Norma IEC60076-20-2017 (Trafos de Potencia)

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IEC TS 60076-20

Edition 1.0 2017-01



Power transformers –
Part 20: Energy efficiency
IEC TS 60076-20:2017-01(en)
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IEC TS 60076-20
Edition 1.0 2017-01



Power transformers –
Part 20: Energy efficiency


ICS 29.180 ISBN 978-2-8322-3870-7

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–2– IEC TS 60076-20:2017 © IEC 2017

FOREWORD ........................................................................................................................... 4
INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 6
1 Scope .............................................................................................................................. 7
2 Normative references ...................................................................................................... 8
3 Terms and definitions ...................................................................................................... 8
4 Efficiency and efficiency index calculation ....................................................................... 9
4.1 General ................................................................................................................... 9
4.2 Methods of evaluating energy performance ........................................................... 10
4.3 Method A .............................................................................................................. 11
4.3.1 Efficiency index general formula .................................................................... 11
4.3.2 Peak efficiency index ..................................................................................... 11
4.4 Method B .............................................................................................................. 12
4.4.1 Efficiency index general formula (EI B ) ........................................................... 12
4.4.2 Efficiency index at 50 % loading (EI B50 ) ....................................................... 12
5 Specification of energy performance .............................................................................. 13
6 Energy performance levels ............................................................................................ 13
6.1 General ................................................................................................................. 13
6.2 Liquid immersed transformers ............................................................................... 14
6.2.1 Minimum PEI method A ................................................................................. 14
6.2.2 Maximum load losses and maximum no load losses for transformers
with rated frequency equal to 50 Hz ............................................................... 16
6.2.3 Efficiency index method B .............................................................................. 17
6.3 Dry type transformers ........................................................................................... 19
6.3.1 Minimum PEI value method A ........................................................................ 19
6.3.2 Maximum load loss and maximum no load loss for transformers with
rated frequency equal to 50 Hz ...................................................................... 21
6.3.3 Efficiency index method B at 50 % load factor ............................................... 22
7 Tolerance ...................................................................................................................... 25
7.1 General ................................................................................................................. 25
7.2 Losses .................................................................................................................. 25
7.3 PEI ....................................................................................................................... 25
Annex A (informative) Capitalisation of losses ..................................................................... 26
A.1 General theory, concept of capitalisation .............................................................. 26
A.2 Impact of capitalisation values .............................................................................. 27
A.3 Capitalisation formula ........................................................................................... 27
A.3.1 General ......................................................................................................... 27
A.3.2 Calculation of factor A.................................................................................... 28
A.3.3 Calculation of factor B.................................................................................... 28
A.3.4 Use of A and B for tender evaluation .............................................................. 30
A.3.5 Determination of factors A and B .................................................................... 31
Annex B (informative) Efficiency based on a survey of world practices ................................. 32
B.1 General ................................................................................................................. 32
B.2 50 Hz efficiency .................................................................................................... 32
B.3 60 Hz efficiency .................................................................................................... 32
Annex C (informative) Japanese practices ........................................................................... 34
C.1 General ................................................................................................................. 34
IEC TS 60076-20:2017 © IEC 2017 –3–

C.2 Scope ................................................................................................................... 34

C.3 Maximum losses calculation methods ................................................................... 34
C.4 Maximum losses ................................................................................................... 34
Bibliography .......................................................................................................................... 36

Figure A.1 – Load profile....................................................................................................... 29

Table 1 – PEI values for single-phase transformers with U m ≤ 12 kV and S r ≤ 100 kVA ....... 14
Table 2 – PEI values for transformers with U m ≤ 36 kV and S r ≤ 3 150 kVA ........................... 15
Table 3 – PEI values for transformers with U m > 36 kV or S r >3 150 kVA .............................. 16
Table 4 – Maximum load losses and maximum no load losses for transformers with
rated frequency equal to 50 Hz ............................................................................................. 17
Table 5 – EI B50 value for liquid-immersed 60 Hz transformers ............................................. 18
Table 6 – EI B50 value for liquid-immersed 50 Hz transformers ............................................. 19
Table 7 – PEI values for dry type transformers with U m ≤ 36 kV and S r ≤ 3 150 kVA ............. 20
Table 8 – PEI values for transformers with U m ≤ 36 kV and S r > 3 150 kVA .......................... 20
Table 9 – PEI values for transformers with U m > 36 kV ......................................................... 21
Table 10 – Maximum load loss and maximum no load loss for transformers with rated
frequency equal to 50 Hz ...................................................................................................... 22
Table 11 – EI B50 values for single-phase dry type 60 Hz transformers ................................. 23
Table 12 – EI B50 values for three-phase dry type 60 Hz transformers .................................. 24
Table 13 – EI B50 values for dry type 50 Hz transformers ...................................................... 25
Table B.1 – Efficiency equations for transformers with a primary voltage of 36 kV and
below, from 5 kVA to 1  000 kVA single-phase and 15 kVA to 3 150 kVA three-phase,
50 Hz and 50 % load method A ............................................................................................. 32
Table B.2 – Efficiency equations for transformers with a primary voltage of 36 kV and
below, from 5 kVA to 1  000 kVA single-phase and 15 kVA to 3 150 kVA three-phase,
60 Hz and 50 % load method B ............................................................................................. 33
Table C.1 – Maximum losses ................................................................................................ 35
–4– IEC TS 60076-20:2017 © IEC 2017




Part 20: Energy efficiency

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IEC TS 60076-20, which is a technical specification, has been prepared by IEC technical
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IEC TS 60076-20:2017 © IEC 2017 –5–

The text of this technical specification is based on the following documents:

Enquiry draft Report on voting

14/852/DTS 14/884/RVDTS

Full information on the voting for the approval of this technical specification can be found in
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–6– IEC TS 60076-20:2017 © IEC 2017


The reason prompting the preparation of this document is the need to save energy and to
reduce the emission of greenhouse gases. The objective of this document is to promote a
higher average level of energy performance for transformers.

It provides a basic model for national standards and, alternatively, a supplement to national
standards that do not cover the whole range of transformers.

This part of IEC 60076 gives methods of specifying a transformer with an appropriate level of
energy efficiency according to the loading and operating conditions applicable. It also gives
minimum efficiency and maximum losses which lead to a generally acceptable balance
between losses and use of other resources.

This document proposes two methods (A and B) of defining an energy efficiency index and
introduces three methods of evaluating the energy performance of a transformer.

These are based on existing regional practices:

a) the Peak Efficiency Index (PEI) which should be used in conjunction with either a total
cost of ownership (TCO) approach or any other mean of specifying the load factor.
b) the no-load and load losses at rated power for rationalization of transformer cores and
coils for transformers generally produced in large volumes;
c) the efficiency at a defined power factor and particular load factor (typically at 50 %).

The appropriate method is chosen by agreement between purchasers and manufacturers or

according to local regulations.

A transformer that does not comply with this document can still comply with the requirements
of other standards in the IEC 60076 series.

Formulae for the calculation of efficiency are given to reflect different regional practices and
purposes. The definition of rated power is given in IEC 60076-1.

Energy efficiency is not the sole basis for choosing a transformer. The total capital and
estimated lifetime operating and maintenance costs (TCO) are also significant considerations
in determining the most suitable transformer for the intended application, and may lead to the
selection of more economical solutions when taking into account the lifetime of the

This document provides a standard method for evaluating the energy performance of power
transformers through the use of the PEI, gives benchmark figures and the reasons why
certain transformers may have efficiencies which are higher or lower than the benchmark.

Setting a reasonable value of minimum PEI will be effective in improving the overall energy
performance of the installed transformer population by eliminating transformers with low
efficiency, with the exception for some specific network limitations.

The use of a minimum value of PEI sets a floor for transformer energy performance, but the
use of TCO evaluation for purchasing transformers is essential to select a transformer with
the optimal economically justified level of efficiency.
IEC TS 60076-20:2017 © IEC 2017 –7–


Part 20: Energy efficiency

1 Scope

This part of IEC 60076 is applicable to transformers in the scope of IEC 60076-1.

The energy performance levels given in Clause 6 are not applicable to the following

• transformers for high current rectifiers as described in the IEC 61378 (all parts) and in the
IEC 60146 (all parts);
• transformers for furnace applications;
• transformers for offshore applications;
NOTE 1 Transformer to be installed on fixed or floating offshore platforms, offshore wind turbines or on board of
ships and all kind of vessels).

• transformers for emergency or temporary mobile installations;

NOTE 2 Transformers designed only to provide cover for a specific time limited situation when the normal power
supply is interrupted either due to an unplanned occurrence such as failure or a station refurbishment, but not to
permanently upgrade an existing substation.

• traction transformers;
• earthing transformers as described in 3.1.10 of IEC 60076-6:2007.
• phase shifting transformers;
• instrument transformers (IEC 61869-1);
• transformers and auto-transformers specifically designed for railway feeding systems, as
defined in EN 50329;
• traction catenary supply transformer for 16,67 Hz;
• transformer for high current rectifiers (IEC 61869-1);
NOTE 3 These are transformers specifically designed and intended to supply power electronic or rectifier loads
specified according to IEC 61378-1.

NOTE 4 This exclusion does not apply to transformers intended to provide AC power from DC sources such as
transformers for wind turbine and photo voltaic applications as well as transformers designed for DC transmission
and distribution applications.”

• transformers for railway feeding systems (EN 50329);

• subsea transformers;
• starting-, testing- and welding transformers;
• starting transformers, specifically designed for starting three-phase induction motors so as
to eliminate supply voltage dips;
NOTE 5 Examples are transformers that are de-energised during normal operation, used for the purpose of
starting a rotating machine).

• transformers specifically designed for explosion-proof and underground mining

• transformers which cannot fulfil the energy performance requirements due to unavoidable
size and weight limitations.
NOTE 6 Due to the unavoidable weight and size limitation for a rolling stock application, this definition includes all
traction transformers for rolling stock, irrespective of the frequency (e.g. 16,7 Hz, 25 Hz, 50 Hz, 60 Hz).
–8– IEC TS 60076-20:2017 © IEC 2017

In this document, "transformers" includes both separate winding transformers and


NOTE 7 Transformers intended to provide AC power from DC sources such as transformers for wind turbine and
photo voltaic applications as well as transformers designed for DC transmission and distribution applications are
included in the Scope of this document.

2 Normative references

The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their
content constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition
cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including
any amendments) applies.

IEC 60076-1, Power transformers – Part 1: General

IEC 60076-2, Power transformers – Part 2: Temperature rise for liquid-immersed transformers

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.

ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following

• IEC Electropedia: available at

• ISO Online browsing platform: available at

ratio of output active power to input active power

Note 1 to entry: This is an apparent power

electrical losses
electrical power consumed by the transformer at a particular value of transmitted apparent
power excluding the power consumed by the cooling system

efficiency index method A
ratio of the transmitted apparent power of a transformer minus electrical losses including the
power consumed by the cooling to the transmitted apparent power of the transformer for a
given load factor

efficiency index method B
ratio of the transmitted apparent power of a transformer to the transmitted apparent power of
the transformer plus electrical losses for a given load factor

Note 1 to entry: This method is only applicable for naturally cooled transformers.
IEC TS 60076-20:2017 © IEC 2017 –9–

peak efficiency index
highest value of efficiency index method A that can be achieved at the optimum value of load

Note 1 to entry: To characterize the energy performance of power transformers, it is useful to define an index that
is relevant to the transformer design applicable to a wide range of uses rather than a figure that varies from second
to second depending on system conditions. For this reason, a metric, the peak efficiency index, has been
developed and used, which is based on active power losses and total apparent power transmitted and is
independent of load phase angle, load factor and rated power.
En cualquier tabla de eficiencias se demuestra
3.6 que el valor optimo de factor de carga esta
input apparent power aprox al 50%
S input
input voltage multiplied by the input current

Note 1 to entry: This is an apparent power.

Note 2 to entry: For three phase transformers, a factor √3 shall be added.

output apparent power
S output
output voltage multiplied by the output current

Note 1 to entry: This is an apparent power.

Note 2 to entry: For three phase transformers, a factor √3 shall be added.

transformer load factor
ratio of the actual input current to the rated current of the transformer

load factor of peak efficiency index
load factor at which the peak efficiency index (3.5) occurs

transmitted apparent power
kS r
product of the load factor and the rated power

4 Efficiency and efficiency index calculation

4.1 General

Transformer efficiency is based on the apparent power, this is equivalent to assuming that the
power factor is one. For transformers, the efficiency is expressed as follows:

𝑆input − 𝐿 𝑆output
Efficiency = = (1)
𝑆input 𝑆output +𝐿

The defined power can be either input apparent power or output apparent power resulting in
two methods for the calculation of efficiency (Method A and Method B), and historically both
methods have been used.
– 10 – IEC TS 60076-20:2017 © IEC 2017

Method A Efficiency = (2)

Method B Efficiency = (3)

S is the defined power;
L is the sum of no-load loss and load loss including loss for cooling equipment.
NOTE S is defined as input apparent power in method A and S is defined as output apparent power in method B.

The formula for calculating efficiency index with method B is limited to transformers without
cooling losses.

For the scope of this document and for the sake of simplicity, it is conventionally assumed

• the voltage and load current systems are symmetrical and sinusoidal;
• the line voltage is equal to the rated voltage.

4.2 Methods of evaluating energy performance

For the purposes of this document, to consider energy efficiency in a practical manner, the
power factor is assumed to be unity, and efficiency can be defined in terms of an efficiency
index at a specific power.

This document defines two methods of calculating the efficiency index, method A and
method B.

This document introduces three methods of evaluating the energy performance of a


a) the peak efficiency index (PEI);

b) the no-load and load losses at rated power or at a particular reference power;
c) the efficiency at a defined power factor and particular load factor (typically at 50 %).

The appropriate method shall be chosen by agreement between purchasers and

manufacturers or according to local regulations.

The general definition of efficiency raises some complications, such as whether the electrical
consumption of the cooling equipment of the transformer at no-load or at a particular load
shall be included in the calculation.

The PEI includes the losses associated with only that part of the cooling system that is in
service at k PEI .

At k PEI loading, sufficient cooling shall be in service to ensure that the rise in temperature of
the transformer does not exceed the requirements of IEC 60076-2 or the customer's

NOTE 1 The advantage of the PEI is that it does not impose a particular load factor that can vary greatly
depending on the application, and because it does not depend explicitly on the rated power of the transformer. The
PEI is an intrinsic parameter that does not depend on whether the transformer has alternative ratings depending on
cooling modes.

NOTE 2 If the loss capitalisation method is used in the transformer procurement process, then it can be expected
that the PEI will occur at approximately the loading where the ratio between load and no-load losses is equal to the
ratio between the capitalisation rates for load and no-load loss, except where this has been modified by the relative
cost of reducing load and no-load losses.
IEC TS 60076-20:2017 © IEC 2017 – 11 –

It can be advantageous to switch on the cooling at a lower temperature than is required by the maximum
temperature rise requirement to increase the life span of the transformer insulation and reduce total losses,
because of the effect of winding temperature on losses.

4.3 Method A

4.3.1 Efficiency index general formula

The efficiency index according to method A is calculated according to the following formula
expressed per unit:

𝑘𝑘r − (𝑃0 +𝑃c0 )−(𝑘²𝑃k +𝑃ck (𝑘))

EIA = (p.u.) (4)

P0 is the no-load loss measured at rated voltage in W, rated frequency and on rated tap;
P c0 is the electrical power in W required by the cooling system for no-load operation
derived from the type test measurement of the power taken by the fan and pump
Pk is the measured load loss in W at rated current and rated frequency on the rated tap
corrected to reference temperature according to the requirement below;
P ck (k) is the additional electrical power in W required (in addition to P c0 ) by the cooling
system for operation at load factor k, derived from the type test measurement of the
power taken by the fan and pump motors;
Sr is the rated power in VA of the transformer or autotransformer as defined in
IEC 60076-1 on which P k is based;
k is the load factor.

This approach respects the philosophy of the IEC 60076 series, which refers the rated power
to the rated voltage and current of one of the transformer windings.

For the calculation, the following shall be considered:

a) for liquid-immersed transformers with a rated average winding temperature rise less than
or equal to 65 K for OF or ON, or 70 K for OD, the reference temperature is 75 °C;
b) for transformers with other rated average winding temperature rises, the reference
temperature is equal to the rated average winding temperature rise +20 °C, or rated
winding temperature rise + the yearly external cooling medium average temperature,
whichever is higher.

If a purchaser needs to compare a transformer with different insulation systems and different
average winding temperature rises, the reference temperature should be according to b)

The reference temperature at the rated power chosen for the losses shall be in accordance
with IEC 60076-1.

4.3.2 Peak efficiency index

The peak efficiency index (PEI) is obtained when no-load loss equals load loss and is given
by substituting k in Equation (4) with k PEI as in the expression below:

𝑃0 +𝑃c0 +𝑃ck
(p.u.) (5)

P ck PEI is the additional electrical power required (in addition to P c0 ) by the cooling system for
operation at k PEI .
– 12 – IEC TS 60076-20:2017 © IEC 2017

The formula for calculating the PEI is therefore given by Equation (6):

2(𝑃0 +𝑃c0 +𝑃ck )

PEI = 1 - (p.u.) (6)
𝑃0 +𝑃ck +𝑃c0
𝑆r �

The losses shall be measured in accordance with the methods specified in the IEC 60076

NOTE The value of Equation (6) depends on the ratio S r /√P K which does not vary significantly if S r is changed (for
example by changing the cooling mode) provided that P K is measured at S r .

4.4 Method B

4.4.1 Efficiency index general formula (EI B )

This formula is only applicable to transformers with natural cooling AN, ONAN, KNAN, GNAN
and LNAN. For forced cooled transformers, method A shall apply.

The general way to calculate the efficiency index is given by Equation (7). This is different
from the usual definition of rated power as per IEC 60076-1 as shown by this method. This
method is named method B.

EIB = (p.u.) (7)
𝑘𝑘u + 𝑃0 +𝑘²𝑇f 𝑃k

P0 is the no-load loss measured in W at rated voltage, rated frequency and on rated tap;
Pk is the measured load loss in W at the rated current and the rated frequency on the rated
tap corrected to the reference temperature of 85 °C;
Su is the rated power in VA of the transformer or autotransformer as defined in IEEE
C57.12.80 on which P k is based. S u is used for distinction from S r ;
k is the load factor;
Tf is the temperature correction factor used to correct the losses from the standard
reference temperature to the reference temperature used for calculation of the EI at a
load factor lower than 1.

This method should be applied when an efficiency value is not specified by the purchaser or
in local regulation.

4.4.2 Efficiency index at 50 % loading (EI B50 )

In some countries, regulations are based on an efficiency index calculated according to

method B (Equation (7)) at a load factor k of 50 %.

The efficiency index when the load factor k = 50 % is calculated with Equation (8):

0,5 Su
EIB50 = (p.u.) (8)
0,5 𝑆u + 𝑃0 +0,25×𝑇f ×𝑃k

Tf shall be taken as unity.

The exact correction factor T f depends at least on the type of winding conductor (copper or
aluminum) and the reference temperature at full load and ratio of eddy to I 2 R losses.
IEC TS 60076-20:2017 © IEC 2017 – 13 –

In some countries, for transformers with an assumed average winding temperature (yearly
average ambient plus reduced temperature rise due to under-loading conditions) at 50 % load
factor, of 55 °C for liquid immersed transformers, and 75 °C for dry type transformers, T f is
approximated to an arbitrary value of 0,91.

Other values of T f are based on the temperature correction of losses given in IEC 60076-1
and IEC 60076-2.

If T f is not equal to 1, the value of T f shall be given when EI B50 is stated.

Su is the rated power of the transformer or autotransformer as defined in IEEE 57.12.80.

NOTE There is no provision for cooling losses in the formula, and different ratings for different cooling modes are
not accounted for.

5 Specification of energy performance

The energy performance of a transformer may be specified in one of the following ways:

a) minimum PEI (method A, see 4.3) with load and no load loss capitalisation values;
b) maximum load losses and maximum no load losses; Usado 2013 al 2022
c) minimum efficiency index at a load factor of 50 % EI B50 (method B, see 4.4).

To minimize the total cost of ownership (TCO) of the transformer, a loss capitalisation method
should be used with all methods in addition to the minimum requirement. See Annex A.

Additional requirements may be added, for example, by specifying the level of total losses or
the level of individual losses or the efficiency at another load factor and/or power factor.

NOTE Specifying a k PEI with PEI will achieve the same goal as far as compliance with this standard is concerned,
nevertheless this may not produce the optimum economical design.

6 Energy performance levels

6.1 General

This document provides two levels of recommended minimum PEIs, two levels of
recommended losses and two levels of recommended efficiency indexes at a load factor of
50 %:

• level 1 is for basic energy performance;

• level 2 is for high energy performance.

The level chosen should be economically validated for the intended application.

For transformers having a rated power not included in these tables, the value of efficiency
shall be linearly interpolated between the figures given for the nearest higher and lower rated

a) 6.2.1 and 6.3.1 can be applied to all sizes and types of transformers in the scope;
b) 6.2.3 and 6.3.2 are included for the rationalization of transformer cores and coils for
transformers generally produced in mass production;
c) 6.2.3 and 6.3.3 are applicable to particular sizes and types of transformers and are
included because they reflect practices in some countries.
NOTE 1 In addition, Annex A provides a general method to compare energy performances and Annex C provides
Japanese practices.
– 14 – IEC TS 60076-20:2017 © IEC 2017

NOTE 2 Tables 5, 11 and 12 are derived from US Federal regulation. 10 CRF 431.196.

6.2 Liquid immersed transformers

6.2.1 Minimum PEI method A PEI values for single-phase transformers with U m ≤ 12 kV and S r ≤ 100 kVA

For single-phase two winding transformers with

• U m ≤ 12 kV,
• S r ≤ 100 kVA,
• a second winding maximum voltage ≤ 1,1 kV,
• a de-energised tapping range ≤ ± 5 %,

Table 1 applies.

Table 1 – PEI values for single-phase transformers

with U m ≤ 12 kV and S r ≤ 100 kVA

Rated power PEI level 1 PEI level 2

kVA % %
15 98,38 98,48
25 98,50 98,65
33 98,61 98,80
50 98,73 98,89
100 98,90 99,08 PEI values for transformers with U m ≤ 36 kV and S r ≤ 3 150 kVA

For two winding transformers, single or three phase with vector group Dyn or Yzn

• with U m ≤ 36 kV,
• S r ≤ 3 150 kVA,
• with a second winding maximum voltage ≤ 1,1 kV,
• with a de-energised tapping range ≤ ± 5 %,
• not within the applicability of, Table 2 applies.

Conditions for the application of the PEI are given in Clause 5.

Three-phase or single-phase transformers shall be evaluated against the rated power of the
individual transformer.
IEC TS 60076-20:2017 © IEC 2017 – 15 –

Table 2 – PEI values for transformers with U m ≤ 36 kV and S r ≤ 3 150 kVA

U m ≤ 24 kV 24 kV < U m ≤ 36 kV
Rated power PEI level 1 PEI level 2 PEI level 1 PEI level 2
kVA % % % %
≤25 97,992 98,445 97,742 98,251
50 98,741 99,014 98,584 98,891
100 98,993 99,194 98,867 99,093
160 99,122 99,281 99,012 99,191
250 99,210 99,363 99,112 99,283
315 99,248 99,395 99,154 99,320
400 99,297 99,439 99,209 99,369
500 99,330 99,465 99,247 99,398
630 99,373 99,500 99,295 99,437
800 99,416 99,532 99,343 99,473
1 000 99,431 99,541 99,360 99,484
1 250 99,483 99,544 99,418 99,487
1 600 99,488 99,550 99,424 99,494
2 000 99,495 99,558 99,432 99,502
2 500 99,504 99,568 99,442 99,514
3 150 99,506 99,572 99,445 99,518

NOTE Although the values in this table have been developed from 50 Hz transformer data, they are also
applicable to 60 Hz transformers.

National practices may require the use of the highest voltages for equipment up to (but not
including) 52 kV (such as U m = 38,5 kV or U m = 40,5 kV), when the rated voltage is less than
36 kV. This is considered to be an unusual case and, for these transformers, the requirements
for power transformers with U m = 36 kV in the Table 2 apply. PEI values for transformers with U m > 36 kV or S r > 3 150 kVA

For transformers not covered by Table 1 or Table 2, Table 3 applies.

Conditions for the application of PEI are given in Clause 5.

Three-phase or single-phase transformers shall be evaluated against the rated power of the
individual transformer.
– 16 – IEC TS 60076-20:2017 © IEC 2017

Table 3 – PEI values for transformers with U m > 36 kV or S r >3 150 kVA

Rated power PEI level 1 PEI level 2

kVA % %
> 3 150 and ≤ 4 000 99,465 99,532
5 000 99,483 99,548
6 300 99,510 99,571
8 000 99,535 99,593
10 000 99,560 99,615
12 500 99,588 99,640
16 000 99,615 99,663
20 000 99,639 99,684
25 000 99,657 99,700
31 500 99,671 99,712
40 000 99,684 99,724
50 000 99,696 99,734
63 000 99,709 99,745
80 000 99,723 99,758
≥ 100 000 99,737 99,770

NOTE Although the values in this table have been developed from 50 Hz
transformer data, they are also applicable to 60 Hz transformers.

6.2.2 Maximum load losses and maximum no load losses for transformers with rated
frequency equal to 50 Hz

For two-winding transformers

• with a rated frequency of 50 Hz,

• with U m ≤ 24 kV,
• S r ≤ 3 150 kVA,
• with a second winding maximum voltage ≤ 1,1 kV,
• with a de-energised tapping range ≤ ± 5 %,

Table 4 applies.
IEC TS 60076-20:2017 © IEC 2017 – 17 –

Table 4 – Maximum load losses and maximum no load losses

for transformers with rated frequency equal to 50 Hz

Level 1 Level 2
Rated power Maximum load Maximum no-load Maximum load Maximum no-load
losses losses losses losses
kVA (in W) (in W) (in W) (in W)

≤ 25 900 70 600 63
50 1 100 90 750 81
100 1 750 145 1 250 130
160 2 350 210 1 750 189
250 3 250 300 2 350 270
315 3 900 360 2 800 324
400 4 600 430 3 250 387
500 5 500 510 3 900 459
630 6 500 600 4 600 540
800 8 400 650 6 000 585
1 000 10 500 770 7 600 693
1 250 11 000 950 9 500 855
1 600 14 000 1 200 12 000 1 080
2 000 18 000 1 450 15 000 1 305
2 500 22 000 1 750 18 500 1 575
3 150 27 500 2 200 23 000 1 980

NOTE In some countries, higher losses are allowed in regulations for transformers outside the scope of this
table, for example with a wider tapping range, dual LV windings or higher voltage.

If economically justified, compliant with local regulation and agreed between the manufacturer
and the purchaser, for transformers outside the scope of this table, the loss values in this
table can be increased by not more than 20 %.

6.2.3 Efficiency index method B 60 Hz transformers

For two-winding transformers:

• with S r ≤ 2 500 kVA three-phase or ≤ 833 kVA single-phase,

• with a rated frequency of 60 Hz,

Table 5 applies.

For transformers not covered by Table 5 and when an efficiency value is not specified by the
purchaser or in local regulation, the values in Table 2 or Table 3 shall be applied preferably
using a method A efficiency calculation. For these transformers, calculation using method B
with values from Table 2 or Table 3 is possible. In this case, for forced cooling transformers,
the cooling losses shall be taken into account.

For applications where the load factor is not close to 50 %, the load factor or capitalization
values shall be provided by the purchaser.

This table is based on rated frequency 60 Hz transformers using a winding temperature of

55 °C.
– 18 – IEC TS 60076-20:2017 © IEC 2017

Table 5 – EI B50 value for liquid-immersed 60 Hz transformers

Single phase Three phase

Rated power EI B50 EI B50 Rated power EI B50 EI B50
kVA % % kVA % %
Level 1 Level 2 Level 1 Level 2

≤ 10 98,62 98,70 ≤15 98,36 98,65

15 98,76 98,82 30 98,62 98,83
25 98,91 98,95 45 98,76 98,92
37,5 99,01 99,05 75 98,91 99,03
50 99,08 99,11 112,5 99,01 99,11
75 99,17 99,19 150 99,08 99,16
100 99,23 99,25 225 99,17 99,23
167 99,25 99,33 300 99,23 99,27
250 99,32 99,39 500 99,25 99,35
333 99,36 99,43 750 99,32 99,40
500 99,42 99,49 1 000 99,36 99,43
667 99,46 99,52 1 500 99,42 99,48
833 99,49 99,55 2 000 99,46 99,51
2 500 99,49 99,53
NOTE Level 1 values are in compliance with the United States of America Department of Energy (DOE) ruling
2010 and level 2 values are in compliance with the amended ruling 2016. 50 Hz transformers

For two-winding transformers

• with S r ≤ 3 150 kVA,

• with a rated frequency of 50 Hz,

Table 6 applies.

For transformers not covered by Table 6 and when an efficiency value is not specified by the
purchaser or in local regulation, the values in Table 2 or Table 3 shall be applied preferably
using a method A efficiency calculation. For these transformers, calculation using method B
with values from Table 2 or Table 3 is possible. In this case, for forced cooling transformers,
the cooling losses shall be taken into account.

For applications where the load factor is not close to 50 %, the load factor or capitalization
values shall be provided by the purchaser.

This table is based on 50 Hz transformers using T f equal to 0,91, calculated from the
maximum loss values given in Table 4.
IEC TS 60076-20:2017 © IEC 2017 – 19 –

Table 6 – EI B50 value for liquid-immersed 50 Hz transformers

Rated power EI B50 EI B50

kVA level 1 level 2
% %
≤ 25 97,849 98,429
50 98,657 99,004
100 98,925 99,178
160 99,078 99,271
250 99,175 99,360
315 99,214 99,394
400 99,267 99,440
500 99,300 99,464
630 99,344 99,499
800 99,364 99,515
1 000 99,372 99,518
1 250 99,451 99,520
1 600 99,455 99,526
2 000 99,459 99,530
2 500 99,463 99,539
3 150 99,466 99,544

6.3 Dry type transformers

6.3.1 Minimum PEI value method A PEI values with U m ≤ 36 kV and S r ≤ 3 150 kVA

For two-winding transformers

• with U m ≤ 36 kV,
• S r ≤ 3 150 kVA,
• with a second winding maximum voltage ≤ 1,1 kV,

with a de-energised tapping range ≤ ± 5 %,

Table 7 applies.

Conditions for the application of PEI are given in Clause 5.

– 20 – IEC TS 60076-20:2017 © IEC 2017

Table 7 – PEI values for dry type transformers with U m ≤ 36 kV and S r ≤ 3 150 kVA

U m ≤ 24 kV 24 kV ≤ U m ≤ 36 kV
Rated power PEI PEI PEI PEI
kVA level 1 level 2 level 1 level 2
% % % %
≤ 50 97,668 97,922 97,377 97,662
100 98,485 98,653 98,296 98,485
160 98,654 98,791 98,486 98,640
250 98,875 98,991 98,735 98,865
400 98,984 99,129 98,858 99,020
630 99,082 99,158 98,968 99,053
800 99,194 99,235 99,093 99,140
1 000 99,253 99,291 99,160 99,203
1 250 99,288 99,325 99,199 99,240
1 600 99,332 99,366 99,248 99,287
2 000 99,355 99,388 99,275 99,312
2 500 99,386 99,418 99,309 99,345
3 150 99,419 99,449 99,347 99,381

NOTE Although the values in this table have been developed from 50 Hz
transformer data, they are also applicable to 60 Hz transformers.

National practices may require the use of the highest voltages for equipment up to (but not
including) 52 kV, when the rated voltage is less than 36 kV (such as U m = 38,5 kV or
U m = 40,5 kV). This is considered to be an unusual case, where the requirements are those
for the power transformer with U m = 36 kV. PEI values for transformers with U m ≤ 36 kV and S r > 3 150 kVA

For transformers not within the conditions of Table 7, Table 8 applies.

Conditions for the application of the PEI are given in Clause 5.

Table 8 – PEI values for transformers with U m ≤ 36 kV and S r > 3 150 kVA

Rated power PEI PEI

kVA level 1 level 2
% %
> 3 150 and ≤ 4 000 99,348 99,382
5  000 99,354 99,387
6  300 99,356 99,389
8  000 99,357 99,390
≥ 10  000 99,357 99,390
IEC TS 60076-20:2017 © IEC 2017 – 21 – PEI value for transformers with U m > 36 kV

Table 9 – PEI values for transformers with U m > 36 kV

Rated power PEI PEI

MVA level 1 level 2
% %
≤4 99,158 99,225
5 99,200 99,265
6,3 99,242 99,303
8 99,298 99,356
10 99,330 99,385
12,5 99,370 99,422
16 99,416 99,464
20 99,468 99,513
25 99,521 99,564
31,5 99,551 99,592
40 99,567 99,607
50 99,585 99,623
≥ 63 99,590 99,626

Minimum PEI values for MVA ratings that fall in between the ratings given in Table 9 shall be
calculated by linear interpolation.

6.3.2 Maximum load loss and maximum no load loss for transformers with rated
frequency equal to 50 Hz

For two-winding transformers

• with U m ≤ 24 kV,
• S r ≤ 3 150 kVA,
• with a second winding maximum voltage ≤ 1,1 kV,
• with a de-energised tapping range ≤ ± 5 %,

Table 10 applies.
– 22 – IEC TS 60076-20:2017 © IEC 2017

Table 10 – Maximum load loss and maximum no load loss

for transformers with rated frequency equal to 50 Hz

Level 1 Level 2
Rated power Maximum load Maximum no-load Maximum load Maximum no-load
losses losses losses losses
(in W) (in W) (in W) (in W)
≤ 50 1 700 200 1 500 180
100 2 050 280 1 800 252
160 2 900 400 2 600 360
250 3 800 520 3 400 468
400 5 500 750 4 500 675
630 7 600 1 100 7 100 990
800 8 000 1 300 8 000 1 170
1 000 9 000 1 550 9 000 1 395
1 250 11 000 1 800 11 000 1 620
1 600 13 000 2 200 13 000 1 980
2 000 16 000 2 600 16 000 2 340
2 500 19 000 3 100 19 000 2 790
3 150 22 000 3 800 22 000 3 420

NOTE In some countries, higher losses are allowed in regulations for transformers outside the scope of this
table, for example with a wider tapping range, dual LV windings or higher voltage.

If economically justified, compliant with local regulation and agreed between the manufacturer
and the purchaser, for transformers outside the scope of this table, the loss values in this
table can be increased by not more than 20 %.

6.3.3 Efficiency index method B at 50 % load factor 60 Hz transformers Single-phase transformers

For two-winding transformers

• with S r ≤ 833 kVA,

• with a rated frequency of 60 Hz,

Table 11 applies.

This table is based on transformers with a rated frequency of 60 Hz, based on a winding
temperature of 75 °C.

For applications where the load factor is not close to 50 %, the load factor or capitalization
values shall be provided by the purchaser.
IEC TS 60076-20:2017 © IEC 2017 – 23 –

Table 11 – EI B50 values for single-phase dry type 60 Hz transformers

Level 1 Level 2
% %
Insulation < 60 kV ≥60 kV > 95 kV < 60 kV ≥ 60 kV > 95 kV
withstand ≤ 95 kV ≤ 95 kV
Rated power EI B50 EI B50 EI B50 EI B50 EI B50 EI B50
≤ 15 98,10 97,86 98,10 97,86
25 98,33 98,12 98,33 98,12
37,5 98,49 98,30 98,49 98,30
50 98,60 98,42 98,60 98,42
75 98,73 98,57 98,53 98,73 98,57 98,53
100 98,82 98,67 98,63 98,82 98,67 98,63
167 98,96 98,83 98,80 98,96 98,83 98,80
250 99,07 98,95 98,91 99,07 98,95 98,91
333 99,14 99,03 98,99 99,14 99,03 98,99
500 99,22 99,12 99,09 99,22 99,12 99,09
667 99,27 99,18 99,15 99,27 99,18 99,15
833 99,31 99,23 99,20 99,31 99,23 99,20

NOTE Level 1 values are in compliance with the United States of America Department of Energy (DOE) ruling
2010 and level 2 values are in compliance with the amended ruling 2016. Three-phase transformers

For two-winding transformers

• with S r ≤ 2 500 kVA,

• with a rated frequency of 60 Hz,

Table 12 applies.

For transformers not covered by Table 12 and when an efficiency value is not specified by the
purchaser or in local regulation, the values in Table 7, Table 8 or Table 9 shall be applied,
preferably using a method A efficiency calculation. For these transformers, calculation using
method B with values from Table 7, Table 8 or Table 9 is possible.

This table is based on transformers with a rated frequency of 60 Hz based on a winding

temperature of 75 °C. For applications where the load factor is not close to 50 %, the load
factor or capitalization values shall be provided by the purchaser.
– 24 – IEC TS 60076-20:2017 © IEC 2017

Table 12 – EI B50 values for three-phase dry type 60 Hz transformers

Level 1 Level 2
% %
Insulation < 60 kV ≥ 60 kV > 95 kV < 60 kV ≥ 60 kV > 95 kV
withstand ≤ 95 kV ≤ 95 kV
Rated power EI B50 EI B50 EI B50 EI B50 EI B50 EI B50

≤15 97,50 97,18 97,50 97,18

30 97,90 97,63 97,90 97,63

45 98,10 97,86 98,10 97,86
75 98,33 98,12 98,33 98,13
112,5 98,49 98,30 98,52 98,36
150 98,60 98,42 98,65 98,51
225 98,73 98,57 98,53 98,82 98,69 98,57
300 98,82 98,67 98,63 98,93 98,81 98,69
500 98,96 98,83 98,80 99,09 98,99 98,89
750 99,07 98,95 98,91 99,21 99,12 99,02
1 000 99,14 99,03 98,99 99,28 99,20 99,11
1 500 99,22 99,12 99,09 99,37 99,30 99,21
2 000 99,27 99,18 99,15 99,43 99,36 99,28
2 500 99,31 99,23 99,20 99,47 99,41 99,33

NOTE Level 1 values are in compliance with the United States of America Department of Energy (DOE) ruling
2010 and level 2 values are in compliance with the amended ruling 2016. 50 Hz transformers

For two-winding transformers

• with S r ≤ 3 150 kVA,

• with a rated frequency of 50 Hz,

Table 13 applies.

For applications where the load factor is not close to 50 %, the load factor or capitalization
values shall be provided by the purchaser.

This table is based on 50 Hz transformers using T f equal to 0,91, calculated from the
maximum loss values given in Table 10.
IEC TS 60076-20:2017 © IEC 2017 – 25 –

Table 13 – EI B50 values for dry type 50 Hz transformers

Rated power EI B50 EI B50

kVA Level 1 Level 2
≤ 50 97,707 97,958
100 98,529 98,694
160 98,693 98,825
250 98,905 99,017
400 99,009 99,158
630 99,110 99,180
800 99,226 99,258
1 000 99,286 99,316
1 250 99,316 99,345
1 600 99,359 99,387
2 000 99,380 99,406
2 500 99,410 99,434
3 150 99,444 99,468

7 Tolerance

7.1 General

The maximum losses and minimum efficiencies in tables are not intended to include

7.2 Losses
• The measured values of load and no-load losses shall not be greater than the appropriate
value given in the tables.
• If the agreed value of any guaranteed loss is lower than the appropriate value given in the
table, then the tolerances as set out in IEC 60076-1 may be used for the purpose of
acceptance or rejection provided that the appropriate value given in the tables is not
• The treatment of any losses in excess of guarantees which do not lead to rejection shall
be subject to the contract or to the agreement between the manufacturer and the

7.3 PEI
• No tolerances are applicable to the minimum PEI value given in the tables as it is a
minimum value.
• The PEI calculated from the declared and the measured values of load and no-load losses
shall not be lower than the PEI value as set out in the tables.
• In addition the tolerance prescribed in IEC 60076-1 applies unless otherwise specified on
the individual guaranteed losses.
– 26 – IEC TS 60076-20:2017 © IEC 2017

Annex A

Capitalisation of losses

A.1 General theory, concept of capitalisation

Capitalisation of losses is an effective means of minimising the total cost of transformers,

taking into account the initial cost of the transformer and the lifetime cost of the electricity
supplying the losses. Capitalisation of losses will increase the initial cost of the transformer
over the value that is required to meet the basic specification, but the additional investment is
justified by the capitalisation calculation and the consequential reduction of losses.

In essence, the process of capitalisation involves the calculation of the value today of the
savings from reduced losses over the lifetime of the transformer. This means that the energy
savings need to be calculated along with their yearly value. In turn, this means that the cost of
the electricity saved needs to be predicted over a 30 to 50 year period for the analysis. The
production of energy consumed in losses and the cost of electricity, considered for each year
of the analysis period and discounted at an appropriate interest rate to represent their value
today, gives the total value of losses to be evaluated against the cost of reducing the losses.

This calculation of the net present value of electricity in the future is inevitably a prediction,
and thus involves a significant degree of uncertainty. The calculation of the appropriate
capitalisation factors involves judgement and a sophisticated financial approach and should
be carried out by experts with specialist knowledge of the issues. The capitalisation factor
may be subject to significant regional variations due to differences in electricity production
and distribution, and the cost of capital.

The tender for the transformer is then assessed on the basis of the initial cost plus the
capitalised value of load and no-load losses so that the transformer with the lowest overall
lifecycle costs (TCO = total cost of ownership) can be selected.

The capitalisation of losses is considered as the best method of optimizing the economic
efficiency of the transformers.

Depending on the forecast economic conditions, the use of the capitalisation formula can
result in transformer efficiencies better than those given in the tables. In these circumstances,
using a higher efficiency transformer is appropriate.

If using the capitalisation formula would result in transformer efficiencies lower than those in
the table, then the value in the table shall be used as a minimum because this represents a
minimum standard reflecting established practices justified by long-term sustainable
environmental considerations.

The initial cost of the transformers is not the only cost, and it should be associated with the
cost of the installation under circumstances where sizes and weight are limited by
infrastructure or transport considerations. These restrictions need to be included in the
transformer specification, and the transformer optimised within these limitations.

All parameters and equations provided here represent basic explanations of the most
important parameters, such as energy price and discount rates. A deeper investigation for
each parameter by the user is recommended.
IEC TS 60076-20:2017 © IEC 2017 – 27 –

A.2 Impact of capitalisation values

Increasing the capitalisation values will result in a decrease in losses and an increase in initial
cost, size and weight up to the point at which the cost of further decreasing the losses equals
the capitalisation values, or to the point where the extra size and weight exceeds the limits in
the specification.

It is important that relevant external factors such as carbon prices are included in the costs
saved – these may already be included in the cost of electricity through the ETS 1 scheme or
may need to be added in separately.

The capitalisation values represent the avoided costs associated with the marginal cost of
energy due to no-load and load losses saved.

A.3 Capitalisation formula

A.3.1 General

To be fully relevant, capitalisation should be based on the forecast cost of energy for each
year of the transformer's life, and on the actual losses during this period, and relate these
future cash flows to today's money using the appropriate discount rate.

The losses used for capitalisation evaluation should include the cooling losses, with the no-
load losses for the part always on, and with the load losses for the variable part.

The total cost of ownership is then defined by:

TCO = IC × A × ( P0 + Pc 0 ) + B × ( Pk + Pcs − Pc 0 ) (A.1)

IC is the initial cost of the transformer; this cost may include installation costs such as
foundation and erection costs (requires a more sophisticated evaluation);
P0 is the no-load loss (kW) measured at the rated voltage and rated frequency, on the
rated tap;
P c0 is the cooling power (kW) needed for no-load operation;
Pk is the load loss (kW) due to the load, measured at the rated current and rated frequency
on the rated tap at a reference temperature;
P cs is the total cooling power (kW) needed for operation at the rated power (including three-
winding operation if any);
A is the factor representing the cost of capitalisation of no-load losses in cost per kW;
B is the factor representing the cost of capitalisation of the losses due to load in cost
per kW.

In the event that different transformer technologies are used, additional differences related to
installation costs should be considered.

1 ETS: Emissions Trading System. The overall carbon content of electricity in Europe is controlled at an EU level
through the ETS. This means that pan-European measures are used for controlling CO 2 , as any national
measures which are applied to reduce CO 2 simply provide scope for other countries to increase their CO 2
emissions to take advantage of the extra headroom then made available. Inclusion of CO 2 costs in the price of
electricity is one measure to encourage CO 2 reductions without having dysfunctional effects.
– 28 – IEC TS 60076-20:2017 © IEC 2017

A.3.2 Calculation of factor A

A is the cost of capitalisation of no-load losses in cost per kW.

The no-load losses and their associated cooling losses are present as soon as the
transformer is energized. Therefore, the capitalisation cost is the valorization cost of energy
multiplied by the operating time over the full life expectancy of the transformer as shown in
Equation (A.2):

n O0 j × C j
A= ∑ j =1 (1 + i j

O 0j is the operating time of the transformer at year j in h;
Cj is the valorisation of the energy at year j in cost per Wh if losses are expressed in W;
ij is the real discount rate at year j in per unit;
n is the life expectancy of the transformer in years.
NOTE 1 Discount rates can be expressed in either real (excluding inflation) or nominal (including inflation) terms,
with both leading to identical answers providing the associated cash flows are also expressed in similar terms.
However, the use of real discount rates simplifies the calculations as it assumes that all costs rise identically at the
rate of inflation. If a particular cost rises in excess or below inflation, for example the marginal cost of electricity,
then this excess above inflation can be more easily dealt with through a modification of the discount rate used.
Accordingly, all discount rates used in this analysis are real.

For simplification, if the discount rate is considered constant and the cost of energy (in real
terms) equal to that at the mid-life of the transformer, then assuming that the transformer is
always energized, at year n Equation (A.2) can be simplified to the form shown in Equation

1 1 n 1 n
(1 − ( ) ) 1− ( )
A = 8 760 × Cn / 2 × 1 + i 1 + i = 8 760 × Cn / 2 × 1 + i (A.3)
1 i
1+ i


C n/2 is the evaluation of the energy at mid-life of the transformer in cost per kWh if losses
are expressed in kW;
i is the discount rate fixed over the whole life of transformer (n years);
n is the useful economic life of the transformer in years, which in the past has been close
to the transformer's physical life expectancy (30 to 50 years).
NOTE 2 Use of C n/2 is an approximation and overvalues the losses somewhat, but is acceptable in the context of
other uncertainties.

A.3.3 Calculation of factor B

B is the capitalisation cost of the losses due to load. It is highly dependent on the load profile.

The load of a transformer can usually be split between the fixed load which is constant and
present all year round, and the variable load which depends on ambient conditions and may
be present only part of the time. Figure A.1 illustrates this load split.
IEC TS 60076-20:2017 © IEC 2017 – 29 –



= +

0 0 0
1 1 1
Time Time Time
Load Fixed Variable
load load

Figure A.1 – Load profile

For the sake of calculation, it is useful to define the average load loss factor (µ) as the square
of the RMS value of the instantaneous load factors by:

1 T
µ= ∫( k ( t ))2 dt (A.4)
T 0

T is equivalent to one year; if k(t) is defined per h T is 8 760 h; if k(t) is defined per
minutes T is 525 600 min;
k(t) is the load factor as a function of time.

The load losses capitalisation cost comes as the sum of the load factors multiplied by the cost
of energy and corrected by the increase of load and the increase of transformer installed base.
In Equation (A.5), the losses are split into two parts, with each one weighted by its time base

n µ × c j × ( Oaj × Taj + Ofj × Tfj ) 1 + Cμj 2j

B= ∑ j =1 (1 + i j ) j
1 + Caj
) (A.5)

µ is the average load loss factor as defined in Equation (A.4);
Cj is the total cost of the energy at year j in cost per Wh if losses are expressed in W;
ij is the discount rate at year j in per unit;
O aj is the operating time of the transformer at variable load during year j in h;
O fj is the operating time of the transformer at fixed load during year j in h, usually 8 760 h if
the transformer is operated all year round;
T aj is the share of variable load in the total load loss factor at year j;
T fj is the share of fixed load in the total load loss factor at year j;
T aj + T fj = 1
n is the life expectancy of the transformer in years;
C µj is the rate of load loss factor increase at year j;
C aj is the rate of installed power increase at year j.

Usually C µj and C aj are taken equal as zero, which corresponds to a situation where the
investment is assessed on the basis that the average loading of the transformer is invariant. If
this is not the case, special care shall be taken to avoid overloading the transformer during a
certain year, as if C µj is greater than C aj , the final factor is greater than one.

If the transformer is energized all year round and if the cost of energy is considered constant
and equal to the energy evaluation at the mid-life of the transformer, and if usage of the
– 30 – IEC TS 60076-20:2017 © IEC 2017

transformer is assumed as invariant during its whole life, and if the discount rate is considered
constant, then the formula can be simplified as shown in Equation (A.6):

( 1 + Cμ )2  ( 1 + Cμ )2 n
× 1 − ( ) 
2  2 
( 1 + i ) × ( 1 + Ca )  ( 1 + i ) × ( 1 + Ca ) 
B = µ × Cn / 2 × ( Oa × Ta + 8 760 × Tf ) × (A.6)
( 1 + Cμ )2
( 1 + i ) × ( 1 + Ca )2

µ is the average load loss factor as defined above;
C n/2 is the valorisation of the energy at the mid-life of the transformer in cost per Wh if
losses are expressed in W;
i is the discount rate in per unit;
Oa is the operating time of the transformer at variable load in h;
Of is the operating time of the transformer at fixed load in h, usually 8 760 h if the
transformer is operated all year round;
Ta is the share of variable load in the total load loss factor;
Tf is the share of fixed load in the total load loss factor;
Ta + Tf = 1
n is the life expectancy of the transformer in years;
Cµ is the rate of load loss factor increase;
Ca is the rate of installed power increase.

As a further simplification, if the load factors and load profile are assumed to remain constant
in the future, then the formula may be simplified as shown in Equation (A.7):

1 n
1− ( )
B = µ × Cn / 2 × ( Oa × Ta + 8 760 × Tf ) × 1+ i (A.7)

For the meaning of the symbols, refer to Equation (A.5).

A.3.4 Use of A and B for tender evaluation

In a transformer enquiry, the user should give the values of A and B in terms of monetary
value per kW (for example, €/kW). This allows the manufacturer to offer the most economical
transformer taking into account the TCO implied by the capitalisation values.

During the tender evaluation process, the purchaser will evaluate each bid according to the
TCO calculated using Equation (A.1) incorporating the guarantee load and no-load losses
provided by the manufacturers.

The transformer manufacturer will therefore optimize the TCO in such way that the value of a
reduction of losses is greater than the associated cost increase of the transformer.

The most economical transformer will be the one offering the lowest total cost of ownership as
calculated with Equation (A.1). The economical evaluation of the bids should be based on this
IEC TS 60076-20:2017 © IEC 2017 – 31 –

A.3.5 Determination of factors A and B

Utility companies will already probably have a corporate value for factor A based on strategic
policies, energy mix, governmental and political decisions, incentives for environmental
concerns and prospective scenarios, discount rates, and investment time horizons. Factor B is
normally derived from factor A by means of standardised loading profiles.

Industrial or private customers not subject to such considerations can determine values A and
B in a simple manner with the formulae defined in this paragraph using the inputs defined as

1 n
1− ( )
A = 8 760 × Cn / 2 × 1+ i (A.8)

1 n
1− ( )
B = 8 760 × Cn / 2 × 1+ i (A.9)


n is the useful economic life of the transformer in years;

C n/2 is the forecast cost of electricity at mid useful economical life of the transformer in terms
of monetary value per kWh;
i is the discount rate set by the company as appropriate for the investment proposed in
p.u. By default, the weighted average costs of capital should be used unless an
alternative specific rate has been calculated for the investment.
NOTE The sensitivity of the capitalization value to n decreases as n increases. The higher the cost of the energy,
the greater the savings from a lower loss level will be, thus justifying a higher initial cost of the transformer. The
lower the discount rate, the higher the present value of the losses will be. A low discount rate justifies high
spending on reducing losses.

Determining load and operating time can be simplified as, for most of the industry, the base
load is predominant and therefore T a can be considered as negligible. The formula can then
be simplified as shown in Equation (A.10), where µ can be well approximated:

S 2
µ =( ) (A.10)

S r is the rated power of the transformer;
S is the average forecast load.

In the calculation of A (see Equation (A.8)), if the transformer is not energised continuously,
the yearly 8 760 h can be adjusted to reflect the actual use of the transformer. For example, a
two-shift industry would typically have a ratio of 2/3, resulting in 5  840 h.

In the calculation of B (see Equation (A.9)), if the transformer is not loaded continuously, the
yearly 8 760 hours can be adjusted to reflect the actual use of the transformer. For example, a
two-shift industry would typically have a ratio of 2/3, resulting in 5  840 h.
– 32 – IEC TS 60076-20:2017 © IEC 2017

Annex B

Efficiency based on a survey of world practices

B.1 General

The following table presents the set equations developed from an analysis of existing world
standards and regulations in 2013 for distribution transformers with a primary voltage of 36 kV
and below, liquid-filled or dry-type, single- or three-phase, from 5 kVA to 1 000 kVA on single-
phase and from 15 kVA to 3 150 kVA on three-phase.

Tier 1 is the least efficient level and Tier 5 is the most efficient.

B.2 50 Hz efficiency

The equations in Table B.1 yield the per cent efficiency at 50 % of rated load for 50 Hz
operation using method A described in 4.3 (i.e., based on power input).

Table B.1 – Efficiency equations for transformers with a primary voltage

of 36 kV and below, from 5 kVA to 1  000 kVA single-phase and 15 kVA
to 3 150 kVA three-phase, 50 Hz and 50 % load method A

Type Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5

Liquid-filled 0,037 0 0,031 1 0,027 0 0,022 6 0,019 3

three-phase = 1− = 1− =1− = 1− = 1−
𝑆 0,22 𝑆 0,22 𝑆 0,22 𝑆 0,22 𝑆 0,22

Liquid-filled 0,035 5 0,029 5 0,025 4 0,021 0 0,016 9

single-phase = 1− = 1− =1− = 1− = 1−
𝑆 0,22 𝑆 0,22 𝑆 0,22 𝑆 0,22 𝑆 0,22

Dry-type 0,062 8 0,051 4 0,042 5 0,035 5 0,029 2

three-phase = 1− = 1− =1− = 1− = 1−
𝑆 0,26 𝑆 0,26 𝑆 0,26 𝑆 0,26 𝑆 0,26

Dry-type 0,062 0 0,049 0 0,041 2 0,035 1 0,031 0

single-phase = 1− = 1− =1− = 1− = 1−
𝑆 0,30 𝑆 0,30 𝑆 0,30 𝑆 0,30 𝑆 0,30

B.3 60 Hz efficiency

The equations in Table B.2 yield the per cent efficiency at 50 % of the rated load for 60 Hz
operation using Method B described in 4.4 (i.e., based on power output).

The equations in Table B.2 are the values in Table B.1 adjusted to convert to 60 Hz operation
and using method B.
IEC TS 60076-20:2017 © IEC 2017 – 33 –

Table B.2 – Efficiency equations for transformers with a primary voltage

of 36 kV and below, from 5 kVA to 1  000 kVA single-phase and 15 kVA
to 3 150 kVA three-phase, 60 Hz and 50 % load method B

Type Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5

Liquid-filled 0,035 84 0,030 19 0,026 27 0,022 03 0,018 51

three-phase =1− =1− =1− =1− =1−
𝑆 0,227 𝑆 0,227 𝑆 0,227 𝑆 0,227 𝑆 0,227

Liquid-filled 0,034 6 0,028 99 0,024 76 0,020 31 0,016 49

single-phase = 1− =1− =1− =1− =1−
𝑆 0,227 𝑆 0,227 𝑆 0,227 𝑆 0,227 𝑆 0,227

Dry-type 0,063 52 0,052 7 0,043 83 0,036 82 0,030 45

three-phase =1− = 1− =1− =1− =1−
𝑆 0,26 𝑆 0,26 𝑆 0,26 𝑆 0,26 𝑆 0,26

Dry-type 0,040 44 0,031 32 0,025 85 0,021 69 0,018 96

single-phase =1− =1− =1− =1− =1−
𝑆 0,30 𝑆 0,30 𝑆 0,30 𝑆 0,30 𝑆 0,30
– 34 – IEC TS 60076-20:2017 © IEC 2017

Annex C

Japanese practices

C.1 General

Annex C refers to Japanese practices.

C.2 Scope

The requirements apply to two-winding transformers having both 50 Hz and 60 Hz, single-
phase, from 5 kVA to 500 kVA, and three-phase from 10 kVA to 2 000 kVA excluding the
following transformers:

• gas-filled transformers;
• H class insulation transformers;
• Scott-connected transformers and Leblanc and three- to single-phase;
• pole-mounted transformers;
• water-cooled type.

C.3 Maximum losses calculation methods

The method for measuring and calculating losses is shown in Equation (C.1).

E a = W i + (m/100) 2 × Wc (C.1)

E a total loss in W;
W i no-load loss in W;
m load factor in %; the load factor is 40 % for 500 kVA or below and 50 % for 500 kVA and
Wc load loss in W.
NOTE Further information can be found in Japanese standards JIS C 4304 – 2013 (6 kV liquid-filled distribution
transformers) and JIS C 4306 – 2013 (6 kV encapsulated-winding distribution transformers).

C.4 Maximum losses

The requirement specifies a weighted average of maximum losses that should be achieved
across a production of the transformers in a year running from 1 April to 31 March. The
maximum losses equations are specified in Table C.1.
IEC TS 60076-20:2017 © IEC 2017 – 35 –

Table C.1 – Maximum losses

Type Number Rated Rated power Target standard value calculation Category
of phases frequency formula of standard energy
kVA consumption efficiency

One 50 Hz ≤ 500 E = 11,2 × (S r ) 0,732 I

phase 60 Hz ≤ 500 E = 11,1 × (S r ) 0,725 II

Oil-filled 50 Hz ≤ 500 E = 16,6 × (S r ) 0,696 III-1

transformer 50 Hz > 500 E = 11,1 × (S r ) 0,809 III-2
phases 60 Hz ≤ 500 E = 17,3 × (S r ) 0,678 IV-1

60 Hz > 500 E = 11,7 × (S r ) 0,790 IV-2

One 50 Hz ≤ 500 E = 16,9 × (S r ) 0,674 V

phase 60 Hz ≤ 500 E = 15,2 × (S r ) 0,691 VI

Cast resin 50 Hz ≤ 500 E = 23,9 × (S r ) 0,659 VII-1

transformer 50 Hz > 500 E = 22,7 × (S r ) 0,718 VII-2
phases 60 Hz ≤ 500 E = 22,3 × (S r ) 0,674 VIII-1
60 Hz > 500 E = 19,4 × (S r ) 0,737 VIII-2


E: Standard energy consumption efficiency of transformer (unit: W)

S r : Rated power of transformer (unit: kVA)

In case of semi-standard products, the target standard value calculation formula of the
standard energy consumption efficiency of each category is multiplied by the following value:

• oil-filled transformers: 1,10;

• cast resin transformers: 1,05.
– 36 – IEC TS 60076-20:2017 © IEC 2017


IEC 60076-11, Power transformers – Part 11: Dry-type transformers

IEC 60076-16, Power transformers – Part 16: Transformers for wind turbine applications

IEC 60076-19, Power transformers – Part 19: Rules for the determination of uncertainties in
the measurement of losses on power transformers and reactors

IEC 60146 (all parts), Semiconductor converters

IEC 61378 (all parts), Converter transformers

IEC 61378-1, Converter transformers – Part 1: Transformers for industrial applications

IEC 61869-1, Instrument transformers – Part 1: General requirements

EN 50329, Railway applications – Fixed installations – Traction transformers

IEEE C57.12.80, IEEE Standard Terminology for Power and Distribution Transformers

JIS C 4304 – 2013, 6 kV liquid-filled distribution transformers

JIS C 4306 – 2013, 6 kV encapsulated-winding distribution transformers

10 CRF 431.196 US Federal regulation


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