How Cancer Cells Remodel Lipid Metabolism: Strategies Targeting Transcription Factors
How Cancer Cells Remodel Lipid Metabolism: Strategies Targeting Transcription Factors
How Cancer Cells Remodel Lipid Metabolism: Strategies Targeting Transcription Factors
Reprogramming of lipid metabolism has received increasing recognition as a hallmark of cancer cells because lipid
dysregulation and the alteration of related enzyme profiles are closely correlated with oncogenic signals and
malignant phenotypes, such as metastasis and therapeutic resistance. In this review, we describe recent findings
that support the importance of lipids, as well as the transcription factors involved in cancer lipid metabolism. With
recent advances in transcription factor analysis, including computer-modeling techniques, transcription factors are
emerging as central players in cancer biology. Considering the limited number and the crucial role of transcription
factors associated with lipid rewiring in cancers, transcription factor targeting is a promising potential strategy for
cancer therapy.
Keywords: Lipid metabolism, Transcription factor, Cancer
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Jeong et al. Lipids in Health and Disease (2021) 20:163 Page 2 of 19
and prostate cancers) [8]. Indeed, FA profiles and the uptake toward de novo lipogenesis, combined with in-
levels of TGs and CHO change in the tissues and plasma creases in saturated fatty acids (SFAs) and monounsatu-
of patients with various cancers [9–12]. Lipoproteins, rated fatty acids (MUFAs), as well as a decrease in
such as low-density lipoprotein (LDL), are also higher in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). SFAs are less prone
the plasma of cancer patients [13]. Importantly, cancer to lipid peroxidation, compared with PUFAs [23]. Add-
cells obtain the bulk of their lipids from de novo synthe- itionally, SFAs reduce membrane fluidity, resulting in
sis via transcription factor-dependent regulation, changes in death receptors, apoptotic stimuli, and me-
whereas most normal cells acquire their lipids from cir- tastasis in cancer cells [24]. Overall, these changes pro-
culating exogenous lipids [14]. vide cancer cells with a survival benefit.
Transcription factors are responsible for the expres-
sion of genes needed to adapt to highly proliferating cel- Lipids as signaling molecules
lular conditions. Recent studies have demonstrated that Lipids act as intra- and extracellular messengers; they
several diseases are associated with changes in transcrip- can become potent mediators of malignant behavior.
tion factors. For example, Boyadjiev et al. reported that Sphingolipids are a class of lipids that contain ceramide
one-third of human developmental disorders and birth and sphingosine, and they have multiple roles in cancer
defects can be attributed to dysfunction and gene muta- cell survival [7]. For example, sphingosine-1-phosphate,
tions encoding transcription factors [15]. Additionally, which is produced from sphingosine, increases cell pro-
164 transcription factors have been directly implicated liferation and tumor malignancy by activating both sig-
in 277 diseases [16]. In cancers, 294 transcription factors nal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3)
have been identified by comparing a list of 1571 candi- and the Warburg effect [25, 26]. Phosphoinositides are
date oncogenic proteins with a list of 1988 human tran- central mediators of the phosphoinositide 3-kinase
scription factors and regulators [17, 18], which (PI3K)/Akt/mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR)
corresponds to approximately 19% of all known onco- signaling axis. PI3K activates the rapid conversion of
genes [19]. In addition, fine-tuning of regulatory systems phosphatidylinositol (PI; 4,5) P2 into PI (3,4,5) P3, which
by transcription factors involved in lipid metabolism leads to the recruitment and activation of Akt [27]. PIP3
helps cancer cells adapt to the challenging microenvir- is also the substrate for phosphatase and tensin homolog
onment. For example, upregulation of lipogenic gene ex- (PTEN), and PTEN is most frequently mutated or de-
pression in cancers results from elevated expression and leted in cancer [28]. Increased levels of lysophosphatidic
activation of sterol regulatory element-binding proteins acid receptors have been described in several cancers;
(SREBPs) [20]. Excess carbohydrate intake and hypergly- these increased levels contribute to cell invasiveness
cemia caused by carbohydrate-response element-binding [29]. Lysophosphatidic acid is produced by the lysopho-
protein (ChREBP) lead to energy storage as TGs and spholipase autotaxin; it activates cell proliferation and
promote tumor progression [21]. Although transcription tumor invasiveness by binding to G-protein-coupled re-
factors are undruggable targets, an advanced under- ceptors [30]. Prostaglandin E2 is an eicosanoid [31] that
standing of transcription factors (including their struc- activates the Ras pathway and induces cell proliferation,
ture) and the dynamics of binding to DNA can provide which is associated with a poor prognosis [32]. There-
strategies for fighting cancers. fore, lipids are involved in multiple cellular signaling
In this review, we focus on comprehensive insights processes, many of which are linked to oncogenesis.
into lipid metabolism in view of transcription factors,
and highlight the complex interplay between lipids and Lipids as protein modulators
immune system in cancer cells. We propose that lipids Lipids regulate proteins by dynamic lipid post-
and lipid-related transcription factors have the potential translational modifications. Among these modifications,
to serve as effective therapeutic targets for anticancer palmitoylation has attracted considerable interest, be-
immunotherapy. cause it is essential for the functioning of key signaling
oncoproteins [33]. For example, palmitoylation is re-
Roles of lipids in cancer cells quired for Wnt secretion because it facilitates the inter-
Lipids in plasma membranes action between Wnt and its intracellular chaperone
Cell membranes contain hundreds of lipids and proteins; Wntless [34]. The key oncoprotein Ras is also palmitoy-
they are composed of sphingolipid- CHO-rich mem- lated, thus facilitating membrane localization of Ras [35].
brane rafts known as lipid rafts [22]. Rysman et al. ana- Epidermal growth factor receptor palmitoylation pro-
lyzed cellular lipid extracts using a mass spectrometry- motes PI3K/Akt signaling, leading to cell proliferation in
based approach and determined the tendency for lipid lung cancer [36]. Another type of lipid-related post-
saturation in clinical tumor tissues, compared with nor- translational modification is prenylation, in which the
mal tissues. Notably, lipid saturation results from lipid farnesyl group is covalently attached to target proteins
Jeong et al. Lipids in Health and Disease (2021) 20:163 Page 3 of 19
[37]. Drugs targeting prenyltransferases have been indicate that lipids are potential diagnostic biomarkers.
used in preclinical trials; they show protective effects For example, Qiu et al. investigated phospholipid com-
in several solid cancers [38]. Guanosine triphosphate position in plasma samples of patients with hepatocellu-
(GTP) enzymes (e.g., Cell division cycle 42, G- lar carcinoma (HCC); they detected increases in SFAs
protein-coupled receptors, Ras, and Pho) may be pre- and MUFAs. However, they found that PUFAs decrease
nylated, which is crucial for their membrane associ- in the plasma of HCC patients [42]. A decrease in lino-
ation and activation [39]. Indeed, the deletion of leic acid and an increase in OA were found in patients
prenyltransferases inhibits the association between the with bladder cancer [43], lymphoma [44], and colorectal
Ras family and the plasma membrane; this delays cancer [9]. An abundance of diverse lysophospholipids is
Ras-induced lung tumor formation [40]. The role of present in colorectal cancer, compared with benign
lipids in cancers is illustrated in Fig. 1. counterpart tissue [10]. Another study revealed reduced
levels of TGs, stearic acid, myristic acid, palmitic acid,
Lipid reprogramming in cancer and OA in colorectal cancer patients; total phospholipids
Changes in the lipid profile and cancer development and PUFAs were increased in those patients [11]. Chil-
Recent advances in technologies including tandem mass dren with lymphoblastic leukemia have higher serum
spectrometry, RAMAN scattering microscopy, and elec- levels of TGs and LDL [13]. Similarly, plasma CHO and
trospray ionization have enabled the quantitative analysis LDL are higher in breast cancer patients than in con-
of lipids [41]. Differences in lipid profiles between malig- trols. Thysell et al. demonstrated higher levels of CHO
nant tumor specimens and matched normal tissues in prostate cancer patients with bone metastasis than in
other types of cancer patients with bone metastasis from [49]. Fatty acid synthase (FASN) is a metabolic onco-
different tissues, as well as normal bone [12]. Changes of gene, because elevated levels of FASN are detected in
the lipid profile in cancers are presented in Table 1. various solid tumors, including breast, prostate, colon,
Polar lipids, multiple phospholipids, and other metab- lung, bladder, ovary, stomach, endometrium, kidney,
olites are also upregulated in prostate cancer cell lines skin, esophagus, and tongue [50]. In addition, the upreg-
[45]. Other studies have shown that high levels of SFAs ulation of FASN is associated with unfavorable outcomes
and MUFAs are present in association with high meta- in patients with the most aggressive tumors. Abnormally
static potential in breast and melanoma cell lineages [46, elevated CHO levels in cancer cells result from 3-
47]. Diglyceride is overexpressed in metastatic osteosar- hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase. High
coma cells; diglyceride targeting reduces cell migration, expression of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A
providing a clue that pharmacological targeting of cer- reductase has been associated with poor pathological
tain lipids could be therapeutic [48]. Changes in the lipid features and survival in breast cancer patients [51].
profiles of various cancers are summarized in Table 1. Overall, aberrantly high levels of lipids and lipogenic en-
zymes are significantly associated with the development,
Abnormal levels of lipogenic enzymes in cancer progression, and poor prognosis of several cancers.
More than 90% of lipids required by cancer cells are re-
portedly derived from de novo synthesis. Consistent with Transcription factors leading to lipid metabolism
these published findings, cancer cells often show upregu- rewiring in cancer
lation of de novo lipogenic enzymes involved in the syn- ChREBP
thesis of FAs and CHO. For example, adenosine Glucose and other simple sugars obtained from the
triphosphate citrate lyase and acetyl-coenzyme A carb- diet are metabolized to provide acetyl-CoA for the
oxylase are upregulated and activated in most cancers synthesis of FAs. During this process, ChREBP,
encoded by the MLXIPL gene, acts as a transcrip- Similarly, FXR has crucial roles in the pathogenesis of
tional mediator to convert excess glucose to fat in the several cancers. Loss of FXR function promotes intes-
liver [52]. ChREBP binds to the carbohydrate- tinal fat absorption and synergistically increases liver
response elements of glycolytic and lipogenic genes, carcinogenesis [65]. In mice, HFD-induced bile acid ac-
such as liver-type pyruvate kinase, FASN, and acetyl- cumulation inhibits FXR function and subsequently
coenzyme A carboxylase; through these interactions, leads to the progression of colorectal cancer. In contrast,
ChREBP coordinates the carbohydrate induction of the activation of intestinal FXR by a selective agonist re-
lipogenesis. Increased hepatic glucose accumulation stricts colon cell growth, regardless of HFD conditions
and decreased hepatic FAs are detected in ChREBP [66]. Lipids isolated from bone induce the migration of
knockout mice, compared with wild-type mice [53]. breast cancer cells; FXR modulates this tumorigenic ef-
ChREBP has major roles in the pathogenesis of differ- fect of bone-derived lipids, and eventually regulates the
ent types of cancer. ChREBP knockdown by siRNA sig- metastasis of breast tumor cells to bone [67]. Anakk
nificantly inhibits aerobic glycolysis and the synthesis of et al. reported that loss of the FXR disrupts bile acid me-
lipids in colon cancer cells. Additionally, ChREBP tabolism; it leads to activation of the Yes-associated pro-
knockdown activates p53, induces cell cycle arrest, and tein and subsequent hepatocarcinogenesis [68]. Because
reduces colon cancer growth in vivo, indicating an onco- studies of the FXR-mediated metabolic pathways have
genic function for ChREBP [54, 55]. Positive correlations mainly focused on bile acid signaling, the mechanisms
of MLXIPL mRNA with glycolytic and lipogenic genes regulated by FXR in cancers require further
were also observed in a comprehensive chromatin im- investigation.
munoprecipitation analysis of human HCC and breast
cancer. Glucose transporter 1 increases significantly in LXRs
HCC patients, and its expression is positively correlated Liver X receptors (LXRs) have been an intriguing target
with ChREBP. In contrast, the opposite association has for the treatment of inflammation, Alzheimer’s disease,
been observed between the ChREBP protein and pyru- and cancer. LXRs are related to nuclear receptors (e.g.,
vate dehydrogenase kinase 2 genes, which inactivate PPAR, FXR, and RXR) and are classified as a subfamily
acetyl-CoA production [56]. Cancer cells favor the con- of NR1H3 (LXRα) and NR1H2 (LXRβ) [69]. LXRα is
version of pyruvate into acetyl-CoA, rather than the ac- mainly expressed in liver tissue [70], whereas LXRβ is
cumulation of pyruvate [57]. Considering that the expressed in most tissues [71]. LXRs are upstream of the
ChREBP protein is positively correlated with tumor ma- SREBP1c and ChREBP proteins; they directly regulate
lignancy [56], these results show that the oncogenic role glycolysis and increase lipogenesis [72]. Compared with
of ChREBP/MLXIPL results from the conversion of glu- wild-type mice, LXR knockout mice show decreased
cose to fat [58]. levels of key lipogenic genes, including SREBP1c, FASN,
and stearoyl-CoA desaturase1 (SCD1), as well as de-
FXR creased production of TGs [73].
Farnesoid X receptor (FXR), encoded by the NR1H4 LXRs are CHO sensors that exert anticancer effects in
gene, was originally identified as a nuclear receptor acti- various cancers. For example, LXR-driven genes, such as
vated by farnesol metabolites [59]. However, more re- adenosine triphosphate binding cassette subfamily G
cent studies have revealed that FXR is an endogenous member 1 (ABCG1) and apolipoprotein E, are expressed
bile acid-receptor that contributes to the maintenance of less frequently in breast cancer. The ABCG1 and apoli-
CHO/bile acid homeostasis by regulating various meta- poprotein E proteins are involved in CHO efflux from
bolic enzymes [60]. Because bile acids constitute a major the cell to extracellular acceptors; the loss of LXR-
factor that facilitates the absorption of dietary fats and mediated genes results in higher lipid contents in cells,
steroids, the functions of FXR in metabolic diseases are as well as greater cancer cell viability. Similarly, LXR ag-
well-established [61]. For example, FXR-null mice de- onists degrade the LDL receptor and increase the ex-
velop elevated serum CHO and TGs levels; however, pression of the adenosine triphosphate binding cassette
they also show reduced adipocyte size and protective ef- subfamily A member 1 (ABCA1) CHO efflux trans-
fects against high-fat diet (HFD)-induced obesity [62]. porter, preventing exogenous CHO uptake in glioblast-
Genetic depletion of intestinal FXR in mice markedly oma. Because glioblastoma cells require high levels of
decreases HFD-induced insulin resistance and fatty liver CHO for growth, LXR agonists promote tumor cell
because of reductions in ceramide levels in the intestines death [74]. Another LXR agonist induces increases in
and serum [63]. Although FXR-deficient mice are resist- the ABCG1 level and subsequently stimulates reverse
ant to HFD-induced obesity, FXR agonists protect the CHO transport in prostate cancer cells. Atomic force
liver from inflammation and fibrosis in the non- microscopy scanning of the plasma membrane has re-
alcoholic steatohepatitis mouse model [64]. vealed thinner lipid rafts after LXR stimulation. Thus,
Jeong et al. Lipids in Health and Disease (2021) 20:163 Page 6 of 19
LXR agonists suppress the growth of prostate cancer visible nodules up to approximately 11 mm in diameter
cells in both xenografted nude mice and cell culture were apparent in livers from PPARα agonist-fed mice
[75]. Furthermore, activation of LXRs decreases the ex- [89]. PPARδ induces xenograft tumor growth of prostate
pression of lipogenic genes (e.g., SREBP1c, SCD1, and cancer cells by regulating the ATP binding cassette
FASN) in breast cancer cells. LXR agonists subsequently transporter 1 (ABCA1) gene. ABCA1 is a CHO efflux-
suppress cell cycle genes, indicating an anti-proliferative related gene; PPARδ directly increases the levels of
role for LXRs [76]. However, LXR antagonists inhibit ABCA1 mRNA and membrane CHO expression, which
both the Warburg effect and lipogenesis, thereby indu- is followed by tumor growth [90]. PPARγ has tumor-
cing apoptosis in colon, lung, and prostate cancer cells; suppressive and oncogenic effects in several cancers. In
notably, these antagonists have no toxic effects on non- lung cancer cells, PPARγ-mediated lipid synthesis
malignant cells [77]. Considering that LXR agonists and strongly induces mitochondrial reactive oxygen species
antagonists show different effects, the development of a stress and contributes to tumor suppression [91]. In
strategy for LXRs (NR1H3 and NR1H2) as an anticancer addition, the chemical activation of PPARγ increases
drug should be carefully considered. fatty acid binding protein 4 (FABP4) expression, which
is accompanied by increased levels of intracellular re-
PPARs active oxygen species in lung cancer cells. PPARγ-
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) are driven induction of FABP4 and lipoprotein lipase re-
transcription factors that control gene expression by sults in a better prognosis for lung and renal cancer
binding to peroxisome proliferator response elements in patients [92]. In contrast, the interaction between
the promoters of target genes [78, 79]. According to PPARγ and Nur77 plays an antagonistic role in breast
their tissue distribution and ligand specificity, PPARs are cancer. Nur77 recruits PPARγ to the CD36 promoter
divided into three nuclear receptor subtypes: -α, −β/δ, and FABP4 to suppress transcription of these genes,
and -γ [80]. PPARα is mainly expressed in tissues with thus preventing FA uptake and cell proliferation.
high rates of FA β-oxidation, such as the liver, kidneys, PPARγ physically binds to Nur77 and facilitates ubi-
heart, and muscle. PPARβ/δ is ubiquitously expressed in quitin ligase Trim13-mediated ubiquitination of
most tissues, and PPARγ is mainly expressed in adipose Nur77, thereby aggravating breast cancer [93].
tissue [79, 81]. These PPAR isoforms modulate lipid me- Notably, dietary FAs directly bind to PPARs and
tabolism in different manners. PPARα is a main energy- mimic the effects of synthetic agonists that activate
producing factor during nutrient deficiency and partici- PPARs [94]. In this manner, PPARs sense the FA signals
pates in FA β-oxidation. Additionally, PPARα downregu- derived from dietary lipids and serve as lipid modulators
lates hepatic apolipoprotein A-I and C-III; it also to facilitate cancer progression. For example, an HFD
increases lipoprotein lipase gene expression, leading to a promotes tumor cell growth and metastasis of colorectal
decrease in plasma TGs [82]. PPARβ/δ induces glucose cancer cells to the liver in mice. However, PPARδ dele-
6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity, increases FA β- tion in mice completely inhibits the effect of an HFD,
oxidation in muscle, and inhibits the release of FAs from along with expression of Nanog and CD44, demonstrat-
white adipose tissue [83]. In diet-induced obese mice, ing that PPARs mediate the tumorigenic effect of HFD
the activation of PPARβ/δ normalizes serum insulin and on cancer progression [95].
TGs concentrations; it also acts as a new target for the
treatment of type 2 diabetes [84]. Similarly, PPARβ/δ SREBPs
protects pancreatic islets against FA-induced β-cell dys- Lipid homeostasis is regulated by SREBP transcription
function [85]. PPARγ promotes energy storage by direct- factors. SREBPs directly activate the expression of more
ing FAs toward esterification and accumulation as TGs than 30 genes; they also contribute to the synthesis and
[86]. Dietary supplementation of the PPARγ agonist rosi- uptake of CHO, FAs, and TGs. The N-terminal domain
glitazone suppresses type 2 diabetes in obese mice, but of SREBP must be proteolytically processed to act as a
chronic treatment with rosiglitazone markedly aggra- transcription factor. When cells experience CHO deple-
vates hepatic steatosis [87]. tion, the SREBP cleavage activation protein (SCAP) es-
In addition, clinically or preclinically relevant relation- corts the SREBP from the endoplasmic reticulum to the
ships between PPARs and cancers have been observed. Golgi apparatus. The SREBP is subsequently cleaved in
Pan-cancer datasets of patients with 21 cancers show the Golgi apparatus [96], and the mature SREBP translo-
that altered PPARs signaling dysregulates numerous cates to the nucleus where it binds to a sterol response
tumor cell lipid metabolic-related pathways to directly element in the promoter of the target gene [97]. The
impact patient survival [88]. Moreover, mice fed a mammalian genome encodes three SREBP isoforms:
PPARα agonist exhibit lower body weights and an in- SREBP1a, SREBP1c, and SREBP2 [98]. The same gene
creased incidence of hepatic carcinogenesis. Tumors and on human chromosome 17p11.2 encodes SREBP1a and
Jeong et al. Lipids in Health and Disease (2021) 20:163 Page 7 of 19
SREBP1c. However, SREBP2 is encoded by distinct genes trials. Interestingly, lipids themselves showed promising
on human chromosome 22q13 [99]. SREBP1a is a potent effects on cancer. Here, we listed a brief overview of
activator of all SREBP-responsive genes, including genes therapeutic drugs targeting transcription factors and
involved in the synthesis of LDL receptor, CHO, and lipid-related enzymes and lipids.
FAs; SREBP1c preferentially enhances the expression of
genes related to FA synthesis. Additionally, cells produce Drugs targeting FXR
both SREBP1a and − 2 to activate CHO synthesis in the GW4064 is a synthetic FXR agonist that increases cell
presence of increased demands for CHO [97]. proliferation and invasion by activating NF-κB and N-
Recent studies have shown that SREBPs regulate lipid cadherin in HCC and pancreatic cancer cells [106, 107].
metabolism in cancers. Inhibition of SREBPs at the tran- However, some drugs that target FXR have shown a pro-
scriptional level attenuates the expression of lipogenic tective effect on tumors. GW4064 inhibits proliferation
genes and lipid uptake in patients with ovarian cancer. and migration and induces apoptosis in esophageal and
In this context, silencing of the SREBP genes abrogates liver cancer [108, 109]. The FXR antagonist, guggulster-
ovarian tumor growth, blood vessel formation, and lipid one, inhibits migration in liver cancer and pancreatic
content both in vitro and in vivo [100]. Consistent with cancer by regulating NF-kB [106, 107]. Since the effect-
these published findings, silencing of SREBP down- iveness of drugs targeting FXR varies with the type of
stream genes showed that de novo FA synthesis and cancer tissue, treatments should be designed for specific
membrane phospholipids are required for breast and organs.
pancreatic cancer growth [24, 101]. SREBPs enhance the
prenylation of N-Ras, leading to its activation and onco- Drugs targeting LXR
genic effects [102]. The LXR inhibitor, SR9243, inhibits the Warburg effect
Studies targeting the SREBP maturation pathways in and lipogenesis, and induces apoptosis of cancer cells,
cancers are well-established. Li et al. reported that but is not toxic to non-malignant cells [77]. Pommier
pharmacological inhibition of SREBP proteolysis reduces et al. The elucidated LXR activator T0901317 down-
HCC progression by regulating FA and CHO metabol- regulates the Akt pathway and induces apoptosis in vivo
ism [103]. In various cancer cell lines, such as HeLa, and in prostate cancer cells [75]. The LXR agonist
T98, and U2OS, inhibition of SREBP-SCAP complex GW3965 induces cell death by degrading LDL receptors
transport from the endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi and increasing the expression of ABCA1 CHO efflux
apparatus reveals anti-tumor properties. In addition to transporter [74]. Another LXR agonist, LXR-623, crosses
suppressing lipid metabolism, the inhibition of SREBP the blood-brain barrier and reaches therapeutic levels in
maturation perturbs tubulin polymerization and mitotic glioblastoma cells [110].
spindle assembly, leading to decreased cancer cell prolif-
eration and migration [104]. Drugs targeting PPARs
SREBPs also provide survival advantages to cancer The PPARα agonist, fenofibrate, inhibits tumor growth
cells. Nuclear SREBP1 is correlated with high LDL re- and angiogenesis in melanoma and fibrosarcoma [111].
ceptor levels in glioblastoma patients. Because cancer In breast cancer, fenofibrate promotes chemotherapy
cells use high levels of CHO for growth, SREBP-driven sensitivity by down-regulating Mcl-1 and Bcl-xl and up-
upregulation of the LDL receptor prevents apoptotic cell regulating Bok and Bax at the transcriptional level [112].
death [74]. In addition, SREBPs protect cancer cells from Fenofibrate reduces the migration of oral cancer cells
reactive oxygen species and endoplasmic reticulum and promotes the autophagy of prostate tumors in vivo
stress by altering the ratio of SFAs to unsaturated long- by interfering with the Warburg effect and regulating
chain FAs [105]. Because SFAs are less lipotoxic than the adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase
PUFAs, SREBPs allow cancer cells to survive the harsh (AMPK)-mTOR pathway [113, 114]. In addition, as a se-
microenvironment [23]. These findings emphasize that lective PPARα ligand, Wy-14,643 down-regulates cyto-
SREBPs and their regulatory systems could serve as po- chrome P450 CYP2C, an enzyme that catalyzes the
tential therapeutic targets. The role of lipid-related tran- epoxidation of PUFA, and also inhibits endothelial cell
scription factors in cancer is presented in Fig. 2. proliferation and tumorigenesis [115, 116]. However,
chronic treatment of Wy-14,643 increases the incidence
Therapeutic strategies targeting lipid metabolism of liver cancer through induction of oxidative stress
Due to the central role of lipids and related transcription in vivo [89].
factors in cancer, continuous efforts have been made to Genetic suppression of PPARδ inhibits tumor growth
adjust lipid metabolism as anticancer drugs. This ap- of prostate cancer cells [90], however, some of the stud-
proach was employed in preclinical models both in vitro ies have reported the anticancer activity of PPARβ/δ ag-
and in vivo, and some of the drugs have entered clinical onists. Zaveri et al. suggested that PPARβ/δ antagonist,
Jeong et al. Lipids in Health and Disease (2021) 20:163 Page 8 of 19
SR13904, inhibits the proliferation of the lung cancer Drugs targeting SREBPs
cell [117]. PPARβ/δ agonist, GW0742, can improve the Silibinin is isolated from the seeds of the milk thistle
efficacy of preventing skin tumors, especially when com- plants, and mechanistically increases SREBP1 phosphor-
bined with cyclooxygenase 2 inhibitors [118, 119]. ylation and inhibits its nuclear translocation. In breast
Thiazolidinedione (also known as glitazones) is cancer cells, silibinin promotes autophagy by inhibiting
newly developed synthetic ligand of PPARγ. Mechan- estrogen receptor-α and upregulating estrogen receptor-
istically, thiazolidinedione directly binds and leads to β [131]. Silibinin inhibits cell invasion by decreasing the
conformational change in PPARγ, and activates the production of urokinase-plasminogen activator and
transcriptional machinery. PPARγ agonists are used matrix metalloproteinase-2 in human lung cancer cells
clinically as antidiabetic agents, resulting in sensitiz- [132]. Silibinin also showed strong effect on head and
ing insulin and lowering blood glucose concentration neck and prostate cancer [133–135].
[120]. Besides the metabolic actions, thiazolidine- Betulin, fatostatin and nelfinavir suppress the processing
dione leads to cell death by targeting cyclin- of SREBPs and have anti-tumor properties. Li et al. found
dependent kinase in malignant cell lines (e.g., colon, that betulin dramatically reduces diethylnitrosamine-
liver and pancreatic cancer) [121–125]. Thiazolidine- induced HCC progression by downregulating tumor pro-
dione decreases the release of endothelial growth moting cytokines such as interleukin-6 and -1β [103].
factor from smooth muscle cells and inhibits angio- Fatostatin inhibits cell proliferation and invasion both
genesis in glioblastoma, liposarcoma, lung and pros- in vitro and in vivo (e.g., glioblastoma, osteosarcoma,
tate cancer [126, 127]. Importantly, epithelial- breast and prostate cancer) [104, 136, 137]. Compound 24
mesenchymal transition-derived breast cancer cells is a derivative of fatostatin, which was developed to im-
can differentiate into post-mitotic adipocytes, and prove chemical properties in a variety of disease models
lose their invasive and oncogenic phenotypes. Thia- [138]. Compound 24 decreases the levels of FAs and cellu-
zolidinedione forces trans-differentiation of cancer lar growth in glioma, prostate, and breast cancer cell lines
cells into adipocyte and prevents tumor invasion and [105]. Nelvinavir was approved by the Food and Drug Ad-
metastasis. PPARγ antagonists, T0070907 and ministration for HIV treatment in humans at first, and is
GW9662, have protective effects on bladder cancer currently in phase II clinical trials for myeloma, glioblast-
cells [128]. However, drugs targeting PPARs have oma, pancreatic and lung cancer. In vitro, nelfinavir in-
not been conclusive on the beneficial effect for pa- hibits cell proliferation in liposarcoma and prostate cancer
tients [129, 130]. Clinical trials need more research. cells [139, 140].
Jeong et al. Lipids in Health and Disease (2021) 20:163 Page 9 of 19
Drugs targeting lipid metabolism against glioblastoma, melanoma and renal cell carcinoma
FASN inhibitors have been the subject of many studies [167–169]. Mechanistically, ABT-510 directly binds to
and one of the drugs that have entered clinical trials is CD36 and induces the death receptor Fas expression
TVB-2640. TVB-2640 showed significant anti-cancer ac- [170, 171]. In addition, Al-Jameel et al. produced a
tivities across multiple tumor types including lung, ovar- highly efficient recombinant FABP5 inhibitor, named
ian, and breast cancer [141]. C75, another compound dmrFABP5. FABP5 binds and transports medium and
targeting FASN, directly increases FA oxidation and re- long chain FAs into the nucleus of cancer cells.
sults in apoptosis during S phase in breast cancer cells dmrFABP5 is synthesized by switching three amino acids
[142]. Cerulenin reduces the transactivation of estrogen of FABP5, losing its ability to bind FAs. dmrFABP5 sig-
receptors in ovarian cancer, and suppresses liver metas- nificantly suppresses proliferation, migration, and inva-
tasis of colon cancer, and induces cancer cell death both sion of prostate cancer cells [172]. SBFI-102 and SBFI-
in vivo and in vitro [143, 144]. Orlistat is a drug ap- 103 increase cytotoxicity in prostate cancer cells and
proved for obesity management by the Food and Drug stimulate tumor-suppressive effects of other chemicals,
Administration in 1999. Orlistat induces endoplasmic taxanes [173]. EI-05, FABP5 activator, enhances lipid
reticulum stress and subsequently increases apoptosis in droplet and interferon-β production, which further
breast, colon and prostate cancer cells [145, 146]. promotes the anti-tumor activity of macrophages during
Preclinical investigations are ongoing on the use of an inflammation. In breast cancer cells, administration of
inhibitor of acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC). Soraphen A EI-05 in vivo significantly inhibits cell growth [174]. The
induces cell growth arrest and cytotoxicity in prostate list of lipid-related drugs is summarized in Table 2.
cancer cells [147]. ND-646 is an allosteric inhibitor of
ACC, which inhibits the growth of non-small cell lung Dietary lipids and cancer
tumor growth in vitro and in vivo [148]. Another allo- Because excess calorie intake and obesity are linked to a
steric inhibitor of ACC, TOFA, induces cell death by re- high risk of cancer aggressiveness, many studies have fo-
leasing proapoptotic proteins from mitochondria in cused on dietary adjustments as a potential target for
breast, colon, lung and ovarian cancer [149–151]. SCD1 cancer therapy [177]. An HFD has been regarded as a
inhibitor A939572 induces endoplasmic reticulum stress common pathogenic factor in many diseases. However,
and enhances cell death in clear cell renal cell carcinoma recent studies have identified that the effect of dietary
[152]. A939572 decreases the phosphorylation of the fat depends on the composition of individual FAs. SFAs
PI3K/Akt pathway and significantly suppresses the cell are positively associated with carcinogenesis, whereas n-
vitality of lung cancer cells in vivo [153]. Blockage of 3 PUFAs are more likely to have protective effects
SCD1 with CAY10566 induces cell apoptosis by inacti- against cancer [178, 179]. Data regarding the effects of
vating the AMPK signaling in HCC [154]. CAY10566 MUFAs and n-6 PUFA on cancer progression are
also showed protective effect on glioblastoma, melan- controversial.
oma, ovarian and lung cancer [155–157]. The protective effects of n-3 PUFAs have been con-
Targeting CHO synthesis could be another potential firmed in numerous cancer cell lines. Docosahexaenoic
approach. Statin is a β-hydroxy β-methylglutaryl-CoA acid is a major n-3 PUFA involved in anticancer activity.
reductase (HMGCR) iinhibitor and has shown promis- In vitro studies have demonstrated that docosahexaenoic
ing outcomes in vitro and in vivo. Statin inhibits lipid acid inhibits cancer cell proliferation and resistance to
metabolism and leads to cell survival in various can- irradiation by regulating the Akt and Wnt pathways
cers (e.g., colon, pancreatic, liver, breast, prostate, [180, 181]. Docosahexaenoic acid alleviates cancer ag-
bladder, lung and skin cancer) [158, 159]. In 3129 hu- gressiveness by modulating the STAT3/nuclear factor
man epidemiologic studies, the use of statin reduces kappa B (NF-kB) axis and M2 macrophage polarization
incidence and recurrence of various cancers (e.g., [182, 183]. The outcomes of animal studies show that
bladder, breast, colon, kidney, lung, skin, pancreas dietary n-3 PUFAs decrease proliferation and angiogen-
and prostate cancer) [160–163]. Another CHO syn- esis, while increasing apoptosis [184, 185]. An n-3
thesis inhibitor simvastatin also inhibits the Akt path- PUFA-enriched diet inhibits genomic DNA methylation,
way and induces apoptosis in prostate cancer cells as well as Wnt, Akt, and mTOR signaling; this leads to
[164]. However, a recent meta-analysis of cancers re- suppressed cancer growth [186–189]. The beneficial ef-
vealed no significant effect of statin on cancer therapy fects of n-3 PUFAs on the risk of cancer have also been
indicating that the clinical use of drugs targeting shown in human studies. Other cohort studies have re-
CHO should be carefully considered [165, 166]. vealed protective effects of n-3 PUFAs against breast,
The challenge of targeting lipid uptake is focused on colon and endometrial cancer [190, 191].
CD36 and FABPs. ABT-510 is a synthetic analog of The effect of MUFAs and n-6 PUFAs on the risk of
thrombospondin-1 and reaches phase I clinical studies development of cancer is inconsistent. Dietary n-6
Jeong et al. Lipids in Health and Disease (2021) 20:163 Page 10 of 19
PUFAs were significantly higher in malignant tissues and levels of n-6 PUFAs were inversely associated with the
associated with prostate carcinogenesis [192]. On the risk of cancer [194]. Regarding MUFAs, OA treatment
other hand, a 2020 meta-analysis from all types of can- increases hypoxia-inducible factor-1 at the protein level
cers showed n-6 PUFA were not related to carcinogen- and mediates cell survival, as well as colony and spher-
esis [193]. Another 2020 meta-analysis conducted by oid formation in HCC cells [195]. OA increases migra-
Kim et al. showed that intake of n-6 PUFAs was not sig- tion by regulating the PI3K/Akt pathway and NF-κB
nificantly related with risk of cancer. However, blood activity in breast cancer cells [196]. Additionally, a high
Jeong et al. Lipids in Health and Disease (2021) 20:163 Page 11 of 19
olive oil diet promotes cell growth and metastasis of Protein lipidation (e.g., myristoylation, prenylation and
HeLa xenografts in mice [197]. In contrast, OA treat- palmitoylation) can rewire the response of immune-
ment decreases cell growth in breast cancer cells by sup- related molecules that are responsible for cancer pro-
pressing HER-2 expression [198]. OA induces apoptosis gression. For instance, a myristoyltransferase inhibitor
and autophagy by inhibiting the Akt/mTOR pathway in prevents early B-cell receptor signaling events critical for
tongue squamous cell carcinoma [199]. Li et al. reported cell survival. This inhibitor induces the degradation of
that the various effects of OA on cell survival and migra- the Src family and leads to the death of B-cell lymphoma
tion result from AMPK dependency [200]. A meta- cells [213]. RAS signaling in human cancer cells has
analysis of studies revealed a negative association be- anti-endoplasmic reticulum stress effect. Inhibition of
tween olive oil consumption and the risk of tumors RAS prenylation enhances endoplasmic reticulum stress
[201]. Because olive oil contains several physiological and leads to the CD8(+) T cell-mediated cell death of
substances with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant prop- colon cancer cells [214]. Palmitoylation stabilizes the
erties, an additional meta-analysis of cancer studies dem- programmed-death ligand 1 (PD-L1) by blocking its
onstrated a negative relationship between total MUFAs lysosomal degradation. The silencing of palmitoyl-
and the risk of cancer [202, 203]. In contrast, Liss et al. transferase DHHC3 activates anticancer immunity of
determined that MUFA consumption increases the risk breast and colon cancer cells [215, 216]. Also, depletion
of prostate cancer [204]. of DHHC3 enhances recruitment of innate immune cells
Dietary lipids, particularly n-3 PUFA supplements, im- (antitumor M1-like macrophages and natural killer cells)
prove clinical outcomes. When patients modulate the and reduces the sizes of both the primary tumor and
extent of lipid composition, they could be potential can- metastatic lung colonies [217]. Palmitoylation can
didates for cancer therapy. stabilize interferon gamma receptor 1 and the MHC
class I signaling pathways. In this way, palmitoylation
can enhance T cell immunity and increase the sensitivity
Interplay between lipids and immune system in of colorectal cancer checkpoint treatment [218].
cancer cells
Lipid-mediated modulation of immune system in cancer
cells Lipids and checkpoint inhibitors
The modulation of the immunity setting has been dem- Immune checkpoints such as PD-1, PDL-1 and cluster
onstrated to be an effective cancer treatment. Similar to of differentiation 152 are molecules on immune cells
cancers, the impact of immune responses depends on in- that protect the immune system from cell death. Cancer
dividual lipid composition. N-3 PUFAs have been shown cells use immune checkpoints to avoid being attacked by
antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties by coun- the immune system. Therefore, drugs targeting the im-
teracting pro-inflammatory cytokines [205], whereas n-6 mune environment of cancer have been applied. These
PUFAs exert pro-inflammatory effects in immune cells drugs are called checkpoint inhibitors [219].
[206]. Excessive n-3 PUFAs in dendritic cells upregulate Recent studies suggest that lipid metabolism could
the expression of major histocompatibility complex class be a modulator of anticancer immune responses. For
(MHC) class I like molecule, CD1d. The natural killer T instance, short chain FAs have beneficial effects on
cells recognize lipid antigens presented by CD1d, and n- checkpoint inhibitors. Fecal and plasma samples from
3 PUFAs block optimal natural killer T cells activation melanoma patients indicated that high levels of short
and negatively affect the tumor progression [207]. Pa- chain FAs are associated with a positive response to
tients with a high-very long-chain FA consumption rate PD-1 inhibitors (nivolumab and pembrolizumab)
and lower serum very long-chain FA levels represent im- [210]. This result was also shown in a cohort study of
munosuppressive tumor microenvironment [208]. Short- patients with non-small cell lung cancer receiving
chain FAs recover an impaired immune response by in- PD-1 blockade [211]. Finally, the blood samples of pa-
creasing regulatory T cells frequency and affecting tients with renal cell and urothelial carcinoma who
CD4(+) T cells and antigen-presenting cells [209]. In- were treated with checkpoint inhibitors (such as nivo-
deed, high levels of short-chain FA are associated with lumab, atezolizumab, and bevacizumab) were ana-
longer progression-free survival in patients with melan- lyzed. Metabolomic analysis has shown that tumors
oma and lung cancer [210, 211]. In terms of CHO, cell with low levels of very long chain FA evade successful
receptor signaling is enhanced by increased CHO levels. immune checkpoint inhibition [208].
An inhibitor of a CHO esterification enzyme increases The metabolic crosstalk between cancer cells and im-
the activities of CD8(+) T cells, thereby enhancing the mune cells is a crucial determinant. Therefore, targeting
efficacy of cancer immunotherapy based on programmed lipid metabolism in the immune system will produce
death 1 (PD-1) blockade [212]. new therapies for cancer.
Jeong et al. Lipids in Health and Disease (2021) 20:163 Page 12 of 19
Comparisons with other studies and what does 226]. The Myc family induces cell proliferation by activating
the current review add to the existing knowledge the transcription of cyclin-dependent kinases and E2Fs [227,
Most of the studies have focused on the expression patterns 228]. E2F is a family of transcription factors, including eight
of lipids and their role in cancer. However, there is no com- genes, such as E2F1–8, which a play critical role in regulat-
prehensive analysis to explore the role of transcription fac- ing the G1-S phase of the cell cycle transition [229]. Many
tors related to lipid metabolism in cancer cells. In this survival signals including PI3K/Akt, Wnt/Hedgehog, and
review, we discussed how transcription factors rewire can- MAPK pathways are closely associated with E2Fs, and
cer progression by regulating lipid metabolism. hyper-activated E2Fs in tumors have been linked with a
poor prognosis [230, 231].
Study strengths and limitations Cancer studies revealed the crucial role of lipid metabol-
This review summarizes the role of transcription factors ism in cancer progression. However, there are existing chal-
as a tumor regulator from the metabolic perspective, lenges: 1) the levels of lipids and lipid-related transcription
emphasizing that transcription factors could be potential factors vary between cancer types; 2) drugs have not been
targets for cancer therapy. We also have integrated the conclusive on the beneficial effect for patients. Drugs
lipid-mediated regulation of cancer-immune interplay. should be targeted carefully and more studies should be
However, this review has a limitation such as the lack of performed for the better management of cancers.
quantification of the altered levels of lipogenic enzymes.
Because the levels of lipogenic enzymes are different be- Conclusion and future perspectives
tween cancer tissues and patient’s sample types, compre- Lipid metabolism has high potential as novel biomarkers
hensive studies to analyze the profiles of lipogenic for the diagnosis, prognosis, and therapy of cancer. Since
enzymes are necessary. the regulation of lipid metabolism is also an important
gene for normal cells, it is still a huge challenge to find
Discussion substances that target lipid metabolism and non-toxic
Cancer is one of the leading causes of mortality, and its effects of lipids. Fortunately, the quantitative determin-
incidence is closely related to metabolic change. Besides ation of in vivo lipidomes and the cellular response to
cancer-mediated metabolism, lipid metabolism is re- different growth conditions can be monitored in real-
sponsible for both carcinogenesis and cancer progres- time using imaging modalities [232]. Additionally,
sion. In terms of start point of carcinogenesis, in vivo current lipidomic approaches have identified more than
study and meta-analysis study from 3129 cancer patients 200,000 predicted lipid species [233]. Such efforts pro-
showed that interference with lipid metabolism has the vide a route to a better understanding of disease biology
potential to decrease the cancer incidence [89, 163]. In and will be a promising strategy to treat cancer.
both preclinical and clinical studies, genetic suppression
or therapeutic administration targeting lipid metabolism Abbreviations
ABCA1: Adenosine triphosphate binding cassette subfamily A member;
revealed its importance in malignant phenotypes. There- ABCG1: Adenosine triphosphate binding cassette subfamily G member 1;
fore, strategies targeting lipid metabolism will provide a ACC: Acetyl-CoA carboxylase; AMPK: Adenosine monophosphate-activated
new dimension to both preventive and therapeutic trials. protein kinase; CHO: Cholesterol; ChREBP: Carbohydrate-response element-
binding protein; ER: Endoplasmic reticulum; FAs: Fatty acids; FABPs: Fatty
With all this information, cancer cells depend on tran- acid binding proteins; FASN: Fatty acid synthase; HCC: Hepatocellular
scription factors to support their growth and survival. High carcinoma; HFD: High-fat diet; HMGCR: β-Hydroxy β-methylglutaryl-CoA re-
expression of transcription factors is associated with poor ductase; LDL: Low-density lipoprotein; LXR: Liver X receptor; MHC: Major
histocompatibility complex class; mTOR: Mammalian target of rapamycin;
prognosis, and about 20% of oncogenes have been identified MUFAs: Monounsaturated fatty acids; NF-kB: Nuclear factor kappa B;
as transcription factors [19]. Besides lipid-mediated regula- OA: Oleic acid; PD-1: Programmed-death 1; PD-L1: Programmed-death ligand
tion, many transcription factors involved in carcinogenesis 1; PPAR: Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor; PUFAs: Poly-unsaturated
fatty acids; SCAP: SREBP cleavage activating protein; SCD1: Stearoyl-CoA
include inflammatory proteins, such as NF-kB, STAT3, and desaturase1; SFAs: Saturated fatty acids; SREBPs: Sterol regulatory element-
activator protein 1 [220–222]. Additionally, tumor microen- binding proteins; STAT3: Signal transducer and activator of transcription 3;
vironmental proteins (e.g., hypoxia-inducible factors) con- TG: Triglycerides
tribute to oncogenesis by helping tumor cells survive
hypoxia and nutrient deprivation [223]. As a nuclear recep- Supplementary Information
tor interacts with estrogen and progesterone, estrogen The online version contains supplementary material available at https://doi.
receptor-α activates signaling pathways of breast, ovarian,
and prostate cancer [224]. Other well-established transcrip- Additional file 1.
tion factors in cancers are the epithelial-mesenchymal tran-
sition and proliferation markers. β-catenin/Wnt signaling
stimulates the migration and activates downstream targets, DWJ and SL received a scholarship from the BK21-plus program, Republic of
such as cyclin D and the c-Myc transcription factors [225, Korea.
Jeong et al. Lipids in Health and Disease (2021) 20:163 Page 13 of 19
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