Mata Tag
Mata Tag
Mata Tag
Directions: Kindly, reflect the division commitment to the MATATAG agenda using the template below. Disregard CO commitments that are not applicable to the division.
Currently, MELCs are utilized; ● Basic Education Curriculum (BEC) ● Completion of the K to 12 Outcome indicators:
commenced the revision of the ● SHS Program curriculum review
curriculum ● Joint Delivery Voucher Program ● Implementation of the revised K *Percentage of learners achieving at
K to G10 curriculum being (JDVP) for Senior High School to 10 curr (incl. Orientation of field least the minimum level of proficiency in
finalized Technical Vocational and Livelihood implementers on the revised K to -English
SHS curriculum is undergoing Specializations 10 CGs) -Filipino
review ● DO 31 s. 2012 - Policy Guidelines -Mother Tongue (except Tagalog)
Finalized the general and on the Implementation of Grades 1 to Policy Action: -Numeracy
1. We will revise the K
learning area curriculum shaping 10 of the K to 12 Basic Education ● Integrate emerging
to 12 Curriculum to
papers Curriculum (BEC) Effective School Year competencies and concepts *Percentage of learners attaining at
make them more
Reviewed the revised K to 3 CGs 2012-2013 including 21st century skills, least the minimum level of proficiency in
responsive to our
● RA 10157 - Kindergarten discipline, and patriotism literacy and numeracy standards
aspiration as a nation,
Education Act of 2012 ● Align the curriculum of both
to develop lifelong
● RA 10533 - Enhanced Basic formal and nonformal education
learners who are
Education Act of 2013 targeting competencies to prepare Output Indicator:
imbued with 21st-
● DO 20 s. 2014 - Additional learners for life, work and ● Number of learning areas with revised
century skills,
Information and Corrigendum to DepEd sustainable development curriculum standards and competencies
discipline, and
Order No. 31 s. 2012 ● Develop/align assessment
● DO 8 s. 2015 - Policy Guidelines framework and appropriate
on Classroom Assessment for the K to performance measures for the
12 Basic Education Program desired learning outcomes
● DO 51 s. 2015 - Guidelines on the
Implementation of the SHS Program in
Existing Public JHSs and ISs,
Establishment of Stand-Alone Public
SHSs, and Conversion of Existing
Congested K to 3 curriculum Public
● Basic Elementary
Educationand JHSs Into
Curriculum (BEC Policy Action:
● DO 12 s. 2015SHSs- Guidelines on the ● Reduce the number of Learning Outcome indicators:
Overall, based on the findings ● DO
Early 76 s. 2016
Language, - Senior
Literacy, andHigh Areas *Percentage of [Stage 1] learners
that K to 10 Curriculum is School Manual
Numeracy Operations
(ELLN): Volume One
Professional achieving at least the minimum level of
● DO 21 s.Component
congested, it is recommended to Development 2019 - Policy Guidelines proficiency in
reduce the number of learning on the
● DO K47tos.12 Basic
2016 Education
- Omnibus Policy on -English
competencies from 2016 CG of Kindergarten Education -Filipino
11,714 to 3,531 CG -Mother Tongue (except Tagalog)
2. We will reduce the -Numeracy
number of learning Developed CGs fro Key Stages
areas in K to 3 from 7 1,2 & 3 *Percentage of learners attaining at
to 5 to focus on ● Key Stage Standards least the minimum level of proficiency in
foundational skills in ● Grade Level standards literacy and numeracy standards
literacy and numeracy ● Learning Area Standards
in the early grades, ● Learning Competencies *Percentage of learners in situations of
particularly among disadvantage (disaggregated by group)
disadvantaged achieved at least the minimum level of
students. proficiency in (a) functional literacy, (b)
numeracy, and (c) 21st century skills
Output Indicator:
● Number of learning areas
implemented in K-3 focusing on
foundational skills in literacy and
Drafted the National Reading ● ELLN,PRIMALS (ECARP) Policy Action: Outcome indicators:
Program ● DO 12 s. 2015 - Guidelines on the Adopt unified reading and ● Percentage of learners achieving at
Early Language, Literacy, and mathematics programs least the minimum level of proficiency in
Numeracy (ELLN): Professional -English
Development Component -Filipino
● DO 14 s. 2018 - Policy Guidelines -Mother Tongue (except Tagalog)
on the Administration of the Revised -Numeracy
Philippine Informal Reading Inventory
3. We will strengthen ● Basic Education Curriculum (BEC) ● Percentage of learners attaining at
our literacy and ● National Reading Program least the minimum level of proficiency in
numeracy programs ● National Math Program literacy and numeracy standards
● DO 39 s. 2012 - Policy Guidelines
on Addressing Learning Gaps and Output indicator:
Implementing a Reading and Writing ● Number of schools implementing
Program in Secondary Schools literacy and numeracy programs in line
Effective School Year (SY) 2012-2013 with the standards
4. We will revitalize Dismal Reading and ● Regional Science High School ● Capacity building of Special Outcome indicators:
our Reading, Science mathematics proficiency ● Science Technology and Curriculum Programs *Percentage of learners achieving at
and Technology, and Engineering (STE) Implementers and materials least the minimum level of proficiency in
Math programs by Proficiency of students achieving ● Special Science for Elementary development -English
utilizing the gains of at least a minimum proficiency Schools (SSES) -Filipino
previous programs. level SY 2017-2018: Policy Action: -Mother Tongue (except Tagalog)
The programs will be 1) in G2 & 3 ● Define the -Numeracy
with local and Math - 27.07 standards/requirements for
international best Reading - 56.03 Science education program *Percentage of learners attaining at
practices, consulted 2) at the end of Elem least the minimum level of proficiency in
with experts, and will Math - 17.57 literacy and numeracy standards
be research or Reading - 17.69
evidence-based 3) at the end of JHS Output indicators:
Math - 13.05 ● Number of program and/or policies
Reading - 36.37 (relative to Reading, S&T, and Math
(Source: ELLNA c/o BEA-EAD) programs) assessed/evaluated
5. We will improve Dismal English and mathematics ● DO 16 s. 2012 - Guidelines on the Policy Action: Outcome indicators:
English proficiency proficiency Implementation of the Mother Tongue- ● Adopt a revised language policy *Percentage of learners achieving at
while recognizing Based Multilingual Education (MTB- ● Revise the Mother Tongue- least the minimum level of proficiency in
linguistic diversity. We MLE) Based Multilingual Education -English
will work towards the ● DO 55 s. 2015 - Utilization of (MTB-MLE) implementing -Filipino
goal of English Language Mapping Data for Mother guidelines to determine appropriate -Mother Tongue (except Tagalog)
language proficiency Tongue-Based Multilingual Education models to account for the diversity -Numeracy
within the context of a (MTB-MLE) Program Implementation of communities and orthography
multilingual nation ● NSPC development for teaching and *Percentage of learners attaining at
● DPCJ learning least the minimum level of proficiency in
literacy and numeracy standards
Output indicators:
● Percentage of schools implementing
English Language learning area in line
with the standards
6. We will review the On-going impact evaluation of ● DO 55 s. 2015 - Utilization of ● Evaluation/comprehensive Outcome indicators:
implementation of the MTB-MLE by Innovations for Language Mapping Data for Mother review of the MTB-MLE program *Percentage of learners achieving at
Mother Tongue-based Poverty Action (IPA) facilitated Tongue-Based Multilingual Education least the minimum level of proficiency in
Multilingual Education by Planning Service and BLD (MTB-MLE) Program Implementation Policy Action: -English
Policy, guided by the ● ALIVE ● Revise the Mother Tongue- -Filipino
basic principle that, Based Multilingual Education -Mother Tongue (except Tagalog)
among others, learners (MTB-MLE) implementing -Numeracy
learn when taught in a guidelines to determine appropriate
language that they models to account for the diversity *Percentage of learners attaining at
understand of communities and orthography least the minimum level of proficiency in
development for teaching and literacy and numeracy standards
Output indicators:
● Percentage of schools implementing
MTB-MLE in line with the standards
7. We will further Values Education is already ● DO 19 s. 2019 - Policy Guidelines Policy Action: Outcome indicators:
intensify the values integrated in the K to 12 on the K to 12 Basic Education ● Implement the IRR of GMRC ● Learners satisfaction rating on
formation of learners Curriculum to provide and Program Rights-based Education (RbE)
in curriculum and promote values education at all ● DO 41, S. 2003 – Values Education
teaching, particularly levels of education system for in the Basic Education Curriculum
through the Good the development of the human ● DO 32 s. 2013 - Reiterating DECS Output indicators:
Manners and Right person committed to the building DepEd Order No. 53 s. 2001 ● Number of GMRC and Values Ed
Conduct and Values of “a just and humane society” (Strengthening the Protection of curriculum materials produced
Education in and an independent and Religious Rights of Students)
adherence to Republic democratic nation. This is to
Act 11476 ensure that the core values of
Maka-Diyos, Makatao,
Makakalikasan, and Makabansa
are instilled among the learners.
8. We will embed the DepEd - DRRMS in partnership ● DO 62 s. 2011 - Adopting the ● Curricular intervention through Outcome indicators:
culture of peace in our with UNICEF developed the National Indigenous Peoples (IP) unpacking and alignment of peace ● Learners satisfaction rating on Rights-
curriculum to develop documentation of Good Practices Education Policy Framework competencies across learning based Education (RbE)
learners who are peace on Schools and Communities in ● DO 46 S. 2013 - Guidelines on the areas
builders in Armed Conflict Situations to Madrasah Education Program and Output indicators:
communities showcase studies of notable Utilization of the Support Fund ● Number of curriculum materials
peace-building practices and ● DO 40 s. 2011 - Amendment to produced aligned to the peace
initiatives on establishing and DepEd Order 51 s. 2004 (Standard education
maintaining learners and schools Curriculum for Elementary Public
as zones of peace. Schools and Private Madaris
● DO 32 s. 2019 - National Policy
Framework on Learners and Schools
as Zones of Peace
9. We will integrate Climate change concepts are Basic Education Curriculum (BEC) ● Field Validation of the Learning Outcome indicators:
“peace competencies” currently integrated in Science, ● DO 19 s. 2019 - Policy Guidelines Resource Packages (LRPs) ● Learners satisfaction rating on Rights-
such as social Health AP, EsP, Math, English, on the K to 12 Basic Education onEnvironmental Education across based Education (RbE)
awareness EPP & TLE, Music, Art, and PE Program the K to 12 Curriculum
responsibility, care for ● DO 32 s. 2019 - National Policy ● Curriculum unpacking and
the environment, value DRRMS has been promoting Framework on Learners and Schools alignment of peace competencies Output indicators:
for diversity, self- climate education and resiliency as Zones of Peace across learning areas ● Number of curriculum materials
esteem, positive through different programs, ● DO 37, S. 2015 – THE produced aligned to the peace
character, resilience, projects, and activities aligned COMPREHENSIVE DISASTER RISK Policy Action: education
and human security with the K to 12 curriculum. REDUCTION AND MANAGEMENT ● Enhanced curriculum
into the various (DRRM) IN BASIC EDUCATION incorporating peace competencies
learning areas of the K FRAMEWORK
to 12 Curriculum
10.We will be Confidential in nature (current) BEC ● DepEd offices openness to Outcome indicator:
transparent with ● DO 19 s. 2019 - Policy Guidelines share curriculum guides to ● Level of stakeholders engagement in
curriculum guides. We on the K to 12 Basic Education requesting party / stakeholders the curriculum development
will share our draft Program
curriculum guides with ● DO 14 s. 2018 - Policy Guidelines Output indicator:
interested education on the Administration of the Revised ● Number of stakeholders involved in
stakeholders to help Philippine Informal Reading Inventory the curriculum development
us develop a robust
11.We will be Not publicly circulated ● INFORMATION SYSTEMS ● Share test data to requesting Outcome indicators:
transparent about our ● DO 36 s. 2014 - Revised Data researchers/stakeholders *Percentage of learners attaining at
test scores. We will Per DO 55, s. 2016, BEA shall Gathering Forms for School Year 2014- least the minimum level of proficiency in
make our test data only provide and release to 2015 and Data Dictionary of the literacy and numeracy standards
available for external stakeholders the Enhanced Basic Education Information
researchers and assessment data for 10% of the System (EBEIS) Output indicators:
analysts to aid us in actual number of examinees per ● DO 45 s. 2017 - Guidelines on the ● Number of external and internal
making evidence- year. Updating the Basic Education Statistics researchers accessed to test scores as
based policy decisions for the Beginning of School Year 2017- basis for program/ policy formulation
2018 in the Learners Information
System and Enhanced Basic Education
● DO 32 s. 2018 - Policy Guidelines
on the Collection of Data/ Information
Requirements for Beginning School
Year 2018-2019 in the Learner
Information System and Enhanced
Basic Education Information System
12.We will share Currently not shared with NASBE Policy Action: Outcome indicators:
sample test items with teachers ● DO 8 S. 2015 – Policy Guidelines on ● Amend DepEd Order 55 s.2016 ● % of teachers with satisfactory rating
schools and teachers Classroom Assessment for the K To 12 and define protocols in sharing in the classroom observations (focus on
to strengthen the use Basic Education Program sample test items the “assessment” domain in PPST)
of assessment to ● DO 27 s. 2022 - Conduct of Rapid
improve the teaching Assessment in School Year 2021-2022 Output indicators:
and learning process for Learning Recovery as well as in ● Number of improved curriculum
Preparation for the 2024 Baseline materials aligned with the national
System Assessment assessment standards
● DO 17 s. 2020 - Additional ● Number of teachers trained on the
Provisions to DepED Order No. 13 s. use of assessment result to improve
2020 (Readiness Assessment Checklist teaching and learning process
for Learning Delivery Modalities in the
Learning Continuity Plan of Private
13.We will engage with ● Conducted Senior High ● IMMERSION PROGRAM Policy Action: Outcome indicators:
CHED and TESDA, and School Tracer Study by BCD ● BEC ● With CHED, the adoption of ● % of SHS graduates enrolled in the
various industry ● Conducted Consultations with ● DO 32 s. 2016 - Addendum to clearly defined requirements for the SHS track-aligned programs in:
partners to address the the Academe and Industry DepEd Order 3 s. 2016 (Hiring entry of completers of basic ○ Higher Education
issue of skills Sector on SHS Curriculum Guidelines for Senior High School education in higher education, and ○ Technical Vocational Skills
mismatch in our Senior (SHS) Teaching Positions Effective to ensure the complementarity of Education
High School Program School Year (SY) 2016-2017) basic and higher education. ● % of SHS graduates employed by
● DO 30, S. 2017 – Guidelines For the industry.
Work Immersion
● DO 40 s. 2015 - Guidelines on K to Output indicators:
12 Partnerships ● Number of industry partners
engaged in the curriculum development
(with MOA in partnership)
14.To make our There are companies who have ● Senior High School Voucher Outcome indicators:
graduates employable, doubts on SHS graduates Program ● Senior High School curriculum ● Percentage of SHS graduates hired
we will appeal to the competencies ● Learning Tools and Equipment - review and revision after graduation
industry, and to TechVoc and Livelihood ● Development of research ● Percentage of SHS learners
employers, to accept ● Joint Delivery Voucher Program instrument and orientation of the completed work immersion
our students in work (JDVP) for Senior High School Regional and Division focal for requirements
immersions, and hire Technical Vocational and Livelihood SHS Tracer Study SY 2018-2019
them when they Specializations and onwards Output indicators:
graduate. ● Number of industry partners with
● DO 40 s. 2015 - Guidelines on K to Policy Action: MOA in work immersions
12 Partnerships ● Establish Industry Boards in ● Number of companies / employers
● DO 30, S. 2017 – Guidelines For order to assist in providing labor employed K-12 graduates
Work Immersion market information, updating of ● Number of companies / employers
curricula, and upskilling of the accepted SHS learners for the work
learners immersion program
● With the CSC and DOLE, study ● Duration of school-to-work transition
and update the qualification of SHS graduates
standards for suitable positions, in
both the public and private sectors,
for completers of basic education
TAke steps to accelerate the delivery of basic education facilities and services
1. We have recently SIMO is finalizing its workplan ● DepEd Order 1 s.2023: Revised ● Develop a monitoring tool Outcome indicators:
created the School charging to BEFF-EAO which will Designation of Undersecretaries and (application) to engage different ● Proportion of schools and community
Infrastructure and include the funding for the Assistant Secretaries to their Strands stakeholders to validate and learning centers (CLCs) achieving ideal
Facilities Strand. This development of the monitoring and Functional Areas of provide feedback on newly ratio on classroom
strand will be devoted application Responsibilities and Revised Signing established and repaired ● Proportion of schools with functional
entirely to addressing Authorities classrooms. library, and faculty’s/teachers’ room
long-standing issues ● DO 35, S. 2017 – Revised
on educational Guidelines On The Implementation of Policy Action: Output indicators:
facilities and the Basic Educational Facilities Fund ● Issue a DepEd Order to ● No. of CLCs constructed
infrastructure ● BEFF formally create the SIMO
● Gabaldon
We will build more ● In FY 2022, DepEd has ● DepEd Order 64 s. 2017: ● Assess the implementation of Outcome indicators:
resilient schools and constructed 11,574 classrooms Establishing the Minimum Performance DepEd Order 64 s.2017 and 6 ● Proportion of schools and community
classrooms. For 2023, ● Recurring problem on design, Standards and Specifications for s.2021 learning centers (CLCs) achieving ideal
we have the budget to substandard construction DepEd School Buildings ratio on classroom
build around 6,000 ● 104,536 of schools buildings ● DepEd Order 6 s.2021: Re- Policy Action: chapter 12: social infra (PDP)
classrooms are in good condition Establishment of Minimum ● (Proposed Policy Agenda) Classroom-to-pupil ratio (same with
● 100,072 school buildings Performance Standards and Issue an updated performance bullet 1 BEMEF)
need minor repair Specifications for DepEd School standards and specifications for Water and sanitation (Watsan) facility to
● 89,252 school buildings need Buildings Using Alternative DepEd School buildings pupil ratio
major repair ● DO 35, S. 2017 – Revised
● 21,727 school buildings are Guidelines On The Implementation of Output indicators:
for condemnation the Basic Educational Facilities Fund ● No. of classrooms constructed
● 8,740 school buildings have ● Revised Implementing Rules and according to standards and
been condemned or for Regulations of RA 9184 (Government specifications
demolition Procurement Reform Act) ● watsan, faculty rooms, library, etc?
3. We will commit to 158,779 classrooms are needed ● BEFF Policy question: Outcome indicators:
close the remaining to be constructed based on the ● QRF ● Do we maintain the current ● Proportion of schools and community
gaps in school latest computed classroom ● ODA planning parameters on the learning centers (CLCs) achieving ideal
infrastructure with requirement ● LMS classroom and teacher to learner ratio on classroom
policies to eliminate ● DO 35, S. 2017 – Revised ratio? ● Client satisfactory rating of DepEd
corruption, and Guidelines On The Implementation of offices’ respective stakeholders [on the
insulate the allocation the Policy Action: financial resource management systems
of school building ● Request DBM for the and processes in DepEd]
funds from withdrawal of the plan to devolve
politicization the School Building Program Output indicators:
● No. of classrooms constructed
according to standards and
4. We will establish In BEDP 2030, DepEd targets to ● DO 56, S. 2011 – Standards For Policy question: Outcome indicators:
fully-functional library have a fully-functional library Philippine Libraries ● How efficient is the Proportion of SDOs with (Elementary
hubs in our division hubs to all schools by the end of ● DO 35, S. 2017 – Revised implementation of existing library and secondary) with functional library
offices 2030. Guidelines On The Implementation of hubs? Will it be more efficient if we hubs
the Basic Educational Facilities Fund establish libraries in every school?
Output indicators:
● No. of functional library hubs
5. We will provide ● 38,060 (96.9%) elementary ● BEFF Policy action: Outcome indicators:
schools with schools have electricity supply ● DO 35, S. 2017 – Revised ● Formulate guidelines on the BEMEF EM #3: Proportion of schools
electricity. In the next 5 ● 9,553 (95.7%) Junior High Guidelines On The Implementation of electrification of schools for the (Elementary and Secondary) with
years, we will work Schools have electricity supply the Basic Educational Facilities Fund complete electrification of all public connection to electricity
towards providing ● 6,881 (92.7%) Senior High schools and learning centers SDG Commitment: Proportion of
electricity especially in Schools have electricity Supply schools with access to electricity
our last-mile schools
6. We will provide e- ● 75.68% of Elementary ● DCP ● Update inventory and develop Outcome indicators:
classroom packages schools have access to ● DO 78, S. 2010 – Guidelines on the info system for ICT tools and ● Proportion of schools achieving ideal
for teaching and computers as of 2021 Implementation of the Deped equipment ratio on ICT Package/E-classroom
learning. Each package ● 82.26% of JHS have access Computerization Program (DCP) ● Proportion of schools (elementary,
will consist of 46 to computers as of 2021 ● DO 46, S. 2011 – Revised JHS, and SHS) with access to
laptops, 2 charging ● 80.83% of SHS have access Guidelines on the Implementation of computers for pedagogical purposes
carts, 2 wireless to computers as of 2021 the Deped Internet Connectivity Project (SDG)
routers, and 1 smart ● 2,413,046 computer units (DICP)
TV. This will accelerate (notebook/netbook, android ● INTERNET CONNECTIVITY Output indicators:
the integration of ICT tablet, tablet PC, Desktop, and ● FLO ● No. of of ICT packages procured
in teaching and Desktop Virtual Terminal) have ● % of schools recipient of ICT
learning and been provided to schools and packages
institutionalize blended learners ● No of ICT packages delivered to
learning schools and CLCs
7. We will optimize the ● 25,164 (64.1%) of Elementary ● DCP Policy Action: Outcome indicators:
use of technology, Schools have internet ● INTERNET CONNECTIVITY ● Amend or update existing ● Proportion of schools and community
both online and offline, connectivity ● FLO policies, such as the Learning learning centers (CLCs) achieving ideal
to ensure that learners ● 7,296 (73.1%) of Junior High ● DO 78, S. 2010 – Guidelines on the Resources Management and ratio on:-Learning resources and
have opportunities to Schools have internet Implementation of the Deped Development System (LRMDS) learning materials (LRs and LMs)
learn even in the event connectivity Computerization Program (DCP) and adopt the National Education -Science and Math equipment
of a pandemic or other ● 5,092 (68.6%) of Senior High ● DO 46, S. 2011 – Revised Portal to promote access of -Multimedia package
emergencies Schools have internet Guidelines on the Implementation of teachers and instructors to
connectivity the Deped Internet Connectivity Project available learning resources, and SDG:
(DICP) to support blended learning ● Proportion of schools with access to
● DO 76, S. 2011 – National Adoption instruction, innovative pedagogies the Internet for pedagogical purposes
and Implementation of the Learning and online evaluation and
Resources Management And assessment. ● Proportion of schools with learning
Development System (LRMDS) ● Institutionalize flexible learning continuity plan and sufficient resources
options and blended learning to continue education amidst the
strategies to address different emergencies
learning needs of learners
Output indicators:
● % of schools provided with
accessible internet connection
● No. of online and offline resources
produced for learning continuity amidst
emergencies ( as needed)
8. We will digitize our DepEd has piloted the computer- ● DCP ● Revival of the enhanced BEIS Outcome indicators:
essential processes, based National Achievement ● DO 78, S. 2010 – Guidelines on the ● Opening up datasets generated ● Client satisfactory rating of DepEd
including our national Test Implementation of the Deped from DepEd’s Information Systems offices’ respective stakeholders (internal
assessments Computerization Program (DCP) for actionable insights & external) [on the user interface and
● National Education Portal (NEP) ● Digitization of learners’ school accessibility of digitized national
forms and usage of Artificial assessments]
Intelligence to lessen the ancillary ● % of schools with access to digital
tasks of teachers national assessments
Output indicators:
● Number of national assessments
conducted using the digitized version
● Number of national assessments
materials translated into computer-
based/digital platform
9. We will launch our There are four education portal ● DCP ● Adoption of the National Outcome indicators:
National Education which are Learning Resource ● DO 78, S. 2010 – Guidelines on the Education Portal ● Efficiency rate on utilizing the NEP
Portal or NEP, which Portal, Learning Management Implementation of the Deped ● Number of learners, parents,
will provide a dynamic System, E-Saliksik, and Computerization Program (DCP) teachers, and stakeholders accessed
“one-stop-shop” Assessment Registration and ● DO 14 s. 2022 - Adoption of E- the NEP
platform available to all Administration Saliksik: The DepEd Research Portal ● Client satisfactory rating of DepEd
basic education ● DO 76, S. 2011 – National Adoption offices’ respective stakeholders (internal
stakeholders, such as Through the Office Order No and Implementation of the Learning & external)
teachers, learners, and 2022-062, s. 2022, the National Resources Management And
parents. The NEP will Education Portal-Technical Development System (LRMDS) Output indicators:
substantially cut down Working Group was created ● NEP ● Presence of NEP
the manual process,
reduce transaction
costs and eliminate
errors due to human
10.We will strengthen Actual accomplishments ● ESC Policy Action: Outcome indicators:
the complementarity SY 2021-2022 ● SHS Voucher Program ● Review and amend the ● Proportion of eligible private schools
between public and ● DO 38 s. 2016 - Clarifications and guidelines in implementing receiving government assistance
private schools ESC - 1,018,773 Additional Information to DepEd Order programs under the Expanded ● Proportion of teachers in private
through the seamless (89%) No. 26 s. 2015 (Detailed Guidelines on Government Assistance to schools receiving teacher salary subsidy
implementation of the SHSVP - 1,138,623 the Implementation of the Senior High Students and Teachers in Private ● Percentage of recognized schools or
Government (83%) School (SHS) Voucher Program) Education, or E-GASTPE, as schools with recognition
Assistance and ● DO 32 s. 2022 - Guidelines on provided for by Republic Act 8545, EM#3 (BEDP) Proportion of schools
Subsidies program of Eligibility and Application for Senior to expand access, ensure achieving ideal ratio on classroom and
the DepEd with the High School Voucher Program for relevance, and improve teachers
creation of the School Year 2022-2023 implementation mechanisms.
Voucher Program ● DO 18 s. 2016 - Policies and Output indicators:
Management Office Guidelines on the Implementation of ● Number of private schools
the Government Assistance to Students implementing E-GASTPE in line with the
and Teachers in Private Education standards
(GASTPE) Program Effective School ● (PREXC) No. of Grantees:
Year 2016-2017 ○ ESC (JHS)
● DO 20, S. 2017 – Guidelines on the ○ SHS (Voucher)
Implementation of the Educational ○ JDVP
Service Contracting and Teachers’
Salary Subsidy Programs in Junior High
School Effective School Year 2017-
● DO 01, S. 2018 – Amendment to
DepEd Order No. 20, S. 2017
(Guidelines on the Implementation of
the Educational Service Contracting
and Teachers’ Salary Subsidy
Programs in Junior High School for
School Year 2017-2018)
11.Working with Final draft is undergoing legal ● DepEd Order 88 s. 2010: 2010 Policy Action: Outcome indicators:
private school review Revised Manual of Regulations for ● Amend existing policies on the ● Percentage of recognized schools or
organizations, we will Private Schools regulation of private schools and schools with recognition
also speed up the ● DepEd Order 11 s.2011: their associations in basic
issuance of the Amendments to the 2010 Revised education for: (1) consistency with Output indicators:
Revised Manual of Manual of Regulations for Private education reforms such as the K to ● Presence of revised Manual of
Regulation for Private Schools in Basic Education 12 basic education program, and Regulation for Private Schools
Schools ● DO 41 s. 2022 - Amendment to the restructuring of the
DepEd Order No. 88 s. 2010 (Revised Department, (2) streamlining the
Manual of Regulations for Private process on granting of authority
Schools) and increase of tuition and
● ESC miscellaneous fees for efficiency
● DO 20, S. 2017 – Guidelines on the and effectiveness, and (3)
Implementation of the Educational strengthening mechanisms for
Service Contracting and Teachers’ deterrence, inspection, and
Salary Subsidy Programs in Junior High imposing administrative liability to
School Effective School Year 2017- private schools over violations of
2018 the Department’s policies and
● Develop standards for Senior
High School and other education
programs which can also be
provided by private schools such
as, but not limited to, multigrade
and special education.
● Adopt standards for the
12.We will work closely Currently, ESC is for JHS and ● ESC regulation
Policy over schools
question: what willand
be the Outcome indicators:
with Congress in Voucher is for SHS learners ● Vouchers learning
extent ofcenters
financialoperated by
requirements? ● Proportion of eligible private schools
pushing for the ● DO 18 s. 2016 - Policies and communities and other receiving government assistance
expansion of GASTPE Guidelines on the Implementation of organizations which are ● Proportion of private school K-6
coverage to include the Government Assistance to Students unclassified as private schools. learners received ESC subsidy
kindergarten and Teachers in Private Education
(GASTPE) Program Effective School Output indicators:
Year 2016-2017 ● Number of eligible private schools
implementing expanded GASTPE
coverage in line with the standards
13. For our BARMM There are 176 classrooms ● DO 36, s. 2022 - Protocols and Outcome indicators:
brothers, sisters and targeted to be constructed in Guidelines on the Submission, Receipt, ● Proportion of eligible private schools
learners, we will BARRM under the GAA 2022. and Processing of Requests related to receiving government assistance
always make ourselves the School Building Program
available to provide ● ESC Output indicators:
technical expertise. We ● Vouchers ● Types of support provided to
will fully support your ● MEP BARMM in terms of School Building
School Building Program and GASTPE
Program and GASTPE ● Number of engagements / technical
direction assistance provided to BARMM
14.The Department of There are teachers who never ● DO 31 s. 2022 - Child Rights Policy: Issuance of Guidelines and setting Outcome indicators:
Education is not received legal assistance against Adopting the Rights-Based Education up mechanisms and protocols ● Efficiency rate (Turnaround time) of
without legal loan sharks Framework in Philippine Basic response to legal concerns/cases
problems, but we will Education ● Client satisfactory rating of DepEd
cooperate with ● DO 40 s. 2012 - DepEd Child offices’ respective stakeholders (internal
government agencies Protection Policy & external)
for a swift and truthful
resolution of these Output indicators:
issues ● No. of legal concerns/ cases
resolved or responded to
15.Effective education MR was completed and ● DO 19 s. 2019 - Policy Guidelines Outcome indicators:
governance is crucial implemented on the K to 12 Basic Education ● Proportion of schools achieving the
in accelerating the Program ideal SBM level of practice
achievement of
education outcomes Output indicators:
● % of schools provided with technical
assistance on SBM
TAke good care of learners by promoting learner well-being, inclusive education, and a positive learning environment.
1. As part of our ● There are 67 Last Mile ● ALS Policy Action: Outcome indicators:
National Statement of Schools constructed under the ● SPED ● Expand the Alternative Learning * Participation rate of out-of school
Commitment in the FY 2020 to 2022 fund. ● IPED System and other inclusion children and out-of school youth
Transforming ● Last Miles Schools programs to reach the hard-to- * ALS Completion Rate
Education Summit, the ● Rural Farm School reach areas (GIDAs) and out-of- * Retention Rate of learners in situations
DepEd reaffirms its ● DO 13 s. 2019 - Policy Guidelines school youth, adults, and children of disadvantage
pledge to ensure that on the Implementation of Enhanced ● Revise the implementing
all school-age children Alternative Learning System 2.0 guidelines for existing inclusion ● Proportion of learners in situation of
and youth, and adults ● DO 23 s. 2022 - Child Find Policy programs such as Special disadvantage transition to next key
in situations of for Learners with Disabilities Towards Education Program, Indigenous stage
disadvantage are Inclusive Education Peoples Education, Multigrade -ELEMENTARY: % Disparity in
participating in ● DO 44 s. 2021-Policy Guidelines on Education Program, and Madrasah transition rate
inclusive basic the Provision of Educational Programs Education Program to ensure - SECONDARY: % Disparity in transition
learning opportunities and Services for Learners with relevance and implementation rate
and receiving Disabilities in the K to 12 Basic effectiveness.
appropriate quality Education Program ● Revise the implementing ● Percentage of learners in situations of
education ● DO 72 s. 2009 - Inclusive Education guidelines of ADMs such as rural disadvantage (disaggregated by group)
as a Strategy for Increasing farm schools and Modified in achieved at least the minimum level of
Participation Rate of Children School Off School Approach proficiency in (a) functional literacy, (b)
(MISOSA) to improve quality and numeracy, and (c) 21st century skills
access of learners to these
programs. Output Indicators:
● Revise the implementing ● Number of learners enrolled in
guidelines and content for inclusive education programs
consistency with the enhanced
curriculum or the ALS-K to 12
2. We will undertake ● There are 1,574,191 muslim BEC Basic Education
Policy Action: Curriculum Outcome indicators:
initiatives to provide learners enrolled and 180,423 MULTIGRADE particularly
● Expand the SHS and the Learning
Alternative ● Participation Rate of Out-of-school
schooling to many ALIVE learners in SY 2021-2022 ALS institutionalization
System of the
and other inclusion children (OSC) and Out-of-school youth
more children and ● 1,681,305 of CCT/4Ps SPED administration
programs of the
to reach theA&E exam for
hard-to- (OSY)
youth in situations of recipients are enrolled in SY IPED the ALS
reach program.
areas (GIDAs) and out-of- ● Proportion of learners in situation of
disadvantage, 2021-2022 MEP school youth, adults, and children disadvantage transition to next key
regardless of gender, ● 137,828 learners with Last Miles Schools ● Revise the implementing stage
abilities, psycho- disabilities were enrolled in SY Rural Farm School guidelines for existing inclusion -ELEMENTARY: % Disparity in
emotional and physical 2021-2022 ● DO 13 s. 2019 - Policy Guidelines programs such as Special transition rate
conditions, cultural ● There are 5,001 SPED on the Implementation of Enhanced Education Program, Indigenous - SECONDARY: % Disparity in transition
and religious identity, teachers as of 31 August 2022 Alternative Learning System 2.0 Peoples Education, Multigrade rate
and socio-economic ● DO 23 s. 2022 - Child Find Policy Education Program, and Madrasah
standing for Learners with Disabilities Towards Education Program to ensure Output indicator:
Inclusive Education relevance and implementation ● Percentage of schools implementing
● DO 44 s. 2021-Policy Guidelines on effectiveness. inclusive education programs in line with
the Provision of Educational Programs ● Revise the implementing the standards
and Services for Learners with guidelines of ADMs such as rural
Disabilities in the K to 12 Basic farm schools and Modified in
Education Program School Off School Approach
● DO 72 s. 2009 - Inclusive Education (MISOSA) to improve quality and
as a Strategy for Increasing access of learners to these
Participation Rate of Children programs.
● RA 10618 - An Act Establishing ● Revise the implementing
3. We will strengthen There are initial steps on this Rural Farm Schools as Alternative
GAD guidelines
Policy and content for
Action: Outcome indicators:
and institutionalize the aspect spearheaded by DRRMS IPEDDelivery Mode of Secondary Education consistency with
Enhancement theinclusive
of all enhanced ● Learners satisfaction rating on
reintegration program and Appropriating Funds Therefor
MEP curriculumprogram
education or the ALS-K to 12 Rights-based Education (RbE)
for adolescent ALS Basic Education Curriculum
mothers, Children at ● DO 32 s. 2017 - Gender- particularly SHS
Revitalization and theeducation
of Peace Output indicators:
Risk (CAR), and Responsive Basic Education Policy institutionalization of the ● No. of guidelines issued relative to
Children in Conflict ● DO 27 s. 2013 - Guidelines and administration of the A&E exam for the implementation of program for
with the Law (CICL) by Procedure on the Establishment or the ALS program. adolescent, mothers, CAR, and CICL
developing inclusive DepEd Gender and Development
models and (GAD) Focal Point System (GFPS) at
mechanisms the Regional, Division and School
applicable to both Levels
formal and non-formal
4. We will continue to There existing programs, policies ● DepEd Order 55 s.2013: Policy Action: Outcome indicators:
strengthen the and mechanisms established Implementing Rules and Regulations ● Formally create the LRPO ● Learners satisfaction rating on
mechanism in such as Child Protection (IRR) of Republic Act (RA) No. 10627 ● Formulate a policy focusing on Rights-based Education (RbE)
safeguarding our Committee in every School, Otherwise Known as the Anti-Bullying anti-bullying to ensure that cases ● Retention rate
learners against all School Governance Council, etc Act of 2013 and instances of all kinds of ● Drop out rate
forms of discrimination ● DO 31 s. 2022 - Child Rights Policy: bullying (physical, emotional,
and dangers. Our Adopting the Rights-Based Education cyber) are closely monitored at Output indicators:
Learners Rights and Framework in Philippine Basic schools and learning centers. The ● Number of schools implementing
Protection Office Education policy shall also include provisions child-protection mechanisms in line with
(LRPO) has been ● DO 40 s. 2012 - DepEd Child on prohibited acts, prevention, and the standards
acting on the reported Protection Policy intervention programs,
cases ranging from all mechanisms, and procedures.
kinds of bullying, many
forms of abuse,
corporal punishment,
discrimination, and
child neglect
5. We will improve our There existing programs, policies ● CPP Policy Action:
learning environments and mechanisms established BEC ● Update the Child Protection
to encourage support, such as Child Protection ● MULTIGRADE Policy to operationalize RA 10821,
discourage bullying; Committee in every School, ● IPED otherwise known as the Children’s
strengthen the School Governance Council, etc ● MEP Emergency Relief and Protection
implementation of ● SPED Act, and ensure consistency with Outcome indicators:
child protection ● ALS other education reforms ● Learners satisfaction rating on
policies; make ● DO 40 s. 2012 - DepEd Child Rights-based Education (RbE)
students feel safe and Protection Policy ● Retention rate
respected; and make ● DO 63 s. 2010 - Enhancing DepEd ● Drop out rate
them, including our IP Order #81 s. 2009 “Strengthening the
learners and those Implementation of the Multigrade Output indicators:
with disabilities, feel Education Program in Philippine ● Percentage of schools implementing
that they belong Education child-protection mechanisms in line with
● DO 31 s. 2022 - Child Rights Policy: the standards
Adopting the Rights-Based Education
Framework in Philippine Basic
● DepEd Order 55 s.2013:
Implementing Rules and Regulations
6. We commit to There are initial steps on this ● Medical/Dental
(IRR) Program
of Republic Act (RA) No. 10627 Policy Action: Outcome indicators:
seeking out mental aspect spearheaded by DRRMS ● School Sports
Otherwise Known as the Anti-Bullying ● Develop a policy that shall ● Proportion of schools with functional
wellness experts to ●
ActDO 28 s. 2018 - Policy and
of 2013 promote mental health and guidance and counseling program
form interventions at Guidelines on Oplan Kalusugan sa guidance counseling in basic
the school level Department of Education education including handling of Output indicators:
learners with mental health ● No. of issued guidelines relative to
concerns. mental health and guidance counselling
7. We will also ensure There are 245 guidance ● Creation of Plantilla positions Policy Action: Outcome indicators:
that all learners have coordinator and 5,381 guidance ● DepEd Counseling and Referral ● Develop a policy that shall ● Increase rate of RGCs employed in
access to relevant counselor System for Learners promote mental health and DepEd per year
guidance and psycho- ● Republic Act No. 11036, otherwise guidance counseling in basic
social services known as the Mental Health Act education including handling of Output indicators:
managed and delivered ● RA 11650 - An act Instituting a learners with mental health ● No. of issued guidelines relative to
by mental health Policy of Inclusion and Services for concerns mental health and guidance counselling
professionals. To Learners with Disabilities in Support of ● With the CSC, revise the mechanisms
achieve this, we will Inclusive Education, Establishing qualification standards for
work with the Inclusive Learning Resource Centers of guidance counselors
Department of Budget Learners with Disabilities in all School
and Management to Districts, Municipalities and Cities,
obtain higher salary Providing for Standards Appropriating
grades for guidance Funds Therefor, and for Other
counselors and Purposes
propose the creation of ● DO 12 s. 2020 - Adoption of the
additional items that Basic Education Learning Continuity
will focus on providing Plan for School Year 2020-2021 in the
learner support Light of the COVID-19 Public Health
services, including Emergency
services in schools
8. We will strengthen Inclusive programs are in-placed ● MULTIGRADE Policy Action: Outcome indicators:
our inclusive but need alignment and ● ALS, ● Expand the Alternative Learning ● Participation Rate of Out-of-school
education programs, rethinking ● Last Mile Schools, System and other inclusion children (OSC) and Out-of-school youth
including the ● IPED programs to reach the hard-to- (OSY)
alternative learning ● SPED reach areas (GIDAs) and out-of- ● ALS Completion Rate
system, last mile ● MADRASAH school youth, adults, and children ● ALS A&E passing rate
schools, and programs ● DO 63 s. 2010 - Enhancing DepEd ● Revise the implementing ● Proportion of learners in situation of
for IP learners and Order #81 s. 2009 “Strengthening the guidelines for existing inclusion disadvantage transition to next key
learners with Implementation of the Multigrade programs such as Special stage
disabilities. We will Education Program in Philippine Education Program, Indigenous ● Retention rate of learners in situation
endeavor that all Education Peoples Education, and Madrasah of disadvantage
learners, no matter ● DO 23 s. 2022 - Child Find Policy Education Program to ensure ● Percentage of learners in situations
what their for Learners with Disabilities Towards relevance and implementation of disadvantage (disaggregated by
backgrounds are, will Inclusive Education effectiveness. group) achieved at least the minimum
be afforded quality ● DO 46 S. 2013 - Guidelines on the ● Revise the implementing level of proficiency in (a) functional
learning opportunities Madrasah Education Program and guidelines for ADMs such as rural literacy, (b) numeracy, and (c) 21st
and services Utilization of the Support Fund farm schools and Modified in century skills
● DO 44 s. 2021-Policy Guidelines on School Off School Approach
the Provision of Educational Programs (MISOSA) to improve quality and Output indicators:
and Services for Learners with access of learners to these ● No. of students enrolled in ALS
Disabilities in the K to 12 Basic programs. program
Education Program ● Revise the implementing ● No. of enrolled IP students
● DO 72 s. 2009 - Inclusive Education guidelines and content for ● No. of enrolled students with
as a Strategy for Increasing consistency with the enhanced disability
Participation Rate of Children curriculum or the ALS-K to 12
Basic Education Curriculum
9. We will continue Need to compete the provision DO 45 s. 2021 - Policy Guidelines on particularly
● ConductSHS and evaluation
process the of Outcome indicators:
with the establishment for all regions the Selection of and Minimum institutionalization
the of the
ILRC implementation ● Proportion of learners in situation of
of Inclusive Learning Requirements for the Conversion of administration of the A&E exam for disadvantage transition to next key
Resource Centers Certain Schools with SPED Centers the ALSAction:
Policy program. stage
(ILRCs). Into Prototype Inclusive Learning ● None as the ILRC is presently ● Retention rate of learners in situation
Resource Centers implemented in phases of disadvantage
● Percentage of learners in situations
of disadvantage (disaggregated by
group) achieved at least the minimum
level of proficiency in (a) functional
literacy, (b) numeracy, and (c) 21st
century skills
● Completion rate
Output indicators:
10.We will provide SPED Policy Action: ● Numberindicators:
Outcome of ILRCs established
assessment assistive LRs ● Provide sufficient, relevant, and according to
Proportion ofstandards
schools and CLCs
mechanisms such as DCP appropriate teaching and learning achieving ideal ratio on learning
audio-assisted Inclusive Education Program resources and materials resources and learning materials, and
technology, Braille, ● DO 45 s. 2021 - Policy Guidelines multimedia package [appropriate for
and large-print test on the Selection of and Minimum learners with disabilities]
materials to students Requirements for the Conversion of
with disabilities. We Certain Schools with SPED Centers Output indicators:
will introduce digital Into Prototype Inclusive Learning ● Number of procured assistive
textbooks for certain Resource Centers devices per year
core subjects in Senior ● DO 78, S. 2010 – Guidelines on the ● Number of SHS learning materials
High School Implementation of the Deped digitized
Computerization Program (DCP)
● Learning Tools and Equipment -
Technical Vocational and Livelihood
11.We will work with There are pockets of excellence Equipment
SPED (LTE-TVL) Policy Action: Outcome indicators:
the regional offices happening in the field which can BEFF ● Provide sufficient, relevant, and Proportion of schools and CLSCs
and our partners to be scaled up to address the need LRs appropriate teaching and learning achieving ideal ratio on learning
facilitate the of learners with hearing DO 45 s. 2021 - Policy Guidelines on resources and materials resources and learning materials, and
development of impairment the Selection of and Minimum multimedia package [appropriate for
learning resources for Requirements for the Conversion of learners with disabilities]
special needs learners, Certain Schools with SPED Centers
specifically our Into Prototype Inclusive Learning Output indicators:
visually and hearing- Resource Centers ● No. of development partners
impaired learners engaged in the development of learning
resources for learners with disabilities
● Number of learning resources for
learners with disabilities developed
12.We will work with There are opportuninies for NLPP Outcome indicators:
legislators and local collaboration between DepED, ALS ● Level of engagement of stakeholders
government units DILG, DSWD and PSA on this IPED and partners in eradicating illiteracy in
through the Literacy matter MEP the community
Coordinating Council ● DO 72 s. 2009 - Inclusive Education ● Proxy indicator: Number of LGUs
to eradicate illiteracy at as a Strategy for Increasing received award for literacy programs
the city, municipal, and Participation Rate of Children granted by LCC
barangay levels ● Literacy rate in the municipality/ city
through relevant policy (PSA)
issuances, and
community literacy
program will involve our DSWD currently implements the
interventions ● Implementation of the Basic ● Parental involvement programs Outcome indicators:
parents and guardians PES. Education Learning Continuity Plan in school ● Level of parental involvement in
in the education of our (BE-LCP). ● Coordinate with DSWD in basic education
children ● Republic Act No. (RA) 11908 implementing RA 11908
establishes and implements the “Parent
Effectiveness Service (PES) Program” Policy Action:
that aims to strengthen parental Issuance of policy guidelines on
involvement in child development and parental involvement in the
learning by expanding their knowledge education of their children
and skills on parenting.
Give support to teachers to teach better
1. We will ● NEAP designed upskilling ● HRTD ● Provision of capacity Outcome indicators:
continuously provide and reskilling programs for nearly ● DO 30 s. 2021 - Multi-Year development programs for ● % of teachers graduated from
professional 1 million teachers Implementing Guidelines on the teachers, non-teaching personnel scholarship programs provided by
development ● 15,331 teachers and school Allocation and Utilization of the Human and school leaders (teacher and DepEd (graduation rate of teachers in
programs, including leaders received graduate Resource Development Fund for school leaders' competence) the scholarship program)
graduate degree scholarships Teachers and School Leaders ● % of teachers moved to the next
scholarship programs ● 17,636 trained in early grade ● OPDNSP career stage (beginning, proficient,
to teachers focusing language literacy ● DO 35 s. 2016 - The Learning highly proficient, distinguished)
on their learning area ● 161,700 completed NEAP- Action Cell as a K to 12 Basic
specialization and subsidized teaching courses Education Program School-Based Output indicators:
graduate certificate ● 31,700 teachers undergone Continuing Professional Development ● No. of teaching and teaching related
programs for non- Teacher Induction Program Strategy for the Improvement of staff trained (BAR-1)
majors As of December 2022 NEAP Teaching and Learning ● No. of teaching and teaching related
2. We will provide report ● DO 43 s. 2017 - Teacher Induction
BEC staff provided
Outcome with scholarship
support in terms of Program
● DO 42,Policy
S. 2017 – National Adoption programs/grants
● % of teachers moved to the next
innovative, responsive, and Implementation of the Philippine career stage (beginning, proficient,
and inclusive teaching Professional Standards For Teachers highly proficient, distinguished)
approaches following
the Philippine Output indicators:
Professional ● No. of teaching and teaching related
Standards for staff trained (BAR-1)
Teachers (PPST).
3. We will capacitate The Digital Rise Program is an HRTD Policy Action: Outcome indicators:
our teachers and educational framework that ● DO 30 s. 2021 - Multi-Year ● Issuance of policy Guidelines on ● % of teachers utilized technology in
learners in utilizing anchors to the infrastructure, Implementing Guidelines on the ICT integration on teaching and remote learning modality (from the total
technology in remote software, and capacity building of Allocation and Utilization of the Human learning process number of teachers capacitated)
learning to maximize learners and teachers in Resource Development Fund for
the benefits of digital technology. Teachers and School Leaders Output indicators:
learning DCP ● No. of teaching and teaching related
The Department also partnered ● DO 78, S. 2010 – Guidelines on the staff trained (BAR-1)
with Microsoft and Google to Implementation of the Deped
continuously provide software to Computerization Program (DCP)
its stakeholders. The DepEd ● DO 76, S. 2011 – National Adoption
Commons, Learning Resources and Implementation of the Learning
Portal, and the DLMS are some Resources Management And
of the platforms where learners Development System (LRMDS)
and teachers can access DepEd ● DepEd Commons, LRP, DLMS
contents like the self-learning
4. We will provide HRTD ● Philippine Professional Outcome indicators:
training and other modules, DepEd TV, and DepEd ● DO 30 s. 2021 - Multi-Year Standards for School Heads ● Proportion of schools achieving the
learning and Radio episodes. Implementing Guidelines on the ideal SBM level of practice
development Allocation and Utilization of the Human ● % of school heads/leaders achieving
interventions for Resource Development Fund for the ideal level of practice according to
school leaders, namely Teachers and School Leaders PPSSH.
the school heads, OPDNSP
supervisors, ● DO 24 s. 2020 - National Adoption Output indicators:
superintendents, and and Implementation of the Philippine ● Number of school leaders trained on
assistant Professional Standards for School different learning interventions
superintendents, so Heads
that they can better ● DepEd Memorandum 50, s. 2022 -
support our teachers DepEd Professional Development
5. We will
to teach remove non- Draft policy on work balancing
better Creation of
Priorities forPlantilla
Teachers positions
and School Policy Action: Outcome indicators:
teaching tasks and tool is undergoing legal review Leaders for 2020-2023 ● Review and amend guidelines ● Proportion of schools achieving ideal
provide administrative governing teaching load, ratio on staff who will perform
officers in schools. We assignments, and ancillary administrative tasks
will provide adequate services of teachers to ensure the
manpower compliance with the required eight Output indicators:
complement in (8) hours of work. ● No. of teachers who receive
schools, manage compensation (for unique school
teachers' workload, challenges)
and compensate
teachers for unique
school challenges
6. We will fast-track the Policy guidelines is up for DM 59 s. 20 Dissemination of Policy Action: Outcome indicators:
implementation of the issuance Executive Order No. 174 (Establishing ● Finalize the career progression ● Promotion rate of teachers
career progression the Expanded Career Progression policy
policy, so teachers get System for Public School Teachers) Output indicators:
more opportunities for ● No. of guidelines issued relative to
promotion career progression
7. We will strictly There are reports that favoritism DO 19 s. 2022- The Department of ● Set up of HR monitoring system Outcome indicators:
implement the Merit and other forms of deviations Education Merit Selection Plan ● Recognition level of PRIME HR
Selection Policy so from DepEd policy on hiring and Policy Action:
that HR recruitment, promotions are rampant in the ● Adopt the guidelines on Output indicators:
selection, and field Recruitment, Selection, and ● No. of guidelines issued relative to
appointment to vacant Appointment in DepEd (presently recruitment, selection, and appointment
positions in the DepEd Per DM 2, s.2023, the under legal review) of DepEd personnel
are based on key implementation of the approved
knowledge, skills, DepEd MSP is held in abeyance
attitudes and desired pending the approval of the
behaviors, and not due Guidelines on Recruitment,
to any form of Selection, and Appointment in
intervention from other DepEd
government personnel
8. Within entities
or similar the year, we RR formulation is underway Teacher Quality Program Policy Action: Outcome indicators:
aim to make
outside the new
of DepEd DO 42 s. 2017 - National Adoption and ● Issue and implement the IRR ● Proportion of TEIs that aligned their
Teacher Education Implementation of the Philippine teacher education curriculum to the
Council and Professional Standards for Teachers PPST and basic education curriculum
Secretariat fully
functional and start Output indicators:
working on its ● No. of issued guidelines relative to
mandates, including IRR implementation
setting minimum
requirements for pre-
9. We will Benefits and cash allowances of ● RA 4670 - Magna Carta for Public Policy Action: Outcome indicators:
service teacher
continuously advocate teachers as of 2022: School Teachers ● Issue the Work Balancing policy ● Satisfaction level of teachers on the
education programs
for additional benefitsin ● Performance Based Bonus. ● DO 19 s. 2019 - Policy Guidelines ● Adopt the Guidelines on the workload distribution and compensation
the country
for our teachers ● Clothing Allowance. on the K to 12 Basic Education Distribution of Teacher Workload received
● Mid-year Bonus. Program and Payment of Teaching
● PVP Summer and Christmas Overload Output indicators:
Break. ● % of teachers performing full time
● Chalk Allowance/Teaching and part-time ancillary services
Supplies Allowance.
● DepEd Anniversary
Bonus/Teachers' Day Incentive.
● Year-End Bonus.
● Cash Gift.
10.We will implement Teachers are given excessive ● RA 4670 - Magna Carta for Public Policy Action: Outcome indicators:
the policy on the administrative tasks School Teachers ● Issue the Work Balancing policy ● Satisfaction level of teachers on the
distribution of teacher ● DO 19 s. 2019 - Policy Guidelines ● Adopt the Guidelines on the workload distribution and compensation
workload and payment on the K to 12 Basic Education Distribution of Teacher Workload received
of teaching overload, Program and Payment of Teaching
as provided in the Overload Output indicators:
Magna Carta for Public ● % of teachers performing full time
School Teachers and part-time ancillary services
11.We have also SHA is implemented using a DepEd Order 39 s.2021: Guidelines on Policy Action: Outcome indicators:
requested the hardship Index the Provision of Special Hardship ● Issue the enhanced SHA ● Satisfaction rating of teachers on the
Department of Budget Allowance for Public School Teachers guidelines considering SHA
and Management to
expand the coverage Output indicators:
for the grant of Special ● Proportion of teachers receiving the
Hardship Allowances Special Hardship Allowances
12.We will work Teachers are saddled with DepEd Order 14 s.2019: Policy Action: Outcome indicators:
towards addressing excessive loans Implementation of the P5,000 Net Take ● Reinforce the implementation of ● Number of payroll servicing units per
issues affecting the Home Pay for the Department of the P5,000 net take home pay governance level compliant with the
net-take-home pay of Education Personnel for Fiscal Year guidelines for the implementation of the
teachers 2019 P5,000 Net Take Home Pay
Output indicators:
● % of teachers receiving the minimum
net take home pay
13.We are discussing Currently, P500 is given to each DO 28 s. 2020 - Guidelines on the Management Action: Outcome indicators:
with the Department of teacher for annual check up Grant of Five Hundred Pesos Financial Initiate discussion with DOH and ● Proportion of offices across
Health for the Assistance to Public School Teachers agree on partnership instrument governance levels with at least
provision of free for Payment of Medical Examination satisfactory in the Office Performance
annual physical Expenses Commitment and Review Form
examinations for our (OPCRF)
teachers ● Attendance rate of Teachers
● Satisfaction rating of teachers on the
free APE
Output indicators:
● Percentage of teachers provided with
free annual physical examinations
14.We are also closely Many teacher retirees ended up DepEd Public School Teacher Benefits Management Action: Outcome indicators:
coordinating with the getting very limited benefits after and Incentives ● Initiate regular engagement with ● Client satisfactory rating of teachers
GSIS for an improved retirement - GSIS to achieve the objective on resolution of issues and benefits-
and superior benefits related concerns from GSIS
package for all DepEd DO 20 s. 2021 - Enhanced Guidelines
personnel. We will on Accreditation/Re-Accreditation of Output indicators:
resolve issues on Private Entities Under the Automatic ● Number of issues/concerns resolved
teachers’ loans, Payroll Deduction System Program or responded to.
premium remittances,
and other benefits. We
have committed to
meeting at least once a
month until these
issues are resolved
15.We will provide a No free legal assistance from ● RA 4670 - Magna Carta for Public Policy Action: Outcome indicators:
free legal assistance DepEd School Teachers ● Establish mechanism for free ● Proportion of teachers with at least
facility for teachers on legal assistance to teachers satisfactory in the Individual
matters concerning Performance Commitment and Review
loan contracts, Form (IPCRF)
obligations, and cases. ● Number of teachers accessed to free
legal assistance
Output indicators:
● No. of legal concerns/cases resolved
or responded to
● No. of legal assistance facilities
established per region and SDO.
16.We will recognize ● RA 4670 - Magna Carta for Public Outcome Indicators
the zeal, integrity, School Teachers ● Turnover rate among teachers
commitment and ● DepEd Program on Awards and ● Proportion of teachers achieving the
passion of our Incentives for Service Excellence satisfactory rating in the IPCRF
teachers. (PRAISE) provided under CSC
Resolution No. 010112 and CSC Output indicator:
Memorandum Circular No. 01, s. 2001. ● Number of teachers recognized in
DepEd’s Program on Awards and
Incentives for Service Excellence