Final Curriculum&Assementinterviewpaper

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Sarah calkins

Curriculum and Assessment Investigation and Interview Paper

I investigated and interviewed the creative curriculum and the assessment tools being

used at Kiddie Academy. Kiddie Academy Educational Child Care is a system focused on early

learning. Kiddie Academy uses creative curriculum at their center. As a result, they are focused

primarily on four specific categories that teaching styles and activities are created around to

help the children in the most efficient and positive way possible. These four categories are

social and emotional, physical, cognitive, and language and literacy development and growth.

Kiddie Academy also Uses the Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS) as their main

assessment tool. This helps parents and the centers monitor and watch the progress of the

children throughout the year. Kiddie Academy is a private company. Their mission statement is,

“Every child is unique, and we believe that success and growth come from encouragement and

praise. Our teachers focus on building every child’s self-esteem and confidence through positive

feedback and rewards. We nurture their natural strengths. A child see’s the world around them

with wonder and awe, we believe in encouraging their natural curiosity.” (Kiddie Academy,

20__). The children are grouped into the following age-specific programs: infants (6 weeks to

12 months), toddlers (13 to 24 months), early preschool (2-year-olds), preschool (3-year-old),

pre-kindergarten (4 years old), kindergarten (5 year old), school age (5 to 12 years old, and

summer camp (5 to 12 years old). Activities are based on the developmental stage of every

child. This academy is known for their great communication with the families, the hours its

open – 12 hours a day, and how good they are with inclusion. Kiddie Academy is a center that

provides a organized and planned learning approach that surpasses state standards.
Creative Curriculum

Kiddie Academy using creative Curriculum with their students. This type of curriculum

works to help children’s social development in a variety of ways. Kids will be encouraged to be

independent, gain self-confidence, and have self-control. Not only that, but it will also help

them feel a sense of belonging and feeling like they are part of a group. Kids will feel

comfortable in school and trust their new environment. It is important for kids to learn these

things at an early age because they will all affect a child and how they develop as they grow.

Most Children learn both fine and gross motor skills during the beginning years of their life;

motor skills are important for young children. This specific curriculum will help kids with

developing these particular skills and guide them to gain confidence in themselves and in what

their bodies can do. Kiddie Academy begins caring for kids at the infant stage of their lives and

does so on to Pre-K. At this center motor skills are a huge part of each kid's learning. Cognitive

goals are based on a kid's thinking skills and when working on cognitive development the kids

learn how to ask questions, use critical thinking, and solve problems. At Kiddie Academy, kids

are encouraged to create and think their own thoughts, try out and explore their own ideas,

and in return they will experience success and use their problem-solving skills in their lives. As

they develop motor skills and discover what their bodies are capable of, they will be

encouraged to test out their own ideas, think for themselves, and as a result, experience

success and master problem-solving skills. As a result of these activities, children will learn how

to express their feelings, thoughts, and observations through language. Language goals go hand

in hand with cognitive goals, focusing on communication and teaching a child how to interact

with others effectively. Listening, responding, and participating in conversations with adults and
other children will become second nature to them. A child learns letters and numbers in the

early years of his or her lives, align with how to write and speak. They will also learn how to use

language in everyday life. Language skills are crucial to a child’s development, as they will serve

them well throughout their entire lives. These developmental goals and the creative curriculum

allow students to learn on their own and give teachers a framework for their teaching. Instead

of forcing information instead of forcing information on the children, this curriculum allows

them to explore what interests them. Kiddie Academy provides children with several learning

opportunities throughout the day, allowing them to explore different learning material, engage

with other students, and participate in activities that help them develop skills in all of the areas


Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS)

Kiddie Academy uses the Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS) as a tool to

create assessments for the children. CLASS is an observation instrument that helps measure the

effectiveness of teacher-student interactions. It focuses on interactions that promote academic

learning, engagement, and social development. It produces qualitative ratings of teacher

performance on a 1-7 range across 3 broad domains: emotional support, classroom (in-text

citation) organization, and instructional support. It also provides developmentally appropriate

descriptions of what effective interactions look like in the classroom and gives a picture of the

classroom interactions through short, repeated observation and scoring cycles. CLASS highlights

areas of strength and areas for growth in classrooms to encourage professional development in

developmentally appropriate teaching strategies. Lastly, it identifies important information

related to programs’ most urgent needs like accountability, professional development, and
research. Research has shown that children’s involvement in academic performance and

development of social skills are positively related to the quality of teacher-student interactions.

The CLASS observation model can help educators improve the quality of their interaction with

the children. Observation and assent are beneficial because they help teachers with planning

instruction and identifying children who may require special interventions (Mousena, 2020). An

example of hat a CLASS format line up is: (in-text citation)

Emotional Support Classroom Organization Instructional Support

Positive Climate Behavior Management Concept Development

Negative Climate Productivity Quality of Feedback

Teacher Sensitivity Instructional Learning Formats Language Modeling

Regard for Student Perspectives

Some examples of indicators for these areas are maximizing learning time, routine, transitions,

and preparation. When maximizing the learning time given it is important to focus on these key

aspects; the tasks provided, disruptions minimized, choice when finished, effective completion

of managerial tasks. When it comes to routines, make sure students know what to do, give

clear instructions, and maintain little wandering. It is important that when dealing with

transitions you waste little time, have time cues provided, and redirection to a task when or if

necessary. While preparing for the day make sure that you have the materials ready and

accessible for the children and make sure that you know the lesson or activities that are

scheduled for the day.

Developmentally Appropriate Practice (DAP)

Kiddie Academy proudly emphasized how they use Developmentally Appropriate

Practice (DAP) in their curriculum and how it is important for them to use it in order to help

children reach their full potential. According to the NAEYC, developmentally appropriate

practice is defined as, “methods that promote each child’s optimal development and learning

through a strengths-based, play-based approach to joyful, engaged learning.” (in-text citation of

naeyc). A developmentally appropriate program recognizes the multiple assets that younger

children bring to the program simply as individuals, members of their families, and members of

their communities. The program builds on each child’s strengths, taking care to not harm them.

DAP Curriculum is the curriculum that helps young children achieve goals that are

developmentally and educationally significant. The curriculum does this through learning

experiences (including play, small group, large group, interest centers, and routines) that reflect

what is known about young children in general and about these children in particular, as well as

about the sequences in which children acquire specific concepts, skills and abilities, building on

prior experiences (Copple and Bredekamp, 2009, p. 20).”. Pillar one at Kiddie Academy is

Developmentally Appropriate Curriculum and they state that their standards-based curriculum

is created by seasoned educators to suit each stage of child development. It consists of a

comprehensive collection of activities designed to meet the needs of every child in their care. It

is important to them because (a) kids develop at different rates and it’s important to address

their individual needs and strengths, (b) their curriculum allows teachers to modify their

methods to plan lessons, so a wide array of kids can experience the joy of learning, (c ) they

make their curriculum flexible enough to integrate new preschool standards as they evolve, and
(d) they maintain a focus of learning through play which allows kids to develop socially,

cognitively, emotionally and physically. 

Life Essentials

Kiddie Academy has their own teaching philosophy called ‘Life Essentials’ and is made

up of and focused on four different pillars. They focus on four pillars: 1) developmentally

appropriate curriculum where activities are specifically designed to meet the needs of children

at each stage of their development, 2) technology education were technology is integrated into

the classroom to make learning fun and engaging, 3) health and fitness where they encourage

children to take care of their bodies by making healthy food, fitness, and hygiene choice, and 4)

character education where teaching children qualities of respect, sharing, kindness, and

friendship is demonstrated. I know I previously have already gone over developmentally

appropriate practice in curriculum, but I am going to go into a little more depth with how it is

implemented at Kiddie Academy. They have a standards-based curriculum by which is created

by seasoned educators to match all stages of child development. It includes a complete

gathering of activities created to meet the needs of all the children in their care. Technology

education is important at Kiddie Academy because our world is becoming more and more

reliant on computer literacy and technology in regards of reading and writing essentials. At

Kiddie Academy, they use the most updated technology to create learning lessons more

appealing and pleasurable throughout the day. when it comes to health and fitness, Kiddie

Academy promotes making smart and fit food choices, fitness choices, and hygiene choices.

Each day they offer playground time and activities that foster, and nurture cardiovascular

health integrated with large motor skills and nutritious meals. Ways that Kiddie Academy
shares and reinforces the healthy lessons that they were taught with the families are from

resources like the parenting essentials newsletter. The last pillar, character essentials, is

implemented because it is key for kids to acquire the knowledge of the values that’ll benefit

them with developing into overall good members of their community. Kiddie Academy uses

character education to obtain learning from all interactions that they have. It doesn’t matter

the location of the children, whether it’s the playground or in class, Kiddie Academy takes every

possible chance to educate the kids important character-building foundations like respect,

sharing, friendship, politeness, and compassion.

Multiple Fields of Learning

After interviewing the director, I learned that Kiddie Academy has multiple fields of

learning that their center. They focus mainly on children’s physical development and health,

social and emotional development, language and literacy, mathematics, science and

technology, social studies, and creative arts. 

Authentic Assessments

After interviewing the teacher/director, I learned that they use another kind of

assessment tool as well. Participants will be introduced to the informal assessment techniques

of objective observation, compiling children’s learning portfolios, completing developmental

checklists, and conducting family teacher conferences. The course will describe many strategies

for building the informal assessment practices into the daily routine. They also like to use

authentic Assessments. This is type of assessment tool has different methods like a checklist, a
anecdotal record, a case study, a reflective log or diary, and/or a portfolio. An anecdotal record

is a short, informal narrative interpretation that is describing an event of a kid’s behavior that is

beneficial to the observer. A checklist is a record of direct observation that involve


After interviewing the Mrs. Schwartz, I learned that they also use a STEM approach to

with curriculum. STEM stands for science, technology, engineering, and math skills. In one way

or another, most people participate in at least one of these activities every single day. Science is

observing, asking questions, wondering how things work, making predictions, experimenting,

and then sharing findings. Technology is being inventive, using a variety of tools, identifying

issues, using computers, and making things work. Engineering is problem solving, testing

materials, creating, building, and designing. Math is patterning, exploring shapes, number,

sequencing, size, and volume. These skills are required to outdo in their progressively

systematized and globally self-regulating world. That is why they make STEM an essential part

of their life essentials curriculum. STEM is important for young children because children can

learn across different environments, contexts, and see-through different learning perspectives.

Early exposure to STEM subjects increases passion and interest in these skills in future years.

STEM subjects are important and rewarding career choices. STEM activities are fun, interesting,

and motivating to children because they are hands on. By revealing STEM to the children and

providing them chances to discover and explore concepts related to STEM, they will obtain a

liking for it and optimistically go after a career in a STEM field. Curriculum that is STEM-based
provides real-life situations to encourage and guide kids with their learning. Hands-on activities

and lessons for children make learning the subject a lot easier and a lot more fun for the kids.

“We instill STEM education throughout our Life Essentials curriculum because children are

naturally curious about how the world works. Our teachers encourage children to explore,

discover, and experiment- to build confidence and think independently while they’re playing

and solving problems. Every experience is an opportunity for children to learn and socialize.”

(Kiddie Academy, 2019).


In conclusion, I found Kiddie Academy to be an impressive and effective learning center

for children. They implement their curriculum and assessments by

This academy shapes, fuels, and nurtures kid’s natural curiosity through their passion for early

childhood education, community commitment and life essentials philosophies. They are driven

to prepare kids for no to only school but also for life. They are there ready to education and

encourage the kids to do more and be more- not only when the kids are with them, but outside

the classroom. At Kiddie Academy, they believe that curiosity and learning generate their own

momentum, and they are dedicated to developing what’s unique in every kid they care for.

Set of Questions about the Curriculum:

1. What type of curriculum do you use at Kiddie Academy? Please explain what that means

and how you implement it in your center.

2. What should someone look out for when picking out a curriculum?

3. I saw on your website that you as a center focus on life essentials and implement that

into your curriculum as well. What are life essentials at Kiddie Academy/ what does this


4. What is Kiddie Academy’s educational core beliefs?

5. What are your different fields of learning?

6. Why is it important that you use Developmentally Appropriate Curriculum?

7. How do you implement the curriculum? Why is it important?

8. To make sure that your teachers are mastering the curriculum, what do you do?

Transcript of Questions about the Curriculum:

Sarah: What type of curriculum do you use at Kiddie Academy? Please explain what that means

and how you implement it in your center.

Mrs. Schwartz:

Sarah: What should someone look out for when picking out a curriculum?

Mrs. Schwartz: Comprehensive domains of learning, specific learning goals, well-designed

learning activities, intentional teaching, culturally and linguistically responsive, individualizing

instruction, ongoing assessment, family involvement, and appropriate for program staff,

children, and families.

Sarah: I saw on your website that you as a center focus on life essentials and implement that

into your curriculum as well. What are life essentials at Kiddie Academy/ what does this mean?

Mrs. Schwartz: Life Essentials is the philosophy that guides what we do at Kiddie Academy

every day. It begins with the natural curiosity present in every child. By focusing on elements

fundamental to a child’s growth- character education, STEM-infused technology and health and

fitness experiences - we nurture and build upon inquisitiveness, creating momentum for

learning that doesn't stop once the child leaves the classroom.

Sarah: What is Kiddie Academy’s educational core beliefs?

Mrs. Schwartz:

Sarah: Why is it important that you use Developmentally Appropriate Curriculum?

Mrs. Schwartz: “Our standards-based curriculum is created by seasoned educators to suit each

stage of child development. It consists of a comprehensive collection of activities designed to

meet the needs of every child in our care. It is important because”. Children develop at

different rates, and it’s important to address the individual needs and strengths. Our curriculum

allows teachers to modify the methods they use to plan lessons, so a wide array of children can

experience the joy of learning. We make our curriculum flexible enough to integrate new

preschool standards as they evolve. Maintaining a focus of learning through play allows

children to develop socially, cognitively, emotionally and physically”.

Sarah: How do you implement the curriculum? Why is it important?

Mrs. Schwartz: It is important to implement the curriculum the way it was intended to be

implemented by the developers. Implementing a program or intervention exactly as described

is referred to as implementation fidelity. Children tend to make more gains when teachers

faithfully implement the teaching strategies or curriculum (Hamre et al., 2010; Wasik, Bond, &

Hindman, 2006).

Sarah: To make sure that your teachers are mastering the curriculum, what do you do?

Mrs. Schwartz: “We support our teaching staff with continued training and professional

development that exceeds childcare service standards.”


Set of Questions about the Assessment:

1. What type or kind of assessment tools do you use at Kiddie Academy?

2. What other things do you offer as a center for the parents and their knowledge on what

is going on at this center?

3. What is CLASS assessment and what does it measure?

4. What are the domains that are being measured in CLASS?

5. What are the eleven specific dimensions that underlie the three domains you told me


6. Are there things that CLASS does not measure?

7. Why is assessment important? Is assessment a big priority for you at Kiddie Academy?

8. Why is it important to assess the quality of teacher-child interactions?

9. How is CLASS scored and what do those scores mean?

10. What does the domain of Emotional Support include? What do classrooms that score in

the high range look like?

11. What does the domain of Instructional Support include? What do classrooms that score

in the high range look like?

12. What does the domain of Classroom Organization include? What do classrooms that

score in the high range look like?

Transcript of Questions about the Assessment:

Sarah: What type or kind of assessment tools do you use at Kiddie Academy?

Mrs. Schwartz: We use CLASS as an assessment tool. CLASS stands for the Classroom

Assessment Scoring System.  It produces qualitative ratings of teacher performance on a scale

from 1-7 across three broad domains: emotional support, classroom organization, and

instructional support.

Sarah: What other things do you offer as a center for the parents and their knowledge on what

is going on at this center?

Mrs. Schwartz:


Mrs. Schwartz:


Mrs. Schwartz:


Mrs. Schwartz:

Mrs. Schwartz:


Mrs. Schwartz:


Mrs. Schwartz:


Mrs. Schwartz:


Mrs. Schwartz:


Beaver, N. H., Wyatt, S., & Jackman, H. L. (2018). Early education curriculum: a child’s

connection to the world. Cengage Learning.

Kiddie Academy of Park Ridge, IL. (n.d.). Kiddie Academy | Preparing Your Child for Schooland

for Life. Retrieved March 20, 2022, from


Flannigan, C. (2018, January 9). Kids for STEM.

Illinois State University. (2022). Danielson CLASS Crosswalk | Teacher Evaluation in Early

Childhood Classrooms - Illinois State.
Plane, R. (2012). The Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS). World Bank.


Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS) and the Pyramid Model. (2019).


Child Care Plymouth. (2017, June 20). What is The Creative Curriculum? Yellow Brick Road.

Kiddie Academy. (2019, February 8). Learn On | Kiddie Academy.

TeachStone. (n.d.). CLASS Is Effective across Ages from Birth through 12th Grade.



International School. (2017, March 8). Exciting STEM Activities for Education Week -

International School Blog. The International School of the Turks and Caicos Islands.




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