Conceptual Models Matrics Netwoks and AM
Conceptual Models Matrics Netwoks and AM
Conceptual Models Matrics Netwoks and AM
L.W. Canter
Presented at Assessing and Managing Cumulative Environmental Effects, Special Topic
Meeting, International Association for Impact Assessment, November 6-9, 2008, Calgary,
Alberta, Canada.
Principal, Environmental Impact Training, Horseshoe Bay, Texas.
Two main purposes can be identified for using methods within CEA
studies: (1) to facilitate the identification of cumulative effects; and (2) for usage
in the descriptive (qualitative) or quantitative prediction of such effects.
Identification methods can be useful in scoping for VECs (Valued Ecosystem
Components) and anticipated effects; establishing spatial and temporal
boundaries for the study; selecting VEC-related indicators of cumulative effects;
determining what features to address in preparing a description of historical to
current baseline conditions; and in communicating study results relative to
cumulative effects. Prediction methods are fundamental to delineating actual
cumulative effects and to determining the significance of such effects in relation
to thresholds and carrying capacities. The results from achieving these two
purposes can be incorporated within the decision-making phase of the study
process. This phase may incorporate multi-criteria decision-making methods,
with one of the decision factors being the cumulative effects of the proposed
action when considered in relation to other past, present, and reasonably
foreseeable future actions (RFFAs) in the designated study area.
Checklists – Useful for identifying potential cumulative effects by providing
a list of common or likely effects and juxtaposing multiple actions and
VECs. Checklists can be dangerous for the analyst that uses them as a
shortcut to thorough scoping and conceptualization of cumulative effects
problems. These methodologies can be used for SI and for descriptively
predicting (DP) cumulative effects.
Carrying Capacity Analysis (a special method) – Carrying capacity
analysis identifies thresholds (as constraints on development) and
provides mechanisms to monitor the incremental use of unused capacity.
Carrying capacity in the ecological context is defined as the threshold of
stress below which populations and ecosystem functions can be
sustained. In the social context, the carrying capacity of a region is
measured by the level of services (including ecological services) desired
by the populace. These methodologies can be useful for DP and QP, as
well as the determination of the significance of cumulative effects.
projects conducted by the agency. For example, the Federal Highway
Administration (FHWA) in the USA has developed several specific tools and
methods (Caltrans, et al., 2005; and Stanley, 2006). Depending upon the type of
study, such methods may be dictated by proponent best practices or by statutory
requirements. At the other extreme, and perhaps more typical of CEA studies, is
when the proponent does not specify any methods for usage with the
presumption being that the professionals on the interdisciplinary team conducting
the study will utilize appropriate methods depending upon the type of project,
selection of VECs, and study parameters such as time and funding. All CEA
studies require some methods selection, including those studies that have
stipulations for the usage of particular methods due to statutory requirements.
For example, it may be necessary to select one or more methods for impact
identification related to a proposed coal-fired power plant, but then to utilize a
specified air quality dispersion model for addressing the atmospheric dispersion
of sulfur dioxide from the plant stacks and other elevated point sources in the
study area.
be used as a basis for combining the features of multiple methods, or modifying
existing EIA or CEA methods for usage in specific studies.
The outputs from CMs are typically qualitative or descriptive narratives or
graphic representations that demonstrate the causal relationships between
natural forces and human activities that produce changes in human and
ecological systems (Henderson and O’Neil, 2004). More specifically, the
information summary from a CM can be presented in a picture model form, a
(descriptive) word, sentence, or paragraph model form, a tabular or interactive
matrix form, a questionnaire checklist, or via box-and-arrow diagrams (analogous
to network diagrams or cause-and-effects linkages used in EIA and CEA
practice) (Jorgensen and Bendoricchio, 2001). Scientifically sophisticated models
can include CMs which depict energy system diagrams or nutrient cycling.
Figures 1 and 2 are depictions of CMs which could be used in EIA and
CEA (Henderson and O’Neil, 2007a, pp. 3-4). Figure 1 was developed in
response to a breach in a dike at a confined disposal facility (Cdf). This breach
resulted in the uncontrolled discharge of contaminated sediments into a nearby
stream. The discharge triggered concerns about the degradation of fish and
wildlife by the identified pathways. Accordingly, this simple CM could be used to
anticipate the potential aquatic ecosystem consequences from the breach, and
for planning a stream restoration program.
Figure 1: New England District Model of Contaminated Sediment Uptake
to Fish and Wildlife (Henderson and O’Neil, 2007a, p. 3)
Figure 2: Water Supply Effects Added to the Contaminated Sediment
Effects (Henderson and O’Neil, 2007a, p. 4)
Figure 3: Conceptual Model of Contaminated Sediment-Water Supply
Using D-S-EEC-E Formulation (Henderson and O’Neil, 2007a,
p. 5)
Potential Uses of CMs In CEA
The potential uses of CMs in CEA include, but are not limited to, the
following (National Park Service, 2008; National Park Service, undated;
Henderson and O’Neil, 2004; and Patton and Mantione, 2008):
the more finite levels, models should include sufficient detail to link
indicators to ecological processes and effects, and, where possible, to
management actions; and (5) utilized CMs should be carefully described
and definitions of key terms and phrases should be included in reporting.
At what system level (local, regional, watershed, etc.) are we
What are the requirements in the spatial extent of the system? For
example, should the extent include all nearby actions contributing to
cumulative effects on VECs; or should the extent address key
environmental transport and fate pathways?
What are the limits to the applicability of the model; i.e., only within the
specified spatial boundaries, or also to adjacent areas, or to other
ecologically-similar areas?
Stressors are the physical, chemical, and biological changes that result
from natural and human-caused forces and effect other changes in
ecosystem structure and/or function. Drivers can be considered first-
order influences and stressors second-order influences in chains of
cause and effect, where there are several links before the final effects
on model endpoints. Stressors have associated time dimensions and
usually can be quantified, e.g., nutrient loading rates. Stressors may
affect a single resource or component, or the stressor may act on
multiple ecosystem components, so that stressor effects may be
limited or widespread.
knowledge and understanding of endpoints to be measured. Example
system categories of EECs for the endpoints can include resources
(habitat resources, water resources, land and terrestrial resources) of
the location, site, or study area applicable to the conceptual model;
and categories or classifications of resource types (e.g., via
subregions). EECs can also include ecosystem structural and
functional categories, such as individuals, populations, communities, or
ecosystems; physical, chemical, and biological processes; “spheres” of
processes—atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere,
Sociocultural sphere, and metaprocesses (nutrient cycling, hydrologic
cycling); and ecosystem patterns and processes, such as the following:
patterns of landscape conditions, biotic conditions and chemical/
physical characteristics, and processes of hydrology/geomorphology,
ecological processes, and natural disturbances.
Step 4 -- Identify the sources of change in the system. The changes that
occur in ecological systems are often represented in conceptual models
as information transfers (as in management measures) and flows of
energy and materials, including nutrients and contaminants, through the
system’s structure. The system’s structure is often organized by functional
level in the system (e.g., primary producer, herbivore, carnivore,
decomposer). Natural and human developed processes, mechanisms,
and pathways link changes in drivers to stressors and stressors to
changes in EECs and to changes in endpoints (Henderson and O’Neil,
2004, p. 20).
Step 5 -- Review the model. Most CMs are subject to periodic reviews
and adjustments over both their development and usage phases. Such
reviews could be conducted by the development and usage team, as well
as by external peer reviewers. The following five questions could be
considered in the review process (the first one is the primary question,
with the last four being diagnostic in focus). The questions are (Henderson
and O’Neil, 2004, p. 21):
CMs have been developed for a wide-range of uses. In some cases, the
models exhibited direct usage in environmental planning and the preparation of
NEPA compliance documents, including cumulative effects sections. In other
cases, such models have been used for enhancing scientific understanding,
monitoring and adaptive management, and general environmental management
purposes, including the promotion of environmental sustainability. The following
examples range from excerpts from specific studies to comprehensive reports
containing detailed information, each of the examples either were or could be
used in CEA. The case studies include the following:
Gentile, et al. (2001) – usage of several CMs to illustrate linkages and test
causal hypotheses for the environmental effects of potential ecosystem
management actions being considered for sustainability enhancement in
South Florida and Everglades systems.
Henderson and O’Neil (2007b) – several CMs for use by the Baltimore
District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in a watershed study of the
middle Potomac River are described.
Manley, et al. (2000) – an hierarchical, comprehensive, and ecosystem-
processes CM for monitoring in the Sierra Nevada area of eastern and
northeastern California is described, including the selection of attributes
(indicators) based on their relationships to technical criteria and
operational issues.
model for the program, and a model related to monitoring feedback as an
enhancement to management decisions.
Reviewing CMs
(3) Does the model adequately and efficiently describe the important
drivers, linkages, and outcomes related to the dynamics of the
ecosystem? Does the model include extraneous information? Among
the critical drivers and linkages identified that dictate function, does
the model provide quantitative (or qualitative) information that can be
used to evaluate the relative influence of each parameter on this
outcome variable? Are any measures of certainty (confidence
intervals, discussion of scientific consensus, etc.) that can be
ascribed to each parameter provided within the model? Does the CM
indicate the effects, sensitivity, and direction of effects relative to
changes in individual drivers? Does the CM identify the critical
temporal and spatial junctures where the ecosystem elements are
most important to species recovery and sustainability? Does the CM
also highlight the possible limiting factors?
(2) Does the CM identify monitoring or research needs that can help
address uncertainties or data gaps? What should be added or
changed to address uncertainties and how these uncertainties will be
addressed in the future?
(1) Does the CM allow for evaluation of the dynamic nature of the
ecosystem element, including the role of uncontrolled drivers (e.g.,
local and global weather patterns)?
Lessons Learned
Based upon the above information, three key lessons can be identified.
First, CMs are not: (a) the truth – they are simplified depictions of reality; (b) final
– they provide a flexible framework that evolves as understanding of the
ecosystem increases; nor (c) comprehensive – they focus only upon those
“parts” of an ecosystem deemed relevant while ignoring other important (but not
immediately germane) elements (Fischenich, 2008). Second, it should be noted
that “All models are wrong, but some are useful” (Box, 1979). Finally, EIA and
CEA practitioners routinely use CMs, although they may not actually use that
specific term.
Many variations in the Leopold matrix have occurred over the four
decades of EIA practice. Arguably, matrices have been the most widely used
methodology in EIA practice. Further, they can be easily modified to address the
type of project and utilized in CEA. To illustrate matrix modifications and their
usage, seven examples will be noted herein along with the generic steps
involved in the development of a CEA matrix. The section will conclude with a
subsection on observations about CEA matrices.
Another early example is shown in Table 2. This matrix table displays the
effects of other existing and proposed activities that could affect the same 12
issues (resources or VECs) that were anticipated to be affected by the Castle
Mining Project in southern California (Council on Environmental Quality, 1997, p.
28). This matrix could be improved via the addition of a row for the proposed
project, division of the two status conditions (existing and proposed) into finite
time categories, delineation of indicators for the 12 VECs, and the support of
study area project locational maps for the time categories.
Table 1: Effects of Hydropower on Fish and Wildlife that also Occur from
Other Activities in the Columbia River Basin (Stull, et al., 1987)
Table 2: Other Activities (existing and proposed) that May Cumulatively
Affect Resources of Concern for the Castle Mountain Mining
Project (Council on Environmental Quality, 1997, p. 28)
Watershed-based planning and management is being increasingly used in
the USA. As a consequence, there is a growing need to address cumulative
watershed effects for many larger-scale, regional studies. A useful reference
document, which includes several CMs, matrices, networks, and indexing and
quantitative models has been produced by the U.S. Forest Service (Reid, 1993).
The report summarizes information on changes in watershed and ecosystem
functions and processes that can arise from multiple land-use activities.
Consideration of these changes from a holistic perspective provides the basis for
analyses of cumulative watershed effects (CWEs). The land-use activities that
are addressed include roads, impoundments and water development, timber
management, grazing, mining, agriculture, urbanization, flood control and
navigation, and recreation and fishing. Finally, eight methods for evaluating
potential CWEs are described, including three procedures for calculating values
of indices, several analytical procedures, and a checklist of issues for
CEA matrices have also been used in Canadian practice. For example,
the following concepts and uses have been noted (Hegmann, et al., 1999, p. 23):
Table 3: Potential Direct Effects of Selected Land-Use Activities on Watershed
Properties (Reid, 1993, p. 52)
Table 4: Effects of Altered Environmental Parameters on Watershed
Processes (Reid, 1993, p. 56)
“An interaction matrix is a tabulation of the relationship between two
quantities. Matrices are often used to identify the likelihood of
whether an action may effect a certain environmental component or
to present the ranking of various effect attributes (e.g., duration,
magnitude) for various VECs. Matrices are an example of one tool
that can be used during scoping exercises to identify the potentially
“strongest” cause-effect relationships, and later to concisely
summarize the results of an assessment. Matrices, however, only
show the conclusions made about interactions, and cannot them-
selves reveal the underlying assumptions, data and calculations
that led to the result shown; matrices are a simplistic representation
of complex relationships. Matrices should, therefore, be accom-
panied by a detailed explanation as to how the interactions and
rankings were derived (e.g., in a “decision record”).”
Three Canadian examples will be briefly noted. First, in a CEA study of the
Trans Canada Highway, the potential degrees of interaction between various
regional actions and VECs was determined. Sixteen actions were identified
within the study area, and the effects of each action on 10 environmental and
social VECs were ranked from negligible to low to moderate to high (Hegmann,
et al., 1999, p. 25). The 16 actions were listed in the left column of the CEA
matrix, and the 10 VECs were displayed in 10 columns to the right. The matrix
cells were populated with codes (- for negligible, L for low, M for moderate, and H
for high). Descriptions of the scientific and policy rationale for each cell’s
assignment were also included in the text.
The second Canadian example involves CEA matrices for examining the
effects of existing and proposed actions in and around Kluane National Park
Reserve (Hegmann, et al, 1999, p. 25). Several key wildlife VECs were included,
with one example being for grizzly bear. A specific CEA matrix for the grizzly
bear included a left column comprised of nine existing actions and nine future
actions. Seven additional columns highlighted potential effects on grizzly bear in
terms of habitat loss, fragmentation, alienation, obstruction, mortality, removals,
and an “overall” composite. Six categories of effects were used to populate the
cells – “blank”=no effect; L=low probability of occurrence or magnitude of effect
(on reproductive capacity of species or productive capacity of habitat) probably
acceptable; M=moderate or possibly significant effect; H=high probability of
occurrence or magnitude of effect probably unacceptable (e.g., population
recovery may never occur or may occur in the long-term). A ranking option for a
positive effect (+) was also provided. Again, descriptions of the scientific and
policy rationale for each cell’s assignment, and the overall composite, were
included in the text.
The final Canadian example includes the use of CEA matrices for analysis
and evaluation of cumulative effects resulting from 12 hydropower projects
proposed by Hydro-Quebec between 1999 and 2005 (Berube, 2007). The
following 15 VECs were considered in the initial planning of each CEA study –
fish species, mercury in fish, moose, bird species, wetlands, river banks,
heritage, landscape, recreational/tourism, air, water, soil, health, navigation, and
land use. Through scoping, from one to five of the 15 VECs were deemed
appropriate for a given CEA study. Then, Hydro-Quebec used bi-dimensional
tables (simple interaction matrices) to list and briefly describe the effects of all
past, present and future actions on selected VECs. For example, from a detailed
study associated with the Pikauba River regulation dam (Berube, 2007, p. 105),
the complete matrix table, which was several pages long, listed pertinent past,
present and future actions in the left column, with five additional columns noting
the pertinent VECs (river banks, navigable waters, brook trout, moose, and
wetlands). The cells in the table were populated with brief descriptive statements
relating the actions to the VECs.
The original perception of the CPT (Central Planning Team) for the study
was that one “overall matrix” could be developed. The overall matrix would have
included all the identified RFFAs and the VECs and their subcomponents
(indicators) together. However, due to expediency relative to matrix completion, it
was recognized that individual matrices would be needed for 12 pre-identified
VECs. For the three VECs with multiple components (Aquatic Ecological
Resources, Riparian/Floodplain Ecological Resources, and Threatened/
Endangered /Protected Species), additional matrix columns were envisioned.
However, it was soon recognized that matrices focused on single subcom-
ponents (indicators) within VECs, or single VECs themselves, would be more
useable. As a result, 22 matrices were used; the listing is in the left column of
Table 5. Table 5 also indicates that several committees were involved in the
preparation and review of the matrices (Canter and Rieger, p. 15).
Table 5: Summary of Process Features Related to Completion
of the RFFA Matrices (Canter and Rieger, 2005, p. 15)
Preparation Review and
VEC of Summarization of
Matrix Matrix
AER – Water Quality/Sediment Qual CPTC CPT
AER – Mussels IWGC (Note 1) CPT
Air Quality CPTC CPT
RFER – Terrestrial Habitat IWGC CPT
RFER – Wetlands IWGC CPT
RFER – Soils and Geology IWGC CPT
RFER – Floodplain Hydrology IWGC CPT
T/E/P Species – Fish IWGC CPT
T/E/P Species – Mussels IWGC CPT
T/E/P Species – Mammals IWGC CPT
T/E/P Species – Birds IWGC CPT
T/E/P Species - Plants IWGC CPT
Aesthetic Resources CPTC CPT
Human Health and Safety CPTC CPT
Transportation and Traffic CPTC CPT
Socioeconomic Resources CPTC CPT
Cultural Resources CPTC CPT
Recreation CPTC CPT
Table 6 displays the first page only of a 5-page RFFA cumulative effects
matrix used for the water and sediment quality VEC. The 87 identified types of
RFFAs were divided into six categories: (1) navigation investment actions; (2)
other Corps actions; (3) “but for” actions; (4) actions by others (could occur
regardless of the Ohio River navigation system); (5) natural disasters; and (6)
regulatory environment. “But for” actions refer to those actions by others which
would not occur except for the existence and maintenance of the Ohio River
navigation system. Natural disasters are included since floods, droughts, severe
storms, and/or earthquakes can have major influences on many of the VECs and
subcomponents. Definitions for each of the listed types of RFFAs were included
in an appendix to the CEA report. Under the ORMSS (Ohio River Mainstem
Systems Study), only “navigation investments actions” were evaluated
programmatically for federal action. Finally, it should be noted that many of the
RFFAs represented continuations of past and present actions.
(1) Time Period-short, medium and long-term. Short-term is the initial 10-
year period from the point of completion of the CEA study (2005) and
is based upon the probability of occurrence, availability of information,
status of funding, and other factors. The medium time frame is from
10 to 25 years beyond 2005. The long-term period is 25 to 55 years.
The date of 55 years is based on the economic analysis period for
the navigation investment plan (to 2060).
(3) Location on River- Three reaches of the River were routinely used
(upper, middle, or lower); the upper reach was from Pittsburgh to
approximately Huntington, West Virginia; the middle reach was from
Huntington, to Louisville, Kentucky; and the lower reach was from
Louisville to Cairo.
Table 6: Portion of RFFA Matrix for Water and Sediment Quality (Canter
and Rieger, 2005, p. 17)
Water Quality
RFFA Sources
Time Period
Location on
Navigation Investment Actions
Lock Extensions/New Corps planning (districts);
Locks/Replacement or ORNIM study outputs
L&D operation and Corps O&M records, J.T.
maintenance Myers & Greenup Locks
Improvements EIS
Non-structural Examples from: Upper
navigation Mississippi -Illinois Waterway
improvements report, national park studies.
Dam replacement and (Category added by review
rehabilitation team)
Other Corps Actions
Channel Corps (districts), J.T. Myers &
dredging/dredged Greenup Locks Improvements
material disposal EIS
Navigation aids - Corps historic records, trends
Construction and O&M related to GPS, 1980 Corps
Flood damage reduction projects
levees/floodwalls EAs and EISs from individual
communities, Corps O&M
records, ERP projects list
dry dams, other EISs in Corps planning offices
projects off mainstem (districts), projects planned on
channel Point Pleasant project, projects
modifications planned on tributaries
nonstructural FEMA, flood relocation reports,
measures (e.g. Corps planning, Mill Creek
relocation) project
Emergency streambank Corps planning & operations
stabilization (Sec. 14) (districts)
Modification of Corps Corps planning & operations
structures for env. im- (districts)
provements (Sec. 1135)
The final three columns relate to the effects on the VEC or sub-component
thereof, and the overall importance of the RFFAs regarding cumulative effects.
The key display information in the two VEC-related columns was associated with
whether the RFFA exhibits negative or positive effects. Descriptive rationale for
this determination was entered in “smart cells” as follows. The RFFA matrices
were provided to each committee as Microsoft® Excel spreadsheets. The “insert
comment” function was used to access a detailed definition of each RFFA.
Committee members were able to read each definition by moving their cursor
over the RFFA cell. The committee was also encouraged to insert comments to
expand upon coded entries. This proved most useful when the team was
describing the effects on the VEC or subcomponent, and rating the relative
importance of the RFFA’s impact. In so doing, the issues or values most
important in the formulation of their entries were identified.
The final results from the matrix analyses are depicted in Table 7 (the first
page of a 3-page table) for the High and Medium ranked RFFAs (Canter and
Rieger, 2005, p. 19). The shading codes in the table denote importance (darker
is higher importance), and the “+ and – signs” denote positive or negative
impacts. Detailed information which provides the bases for these codes was
incorporated in the “smart cells” of the individual matrices.
The RFFA matrix is a valuable tool that facilitated a systematic process for
considering and evaluating RFFAs in a CEA study. For example, in
traditional project-level impact studies, there is a tendency to consider the
effects of the project in isolation. CEA requires the consideration of the
effects of multiple past, present, and future actions. RFFA matrices force
the users to consider multiple future actions that may impact a given VEC
or subcomponents. Further, completed RFFA matrices provide a docu-
mented basis for “scoping” RFFAs and determining which should be
Table 7: Portion of RFFAs Ranked High and Medium and their Effects by VEC
(Canter and Rieger, 2005, p. 19)
Transportation &
Health & Safety
Navigation Investment Actions
Lock Extensions/New Locks/Replacement - - - + + - + - H/M
or Rehabilitation +
L&D operation and maintenance - - - + + + -
Non-structural navigation improvements + + + + +
Dam replacement and rehabilitation - - - + + H/M+ -
addressed in a more detailed manner. In addition, due to the similarity of
actions over time along the Ohio River mainstem, matrices for past and
other present actions were also derived.
The RFFA matrix was used as an initial step in delineating the relative
contributions of individual RFFAs to the overall cumulative effects. For
example, RFFAs rated as having high importance would be expected to
contribute more to the cumulative effects on a VEC than RFFAs rated as
low importance. In certain cases, more detailed data gathering and
analysis efforts were conducted to quantify (approximate) the relative
contributions of an RFFA to the cumulative effects on a VEC.
Information from the RFFA matrices was used to examine the relationship
between cumulative effects on a VEC or subcomponent (indicator)
thereof, and the environmental sustainability (ES) of that VEC.
Developing Interaction Matrices for CEA
The steps for CEA matrix development, which can be patterned after
common steps for addressing direct and indirect effects (Canter, 1996, p. 78),
include the following:
Step 1 – List all anticipated project actions and group them according to
temporal phase such as construction, operation, and post-operation. Note:
project refers to the proposed action or preferred alternative. If cumulative
effects are to be compared for a suite of alternatives, including the
proposed action, then a temporally-related list of actions for each
alternative would need to be developed. The list (or lists) would typically
comprise the x-axes (columns) in a simple CEA interaction matrix.
Step 5 –Complete the CEA interaction matrix and prepare a systematic
description of the matrix, the key rationale for the x-y cells, and an overall
summary of the results. Definitions and explanations of the columns and
rows in the matrix should be included in the text of the study report or an
appendix. A matrix could be completed by an EIA/CEA professional, a
CEA study team, or a group of subject matter experts focused on selected
VECs. The summary should identify the most important relative
contributors to cumulative effects across the range of VECs, as well as the
key contributors to effects on specific VECs and their sustainability.
Interaction matrices can be useful for delineating the impacts of the first
and second or multiple phases of a two-phase or multi-phase project; the
cumulative impacts of a project when considered relative to other past,
present, and RFF actions in the area; and the potential positive effects of
mitigation measures. Creative codes can be used in the matrix to
delineate this information.
Impact quantification and comparisons to relevant standards can provide a
valuable basis for the assignment of impact ratings to different project and
other actions on VECs and their indicators.
This section includes two brief illustrations of networks used in CEA
studies. Further, the generic steps associated with the development of a CEA
network will also be described.
Even though only two examples of CEA networks are described herein, it
should be readily apparent that such networks can be useful prior to, during, and
following a public scoping process. For example, potential common effects on
VECs from multiple types of actions can be identified; further, networks can aid in
identifying actions that do not contribute to common effects on particular VECs.
This information can then aid CEA study planning, the analysis of cumulative
effects, documentation of the study process, and the development of local
mitigation and regional cumulative effects management programs.
The steps for CEA network development, which can be patterned after
common steps for addressing direct and indirect effects, include the following:
Figure 4: Combinations of Activities that Can Cause Cumulative Effects in
Watersheds (Reid, 1993, p. 20)
Figure 5: Cause-Effect Network for Development Projects in the Coastal Zone of Australia (Court, Wright, and
Guthrie, 1994)
Step 1 – Vertically list all anticipated project actions and group them
according to temporal phase such as construction, operation, and post-
operation. Note: project refers to the proposed action or preferred alter-
native. If cumulative effects are to be compared for a suite of alternatives,
including the proposed action, then a temporally-related list of actions for
each alternative would need to be developed, and separate networks
would be needed for each alternative. The list (or lists) would typically be
on the y-axis (in rows) in a simple CEA network.
Step 2 – Vertically list, to the right of the actions list, environmental factors
in appropriate categories. One categorization could be resources,
ecosystems, and human communities; while another approach could
involve physical and chemical components, biological and ecological
components, historical and archeological components, and social and
socio-economic components. A particularly relevant approach would be to
list selected VECs and their associated indicators. Such VECs and
indicators would typically be on the y-axes (rows) in a simple network
depiction. Further, the VECs and indicators could be organized in accord-
ance with various spatial boundaries within the CEA study area; for
example – local area and regional area, various land uses, and protected
ecological resources.
Step 4 – In the original left column, add additional vertical lists of past,
present, and future actions which could contribute to cumulative effects on
the VECs and their indicators. These additional lists could be added either
above or below the above-noted vertical list of project actions (Step 1). In
effect, the composite vertical lists in the left-hand column could be used to
depict several time categories. For example, past actions could be
grouped into several time categories (e.g., more than 20 years ago, from
10-19 years ago, and from 0-9 years ago) and listed either above or below
the project actions. The present actions (those under concurrent
development with the project action) could also be listed either
immediately above or below the project actions. The RFFAs could be
listed at the top or bottom of the column containing the list of project
actions, depending upon whether the time considerations are increasing
or decreasing above or below the project actions. Future time categories
could also be considered and utilized as appropriate. Following the listing
of all other actions (past, present, and future), they should also be
connected via arrows to appropriate VECs/indicators noted in Step 2
above. Again, different thicknesses for the arrows could be utilized to
denote relative contributions. It should be recognized that when all actions
are considered, the connecting arrows could overlap in multiple ways.
Accordingly, and in order for simplification, it may be desirable to develop
separate networks for specific VECs and their associated indicators.
Based upon the above information related to concepts and case studies
involving conceptual models, matrices, and networks, the following lessons can
be noted:
The included case studies, and their usage of these three types of
methods, represent extensions of the use of similar tools for addressing
the direct and indirect effects of singular proposed actions via the EIA
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