Chapt 831

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EUROCOPTER MAINTENANCE MANUAL MBB ~ BK117 Paragraoh eo1-9 aren e112 anes a1-15 e116 aat-18 e119 ent-21 eo1-z2 ea1-23 aat-28 e91-25 eat-27 e128 831 SAND FILTER “able of Contents te Page DESCRIPTION - SAND FILTER, - . a ‘TROUBLESHOOTING - SAND FILTER. cose ee 5 INSPECTION SCHEDULE SAND FILTER . 7 FUNCTIONAL TEST ~ SAND FILTER cece ELECTRICAL BONDING TEST - SAND FILTER 2 Alr cleaner panels Eee “ Removal ir leaner panels : cece Inepeetion and repair air leaner panels “ Installation - ar cleaner panels 7 — 6 Particle separator assembly. a 6 ‘Removal particle separator assombly «. 6 Inspection and repair ~ particle separator. — eee 18 Installation ~ particle separator assembly... 6 Bypass door actuator... 20 Removal bypass door actuator... 20 Inspection and repair bypass door actustor 20 Rd length adjustment - bypass door actuator eee 20 Installation -bypass door actuator... cecettsveese wo Scavenge blower assembly 23 Removal scavenge blower azembly : 2 Inspection and repalr~ scavenge blower assembly Bs Installation - scavenge blower assembly seceeiessoneeteeaneeeseess 28 Mast seal cestanttsnnaneeeeee 25 Removal ~ mast . 2s Inspection and repair~ mast seal oe a Inatallation - mast sea ee co Airframe ~ mounted provisions. 2 Inspection and repair ~srrame mounted provisions. By code CHAPTER 631 Page 1 EUROCOPTER MAINTENANCE MANUAL MBB 8K117 831-29 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM — SAND FILTER vecessessssss 0 831-30 Sand filter control ewiten z 0 831-31 Renoval~sand titer conto! switeh 30 881-32 _Instlation —sandfiter control switeh Pa 881-93 Sand filter control relayeone 7 2 831-34 Renioval -sand titer contol relay a 2 {831-35 Installation ~ sand titer contol relay oe 2 201-95 Fan relay. coe 8 891-37 Renoval fan rely 2 831-38 Insblation fan relay... = 4 831-30 Fuses. oe : 35 89140 Renoval fuses 35 831—41Inshllaion fuses... : 3s (CHAPTER 631 code © Revision 12 Page? EUROGDPTER MAINTENANCE MANUAL MBB ~ 8K117 831-1 DESCRIPTION - SAND FILTER ‘The snd iter protects the engines. ol cooking fans, and gonerators against erosion fom sand and dust by separating these contaiarts fm the engine tak coon a a generator coving a. The angina consis of fed and detachable pars. The componeris mating up te ane re Sham ek fue 31-1 “The catachabo pais the actual parle separator asombly. cons o! he parle separator framing (1), ar deaner panels (8), bypass dors 2, scavenge dct (?), scavenge lower asses (and sea Ing tame assert (3). The ar cleaner panels ane sealing rane aseomsyare attached tote pate epautorraming by means of quckelease asters. The two bypass doors are located 0 e109 of the parle soparatr raring an are operated by sacri actuators “The ed part consists ofa mast seal (4), aitame-meounte provsiens (0), and wiring 9) The mast eat provots nies of contaminants trough the gap between or mast and man arson coating. The Socios provisions cont lhe cone swehes caution kh, rlays, ees and wthg “Twa tree position sthes, abled SAND FILTER NO. 1 and SAND FILTER NO. 2 th positons ON, (OF and DOOR enable the pt o elet ether the FILTER of BY PAGS" eperatng node othe “BY PASE DOOR CLOSED" conion. In gai poston ON CFILTER” mode) the bypass doors ae fly closed andthe scatenge blowers are rumig neansg a skod i voto oes nal ean panels wher ts made osu, This sing ton eases tne sand and st partes inte aio be centtugly spun ct and cole on tha waa ‘ofthe vertex tubes, lem whore they are ected averboard by the scavenge blowers. The cota man Stream of lanad airpacee stig through thevortex tubes nto the tne he parle separator am ing, tom where t proceeds tothe engine, o! coolers and generators. In tnecenter swt postion DOOR, the bypass door are ceed, asin the ON postin but he scavenge bowers ae not runing In wich postion OFF BYPASS” mos), he scavenge blowars are inoperative andthe bypass doors aro fuly epee bu ofthe Inaming a seas through he pn bypass doa’ these te pa tol eparterraming, wos the est conbaues fo fow tough thea eaner panel, “The SAND FILTER caulon ight (ame) mounted on the annunciator pana luinates whe ether or bth ‘bypass dors aran maton. The caution lot somal huminaes lr aogronmatay 20 second (oa ‘bypass door vavel ie). However, ifr any reason, ane fhe dors shou stop movhg bots tly ‘openar closed he caution ight wil remain on. “Te gance separator assembly s rely detachable om the atrame.H the normal hydraulecompat- ‘manl coning (2, 222) stale in lice of Be parte separator assem, te alpter carbo ope ated accorng to the basic configuration without requring the mast sel to be removed. With the seatng ‘ram assembly LH and RH omaved th Wansmisioncowing may be Getched wthou hang Wo roMoHe patie separator assem. Revision 12 code (CHAPTER 31 Pages EUROCOPTER MAINTENANCE MANUAL MBB ~ BK117 1, Framing, pari soparater 5 Artame-mounes provisions 2 Bypassdoor 7 scavenge duct 3. Seaing tame assembly 8 Ar cloaner panel 44 Mast sea 8 Weng 5 Scavange blower assembly gue 691-1 Components ~ sand ter CHAPTER 631 code ¢ Revision 12 Page EUROGOPTER MAINTENANCE MANUAL MBB ~ 8K117 831-2 TROUBLESHOOTING - SAND FILTER NO. TROUBLE SYMPTOM —__—~PROBABLECAUSE ——CORRECTIVEACTION 1. SANDFILTER caution ight does Detective wing motiluminate when SAND FILTER NO. 1 (NO. 2 swichis ‘plased to ON or OFF. Detective caution ight or lamp Defective bypass door actuator 2. SANDFILTER caution ght Defective wing ‘emai liyminted fo over ‘Sovecs ater SAND FILTER NO. 10.2 sven Nas been pied 10 DOOR, ON oF OFF Defective bypass door actuator ‘Bypass door snot in tally open cotllly dosed postion 8. Seavenge blower and bypass Detective wing ‘oer attr oo not operate ‘akan SAND FILTER NO. {0.2 swich is placed io ON Detective snitch S569 ($864) ‘SAND FLTR-t (SAND FLTR.2) reul breaker CB505 (C8507) ‘Sot dopraste ori Stecive 4. Scavenge blower does nat_ Detective wing ‘operate when SAND FILTER INO. (NO. 2) swic is placed 1 ON foypass door actuator operate) Detective No. 1.2) fan relay 07 08) Bown fuse F504 (F505) Table 891-1 Toublashootng (1 of) vision 12 cone (CORRECTIVE AGTION (Chock continuity of wing por wig igram rte to WOK) ‘epat or telacs as netseeay Replace caus ight rian. Replace bypass coor actuator (lor to paragraps ast-14 hr 51-18. (Check conily of wing pe ‘seg diagram toro WON) ‘epai or replacs as nestesay Replace bypast dor actuator (eter to paragraphs 831-14 thew 51-18. Check bypass sooo fcsign beets in roa stings and fsdges Remove orsign objects, Check contin of wring pe wing gram refer to WOM) ropar or epacs as nessesay,. (Chock swich a replace as hcossary (to paragraphs 151-30 tr 83-92), Depress orepboe cru breaker as apleable Chock continily of wing por wing Gagram eter to WOM, Fepat or paca as ecessay, Repos fan ey refer to paragaphs &3126 bru 31-35). Replace fuse (ster to paragaphs 8519 teu esa) (CHAPTER 691 Pages EUROCOPTER MAINTENANCE MANUAL MBE — BK 117 NO. TROUBLE SYMPTOM PROBABLE CAUSE ‘CORRECTIVE ACTION Delecive scavenge blower Roplace scavenge blower rr 0 (8803), to paragrapn 831-19 hrs eae) 5, Bypass door actuator does not Detective wing Check continuity of weg por operate when SAND FILTER applicable wring dacram eter NNO. (WO. 2) sc placed {0 WOW) ropa orplac ae 19 D00R wr ON fsavenge ressesany Dower ring) or bypass door os nat cnerate when SAND FILTER NO. 1 (NO. 2} switchs placed 0 OFF Detective switch 8553 ($568) Chock an, nacessay, replace sara er cont relay (tert paragraphs 31-90 5182) Detective No.1 (No.2) sand Check and, necessay. ‘ier cow lay KSIIKE}2. replace sana fier cont eay (tert paragraphs 21-29 hy e185) Defective bypass door acuator Replace bypass don actuator (olor to G3t-14 tna B28) Table 831-1 Toubleshoating (202) (CHAPTER 31 code Revision 12 Pages: Gerccopter MAINTENANCE MANUAL MBB BK117 831-3 INSPECTION SCHEDULE - SAND FILTER 1. Pretght obec ‘The pretigh check shal be accomplished according tothe Flight Manual (Secen 10), Maintenance Mantal, o ne Pots Check. “The proight checks essential visual check of the halcoper or coect concn. Foprtigh check toms fer to APPENDIX A. eviien 16 cote ¢ (CHAPTER 31 Page? Geurccopter MAINTENANCE MANUAL MEB 8x17 BLANK PAGE CHAPTER 91 code © Revision 16 Page Gerccopter MAINTENANCE MANUAL MBB ~BK{17 2, Plodi Inspections (arto APPENDIX A) Revision 16 code (CHAPTER 891 Pages @eurcopter MAINTENANCE MANUAL MES ~ 8x17 BLANK PAGE CHAPTER aot code © Revision 18 Page 10 EUROCOPTER MAINTENANCE MANUAL MBB ~ BK117 831-4 FUNCTIONAL TEST — SAND FILTER “The uncfonal tests performed with both engines shutdown, with external power source engaged, and wth the ther bypas doors leeds, .e, SAND FILTER NO. 1 and NO. 2 toggle swiches in DOOR poston. 1. Eorie extemal power source (fet Chap. 92-71), 2, Press col beakers SAND FLTR NO. 1 and NO. 2 and WARN ANN 3, Seleg SAND FILTER NO. 1 toggle swich to OFF 1. SAND FILTER causton ght ust luminal. b. Te actuator mist move trough sen sroke without binding or making any unusual noses anne ‘bypascoor must epon ‘6 When the actuator reaches sop ater max. 20 second) t must sth of automaticaly. The SAND FFLTER caution ight must extinguish an the bypass door rust bo open aan angloo "= 2% ‘Toe bypase door must net touch he cone ang (1, 22-2) tere i intesorence withthe ang, tne parle sopavator taming (1, 83-1) must bo repesitoned so tat he bypass door has absolut tesadom of mavemant (afro para 831-13), 44, Soleg SAND FILTER NO. 1 togleswich to DOOR, {SAND FILTER caution ight mut iuniate, Toe actuntor must lose the bypass door compe a gaps between te closes door and ne par tele saparatr raring, agus ho songth Ue actaler rod aeeresng 0 para 831-7. ‘When the actuator eaches ls end top ater max. 30 seconds, I must sich of automaticaly. The SAND FILTER cauton ight must extinguish. 5, Selag SAND FILTER NO. 1 toggle sich 9 ON, ‘a. The scavenge blowor must stat and run smoctly without making unusual oes oF excessivoly veraing. »b, Thebuteryvave of hack valve (16, i. 851-) must exhib nether incng ner excessive vratons 6, Seied SAND FILTER NO. 1 toggle switch 9 000A, ‘4. Scavenge blower must stop running Bypass door shal remain dosed 7. Repeat stops 3. thu 6. using SAND FILTER NO. 2 toggle switch, 8. ul crcult breakers prossedin top 2 8. Dsenatgze external power source Revision 12 cone (CHAPTER 31 Page! EUROCOPTER, MAINTENANCE MANUAL MB8— B17 831-5 ELECTRICAL BONDING TEST - SAND FILTER, ‘The parte spaator assem tend o bus upstate lett when in tervce. T prevent the bad-up of ‘pote ctermce between tn sand itr athe atramo, the parce separate assembly Is acca Conecte tote aieame stuctee al sx pits (ee hy. 5012) ‘Te bonding cornectons sal be testo an, nacessary, pated in te fllowing cases Lightning sti ~Elctica bonding connections have been sconnacted, a. fr femoval, sation or replacenent of as: ‘ambos pars = Corosion, cortainaton er looseness evident a lacticl bonding pins “The eecrica borcng points ator maximum contac rsistanee values a a lows BONDING PONT MEASURING POINTS: MAXINUM RESISTANCE IN (FIGURE 831-2), One Prarie separir Waring ‘Between LH fonwaediug ane irae sre 100 Between RH orwardiug @)and aitrame eructre 100 ‘Scavenga bower assembly Between bot hole support) cae andaitrame structs ‘Beteen bot halen suppor and arama suctrs Table 891-2 Accopable contact resistance values fer boning cannactions (to 1) chapren ao code ¢ vision 12 Page 12 EUROCOPTER MAINTENANCE MANUAL MBB — 8x17 Framing, parle separator Forward ag of raming Forward ug of raming (4) ‘Scavenge blower assembly Forward suppot of scavenge bloworassonbly (LH, BH) ‘itrame-movnted prousons ‘i sunpot of seavenge Blower assembly LH, RH) Figure 891-2. Eloctical bonding points parle separator assembly Rouison 12 coe CHAPTER 801 Page 13 EUROCOPTER MAINTENANCE MANUAL MBB ~ BK117 831-6 Air cleaner panels “woairleanersanes serene purpose ol tearing thecootngand combustion a. They arelecatedone each inthe let and ght sido othe parse separator rang and are atachod ote pate separtor remang by means of qucklaase hinges and etoners which facitate both opening and closing ara removel ord installation of panels. Aris raw trough tom when the sana tre etched on. 831-7 Removal -air cleaner panels Note “The olowing procedures are appcabe to both LH an RH at cleaner panels, 1. Disengage itch offan seal assem ig. 81-3) connecting scavenge dit (6 fo scavenge blower as- semby @) 2. Open quickrolease fastners 6). ‘caution WHEN SEPARATING HINGES, HOLD THE AIR CLEANER PANEL. THIS PREVENTS THE PANEL FROM BEARING ON AND DEFORNING THE ‘SECOND HINGE WHEN FIRST HINGE Is SEPARATED, 4. Slide hinge an everson both hinges (7) fads unt hinges separate, and remove ar cteaner panel (8) ‘om pari separator rig (1). 831-8 Inspection and repair ~air cleaner panels 1. Inspect quocreease fasteners (6, fo 831-3). hinges (7) an ives fr contin, 2. Inspect czaner panels 8) an scavenge dc (5 for conston. Remove coreeoninacconance with (Chap 02.Fetur cracked panels ana dct to mandate or ep. ‘3. Inspect stooers (2) or secur. Rtighien loose atach bos. Replace nutplae i no longer seeking 4 Inspoct vortex tubes for presence of ooign objets or logging. Rave foreign objects using apa of ‘weezer. Fush vortex tubes wh running Watarto remove cogging (ea sand depos), her dy tem, 5. Inspec ar dearer panne (8 orcondtinn of gaskets Raatsch donde gasket to panel wih adhecve (creer, (QHAPTER 01 codec Fevision 12 Page EUROGDPTER MAINTENANCE MANUAL MBB — @k117 831-9 Installation air cleaner panels, Nore The folowing procedres are applicable tothe Land RH ai dane panels 1. Hold sir eanor panel (8, fg. 831-3) n installed poston and ino up tshinges wih matin hinges of patie epastor framing Rola overs on hing pine downward ana neve tal hinge pn ar sted In oles ‘things on raming 2, Turn qui roeasefastoners (6) clockwise 1 dose them. 8. Const scavenge dct (5) o seavange blower assembly 3), using fan seal assembly 4), ten aston are. 1 Framing parce separator 2 Stgper 5. Seavenge blower assembly 4 Fan coal assembly 2 5. Seavenge duet, 8 Guce-rleas tstoner 3 Fiege 8 Airteaner panel | 7 Figue 631-8 Removalinstalaion~ a cleaner panes Revision 12 cose ¢ (CHAPTER 91 Page 15 EUROCOPTER, MAINTENANCE MANUAL MBB _BK117 831-10 Particle separator assembly ‘The particle separator assembly condtso a aing (2, ig. 81-4, bypass doors (4) ar leaner sans (8, ‘ig. 831-3), bypass dor actuators (9. 831-5) and related wring, scavenge duct (Si. 8619), scavenge ‘ower asses (3) and lated win, and sean ame ascombiy (5, 831-4) kis mouned onward of tho a inako inthe basic coniguraton. To inal he parce seperate assem, the standard Hycraule ‘omparment casing (9, hg 22-2) must be removed, 831-11 Removal - particle separator assembly 1. Remove a dearer panels in accordance with paragraph 891-7. 2. Disconnect tg (7, 881) ofeach bypass door stuator weg hamess, Remava cap (8 om uy receplaces 8) and instal on ug recaps. 8. Remove bots (10) and washers (1) that secure faring 44 Remove both bots (1) tat secre framing (8) to brackets (28) ‘CAUTION WHEN LIFTING THE PARTICLE SEPARATOR ASSEMBLY FROM THE AIRFPAME. TAKE CARE THAT IT” OOES NOT STRIKE AGANST THE HYORAULIG UNIT AND CONTROL RODS. 5 itp soparator assembly fom arta 6, Insta bats (10) removed in stop 3, together wth one washes (1) and one sea wages he mating holes inthe aan. Seal washers are components of he optional sand the. Note ‘the necoptris tobe fw without the parle saparatrassambly, th standard hhycrauecompartnant cowing must be stale (or ntalation proce, ror 'o para 2-7) This also recommended when helcoptrs sr pated wih he ar tele soparato assembly removed. CHAPTER aa code ¢ Revision 12 Page 16 EUROGOPTER MAINTENANCE MANUAL MBB ~ BK117 " 2 3 ot Framing, particle soparator Bypass dor {Guce-oloase fastener ‘Sealing ame assory Becta pg (acuato) cap Curnmy receptacle Sew Viasher Fan sea assembly ‘Seavenge blower 18 6 0 20 2 2 bs 28 2 28 ‘chock vane assembly Som Washoe Ecrical ead (scavenge bewer) Seon Washoe Clamp Elctcal plug (scavenge bewer) cap Dummy receptacle Dour Seltlocking mut Washer Bracket Figue 831-4 Removalinsaltion-parcl separator assembly Revision 12 ‘code ¢ (CHAPTER «91 age 17 EUROCOPTER, MAINTENANCE MANUAL MBE ~ 84117 ‘831-12 Inspection and repair ~ particle separator assembly 1. Inspect raring (2, i. 881), bypass dors (4), and sea treme assembly 6 or condition, Replace _any pars hang cracks or etumto manulctrer for ropa. Replace any loose els. Any caren, Spa ralon of sealing compound, and peeing of pant must be repared in accordance with Chap 02, 2. Inspect gastts orang (3), bypass dors 4), and sealing frame assembly (6) or condor, Reattach bonded seas wih adhesive (CM 673} replace i damage or worm 8. Inspect bypess doors (fr excossiv play by shaking hem. I excasive play ia peesent, rove come sponding by2ass coor actuator for inspection (aero paragraphs 851-18 and 831-16), 44 Inspect elacica! lads and clamps fr conton plac leads with broken wes chad ination Re- "igh loose carps. 5. Inspect bonding conectons ar condition rae to paragrach 83-5). 8 Inspoctscavonge ower 14) fan seal assembly (1). and check valve assembly (15n accordance wih pategrapn 85121 and repair acessay 7. Inspect air ceaner panels in aczordance wth paragraph 831-8 and repair i necessary. 8. Inspet quct-eease fasteners (6 and hinges for conton. Replace any detective pas 8. Inspect mutates (2,7 10, 9. 831-8) n accordance with paragrah 631-28, 831-13 Installation — particle separator assembly Note + Intalaion fhe pace separator assemby raqutes the pr rmnoval he stan ‘ard hyraulic compartment cowing + torque values for tots and rus are ntnceatod ine texto in the Sure the torque values spect in chapor 02 are applicable. 1. Remove sores (10 i 831-4) and washers (1), susng the sel washers insatlea under te washers Fotan th seal washers orecaniguraton mtnou ihe parle separator ascomby ‘cAUTION WHEN LOWERING THE PARTICLE SEPARATOR ASSEMBLY OVTO THE AIRFRAME. TAKE CARE THAT IT OOES NOT STRIKE AGANST THE HYDRAULIC UNIT AND CONTROL RODS. 2. Lower partic separator raming oto atrame.Algn hoes ings orang (2) with toa n brackets (28), [Ane same me alg holes baton of framing with holes In cabin rot ‘3. Insal bot ots (1) and tmporanly secure with nus (26) and washers (27). Assemble washers (1) on Iraming attach szrows (10) and loosely ntl serous, OMAPTER ast code Rovison 12 Page 18 EUROCOPTER MAINTENANCE MANUAL MBB ~ BK117 44. Remave caps (8) rom aframe rceptacls ad instal on Gummy recoplals 2), hen comet plugs (7), bah bypass door acuator elec leads thir respecivearame recepacies, 5. natal the LH ar cleaner panel in accordance with paragraph 631-9. Then mow the ele ik adhe ‘colective pitch lever through tho Tul sles to ene thal thee is always acloaranos of a nat mm between tho a cleaner panel and he movable parts of te fight conto. the carance is inadequat, agus tho positon of the framing unl the required minimum cearance sobs, 6, Insa the RH a cleaner pane in accordance with paragraph 831-9. Then open the LF cleans pane {o ensure that there sa clearance of at least & mm between ihe RH ar cleaner panel eth rotor bak ‘lessor I the dearance is nadeeuate, adjust he postion of e raring ul he minum clearance 'Sotinea. Ensure at the requrement proscbod in slop 5 of is paragraph i st net 7, Tighten nus (26) on bls (1) and screws (10) 1 specie torque, {8 Close Lar leaner pane and secure wih quick-ooase fasteners. 831-14 Bypass door actuator ‘Te bypass dor actuators used ocpenilose the bypass doo and also to hod tin the openosed postion, ‘The actors consoled by a sand or corsa swich which ecatodin tho lard sactono he nsrumert panel an has tes postions markea ON, OOO and OFF. Lilt switches inceporsed ine actuator alo- ‘matical sop the actor. Tho time requed fer the doo oly open Hom the uly clase postion and ce ‘ors is pproxmatay 20 seconds (90 seconds max). The acusors powered by 28 V DU ands equipped vith gear and imi tones 831-15 Removal ~ bypass door actuator 1. Remove particle separator assembly (without scavenge blover assembly) as desorDed in paragraph arn, 2, Romeve locke (5, 881-5) and bl (6) ana remove spacer bushing (10). 3. Rameve ctr pin (4) and unstrw and enove nut (3). Withdraw bot) and eve acuatr (2) and bah spacers 4, scxnnec electrical lug (8) rom actuate 831-18 Inspection and repair — bypass door actuator 1. Ingpst bearings at both ends of acuta fe conten. ining, excessive tating, aka play ex008- Ing 0.15 mms escort, replace actuator or bearing, 2. Inspos bos (6 and, 881-8), spacer bushing (10) and spacers (7) fo conton. Relace wom or dam aged. {8 Measire ail play of actuator rd, Hail play (nt nung bearing play) exceeds max. peissibe 0:3 rm place actuator, vison 12 coe CHAPTER 631 Page 19 EUROCOPTER MAINTENANCE MANUAL MBB- 8117 i i 5 1 Bot T Spacer 2 Framing, parce separator 8 Eloctical plug 3 Na 8. Bypass door ctuator 4 Sot in 10 Space bushing 5 Loco 1 Bypase door 6 Bot Fgute 881-5 Removalinstalavon — bypast door actuator 831-17 Rod length adjustment - bypass door actuator nove Ajut rod length ony fund o ba neccesary following inpootn In pare 1. Checcthat fe actuator esa its outermost positon as determined by theft chin the actual. 2. Remove acto od rom bypass door as described in para 831-15 9. Loosen nut, 821-8) on rod end (1). Adjust rod end so that ar nstalaton he reaites bypass door poston tained, Toque-tghten nt 2). (GHAPTER a01 cove vision 12 Page 20 EUROCOPTER MAINTENANCE MANUAL MBB — BK117 4 Rod ond wath tates bearing 2 Nut 5. Rotuatr ro Figue 851-6. Acjustment actuator ro ength 831-13 Installation — bypass door actuator Note tthe torque values for bots and mus ate nat ncatod in the et or he igus, apply the torque valuos given n Chaps 02 1. Connae letial plug (6, a 831-5) to bypass doe actuator) 2. Insta bypass door actuator) wth two spacers (7), bt 1) and nut (8) in parte separator taming 2. Titan nut (8) and secure wth pt pn). 44 mac oa eno actuator (2) © bypass door th Space sting (10) aso 5. Secute head of bt (6) wih locke (6. Revision 12 codec (CHAPTER «31 Page 21 EUROCOPTER, MAINTENANCE MANUAL MB8- B17 831-19 Scavenge blower assembly ‘The scavenge bower assembly ineeases the efclency of parle separation by boosting the swing ofthe arfow rough vortex ties inthe a cleaner panes, and by draing te operated sand and dst Preugh the seavenge as Each scavenge tower is contofed bythe san tier conta sch which hs the postions ON, COOR and (OFF ands locatsdn tne instrument pane. Tha scavenge blowers only aperata wih the cotol ach inthe (ON poston and wih powar supped ether by an external powar unt ory both generators ‘Te scavenge lower asseely consis of a cyncalhousing containing a 28 VOC motor wih a to-Haded fan on each endothe shaft and a nose suporossor. Walded fo the novsing are two mounting braces. The fan seal assemb on ho font ond te housing ad the chack valve onthe ear end ae so pt te sete longo Blower assay. The fan sea assamby with flexible band connects th scavenge duct othe scavenge Bower assembly and serv to compensate fr misalgnmant between thm. Tho check valve assembly prevents rovers alow hen ne scaverge Dower sinoparatve. though the eletcal wing tthe scavange blowers exposed ta th a, itis uct poleted rm sand land dust bya wearesitant cover. The local connacer so! he watproot ad clecromagnee rete. ‘ence proc! ype, 831-20 Removal ~ scavenge blower assembly 1. Open lamp fan seal assembly (13, i. 891-4, 2, Dalah slectical ead by removing seaw (10), washor (20) and clamp (21 rom alae, ‘3 Disconnect pug 22) of scavenge blowar wring amass from aime ecepace. Remove ca (25) tom tummy recepacie (28) and install on arame receptacle, Nore ts inendod to renal he scavenge tower aba shims (12, 9 8914) so that thay ean be wstaled a thew orignal postions 4 Remove serens (16) and detach washers (171, thon romave scavenge blower (14) and shins 12 831-21 Inspection and repair ~ scavenge blower assembly 1 Inspect wei nts between hassing wd nung ack, ana fn lads for conaon, Hepace scav= lenge tower assembiy raving ack, chpoing. or exceseve wear. Remove corrosion naccocance wth (Chaser 02 appl sealng compoute (GM 65! of CM 662 to welded ants at aeas whee esting sea Ing compound has Separaea or broken aay. 2. Inspect scavenge blower (14 i. 831) forlesaness of fan attach nus and or broken or missing coter in. any of ese detects ae ound, replace scavonge bower or flu ito manulature for ep 3. late fan byhand an inspect freedom and smoothness of rtaton and unusual bearing nse Hany elects are fund, replaoe scavenge Biawer or retyn to manutatre for rep (GHAPTER 31 cose Revision 12 Page22 EUROGOPTER MAINTENANCE MANUAL MBB - 84117 44 Ingpest scavenge blower wing (18) an elctical plug (2) fr condton. Replace wing showing signs (ot dobro, chang or ae damage. 5. Inspect elcial boning connectons on scavenge blower suppers for canton (rer to paragraph Bsr 6. Inspect an soa assembly (18 for condtion. Replace fan sal assembly having cracks, donation, cto ‘rat, sopaaton a ea, dafectve clap, Replace any lose vets, 7. Inspet check valve assay (15) fr conten. Replace check vave assembly bute vale jams. R= place any lose rivets. 8. Inspect scavenge blower base plat for racks, dens, careson lose rvs and lose nut plates. 831-22 Installation ~ scavenge blower assembly Note + the prevusly removed scavenge blower i reinstalled, instal shims (12, 231-4) mn postions not upon removal + the torque values forbs and nuts reno inated in hate in th gues, apply th torque valuos given in Chapter 0 1. Temporary instal scavenge blower assembly (14) on artame-neurd base pat wth screws (1), vwashor (17) an shims (12). Dg not ighton straws at his tino. 2, Adjus poston of scavenge blower (3, 9. 831-3) so tha isin line wih he scavenge st) wth an axial ‘Gaarance baween them of me. Oban core! lateral postining of scavenga blows by instaing tho appre hms (12 ig. 681-4). Tight scons (10). 8, Conct scavenge dit (6, i. 631-9) 1 scavenge blower (8) with fan sal assombly (Close camp of fan seal assomby. 4, Romave cap (23, ig. 831-4 fom arare recepace and insal ono cum receptace 2. Connect lug (22) each scavenge blower wing hamoss to coresponang arare receptacle 5, Seoue elect lead (18 to atrame sructre wih clamp (21), sere (19), ana washer (20), 6, Cnecc contact resistance of bonang connections accoraig 0 paregrapn &31-5. Revision 12 Code c CHAPTER @31 Page 23 EUROCOPTER, MAINTENANCE MANUAL MBB- B17 831-23 Mast seal “The purpose ote mast sali to reduce oa minimum he Ingres of sand and dst ough the space provided {or the ftating pars ofthe tight creas nthe sea batoen mat an the ma ranemision cow. The ‘mast seal coniss of @ pan assomystrwod tothe swaspato anda two poe cover each ala which Is ‘Screwed the corespanang cowlng hat. The ith ofthe gap between pan and cover approx. 9h, The ‘ast seal need sot be removed for normal mastenanco work 831-24 Removal mast seal Note an assembles 13, i. 691-7) ara ath one- piace (enn) type or Wo-ploe (a fr ype I damaged earytype pan asombly 6 be topaces canbe ct Threugh in acer to detach rem the main rer mast. Oherwise tou ave 0 be removed ater fst removing the mas lee mast om the ma lo ranemis sion Forth main ota maa omoval procedure, oles Chapt" 1. Remove loch (1, i. 631-7), srews 2} and washes (9), and remove pan assembly (1) am cont ing (12, 2, Remove nts (11) fom bots (7), then move bots (7), washers (8 and 10), beth halves of cover (6) and ‘2a (5) rom main anemission owing (2) 831-25 Inspection and repair ~mast seal |. Inst pan ssembi (18,8817), cover (6) and seal (5) or conden. Replace rack and unsence- ‘abl pars. Ropar coroson or damaged part coat in accordace ith Chapa 02 2. Inspect seas (4) o pan assrry (18) for conaon. Reatach debonded seas with adhesive (CM 673}, Replace sea damages or war. 831-26 Installation - mast seal Note ‘+ The one-piece pan assembly (1S, i. 831-7) can onl be inalled ater the main rotor mast has been removed Hom he man rte transmission, + torque vans forts arc nats are ot nated the tet inthe wes, apy letaique aos yest n Chapa o2 1 Remove al residual sealing compound from mounting holes in cota ig (12) and om ser 2). 2. Coat tveads of scows 2 wth sealing compound (CM G61 or CM 62) and install pan assem (13) on ‘conto ing (2) wi sows 2) anc washor (3). Tien and wie ook screws 2 CHAPTER 231 code Revision 12 Page2e EUROCOPTER MAINTENANCE MANUA. MBB ~ BK117 Install and at pats of caver (6) and sal (6) on carespondg ids ofthe main wansmisson coating {9} wih balls (7), washers (8 and 10) and rats (1), Tighten the ts just enough alow movement ofthe ‘cover pans feat tothe coving 4. tthe ala wansision coving is instal, aust poston of over (8) un gap of nr with (apes. ‘mimi fined betwoan cover and swasnplate-moutled pan assariy (1) around te entre cece ce. Tighten a (1), 5. Morecyic sick and colectiv pc lover though the ful avo anges and ensure at pan assambly {13} cove not contact eave (6) an ha the corral rods dono contact the mast sea, Revision 12 coe ‘CHAPTER 831 Page 25 @eurccopter MAINTENANCE MANUAL MBB Ex117 4 7 7 Bat _——— Se Ws 3 8 ain wansmisioncowting 10 Was het 2 1 Nat ; 12 Contol eng : 18. an aeembly i Figue 831-7 Removavnstaltion - mast sal HAPTER 831 code & Revision 17 Page26 EUROCOPTER MAINTENANCE MANUAL MBB — 8K117 831-27 Airframe-mounted provisions -Atrame mounted poison roar othe mounting hardware necessary er istaling the patil separator as. ‘sembly 1th artramo. Tey consist of trackts (1, i, 881-8), pats (2), doubles (8), ane shes (11) for insaing taming 2. 831-5), asa plates (, 8g. 834-8) wh lates (7) and bracket 6), doubler: (2), fad apts (10), andthe relocated hans gr (and shims (3). ‘Alinese parts are permanent rvted tothe atrame and ae ony removed to cary out eps 831-23. Inspection and repair — airframe mounted provisions 1, nspat mounting hardware on aitrama fo conden otnetalaton. Replace cracked par and lose els FReparcorsion and damaged pant coat accordance with Chapter 02. 2 Inspect autpates (2 7 and 1, 9 831-8 for proper setocking toque. Replace nutsstes having ami ‘mam selocingorqus ess han the value Specie n Chapter C2, or insal ol incrprating a sfety bore and wire-lck tha conection. 1 Bracket 7 Nplate 2 Nutpate 8 Basapate 3 shim 8. Doubler 4 Hand rp 10 Nutpate 5 Doubler 1 Shim 6 Bracket Figure 831-8. Airame-mounted provisions - particle soparatrassarby Revision 12 cove CHAPTER #91 Page 27 EUROCOPTER MAINTENANCE MANUAL MBS- BK117 831-29 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM - SANDFILTER ‘The sand ft decal systom is permanently instal inthe helicopter and const of sand or coreol shes, cauton ight and creat reakersin the coc, sand iter eon! relay inthe abn roc an lays and lass inthe stgo compartment at, eleccal connectors othe bypass doe alates, avenge sand wiring ‘The eletical system comprisas wo independent ystoms, No.1 and No, 2, and he caulon gh whe com ‘mon to boh sys. The bypass door actuator rcus are supped wis lotic powor tom he erat ba tery evn nha evento al generat Talus. Te scavenge blowers wl be automatoaly deeneszed upon She oF cua inert fae 891-30 Sand filter control switch ‘The SANO FILTER NO. contol sith S583 andthe SAND FILTER NO2 conta switch SS64 ars mounted onthe slanted secon a the instument pana the cock The contol svthos havo tho psiions OFF, DOOR and ON, Inthe DOOR positon, the bypass doors are made to close by actuators 8504 (B505) energize throug cota elys KSI (K52) nthe ON pasion, wih ‘he bypass door closed, he scavenge Blowers ae also sched an Yough cata lays KEY (808), 831-31 Removal ~ sand fiter control switch Note The folowing procecures are applicable tthe No. 1 and No, 2contoawtehes, 1. Ensure that let! power is OFF, 2. Ensure that batty plugs csconnect 8. Remove screws (3, i. 83-9) hat socure panel 4 Putout panel 5. Disconnect ving om terminals on switch (1). Tag clsconnected wing and incl terminae 5. Remove rut), washers (5). and eb washer (2, an pl wt (1) ou of pane (GHAPTER asi code Revisien 12 Page2e EUROODPTER MAINTENANCE MANUAL MBE — 8117 Sand ter coal sen ‘ab washer Screw Pan! Washer Nut Figure 831-9 Removalnstaiaton — sand ther conta switch 894-29 Installation — sand filter control switch Note ‘The folowing procedures ar applicable tothe No.1 and No. cota wiches 1. Enaue that al elacical powers OFF 2. Ensue that battery pug is isconnectod. 8 Insta site (1, 891-8) on panel (8, wth tab washer 2), washer (5) and nt (6. 4. Connet wtngotrminals(tefortoaopliable wing Bagram in WOM) 5. Secu pana wih screws (8), Revision 2 cove ¢ ‘CHAPTER 31 Page 29 EUROCOPTER: MAINTENANCE MANUAL MB8- 8117 831-33 Sand filter control relay The No, san tor contol lay KS11 and No.2 sand iter conta lay KS12 ae mounted in thecabin oot onthe Ri Sect tame at STA 3735, Won energie the wo poe relay completes the cut Io Pe bypass ‘oor actuator wich her moves the associate bypass doo To he apen poston, 831-34 Removal - sand filter control relay Note The folowing procedures apply tothe No. and No.2 relays. 1. Ensue that al eletical pomer is OFF 2, Ensure nat batary plug is dstonnecte, 3. Remove cert cong panel (1, fg. 711-1) in foward cabin 4, Remove nus (1 i. 681-0), washers (2 and 5) and nuts), and remove relay (3) and connector (6). 831-85 Installation — sand fiter control relay Note Tho folowing procecres are appcabe tothe No. 1 and No.2 elas 1. Ensure hat letical powers OFF, 2, Ensure that at plugs esconnected. {Insta rey 8 i. 891-10) and connector (6 with nuts (8), washers (2 and 5) and ut (1). 4. Install cone oeting panel (1, fg. 711-1) nfrward cabin HAPTER 631 cone vision 12 Page 30 EUROCOPTER MAINTENANCE MANUAL MBB 8K117, f i 5 1 ut 4 Nut 2 Washar 5 Washer 53 Sand ter conto lay © Elects connecter Figure 851-10 Removalinsaatin - sander conto lay 831-33 Fanrelay “Tne No. an tlayKS0T for soavenge blower No, and the No.2 fan ety KSOB for scavenge bower No.2 are sted th rear ef tho cab onthe ot and ght Ses oth rare al STA Sas. Te ays ae of the Sing clo, single ow, normaly apen type an when energize, compat the creo tho Bowers. 831-37 Removal fan relay Note ‘The folowing procedure ae applicable tthe No.1 and No, 21a 2, Ensue that battery plugis disconnected, ‘8. Remeve LH or RH cong panel in cargo compartment 4, Reeve nus (and 1 ig 851-1), lckwashors (2 and 10) and washers (9 and). scannect and tag ‘rng and esulate termina 5. Remeve dode (6 om fan lay) 1. Romeve scrows (7), washers (6) and nuts (6) and detach fan rly 8 Revision 12 cone (CHAPTER 031 Paget EUROOOPTER, MAINTENANCE MANUAL MBB BK117 831-38 Installation fan relay Note ‘The olowin procedures are appleabe tothe No.1 and No.2 clays Ene that al ocr power OFF 2 Enea ater plug clsconnected ‘3. Insta fan oy (4, 99-11 wth serws (7), washers (6) and nus (5) 4 Connect ode (8) acess cl emia olan ray) wth its eatode sie connected the Xt terminal {5 Connect lctzal wires wth washers (8 and), focowasher 2 and 10), ands (1 an 1) 5. Install ealing pane! in carga comanment 10 " 1 nut 7 screw 2 Loclaashee 8 Dose 8 Washer 8 Washer 3 Fan'ssy 10. Lockwasher 5 Nut 1 Nut 5 Washer Figue 831-11 Removatinstalation —fan aay CHAPTER 5st codec vision 12 Page a2 EUROOOPTER MAINTENANCE MANUAL MBB ~ B17 831-39 Fuses ‘The use ar installed in thot espectve holders in the ear fhe cabin onthe eft anc ig side fhe ran at STA 5600 831-49 Removal ~fuses Note ‘The folowing procedures are appicabla to eter use 1 Ensue that lelectra powers OFF. 2, Engve hat batery plug is disconnected. ‘3. Remave cling panel (83, 971-1) in cargo compartment rom above te fse tobe removed 4 Romuve serows (1, i. 831-12), spacers), washes (2), and rus (8), and detach cove (2), ‘5. Rmave nuts (5) rm studs of use noir (7) and eisconnect wes and us (6). 83141 Installation — fuses Note The folowing procedures aro appcablo to oer use, 1. Ensue that al lati poweris OFF 2. neue that batty plugs disconnected 8. Poston fase (6, fg 891-12) and wires in place en fuse Nelda (7) and secure with wou (6) 4 tna cover (2) wih ruts (), washers 2). spacers (4 and srews (1 5 Int ceting pane! (33, 711-1) ln eargo compartment Revision 12 coe ‘CHAPTER 831 Pago 3 EUROCOPTER, MAINTENANCE MANUAL MBB BK117 5 Nut 2 Washer 6 Fuse 8 Cover 7. Fuse holder 4 Spacer 8 Nut 2 Removalinstalaton - tse CHAPTER 231 codec Revision 12 Pages

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