2 Letter Writing
2 Letter Writing
2 Letter Writing
✗ A written, typed, or printed communication, sent in an envelope by post or messenger.
✗ A written or printed communication addressed to a person or organization and usually
transmitted by mail.
While writing formal letter it should be kept in mind that a proper formal letter format needs to be
followed throughout the letter. This is because the recipient of the letter will expect you to follow a few
conventions and not following them will create a bad impact. Following is standard formal letter
✗ A space of two or three lines is left between the address and the salutation.
Mentioning the Date
The date on which the letter is written can either be written on the right or left side of the letter and is
mostly mentioned under the address. There is flexibility in terms of the format of the letter. The
following formats are applicable:
1. 1 January 2020
2. 1st January 2020
3. 1/1/2020
The letter begins with a salutation. This is determined by the fact that the name of the recipient is
known to you or not.
✗ If the name is known, then the formal letter begins with Dear Mr. Jones, Dear Mrs Jones or
Dear Miss Sarah.
✗ However, if the status of a woman is unknown to you then you can write Dear Ms. Sarah.
✗ If the person is a doctor then refer to the title of the person by saying Dear Dr. Jones.
✗ On the other hand, if the name of the person is unknown, then you can write Dear Sir/Madam
Subject of the Letter
Usually the subject of a formal letter is written below the salutation. It must be underlined and bold.
The reason for writing this is to give the recipient of the letter an idea about what the letter is going to
say so that it may be forwarded to the concerned department or person. If the letter is being written as a
reply or response to a previous letter then the subject must include the word reference or ref.
Formal Letter Content
The content of letter must be very concise and clear to keep the reader engaged. For this purpose the
letter should be divided into clear cut and short paragraphs to retain the attention.
However if the name of the person is unknown and you began your letter with “Dear Sir”, then you can
conclude it by saying “Yours faithfully”. This is followed by your signature and printed name below it.
There are some general rules to be followed while writing formal letters:
The Editor-in-Chief,
Hindustan Times,
Main Street,
Dear Sir/Madam,
Subject: Construction work in our locality during monsoon season causing us difficulties.
Through the medium of your esteemed and respected daily, I wish to inform the municipal authorities
of the difficulties the residents of my locality are facing due to the construction and repair work
currently happening in our area. Monsoon season has started a few days ago and is compounding our
The repair work has been ongoing for five weeks now and is falling way behind schedule. And now
with the current weather conditions, we are having persistent problems of water logging and flooding in
our area. Another worry is about the accidents that may occur due to the debris lying around the road.
Diseases caused due to water lodging are another one of our concerns.
Therefore I wish to draw the attention of the concerned authorities with the help of your newspaper.
Hopefully, you will be able to help us in drawing their attention and resolving this matter at the earliest.
Your Sincerely,
2. Informal Letter
✗ Informal letters are written to close acquaintances of the writer, their friends, family,
relatives, etc. Since they are written to close relations the letters have an informal and
personal tone. Casual language is used while writing informal letters. And sometimes the
letters may even have an emotional undertone.
✗ Informal letters are mainly used for personal communication. So they do not have to follow any
specific pattern, format or conventions. They can be written as per the writer’s wishes and the
requirement of the situation. So the letter is written in a personal fashion in casual unassuming
✗ The writer is still expected to write their address, in the top right-hand corner, but not the
address of the recipient.
✗ Even when writing to close friends or relatives the address must be written, so they can reply
back to the letter with ease. If the recipient of the letter is in another country, do not forget to
write your country as well in the address.
✗ Next just below the address we write the date. This allows the reader to have a reference as to
when the address was written. He can then relate better to the contents of the letter.
Introduction Paragraph
✗ And now we begin writing the actual letter. The introductory paragraph sets the tone for the
whole letter. You might begin by asking the recipient about their well being. Or you may say
that you hope the letter finds them in good health and great spirits. The opening of informal
letters should be casual and comforting. It must not be formal and direct as in business letters.
✗ The letter overall should maintain a friendly tone. But you have to adjust the language and the
wordings according to who you are writing to. With a friend, you can afford to be very casual
and flippant even. But if you are writing to an elder relative, you must be extremely respectful
and considerate.
✗ One way to determine the tonality of your letter is to remember how you talk to the person in a
conversation. And then apply the same syntax and sentiments to the letter.
✗ In the conclusive paragraph sum up the reason for writing the letter, i.e. summarize the letter.
Say a meaningful and affectionate goodbye to the reader. And do not forget to invite the reader
to write back or reply to your letter. It shows an intention to keep the conversation going.
✗ There is no one way to sign off informal letters. Since they do not follow a strict format, you
may sign off as you please. Some commonly used phrases are
• Lots of Love
• Best,
• Best Wishes,
• Kind Regards,
• Kindly,
Pick the one that best suits the occasion and then simply sign your name below the greeting.