ProjectReference ISO7061 Gangways 000038

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Third edition
2015-12 -15

Ships and marine technology —

Aluminium shore gangways for
seagoing vessels
Navires et technologie maritime — Planchons en aluminium pour
navires de haute mer

Reference number
SET/ 535!&VSE ISO 7061: 2015 ( EJ

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ISO 7061:2015 ( E)


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Contents Page

Foreword iv
1 Scope . . . .
2 Normative references 1
3 Types 2
3.1 Type A decking gangway 2
3.2 -
Type B anti slip arc steps gangway 2
4 Definitions 2
5 Dimensions 3
6 Materials 4
7 Design and construction 4
7.1 General design features 4
7.2 Design loading 6
7.3 Factor of safety 6
7.4 Side stringers 6
7.5 Cross-members .6

7.6 Decking 7
7.7 Steps 7
7.8 Stanchions 7
7.9 Handrail and intermediate guides . 7
7.10 Toe- boards 7
7.11 Roller or wheels 7
7.12 Securing device attachments 8
7.13 Lifting lugs 8
7.14 -
Anti slip lugs 8
7.15 Manufacturing tolerance
7.16 Requirement of surface 8
8 Quality of manufacture 8
9 Acceptance tests 9
9.1 Type test 9
9.2 Individual test 9
9.3 Test methods 9
9.3.1 Lifting 9
9.3.2 Initial sag 9
9.3.3 Deflection under load ... 9

10 Inspections 10
11 Marking 10
Bibliography 11

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ISO 7061 :2015 ( E )

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The committee responsible for this document is ISO/TC 8, Ships and marine technology, Subcommittee
SC 1, Lifesaving and fire protection.
This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition (ISO 7061:1993), which has been
technically revised .

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Ships and marine technology — Aluminium shore

gangways for seagoing vessels

1 Scope
This Internationa ] Standard specifies requirements for aluminium shore gangways.
This International Standard applies to gangways designed to be carried on board ships, to provide a
lightweight, convenient and safe means of access from ship to shore, for use primarily by the ship’s
crew. These gangways may also be used for access from ship to ship when conditions are favourable .
This International Standard applies to gangways suitable for use horizontally or inclined up to an angle
of 30° from the horizontal. For angles of inclination less than 55°, special consideration of the design of
steps and decking may be necessary.
The gangways to which this International Standard applies are not intended to carry wheeled traffic
such as loaded trolleys.
Users of this International Standard, while observing its requirements, should , at the same time,
ensure compliance with any statutory requirements, rules and regulations, applicable to the
individual ship concerned.

2 Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are
indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 209, Aluminium and aluminium alloys — Chemical composition

— Part 1: General technical delivery conditions for hot-rolled products

ISO 630-1, Structural steels
ISO 1181, Fibre ropes — Manila and sisal — 3-, 4- and 8-strand ropes

ISO 1346, Fibre ropes Polypropylene split film, monofilament and multifilament ( PP2) and polypropylene
—- -
high-tenacity multifilament ( PP3) 3 , 4 -, 8 and 12-strand ropes
ISO 1460, Metallic coatings —
Hot dip galvanized coatings on ferrous materials
determination of the mass per unit area
— Gravimetric
ISO 1461, Hot dip galvanized coatings on fabricated iron and steel articles — Specifications and test methods
ISO 2408, Steel wire ropes for general purposes — Minimum requirements
ISO 6361 2, Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys
— Sheets, strips and plates — Part 2: Mechanical
ISO 6362-2, Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys — Extruded rods/ bars, tubes and profiles — Part 2:
Mechanical properties
ISO 8501-1, Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products — Visual
assessment of surface cleanliness — Part 1: Rust grades and preparation grades of uncoated steel substrates
and of steel substrates after overall removal of previous coatings
ISO 10074, Anodizing of aluminium and its alloys — Specification for hard anodic oxidation coatings on
aluminium and its alloys

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ISO 7061: 2015 ( E)

3 Types
Gangway can be designed into two types: decking plate gangway and anti-slip steps gangway. The
gangway body can be designed as one section, which can also be designed as two sections as required.

3.1 Type A decking gangway

The surface of type A gangway is provided with the decking plate and anti-slip steps, with the maximum
inclination degree of 30° (see Figure 1).

3.2 Type B anti -slip arc steps gangway

This surface is designed directly as anti-slip arc step to position side stringers and support loading ,
the lower side of which is equipped with a guard board , with the maximum inclination degree of 55°,
defined as type B gangway.

4 Definitions
For the purposes of this International Standard, the following definitions apply.

4.1 gangway
Bridge structure to allow safe embarkation and disembarkation from ship to shore or access to
another ship .
4.2 side stringer
Longitudinal-strength member of the gangway to which the cross-members, stanchions, roller or
wheels and the lifting lugs, etc. are attached.

4.3 cross- member

Part that holds the side stringer in position, and provides support for the decking.

4.4 decking
Flat-topped corrugated section or plate serving as the gangway floor.

4.5 step

Batten or small section fitted proud of the decking, or anti-slip arc material fixed directly at both
sides of stringers for load bearing to give better foot grip when the gangway is inclined from the
horizontal position.

4.6 guard rail

Hand and intermediate guide, supported by stanchions, to prevent people falling from the gangway.

4.7 anti-slip securing parts

Hooked to the hook plate, eye pad or angle section at the upper end of side stringer, so as to facilitate the
gangway’s firm connection with shipboard structure to avoid slip.

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4.8 removable connection parts

Hooked to the side stringer at the end of 2 parted sections of gangway, facilitating the securing parts’
disconnection and connection, so as to connect firmly the 2 parted section of gangway as 1 gangway, or
to disconnect 1 complete gangway into 2 sections.

5 Dimensions

5.1 The dimensions of an aluminium shore gangway type A shall be in accordance with Figure 1. The
minimum overall length, L, shall be 2 m, with optional increments of approximately 0,5 m up to a length
of 9 m. For gangways longer than 9 m, the increments shall be approximately 1 m in length, until the
desired overall length is attained.
Dimensions in millimetres


2 600

1 side frame 8 securing device
2 cross member 9 toe -board
3 deck or decking plate 10 lifting lug
4 anti -slip step 11 anti-slip securing part
5 roller or wheel 12 removable connecting part
6 stanchion 13 decking or floor
7 handrail
NOTE The width of 600 mm is net width .

Figure 1 — General arrangement of a gangway type A

5.2 See Figure 2 for the dimensions of gangway type B .

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ISO 7061: 2015 ( E)


1 2 1

7 7
7\7: . /?:r iL, 4
7 J.
Wo A


. ,

1 side frame 7 securing device
2 anti -slip arc step 8 lifting lug
3 decking plate 9 anti -slip securing part
4 roller or wheel 10 removable connecting part
5 stanchion 11 upper surface of anti -slip tread
6 handrail
NOTE The width of 600 mm is net width.

Figure 2
— General arrangement of a gangway type B

6 Materials
The materials for aluminium
Alternative materials may be used provided that they are at least as suitable in all respects for the
intended duty and are equally acceptable to the purchaser.

7 Design and construction

7.1 General design features

7.1.1 The manufacturer of the gangway shall be informed of any unusual or hazardous conditions
affecting the criteria for design of the gangway.

7.1.2 Direct contact between dissimilar metals shall be avoided to prevent galvanic corrosion .
7.1.3 If the gangway is for use on tankers or ships carrying flammable cargo, it shall be provided with
an effective and marked earthing device, and shall be suitably surface-coated at the possible points of
contact to prevent sparking.

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ISO 7061:2015 ( E)

Table 1 — Materials
Item Component Materials ISO number Remarks1’
ISO 209
AW AlMg5 (AW 5019)

ISO 6361-2:
AW A 1 SiMg ( AVV- 6005A)
1 Side frame Aluminium alloy
AW-A1 MgSi (AW- 6060)
ISO 6362- 2
AW-A 1 SilMgMn (AW- 6082 )
ISO 209 -
AW A1 SiMg (AW-6005A)
2 Cross- member Aluminium alloy ISO 6361- 2 -
AW A1 MgSi (AW- 6060)
ISO 6362-2 -
AW A1 SilMgMn (AW- 6082)

ISO 209
AW AlMg5(AW5019)
Decking or deck
Aluminium alloy
ISO 6361-2
AW AlMg 2.5(AW-5052)
AW-A 1 SilMgMn (AW- 6082 )
AW- AlMg 2.5(AW-5052)
- -
AW A1 SiMg(AW 6005A)
ISO 209
Aluminium alloy AW-A 1 MgSi (AW- 6060)
4 Step ISO 6362-2
AW- A 1 SilMgMn (AW- 6082 )
or other suitable alloy
Hardwood e.g. oak
Carbon steel with
rubber or plastics ISO 630 -1 Fe 360 B
AW-A1 SiMg (AW- 6005A)
ISO 209 AW-A1 MgSi (AW- 6060)
Aluminium alloy
ISO 6362-2 -
AW A1 SilMgMn (AW 6082) -
or other suitable alloy
Carbon steel with
Wheel solid tyre of rubber ISO 630 -1 Fe 360 B
or plastics

ISO 209
AW A1 SiMg (AW- 6005 A)
Aluminium alloy AW-A 1 MgSi (AW- 6060)
6 Stanchion ISO 6362- 2
AW- A1 SilMgMn ( AW 6082 ) -
Carbon steel ISO 630 -1 Fe 360 B
AW- A 1 SiMg (AW- 6005A)
ISO 209
Rigid rail Aluminium alloy AW-A1 MgSi (AW- 6060)
ISO 6362-2
AW- A1 SilMgMn (AW 6082) -
Sisal or manila ISO 1181
Fibre See 7.9
7 Handrail rope Polypropylene mono - ISO 1346
filament or film rope
rope, PVC- coated guard - ISO 2408: 2004 Plastics- coated
plastics - wire rope

/ Dan Marshal1 , [email protected]. 5

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ISO 7061 : 2015 ( E)

Table 1 (continued )
Sisal or manila rope ISO 1181
8 Securing device Polypropylene mono - ISO 1346 See 7.12
filament or film rope
AW-AlMg5(AW 5019)
ISO 209 -
AW- AlMg 2.5 ( AW 5052)
Aluminium alloy ISO 6361-2 - -
AW A 1 SiMg (AW 6005A)
9 Toe -board
ISO 6362-2 AW- A 1 MgSi (AW- 6060)
AW-AlSilMgMn ( AW- 6082 )
Hardwood e.g.oak
AW- AlMg 5 (AW 5019)
ISO 209
AW-A1 SiMg (AW- 6005A)
10 Lifting lug Aluminium alloy ISO 6361- 2
AW-A1 MgSi (AW 6060)-
ISO 6362 - 2
AW-A 1 SilMgMn (AW- 6082 )
AW-AlMg 5 (AW 5019)
ISO 209
Aluminium alloy AW- A 1 MgSi (AW- 6060)
11 -
Anti slip lug ISO 6361- 2
AW-AISilMgMn (AW- 6082 )
Carbon steel ISO 630-1 Fe 360 B
Removable connect- Carbon steel ISO 630 -1 Fe 360 B
ing parts

b Information in brackets relates to the international registration numbers in ISO 209.

c The sleeve or tire may have a ribbed or flat surface .
d Only applicable to removable gangways.

7.2 Design loading

The assembled gangway shall be designed to withstand a uniform decking load of 4 000 N / m 2 applied
to the decking and steps while the gangway is in a horizontal position. The type B gangway shall be
loaded with a load equivalent to 735 N on every step.

7.3 Factor of safety

The allowable stress used in the design of the gangway as specified in 72 shall be determined by
applying a factor of safety of 2 on the 0, 2 % proof stress of the aluminium alloy used.

7.4 Side stringers

Side stringers shall be constructed from extruded hollow section , rolled section , plate material or any
combination of these.

7.5 Cross -members

Cross-members attached to the side stringers shall be arranged to support the decking , and shall be of
bar, angle or hollow sections.

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7.6 Decking
The decking shall comprise either continuous flat-topped longitudinal corrugated section, or individual
flat plate section, which shall have a non-slip coating applied between the steps.

7.7 Steps

7.7.1 Steps shall be of aluminium bar or rectangular hollow section, or of hardwood, and shall be
spaced at regular intervals of 300 mm to 400 mm longitudinally.
Steps shall have a minimum height of 30 mm above the decking; hardwood steps shall have a minimum
section width of 40 mm in contact with the decking. All steps shall be securely fitted, and shall extend
over the full width of the gangway between the toe-boards. Provision should be made for easy cleaning
of the gangway between the steps, by leaving a 25 mm space between step and toe-board at each side.
Water shall not gather between the steps.

7.7.2 Anti -slip step should function directly as side stringer positioning, and arc material to support
loading, with the maximum arc degree of 55° (see Figure 2 ) . located at equally spaced longitudinal
intervals of 350 mm.

7.8 Stanchions
Stanchions shall be constructed from carbon steel or aluminium to comply with Figure 1. They shall
be fitted at regular intervals along the gangway, with a maximum permitted interval of 1 500 mm.
Stanchions and associated hand guides shall be designed for a side loading at the upper guide level of
500 N / m, without permanent deformation to stanchions or rigid hand guides when used. Stanchions of
one of the following types may be fitted:
a) permanently fixed;
b) hinged, with provision made to prevent inadvertent collapse;
c) portable, with securing device to prevent accidental displacement from the socket or base support.

7.9 Handrail and intermediate guides

Handrail and 2 intermediate guides shall be provided to comply with Figure 1 and shall be selected
from one of the following types;
a) continuous and adequately tensioned sisal, manila, polypropylene or plastics covered wire rope, -
having a minimum rope diameter of 16 mm;
b) continuous rigid aluminium solid or hollow section
In case of fibre rope or wire rope rails, a way to retighten such rails should be provided.
Polypropylene ropes shall be certified effective against actinic degradation for two years exposure in
tropical conditions .
7.10 Toe -boards
Toe boards shall be fitted to each side of the gangway or each side of the gangway shall also be used as
the toe-board to a minimum height of 150 mm above the step.

7.11 Roller or wheels

A roller or wheels of 100 mm minimum outside diameter shall be positioned at one end of the gangway.
Rollers and wheels shall be provided with self-lubricated bearings or fitted with lubrication nipples
having a thread M10 x 1. To ensure protection of users’ feet from movement of the gangway, roller or
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wheel guards shall be provided. At the maximum angle of use of the gangway, there shall be no loss of
contact between the roller or wheels and the contact surface.

7.12 Securing device attachments

Suitable attachments shall be provided at appropriate points on both sides of the gangway, in order to
connect the securing devices .
7.13 Lifting lugs
The gangway shall be provided with four lifting lugs, securely attached to the side stringers and
positioned to produce a balanced lift.

7.14 Anti - slip lugs

The gangway shall be provided with anti-slip lugs securely attached to the side stringers, and positioned
to prevent the gangway slipping from its position on the bulwarks or other supporting structure, as
well as ensure the gangway to move within its movable angle.

7.15 Manufacturing tolerance

Table 2
— Manufacturing tolerance of aluminium gangway
Values in millimetres
Ladder Distance Ladder frame Flatness
Ladder length, Ladder frame between torsion resist-
L width height steps ance Hogging Sagging

L/ l 000 ± 2 ,0 ± 2, 0 ± 2 ,0 5 mm/10 m 1.5 L/ 1 000 1 ,0 L / 1 000

7.16 Requirement of surface

7.16.1 The surface of steel parts of gangway should be rust removed to Sa 2.5 or St3 specified in
ISO 8501 1, or hot dip galvanized, to satisfy the requirements of ISO 1460 and ISO 1461 and provided
with anti corrosion coatings.
7.16.2 Anodic oxidation treatment shall be carried out on the surface of aluminium parts of the gangway
according to ISO 10074.

7.16 3 If contact of steel parts and aluminium parts of the gangway cannot be avoided, the surface of
contact shall be protected particularly carefully Polysulfide rubber pads or Polytetrafluoroethylene
( PTFE ) anti corrosion pads not containing asbestos shall be provided to prevent electric corrosion.
7.16.4 The wooden parts of gangway should be treated properly to avoid rottenness and mould.

8 Quality of manufacture

8.1 The assembly, comprising side stringers, cross members, decking and anti-slip steps, together with
all ancillary fittings, shall be visibly free from defects and distortion.

8.2 All components shall be free from exposed rough or sharp edges likely to cause injury.

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ISO 7061:2015 ( E)

8.3 Care shall be taken in the preparation, riveting, bolting or welding of aluminium or steel structures
to ensure that the permissible design stresses are not exceeded.

9 Acceptance tests
The following tests shall be carried out at the manufacturer’s works.

9.1 Type test

9.1.1 One gangway of the longest design length for each stringer type shall be tested by the methods
given below and a test certificate made available to the purchaser on request.

9.1.2 The deflection due to loading (according to T2) shall not exceed the value of the overall length
divided by 75 .
9.1 3 Each gangway submitted for type test shall be fully assembled with all fittings and subjected to
the tests given in 9.3.1 to 9.3.3.

9.2 Individual test

Individual gangways manufactured to a design which has been satisfactorily type-tested in accordance
with 2J. shall be subjected to the tests given in 9.3.1 and 9.3.3. if requested by the purchaser.

9.3 Test methods

9.3.1 Lifting

Lift the gangway by means of the lifting lugs provided. After the test there shall be no evidence of strain
to the lugs or the adjacent structure.

9.3.2 Initial sag

Initial sag, Y, is determined by Formula (1):
Y = ( YI + Y 2) / 2 (1)

In the case of individual testing, the initial sag shall not be greater than that recorded for the type test.

9.3 3 . Deflection under load

With the gangway still supported as in 9.3. 2 . carry out the deflection test immediately after the results
of initial sag are determined. Apply, without shock, a uniform load equivalent to 4 000 N /m 2 to the
longitudinal centerline of the decking. The load shall be arranged from a selection of conveniently sized
sandbags or other material that will not damage the gangway, and located at equally spaced intervals
of not more than 1 m. Where the design incorporates individual decking plates, apply a load equivalent
to 4000 N /m 2 to each plate. Maintain the test load for 15 min before the total deflection of the gangway
at each side stringer is measured. The type B gangway shall be loaded with a load equivalent to 735 N
on every step.

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The maximum deflection for each side stringer shall be measured as the maximum vertical distance
between the string or wire stretched tightly between the support points and the base of the gangway.
The average of the two readings, Y'i and Y'2, is taken as the total deflection YT:

YT = ( Y; + Y' ) / 2 ( 2)

The deflection due to loading, AY, shall be calculated by subtracting the initial sag from the total
deflection as in Formula (3):

; ;
A Y = ( Y + Y ) / 2 - (Y1 + Y2 ) / 2 ( 3)

10 Inspections

10.1 Gangways subjected to a type test shall be inspected after testing to ensure that there are no signs
of residual weakness or damage.

10.2 All gangways shall be visually checked after testing to ensure the following:
a) there is no distortion of the sideframes;
b) -
the decking or anti slip steps are adequately secured;
c) the roller or wheels revolve freely;
d ) if applicable, the stanchions, handrail and intermediate guides can be easily erected in position;
e) removable fittings for rigid joints can be properly stowed when the gangway is dismantled;
f) the rating plate is affixed and correct.

11 Marking
According to the requirement of SOLAS regulation 11-1/3 9, each gangway in accordance with this
International Standard shall be permanently marked by means of a rating plate prominently displayed.
The rating plate shall contain information relevant to the gangway, including the following:
a) the manufacturer's name or trademark;
b) the name of this product;
c) the number of this International Standard, i.e. ISO 7061;
d ) the product specification: overall length and net width included;
e) the tType:A / B;
f) the design loading and safety loading;
g) the maximum permitted angle of inclination, in degrees;
h) the weight;
i) the date of manufacture;
j) the stamp of the ship inspection department.
EXAMPLE The designation of an aluminium shore gangway of overall length 9 m, limited to 30° angle of
inclination, is: Gangway ISO 7061 A9 30.- -
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[i] SOLAS regulation II -1/ 3- 9, Means of embarkation on and disembarkation from ships

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