therefore, it would be
democratic and republican state. In addition, administration
building that oversees the laws and policies that govern the
city, it's located in the heart of the city.

• Transportation

Here are the dedicated public transportation for the city’s

sustainable development;

- Trams
- Taxis
- Busses
- Bicycles

• Educational

The city has many different elementary schools and high

schools and colleges dispersed around the area to better
accommodate the number of people living there, there are
three specialty colleges that focuses on educating the future
workforce on specific skill sets that will greatly benefit the
city once they enter the labor market.

- Science-Oriented Institute
- Technical Vocational Institute
- General Academic Institute

• Health

There is a General Hospital for people who may not have the
best financial capabilities to pay for more advanced

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procedures. There are also many privatized hospitals so as to

better serve the people living there by having highly trained
doctors and nurses and various other health care staff that
are paid a livable wage. Clinics that are distributed around
the city that can offer you a free consult and basic health
checkups. There are also specialty elder care and childcare
facilities that focuses on the health and wellbeing of the
mentioned demographics.

- Hospitals
- Community Clinics
- Veterinarian Clinics

• Power and Energy

The facilities that power the N.E.W. E.R.A. Global City are all
renewable energy sources. Namely solar energy farms and
land and water wind turbines. There are also some
geothermal power plants that are present just as a backup to
the other two energy sources as, although they are more
than capable enough to power the city, they are also weather
dependent and may produce a lower power output than
normal during times of cloudy days or windless ones. The
power lines that deliver electricity from energy processing
facilities to the masses are mostly located underground
where it cannot be affected by the elements though the ones
located above are exposed as they are the mainline and it is
vital that it is easier to manage in case of breakdowns.

- Solar Farms
- Water Wind Turbines
- Geothermal Energy (Back-up)

• Telecommunications

The three telecom hubs providing a selection for people to

choose what suits their needs best and to make sure that the
companies themselves are not lacking in quality by
generating competition amongst the three of them. Not only
that there are various powers with big speakers on them that
announce crucial events that may affect the city such as a
flood warning and earthquake warnings.

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• Water

The city's water is taken from not only the river but also the
ocean, thus it needs to be properly processed in water
processing facilities to make sure that it is drinkable and
potable for the people to use. Once it has become sewage, it
then goes to another set of treatment facilities, as to filter
out any dirt and debris that may be present within the water
before putting it back to the ocean and rivers thus lessening
the water pollution. There are also water storage tanks that
are beside the water treatment facilities so on the off chance
that they might break army be shut down for maintenance
the city will still have a supply of water for a short amount of

- Water Processing Facilities

- Water Treatment and Tank Establishments
- Sewage System

• Recreational

Given the variety of activities available to people of all ages

and interests, this city has the potential to become a well-
known tourist destination. For adrenaline seekers and the
young at heart, there is an amusement park. For those who
enjoy animals, there is a zoo. For people who enjoy peaceful
nature hikes and camping, there is a park reservoir. For
people who value the history of the arts and how things came
to be, there are several museums. There is a pedestrian park
where you may relax with friends and family and enjoy a
broad variety of meals. For those who enjoy shopping, there
is a large mall, but there are also smaller ones for those who
would prefer to spend their time in peace and quiet. And
numerous additional smaller-scale attractions.

- Tourist Hubs
- Amusement Parks
- Zoos
- Museums
- Park Reservoir
- Pedestrian Park
- Global Mall

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Part II.

Economic Sustainability • Employment availability

In terms of employment, due to the fact that there are readily

accessible and affordable universities of differing skill sets
and levels within the city itself, there are tons of employment
availability as people have the means to attain the jobs that
they studied for within the city or if they feel like their skill
set will be much more valued elsewhere they can easily go to
where they think they will thrive.

• Businesses and Investments

Businesses also thrive in this city as there are many

opportunities due to the size and demand of the residents
and tourists alike. There is also a Stock Exchange located
within the city that people can invest in to grow their assets.

Environmental Sustainability • Pollution, Air, and Waste Control

As stated before, due to the number of wildly available public

transportation options, residents within the city tend to buy
or rent cars at a lesser extent, meaning there is less air
pollution here then there would be if the city is heavily car
focused. Not only that, before the sewage is dumped back
into the oceans and rivers if this treated in a water processing
facility, not only that but they make sure that the quality of
water that they are dumping back into the oceans and rivers
is clean enough that it can be reused again. In dealing with
the garbage that will accumulate rapidly due to the size of
the city there are many waste processing facilities that sort
and separate what can be recycled, what are biodegradable,
what are salvageable, and those that are just plain trash.
There are also garbage trucks that go around the various
parts of the city twice a week to pick up the trash and bring
them to said the waste processing facilities. Residents and
community members are also highly encouraged to reuse
reduce and recycle whatever trash they may have, and thus
recycling centers are stationed in areas where there will be a
predictably high concentrate of garbage generation.

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Social Sustainability • Health Care

Health care through the means of hospitals catering to

people of different walks of life scattered around the city. A
General Hospital, many privatized hospitals, elder care and
childcare centers and Health clinics are a vital part of keeping
the residents of the N.E.W. E.R.A. Global City, healthy in all
ways possible. This city operates on the policy of giving
everyone, whether it be people who were born and raised
here or people who just came to visit, free universal health
care to a certain degree.

And Speaking of health, residents here are healthier than

average as they tend to get help for any underlying
conditions that they may have much earlier than residents of
other cities due to the policy stated earlier. Not only that but
they also tend to walk from place to place as they can easily
hitch a ride through any part of the city using a tram if they
find themselves too tired to walk any longer, this then
increases their confidence of going around and exploring the
city on their own two feet instead of sitting down and using
their car. They also tend to bike from place to place as every
road in the city besides the main highway connecting this city
from another are all accessible by bike lanes thus giving bike
riders a safe wait to commute around the city.

• Housing and Lifestyle

Housing is another matter, that is not dependent on the

income a household receives but rather the lifestyle that they
lead. To the people who prefer a quieter environment they
can choose to live in the lower density residential area, and
it is no problem if their work is in the city because, again, they
can easily ride any number of public transportation from
their place of rest to the place of their work. There are also
options for people to live in high rises closer to the heart of
the city if that is what they wish. The housing in this city of
course varies in prices, and while that may be a contribute to
where someone might wish to stay, it is not a deciding factor
that will ultimately place people in uncomfortable living
situations just because the rent is cheap.

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Part. III.

Discuss opportunities for Globalization

• Opportunities to Tourism, Export, and Trade Economy
in your Global City (justify your
answers) Due to the airport located so close to the city, and due to its
proximity to a harbor, there are many opportunities for
globalization in the city. With tourist visiting every so often
and residents having enough money to travel to different
parts of the country and abroad and then bringing back the
culture with them the exchange information that may not be
as well known in our city is prominent. Moreover, the main
export is fish products due to the geographical location
which is proximity to bodies of water, therefore, the global
city mainly supports their economy through exporting goods
as one of the ways of boosting the economy. Also, trading
system plays a vital role which is located into airport hubs
and seaports to trade various goods, products, etc. to other
neighbor cities.

• Provides and Supports Employment Rate

Since the city itself has many facilities and infrastructures

that offer and accommodate any special skill sets of
professionals, then it would increase the rate of employment
which is vital in sustaining the development of the global city.
It is significant also for the residents for a sense of purpose
since it could provide goals to job toward each day and a
salary to support them financially. It could aid them also build
skills and experience that would last throughout their career.

• The Global City is Science-Centered

The target goal of the city should be most of their part were
science-based which offers the best way for the residents to
ensure they are aligned with these global city goals. Utilizing
a science-oriented to set a target ensures that these factors
are considered specifically in the medical fields wherein the
city provides many hospital facilities and schools that were
academically inclined to science.

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Part IV.

Discuss challenges or threats for • Prone to Natural Disasters (i.e. Tsunami)

Globalization in your Global City (justify
Now on to some potential problems that may arise with
your answers)
where they have located. With the city being so close to the
ocean there is a possibility that they may experience
tsunamis if the city is located close to a fault line. While the
probability of that is low, it is still a possibility. So there are
tsunami warning devices that alert the appropriate agencies
if one is fast approaching so they can at least evacuate the
people living near the coastline into the inner city. It also
helps that while the ocean may be close in proximity there is
still land area strategically located in front of the main
coastline of the city that it can help break the tsunami into a
smaller wave and potentially cause less damage. Disaster
shelters and the city wide emergency announcement service
can also help mitigate the devastating effects that can be
caused by a tsunami.

• Fault Line and Earthquake

Another possible problem if the city is located close to a fault

line that it can generate an earthquake and leads into
tsunamis, landslides, fissures, fire, and avalanches. While
landslides due to earthquakes is a low possibility with the
only mountainous area being near the park reservoir, tall
buildings that are and iconic part of the city’s infrastructure
are susceptibility vulnerable to the effects of an earthquake.
So, while not visible, they have thought of ways to minimize
the damage that may be done if such a thing were to occur.
Such as laying down proper foundations for high rises and tall
office buildings deep into the earth so that when the ground
shakes the building has some type of support that can help it
withstand the force of an earthquake.

• Overfishing

Due to the cities export being mostly fish there could also be
a problem with overfishing. Which can mitigated by setting
policies that require the fisherman to allow the population to
grow back to a certain size before fishing again and having

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stricter permits so that only specialized and well trained

individuals can fish.

TCWD 111
BSN 2 YB – 15
Group Members:
✓ Azaña, Jama Kyna
✓ De Belen, Justmine
✓ Fernandez, Lynn Patrice
✓ Jarilla, Jan Isabelle
✓ Leonardo, Michael Angelo
✓ Orepol, Ivan Regz
✓ Palacio, Krisheena Gaile
✓ Sari, Leishel Ava Rose
✓ Tuliao, Angelica Grace
✓ Valdez, Mariton

Submitted to:
Prof. Laicez Cordero-Tibig

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