EN OSD-Prufungsordnung-Stand-17 07 2023 Final
EN OSD-Prufungsordnung-Stand-17 07 2023 Final
EN OSD-Prufungsordnung-Stand-17 07 2023 Final
Deutsch (ÖSD)
Examination regulations
As of: 01.01.2023
Table of contents
1. Basic principles
The current examination regulations relate to the ÖSD examinations listed under item 2, whereby the version
valid at the time of registration shall apply.
ÖSD examinations each consist of the four subtests Reading, Listening, Writing and Speaking. ÖSD offers
the examination ÖSD Zertifikat B1 for adults and for adolescents and ÖSD Zertifikat C2 in four modules; i.e.,
the modules Reading, Listening, Writing and Speaking can be taken either individually or in any combination.
All other ÖSD examinations are available as two modules: Written examination (Reading, Listening, Writing)
and Oral examination (Speaking). The relevant modules are also referred to below as an examination.
A specimen paper (= sample test) for each examination can be downloaded free of charge at
www.osd.at/en/. The examination guidelines, which are also available online, contain details about content,
structure, duration, procedure and assessment of the relevant examination and are legally binding in their
current version.
Targeted preparation for examinations is also possible using the practice materials with additional practice
tests, which can be ordered online.
Examination candidates who opt to take an examination against these recommendations must expect to
be faced with a selection of topics and complexity of tasks that may not correspond to their age. For this
reason, no appeal against the examination result shall be possible.
7. Verification of identity
The examination centre shall be obliged to unequivocally ascertain the identity of examination candidates
prior to commencement of an examination and verify this by means of valid official photo ID (passport,
personal identity card, etc.). Before distribution of the question papers, the invigilators or examiners shall
check the details shown on the cover sheet and compare them with the data of the photo ID. Participants
must keep their identity document available during the entire course of the examination and show it where
asked to do so. It is not possible to sit an examination without valid official photo ID. The examination centre
is entitled in consultation with the ÖSD Head Office to take further measures to ascertain a candidate's
identity and/or determine which identity document must be submitted. The examination centre will tell
examination candidates what identity documents are acceptable when they register for an examination.
Participants shall confirm the correctness of their details and their consent to the examination regulations
with their signature. A copy of the photo ID is inserted in the cover sheet and returned to ÖSD together with
the examination papers.
Should there be any doubt about the identity of a participant, the candidate will first be asked to show another
identity document. If suspicions are confirmed that the participant is not identical to the person shown in
the ID, he or she will not be admitted to the examination. Should doubt remain – if it is not possible to either
fully dispel or sufficiently justify such doubt – the participant may be admitted to the examination provided
that he or she agrees to allow a photograph to be taken to verify his or her identity. The declaration of consent
must be submitted in writing and include the following personal details: first name(s), last name(s), date of
birth, place of birth, country of birth and nationality. The participant shall state these personal details himself
/ herself and must then sign the declaration. The photograph, a copy of the declaration of consent and of
the photo ID and written justification for the existence of doubt regarding the participant's identity shall be
immediately transmitted to ÖSD once the examination has taken place. The certificate will not be issued
until the candidate's identity has been unequivocally proven.
ÖSD reserves the right to take legal action in the event of any attempt at identity fraud.
15.Quality assurance
The ÖSD Head Office shall ensure uniformly high quality for the performance of examinations by the regular
inspection of documents and assessments for written and oral examinations and the sitting-in on
examinations taking place at examination centres.
16.Documentation, archiving
To document verbal performance, all oral examinations – depending on the examination centre – shall be
registered on sound or video recording media. The recordings and written examination documents shall be
held under lock and key for a period of up to five years and then deleted or disposed of in the proper manner
on expiry of the agreed period. The examination results of all examination candidates shall be recorded
electronically and archived where necessary.
18.Final provisions
The present examination regulations shall enter into force on 01.01.2023 and shall apply to examination
candidates whose examination takes place after 01.02.2023. Where the examination regulations have been
translated, the German-language version shall prevail in case of doubt.
The provisions specified in the relevant examination guidelines (cf. www.osd.at/en/) shall furthermore apply
in addition to the present examination regulations.