EN OSD-Prufungsordnung-Stand-17 07 2023 Final

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Deutsch (ÖSD)
Examination regulations
As of: 01.01.2023
Table of contents

ÖSD EXAMINATION REGULATIONS....................................................................................................3

1. Basic principles .......................................................................................................................3
2. Admission to ÖSD examinations ..............................................................................................3
3. ÖSD examination centres, ÖSD examination officials, ÖSD examiners/assessors
and other involved persons......................................................................................................4
4. Examination dates, registration for ÖSD examinations .............................................................4
5. Examination fees and reimbursement of fees ..........................................................................5
6. Examination materials, obligation of secrecy ...........................................................................5
7. Verification of identity .............................................................................................................5
8. Performance of examinations, invigilation ...............................................................................6
9. Withdrawal from ÖSD examinations and/or discontinuation of ÖSD examinations ....................6
10. Exclusion from ÖSD examinations (cheating, impermissible aids, other violations) ...................7
10.1 Cheating using impermissible aids ..............................................................................................7
10.2 Cheating through impermissible behaviour and other violations ..............................................7
10.3 Consequences of cheating and attempts at cheating ................................................................8
11. Assessment ............................................................................................................................9
12. Transmission of examination results and ÖSD certificates (diplomas)......................................9
13. Re-sitting of ÖSD examinations ............................................................................................. 10
14. Right of inspection and appeal............................................................................................... 10
15. Quality assurance..................................................................................................................10
16. Documentation, archiving ......................................................................................................10
17. Data protection .....................................................................................................................11
18. Final provisions .....................................................................................................................11

ÖSD Examination Regulations | As of: 01/2023 © 2

The examinations of ÖSD certify a student's language competence in German at the relevant level of the
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (GER) and are held and assessed at licensed
ÖSD examination centres throughout the world according to uniform provisions.

1. Basic principles
The current examination regulations relate to the ÖSD examinations listed under item 2, whereby the version
valid at the time of registration shall apply.
ÖSD examinations each consist of the four subtests Reading, Listening, Writing and Speaking. ÖSD offers
the examination ÖSD Zertifikat B1 for adults and for adolescents and ÖSD Zertifikat C2 in four modules; i.e.,
the modules Reading, Listening, Writing and Speaking can be taken either individually or in any combination.
All other ÖSD examinations are available as two modules: Written examination (Reading, Listening, Writing)
and Oral examination (Speaking). The relevant modules are also referred to below as an examination.
A specimen paper (= sample test) for each examination can be downloaded free of charge at
www.osd.at/en/. The examination guidelines, which are also available online, contain details about content,
structure, duration, procedure and assessment of the relevant examination and are legally binding in their
current version.
Targeted preparation for examinations is also possible using the practice materials with additional practice
tests, which can be ordered online.

2. Admission to ÖSD examinations

An ÖSD examination can be basically taken by anyone interested in doing so. Exceptions here include
persons who have been excluded from an examination for the reasons listed in item 10 and will not be
admitted before expiry of the waiting periods specified in item 10.3.
Persons who have forged ÖSD diplomas or submit a forgery of a diploma shall be excluded from
participation in an examination at all ÖSD examination centres throughout the world for the period of one
year from the date on which the forgery becomes known to the ÖSD Head Office. The ÖSD Head Office
reserves the right to also permanently exclude such persons from future examinations (cf. item 10.3).
Persons who have failed an examination or a module shall be excluded from taking the examination until
expiry of the periods specified by the responsible examination centre for re-sitting the examination (cf. item
To sit an ÖSD examination, it is not necessary to pass an examination at the level below or to participate in
a German language or preparatory course. Each examination module can be taken independently of passing
other modules.
The following age recommendations are given for the individual ÖSD examinations:
from 10 years from 12 years
ÖSD KID A1 ÖSD Zertifikat Deutsch Österreich B1 / Jugendliche ÖSD
ÖSD KID A2 Zertifikat B1 / Jugendliche

from14 years from 16 years

ÖSD Zertifikat A1 ÖSD Zertifikat Deutsch Österreich B1
ÖSD Zertifikat A2 ÖSD Zertifikat B1
ÖSD Zertifikat B2 / Jugendliche ÖSD Zertifikat B2
ÖSD Zertifikat C1 / Jugendliche ÖSD Zertifikat C1
ÖSD Zertifikat C2
ÖSD Zertifikat C2 / Wirtschaftssprache Deutsch

Examination candidates who opt to take an examination against these recommendations must expect to
be faced with a selection of topics and complexity of tasks that may not correspond to their age. For this
reason, no appeal against the examination result shall be possible.

ÖSD Examination Regulations | As of: 01/2023 © 3

3. ÖSD examination centres, ÖSD examination officials, ÖSD
examiners/assessors and other involved persons
ÖSD examinations can only be taken at licensed ÖSD examination centres. The examination centres are
selected according to strict criteria and are bound to comply with the specified quality standards by virtue
of their licensing agreement. Information on examination centres can be found at www.osd.at/en/.
Each examination centre appoints an examination official and a deputy. They assume responsibility for the
proper performance and assessment of ÖSD examinations;
i.e., they are responsible for all steps involved in the organisation and performance of examinations prior to,
during and after an examination, and for examination security and correct handling of the examination
materials. The examination official or the deputy must be contactable for all participating persons during
the examination.
Each examination may only be held and/or assessed by authorised persons or certified
In the case of oral examinations, at least one of the two examiners must not have taught an examination
candidate in the last course attended by the candidate prior to the examination. Exceptions to this rule shall
require approval by the ÖSD Head Office.
Examination officials and examiners/assessors and all other persons involved in the process (invigilators,
administrative staff, etc.) shall maintain secrecy vis-à-vis third parties in relation to all matters relating to
examinations and examination results.

4. Examination dates, registration for ÖSD examinations

Candidates shall register for examinations with the relevant ÖSD examination centre. This is subject to the
registration procedures and contractual terms and conditions of the examination centre. All examination
centres and information on the examination dates offered can be viewed at www.osd.at/en/.
Prior to registering for an examination, interested persons will be informed in detail at the selected
examination centre about the contractual terms and conditions, the examination requirements, the
examination regulations, the examination guidelines and the notification of examination results. The
examination regulations and the examination guidelines are also available online in their last amended
version from the ÖSD website. By registering for an examination, examination candidates (in the case of
minors their parent/guardian or legal representatives) confirm that they have noted and accept the
contractual terms and conditions, the current ÖSD examination regulations and the examination guidelines.
Admission to an examination is decided by the examination centre conditional on the spaces available. The
entitlement to sit an examination shall not become legally effective until after admission of the candidate by
the examination centre and payment of the examination fee in full.
Where an examination does not involve a first attempt but a retake, this must be stated when registering for
the examination.
Examination candidates with impairments and/or specific needs shall be obliged to inform the examination
centre and/or the ÖSD Head Office accordingly in the course of registration and to submit documentation
to this effect. The examination centre and the ÖSD Head Office shall ensure confidential treatment of the
information provided (in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation – GDPR).
Examination conditions catering for the individual situation may be offered in agreement with the ÖSD Head
Office. Where a candidate cannot sit individual subtests due to impairments and/or specific needs, this shall
be noted on the certificate without stating the grounds.
Further information in this regard can be found in the "Information Sheet: Candidates with Special Needs".

ÖSD Examination Regulations | As of: 01/2023 © 4

5. Examination fees and reimbursement of fees
The examination fees are set by the examination centre and must be paid by examination candidates by the
agreed deadline. The possibility of reimbursement of the fee in the event of withdrawal from an examination
or discontinuation (cf. item 9) is laid down by the relevant examination centre in its cancellation policy.
Examination candidates who are excluded from sitting an examination (cf. item 10) have no entitlement to
reimbursement of the examination fee.

6. Examination materials, obligation of secrecy

The ÖSD Head Office shall provide the examination centre with all examination materials necessary for
performance of a published examination date. The materials are the property of ÖSD. They are protected by
copyright and may not be amended or reproduced in any form. All examination documents are subject to
the obligation of secrecy and are kept under lock and key. Any use outside of the published examination date
or disclosure to third parties shall be considered as misuse. The ÖSD Head Office must be immediately
notified of any misuse. Any active involvement therein will be the subject of legal action by ÖSD in the scope
of the legal framework.

7. Verification of identity
The examination centre shall be obliged to unequivocally ascertain the identity of examination candidates
prior to commencement of an examination and verify this by means of valid official photo ID (passport,
personal identity card, etc.). Before distribution of the question papers, the invigilators or examiners shall
check the details shown on the cover sheet and compare them with the data of the photo ID. Participants
must keep their identity document available during the entire course of the examination and show it where
asked to do so. It is not possible to sit an examination without valid official photo ID. The examination centre
is entitled in consultation with the ÖSD Head Office to take further measures to ascertain a candidate's
identity and/or determine which identity document must be submitted. The examination centre will tell
examination candidates what identity documents are acceptable when they register for an examination.
Participants shall confirm the correctness of their details and their consent to the examination regulations
with their signature. A copy of the photo ID is inserted in the cover sheet and returned to ÖSD together with
the examination papers.
Should there be any doubt about the identity of a participant, the candidate will first be asked to show another
identity document. If suspicions are confirmed that the participant is not identical to the person shown in
the ID, he or she will not be admitted to the examination. Should doubt remain – if it is not possible to either
fully dispel or sufficiently justify such doubt – the participant may be admitted to the examination provided
that he or she agrees to allow a photograph to be taken to verify his or her identity. The declaration of consent
must be submitted in writing and include the following personal details: first name(s), last name(s), date of
birth, place of birth, country of birth and nationality. The participant shall state these personal details himself
/ herself and must then sign the declaration. The photograph, a copy of the declaration of consent and of
the photo ID and written justification for the existence of doubt regarding the participant's identity shall be
immediately transmitted to ÖSD once the examination has taken place. The certificate will not be issued
until the candidate's identity has been unequivocally proven.
ÖSD reserves the right to take legal action in the event of any attempt at identity fraud.

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8. Performance of examinations, invigilation
ÖSD examinations are not public. Only appointed staff of the ÖSD examination centre or the ÖSD Head Office
may be present at an examination.
The proper performance of examinations is ensured by the deployment of certified ÖSD examiners and
invigilators who have been instructed accordingly. The invigilators are responsible for the supervision of
written examinations and the preparations for oral examinations and are deployed in the hallways of the
examination centre. Written examinations shall be overseen by at least one qualified invigilator per 15
participants. The invigilator shall give the necessary organisational instructions and is on hand to answer
any queries relating to the performance of an examination. It is not permitted to respond to queries or
comment on the content of the examination. Where explanation of the examination questions is envisaged
according to the examination guidelines, this and the response to any queries shall only be given in German.
The invigilators shall direct the examination in compliance with all requirements in terms of time and
organisation. They are responsible for ensuring that the candidates sit the examination without assistance,
without making use of impermissible aids (cf. item 10) and for keeping the examination materials under
their control at all times.
Desk and seating arrangements should be selected in such a way that, at reasonable discretion, it is not
possible for candidates to copy each other’s work. The distance between the individual examination
candidates must be at least 1 metre in each direction so that they are unable to see the papers of other
candidates. (The distance is measured from the centre of the chair.)
The course of the examination shall be documented in the examination log. It shall state for each
examination e.g. the examination centre/venue, date of the examination (including time of day), the
invigilator(s) and the examination candidates and shall record any particular incidents occurring during the
During written examinations participants are only permitted to leave the room individually outside of the
scheduled breaks. This shall be noted in the examination log, stating the candidate's name and the time. No
examination papers whatsoever may be taken out of the examination room by candidates. Depending on
the local circumstances, a hallway supervisor must be deployed to prevent contact with other persons or
any attempts at cheating in the hallway, in the WCs or at other locations.
If participants wish to finish the examination prior to the scheduled end time, they must hand in all
examination papers. Once they have left the examination room, they may only re-enter it after the official
end of the relevant subtest or module. Documents that have already been submitted will not be handed out
again. It must be ensured that persons outside the examination room are not able to contact those still
sitting the examination (e.g. by deploying a hallway supervisor).

9. Withdrawal from ÖSD examinations and/or discontinuation of

ÖSD examinations
Without prejudice to the statutory right of revocation, the following shall apply: Withdrawal from an
examination is possible, but there is no entitlement to the reimbursement of any examination fees already
paid. Where withdrawal takes place prior to the start of an examination, the examination shall be deemed to
have not been sat. Where an examination is discontinued after commencement, the candidate shall be
deemed to have not passed the examination.
If the reason for withdrawal from the examination or its discontinuation is claimed to be sickness, a medical
certificate must be immediately submitted to the examination centre in charge. The examination centre shall
decide as regards further procedure and possible reimbursement of the examination fees (cf. item 5).

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10.Exclusion from ÖSD examinations (cheating, impermissible
aids, other violations)
Anyone shall be excluded from an examination where they cheat or attempt to cheat in conjunction with the
examination, carry, use or make available impermissible aids, intentionally disturb other candidates sitting
the examination or prevent the examination from proceeding in an orderly manner through their behaviour.
Cheating shall be deemed to have occurred where examination candidates do not take the examination
without assistance, but cheat or merely attempt to do by behaving in an impermissible manner or by making
use of impermissible aids. An attempt at cheating will thus also be designated below as cheating, not solely
being aimed at obtaining assistance with a candidate's own examination performance, but possibly also
involving that of another person.

10.1 Cheating using impermissible aids

Examination candidates may only ever bring with them to the examination or the preparation room objects
or work utensils which are required to sit the examination and are specifically permitted (ballpoint pens, all
other kinds of non-erasable pens and, in the case of digital examinations, devices specially defined for such
purpose) and, where envisaged for the individual examination, relevant dictionaries, which have been
inspected beforehand. Objects which are needed for personal reasons or on health grounds such as drinks,
handkerchiefs, spectacles or similar items shall be permitted, although they may be inspected should
suspicion arise.
With the exception of the admissible objects listed above, the examination candidates may not bring other
items with them to the examination, i.e., mobile phones (even where switched off), wristwatches, jackets,
bags, study materials and other personal objects shall be deposited or stowed away securely so that no
impermissible access is possible during the examination.
Examinations must be taken entirely without assistance; all aids that are not explicitly admissible shall not
be allowed and are referred to below as impermissible aids.
Impermissible aids in particular include, but are not solely limited to the following:
• technical aids and devices by which information can be stored, displayed or transmitted and/or which
have an Internet connection (e.g. mobile phones, in-ear headphones, smart watches and smart glasses,
i.e. watches or spectacles with recording, videoing, playback and/or transfer capability and similar
• dictionaries (except for the examinations Zertifikat B2, Zertifikat C1 and Zertifikat C2 /
Wirtschaftssprache Deutsch), any specialist materials (study materials, lists, tables, notes, sample
texts) and any other kind of personal notes, information and data (e.g. carried in the hand, on clothing
or other items)
Any aids which are unknowingly brought to the examination, in particular mobile phones, must be handed
over for secure storage for the duration of the examination. Mobile phones must be switched off on

10.2 Cheating through impermissible behaviour and other violations

The following shall constitute cheating through impermissible behaviour or violation of the examination
• the use of impermissible aids (as defined in 10.1) or the carrying of same, unless handed over prior to
the start of an examination
• the depositing and use of impermissible aids on devices used to sit a digital or hybrid examination
• any attempt to contact other examination candidates during the examination
• the joint development, agreement or comparison of examination responses and examination
performance (where answers or performance correspond closely, this may be classified as cheating
even if there is no evidence of agreement or joint development. Should incorrect answers correspond
60 percent or to a greater degree, the examination performance may be fundamentally classified as
ÖSD Examination Regulations | As of: 01/2023 © 7
• the occurrence of striking correlation between examination responses and the relevant answers which
can only be explained by cheating
• the use of third-party sample texts and/or models / templates learned off by heart in which written or
oral performance is discernible that could hardly have been produced without assistance (plagiarism),
even if individual passages of text differ to a minor degree
• the removal (theft), photographing, videoing, recording, publishing and/or any transmission of
examination materials
• the sitting of an examination for another person; i.e. the assuming of a false identity or arranging for
someone else to do so
• bribery and making of threats to persons participating in the examination process (involved persons or
other examination candidates)

10.3 Consequences of cheating and attempts at cheating

The examiners and invigilators shall be entitled to verify and enforce compliance with the above provisions.
Anyone acting contrary to these provisions shall be excluded from the examination and their entire
examination performance will not be assessed. They will thus be neither informed of the examination result,
nor awarded a certificate.
All persons participating in identity fraud will be excluded from sitting an examination for a period of at least
one year. An identical waiting period shall apply to examination candidates who steal / photograph / publish
examination content and/or otherwise make it accessible to third parties.
Examination candidates who, in order to obtain a certificate, offer, promise or grant any person participating
directly or indirectly in an examination process unlawful payments or other undue advantage to successfully
take the examination (anti-corruption clause) or who make threats to a person participating in the
examination process will be likewise excluded from sitting the examination for a period of at least one year.
In the event of plagiarism, the examination performance shall be basically deemed not assessable in the
relevant subtest or module and will be awarded 0 points. A waiting period may be imposed by the ÖSD Head
Office depending on the extent and severity of the plagiarism involved in each case.
Examination candidates who have been excluded from an examination due to other types of cheating as
listed above can only re-sit it at the earliest three months from the date on which they were excluded from
the examination.
The ÖSD Head Office reserves the right to exclude the persons concerned from future examinations beyond
the specified waiting periods based on the severity and frequency of such cheating or attempts at cheating.
Further provisions:
1. Cheating and attempts at cheating – including cases with a suspicion of plagiarism – must be clarified
with the ÖSD Head Office. The final decision regarding the existence of cheating shall be taken by the
ÖSD Head Office. It may also classify examination performance retrospectively as cheating or an
attempt at cheating, incl. where such suspicion is not explicitly voiced during the examination. To
evaluate the individual case, the ÖSD Head Office shall consult examination logs, comments made by
invigilators and examiners/assessors and any further evidence of relevance to the examination.
Likewise, anomalies that are only identified during assessment of the examination may result in
examination performance being classified as cheating.
2. Where it is possible to demonstrate cooperation between several examination candidates in making
use of impermissible aids during an examination or would all candidates have been able to access an
impermissible aid subsequently discovered, it shall be up to the ÖSD Head Office to decide whether to
possibly not assess the relevant examination in its entirety.
3. Should the authorities or other institutions express justified doubts about the lawfulness of a
submitted certificate, the performance may, following careful examination by the ÖSD Head Office,
also be classified as cheating or declared to be invalid at a later date.
4. The ÖSD Head Office likewise reserves the right to ask for the return of previously issued certificates
and to declare them to be invalid where cheating is only identified retrospectively.

ÖSD Examination Regulations | As of: 01/2023 © 8

11. Assessment
The assessment of examination performance is made by two authorised ÖSD examiners/assessors. The
examiners/assessors first assess the performance independently of each other and then jointly determine
the final grade at an assessment discussion. Should the examiners/assessors fail to reach agreement, a
third-party assessment shall be made by the examination official or the deputy.
Binding specifications for the award of points and the pass marks for examinations can be found in the ÖSD
assessment criteria. The examination is deemed to have been passed where the relevant minimum
requirements (for the individual examination/subtest/module) have been fulfilled.
The relevant subtest or relevant module shall at all events be deemed plagiarism and thus as not having
been passed where use is made of third-party sample texts learned off by heart in which written or oral
performance is discernible that could hardly have been produced without assistance. The examination
performance will be awarded 0 points in the relevant part. Cases of plagiarism shall be clarified with the ÖSD
Head Office, which takes the final decision regarding classification as plagiarism.

12.Transmission of examination results and ÖSD certificates

Examination results and diplomas/ÖSD certificates are generally issued to participants by the examination
centre at which the examination was taken.
Should a candidate have sat and passed an examination, he/she will receive a certificate (module-specific/
overall certificate). The certificate indicates the examination performance in the form of the points scored
and the grades (marks) which result according to the grading scale.
Where the two or four modules of an examination are taken on one examination date and passed, an overall
certificate will be issued, listing all the modules. Likewise, examination candidates shall receive an overall
certificate where they have taken and passed the individual modules of an examination at the same
examination centre within one year.
Where individual modules are passed or where the modules are taken and passed at different examination
centres, candidates shall receive a module diploma for each module. No certificate will be issued for
examinations which have been failed.
The examination centre is obliged to hand out certificates to examination candidates in person as quickly
as possible or to issue them in a secure manner. Certificates which are not collected will be returned to the
ÖSD Head Office after a period of six months from the date of issue of the certificate.
The ÖSD Head Office reserves the right to re-assess examination performance and, in the case of diverging
results, to issue a certificate in accordance with these results. It will ask for the return of any previously
issued certificate, which shall then no longer be valid.
Examination candidates have the option of being issued with a duplicate of their examination diploma for a
period of five years. Requests for duplicates should be submitted to the examination centre at which the
examination was sat. Examination candidates should apply directly to the ÖSD Head Office for duplicates
only in exceptional cases (e.g. where the examination centre no longer exists or is too far away). The issue
of a duplicate is always subject to a charge (administration fee and postage).
Reprinting of an original certificate is performed where an error needs to be corrected or a change made.
Requests for reprinting should be submitted to the examination centre at which the examination was sat,
against return of the original certificate. Examination candidates should apply directly to the ÖSD for
reprinting only in exceptional cases.
The ÖSD Head Office reserves the right to also conclude individual agreements that go beyond these
provisions with specific ÖSD examination centres and licensees.

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13.Re-sitting of ÖSD examinations
It is possible to take / re-sit an entire examination or individual modules any number of times. The module
Written examination can only be retaken in its entirety, i.e., the subtests Reading, Listening and Writing cannot
be taken individually and incorporated in the result.
In the event of a fail, the ÖSD recommends re-sitting the examination at the earliest four weeks after the
previous examination. The examination centre can lay down specific periods for re-sits. They will be
indicated on notification of the examination results. There exists no legal entitlement to a specific
examination date.

14.Right of inspection and appeal

Examination candidates have the right to see the details of the assessment for their examination, i.e. the
relevant assessment form or the answer and evaluation form, and to possibly appeal against the
assessment. In both cases this shall be subject to a deadline of four weeks from the date of issue of the
certificate or in the case of a fail, from transmission of the result to the examination candidate.
Minors without full capacity to contract may only attend for inspection where accompanied by their legal
representative, whose consent they require for submission of the application.
The inspection shall take place at the examination centre in the presence of the examination official, their
deputy or a person of trust they have appointed.
Where necessary, the examination centre shall request the assessment form or the answer or evaluation
form from ÖSD. The documents may be neither handed out to examination candidates, nor copied or
photographed. Likewise, the inspection of all examination papers which contain secret examination
questions and texts or allow conclusions to be drawn in this regard is not permitted.
Appeals against the assessment of an examination can be submitted to the ÖSD Head Office within the
relevant deadline. Should there be sufficient justification, re-assessment will be performed by staff at the
ÖSD Head Office subject to a charge. The mere indication of failure to score a certain number of points does
not constitute grounds for a new assessment. Should the outcome of the examination remark be positive,
the costs of the appeal shall be refunded.
An appeal against the performance of an examination can only be submitted immediately after the
examination has been sat. The appeal must be submitted in writing to the management of the examination
centre at which the examination was sat. The examination officer shall decide the appeal after having
consulted the participating persons (invigilators and/or examiners, and possibly other examination
candidates) and shall write a memorandum documenting the matter. The ÖSD Head Office shall at all events
be informed by the examination centre of appeals made against the performance of an examination and
reserves the right to take the final decision. In exceptional cases examination candidates may also apply
directly to the ÖSD Head Office to appeal against the performance of an examination.

15.Quality assurance
The ÖSD Head Office shall ensure uniformly high quality for the performance of examinations by the regular
inspection of documents and assessments for written and oral examinations and the sitting-in on
examinations taking place at examination centres.

16.Documentation, archiving
To document verbal performance, all oral examinations – depending on the examination centre – shall be
registered on sound or video recording media. The recordings and written examination documents shall be
held under lock and key for a period of up to five years and then deleted or disposed of in the proper manner
on expiry of the agreed period. The examination results of all examination candidates shall be recorded
electronically and archived where necessary.

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17.Data protection
All persons participating in performance of the examination shall be bound to secrecy and to comply with
the applicable provisions governing data protection. The ÖSD Head Office shall be entitled to store,
electronically process and disclose personal data and examination results of examination candidates to
relevant bodies such as the authorities, government agencies, etc. The ÖSD Head Office may, on request
from the public authorities where there is a justified suspicion of forgery of an ÖSD certificate, moreover
confirm or refute the validity of said certificate. Anonymised data may be used for evaluation purposes.

18.Final provisions
The present examination regulations shall enter into force on 01.01.2023 and shall apply to examination
candidates whose examination takes place after 01.02.2023. Where the examination regulations have been
translated, the German-language version shall prevail in case of doubt.
The provisions specified in the relevant examination guidelines (cf. www.osd.at/en/) shall furthermore apply
in addition to the present examination regulations.

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