Defining The Neurocircuitry of Borderline

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Development and Psychopathology 17 ~2005!

, 1197–1206
Copyright © 2005 Cambridge University Press
Printed in the United States of America
DOI: 10.10170S095457940505056X

Defining the neurocircuitry of borderline

personality disorder: Functional
neuroimaging approaches


Weill Medical College of Cornell University

Functional neuroimaging recently has been used to localize brain dysfunction in borderline personality disorder
~BPD!. Initial studies have examined baseline activity or emotional reactivity, and our group has investigated what
we consider to be a crucial interaction between negative emotion and behavioral ~dys!control. This research is
beginning to identify abnormal frontolimbic circuitry likely underlying core clinical features of this condition. We
review the evidence for dysfunction in specific frontolimbic regions, leading to a mechanistic model of symptom
formation in BPD. In addition, we offer an integration of these neuroimaging findings with developmental
perspectives on the emergence of borderline psychopathology, focusing on the ways in which early psychosocial
experience may interact with developing brain systems. We also consider possible mechanisms of psychotherapeutic
change at the neural systems level in BPD. Finally, we propose that future neuroimaging studies of BPD should
integrate multiple levels of observation ~structural, functional, neurochemical, genetic, and clinical! in a
model-driven fashion to further understand the dynamic relationship between biological and psychological factors in
the development and treatment of this difficult condition.

Using a variety of imaging technologies and Initially focused on the investigation of

methodologies, neuroimaging investigations Axis I disorders, psychiatric neuroimaging re-
are shedding light on brain structure and func- searchers are beginning to study the functional
tion in both normal and pathological states neuroanatomy of Axis II disorders, including
including psychotic, mood, anxiety, and de- borderline personality disorder ~BPD!. BPD is
velopmental disorders ~Dougherty & Rauch, a complex psychiatric disorder characterized
2001; Stern & Silbersweig, 2001!. These var- by affect dysregulation and behavioral impul-
ied approaches include using structural neuro- sivity. Individuals with this condition experi-
imaging, positron emission tomography ~PET!, ence rapid alterations of mood and intense
and functional magnetic resonance imaging emotional responses, as well as impulsive, po-
~f MRI! in the setting of symptom provoca- tentially self-destructive behaviors ~substance
tion studies, cognitive activation paradigms, abuse, self-mutilations, suicidal behaviors, binge
and resting state studies. By defining the dys- eating, sexual promiscuity!. Focusing on these
functional neural circuitry in individuals with domains of emotion and behavior, neuroimag-
these conditions, neuroimaging studies pro- ing studies have begun to elucidate the neural
vide the possibility of enhanced diagnostic correlates of this disorder.
specificity, novel targets for therapeutic inter- Functional neuroimaging studies using cog-
ventions, and more reliable predictors of treat- nitive activation paradigms in which subjects
ment response. are presented with emotional stimuli have be-
gun to examine neural dysfunctions associated
with emotional reactivity in individuals with
Address correspondence and reprint requests to: Gary R. BPD.An fMRI study using negative versus neu-
Brendel, 295 Central Park West, Suite 2, New York, NY tral valenced images showed activations in bi-
10024; E-mail: [email protected]. lateral amygdala, bilateral fusiform gyri, left

1198 G. R. Brendel, E. Stern, and D. A. Silbersweig

medial prefrontal ~Brodmann area @BA# 10!, a region with neurotransmitter and neuroana-
and right ventrolateral prefrontal ~BA 47! cor- tomical systems known to be involved in emo-
tices in BPD subjects compared with normal tional regulation and inhibitory behavioral
controls ~Herpertz et al., 2001!. In another fMRI control, may constitute a biologic diathesis
study, investigators found greater activation in for disinhibition, impulsivity, and affect dys-
the left amygdala in response to facial expres- regulation in individuals with BPD.
sions of emotion ~happy, sad, fearful! in BPD Using PET with a-@ 11 C#methyl-l-trypto-
patients versus normal control subjects ~Done- phan ~a-MTrp, an l-tryptophan analog! to as-
gan et al., 2003!. A PET study by Schmahl, El- sess brain serotonin ~5-HT! synthesis capacity,
zinga, et al. ~2003!, in which subjects listened Leyton et al. ~2001! found significantly lower
to personalized scripts of abandonment expe- a-MTrp trapping in male BPD subjects com-
riences, found increased activity in bilateral dor- pared with healthy controls in bilateral medial
solateral prefrontal cortex ~DLPFC; BAs 8, 9, frontal cortices extending into the OFC, bilat-
10! and decreased activity in right dorsal ante- eral anterior cingulate cortex, left superior tem-
rior cingulate ~BAs 24, 32!, left superior0middle poral gyrus ~BA 22!, bilateral fusiform gyri
temporal gyri, left fusiform gyrus ~BA 37!, left ~BAs 19, 37!, left globus pallidum, and the
visual association cortex ~BA 19!, and right right hippocampal formation ~BA 35!. Corre-
amygdala0hippocampus in BPD subjects com- lational analysis between a-MTrp trapping and
pared with non-BPD subjects who had compa- commission error rates on a Go0No-Go Task
rable sexual abuse histories. Although the revealed significant negative correlations in
direction of change in neural activation be- the medial frontal gyrus, anterior cingulate
tween BPD subjects and controls varies in these cortex, and striatum in both male and female
studies, probably related to the specific meth- BPD subjects. Because these areas are in-
odologies used, these results nonetheless sup- volved in mediating the planning, initiation,
port the broad notion of dysfunction in limbic and inhibition of behavior, low 5-HT synthe-
and prefrontal regions in this disorder. In ad- sis capacity in these regions in individuals
dition, frontolimbic ~amygdala0hippocampus, with BPD may contribute to the behavioral
orbitofrontal cortex @OFC#! volume loss ~Rusch disinhibition characteristic of this patient pop-
et al., 2003; Schmahl, Vermetten, Elzinga, & ulation. Likewise, a preliminary f MRI study
Bremner, 2003; Tebartz van Elst et al., 2003! of response inhibition in patients with BPD
provides further evidence of dysfunction in these and antisocial personality disorder has found
regions, and suggests an underlying neuropath- that such individuals activate different neural
ological correlate in BPD in regions that can be networks than normal controls to inhibit pre-
associated with the symptomatology of this potent responses ~Vollm et al., 2004!, perhaps
disorder. a compensatory system resulting from deficits
@ 18 F#Fluorodeoxyglucose PET ~FDG-PET! in the normal prefrontal inhibitory circuits.
imaging studies of BPD subjects consistently FDG-PET resting state studies comparing
have demonstrated evidence of frontal dys- BPD subjects to normal controls have demon-
function, most prominent in the prefrontal cor- strated significantly reduced activity in a num-
tical areas ~De la Fuente et al., 1997; Juengling ber of cortical and subcortical regions including
et al., 2003; Soloff, Meltzer, Greer, Constan- the bilateral medial OFC ~Soloff et al., 2003!,
tine, & Kelly, 2000!. Metabolic challenge temporoparietal cortices ~Lange, Kracht, Her-
FDG-PET neuroimaging studies using fenflur- holz, Sachsse, & Irle, 2005!, as well as the right
amine, a serotonergic agonist, have found premotor ~BA 6!, bilateral PFC ~BA 9!, mesial
blunted neural responses in a variety of re- and anterior PFC ~BAs 10, 32, 46!, bilateral
gions including medial, orbital, dorsolateral, anterior cingulate cortex ~BA 25!, right ventral
and ventromedial prefrontal cortices, as well striatum, bilateral thalamus, and bilateral cau-
as in anterior cingulate cortex in BPD sub- date ~De la Fuente et al., 1997!. These findings
jects ~Siever et al., 1999; Soloff et al., 2000!. suggest dysfunction in a cortical–striatal–
Overall, these studies support the hypothesis thalamic–frontal network that normally sub-
that diminished serotonergic function in PFC, serves important behavioral control functions.
Neuroimaging of BPD 1199

Frontolimbic Circuitry in BPD structure to stress in the setting of increased

cortisol and excitatory amino acids ~McEwen
Prefrontal and limbic neural systems mediate & Magariños, 2001! and the prevalence of
both the processing of and responses to emo- early traumatization experienced by those with
tional stimuli ~Phillips, Drevets, Rauch, & BPD ~Zanarini, 2000!. Hippocampal volumes
Lane, 2003!, and therefore dysfunction in these in individuals with BPD have been negatively
circuits could mediate a number of core symp- correlated with the extent and duration of
toms of BPD ~Figure 1!. Orbitofrontal dysfunc- self-reported traumatic experiences, suggest-
tion may underlie the impulsivity, aggression, ing the presence of stress-induced structural
and mood instability seen in BPD because le- changes in this disorder ~Driessen et al., 2000!.
sions of this region have been linked with such Because the hippocampus mediates fear re-
behaviors in both animals and humans ~Mega sponses to contextual features of the environ-
& Cummings, 1994!. Neurobehavioral studies ment ~Phillips & LeDoux, 1992!, dysfunction
in animals suggest that an interplay between of this structure may result in a maladaptive
PFC, particularly the OFC, and the amygdala overgeneralization of fear responses ~e.g., fear
is important for affective style in humans of abandonment! to a broad range of interper-
~Davidson, 2002!. In fact, extensive reciprocal sonal situations as observed in those with BPD.
connections between the OFC and the amyg- Activation of fusiform gyrus ~BA 37!, a
dala are well known, and these regions func- region implicated in complex visual feature
tion as part of an integrated neural system detection and recognition of facial expression
guiding socioemotional decision making and ~George et al., 1993!, could be due to back-
adaptive response selection ~Baxter, Parker, projections from the amygdala for the purpose
Lindner, Izquierdo, & Murray, 2000!. of strengthening visual attention to emotion-
Amygdala dysfunction has been impli- ally relevant stimuli, a finding consistent with
cated in playing an important role in the the hypervigilance for emotional aspects of
development of BPD because this limbic the environment seen in individuals with BPD.
structure is known to be involved in the pro- Additional evidence for an emotion-based at-
cessing of negative valence stimuli, the estab- tentional bias in BPD is provided by Arntz,
lishment of fear conditioning, the production Appels, and Sieswerda’s ~2000! emotional
of strong negative emotional states, and vig- Stroop study in which BPD subjects had lon-
ilance for environmental stimuli with im- ger response times than normal controls to
portant survival value ~Davis & Whalen, negative versus neutral valence words. Inter-
2001; Isenberg et al., 1999; LeDoux, 1996!. estingly, this finding was not specific to words
Findings of amygdala dysfunction in the reflecting BPD themes, but rather seemed to
above-mentioned f MRI studies likely reflect reflect a more general hypervigilance for all
abnormal processing of aversive paradigm negative valence stimuli.
stimuli and0or the activation of emotional Dysfunction in medial prefrontal areas, in
memories induced by such stimuli ~Breiter, particular anterior cingulate cortex, a region in-
Rauch, et al., 1996!. Furthermore, increased volved in emotional regulation and with im-
amygdala activation in BPD subjects may re- portant inhibitory connections to the amygdala
flect an oversensitization to aversive emo- that mediate the extinction of fear responses
tional stimuli or a relative failure of normal ~Carmichael & Price, 1995; Devinsky, Mor-
habituation. A strong habituation of the BOLD rell, & Vogt, 1995!, might underlie the diffi-
f MRI signal in response to emotional stimuli culty modulating anxiety and other intense
has been observed in normal controls ~Breiter, affects seen in individuals with BPD. Medial
Etcoff, et al., 1996; LaBar, Gatenby, Gore, PFC lesions in humans result in emotional dys-
LeDoux, & Phelps, 1998!, and may be dys- function and deficits in interpersonal function-
functional in BPD individuals with long- ing that requires the correct interpretation of
lasting, intense emotional reactions. the emotional expressions of others ~Damasio,
Hippocampal dysfunction is not surprising Grabowski, Frank, Galaburda, & Damasio,
as well, given the susceptibility of this neural 1994!.Although normal individuals tend to have
1200 G. R. Brendel, E. Stern, and D. A. Silbersweig

increased activity in the anterior cingulate dur- BPD using a variety of neuropsychological
ing the induction of angry affect states ~Dough- probes. Numerous other imaging studies with
erty et al., 1999; Kimbrell et al., 1999!, perhaps normal subjects and various patient popula-
reflecting adaptive modulating functions, in- tions have examined the neural basis of emo-
dividuals with BPD have been shown to have tion and behavior, but rarely the interaction
decreased function of ~De La Fuente et al., 1997; between these two domains. Our lab has de-
Goyer et al., 1994! and reduced gray matter vol- veloped an emotional Go0No-Go f MRI para-
ume in ~Hazlett et al., in press! this area. In digm to specifically investigate the functional
addition, anterior cingulate cortex recently has neuroanatomy underlying the interaction of
been implicated in the processing of the sen- emotion and inhibitory behavioral control in
sory and affective dimensions of pain ~Hof- both normals and individuals with BPD. We
bauer, Rainville, Duncan, & Bushnell, 2001; believe that this important interaction has rel-
Olausson et al., 2001!, and diminished activity evance to a wide range of human experience
in this region may account for the significantly and behavior in health and disease. The BPD
attenuated pain perception among individuals work is being performed in collaboration with
with BPD and self-injurious behaviors ~Bohus Dr. Otto Kernberg’s research group at the Per-
et al., 2000!. sonality Disorders Institute of the Weill
Abnormal activity of ventrolateral PFC Medical College of Cornell University. This
~Herpertz et al., 2001!, with its direct connec- approach can shed light on the neural circuits
tions with the basal nucleus of the amygdala, underlying the clinically observed phenom-
could result in compromised inhibition of enon of behavioral impulsivity in the context
amygdala-driven emotional responses thereby of intense negative affect states so commonly
undermining top-down control of this limbic seen in this patient population. The method-
region in BPD ~Drevets, 1999!. Activation of ological approach of using neuropsychologi-
DLPFC ~Schmahl, Elzinga, et al., 2003! has cal probes that conjoin emotional stimuli with
been observed in prior imaging studies using nonemotional behavioral task demands is an
personalized scripts in women with abuse- emerging line of investigation within the
related posttraumatic stress disorder ~PTSD; cognitive neurosciences to further investigate
Bremner et al., 1999; Shin et al., 1999!, pos- important interactions between emotion, cog-
sibly reflecting the role of this prefrontal re- nition, and behavior ~Dolan, 2002; Elliott,
gion in the encoding and retrieval of verbal Rubinsztein, Sahakian, & Dolan, 2002!.
memories ~Tulving, Kapur, Craik, Mosco- Our f MRI paradigm is a variation on the
vitch, & Houle, 1994! and0or its emerging classic Go0No-Go Task ~Drewe, 1975! used
role in aspects of emotional processing extensively in investigational neuropsychol-
~Davidson, Jackson, & Kalin, 2000! and ogy to probe response inhibition, and involves
emotional–cognitive interactions ~Liotti & the execution or inhibition of a prepotent mo-
Mayberg, 2001; Sergerie, Lepage, & Armony, tor response triggered by a go or no-go stim-
2005!. Additional evidence of DLPFC dys- ulus, respectively. Our subjects are instructed
function comes from Tebartz van Elst et al.’s to execute or inhibit a response to visually
~2001! proton magnetic resonance spectros- presented emotional stimuli. By experimen-
copy study demonstrating subtle prefrontal tally manipulating the emotional valence of
neuropathology as indicated by reduced these stimuli that reflect themes salient for
N-acetylaspartate concentrations in this pre- individuals with BPD, we are able to investi-
frontal region in individuals with BPD. gate the modulation of behavioral task de-
mand ~go or no-go! by emotional valence,
thereby probing the neural systems subserv-
Interaction of Emotion and Behavior
ing the interaction of emotion and behavioral
in BPD
control in this population.
As summarized above, functional neuroimag- We have hypothesized and detected dys-
ing studies have investigated the neural sys- function in medial OFC in individuals with
tems underlying emotional dysregulation in BPD while performing this emotional Go0

Figure 1. Frontotemporo–limbic and subcortical brain regions relevant to neural models of BPD. Selected functional affiliations of
these regions ~see text! are briefly noted.
1202 G. R. Brendel, E. Stern, and D. A. Silbersweig

No-Go Task, a finding consistent with this ers, which leads to maladaptive perceptions of
region’s presumed role in regulating behavior and responses to current interpersonal reality.
under changing contingencies and its role in According to this model, the normal infant’s
guiding adaptive behavioral responses within early experiences with caregivers lead to a
socioemotional contexts ~Damasio et al., 1994; multitude of distinct and contradictory inter-
Elliott et al., 2002; Rolls, 2000!. Specifically, nalized relationship patterns; for example, the
we have hypothesized differential neural ac- satisfied, calm self linked with an affect of
tivity in this region in BPD subjects compared love to the nurturing other, and the needy,
with normals, reflecting the former’s greater frustrated self linked with an affect of hate to
difficulty modulating behavioral responses un- the depriving other. Ideally, over the course of
der conditions of negative emotion. development these split-off mental represen-
Medial OFC is believed to process viscero- tations are integrated, resulting in a more com-
somatic afferent information as cues reflecting plex and realistic image of the other who can
the personal relevance of environmental con- both satisfy and frustrate, allowing for more
texts, and to integrate such emotional informa- adaptive interpersonal functioning. Adaptive
tion into decision making and response selection integration of these early, distorted represen-
~Bechara, Damasio, & Damasio, 2000; Dolan, tations of self and others, and the intense af-
1999!. According to Damasio’s somatic marker fects associated with them, likely requires
hypothesis ~1994!, dysfunction of medial OFC sufficient affect regulation. Individuals who
results in an impaired capacity to adaptively develop BPD appear not to reach this devel-
integrate emotional information into behav- opmental stage, perhaps due to a primary ~ge-
ioral response selection. This may have partic- netic! neurobiological deficit in those neural
ular relevance for individuals with BPD who, systems subserving affect regulation, effects
while experiencing intense negative affect states, of early trauma on these developing systems,
have greater difficulty regulating behavioral re- and0or deficits in parental modulation of this
sponses. In addition, medial OFC appears to be emerging self-regulating capacity.
involved in the suppression of context-activated Deficits in affect regulation and impulse
emotional memories irrelevant to current control during early development may lead to
cognitive0behavioral demands ~Treyer, Buck, particularly conflictual experiences with care-
& Schnider, 2003!, thereby allowing for more givers, experiences that become internalized
adaptive responses to the immediate environ- as prototypes for future relationships, eventu-
ment. Individuals with BPD, however, seem to ally reflected in adult psychopathology. In ad-
respond in characteristically inflexible and mal- dition, it is possible that these conflict-ridden
adaptive ways based not upon current social interpersonal experiences and the resultant in-
contexts, but rather according to implicit emo- ternalized mental representations act back upon
tional memories of past interpersonal experi- the neurobiological substrate to produce fur-
ences, possibly reflecting OFC dysfunction. ther dysfunction in neural circuits required for
affect0behavioral regulation. In animal mod-
els, chronic psychosocial and behavioral stress
Integration With Developmental
have been shown to produce neuronal reorga-
nization and atrophy in medial PFC and hip-
Evidence of dysfunction in limbic and prefron- pocampus ~Magariños, McEwen, Flugge, &
tal neural systems subserving affect regula- Fuchs, 1996; Radley et al., 2004!, as well as
tion and behavioral control is consistent with neuronal growth in the amygdala ~McEwen,
developmental theories of BPD. Clarkin, Yeo- 2004!, in part mediated via glucocorticoid ac-
mans, and Kernberg’s ~1999! psychoanalytic tion on these brain regions. Findings of reduced
developmental theory of BPD posits both con- prefrontal and hippocampal volumes in indi-
stitutional ~i.e., neurobiologic! and early envi- viduals with BPD from human neuroimaging
ronmental factors giving rise to a psychic studies ~Brambilla et al., 2004; Driessen et al.,
structure populated by distorted, unidimen- 2000; Irle, Lange, & Sachsse, 2005; Tebartz van
sional mental representations of self and oth- Elst et al., 2003! are consistent with these ani-
Neuroimaging of BPD 1203

mal findings, and may reflect early psycho- and may result in the relative failure of effec-
social stress-induced changes in these areas. For tive cognitive control over one’s affect states
example, Posner et al. ~2003! have suggested observed in individuals with BPD. The emerg-
that the anterior cingulate and the self-regulating ing neuroimaging evidence of prefrontal dys-
functions it subserves may be susceptible to the function in BPD, a region involved in the
effects of trauma during early development, pos- top-down cognitive control of limbic areas,
sibly accounting for the deficits in effortful con- may in some cases reflect this early failure of
trol observed in adults with BPD. affect mirroring and provides another devel-
Epidemiological data strongly suggest that opmental model for the effects of early social
numerous types of early psychosocial stress experience on the development of neural sys-
~sexual0physical abuse, neglect! are involved tems required for adaptive affect regulation.
in the development of BPD ~Zanarini, 2000!,
perhaps accounting for the high comorbidity
Potential Neural Mechanisms of
of PTSD ~50%! seen in BPD patients ~McGlas-
Psychotherapeutic Change in BPD
han et al., 2000!. The effects of psychosocial
stress on the developing brain may be medi- Based upon recent neuroscientific findings of
ated in part by genetic factors. Just as a poly- dysfunctional neurocircuitry in BPD and these
morphism of the serotonin transporter ~5-HTT ! developmental theories of borderline psycho-
gene has been shown to moderate the influence pathology, we can begin to conceptualize pu-
of stressful life events on the emergence of de- tative mechanisms of psychotherapeutic action
pression ~Caspi et al., 2003!, certain genes may at the neural systems level in the treatment of
render some individuals more susceptible to de- this disorder. The psychotherapeutic use of
veloping BPD in response to environmental language to describe and talk about emotional
stressors via functional and structural changes experience provides and fosters a representa-
in the relevant neural circuits discussed above. tional0symbolic means to become aware of,
Although the functional consequences of these to reason about, and ultimately to modulate
morphological changes in prefrontal and lim- affect states. This may be similar to the devel-
bic areas remain unclear, they could result in opmental emergence of mentalization ~Fonagy
ongoing difficulties in affect regulation and et al., 2002!, and may reflect the therapeutic
behavioral control leading to continued psy- enhancement of dysfunctional prefrontal re-
chosocial stress, resulting in a pathological re- gions underlying the capacity to mentalize. In
ciprocal interaction between neurobiology and addition, the activation of unconscious emo-
the environment in those with BPD. tional memories of early interpersonal experi-
An alternative to this psychosocial stress- ences with significant others within the
induced model of BPD comes from Fonagy, therapeutic relationship may present the
Gergely, Jurist, and Target ~2002!, who pro- opportunity for enhanced declarative remem-
pose that the development of effective affect bering of the past and more adaptive reconsol-
regulation takes place within the context of idation of such pathological memories ~Ross,
the moment to moment interactions between 2003!. In fact, evidence from animal models
infant and caregiver. They propose a social demonstrates the possibility of altering emo-
biofeedback model of parental affect mirror- tional memories via disruption of reconsolida-
ing according to which the parent’s attuned tion at the level of the amygdala ~Debiec &
mirroring of the infant’s emotional expres- LeDoux, 2004!. Finally, psychodynamically
sions is vital for the child’s development of oriented psychotherapies that focus on the
higher order mental representations of his in- patient’s transference to the therapist ~the pat-
ternal feeling states, eventually providing the terned and inflexible repertoire of emotional0
basis for the infant’s emerging capacity to rea- behavioral responses based on internalized
son about and to regulate his own affects. Ac- representations of past relationships; Clarkin
cording to this theory, insufficient affect et al., 1999! may lead to a greater flexibility
mirroring leads to a developmental deficit in of responses via alterations of frontolimbic
the ability to mentalize about emotional states circuitry. For example, changes in the OFC
1204 G. R. Brendel, E. Stern, and D. A. Silbersweig

and hippocampus that mediate emotional0 2004!. In fact, BPD, depressive disorders, and
behavioral responses to contextual features of PTSD may be conceptualized as a spectrum
the social environment could allow for a greater of chronic stress-related disorders involving
capacity to process and respond to current in- stress-induced changes in these neural circuits
terpersonal reality in novel, more adaptive ~Schmahl, Elzinga, et al., 2003!.
ways rather than in repetitive, inflexible ways Future neuroimaging investigations should
based upon past experience. In addition, begin to parse out the specific similaritites and
transference-focused psychotherapies might differences in the functional neuroanatomy un-
promote higher order prefrontal processes that derlying these disorders by comparing across
mediate the capacity for more complex men- diagnostic groups with the aim of providing
tal representations of self and others, thereby greater specificity to these initial findings in
changing the very quality of the subjective BPD. Using emotional stimuli with particular
interpersonal world of those with BPD. salience for individuals with BPD in the con-
text of relevant neurobehavioral interactions,
as our lab has done, may enable neuroimaging
Conclusions and Future Directions
investigators to more specifically and mecha-
Neuroimaging studies of BPD using a variety nistically probe neural systems of interest in
of methodological approaches have identified this patient population and to distinguish among
structural and functional abnormalities in spe- diagnosticgroups.Inaddition,correlationalanaly-
cific frontolimbic regions. Findings of dysfunc- ses of neuroimaging data with a variety of clin-
tion in these areas that normally subserve affect ical and behavioral measures ~e.g., measures
regulating and behavioral control functions are of impulsivity, mood instability, suicidality,
consistent with the phenomenology of this dis- quality of interpersonal relationships! may elu-
order and may provide a neuropathological cidate the relationships between functional im-
correlate, as well as a dynamic, mechanistic un- aging brain abnormalities and the different
derstanding, of BPD. However, numerous meth- symptom clusters of BPD. Multimodal imag-
odological limitations must be considered when ing studies combining structural, functional, and
interpreting the results of individual studies. neurochemical information will be highly in-
These may include small sample sizes, histo- formative as well. Moreover, studies utilizing
ries of comorbid Axis I and II disorders, and neuroimaging to identify an endo-0intermediate
gender differences between patients and con- phenotype, bridging clinical phenotype and
trols. Past histories of major depressive disor- genotype ~e.g., measures of allelic variation!,
der and PTSD, highly prevalent comorbidities will be important. Understanding the neural ba-
in the BPD population, are important issues ~al- sis of BPD symptomatology ultimately can lead
though not necessarily confounds! because these to greater diagnostic specificity, new targets for
other disorders also appear to involve dysfunc- therapeutic interventions, and more effective
tion in similar prefrontal and limbic regions ways to predict treatment response in this de-
~Drevets, 2001; Elliott et al., 2002; Shin et al., bilitating condition.

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