LIS ICT 106 - Course Syllabus - Revised
LIS ICT 106 - Course Syllabus - Revised
LIS ICT 106 - Course Syllabus - Revised
Outcomes-Based Syllabus
1st Sem., 2022-2023
A leading university of education and diverse disciplines attuned to local and global development needs.
To produce top performing professionals equipped to engage on knowledge and technology production so necessary to develop a sustainable society.
PART II - Preliminaries
Institutional College Outcomes Program Outcomes COURSE Outcome
Outcomes The College of Arts and Science The Information Technology and Computer
endeavors to: Education Unit endeavor students to:
Critical thinkers Produce graduates who think and Provide solutions and take them into account in Students who can analyze and
decide logically and creatively in the selection, creation, evaluation and implement situational
the various programs administration of computer-based systems. problems and solution.
Effective Turnout graduates who can Communicate effectively with the computing Students who can interact with
Communicators communicate effectively in both community and with society at large about others during classroom
verbal and non-verbal forms complex computing activities through logical participation activities.
writing, presentations, and clear instructions
ICT Competent Develop graduates who can use or Design, implement and evaluate computer- Students who can apply
generate appropriate ICTs based systems, processes, components and simple design solutions that
efficiently and effectively programs to meet desired needs and are user-centered.
requirements under various constraints.
CO5 LO1: Recite the LNU VGMO LNU VGMO 1 hour and 30 ● Lecture and Orientation ● Recitation ● Handbook
LO2: State the class policies and Course Syllabus minutes
guidelines ● Mentimeter ● Multimedia
LO3: Explain the importance of the course Poll Projector
content in relation to software
development ● Syllabus
LO4: Gain students’ insights with regards
to their expectations on the course
CO1 LO1: Demonstrate knowledge in defining Introduction to Database Concepts 10 hours ● Reporting ● Recitation ● Multimedia
CO2 technical terminologies relative to Database Systems Projector
CO3 database systems o Why Databases? ● Demonstration ● Written ● PC/
LO2: Determine the basic fundamentals o Data Versus Information Assessment/ Desktop w/
● Lecture Quiz
and principles relating to the concept of o Introducing the Database Internet
database design o Why Database Design is connection
Important ● “One Minute
LO3: Analyze the importance of ● Resource
History of Database Management Paper”
organizing data and data integrity in using Material
MS Excel and MS Access o Traditional File-Based Systems ● Hands-on ● MS Access
o Functions of a DBMS Activity
o Database Languages
o Terminology
What is MS Access?
o Introduction to MS Access
o MS Access vs. MS Excel
o Exploring the MS Access
o Creating a table in datasheet
LO1: Provide an in-depth overview about The Relational Database Model 10 hours ● Reporting ● Recitation ● Multimedia
the relational database model and its Relational Database Management Projector
System ● Lecture ● Written
technicalities ● PC/
LO2: Identify and differentiate the A Logical View of Data Assessment/ Desktop w/
relationships within a relational database Keys Quiz Internet
LO3: Analyze the importance of o Dependencies connection
o Types of Keys ● “One Minute
organizing data and data integrity in using ● Resource
Integrity Rules Paper”
MS Excel and MS Access Material
Relationships within Relational
LO4: Analyze the importance of tables to
relational database management system o One-to-Many relationship
o One-to-One relationship
o Many-to-None relationship
CO1 LO1: Design database following the The Database Design Process in MS Access 15 hours ● Reporting ● Recitation ● Multimedia
CO2 concept of relational DBMS. Design Fundamentals Projector
o Guidelines for Designing ● Demonstration ● Written
CO3 LO2: Design relational database by ● PC/
Databases Assessment/
choose the appropriate field properties for ● Lecture Desktop w/
o Guidelines for Setting Field Quiz
the table fields. Internet
LO3: Select or Create primary key for Properties ● Hands-on connection
o Viewing and modifying field data activity
each table. ● Resource
types and formatting
LO4: Design database using the import Material
o Creating a table in design view
function ● MS Access
o Specifying the primary key
LO5: Manage and modify relational o Importing and exporting data
database Basic Database Maintenance and
LO6: Formulate basic queries required for Procedures
the relational database o Updating a database and its
o Finding data in a table
o Deleting a record
o Introduction to queries
CO1 LO1: Analyze the importance of forms in a Forms and Reports in MS Access 10 hours ● Reporting ● Recitation ● Multimedia
CO2 database Creating Forms and Reports Projector
o Form Wizard ● Demonstration ● Written
CO3 LO2: Design user interface forms. ● PC/
o Formatting forms Assessment/
LO3: Manage subforms in a main form by ● Lecture Desktop w/
applying computations. o Report Wizard Internet
LO4: Organize records in the designed o Formatting reports ● Hands-on connection
interface forms. Creating Custom Forms activity ● Resource
o Continuous Form Material
o Tabbed Form ● MS Access
o Datasheet
o Subforms
o Calculations within a form
CO1 LO1: Analyze the importance of query in a Creating Queries and Custom Reports in MS 20 hours ● Reporting ● Recitation ● Multimedia
CO2 database Access Projector
● Demonstration ● Written
CO3 LO2: Construct appropriate query criteria What is a query? ● PC/
CO4 in every table used in database o Importance of Query in Database ● Lecture Desktop w/
LO3: Prepare professional reports that will o Create a query Internet
be useful to the client. o Specify Criteria for Different Data ● Hands-on connection
LO4: Design a report in accordance with Types activity ● Resource
the user requirements. o Copy and Run Queries Material
LO5: Defend the database project by o Use the Query Wizard ● MS Access
applying all the components of relational
Query Types
o Select Query
o Parameter Query
o Action Query
o Crosstab Query
Creating Custom Reports
o Customize Existing Reports
o Designing a Custom Report
Basic SQL Principles
List of References
Codecademy: the following free, interactive, online courses: “Learn SQL,” and “SQL: Table Transformation”
Colonel, C., Morris, S. (2017). Database Systems: Design, Implementation, and Management. 12th Edition. Cengage Learning. Boston, USA.
Approved by:
CLEOFE L. LAJARA, D.A. _______________________
Vice President, Academic Services