Cpar DLL Week 1
Cpar DLL Week 1
Cpar DLL Week 1
3. Applicati The students will have The students will have The students will be divided by The students will answer the five
on/ to search for to present an art form pair. The student will have a questions given by the teacher. Then,
Assess contemporary art from based on the region report about modern and the student will have a short quiz about
ment ethnic traditions, and they choose. In this contemporary arts. the previous discussion.
then they will have to activity, the students
present their output. will be divided into
V. Generali The teacher will check if The teacher will check The teacher will check if the The teacher will check if the students
zation/ the content of the if the content of the content of the student’s output is are done with the first activity before
Summar student’s output is student’s output is correct. Also, the teacher will proceeding to the second part, which is
y correct. correct. Also, the check if all the group members the quiz part. The teacher will give the
teacher will check if all are cooperating. And the teacher students enough time to review.
the group members will entertain questions if there
are cooperating. And are any.
the teacher will
entertain questions if
there are any.