Daylighting From BDC-LEEDv4-Reference Guide

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Indoor environmental Quality credit

This credit applies to:
New Construction (1–3 points) Data Centers (1–3 points)
Core and Shell (1–3 points) Warehouses and Distribution Centers (1–3 points)
Schools (1–3 points) Hospitality (1–3 points)
Retail (1–3 points) Healthcare (1–2 points)


To connect building occupants with the outdoors, reinforce circadian

Integrative process
rhythms, and reduce the use of electrical lighting by introducing
daylight into the space.

Provide manual or automatic (with manual override) glare-control devices for all regularly occupied spaces.

Select one of the following three options.

Option 1. Simulation: Spatial Daylight Autonomy and Annual Sunlight

Exposure (2–3 points, 1-2 points Healthcare)

Demonstrate through annual computer simulations that spatial daylight autonomy 300/50% (sDA 300/50% ) of at least
55%, 75%, or 90% is achieved. Use regularly occupied floor area. Healthcare projects should use the perimeter area
determined under EQ Credit Quality Views. Points are awarded according to Table 1.

Table 1. Points for daylit floor area: Spatial daylight autonomy

New Construction, Core and Shell, Schools, Retail, Data Centers,

Warehouses and Distribution Centers, Hospitality

sDA (for regularly occupied floor area) Points sDA (for perimeter floor area) Points

55% 2 75% 1

75% 3 90% 2


Demonstrate through annual computer simulations that annual sunlight exposure1000,250 (ASE1000,250) of no
more than 10% is achieved. Use the regularly occupied floor area that is daylit per the sDA300/50% simulations.
The sDA and ASE calculation grids should be no more than 2 feet (600 millimeters) square and laid out across the
regularly occupied area at a work plane height of 30 inches (76 millimeters) above finished floor (unless otherwise
defined). Use an hourly time-step analysis based on typical meteorological year data, or an equivalent, for the nearest
available weather station. Include any permanent interior obstructions. Moveable furniture and partitions may be
LEED Reference Guide for BUILDING Design and Construction

Core and Shell only

If the finishes in the space will not be completed, use the following default surface reflectances: 80% for ceilings, 20%
for floors, and 50% for walls. Assume that the entire floor plate, except for the core, will be regularly occupied space.


Option 2. Simulation: Illuminance Calculations (1–2 points)

Demonstrate through computer modeling that illuminance levels will be between 300 lux and 3,000 lux for 9 a.m.
and 3 p.m., both on a clear-sky day at the equinox, for the floor area indicated in Table 2. Use regularly occupied floor
area. Healthcare projects should use the perimeter area determined under EQ Credit Quality Views.

Table 2. Points for daylit floor area: Illuminance calculation

New Construction, Core and Shell, Schools, Retail, Data Centers,

Warehouses and Distribution Centers, Hospitality

Percentage of regularly occupied floor

Points Percentage of perimeter floor area Points

75% 1 75% 1

90% 2 90% 2

Calculate illuminance intensity for sun (direct component) and sky (diffuse component) for clear-sky conditions as
·· Use typical meteorological year data, or an equivalent, for the nearest available weather station.
·· Select one day within 15 days of September 21 and one day within 15 days of March 21 that represent the clearest
sky condition.
·· Use the average of the hourly value for the two selected days.

Exclude blinds or shades from the model. Include any permanent interior obstructions. Moveable furniture and
partitions may be excluded.

Core and Shell only

Assume the following default surface reflectances if the finishes in the space will not be completed: 80% for ceilings,
20% for floors, and 50% for walls. Assume that the entire floor plate, except for the core, will be regularly occupied


Option 3. Measurement (2-3 points, 1-2 points Healthcare)

Achieve illuminance levels between 300 lux and 3,000 lux for the floor area indicated in Table 3.

Table 3. Points for daylit floor area: Measurement

New Construction, Core and Shell, Schools, Retail, Data Centers,

Warehouses and Distribution Centers, Hospitality

Percentage of regularly occupied floor area Points Percentage of perimeter floor area

75 2 75 1

90 3 90 2

With furniture, fixtures, and equipment in place, measure illuminance levels as follows:
·· Measure at appropriate work plane height during any hour between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m.
·· Take one measurement in any regularly occupied month, and take a second as indicated in Table 4.
·· For spaces larger than 150 square feet (14 square meters), take measurements on a maximum 10 foot (3 meter)
square grid.
·· For spaces 150 square feet (14 square meters) or smaller, take measurements on a maximum 3 foot (900
millimeters) square grid.

Table 4. Timing of measurements for illuminance

If first measurement is taken in … take second measurement in …

January May-September

February June-October

March June-July, November-December

April August-December

May September-January

June October-February

July November-March

August December-April

September December-January, May-June

October February-June

November March-July

December April-August

Behind the Intent

Increased access to daylight has positive human behavioral and health effects because it reinforces our circadian
rhythms.1 Access to sufficient daylight has been shown to increase healing times in hospitals, improve students’
performance, 2 increase productivity in the workplace,3 fight depression and lethargy, and even increase sales in retail
environments.4 A well-designed daylit building also uses less electric lighting energy, conserving natural resources
and reducing air pollution.
This credit has evolved significantly and now focuses on using simulated daylight analysis and actual
measurement to estimate daylight quality and daylight levels. These methods more accurately predict daylight
access and support the design process for optimizing daylight. The previous prescriptive method for calculating
LEED Reference Guide for BUILDING Design and Construction

daylight using window design less accurately accounted for such project-specific factors as building orientation,
exterior conditions, the interaction with interior finishes, time of day and year, and other performance variables.
The new simulation requirements use global metrics and performance values for daylight established by daylighting
professionals. Other globally recognized standards-setting organizations are using the credit’s language, metric
conversions, and performance goals to create consistency in the daylighting and building professions.
Projects have three compliance options. The options that require more detailed design input and analysis or that
demonstrate actual performance earn a correspondingly higher number of points. A good computer simulation is the
best way to inform the design phase and help create a more effective daylit project. Project teams should integrate
daylight concerns into the design process while taking into account such factors as heat gain and loss, glare control,
visual quality, and variations in daylight availability.

Step-by-Step Guidance

Step 1. Establish design criteria

During predesign, work with the owner to understand lighting and daylighting goals. Specify daylighting
performance criteria in the owner’s project requirements.

Step 2. Consider site and massing

During schematic design, determine how best to orient the building to allow for passive solar strategies,

and explore ways to improve daylight penetration and distribution.

·· Consider identifying and preserving existing topography and landscape features that will shade the
building or minimize glare.
·· Consider proximity to neighboring buildings and their effects on daylighting availability and shading.
·· Evaluate the building footprint, the structural floor-to-floor height, and finished ceiling clearances to
determine an adequate ratio of window to floor area.
·· Consider incorporating atria, clerestories, courtyards, and shallow floor plates.
·· Weigh the effects of the envelope design on energy efficiency. Incorporate exterior shading to
minimize solar heat gains and glare while admitting daylight.

Step 3. Design to maximize daylight

Consider how best to allocate interior space to ensure that daylight is available in all regularly occupied
spaces. Enclosure design and furniture selection will affect daylight penetration. Possible design
strategies include the following:
·· Use transparent partitions or interior glazing to provide daylight to enclosed spaces.

1. Kellert, Stephen R., Judith H. Heerwagen, and Martin L. Mador, Biophilic Design: The Theory, Science and Practice of Bringing Life into Buildings (New
York: Wiley, 2008), p. 99.
2. Boyce, Peter, Reviews of Technical Reports on Daylight and Productivity (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2004); Heschong Mahone Group, Daylighting in
Schools: An Investigation into the Relationship between Daylighting and Human Performance (1999).
3. Edwards, L., and P. Torcellini. A Literature Study of the Effects of Natural Light on Building Occupants (Golden, Colorado: NREL, 2002).
4. Peet, Ramona, Lisa Heschong, Roger Wright, and Don Aumann, Daylighting and Productivity in the Retail Sector (2004),
proceedings/ACEEE_buildings/2004/Panel_7/p7_24/paper (accessed June 12, 2013).

·· In open-plan offices, select low partitions or incorporate glazed panels above 42 inches (1 070
·· Consider using daylighting simulations early in the design process to ensure effective daylighting and
to identify and minimize sources of glare.

Step 4. Identify regularly occupied spaces

Identify all regularly occupied spaces within the project (see EQ Overview, Regularly Occupied Spaces).
Highlight regularly occupied spaces on the floor plan or furniture plan and create a tracking table that
lists all regularly occupied spaces and their respective floor area (square footage or square meters).
Determine whether any regularly occupied spaces should be excluded from the daylight requirements
(see Further Explanation, Project Type Variations). Spaces where tasks would be hindered by the use of
daylight may be excluded. Spaces may not be excluded for security or noise concerns.
For Healthcare projects, only consider regularly occupied spaces within the perimeter area (see EQ
Credit Quality Views, Further Explanation, Perimeter Areas).

Step 5. Provide glare controls

Provide glare-control devices for all transparent glazing in regularly occupied spaces, regardless of
whether the glazing receives direct sunlight or whether the space meets the illuminance requirements of
this credit (Figure 1).
·· All glare-control devices must be operable by the building’s occupants to address unpredicted glare.
Automatic devices with user override are acceptable.
·· Acceptable glare-control devices include interior window blinds, shades, curtains, movable exterior
louvers, movable screens, and movable awnings.
·· Systems not acceptable as glare-control devices include fixed exterior overhangs, fixed fins and
louvers, dark-colored glazing, and frit and other glazing treatments.
·· Diffused and translucent glazing systems do not require glare-control devices.


Figure 1. Glare control devices


Step 6. Select one option

Determine which option the project will pursue. Options 1 and 2 involve different modeling procedures
(see IES LM 83-12 and Further Explanation, Illuminance Simulation Procedure) and different point values.
Option 3 requires no modeling.
·· Option 1 requires project teams to simulate both hourly illuminance and direct sunlight in each
space over an entire year and likely necessitates engaging a daylighting consultant. The method
uses a daylight simulation program that generates spatial daylight autonomy (sDA) ratios,5 a metric
that determines annual daylight performance based on annual weather data and occupancy use.
This temporal analysis provides more information for design decisions than single-point-in-time
calculations.6 Only spatial daylight autonomy (and not continuous autonomy or daylight autonomy) is
·· Option 2 is similar to the simulation option in previous versions of LEED and may require the help of
LEED Reference Guide for BUILDING Design and Construction

a daylighting consultant. This compliance method has been carried over from previous LEED versions
because illuminance calculation is still used by many daylighting professionals. However, project teams
are now required to use site-specific daylight illuminance values instead of the program default values
for weather. This provides daylight performance data that better reflect actual site conditions, leading
to better design decisions.
·· Option 3 is typically for renovations that involve minimal modifications to the building envelope and
for substantiating a completed project’s design strategies with a performance-based metric. Consider
the schedule before selecting Option 3: the second required measurement must occur at least five
months after the first measurement. Measurement compliance method is similar to the method used in
previous versions and is now the only method for credit compliance that is not simulation based. This
method has been revised to better address the differences in daylight experienced throughout the
year by requiring measurements at two times—when the sun is high in the sky and when the sun is low
in the sky.

Option 1. Simulation—Spatial Daylight Autonomy

Step 1. Collect sDA simulation inputs

Work with the daylighting consultant to identify information needed for the daylight simulation. At a
minimum, compile the following:
·· Exterior building geometry and obstructions
·· Site plan, location, and context

·· Floor plan and furniture plan

·· Interior finishes and surface reflectance (see Further Explanation, Surface Reflectance).
·· Glazing performance specifications
·· Glare-control device specifications
·· Project occupancy schedule
·· Local climate weather files, such as typical meteorological year (TMY2 or TMY3) data, available at

Step 2. Perform sDA simulation

Prepare the sDA model based on information collected in Step 1. Follow the modeling methodology
outlined in IES LM 83 (section numbers below refer to this standard).
·· See Section 2.2, sDA—Building 3D Modeling Methodology, for guidance on the period of analysis,
illuminance threshold information, temporal threshold, analysis area, analysis points, operation of
blinds and shades, optical properties of blinds and shades, exterior obstructions, window and skylight
details, interior surface reflectances, and furniture and partitions. For building geometries, develop a
complete building model.
·· Ensure that the software program selected is capable of simulating the sDA model per Section 2.3.3,
Modeling Parameters.

5. Illuminating Engineering Society, Approved Method: IES Spatial Daylight Autonomy (sDA) and Annual Sunlight Exposure (ASE), IES document LM-83
(2013), (accessed June 12, 2013).
6. Heschong Mahone Group, Daylighting Metrics (California Energy Commission, PIER Daylighting Plus Research Program, February 2012), energy. (accessed June 12, 2013).

·· Determine how the regularly occupied spaces will be divided into analysis areas. The analysis areas
must cover all regularly occupied floor area. For the annual sunlight exposure (ASE) calculations, at
a minimum, each floor must be an analysis area (for Healthcare, use all regularly occupied perimeter
floor area).
·· Include glare-control devices in the model as described in Sections 2.2.7, Blinds/Shades Operation, and
2.2.8, Blinds/Shades Optical Properties.
·· Set thresholds for the simulation to 300 lux for 50% of the hours between 8 A.M. and 6 P.M. local clock
time, for a full calendar year, from January 1 to December 31. See Sections 2.2.1, Period of Analysis;
2.2.2, Illuminance Threshold Information; and 2.2.3, Temporal Threshold.
·· Ensure that the model includes all permanent interior obstructions. Moveable furniture and partitions
may be excluded. See Section 2.2.11 for suggestions on modeling furniture and partitions.
·· Refer to Section 2.3, sDA—Climatic Modeling Methodology, for guidance on climate conditions for the
project’s location (see Further Explanation, Finding Meteorological Data).
Perform the sDA simulation.
Consult with the project team on assumptions developed for early design simulations. The assumptions
should be further refined as design develops. Simulation results used for credit documentation should be
based on the design that is closest to the completed construction documents for the as-built scenario.

Step 3. Evaluate sDA compliance

Review the simulation output results and determine the sDA value for all regularly occupied floor area
(for Healthcare, the regularly occupied perimeter floor area).
·· Record the areas that are daylit (i.e., they contribute to the sDA value by meeting the threshold for the
·· Confirm that the project meets or exceeds the requirements in Table 1 in the credit requirements.

Step 4. Perform annual sunlight exposure simulation

·· Prepare the annual sunlight exposure (ASE) model based on information collected in Step 1 and the
sDA model created in Step 2. The sDA model can be used for ASE analysis with a few modifications.
Follow the modeling methodology outlined in IES LM 83 (section numbers below refer to this

·· See Section 3.2, ASE—Building 3D Modeling Details, for guidance on the period of analysis, illuminance
threshold information, temporal threshold, analysis area, analysis points, operation of blinds and
shades, optical properties of blinds and shades, and exterior obstructions.
·· The analysis areas should be the same as those used for the sDA simulations. To align with the
supporting research for ASE, small analysis areas (ideally space by space, or orientation per floor)
are recommended. At a minimum, the analysis area must be for all regularly occupied floor area on a

single floor (for Healthcare, the regularly occupied perimeter area on a single floor).
·· Glare-control devices are not included in the analysis per Section 3.2.6, Blinds/Shade Operation.
·· Set thresholds for the simulation to 1,000 lux of direct sunlight for more than 250 hours of the hours
between 8 A.M. and 6 P.M. local clock time, for a full calendar year, from January 1 to December 31.
See Sections 3.2.1, Period of Analysis; 3.2.2, Illuminance Threshold Information; and 3.2.3, Temporal
·· Refer to Section 3.3, ASE—Climatic Modeling Methodology, for guidance on climate conditions for the
project’s location. The ASE analysis does not require modeling of sky luminance or ground reflectance.
If the software being used does not accommodate direct sunlight as described in Section 3.3, ASE may
be identified based on illuminance compared with adjacent nodes.
For an alternative way to determine ASE, see Further Explanation, Direct Sunlight Based on Lux
Differences between Adjacent Grid Points.

Step 5. Evaluate compliance for annual sunlight exposure

Review the simulation output results and determine the ASE values for each analysis area.
·· Record the ASE values for each floor area being analyzed.
·· Confirm that the ASE value does not exceed 10% for each analysis area. The 10% threshold should
be determined for small areas, ideally space by space or orientation per floor. At a minimum, the
10% threshold must be determined for all regularly occupied floor area (for Healthcare, the regularly
occupied perimeter area) on a single floor.

Option 2. Simulation—Illuminance Calculations

Step 1. Collect illuminance simulation inputs

Work with the daylighting consultant or modeler to identify information needed for the daylight
simulation. At a minimum, compile the following:
·· Exterior building geometry and obstructions
·· Site plan, location, and context
·· Floor plan and furniture plan
·· Interior finishes and surface reflectance (see Further Explanation, Surface Reflectance)
·· Glazing performance specifications
LEED Reference Guide for BUILDING Design and Construction

·· Local climate weather files, such as typical meteorological year (TMY2 or TMY3) data, available at

Step 2. Perform illuminance simulation

Prepare the illuminance model based on information collected in Step 1.
·· Follow the modeling methodology outlined and illustrated in Further Explanation, Illuminance
Simulation Procedure.
·· Perform the point-in-time simulations.
·· Consult with the project team on assumptions developed for early design simulations. The
assumptions should be further refined as design develops. Simulation results used for credit
documentation should be based on the design that is closest to the completed construction
documents for the as-built scenario.
·· Perform one illuminance simulation at 9 A.M. on the equinox (September 21 or March 21).
·· Perform a second illuminance simulation at 3 P.M. on the equinox (September 21 or March 21).

Step 3. Evaluate illuminance compliance

Review the simulation output results and determine the illuminance values for all regularly occupied floor
area (for Healthcare, the regularly occupied perimeter floor area).
·· Record the areas that are daylit (have illuminance levels between 300 lux and 3,000 lux for both 9
A.M. and 3 P.M.) and the associated floor area.
·· Confirm that the project meets or exceeds the values in Table 2 in the credit requirements.

Option 3. Measurement

Step 1. Prepare for measurements

Determine when the first and second measurements will be taken.
·· Schedule the first day of measurement after the project construction is complete, all furniture is moved
in, window shades are installed, and people have occupied the space.
·· Review Table 4 in the credit requirements to determine timing of the second measurement. Both
measurements must occur during regularly occupied months. For example, measurements for a school
may not be taken during school breaks.
·· Review the regularly occupied space floor area (for Healthcare, all regularly occupied perimeter floor
area) to determine the required measurement grid. Draw the measurement grid and the measurement
nodes (usually located at the center of each grid space) on a floor plan.

Step 2. Perform measurements

Use a light meter to take a daylight illuminance measurement at workplane height (30 inches [750
millimeters] above finished floor, unless otherwise defined) between 9 A.M. and 3 P.M. (see Further
Explanation, Solar Time or Local Time).
·· Refer to the Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) Lighting Handbook, 10th edition, Section 9.7, for
more information on light meters.
·· Identify the location of each measurement node in the actual space.
·· Record the measured illuminance at each node on the floor plan or in a tracking table.
·· If measurements cannot be completed for the entire project in one day, continue the following day
between 9 A.M. and 3 P.M.

·· Repeat the process using the same nodes for the second measurement (see Further Explanation,
Examples, Option 3).

Step 3. Evaluate illuminance compliance

Review the measurement results and determine the illuminance values for all regularly occupied floor
area (for Healthcare, the perimeter floor area).
·· Record the areas that are daylit (have illuminance levels between 300 lux and 3,000 lux for both
measurements) and the associated floor area.
·· Confirm that the project meets or exceeds the values in Table 3 in the credit requirements.

Further Explanation

See the daylight and quality views calculator provided by USGBC.

Surface Reflectance
IES LM 83-12, Section 2.2.10, provides general guidance for interior surface reflectances.
If surface reflectance values are not available in manufacturers’ information, field measurements may be
performed. Refer to IES LM 83-12, Section 9.12.2, on measuring illuminance and luminance.

Field measurements may be performed as follows:

·· Use a reflectance chart, such as that found in the CIBSE’s Lighting Guide 11: Surface Reflectance and colour

document, to measure reflectance.
·· Measure illuminance with an illuminance meter, and luminance with a spot luminance meter.
·· Reflectance is defined as illuminance divided by luminance in the space.

Direct Sunlight Based on Lux Differences between Adjacent Grid Points

For ASE analysis, direct sunlight can be assumed to occur for any grid point that has an hourly illuminance level at
least 1,000 lux higher than any directly adjacent grid point. This could be determined from manual postprocessing of
the simulation results, through a sun path and shadow program, or with software that automatically postprocesses
the simulation results.

Finding Meteorological Data

Obtain typical meteorological year data for the nearest available weather station in a format the simulation program
can accept. Example formats include TMY2 and TMY3, EPW, and WEA.
Most U.S. and international weather data can be downloaded from the U.S. Department of Energy, at
The National Renewable Energy Laboratory provides a weather file viewer (DView) at

Illuminance Simulation Procedure

The simulation methodology for illuminance simulation is similar to that described in IES LM 83-12 for sDA and ASE.
For building geometries, develop a complete building model. Some programs allow energy model geometries to
be transferred to the daylight modeling interface. Include exterior walls, roofs, shading devices, glazed assemblies
(including mullion thickness), sunlight and window recesses, rough opening thicknesses, and light shelves. Refer to
LM 83, Section 2.2, for general guidance on the level of detail for the model.

Period of analysis. The analysis is performed at 9 A.M. and 3 P.M. on the equinox (September 21 or March 21),
adjusted for daylight savings time and longitude.

Illuminance threshold. The illuminance threshold for analysis is 300 lux or greater and below 3,000 lux at the
horizontal workplane, which is 30 inches (750 mm) above the finished floor, unless otherwise defined.

Analysis area and points. The analysis area should cover all regularly occupied floor area. For Healthcare projects,
the analysis area must cover all perimeter floor area, which is any area within 15 feet (4.5 meters) of the building
perimeter. Refer to LM 83, Section 2.2.5, for guidance on the calculation grid and location of the analysis points.

Exterior obstructions. Refer to LM 83-12, Section 2.2.8, for guidance on modeling exterior obstructions.

Window and skylight details. Refer to LM 83-12, Section 2.2.9, for guidance on modeling windows and skylights. If
the modeling software requires an input of glazing transmissivity, use the visible light transmittance value provided
LEED Reference Guide for BUILDING Design and Construction

by the manufacturer. Glare-control devices are not included in the analysis.

Surface reflectances. Prepare a list of material finishes for all model surfaces and verify material specifications with
the design team. A library of materials is available with most daylight programs, such as the material.rad file structure
for the RADIANCE-based7 simulation programs. The material.rad file may be customized, but in RADIANCE, the
simulation fails if a material is incorrectly defined. Check the normal direction of model surfaces. To receive daylight,
exposed surfaces should face outward from the center of each zone in which they belong. Ground surfaces should
face upward. Refer to LM 83, Section 2.2.10, for further guidance on modeling interior surface reflectances.

Furniture and partitions. The model must include all permanent interior obstructions. Moveable furniture and
partitions may be excluded. See LM 83, Section 2.2.11, for suggestions on modeling furniture and partitions.

Illuminance climatic modeling methodology. Proceed as follows.

1. Obtain typical meteorological year data (see Further Explanation, Finding Meteorological Data). Use
local weather data or TMY weather data files for the nearest city. If the simulation program is capable of
automatically determining clear sky condition, select that option.
2. To calculate the illuminance intensity for sun (direct component) and sky (diffuse component) in a TMY2 or
TMY 3 file, export the data into a text file or spreadsheet format.
3. From the TMY, select the day within 15 days of September 21 that has the clearest sky condition (total sky cover
at its lowest value) at 9 A.M.
4. From the TMY, select the day within 15 days of March 21 that has the clearest sky condition at 9 A.M.
5. Determine the direct horizontal irradiance (Wh/m2 ) values at 9 A.M. for the day selected in September and at
9 A.M. for the day selected in March. Average the two values and use the result in the 9 A.M. simulation as the

direct horizontal irradiance input. If the file does not explicitly state direct horizontal irradiance, calculate it as
Direct horizontal irradiance = Global horizontal irradiance – Diffuse horizontal irradiance 8

6. Determine the diffuse horizontal irradiance (Wh/m2 ) values at 9 A.M. for the day selected in September and at
9 A.M. for the day selected in March. Average the two values and use the result in the 9 A.M. simulation as the
diffuse horizontal irradiance input.
7. Repeat procedures 3–6 for 3 P.M. (see Further Explanation, Examples).
8. Prepare the model to run a simulation to input custom values for direct horizontal and diffuse horizontal

Refer to LM83, Sections 2.3.1 and 2.3.2, for additional guidance on climate conditions for the project’s location such
as, the sun position and intensity, sky illuminance distribution, and modeling parameters. Refer to IES LM83, Section
2.3.3, for guidance on modeling parameters.
The daylight simulation is most successful when the light is reflected back from the interior walls into the space.
The daylight modeler can specify a certain number of inter-reflections before a ray path is discarded.

7. (accessed June 12, 2013).

8. More information on determining different kinds of irradiance is available at the Natural Frequency wiki site:
SolarRadiation/Components (accessed June 12, 2013).

Solar Time or Local Time

When performing daylight measurements, determine whether the measurements will be taken at solar or local time.
Both are acceptable, but solar time may be more appropriate because it is based on the position of the sun in the sky.
Solar time varies from the local standard time because of eccentricities in Earth’s orbit and because of time zones
and daylight saving adjustments. Solar time is typically calculated using a third-party calculator, such as the National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s solar calculator.

Example 1. Option 2
An open office with core areas is being assessed for compliance with Option 2 Illuminance Simulation. The office
is in New York City and has six regularly occupied spaces (Table 5) plus several nonregularly occupied spaces, such
as mechanical, elevator, and restroom space. The office has equally spaced ribbon glazing on all four sides and a
window-to-wall ratio of 63%.
Illuminance simulations were performed for all the regularly occupied spaces, based on diffuse and direct
horizontal radiation inputs determined in Figure 2. The calculated results for the second-floor open office are
displayed in Figure 3, demonstrating that 80% of the open office area is daylighted. For the entire project, the
percentage of regularly occupied area that is daylighted is 81%. The percentage of regularly occupied floor area
exceeds 75%, so project has earned 1 point under Option 2.

Table 5. Regularly occupied spaces in example office

Floor area with daylight

Regularly occupied space ID Floor area (ft2)
illuminance of 300–3,000 lux

2nd-floor open office 9,000 7,200

3rd-floor conference room 500 420

3rd-floor private office 301 96 72

3rd-floor private office 302 120 88

3rd-floor open office 8,284 6,900

4th-floor open office 9,000 7,200

Total regularly occupied area (ft2) 27,000

Daylighted regularly occupied area (ft2) 21,880

Regularly occupied area that is daylighted 81%

Figure 2. Diffuse and direct horizontal radiation inputs for New York City

New York City TMY3

• Lowest total sky cover for 9 a.m. on September 17
• Global horizontal irradiance = 618 Wh/m2
• Diffuse horizontal irradiance = 98 Wh/m2
• Direct horizontal irradiance = 618 – 98 = 520 Wh/m2

Daily illuminance intensity data • Lowest total sky cover for 9 a.m. was on March 21
• Global horizontal irradiance = 155 Wh/m2
• Diffuse horizontal irradiance = 136 Wh/m2
• Direct horizontal irradiance = 155 – 136 = 19 Wh/m2

Computer model will input following values:

• Average diffuse horizontal irradiance = 117 Wh/m2
• Average direct horizontal irradiance = 270 Wh/m2

Example 2. Option 3
After construction of the New York City office building (Example 1) was completed in mid-June, the project team
took daylight measurements in all regularly occupied spaces. A second set of daylight measurements was taken
for the same spaces in October to determine the compliant floor areas in the building. The two measurements for
each space were compared to determine the areas that were compliant at both times. Figures 3 and 4 display the
measurement results for a third-floor private office, 301.
LEED Reference Guide for BUILDING Design and Construction

Figure 3. Measurements recorded in June


Figure 4. Measurements recorded in October


Rating System Variations

Core and Shell
Project teams may assume surface reflectance for finishes in unfinished spaces as described in the credit
requirements. Project teams must assume that all spaces except the core and restrooms are regularly occupied. In
unfinished spaces, permanent interior obstructions may be excluded from the analysis.

Review all steps in Step-by-Step Guidance.

For Step 4, first identify the perimeter area (see EQ Credit Quality Views, Further Explanation, Perimeter Areas) for
both the inpatient floors and non-inpatient floors. Next, identify all regularly occupied spaces in this area; this is the
“regularly occupied area within the perimeter.” Follow the rest of the steps for these spaces.
(For EQ Credit Quality Views, view compliance for the inpatient floor includes all regularly occupied spaces, not
just the regularly occupied spaces in the perimeter area.)

Project Type Variations

Auditoriums must be included in the daylight requirements, but a lower illuminance level is acceptable; see
recommended illuminance values in The Lighting Handbook, Table 24.2.

Conference rooms dedicated to video conferencing

Conference rooms that are dedicated to video conferencing may be excluded from the daylight requirements.

Gymnasiums must be included in the daylight requirements.

Group Approach

Submit separate documentation for each building.

Campus Approach
Ineligible. Each LEED project may pursue the credit individually.

Required documentation

Documentation All projects Option 1 Option 2 Option 3

Floor plans highlighting regularly occupied spaces (for Healthcare, regularly

occupied perimeter area)

List of glare-control devices for all windows with their control mechanism X X X X

List of compliant spaces with their annual summary values for sDA and ASE X

Geometric plots from simulations. X X

Narrative or output file describing daylight simulation program, simulation

inputs, and weather file

List of compliant spaces with their calculated illuminance values X

Floor plans or list of compliant spaces with measured illuminance values for
each node

Calculations demonstrating percentage of compliant space between 300

lux and 3,000 lux

Related Credit Tips

EA Prerequisite Minimum Energy Performance and EA Credit Optimize Energy Performance. Good
daylighting and glare control reduce the need for electric lighting. Consider daylight contribution when designing
the lighting system. Consider incorporating daylight sensors and dimmers to reduce lighting energy consumption,
and account for these efficiency measures in the related prerequisite and credit.

EQ Credit Quality Views. Design strategies that enhance daylight penetration are also likely to increase the number
of occupants with exterior views. Regularly occupied spaces must be consistently reported for both this credit and
the related credit.
LEED Reference Guide for BUILDING Design and Construction

EQ Credit Interior Lighting. For projects that pursue Option 1 or Option 2 of this credit, ensure that same surface
reflectance values used in daylight simulation models match those used in lighting quality calculations for the
related credit.

Changes from LEED 2009

·· The prescriptive compliance path has been eliminated.
·· An additional simulation option is available. The new option incorporates two new metrics, spatial daylight
autonomy and annual sunlight exposure, based on annual daylight computer simulation models.
·· For Option 2, the illuminance simulation now relies on local weather data and uses a calculated illuminance
·· For Option 3, measurements are required at two times of the year.
·· The number of points available and thresholds for achievement have changed.
·· Schools is no longer broken out by classroom and core learning spaces vs. other regularly occupied spaces.

Referenced Standards
IES Lighting Measurements (LM) 83-12, Approved Method: IES Spatial Daylight Autonomy (sDA) and Annual
Sunlight Exposure (ASE):

The Lighting Handbook, 10th edition, Illuminating Engineering Society:

Exemplary Performance
Not available.

annual sunlight exposure (ASE) a metric that describes the potential for visual discomfort in interior work
environments. It is defined as the percentage of an analysis area that exceeds a specified direct sunlight illuminance
level more than a specified number of hours per year. (Illuminating Engineering Society)

ASE 1,000,250 reports the percentage of sensors in the analysis area, using a maximum 2-foot spacing between points,
that are found to be exposed to more than 1000 lux of direct sunlight for more than 250 hours per year, before any
operable blinds or shades are deployed to block sunlight, considering the same 10 hour/day analysis period as sDA
and using comparable simulation methods

clear glazing glass that is transparent and allows a view through the fenestration. Diffused glazing allows only

direct sunlight an interior horizontal measurement of 1,000 lux or more of direct beam sunlight that accounts for
window transmittance and angular effects, and excludes the effect of any operable blinds, with no contribution from
reflected light (i.e., a zero bounce analysis) and no contribution from the diffuse sky component. (Adapted from
(Illuminating Engineering Society)

movable furniture and partitions items that can be moved by the users without the need of tools or assistance from
special trades and facilities management

permanent interior obstruction a structure that cannot be moved by the user without tools or assistance from
special trades and facilities management. Examples include lab hoods, fixed partitions, demountable opaque full- or
partial-height partitions, some displays, and equipment.

spatial daylight autonomy (sDA) a metric describing annual sufficiency of ambient daylight levels in interior
environments. It is defined as the percentage of an analysis area (the area where calculations are performed, typically
across an entire space) that meets a minimum daylight illuminance level for a specified fraction of the operating
hours per year (i.e., the Daylight Autonomy value following Reinhart & Walkenhorst, 2001). The illluminance level
and time fraction are included as subscripts, as in sDA 300,50%. The sDA value is expressed as a percentage of area.
(Illuminating Engineering Society)

sDA 300/50% the percentage of analysis points across the analysis area that meet or exceed this 300 lux value for at least
50% of the analysis period


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