Guide Doing Business in Uganda 1
Guide Doing Business in Uganda 1
Guide Doing Business in Uganda 1
A Brief Guide to Doing Business in Uganda, 2019
07 General Considerations
09 Business Vehicles
12 Exchange Controls
15 Employment
16 Tax
20 Competition
21 Intellectual Property
21 Consumer Protection
22 Insurance
23 Data Protection
24 E-Commerce
24 Fintech
25 Environmental Considerations
26 Dispute Resolution
William Kasozi
Managing Partner, Uganda
A Brief Guide to Doing Business in Uganda, 2019
A Brief Guide to Doing Business in Uganda, 2019
A Brief Guide to Doing Business in Uganda, 2019
with the Registrar once a year within as well as all companies and all partnerships
42 days of the Annual General Meeting. in which the controlling interest is owned by
For public companies, a copy of the a person who is a citizen of an East African
audited financial statements is required to Community Partner State are considered
be filed together with the annual return. domestic investors under the New Code.
Local and foreign investment in Uganda This implies that all citizens, companies
was previously regulated by the Investment and partnerships of any of the East African
Code Act Cap 92 (Old Code). In light of the Community Partner State are no longer
growing investment sector in Uganda and considered foreign investors under the Laws
the investment regulatory framework at a of Uganda and for investment purposes will
regional level, Parliament enacted the new be treated as though they were Ugandans.
Investment Code Act, 2019 (New Code).
This further implies that any of the already
Unlike the Old Code, the New Code defines an existing investors from any of the East African
investor to include a foreign and/ or a domestic Community Partner States do not have to
investor. To qualify as a domestic investor, an apply for renewal of their investment licences.
individual has to be a citizen of an East African
Community Partner State. These include Contrary to the Old Code where a foreign
Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania investor was required to obtain an investment
and Uganda. Therefore, every citizen of any of licence before operating a business, the
the East African Community Partner States, all New Code strictly, requires all investors to
companies incorporated under the laws of any register with the UIA before making any
of the East African Community Partner States investment in Uganda or before participating
A Brief Guide to Doing Business in Uganda, 2019
in the operations of any investment activity An investor importing any plant, machinery,
in Uganda. This means that foreign investors equipment, vehicles or construction
must register with UIA before making materials for an investment project will
any kind of investment in Uganda. benefit from the concessional rates of import
duty and other taxes as may be specified
Under the New Code the application for an in the finance acts from time to time.
investment certificate is made to the Secretariat
in a prescribed form indicating the full name and Under the Old Code, in order to qualify for
address of the applicant, the shareholding and incentives, the foreign investor had to have
nationality of the business enterprise, the nature satisfied three or more of the objectives
and capital structure of the business as well as specified under the New Code. However,
the business plan and the amount invested. under the New Code, notwithstanding
incentives granted under other laws, an
Upon investment registration every applicant is investor who meets any of the following
required to provide the following information: qualifications for incentives and commences
operations after the commencement of
• certificate of registration of the business; the New Code, qualifies for incentives:
• business plan (containing details such as
action plan, commencement of operations, • has the minimum investment capital
raw materials sourced in Uganda, for the investment as required in
financing and assets to be sourced outside the relevant Acts of Parliament;
Uganda, land required for the investment • engages in any of the priority areas
including certificate of land title); specified in Schedule 2 of the New Code
• environmental impact assessment (such as agro processing, food processing,
certificate issued in accordance medical appliances, building material,
with the relevant laws; lighting, automobile manufacturing and
• the projected number of employees; and assembly, household appliances, furniture,
• licence granted by the business sector in tourism, mining, real estate development,
which the investor intends to operate. pharmaceuticals and telecommunications);
• exports a minimum of 80%
After application for registration, the applicants of the goods produced;
are either issued an investment certificate or • provides for substitution of 30% of
notified of the refusal. This is within five working the value of imported products;
days after the UIA receives the application. The • sources 70% of the raw
duration and the terms of the certificate will materials used, locally;
be indicated on the investment certificate. • directly employs a minimum of
60% Ugandan citizens, or
Furthermore, both domestic and foreign • introduces advanced technology or
investors are required to have a minimum upgrading of indigenous technology.
amount in investment capital to qualify for
registration and obtain an investment licence
from UIA. The minimum investment capital is
USD 50 000 and USD 100 000 respectively.
A Brief Guide to Doing Business in Uganda, 2019
A Brief Guide to Doing Business in Uganda, 2019
The Employment Act and practice in courts of The tax rate for companies is 30%.
law, have shown that employers must always
assign reasons for a termination and hold a fair
hearing before the termination.
A Brief Guide to Doing Business in Uganda, 2019
Withholding tax is applied to payments of 17. Are there any thin capitalisation rules
dividends and interest. Specifically, it is applied (restrictions on loans from foreign affiliates)?
to interest payments made to a resident person.
Yes, there are thin capitalisation rules that relate
It however excludes interest paid: to the interest payable by the company during the
year of income. This is deductible on the part of
• by a natural person; debt that exceeds the 1.5 to 1 debt to equity ratio
• to a financial institution (other than for the period the ratio was exceeded.
interest on Government securities);
• by a company to an associated The new tax rules as of 2018, Section 25 of the
company; and Income Tax Act as amended, provide that the
• and exempt from tax in the hands amount of deductible interest in respect of all
of the recipient. debts owed by a taxpayer who is a member of a
group shall not exceed 30% of the tax earnings
The withholding tax rate applicable to interest before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation.
payments to a resident person, excluding
interest on Government securities, is 18%. It further provides that a tax payer whose interest
exceeds 30% of the tax earnings before interest,
A resident company that pays a dividend to a tax, depreciation and amortisation may only carry
resident shareholder must withhold tax at the forward the excess interest for not more than three
rate of 18%. There is an exception where the years and the excess interest shall be treated as
dividend income is exempt from tax in the incurred during the next year of income.
hands of the shareholder.
The limitation of interest deductions and capping
There is no compensating tax in Ugandan law. it at three years could hamper the financing of
long-term projects, which usually face delays
16. How are the following taxed: in completion. Companies now have to look at
efficient ways of sourcing and using debt.
• Dividends paid to foreign corporate
shareholders? Dividends payable to This move was mainly based on concern within
non-resident persons are subject to the Uganda Revenue Authority that some
withholding tax at the rate of 15%. multinational companies were exploiting thin
• Dividends received from foreign capitalisation rules to abuse the tax system by
companies? Dividends received from limiting their tax bills. Many companies were
foreign companies are subject to said to be front loading debt, much of it through
withholding tax at the rate of 15%. shareholder loans into their Ugandan subsidiaries,
• Interest paid to foreign corporate as a way of reducing their tax burdens and
shareholders? Interest payable to extracting more revenues out of the country.
non-resident persons is subject to
withholding tax at the rate of 15%.
• Intellectual property (IP) royalties paid
to foreign corporate shareholders?
IP royalties paid to foreign corporate
shareholders is subject to withholding tax
at the rate of 15%.
18. Must the profits of a foreign subsidiary The transaction value method is the primary
be imputed to a parent company that is method. It generally relies on the declared
tax resident in Uganda (controlled foreign cost, insurance and freight (CIF) value of the
company rules?) goods imported. The applicable customs duty
rate is prescribed in the EAC Custom External
Under the Income Tax Act, where a foreign Tariff, 2017 commonly referred to as the
controlled resident company (which is not a CET Code.
financial institution) has a foreign debt to foreign
equity ratio in excess of 2 to 1 at any time during • Value added tax
the year of income, a deduction is not allowed
for the interest paid by the company during that Value added tax (VAT) is chargeable on goods
year on the part of the debt that exceeds the and services imported into Uganda unless
2 to 1 ratio. the goods or services are exempted from
VAT. The standard rate is 18%. Zero rating and
19. Are there any transfer pricing rules exemption from VAT is granted sparingly to
essential goods and services.
The Income Tax (Transfer Pricing) Regulations
set the rules for transfer pricing in Uganda. The taxable value of imported goods for
The Regulations are applicable to transactions purposes of VAT is the sum of:
between associates where one party to the
transaction is located in and is subject to tax in • t he value of the goods ascertained for the
Uganda and the other party to the transaction is purpose of customs duty, in accordance
located in or is outside Uganda. with the EACCMA, whether or not any
customs duty is payable on the goods;
The Regulations seek to ensure that no party • t o the extent not included above (i) the
enjoys tax benefits as a result of non-arm’s cost of insurance and freight incurred in
length terms and conditions of a transaction. bringing the goods to Uganda; and (ii)
the cost of services treated as part of the
There are no specific transfer pricing penalties. imported goods; and
However, the Commissioner of Taxes can conduct • t he amount of customs duty, if any, paid on
an audit, make adjustments in the taxable profit, the goods.
and demand tax where applicable.
The VAT Act provides for zero rating of
20. How are imports and exports taxed? services exported out of Uganda. For services
to be deemed to have been exported out of
• Customs duty Uganda the direct beneficiary of the service
must be a foreign person and the service must
Customs duty is charged on goods imported be consumed (physical and final consumption)
into Uganda depending on their assessed outside Uganda.
customs value.
A recent development that is VAT exemptions
EACCMA provides for several methods of that were previously enjoyed for supplies of
ascertaining the customs value of goods passenger automobiles and entertainment
imported into the East African Community for the extractive sector and donor funded
(EAC) for purposes of levying customs duty. projects were scrapped. Under Uganda’s
A Brief Guide to Doing Business in Uganda, 2019
tax law, entertainment is defined to mean An individual is resident for tax purposes if
the provision of accommodation, food, he or she:
beverages and a couple of other amusement
activities. • has a permanent home in Uganda and
was present in Uganda for any period
The scrapping of this VAT makes it more in a particular year of income under
expensive for construction projects that are consideration;
in remote areas where things like food and • has no permanent home in Uganda, but was
accommodation are in short supply. present in Uganda for a period or periods
amounting in the aggregate to
• Excise duty 183 days or more in that year of income; or
• was present in Uganda in that year of
Excise duty is chargeable on the importation income and in each of the two preceding
of goods that are classified as excisable years of income for periods averaging more
goods pursuant to the Excise Duty Act, 2014 than 122 days in each year of income.
at the rate prescribed in the Act.
23. What income tax and social security
21. Is there a wide network of double contributions must be paid by the employee
tax treaties? and the employer during the employment
Uganda is currently party to a number of double
taxation treaties. These include agreements with: The following are some of the mandatory
Demark, the EAC, Egypt, India, Italy, Mauritius, contributions:
Netherlands, Norway, South Africa, the United
Kingdom and Zambia. • Pay as you earn and personal income
tax returns
Double taxation treaties are pending with:
Belgium, China, Seychelles and the United This is collected on a monthly basis through
Arab Emirates. a system known as Pay As You Earn (PAYE).
The Income Tax Act obliges employers,
22. In what circumstances are employees while making payment of employment
taxed in Uganda and what criteria are used? income in any month, to withhold tax at the
prescribed withholding PAYE tax rates and
Income tax is imposed on income from business, pay the tax withheld by the 15th day of the
employment and property. The scope of liability following month to the URA.
for tax depends on a person’s residence status.
PAYE is the method of deducting income
For a resident person, income tax is charged on tax from salaries and wages. It applies to all
gross income from all over the world. The tax for income and benefits from any employment
a non-resident person is only charged on income (namely wages, salaries, bonuses,
derived from sources within Uganda. commissions, directors fees and
taxable benefits).
Social Security contributions are made to 24. Are restrictive agreements and practices
the National Social Security Fund (NSSF). regulated by competition law? Is unilateral
Participation in this fund is mandatory (or single firm) conduct regulated by
for every employer with more than five competition law?
employees and is intended to provide
a state retirement benefit for salaried There is no general competition law in Uganda.
workers. Contributions are made by both Instead, certain sectoral regulations have
the employer and the employee. The competition provisions or provisions governing
employee’s portion is deducted from his or amalgamation or transfers, which import
her salary and the total amount is paid by competition law aspects. For instance, the
the employer to NSSF. Uganda Communications Act, 2013, prohibits
restrictive agreements and practices in the
Under the current NSSF regime, 15% of communications sector.
an employee’s monthly earnings (with 5%
deducted from the employee’s earnings and Uganda is a member of the Common Market for
10% drawn from the employer) should be East and Southern Africa (COMESA). By virtue of
contributed into the Social Security Fund this membership, it has to abide by the COMESA
established by the Act. Competition Regulations, 2004. That said,
Uganda has not yet domesticated the COMESA
A key requirement in the remittance of Competition Regulations and they therefore
taxes and other mandatory deductions do not yet form part of Ugandan law. However,
is the registration and obtaining of a tax compliance with the regulations is advisable
identification number (TIN) from the because of the sanctions and reputational adverse
URA. The TIN is required for the following effects that can be suffered by an investor/
transactions: acquirer in other COMESA Member States or
interstate transactions.
• incorporation of companies;
• registration of property title and 25. Are mergers and acquisitions subject
stamping of instruments; to merger control?
• approval of plans and payments to the
country authorities; There is no general competition law in Uganda and
• acquisition of trade licences; as such mergers and acquisitions are not subject
• importation of motor vehicles; and to merger control. However, under the Uganda
• registration with the National Social Securities Listing Rules, 2003, there are approvals
Security Service. that must be obtained from the Capital Markets
Authority and Uganda Securities Exchange.
These may require the parties to a merger and
acquisition transaction to make some disclosures.
Specific sectors in Uganda have similar controls
such as the communications, insurance and
banking sectors.
A Brief Guide to Doing Business in Uganda, 2019
However, in 2018 a memorandum of 29. How are product liability and product
understanding was signed between the Ministry safety regulated?
of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives and Financial
Sector Deeping Uganda (FSDU), which seeks to Uganda does not have specific legislation on
cultivate a national consumer protection policy product liability and product safety. This field of
and to facilitate the creation of an exhaustive practice is mainly regulated by common law and
consumer protection law. decided cases.
A Brief Guide to Doing Business in Uganda, 2019
business in Uganda. These requirements do not The Act establishes the National Information
apply to a foreign reinsurer that enters into a Technology Authority - Uganda as the regulator
reinsurance contract with a licensed insurer; or a in regard to data protection in the country.
retrocession agreement with a licensed reinsurer; The Act requires all persons or institutions that
or a foreign insurer that carries on insurance collect and process data to be registered on the
business in accordance with an exemption Data Protection Register.
granted by the IRA.
Under the Act, it is an offence to obtain, disclose
The Regulations provide for licensing of or procure the disclosure to another person
insurance companies, the mode of application, the personal data held or processed by a data
and the fees to be incurred while lodging the collector, data controller and data processor. It is
application. The Regulations further make also an offence to sell or offer for sale personal
provision for the paid-up capital for the different data of any person. In respect to corporations,
classifications of insurance businesses (which are these offences can attract a penalty of up to 2%
UGX 1 billion in the case of life or non-insurance of the corporation’s annual gross turnover.
businesses and UGX 2.5 billion in the case of
reinsurance businesses). It is also important to note that because the
GDPR has a universal reach, it would apply to
The Regulations further provide for insurance persons that deal with data of European Union
brokers, insurance agents, insurance surveyors, citizens in Uganda.
loss adjusters and loss assessors.
32. Are there laws protecting personal
Data Protection
Article 27(2) of the Ugandan Constitution
31. Are there specific statutory data guarantees the right to protection of personal
protection laws? If not, are there laws information. This right is implemented in part
providing equivalent protection? through the provisions of the Data Protection and
Privacy Act recently passed. The Act generally
Uganda recently passed the Privacy and Data prohibits the collection and or processing of
Protection Act, 2019. The Act generally draws personal data without the consent of the data
inspiration from the European General Data subject except where the collection is pursuant
Protection Regulations (GDPR) and aims to to law, required for performance of a public duty,
protect the privacy of individuals and of personal required for national security or health reasons.
data by regulating the collection and processing
of personal information; and to provide for the The Act also prohibits the retention of data for
rights of persons whose data is collected and the a period longer than it is required for the purpose
obligations of data collectors, data processors it was collected and provides for the right to
and data controllers. The Act also regulates the be forgotten.
use and disclosure of personal information.
• the full name and legal status of the person; In Uganda, the dominant activity within the
• the physical address and telephone number fintech sector is the provision of mobile money
of the person; services. Mobile banking is also gaining traction.
• the website address or email address of the
person; The Central Bank has issued guidelines to
• the membership of any self-regulatory or regulate the mobile financial service industry.
accreditation bodies to which the person They require that entities dealing in mobile
belongs or subscribes and the contact details financial services be registered limited liability
of that body; and companies. They are required to provide proof
A Brief Guide to Doing Business in Uganda, 2019
The guidelines require that, where an entity is Uganda has a labyrinth of laws and policies
not a registered limited liability company subject to protect the environment while enabling
to the approval of the Bank of Uganda, it businesses to grow.
partners with a registered financial institution
and should have an escrow account with the The Constitution demands that laws are enacted:
financial institution. to protect and preserve the environment from
abuse, pollution and degradation; to manage the
The partnering licensed institution should ensure environment for sustainable development; and to
that the mobile money service provider has promote environmental awareness.
adequate measures to prevent money laundering
and terrorist financing and equally should comply Article 237(2) of the Constitution, requires the
with the requirements on consumer protection. State and local governments to safeguard and
protect the biodiversity of Uganda by conserving
The Central Bank is in charge of the approval and promoting the rational use of natural
and supervision of mobile money services. resources.
Each mobile financial service provider is required The National Objectives and Directive Principles
to maintain a register of its agents and to execute of State Policy, require the State to promote
due diligence during the hiring and training of sustainable development and public awareness of
these agents. They should use systems that are the need to manage land, air and water resources
interoperable with other payment systems in the in a balanced and sustainable manner for the
country and internationally. present and future generations.
Furthermore, service providers are required to As an instrument for guarding the country against
adhere to international Know Your Customer unwanted alien species of plants and conserving
(KYC) standards so as to prevent money endemic species, The Agricultural Seeds and
laundering and terrorism financing. Mobile Plants Act, Cap 144 provides for the promotion,
financial service providers, as well as their agents, regulation and control of plant breeding and
should uphold the privacy and confidentiality of variety release, importing and quality assurance
their customer information, and data. of seeds and other planting materials.
The National Environment Act, Cap 156 Below the Constitutional Court is the High Court
establishes the National Environment of Uganda, which is the third Court of record and
Management Authority (NEMA) as the overall has original unlimited jurisdiction, meaning it may
body and principal agency responsible for hear any matter whether of a civil or criminal
coordinating, supervising and monitoring nature. The High Court is comprised of several
all aspects of environmental management divisions one of these being the Commercial
in Uganda. Division, which is dedicated to hearing disputes
of a commercial nature.
The Authority is mandated to integrate
environmental considerations into socio- Below the High Court are the Magistrate's Courts,
economic development policies and programmes; which have jurisdiction to hear disputes which fall
develop standards, guidelines, laws and other within the region of UGX 50 000 000 (approx.
measures in environmental management; and USD 13 298) and below. The Magistrate's Courts
coordinate government policies, liaise with lead are not courts of record.
agencies and international organisations in
environmental management. 37. Are there any alternatives to litigation?
The Act creates the requirement of completing Ugandan legal system and practice provides
environmental impact assessments (EIAs) for for and encourages the amicable settlement of
projects likely to have a negative effect on disputes. When a suit is filed in the High Court
the environment as an effective management of Uganda, parties are required to first attend
tool. In addition to the management of natural mandatory mediation and thereafter have the
resources, the Act provides for mechanisms of suit heard if they fail to have the matter settled
establishing environmental standards and criteria out of Court.
for environmentally acceptable behaviour.
If a valid arbitration clause exists in an
An entity which seeks to exceed these agreement, or the parties agree to refer a dispute
environmental standards is required to apply to arbitration on an ad hoc basis, any dispute
for a pollution permit to enable it carry out arising from such agreement must be submitted
its activities. to arbitration.
The highest court in the land is the Supreme The arbitration law also provides for a mandatory
Court, which hears appeals. stay of court proceedings where a contract contains
an arbitration clause. In practice, the local courts
Below it is the Court of Appeal, which is also are very supportive of arbitration. They are capable
an appellate court but doubles as the of both enforcing the awards and staying court
Constitutional Court. proceedings until commencement of arbitration
A Brief Guide to Doing Business in Uganda, 2019
38. Are foreign judgments and international • appoint a money laundering control
arbitration awards enforceable in Uganda? officer to oversee the anti-money
laundering activities and control of
Uganda is a signatory to the New York terrorist financing programmes.
Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement
of Foreign Arbitral Awards of 1958 and as such, The law requires the accountable persons
foreign/ non-domestic arbitral awards may be to record each transaction exceeding 1 000
recognised and enforced in Uganda. currency points (UGX 20 000 000) and maintain
the record for a period of 10 years.
The law imposes various obligations on The Financial Intelligence Authority exists to
accountable persons (who are: advocates, trust monitor, investigate and curb financial crime
companies, casinos, real estate agents, dealers in in Uganda.
precious metals and gems, financial institutions,
investment brokers and dealers, insurance The Anti-Money Laundering (Amendment) Act,
companies, the Registrar of Companies, the creates an obligation to implement appropriate
Registrar of Land, the Uganda Investment risk management measures where a customer
Authority, non-governmental organisations, is a politically exposed person and to report
churches and charitable organisations). suspicious transactions.
A Brief Guide to Doing Business in Uganda, 2019
A Brief Guide to Doing Business in Uganda, 2019
Our Firm
A Brief Guide to Doing Business in Uganda, 2019
Our Footprint
in Africa
W e provide integrated legal services
throughout Africa from six offices
(Cape Town, Dar es Salaam, Durban,
Johannesburg, Kampala and Nairobi) in
four countries (Kenya, South Africa,
Tanzania and Uganda).
Key Contacts
A Brief Guide to Doing Business in Uganda, 2019
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T: +27 21 480 7800
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T: +255 76 898 8640
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T: +27 31 265 0651
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