Sample Test Questions - Solution

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Sample Test Questions

Q1 (2 Points): Please briefly explain the following formula:

The expected profit in the newsvendor model

W(q) = r min (D, q) + s max (q – D, 0) – cq

D: demand of a day
q: fixed number, same everyday, is the amount of copies that Rupert buys everymorning
r: selling price for each newspaper
s: unit selling price for the leftover at the end of the day
c: unit acquiring cost for each newspaper

This function represents the profit of a day. Rmin(D,q) is the sales revenue, s is the scrap (leftover)
revenue, c is the cost. Profit= Revenue-cost

 Waiting time in Single Server Queue Model (Textbook Page 44)

WQi = max (WQi – 1 + Si – 1 – Ai, 0), i = 2, 3, ...
• Single Server Queue
• Inter-arrival times ~ exponential with mean 1/l = 1.6 min.
• Service times ~ uniform on [a, b] = [0.27, 2.29] min.
• Stop when 50th waiting time in queue is observed
• i.e., when 50th customer begins service, not exits system
• Watch waiting times in queue WQ1, WQ2, ..., WQ50
• Important – not watching anything else
• Si = service time of customer i,
Ai = interarrival time between custs. i – 1 and i
• Initialize WQ1 = 0,


WQi = max (WQi – 1 + Si – 1 – Ai, 0), i = 2, 3, ...


Q2 (1 Point): In the Enhanced Call Center System, there are 11 technical support people whose work
schedules are shown in the table.

Please complete the “Schedule Module” for Anna. The unit of duration is half-hour.

Anna Value Duration


Please complete the “Set Module” for Product 2. The unit of duration is half-hour.

Product 2 Resource Name



Q3 (1 Point): Please identify the range for the following distribution: 1) infinite both ways, 2) positive,
and 3) bounded. Show the coefficient of variation. And explain the typical application.

Distributio Mean Variance Coefficient of Range of

n Variation Distribution

Exponentia β β2 1 Positive

β+ α
Erlang Positive


(a + b)/2
uniform bounded
(a + m +
tri b)/3

• Infinite both ways (e.g., normal)

• Positive (e.g., exponential, gamma, erlang,poisson,weibull)
• Bounded (e.g., beta, uniform,triangular)


Q4 (2 Point): Based on Model 5.4, the (s, S) Inventory System with Backlogging, please explain:
a) The inventory evaluation routine
b) The order arrival routine

Q5 (1 Points): Fill in the proper Arena module for the given functionality

No Arena Module Name Describe of Module Functionality

a) expressions Used to define named logical/mathematical expressions that can be used

throughout the model.

b) decide Used to provide alternative flow paths for an entity based on

probabilistic or condition based branching.

c) set Used to define a list of elements within Arena that can be indexed by
location in the list.

d) dispose Used to collect statistics on entities and remove the entities from the
model once they have completed their activities within the model.

e) record Used to capture and tabulate statistics within the flow chart model area.

create This module is intended as the starting point for

entities in a simulation model.
• Entities are created using a schedule or based on a time between
• Entities then leave the module to begin processing through the
The entity type is specified in this module.

process • This module is intended as the main processing method in the

simulation. Options for seizing and releasing resource
constraints are available.
• The process time is allocated to the entity and may be
considered to be value added, non-value added, transfer,wait or

queue • This data module defines the queues in the simulation system.
You can use it to change the ranking rule for a specified queue.
• The default ranking rule for all queues is First In, First Out


unless otherwise specified in this module.
• There is an additional field that allows the queue to be
defined as shared (not available in Arena Basic Edition).

release • The Release module is used to release units of a resource that

an entity previously has seized.
• This module may be used to release
individual resources or resources within a set.
• For each resource to be released, the name and quantity to
release are specified.
• When the entity enters the Release module, it gives
up control of the specified resource(s).
• Any entities waiting in queues for those resources will gain
control of the resources immediately.

resource • This data module defines the resources in the simulation

system, including costing information and resource availability.
• Resources may have a fixed capacity that does not vary over the
simulation run or may operate based on a schedule.
• Resource failures and states can also be referenced in
this module for use with the Advanced Process and Advanced
Transfer Panel.

seize • The Seize module allocates units of one or more resources to an

• Seize units of a particular resource or a member of a
resource set;
• Seize a defined resource such as
an attribute or expression.
• When an entity enters this module, it waits in a
queue (if specified) until all specified resources are available

Store unstore • Store module to animate entity during next Delay module


• Add Storage animation, identify with this logical storage
by name
• Storage data module – entry made there by Store
• Delay module to listen to recording, make selection
• Could have used Process module, but this is simpler,
• Unstore module to make entity animation disappear


Q6 (1 Points): Fill in the blanks
1. A call center receives calls 9:00am-9:00pm. It must terminate arrival process at 9:00pm but have to
operate past 9:00pm if necessary to “flush out” all calls. Please write the Terminating Condition field
in Arena Setup a)________________________________.
2. A scenario for Process Analyzer (PAN) is a combination of a program file (.p) exists somewhere on
your system, a set of values for b)_____________________________, a set of
c)______________________________, as well as a descriptive Name for the scenario.
3. Arena reports two types of resource utilization statistics; one is d)_________________________, and
another is e)_________________________.

a) ___________________
b) ___________________
c) ___________________
d) ___________________
e) ___________________


Q7 (2 Points): Parts arrive at a single workstation system according to an exponential inter-arrival
distribution with mean 21.5 seconds; the first arrival is at time 0. Upon arrival, the parts are initially
processed. The processing-time distribution is TRIA(16, 19, 22) seconds. There are several easily
identifiable visual characteristics that determine whether a part has a potential quality problem. These
parts, about 10% (determined after the initial processing), are sent to a station where they undergo a
thorough inspection. The remaining parts are considered good and are sent out of the system. The
inspection-time distribution is 95+WEIB (48.5, 4.04) random variable, in seconds. About 14% of these
parts fail the inspection and are sent to scrap. The parts that pass the inspection are classified as good and
are sent out of the system. Run the simulation for 10,000 seconds to observe the number of good parts
that exit the system, the number of scrapped parts, and the number of parts that received the thorough

Please draw a flowchart, putting the parameters beside the flowchart modules.


Q8 (4 Points): Patients arrive at an emergency room. Arrivals are exponentially distributed with a mean
time between arrivals of 0.3 hours. Upon arrival, patients are assigned a rating of 1 to 5, depending on the
severity of their ailments. Patients in Category 1 are the most severe, and they are immediately sent to a
bed where they await medical attention. All other patients must first wait in the receiving room until a
basic registration form and medical record are completed. They then proceed to a bed. The emergency
room has three beds, one registration nurse, and two doctors. In all cases, the priority for allocating these
resources is based on the severity of the ailment. The registration time for patients in Categories 2-5 is
Uniform (0.1, 0.2) hours. The treatment time for all patients is triangularly distributed. The distribution of
patients by category and the corresponding minimum, most likely, and maximum treatment times are
summarized below. You developed an Arena model to collect the required responses:
 Collect system time of each type of patient and overall (across patient types)

1. Please draw a flowchart. You are NOT required to put the distributions beside the flowchart modules.

Hint: 1 Creeate, 1 Assign, 1 Decide, 2 Process, 1 Seize, 1 Release, 2 Record, and 1 Dispose


2. Please complete Resource module.

Resource-Basic Process

Name Type Capacity

1 Nurse Fixed Capacity a)

2 Doctor Fixed Capacity b)

3 Bed Fixed Capacity c)

a) _________1____________
b) _________2___________
c) _________3____________

3. Please complete the Assign module.


Type Attribute Name New Value

1 Attribute My Arrive Time a)

2 Attribute My Category b)

a) ________TNOW_____________
b) ________DISC (0.06, 1, 0.14, 2, 0.32, 3, 0.65, 4, 1, 5)_____________

4. Please complete the Queue module.

Queue-Basic Process

Name Type Attribute Name

1 A Lowest Attribute Value My Cateogory

2 B Lowest Attribute Value My Cateogory

3 C Lowest Attribute Value My Cateogory

a) ___Registration. Queue__________________
b) ___Seize Bed. Queue____________________


c) ___Treatment.Queue____________________
5. Please complete the Decide module.

Name Type If Attribute Name Is Value

1 Category 1? a) Attribute My Cateogory == b)

a) __2-way by Condition___________________
b) __myCategory==1______________________

6. Please complete the Expression module.

Expression-Advanced Process

Name Rows Columns Data File Expression Value

Type Name

1 Treatment Time 5 Native 5 rows

Expression Values

1 a)

2 b)

3 c)

4 d)

5 e)

a) __TRIA(0.8, 1.2, 1.6)__________________

b) __TRIA(0.7, 0.95, 1.1)__________________
c) __TRIA(0.4, 0.6, 0.75)__________________
d) __TRIA(0.2, 0.45, 0.6)__________________
e) __TRIA(0.1, 0.35, 0.45)__________________


7. Please briefly explain the confidence interval for Average Time in System.



Q9 (2 Points): Items arrive in boxes of 20 items each. The inter-arrival time is EXPO(120) minutes. The
workstation contains 2 milling machines and 1 drilling machine. 30% of the parts require drilling before
milling. The processing time of drilling is UNIF(10, 15) minutes per item. The processing time of milling
time is EXPO(15) minutes each for items that do not require drilling, and UNIF(15,20) minutes for items
that require drilling. Assume that the station has two 8-hour shifts each day and that you are only
interested in the first shift’s performance. Any jobs left over at the end of the first shift are left to be
processed by the second shift.
You want to:
 Collect statistics to estimate the average number of jobs left for the second shift to complete at the
end of the first shift.
 Collect statistics to estimate the average cycle time an item spent in the system.

1. Please draw a flowchart, putting the distributions beside the modules.


Q10 (3 Points): Students arrive at a two-person station for testing their Bluetooth Headphones. The
inspection time per headphone is EXPO(15) minutes. On average, 80% of the headphone pass inspection.
The remaining 20% are routed to an adjustment station with a single operator. Adjustment time per
headphone is UNIF(10,15) minutes. After the adjustments, the headphone are routed back to the
inspection station to be retested.

1. You build an Arena simulation model of this system:

 Collect statistics to estimate the average cycle time a headphone spends in the system.
 Collect statistics to estimate the average number of times a headphone is adjusted.

Please draw a flowchart, putting the distributions and parameters beside the flowchart modules.

2. Suppose that a headphone is not allowed more than two adjustments, after which the headphone must
be discarded. You modify the simulation model above:
 Collect statistics to estimate the average cycle time a headphone spends in the system.
 Collect statistics to estimate the average number of times a headphone is adjusted.
 Collect statistics to estimate the average number of discarded jobs.

Please draw a flowchart, putting the distributions and parameters beside the flowchart modules.


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