Cpar DLL Week 1

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Green Valley Subdivision,

San Pablo City, Laguna
Senior High School Department

Week 1 (September 4-7)

DLL in Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions
At the end of the lesson, students are expected to:
 Define contemporary arts;
 Describe the art forms from the various regions through the development of Philippine arts;
 Describe various contemporary arts forms from the regions based on the elements and principles of arts.

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4

I. Objectiv A. Describe the art A. Describe the art A. Describe the art forms A. Describe the art forms from
es forms from forms from from American Colonial Contemporary Arts Tradition
At the end of Ethnic tradition Spanish Tradition through the through the development of
the lesson, the through the Colonial development of Philippine Philippine arts;
students are development of Tradition arts;
expected to: Philippine arts; through the
B. Describe various contemporary
development of B. Describe various
arts forms from Contemporary
B. Describe various Philippine arts; contemporary arts forms
Arts Traditions based on the
contemporary from American Colonial
elements and principles of arts.
arts forms from B. Describe Traditions based on the
Ethnic tradition various elements and principles
based on the contemporary of arts.
elements and arts forms from
principles of Spanish Colonia
arts. tradition based
on the elements
and principles of

II. Subject Matter

 Topic  Contemporary  Contemporary  Contemporary Arts of the  Contemporary Arts of the
 Sub Philippine Arts from Philippine Arts Philippines From the Philippines From the Regions
topic the Regions from the Regions Regions  Understanding the characteristic
 Understanding the  Understanding  Understanding the of various art forms from the
characteristic of the characteristic characteristic of various art Regions
various art forms of various art forms from the Regions
from the Regions forms from the
 Materials Printed pictures and Printed pictures and Printed pictures and PowerPoint Printed pictures and PowerPoint
PowerPoint PowerPoint Presentations Presentations
Presentations Presentations
 Reference Contemporary Philippine Contemporary Contemporary Philippine Arts Contemporary Philippine Arts from the
s Arts from the Regions. Philippine Arts from the from the Regions. Module 1-3 Regions. Module 1-3
Module 1-3 Regions. Module 1-3
III. Daily Greeting
Routine Prayer
Activitie Checking of Attendance
IV. Procedures
1. Activity The students will answer The students will ask The students will be task to The student will be task to search
the pre-test given by the to choose one Art create a Venn diagram, and then online and search for five examples of
teacher and will create a forms from the regions ask them to write the similarities Modern and Contemporary Arts.
graphic organizer by in Ethnic traditions. and differences of the Art forms
supplying five words Then, the students will from the Regions in Spanish
related to Philippine write an essay about Colonial Tradition.
Arts. Then, the students their chosen Art form.
will write three
sentences that explains
why the student think
those words are
associated with
2. Abstract Tradition Tradition Tradition Tradition
 Ethnic  Spanish
Tradition Colonial  American Colonial  Contemporary Arts Tradition
Characteristics/Features Characteristics/Features
Characteristics/ Characteristics/
Features Features  Modern Art it refers
 Contemporary Arts- it
to the practice of arts
 Art forms are  Art forms refers to the practice of art
from 1860’s to 1960’s. from 1970’s to the present.
primarily were primarily
The main theme of Contemporary arts mirror
influenced by influenced by
the artworks in this contemporary culture and
the religion and
geographical secularization time is national society. Diverse and
location and . In this time, identity. emerging art practices were
the Spaniards being introduced in this era.
Various Art Form from The
experiences of used arts to
Regions Various Art Form from The Regions
the Filipinos. In propagate the
this time, the Catholic faith.  The Making of the  Cinco Marias (Tres Marias
purpose of arts Philippine Flag- this Series)- Federico Aguilar
is integral to Various Art Form painting was made by Alcuaz was born in Sta.
life. Arts from The Regions Fernando Amorsolo, Cruz, Manila. It depicts the
reflected the  Langit, lupa, ‘Grand Old Man of variety of domestic
pagan beliefs at Impyerno- Philippine Art” and activities.
and practices, this wall was born in Manila. It  Art Installation in Sand
Dunes of Paoay- Leeroy
everyday created by shows a reminder of a New is one of the
activity such as Josef Luciano reminder of traditions Philippines contemporary
fishing and Dans and will and customs of the artist. He is born in General
farming, and be found in Filipino. Santos City. This art
specific installation was made for
St. James the  Bayanihan- Carlos
decorative art the La Milagrosa Festival in
Apostle “Botong” Francisco
pattern to the Ilocos Norte
community. Church in was born in Angono,
Paete, Rizal. This painting by
Various Art Form Laguna. This him was dated in
from The Regions painting was 1962. This mural
 Angono dated 1850 painting shows the
Petroglyphs- it is Filipino’s bayanihan
and depicts
situated in tradition.
Binangonan, the heaven,
Rizal. It was crucifixion of
discovered by the Christ; earth,
National Artist, Adan and
Carlos “Botong” Eve; and hell.
Francisco in 1965
 St. Paul
 Manunggul jar- it
Cathedral- it
is found din
Manunggul Cave,
is located in
Lipuun Point, Burgos, Vigan
Palawan in the City, Ilocos
early 1960’s. Sur. The
Manunggul Jar is origin
a burial jar which structure was
built in 1574
signifies the belief and replaced
of early Filipino in as a church in
life after death. 1641.
 Banga- it literally
means pots. The
banga or pot
dance is a
performance of
Kalinga of the
Province of the

3. Applicati The students will have The students will have The students will be divided by The students will answer the five
on/ to search for to present an art form pair. The student will have a questions given by the teacher. Then,
Assess contemporary art from based on the region report about modern and the student will have a short quiz about
ment ethnic traditions, and they choose. In this contemporary arts. the previous discussion.
then they will have to activity, the students
present their output. will be divided into

V. Generali The teacher will check if The teacher will check The teacher will check if the The teacher will check if the students
zation/ the content of the if the content of the content of the student’s output is are done with the first activity before
Summar student’s output is student’s output is correct. Also, the teacher will proceeding to the second part, which is
y correct. correct. Also, the check if all the group members the quiz part. The teacher will give the
teacher will check if all are cooperating. And the teacher students enough time to review.
the group members will entertain questions if there
are cooperating. And are any.
the teacher will
entertain questions if
there are any.

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