Case Write-Up 2
Case Write-Up 2
Case Write-Up 2
Syed Talha
Patient Profile:
Name: Muhammad Imran
Age: 48 years
Gender: Male
Source of History: Self with Attendant (Wife)
Residence: Rawalpindi
Level of Education: Graduation
Marital Status: Married with 8 Children
Presenting Complain;
Sudden weakness in left side of the body since 2 p.m. on 26th July
History of Presenting Complain;
48 y/o male with no known co-morbids was in usual state of health when he suddenly
developed left sided weakness around 12 p.m. on 26th july along with slurred speech,
swallowing difficulty and dysarthria. Initially, he went to a local hospital around 4 p.m. that
day where he was given sublingual nitroglycerin and was referred to SIH. He first presented
to the ER and was then shifted to Stroke ICU. The patient was stressed out that day after
getting the news of a close friend passing away. He had increased heart-rate and was
profusely sweating. On arrival, the blood pressure was 240/120 mmHg. CT Brain was done
when patient was in window period. CT Brain revealed Acute Bleed (Intra-cranial
There were no associated headaches, vomiting, loss of consciousness, seizure, fever or visual
disturbances. The patient felt a little dizzy at the time of the stroke and has been on bed
since then. He is taking physiotherapy since 8th March and there is significant improvement
in his power.
Review of Systems
Change in Appetite: + Change in Weight: Lost 10 Kg in
Fever: Afebrile Fatigue: +
Weakness: + (on right side)
Head Trauma: N/A Headache: N/A
Dizziness: N/A Fainting: N/A
Convulsions: N/A Numbness: N/A
Hearing Impairment: N/A Vision Impairment: N/A
Cardiovascular System;
Hypertension: + (150/90 mmHg usually, non-complaint with medications)
Palpitations: N/A Pedal Oedema: N/A
Exertional Dyspnoea: N/A Orthopnoea: N/A
Cyanosis: N/A
Respiratory System:
Dyspnoea: + (on climbing stairs) Cough: +
Sputum: Yellowish Haemoptysis: N/A
Wheezing: N/A Night Sweats: N/A
Paroxysmal Nocturnal Dyspnoea: N/A Chest pain on respiration: N/A
Gastrointestinal Tract;
Nausea: N/A Vomiting: N/A
Dysphagia: N/A Hematemesis: N/A
Jaundice: N/A Abdominal Distension: N/A
Diarrhoea: N/A Constipation: N/A
Melena: N/A Heart Burn: N/A
Genitourinary Tract;
Burning Micturition: N/A Dysuria: N/A
Haematuria: N/A Frequency: N/A
Incomplete Voiding: N/A Nocturia: N/A
Urgency: N/A Pyuria: N/A
Hesitancy: N/A Incontinence: N/A
Polyuria: N/A Genital Discharge: N/A
Musculoskeletal System;
Joint Pain: N/A Bone Pain: N/A
Muscle Ache: N/A Stiffness: N/A
Joint Swelling: N/A Gait: Stable before stroke
Endocrine System;
Polydipsia: N/A Polyphagia: N/A
Glucose Intolerance: N/A Tremors: N/A
Neck Swelling: N/A Heat/Cold Intolerance: N/A
Drug/Allergy History;
Not Significant
Family History;
Mother had DM, HTN, Asthma
Socioeconomic History;
Patient is resident of Rawalpindi, lives in joint family system.
He lives on 1st floor with 6 rooms which are shared by his wife, 3 children and 3 brother.
4 persons are earning.
Takes balanced diet.
Personal History;
Does not drink or smoke
Pulse: 90 beats/min, normal rhythm, good volume pulse R.R: 24 breaths/min
Temperature: Afebrile Weight: 85 KGs
Blood pressure: 150/80 mmHg
Central Cyanosis: N/A Pallor: - N/A
Jaundice: N/A Oral Hygiene: Normal
Nasal Congestion: N/A Ear Congestion: N/A
Tongue Muscle Wasting: N/A Tonsils: N/A
Thyroid Swelling: N/A
Lymph Nodes: Not enlarged Trachea: Central
Cyanosis: N/A Clubbing: N/A
Thenar/Hypothenar Wasting: - Koilonychias: N/A
Tremors: N/A Capillary Refill: N/A
Rash: N/A Normal Shamroth’s Window
Pedal Oedema: N/A Peripheral Pulses: Normal
Abdominal Examination
Symmetry: Normal Abdominal Distension: -
Superficial: Non-tender Deep: Non-tender
Visceromegaly: N/A
Liver Span: 9 cm Shifting Dullness: N/A
Fluid Thrill: N/A
Bowel Sounds: Positive Aortic Bruit: N/A
Respiratory Examination
Symmetry: N/A Shape: N/A
Apex Beat: Normal Chest Expansion: Normal
Percussion; N/A
Breath Sounds: Vesicular, No crackles or wheezes
Cardiovascular Examination
Normal S1 + S2
JVP not raised
Eye Examination
Pupils are Round, Regular and Reaction to light
Slight scleral icterus
ENT Examination
Tonsils not enlarged
• CT Brain revealed Right Sided Basal Ganglia bleed
• Intraparenchymal hemorrhage in right frontal lobe and insular region with
surrounding perifocal edema and mass effect on adjacent parenchyma and Right
lateral ventricle.
• No midline shift, uncal or tonsillar herniation
• Ionized Calcium: 4.5
• PT: 11.4
• INR: 1.06
• Trop I: 1488
• CKMB 3.0
• Urine R/E: Protein and Blood: +ve
• Tab Hydralazine 50mg PO QID
• Tab Carveda 6.25mg PO BD
• Tab Nabetalol 100 mg PO BD
• Tab Sustac 2.6mg PO BD
• Tab Renola 500mg PO BD
• Tab Norvasc 10mg PO OD
• Daktren Oral Gel apply BD
• Syp Duphalac 30ml PO HS
• Tab Cardura 2mg in morning + 4mg HS
• Tab Eziday 50mg PO OD
• Tab Rouvista 20mg PO HS
48 y/o male, who is a known hypertensive for 1 month. He presented to the ER with sudden
onset of left sided weakness around along with slurred speech, swallowing difficulty and
dysarthria 8 days back. His power has improved slightly since then.
• Right Basal Ganglia bleed
• Right Sided Intracranial Hemorrhage
• Right Sided Compression of Internal Capsule
• Spinal Cord resection or compression
• Spinal Nerve root entrapment
• Neuropathy
SOAP Criteria
Problem Subjectiv Objectiv Analysis Plan Ask
list e e (Logical (Diagnostic/Therapeu yourself
(Related (Relevan differential list) tic, patient questions
history) t education)
Biological Sudden GCS; 1. Right Basal 1.MRI Brain What is the
onset of 15/15 Ganglia bleed 2.CBC incidence,
left sided Power: 2. Right 3. Blood Culture causes and
weakness 4. Speech Therapy clinical
Right Sided
with 5. Physiotherapy outcome of
dysarthria Arm: Intracrani hemorrhagic
and 5/5 al stroke in
slurred Hemorrha middle aged
speech ge patients?
Leg: 5/5 Does
3. Right physical
Sided training and
Arm: physiothera
3/5 py
on of
Left Leg: Internal improve
3/5 Capsule muscle
power and
Plantar: 4. Spinal tone after
Right Cord hemorrhagic
foot – resection stroke?
Down or
going compressi
Left foot on
– Up
5. Spinal
Psychologic The Counsel the patient Do patients
al patient about this disease and with more
seemed tell him the possible physical jobs
agitated treatment and suffer more
due to his prognosis than people
ongoing with less
illness & physical
wanted jobs?
all of it to
How does task oriented circuit training help in the improvement of muscle power in stroke
patients compared to conventional physiotherapy?
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Objective To analyse the effect of task oriented circuit training compared with usual
physiotherapy in terms of self reported walking competency for patients with stroke discharged
from a rehabilitation centre to their own home.
Design Randomised controlled trial with follow-up to 24 weeks.
Setting Multicentre trial in nine outpatient rehabilitation centres in the Netherlands
Participants Patients with stroke who were able to walk a minimum of 10 m without physical
assistance and were discharged from inpatient rehabilitation to an outpatient rehabilitation clinic.
Patients were randomly allocated to circuit training or usual physiotherapy, after stratification by
rehabilitation centre, with an online randomisation procedure.
Intervention Patients in the intervention group received circuit training in 90 minute sessions
twice a week for 12 weeks. The training included eight different workstations in a gym and was
intended to improve performance in tasks relating to walking competency. The control group
received usual outpatient physiotherapy.
Main outcome measures The primary outcome was the mobility domain of the stroke impact
scale (SIS, version 3.0). Secondary outcomes were standing balance, self reported abilities, gait
speed, walking distance, stair climbing, instrumental activities of daily living, fatigue, anxiety,
and depression. Differences between groups were analysed according to the intention to treat
principle. All outcomes were assessed by blinded observers in a repeated measurement design
lasting 24 weeks.
Results 126 patients were included in the circuit training group and 124 in the usual care group
(control), with data from 125 and 117, respectively, available for analysis. One patient from the
circuit training group and seven from the control group dropped out. Circuit training was a safe
intervention, and no serious adverse events were reported. There were no significant differences
between groups for the stroke impact scale mobility domain (β=0.05 (SE 0.68), P=0.943) at 12
weeks. Circuit training was associated with significantly higher scores in terms of gait speed
(0.09 m/s (SE 0.02), P<0.001), walking distance (20.0 m (SE 7.4), P=0.007), and modified stairs
test (−1.6 s (SE 0.7), P=0.015). There were no significant differences between groups for the
other secondary outcomes, except for the leisure domain of the Nottingham extended activities of
daily living and the memory and thinking domain of the stroke impact scale. With the exception
of gait speed (−0.04 m/s (SE 0.02), P=0.040), there were no significant differences between
groups at follow-up.
Conclusion Task oriented circuit training can safely replace usual physiotherapy for patients with
stroke who are discharged from inpatient rehabilitation to the community and need further
training in gait and gait related activities as an outpatient.
Trial registration Dutch Trial Register (NTR1534).
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An estimated 25-74% of the 50 million stroke survivors worldwide require some assistance or are
fully dependent on care givers for activities of daily living after stroke.1 The activity with the
greatest impact on independency in activities of daily living is walking, a skill initially lost by as
many as 80% of patients.2 Self reported mobility problems are the most common unmet long term
clinical needs after stroke.3 Next to medical management after acute stroke to prevent further
cerebral damage, stroke rehabilitation is used to achieve better recovery in the first months after
stroke and reduce disability during the subsequent years.4
Task specific training targeting goals relevant to patients’ needs, as well as high intensity practice
with sufficient repetitions, are the main principles determining effective stroke rehabilitation
care.4 Several meta-analyses have shown that task oriented exercises focusing on balance control,
transfers, gait, and gait related activities such as climbing stairs are effective, particularly when
applied within the first six months after stroke.4 5 6
Recently, two independent meta-analyses showed that group training with a series of
workstations (known as circuit training) offers benefits in terms of gait speed, walking distance,
stair climbing, and transfers, compared with other commonly used forms of physiotherapy.7 8
There were no adverse effects in terms of falls or other complications related to exertion
compared with physiotherapy. Apart from group dynamics and a focus on progressive repetitive
practice of functional tasks, one of the key components of task oriented circuit class training is
that the treatment is provided in a group setting with more than two participants per therapist,
resulting in a lower ratio of staff to patients.7 8 In addition, most studies were conducted in
patients with chronic stroke, and therefore we need studies into the effectiveness for people
within the first six months after stroke.8
We investigated the safety and effects of task oriented circuit training as an alternative to usual
physiotherapy provided during outpatient treatment at a rehabilitation centre to improve walking.
Usual physiotherapy was provided in individually tailored, face to face treatment sessions. We
hypothesised that circuit training would be a safe treatment strategy that is superior to usual
physiotherapy in terms of self reported competency in walking for patients discharged from a
rehabilitation centre to their own home over a 24 week time period.
We used a stratified, multicentre single blinded randomised controlled trial with repeated
measurements to investigate the effects of the task oriented circuit training programme. Nine
rehabilitation centres in the Netherlands participated in the study. Full details of this trial, called
FIT-Stroke, have been reported elsewhere.9 Three trained research assistants (LW, HK, LK), who
were blinded to treatment allocation, measured all outcomes before randomisation at baseline and
after 12 and 24 weeks in face to face meetings at the patient’s own home or at the rehabilitation
centre. The same assessor tested participants each time. The mobility domain of the stroke impact
scale (the primary outcome) and the other domains of the scale were also measured at six and 18
weeks by telephone interview and included for statistical analysis. Participants were stratified by
rehabilitation centre, and randomisation took place using an “online” minimisation procedure.10
We included all patients with stroke who had completed an inpatient rehabilitation period as soon
as they were able to start outpatient rehabilitation in one of the nine participating centres. For
inclusion, eligible patients had to have had a verified stroke according to the WHO definition; be
able to walk a minimum of 10 m without physical assistance (functional ambulation categories
≥3); be discharged home from a rehabilitation centre; need to continue physiotherapy during
outpatient care to improve walking competency or physical condition, or both; and be able to give
informed consent and be motivated to participate in a 12 week intensive programme of
physiotherapy. Patients were excluded if they had cognitive deficits as evaluated by the mini-
mental state examination (<24 points), were unable to communicate (<4 points on the Utrechts
Communicatie Onderzoek, UCO), or lived more than 30 km from the rehabilitation centre.
Intervention group—Patients assigned to the intervention group received a 90 minute, graded task
oriented circuit training programme twice a week over a 12 week period (24 sessions). The
training included eight different workstations, intended to improve meaningful tasks relating to
walking competency.9 At each workstation, participants worked together in pairs: while one
participant performed the task for three minutes, the other observed their performance. After three
minutes of practice or observation, they switched roles. After six minutes at the workstation, each
pair had one minute to go to the next workstation. Each participant’s performance (such as
counts) was recorded in a training log, which was used as a feedback and motivational tool during
the next sessions. Motivational music was played in the background during the entire training
session. The total FIT-Stroke programme included four stages: warming up (5 minutes), circuit
training (60 minutes), evaluation and a short break (10 minutes), and group game (15 minutes).
The physiotherapist and sports therapists who conducted the programme were trained on a one
day course before the FIT-Stroke trial started. The staff recorded patients’ attendance at the
sessions and adverse events (such as falls, heart problems) during the intervention. Serious
adverse events were defined as any fall or other adverse event related to treatment that required a
hospital or GP visit. Serious adverse events were reported to the medical ethics committee.
Control group—Patients allocated to the control group received usual outpatient physiotherapy,
mainly one to one treatments tailored to the patient with a physiotherapist who had not been on
the circuit training course at one of the participating rehabilitation centres. Sessions designed to
improve control of standing balance, physical condition, and walking competency were provided
according to Dutch physiotherapy guidelines.11 There were no additional restrictions with respect
to content, time, or duration of the physiotherapy.
Primary outcome measure—This was the mobility domain of the stroke impact scale. This scale
is a self reported, stroke specific, valid, reliable, and responsive measure that includes 59 items
and assesses eight domains related to activities and participation.12 13 The mobility domain of the
scale includes nine questions about a patient’s perceived competency to keep his or her balance,
to transfer, to walk indoors and climb stairs, to get in and out of a car, and to move about in the
community. Total scores range from 0 to 100, higher scores indicating better mobility. The stroke
impact scale was administered at baseline and at six, 12, 18, and 24 weeks after randomisation.
At six and 18 weeks, this was carried out in a semistructured telephone interview. We included
220 patients to give enough power to detect a clinically relevant difference of 5 points (about
11%) on the mobility domain of the stroke impact scale in favour of the experimental group.9
Secondary outcome measures—Secondary outcomes included other domains of the stroke impact
scale (version 3.0), the Rivermead mobility index (RMI), the falls efficacy scale (FES), the
Nottingham extended activities of daily living (NEADL), the hospital anxiety and depression
scale (HADS), and the fatigue severity scale (FSS). Other secondary outcomes were performance
tests—namely, the Motricity index (MI-arm and MI-leg), functional ambulation categories, six
minute walk test,14 five metre comfortable walking speed test, timed balance test, timed up and
go, modified stairs test, and letter cancellation task. Extensive descriptions (including
psychometric properties and references) of all secondary outcomes are available elsewhere.9 All
secondary outcomes (questionnaires and performance tests) were measured at baseline and at 12
and 24 weeks after randomisation. The physiotherapist recorded adverse events, including falls
and heart problems, in the patients’ diary. Serious adverse events were defined as falls and
incidents related to equipment failure or incidents related to treatment leading to injury requiring
a hospital or GP visit. Serious adverse events were reported to the medical ethics committee. In
addition, patients were asked to record all medical events such as falls and hospital visits in a
weekly dairy kept for at least 12 weeks.
Data analysis
We tested for differences in baseline values between circuit training and usual care groups with
Fisher’s exact test or χ2 test for nominal outcomes, the Mann-Whitney U test for ordinal scale
outcomes, and Student’s t test for independent groups, assuming equal variances for interval or
ratio scale outcomes. Subsequently, we used random coefficients analysis (MLwIN, version 2.23,
Centre for Multilevel Modeling, University of Bristol) to evaluate differences in overall effects
between the groups for the 12 week intervention phase and the follow-up phase. We included
time, group, and the interaction between group and time in the multilevel regression model. In
addition, we added the baseline value of the dependent variable, as well as possible significant
covariates at baseline, to the model.15 All random coefficient analyses were performed on all
included patients, including those with incomplete sets of data. We also used different
longitudinal imputation forms, including last value carried forward, for intention to treat analyses.
Subsequently, we calculated regression coefficients for the effects of circuit training compared
with usual physiotherapy as ß values and standard errors favouring or disfavouring the circuit
training group compared with usual care and used the Wald test to obtain a probability value for
each regression coefficient.
We used Fisher’s exact test to test for differences in the number of adverse events, including falls
during the intervention phase, as well as differences in the proportion of patients who showed a
meaningful improvement of 54 m or more on the six minute walk test, and Student’s t tests for
independent groups, assuming equal variances to test the overall amount of treatment received in
the circuit training or usual care group and differences in the ratio of staff to patients. All
hypotheses were tested two sided, with a critical value of <0.05.
Between June 2008 and December 2010, 250 patients were randomly assigned to circuit training
(n=126) or usual care (n=124) (figure (figure).). This total of 250 patients represents nearly 26%
of the total population of stroke patients who followed an outpatient rehabilitation programme in
the participating rehabilitation centres in this period. About two thirds (n=662) of discharged
patients could not participate in the study. About a third of these patients were too able to qualify
for 24 sessions of 90 minutes physiotherapy in an outpatient setting, whereas another third of the
patients were unable to walk independently for 10 m, had disabling comorbidity, were not able to
communicate, and/or were discharged to a nursing home. For the 309 patients who fulfilled the
inclusion criteria, reasons for not participating included that they preferred to follow their
outpatient programme in their own community, were not available for the subsequent 12 weeks,
or were not interested in participating in a study (n=59). Of the 250 included patients, one patient
in the circuit training group and seven in the usual care group were excluded from the analysis.
Reasons were withdrawal from participation (n=3), death from cancer (n=2), and recurrent stroke
(n=2), while one patient missed the 12 week assessment visit because of change of address. No
patients were lost to follow-up after 12 weeks. The patients attended an average of 83% of the 24
sessions, corresponding to an average treatment time of 1793 minutes per patient over 12 weeks.
Four patients allocated to the intervention group did not attend the circuit training sessions.
Flow of patients with stroke through study of circuit training compared with usual physiotherapy
as part of rehabilitation
The circuit training group received 4461 treatment sessions compared with 4378 for the usual
care group. The average treatment time per session was 72 (SD 39) minutes for the intervention
group compared with 34 (SD 10) minutes for the control group (P<0.05). As the intervention
group received the treatment in groups, this longer treatment time could be provided with a lower
ratio of staff to patients. The ratio was 0.56 (1:1.8) for the circuit training group and 0.78 (1:1.3)
for the usual care group.
Twenty nine falls were reported in the circuit training group and 26 in the usual physiotherapy
group (P=0.93). Two serious adverse events were reported in the circuit training group: one
participant fell and consulted a GP and one patient experienced arrhythmias during one session.
She discontinued the training session but was able to continue the programme after a medical
check up.
Comparison between the observers’ guesses about allocation (circuit training or control) and
actual allocation showed that 76 of 126 predictions were correct in the control group and 79 of
127 in the experimental group, resulting in a Cohen’s κ of 0.24. This suggests that the blinding
procedure was successful.
Table 1 1 shows the baseline characteristics of patients for the primary and secondary outcomes.
Table 1
Baseline characteristics of people with stroke allocated to task oriented circuit training
intervention or usual care (control group). Values are means (SD) unless stated otherwise
Circuit training group
(n=126) Control group (n=124) P value
Patients’ characteristics
No (%) of men 82 (65) 80 (65) 0.93
Age (years) 56 (10) 58 (10) 0.32
No (%) by type of stroke:
Ischaemic 103 (82) 100 (81) 0.82
Haemorrhagic 23 (18) 24 (19)
No (%) by site of stroke:
Right hemisphere 57 (45) 61 (49) 0.53
Left hemisphere 49 (39) 43 (35)
Brainstem 6 (5) 14 (11)
Cerebellum 14 (11) 6 (5)
No (%) by Bamford classification:
Total anterior 3 (3) 4 (4) 0.91
cerebral infarct
Lacunar circulation 39 (38) 34 (34)
Partial anterior 45 (44) 51 (51)
cerebral infarct
Posterior circulation 16 (15) 11 (11)
Time from stroke 91 (42) 103 (51) 0.04
onset to
randomisation (days)
Primary outcome
Stroke impact scale 80.9 (13.04) 77.8 (15.00) 0.08
3.0 mobility (0-100)
Secondary outcome
Stroke impact scale 3.0:
Strength (0-100) 55.36 (20.15) 48.19 (19.82) <0.01
Memory/thinking 82.60 (16.84) 81.05 (18.14) 0.49
Emotion (0-100) 82.28 (13.42) 82.84 (13.76) 0.74
Communication (0- 85.23 (17.80) 84.53 (20.09) 0.77
ADL/IADL (0-100) 71.25 (15.42) 68.99 (15.43) 0.25
Hand function (0- 48.33 (36.55) 41.81 (34.41) 0.15
Participation (0-100) 65.58 (21.49) 67.94 (20.18) 0.37
Stroke recovery (0- 56.32 (16.76) 56.76 (16.37) 0.83
Fatigue severity scale 4.28 (1.67) 3.98 (1.69) 0.16
Falls efficacy scale (0- 98.98 (19.77) 95.59 (18.90) 0.17
Hospital anxiety and depression scale:
Depression (0-21) 5.10 (3.60) 4.40 (3.23) 0.11
Anxiety (0-21) 3.89 (3.42) 3.63 (3.27) 0.54
Nottingham extended ADL:
Mobility (0-18) 11.34 (4.11) 10.90 (4.21) 0.40
Kitchen (0-15) 10.10 (4.10) 10.06 (3.80) 0.94
Domestic (0-15) 5.15 (4.73) 4.53 (3.93) 0.26
Leisure (0-18) 7.99 (2.97) 7.31 (2.87) 0.07
Rivermead mobility 12.67 (1.58) 12.35 (2.00) 0.16
index (0-15)
Timed balance test (0- 3.65 (1.05) 3.46 (1.11) 0.16
Motricity index:
Arm (0-100) 62.73 (26.48) 57.97 (26.23) 0.15
Leg (0-100) 71.23 (19.85) 64.98 (20.06) 0.01
Letter cancellation task:
Time to accomplish 146 (73) 15 (75) 0.34
Omissions left (0- 1.25 (2.34) 1.37 (3.05) 0.73
Omissions right (0- 0.53 (1.24) 0.48 (1.06) 0.74
Functional ambulation 4.64 (0.60) 4.53 (0.60) 0.15
Comfortable walking 0.9 (0.3) 0.8 (0.4) 0.09
speed (m/sec)
Six minute walk test 339 (120) 306 (135) 0.04
Timed up and go test 15 (10) 18 (19) 0.11
Modified stairs test 19 (11) 20 (10) 0.38
There were significant effects between groups favouring the usual care group for the memory and
thinking domain of the stroke impact scale (β=−1.61 (0.71), P=0.024) and the leisure domain of
the Nottingham extended activities of daily living scale (β=−0.74 (0.37), P=0.043) (table 2 2).).
There were no significant differences between groups for the other secondary outcomes. Nor
were there significant differences between groups during the follow-up phase for any of the
variables, except for the five metre comfortable walking speed test (−0.04 (0.02), P=0.040.
Task oriented circuit training in patients with mild to moderate disability after stroke is safe and
as effective as an individually tailored face to face treatment in the first six months after stroke.
The present study stems from the recommendations of the American Heart Association, issued to
promote the investigation of innovative methods to increase duration of practice with minimum
use of resources.16 We found that circuit training was not superior to usual care in terms of self
reported mobility according to the mobility domain of the stroke impact scale. This negative
result might have been caused by a small impact of circuit training on perceived gait performance
and might also relate to ceiling effects of the stroke impact scale, probably because of the
relatively high baseline scores in patients who were able to walk for 10 m without assistance at
What is already known on this topic
In patients with stroke, group circuit training is a safe and has good results in terms of
walking distance and walking speed
Most previous trials were conducted in patients with chronic stroke, were small, and
failed to follow-up adequately
What this study adds
Task oriented circuit training started in the first six months is as effective as individually
tailored physiotherapy for patients with moderate to mild stroke
Circuit training could replace usual physiotherapy, allowing patients to exercise more
intensively with a lower ratio of staff to patients
Small task specific treatment effects favouring circuit training were found for walking
distance, walking speed, and stair walking, though the differences between groups were
small and the sustainability of effects in terms of gait was limited
There were no significant effects between groups in non-physical outcomes such as
depression and fatigue
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