The document lists 200 common Malay words translated to English. It is organized into a table with two columns - the first column lists the English terms and the second column provides the corresponding Malay translation. Some of the common words included are parts of the body, illnesses, medical terms, family, places, time concepts, and objects.
The document lists 200 common Malay words translated to English. It is organized into a table with two columns - the first column lists the English terms and the second column provides the corresponding Malay translation. Some of the common words included are parts of the body, illnesses, medical terms, family, places, time concepts, and objects.
The document lists 200 common Malay words translated to English. It is organized into a table with two columns - the first column lists the English terms and the second column provides the corresponding Malay translation. Some of the common words included are parts of the body, illnesses, medical terms, family, places, time concepts, and objects.
The document lists 200 common Malay words translated to English. It is organized into a table with two columns - the first column lists the English terms and the second column provides the corresponding Malay translation. Some of the common words included are parts of the body, illnesses, medical terms, family, places, time concepts, and objects.
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100 Malay Vocabs
no. English Malay no. English Malay
1 inflammation radang 51 paediatric pakar kanak-kanak 2 infection Jangkitan 52 orhopaedic pakar tulang 3 swelling/edema bengkak 53 ent pakar hidung/mata/telinga 4 pus nanah 54 gynaecology pakar puan 5 wound/lesion luka 55 obstretric pakar kehamilan 6 Stitches jahitan 56 cardiology pakar jantung 7 needle Jarum 57 pulmonology pakar paru-paru 8 numbness Kebas 58 gastrology pakar perut & usus 9 cramp Kejang 59 screening saringan 10 tinea Kurap 60 temperature suhu 11 Sprain (joint) Seliuh 61 urine air kencing 12 Strain (muscle) Seliuh 62 stool najis 13 vomit Muntah 63 vaginal discharge keputihan 14 blood Darah 64 amniotic fluid air ketuban 15 seizure Sawan 65 dialysis cuci darah 16 diabetes Kencing manis 66 allergy alahan 17 healthy Sihat 67 itchy gatal 18 sick Sakit 68 tired/lethargy letih/tak larat 19 bloated Perut kembung/masuk angin 69 cardiac arrest serangan jantung 20 fart Kentut 70 stroke strok/angin ahmar 21 lie down (supine) baring 71 headache pening 22 lie down (prone) meniarap 72 23 benign bukan kanser 73 24 cancer kanser/barah 74 25 malignant kanser 75 26 embolism blood clot 76 27 heartburn pedih ulu hati 77 28 painful pedih 78 29 contusion/bruise lebam 79 30 fracture patah 80 31 hypertension darah tinggi 81 32 intravenous ubat/air melalui urat 82 33 nerve sarat 83 34 vessel salur darah 84 35 relapse berulang 85 36 miscarriage gugur 86 37 pregnant mengandung/hamil 87 38 ectopic pregnancy mengandung luar rahim 88 39 ovary rahim 89 40 contraception kontraseptif/pencegah hamil 90 41 family planning perancang keluarga 91 42 fertilisation kesuburan 92 43 hemorrhoid buasir 93 44 paralys lumpuh 94 45 mute bisu 95 46 deaf pekak 96 47 blind buta 97 48 handiapped cacat/kurang upaya 98 49 diarrhea cirit birit 99 50 menstrual cycle datang bulan 100 101-200 Malay Vocabs no. English Malay no. English Malay 101 ever pernah 151 here sini 102 weather cuaca 152 right kanan 103 cold sejuk 153 left kiri 104 hot panas 154 up atas 105 warm suam 155 down bawah 106 wind angin 156 front depan 107 air udara 157 back belakang 108 sky langit 158 beautiful/pretty cantik 109 need perlu 159 young muda 110 that itu 160 old (age) tua 111 all semua 161 man lelaki 112 or atau 162 woman perempuan 113 and dan 163 kids budak-budak 114 for untuk 164 baby bayi 115 know tahu 165 breakfast sarapan 116 think fikir 166 lunch makan tengahari 117 come datang 167 dinner makan malam 118 put letak 168 market pasar 119 take ambil 169 building bangunan 120 find cari 170 city bandar 121 listen dengar 171 town pekan 122 work kerja 172 cloth pakaian 123 stand berdiri 173 shirt baju 124 sit duduk 174 skirt skirt 125 walk jalan 175 food makanan 126 talk cakap 176 drinks minumum 127 give beri 177 eat makan 128 give bagi 178 drink minum 129 like suka 179 rice nasi 130 show tunjuk 180 water air 131 help tolong 181 friend kawan 132 love cinta 182 pain sakit 133 call panggil 183 house rumah 134 wait tunggu 184 morning pagi 135 new baru 185 afternoon tengah hari 136 old (time period) lama 186 evening pentang 137 few sedikit 187 night malam 138 many banyak 188 fast cepat 139 wrong salah 189 late lambat 140 correct betul 190 object/thing benda 141 bad buruk 191 class kelas 142 good bagus 192 office pejabat 143 happy gembira 193 place tempat 144 sad sedih 194 room bilik 145 angry marah 195 hall dewan 146 short pendek 196 street jalan 147 long panjang 197 time masa 148 small kecil 198 date tarikh 149 big besar 199 rubbish sampah 150 there sana 200 sound bunyi