Bossard Holding AG - Annual Report - 2021
Bossard Holding AG - Annual Report - 2021
Bossard Holding AG - Annual Report - 2021
Annual Report
04 At a glance 06 Report to the shareholders 10 Company 19 Sustainability 48 Corporate Governance 80 Compensation Report 99 Financial Report
Proven Productivity
The Bossard Group is a leading strategic partner for Bossard was founded in Zug in 1831. Today local and With over 2,700 employees at 84 locations in 32 countries
industrial fastening and assembly technology solutions multinational companies count on Bossard’s expertise throughout the world, the Bossard Group generated CHF
to OEM customers globally with proven expertise in to increase their productivity – with success. Bossard 995.1 million in sales in the financial year 2021. Bossard
engineering and logistic services. calls this concept, which is also a promise to its custom- is listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange.
ers Proven Productivity. This includes, among other
things, optimizing processes and reducing inventories to
increase the efficiency and productivity sustainably. In
addition, Bossard is considered a pioneer in developing
intelligent production facilities in line with Industry 4.0.
04 At a glance 06 Report to the shareholders 10 Company 19 Sustainability 48 Corporate Governance 80 Compensation Report 99 Financial Report
04 At a glance
10 Company
19 Sustainability
48 Corporate Governance
80 Compensation Report
99 Financial Report
04 At a glance 06 Report to the shareholders 10 Company 19 Sustainability 48 Corporate Governance 80 Compensation Report 99 Financial Report
in %
5 8 E urop
23 A
17 18 19 20 21 17 18 19 20 21 17 18 19 20 21
04 At a glance 06 Report to the shareholders 10 Company 19 Sustainability 48 Corporate Governance 80 Compensation Report 99 Financial Report
Key figures
in CHF 1,000 2021 2020
Net sales 995,148 812,792
Change to prior year in % 22.4 –7.2
Gross profit 317,120 248,730
Personnel expenses 199,732 165,728
in % of net sales 20.1 20.4
EBITDA 145,904 105,863
in % of net sales 14.7 13.0
EBIT 123,326 86,386
in % of net sales 12.4 10.6
Net income 98,017 67,751
Strengthened through the crisis Digitalization of assembly Active market consolidation and expansion
Bossard’s strong performance was sustained by a broad The gradual introduction of our new standalone Smart In October, Bossard acquired Jeveka B.V., a leading
and solid foundation consisting of three elements. Firstly, Factory Assembly service was well received by our cus- Benelux supplier of product solutions as well as logistics
by the high degree of flexibility and commitment of our tomers. Along with improved process reliability and pro- and engineering services in industrial fastening and as-
employees, whose performance was exceptional under ductivity, it reduces production costs in manufacturing. sembly technology. The company primarily serves cus-
difficult conditions. Secondly, our long-standing proven As a result, Smart Factory Assembly meets an important tomers in the mechanical engineering and high-tech
purchasing strategy, which is based on multiple sources customer need, enabling the documentation of produc- segments. The acquisition of this long-standing partner
of procurement. And thirdly, due to our generous stock- tion processes, flexible employee deployment, and con- is in line with the Bossard Group’s strategic approach of
keeping. During the last 24 months, these elements were sistently high quality. This minimizes possible sources of broadening its market presence in technologically ad-
essential in ensuring the best possible delivery capability error in assembly as well as defective products. vanced end markets.
to our customers and underlining our reliability as a part-
ner. Broad performance across the regions Strong sales development in America was driven by our
All three market regions benefited from the market re- expertise in the electromobility sector built up over the
Expanded market position covery and posted impressive double-digit growth rates. last years. We completed several exciting projects, which
In addition to our sustained delivery capability, our ex- The aforementioned sustained delivery capability to our helped us solidify new, long-term customer relationships.
panded market position is the outcome of the business customers let to above-average benefits in the European
model we have systematically refined in recent years. region, contributing significantly to the marked improve- With consistently high growth rates above 30 percent, the
Our ongoing geographic diversification is another con- ment in results. Furthermore, the region won new cus- Asia region affirmed the years-long upward trend during
tributing factor. This, along with market share gains in tomer projects in the focus industries of railway vehicle the last financial year. On the one hand, the Group bene-
growth industries such as robotics, electromobility, rail- construction and medical technology. The appreciation of fited from the investments made in the expansion and
way vehicle construction, and medical technology, has led the Swiss franc against the euro to the highest level in the modernization of its infrastructure over the recent years.
to accelerated growth. Recently won customer projects last six years, had a slightly negative impact on sales in On the other hand, the growth initiatives in the robotics
will also have a positive impact on our future growth. the fourth quarter. and electronics segments lead to a pleasing growth in the
project pipeline and gains in market share.
04 At a glance 06 Report to the shareholders 10 Company 19 Sustainability 48 Corporate Governance 80 Compensation Report 99 Financial Report
Strategy 200 – Capital Markets Day 2021 out, test, and implement the most suitable fastening With momentum into the future
For the first time, the Bossard Group held a Capital Mar- solutions for each set of requirements. Consequently, Bossard is entering the next stage of its 190-year history
kets Day (CMD) at its company headquarters in Zug. This we not only increase safety but also reduce costs for with great momentum. Over the past quarters, the Group
event for institutional investors, analysts, and media rep- our customers. has shown that after a year of economic uncertainty it is
resentatives introduced the Bossard Group’s business not only able to rapidly adapt high growth dynamics, but
model and provided a deeper look at the Strategy 200 Taken as a whole, our services establish Bossard as a to substantially exceed them. From today´s perspective,
announced in spring. In addition, higher financial targets strategic C-level partner to our customers that can boost it is difficult to forecast how procurement costs and the
were announced at the well attended event. Bossard their ability to compete. This creates a level of customer stability of supply chains will evolve over the coming
plans to permanently increase its average organic growth loyalty that we could never achieve by selling products months. A lot depends on people’s behavior, politics, and
rate to over 5 percent after a period of increased invest- alone. government measures in the individual countries – factors
ments. As a result, the Group is targeting mid-term a new outside our scope of influence. Nonetheless, we are
EBIT margin of 12 percent to 15 percent (currently 10 per- Strategy 200 – sustainability pleased that over the last few months governments have
cent to 13 percent). Bossard continues to rely on a strong Along with our Proven Productivity brand promise, our made every effort to support the economy and maintain
balance sheet with an equity ratio of at least 40 percent. business model stands for a successful and sustainable the pace of production in companies. The way in which
The stepped-up growth initiatives notwithstanding, the future. As an environmentally conscious company, we are Bossard mastered the recovery in 2021 gives us confi-
dividend payout is expected to remain at about 40 percent committed to the careful and efficient use of natural re- dence, and we are optimistic about the future. Globally
of the Group’s net income. sources and energy and to minimizing our environmental committed employees, stable cash flows, and a solid
impact. Through our “Together We Create” strategy ini- balance sheet with an equity ratio of 45.2 percent enable
Strategy 200 – the strategic significance of our tiative, we highlight the importance of our existing values the Bossard Group to move ahead with its strategically
services and operating principles. We create equal opportunities important projects at full speed.
The quality and deliverability of our product solutions are regardless of factors such as nationality, gender, sexual
the foundation of our business and the results we achieve. orientation, religion, or age. As part of Strategy 200,
The value of our cooperation with our customers – Proven Bossard will analyze the current state and formulate
Productivity – grows with the performance of our services. achievable CO2 neutrality goals for publication in 2022.
Our Smart Factory solutions enable logistics and product
managers to optimize their supply and production work-
flows. Our Assembly Technology Expert services seek
04 At a glance 06 Report to the shareholders 10 Company 19 Sustainability 48 Corporate Governance 80 Compensation Report 99 Financial Report
Proposals at the annual general meeting of For the current year, no new elections are proposed.
shareholders We express our deep gratitude to all our employees for
At the 2022 annual general meeting of shareholders, the their tireless dedication, solidarity, team spirit, and
board of directors will propose a gross dividend of CHF enthusiasm – they are the core of the Bossard Group’s
5.10 per registered A share (prior year: CHF 4.40 gross), success. We thank our customers for their years of loyalty,
in line with our dividend policy of a 40 percent payout of and our partners and suppliers for their outstanding
net income. This represents an increase of 15.9 percent. cooperation. And we thank you, valued Shareholders,
for your continued trust.
At last year’s annual general meeting of shareholders,
Founded in Zug in 1831, the Bossard Group is a leading
Market position Customers worldwide
> 30,000
Bossard is one of the top 3 global distributors of Bossard is proud to serve more than 30,000 customers
fasteners. globally – in a huge variety of industries.
> 1,000
More than 90 percent of our large and medium-sized More than 1,000 customers rely on Bossard´s automated
customers have been working with Bossard for more B- and C-parts management solutions.
than ten years.
04 At a glance 06 Report to the shareholders 10 Company 19 Sustainability 48 Corporate Governance 80 Compensation Report 99 Financial Report
optimization measures that are proven to de-
liver the best possible efficiency, thereby reduc-
ing costs. In evaluating our services, we rely on
facts. They consistently show that by working y L
r Throughpu
with us, our customers are able to achieve last-
ing and measurable productivity improve-
Smart Fa
ments. That is why we talk about Proven
B e t te
em p
services gives our customers competitive
bly gy
advantages in six key areas. Technolo
T s
oM ces
ark Pr
et Lean
Our fastening solutions are as unique as our customers’ Bossard ecosyn®
products. Sometimes standard fasteners are just right, The ecosyn® product line features premium quality fas-
while in other cases brand solutions or custom fastening teners. They are both economical and in sync with the
solutions get the best results. Bossard has the right solu- needs of our customers. Smart and safe quality products
tion for every challenge. based on innovative engineering and designed to make
work easier and more efficient.
Fastening technology catalog products
Brand products
Customized items
Customized solutions and parts (turned, milled, extrud-
ed, stamped and bent parts) for unique technical require-
ments, manufactured to our customers’ specifications.
04 At a glance 06 Report to the shareholders 10 Company 19 Sustainability 48 Corporate Governance 80 Compensation Report 99 Financial Report
is a core element for profitable growth. The more precise
Smart Fa
Our customers develop a diverse range of premium prod- and smarter factory logistics is, the better companies
ucts whose production methods place equally diverse de- fare against their competitors.
em p
b ly Technology
mands on fasteners. Six field-proven Bossard Assembly
Technology Expert services help find, test and implement While our customers fully focus on their core competen-
the most suitable fastening solutions based on specific ces, we take care of automating their B- and C-parts
requirements. In addition, they optimize the customer’s management processes, thus ensuring a lean assort-
assembly processes and product assortment and train ment and a smooth supply flow. Inventory is controlled
their employees. in real time, and material is delivered directly to the as-
sembly stations thanks to smart order management. All
Using this three-step approach, from design to optimiza- at the right time and in the right place. Lower material
tion to training, the specialists at Bossard help product handling costs and smaller inventories enable our cus-
designers and engineers meet the most diverse chal- tomers to significantly boost productivity in their produc-
lenges with respect to innovation, process optimization, tion.
and efficiency. This leads to a sustainable reduction in
production time and costs, increases product safety and In addition, we support our customers in the digital
quality, and significantly improves our customers’ com- transformation of their production with our Smart
petitiveness. Factory Assembly services. Digital documentation and
connected devices ensure consistently high quality, and
the recorded data provide maximum transparency and
Bossard’s business model has proven not only multiple sources from different continents to mitigate With our Strategy 200, we want to build on the past,
its strength for growth in normal circumstanc- supply risks. focusing on our key strengths and scale our business
es, but also its extraordinary resilience in these model to achieve relevant market share in all our key
unprecedented times. With Bossard “Strategy Customer centricity and sustainability markets by 2031.
200” – Bossard turns 200 years old in 2031 – we The close and strategic collaboration with our customers,
will focus on this business model and acceler- focusing on services to ensure the customer’s peace of Proven Productivity – our promise …
ate growth in all our key markets. mind in C-parts management and supply and enabling For the average industrial OEM (original equipment man-
trusted relationships, creates a solid customer base for ufacturer), more than 50 percent of single assembly parts
Leader in digitalization in our industry the long term. This is reflected in our enduring relation- are fastener-related while they only represent a very
26 years ago, Bossard invented the first fully digitalized ships with our customers, with over 90 percent of our small amount of the purchasing value. The related man-
and automated C-parts management system, based on large and medium-size customers still working with agement and handling costs – parts definition, ordering,
IoT technology, that today is being used every day by over Bossard after ten years. Our sustainable customer base goods receipt, inventory management, and assembly
1,000 customers globally. Our proven solutions, used by is a key foundation for our long-term sales and profit de- costs – typically exceed the purchase price of the C-parts
customers to maintain a seamless supply of C-parts for velopment. significantly. With our long-time philosophy of Proven
production without manual interaction, have been espe- Productivity, we focus on substantially reducing the man-
cially important during the COVID-19 pandemic. With the Innovation and experimental mindset agement and assembly costs of C-parts for our custom-
digital platforms developed over the last years, Bossard Ongoing curiosity has always been at the core of the ers, thereby boosting their competitiveness in a sustain-
was able to switch its wide range of services to the virtual Bossard DNA. For this reason, we would consider our- able and measurable way. This philosophy strengthens
space – instantly and across the globe. selves a “start-up with 191 years of experience.” Solving the bridge of trust between us and our customers day in
customer problems with creativity and passion – using and day out.
Industrial and geographical diversification years of experience in fastening technology, supply chain
As impressively demonstrated in the crisis, our broad and assembly solutions – has enabled us to provide lead- … in a globally fragmented market with growth
industrial diversification with around 30,000 customers ing-edge market services. And the journey continues: for potential
from a wide variety of industries enables us to balance example, we are looking into new products for lightweight The global fastener market for industrial OEMs is heavily
customer growth and makes us much less dependent on applications, AI-enabled systems to speed up the quoting fragmented. With only 3 percent global market share in
single industrial segments. Our global footprint, with process for customized fasteners, and new services to our industry segment, Bossard is one of the top 3 global
more than 80 operations in Europe, America and Asia, al- ensure secure assembly processes. distributors of fasteners. This leaves significant opportu-
lows for a global distribution of income. This global pres- nities for growth. We will exploit these opportunities by
ence also helps us on the procurement side where, for continuing to be as close to our customers as possible.
key products, Bossard has always been working with
04 At a glance 06 Report to the shareholders 10 Company 19 Sustainability 48 Corporate Governance 80 Compensation Report 99 Financial Report
Stay up to date
The Bossard Group has been committed to sustainable
Women (35 %)
Men (65 %)
04 At a glance 06 Report to the shareholders 10 Company 19 Sustainability 48 Corporate Governance 80 Compensation Report 99 Financial Report
that is Bossard’s approach. Our products and tomers’ processes even better and make them more effi-
services simplify and optimize processes across cient, we promote internal innovation, such as analytical tS
all fastening solutions. Sustainability is an in-
methods using big data.
tegral ambition of our business model. Lo
st e
Efficient use of res
Over 2,700 employees at 84 locations in 32 countries help
Smart Fa
We help our customers not only to avoid hidden costs in us to bring Proven Productivity and Sustainability into as- Sustainability
development, design, procurement, ordering, logistics, sembly operations around the world by making more effi-
storage, assembly, and quality assurance. Our solutions cient fastening solutions possible. Driven by this value
t de
also mitigate the impact on the environment. Streamlin- proposition and guided by its proven corporate values,
m x
ing processes and optimizing individual products allow Bossard intends to expand even further and strengthen
for more careful and targeted use of materials, energy, its global supplier network for product solutions. ov
ed iz
wo tim
and production capacities. rk
employees save time; consolidated and more efficient tS
workflows make their work easier, resulting in a better
work climate overall. With our support, our customers y Lo
demonstrably boost their productivity. True to our Proven
Smart Fa
Productivity principle, we create added economic, ecolog- Proven
ical, and social value.
B e t te r
The products and services of Bossard are already part of
em xp
Industry 4.0 and contribute to groundbreaking innova- Technolog
tions. Moreover, we are working with customers in Ti
emerging sectors such as electromobility, railway vehicle oM
ark e ss
et roc
construction and medical technology, which contribute to Lean P
04 At a glance 06 Report to the shareholders 10 Company 19 Sustainability 48 Corporate Governance 80 Compensation Report 99 Financial Report
ment is open to their ideas and sugges- also an excellent chance for the board of
What gives you both a sense of pride What does that mean specifically? tions. At the same time, they call for directors to understand what employees
when you look back on the year 2021 DB: Sustainability is something that af- continued concrete action – not just need to be successful in their work.
through “sustainability glasses,” as fects all of us. We cannot and do not want words. And that’s a good thing.
it were? to impose a change process toward sus- DB: I couldn’t agree more. To put it a little
Thomas Schmuckli (TS): On our journey tainability from top-down. Together with TS: For example, I’m thinking of our new more bluntly, you don’t achieve team spirit
toward greater sustainability, we moved the board of directors, we’d like to set the Code of Conduct, which was developed
from strategic work to the implementation right framework in the executive commit- and written by our employees in an inten-
phase over the course of the reporting tee so that all employees are empowered sive sprint. It’s the outcome of successful
year. As part of the sustainability initiative, to make their own contribution to sustain- cooperation across regions and hierar-
first concrete results were achieved in ability. We discuss sustainability-related chies. The result is a handy, practical
various participatory processes. In addi- topics with employees much more than Code of Conduct by and for Bossard em-
tion, we’ve begun to focus more on sus- before, and we actively involve them in ployees that will guide them in their day-
tainability issues on the board of directors making improvements. We encourage to-day work. Personally, I think that’s
and have formulated initial internal tar- everyone to participate and take action. great.
gets. As a strategic partner in fastening Personally, I feel that sustainability is in-
technology and logistics, we strive to offer creasingly becoming part of business-
our customers proven added value. This relevant considerations and decisions.
extends to sustainability topics as well, Thomas Schmuckli and Daniel Bossard in a
just as our principle Proven Productivity talk with Tabea Bürgler (VP Sustainability)
and Sustainability suggests.
04 At a glance 06 Report to the shareholders 10 Company 19 Sustainability 48 Corporate Governance 80 Compensation Report 99 Financial Report
and better cooperation simply by talking What do you mean by this? We talked about the customers and more on such sectors and partnerships in
about it: You have to work together to DB: I know that we still have a lot of work investors. What do their sustainabili- the future.
make it become reality. This vibrant cul- to do to turn our ambitions into tangible ty efforts mean for Bossard’s current
ture of collaboration is vital for us to results. But I’m very confident. On the one and future suppliers? DB: We see Bossard as a catalyst contrib-
achieve innovations as well as the profit- hand, the data we collected across the DB: Sustainable procurement is of great uting to developments, often indirectly,
able corporate growth we’re striving for. board in 2021 provides us with a basis for strategic importance to us. We’re already and supplying industries that have the po-
We experience intercultural cooperation setting concrete targets. On the other paying attention to factors relevant to sus- tential to make a positive impact on peo-
every day – and we make our share of hand, the high expectations give us the tainability, such as geographic proximity. ple and the environment. I’m thinking of
mistakes. What’s important is that we opportunity to cooperate even more close- This trend is likely to grow. Going forward, electromobility, railway vehicle construc-
learn from each other and treat each ly with our customers. we’ll place much greater emphasis on tion, robotics or medical technology. On
other’s customs with respect and under- strategic partnerships and focus on our the other hand, our own services and
standing. This is an ongoing but rewarding TS: I’d like to add another perspective: I business as a complex ecosystem, for ex- solutions make a positive contribution to
effort. We want to create an environment feel that the next generation of our family, ample by optimizing transport routes. Industry 4.0, especially our Smart Factory
in which our employees and the organiza- the eighth Bossard generation, considers solutions. For example, our consolidated
tion reach their full potential in order to sustainability to be of vital importance. In Finally, a look into the future: How logistics and management approach de-
create a strong foundation for success for other words, there is additional momen- does Bossard specifically plan to monstrably reduces transport distances
the next generation. tum coming from that side. Moreover, the promote sustainable development? and therefore fuel consumption. And let’s
board of directors is convinced that our TS: We know that sustainability and ESG not forget the two other dimensions of
Switching from an inside to an out- efforts to achieve the goals I mentioned topics require an effort that goes well be- sustainability: We help our customers be
side perspective, how important is earlier will continue to make us attractive yond what is legally required. On the one more productive and increase their com-
sustainability to Bossard’s various to investors. In my opinion, Bossard as a hand, Bossard will reduce the negative petitiveness, and ultimately do our part to
stakeholders? seventh generation “small cap” belongs in ecological impact of its own business ac- secure jobs.
DB: There is a lot of interest in the topic, any sustainable investment portfolio. tivities as much as possible. On the other
and the dialog with our customers and hand, we’ll make our expertise in prod-
investors is increasing steadily. We sense ucts, engineering and logistics available
expectation from the outside that Bossard to customers who are working on im-
will set itself clear goals and take effective por-tant developments and technological
measures. I see this development as an innovations in their own industries for the
opportunity. benefit of sustainability. We plan to focus
04 At a glance 06 Report to the shareholders 10 Company 19 Sustainability 48 Corporate Governance 80 Compensation Report 99 Financial Report
Empowered People
Our employees are the driving force behind Bossard’s
success. For this reason, their physical and mental
well-being at the workplace is one of our highest priori-
ties. All employees should be equally valued in their vari-
ety and diversity, feel supported, and be able to develop
their potential in our company without discrimination of
any kind. Bossard invests in its workforce and aims to
bring the best talents on board. To that end, Bossard of-
fers exciting education and training opportunities as well
as attractive benefits and bonuses. Last but not least, our
experience during the COVID-19 pandemic enabled us to
create even more flexible work models. Regardless of the
current situation, we want to advance these efforts to give
our employees a mobile and agile way of working.
04 At a glance 06 Report to the shareholders 10 Company 19 Sustainability 48 Corporate Governance 80 Compensation Report 99 Financial Report
relation to SDG 9. Our solutions make a significant contri- pledge to implement the principles in the areas of human
bution to the modernization of industry and promote re- rights, work standards, environmental protection, and the
source-saving production processes. Furthermore, the fight against corruption as well as submit a yearly report
efficient and resource-conscious use of all our product on our progress. In return, participation in the UNGC ini-
solutions is in line with SDG 12. The different measures tiative allows us to benefit from the organization’s exper-
within the Reduced Footprint focus area and the environ- tise and its extensive network.
mental requirements set forth in our Supplier Code of
Conduct (page 34 also address the issues in SDG 7 and Transparency as the basis
13. As an international business with local employees, At Bossard, we aim to implement reduction and improve-
we create secure jobs for men and women equally, with ment measures in the area of sustainability efficiently
humane and non-discriminatory conditions as outlined in and based on data. Before we set measurable sustain-
SDG 8. Finally, our Code of Conduct (page 42) forbids all ability goals, we want to validate our data basis. To this
forms of corruption and bribery in accordance with SDG 16. end, we developed a separate portal during the reporting
year in order to collect and manage sustainability data.
This data can then be analyzed, visualized, and made
available to all our locations for further sustainability
measures. In the future, we will be able to display the SDGs
most important key performance indicators for each fo- Bossard focuses on these six sustainability goals (source:
cus area in a cockpit (page 34).
04 At a glance 06 Report to the shareholders 10 Company 19 Sustainability 48 Corporate Governance 80 Compensation Report 99 Financial Report
Product solutions
One of our core competencies is to critically A win for sustainability Opt
ier an ize
evaluate our customers’ processes and identify Yet even that is not enough: Our product solutions also nt
l d
d p nsport
potential for improvement. Our analyses reveal
have a positive impact on sustainability. Not only do we
how our customers can optimize production source our products from certified suppliers that must Product
and manufacturing. adhere to environmental and social standards (page 34).
Our high-quality products also consume fewer resources
l ity
It is both our expertise and our passion to understand in and generate less waste. Moreover, it is our long-term Pac
detail how C-parts are processed and used. We direct our goal to reduce packaging materials overall and rely on
attention to accelerating workflows where possible, re- recycled or renewable materials. In short, our product
ducing errors, decreasing the amount of materials used, solutions not only engender greater efficiency and pro-
and cutting energy consumption and logistics expenses. ductivity but simultaneously foster more careful use of Produc
In this way, we can verifiably reduce high and often un- resources, thus creating sustainable added value.
derrated costs.
The best product solution for every challenge
Bossard is committed to finding the optimal solution for
every customer. One way to do this is by using premium
standard fastening elements, among them screws, nuts,
rivets, and washers as well as electrotechnical fastening
elements. Furthermore, our ecosyn® product line offers
smart solutions that are economical (“eco”) and aligned
with the needs of our customers (“sync”). The customized
solutions and special items (turned, milled, extruded,
stamped, and flexible parts) that we manufacture based
on our customers’ specifications can deliver the best pos-
sible results. Bossard also offers a carefully selected
brand portfolio with highly innovative and reliable part-
04 At a glance 06 Report to the shareholders 10 Company 19 Sustainability 48 Corporate Governance 80 Compensation Report 99 Financial Report
ew ts
“With the support of our Expert
With our six Assembly Technology Expert (ATE) services,
we offer tried-and-true solutions that our experts test Technology Design services, one of our
and implement in collaboration with our customers. Ser- Expert customers switched from welding
ia and
to riveting in a crucial step of his
vices range from custom designing fastening elements
mb l
and streamlining parts lists to conducting factory tours. Asse s re truck assembly process. Because welding is a
We scrutinize and optimize production workflows and time-consuming and exacting process, the
sustainably reduce production times and costs, which in change made production faster and more flexi-
ble. Rivets also allowed him to reduce his raw
em p
b ly Technology
multifunctional fastening elements can be processed
without chemicals and additional adhesives. Training Peter Brans, Head of Global ATE, Bossard
courses give employees greater confidence in their work-
flows, which in turn leads to fewer errors in the manufac-
turing process and thus less waste. With their multistage
approach from design and optimization to training, ATE
services from Bossard provide comprehensive support
for process improvement, product reliability, and innova-
04 At a glance 06 Report to the shareholders 10 Company 19 Sustainability 48 Corporate Governance 80 Compensation Report 99 Financial Report
tra e
pt pply
supplier management reduces process costs and admin- tions. The SmartBin solution from Bossard optimizes
istrative tasks while guaranteeing the security of supply Factory our orders, so we now need 20 percent less storage
space. Overall, our productivity in internal logistics
Digi orm
at all times. The more precise and faster factory logistics Logistics
of in
is, the more competitive a business becomes. While our ow and order management has increased more than 40
at er i
ion Ord bil
customers focus on their core competencies, we auto- re l i a percent. In short, thanks to SFL services from Bossard, we re-
mate their B- and C-parts management, thus providing main competitive in the truest sense of the word.”
for a leaner product range and a seamless supply of ma-
terials. Thanks to SFL, all deliveries from the individual K.V.R. Subba Rao, Managing Director, POLMOR STEEL PRIVATE LIMITED
suppliers are received and bundled directly at Bossard.
The subsequent consolidated delivery to our customers is gistics
at the heart of our efficient procurement process. Inven- ry
tory is controlled in real time, and materials are delivered Smart Fa “In terms of sustainability, introduc-
directly to the assembly stations thanks to smart order ing SFL brought us a number of ben-
management. This results in lower inventory levels which efits. Thanks to digitalized material
sustainably increase our customers’ productivity. SFL procurement and inventory manage-
also digitalizes the flow of information and purchasing ment, we were able to save over 2,000
and delivery processes, making them more dependable, pages of paper annually and cut our op-
faster and paperless. This leads to a more careful use of erating costs by a total of 80 percent. Our em-
resources and fewer transports, and it reduces and sim- ployees benefit as well. They no longer have to
plifies the effort required for materials management wait in line, they find parts faster, and they can
work on the part of employees. check delivery schedules more easily. They are
more efficient, less stressed, and more satis-
fied. The employee turnover rate is noticeably
and s
iza ess
efits provided by digitalization and the Internet of Things. “The SFA system from Bossard
The latest solution from Bossard offers innovation with helps us not only to ensure product
Emplo itaervbe
numerous benefits. First, interactive work instructions Assembly quality and reduce the error rate in
guide employees through the entire assembly process, up production. It also lightens the load on
e s el
oipte port
automatically documenting all work steps. Updates to ex- mnde ar the assembly line because thanks to the precise
ennt cp
isting assembly instructions are generated centrally and digital assembly instructions, employees tire
can be implemented in production immediately. This not less quickly.”
er to set up and tools can be calibrated and configured Smart Fac
such as Smart Factory Logistics, the SFA perienced employees can switch more ized to the level of expertise on hand. Less come necessary in most industries. If a
approach also allows for efficient system easily between workstations/products. In detailed work instructions can be selected task isn´t solved digitally, then it becomes
integration within a factory, which covers short, SFA supports greater flexibility and for experienced assembly employees. In analog, which is often more labor-inten-
the customer's flow of materials and now adds variety to the workday of assembly addition, the resulting flexibility allows sive. If a product is assembled incorrectly,
the workflow as well. In other words, with employees, which is usually highly appre- employees to utilize their full potential. it is easy to verify based on the automated
SFA we deliver our Proven Productivity ciated. Should a certain work process become documentation. This can be a distinct ad-
promise to our customers’ assembly line. fully automated, SFA allows employees to vantage in case of damages or insurance
be moved to other workstations more claims.
What does the introduction of SFA quickly.
mean for your customers’ assembly
employees? What other benefits do you see?
SFA closely assists and guides employees The introduction of SFA and the resulting
in the assembly process so that they can digitalization allows our customers to go
avoid errors and save time. Any errors paperless in the production process, or at
that do occur can be traced and elimi- least reduce the paper consumption con-
nated faster. In addition, the smart tools siderably. On the one hand, this is good for
are automatically controlled. This helps the environment. On the other hand, our
employees save time in assembly and re- customers’ employees no longer have to
tooling. SFA makes their work easier and fight their way through stacks of paper
reduces the stress potential. Moreover, documentation to be able to analyze and
the resulting transparency means that the trace relevant process steps. Assembly
04 At a glance 06 Report to the shareholders 10 Company 19 Sustainability 48 Corporate Governance 80 Compensation Report 99 Financial Report
A strong partnership
The two companies not only strive for in- Smart deliveries and less packaging 290 kg of avoided CO2 emissions equals:
creased productivity, they are also united by Komax understands the competitive advantage of effi-
the promise of greater sustainability. Bossard cient supplier management. For this reason, Bossard’s
and Komax accept their responsibility toward Smart Factory Logistics (SFL) solutions have become an
the environment and future generations and integral part of Komax’s procurement process. SFL not
create long-term added value through their only ensures the optimized supply of B- and C-parts, but
cooperation. it also makes Komax part of a broad network of other
Bossard customers with a common supplier base. This
For two decades, Bossard has been Komax’s strategic allows shipments and transport routes to be consolidat-
partner for solutions in industrial fastening and assembly ed, ultimately leading to reduced fuel consumption. Be- Savings of 6 kg of CO2 per delivery.
technology. The close cooperation between the two part- tween November 2020 and October 2021, Komax was
ners is reflected in the fact that Komax uses Bossard’s thus able to avoid 24 percent of CO2 emissions of what
entire range of services: In addition to a wide range of would have occurred without the consolidated deliveries.
products, Komax also benefits from Bossard’s digital in- This corresponds to a CO2 reduction of around 290 kg. Ac-
ventory management and technical consulting. The two cording to Komax, SFL also increases the security of sup-
companies share the belief that sustainability and social ply. In addition, there is less packaging material because
responsibility are of strategic importance. the order quantities and delivery cycles are based on ac-
tual demand.
The calculation of CO2 savings was carried out by an independent external partner and is
based on data exported by Bossard Group from the internal supply chain platform. This
KOMAX and Bossard provides a comprehensive overview of locations, articles, orders and deliveries. In indi-
vidual areas that we were not yet able to substantiate with figures in the reporting year,
Watch the video of our cooperation. assumptions were made by such external consultant.
04 At a glance 06 Report to the shareholders 10 Company 19 Sustainability 48 Corporate Governance 80 Compensation Report 99 Financial Report
straight to the individual floors via the internal distribu- and a noticeable reduction in the workload of employees. As a pioneer in the field of auto-
tion system. Thanks to the fully automated intralogistics mated wire processing, Komax
offers innovative solutions that
system, employees can concentrate on replenishing the A commitment to life-long learning optimize processes while increas-
handling boxes in the main warehouse, while the logistics Last but not least, Bossard and Komax share a commit- ing productivity. Headquartered in
Dierikon, Switzerland, the Komax
workers on each floor take care of equipping the assem- ment to continuously promoting their own employees and Group manufactures series and
bly workstations. In addition, the assembly personnel is their professional expertise. For this reason, Komax uses customer-specific machinery,
catering to every degree of auto-
aware of the order status of individual parts in real time, our Expert Education Service. As part of our Assembly mation and customization in a
which creates a higher degree of process reliability and Technology Expert (ATE) services, we offer advanced variety of industries. The auto-
motive industry is Komax’s most
transparency. For this purpose, more than 3,200 Smart- training on various aspects of fastening and assembly important market segment.
Labels (digital displays) are connected to the Last Mile technology. The primary focus is on employee empower-
Management system. Overall, this leads to higher pro- ment: Employees receive the support they need to as-
ductivity as well as shorter routes and fewer queries. Ex- sume personal responsibility and to advance their indi-
perience has shown that these factors increase employee vidual professional development. At Komax, Bossard
satisfaction. The system has the potential to be used conducted technical seminars on bolted joints for about a
more widely, and the number of SmartLabels installed is third of the specialists from the Technology Discipline
expected to rise to as many as 10,000 in the coming Mechanics unit (consisting of 60 employees). Our courses
years. promote safe and error-free production processes, thus
reducing waste and helping to avoid possible frustration
among assembly workers.
04 At a glance 06 Report to the shareholders 10 Company 19 Sustainability 48 Corporate Governance 80 Compensation Report 99 Financial Report
coming years, we will work toward comprehensive certifi- ance with internationally recognized environmental
cation of those locations that together generate over 90 management systems. Through that, we can use our in-
percent of our sales. Developing our internal data portal ternational network to raise awareness about environ-
is also part of continuous improvement. All operating
units with more than five employees feed sustainability-
mental issues and the consequences of climate change
among even more stakeholders. Concerning future inter-
related data into the portal. By collecting energy and re- nal investment processes, Bossard will place even great-
source consumption data as well as waste volumes and er emphasis on qualitative as well as quantitative sus-
associated greenhouse gas emissions, we create the tainability aspects. Our Group should grow in line with
transparency needed to set future goals both at the Group our sustainability efforts and strengthen our four focus
and individual unit level and to adopt measures to avoid areas.
and reduce consumption and emissions.
Efficient buildings
Around the world, Bossard is committed to designing its
locations for maximum energy- and resource-efficiency
and, wherever possible, implementing more sustainable
alternatives. At our headquarters in Zug, experts have
conducted a number of tours to identify further potential
for more environmentally friendly building operations.
04 At a glance 06 Report to the shareholders 10 Company 19 Sustainability 48 Corporate Governance 80 Compensation Report 99 Financial Report
years, next to supporting numerous community projects, als and delivers water for domestic use on campus, in-
charitable organizations and planting over 10,000 trees, cluding drinking water. Then, an environmentally friendly
LPS Bossard has gone to great lengths to reduce its envi- sewage treatment plant (STP) enables the reuse of
ronmental impact. The impressive achievements are a wastewater through a membrane recycling solution, sup-
result of smart building design, long-term investments ports the recovery of by-products, and converts liquid
and innovative technology. waste into solid residuals. The STP allows for a total wa-
ter recovery of up to 95 percent for further domestic use
When LPS Bossard moved into its new headquarters in except for drinking, which substantially decreases the
2006, it made sure the facility was constructed according daily net withdrawal of groundwater from 120,000 to only
to “green building” principles. Built of sustainable fly ash 20,000 liters. In addition, the solid waste is converted into
bricks, the facility is naturally well insulated, and an en- organic manure for the campus garden. “As a result, LPS
ergy-efficient air conditioning system based on the vari- Bossard discharges zero effluent into the city’s drainage
able refrigerant flow method redistributes excess heat systems,” says Rajesh Jain proudly.
from office areas that require cooling to rooms that re-
quire heating. Thanks to strategically placed large uPVC But that is not all: Rajesh Jain and his team already have
glass windows, the open office spaces are flooded with their eyes on the next steps for improvement. The compa-
natural light, reducing the need for electric lighting to al- ny currently uses electric generators to bridge the occa-
most zero. In addition to solar panels on the rooftop, an- sional power outages. While the generator chimneys are
other 180 kWh solar panel system was installed in the equipped with an air pollution filter, LPS Bossard plans to Warehouse and distribution center with solar panels
company’s parking area in 2016. Similarly, the rooftop of switch to more ecological gas generators once the city in- LPS Bossard in Rohtak, India
04 At a glance 06 Report to the shareholders 10 Company 19 Sustainability 48 Corporate Governance 80 Compensation Report 99 Financial Report
vative and try unconventional approaches, tackle prob- healthy and sustainable growth is our joint responsibility,
lems and mistakes openly and constructively, and culti- our employees at the various locations all over the world
vate mutual trust. Led by the “One Bossard” principle, planted or drew trees. These trees serve as a constant
we will work together even more closely around the world reminder of the values and operating principles of the
and learn from one another. The values and guiding prin- Bossard Group as well as a call to action for each and ev-
ciples will help us to grow further and successfully steer ery employee to contribute to the company’s success.
our company into the future. In so doing, we realize that
our efforts will bear fruit only if we work closely with our
customers and suppliers – and above all with our em-
ployees. They are the standard-bearers of Bossard’s cor-
porate culture at all our locations and live it in their daily
Our corporate culture
work. Bossard’s corporate culture is
represented by a tree with five
values as its roots and five guid-
ing principles as its branches.
04 At a glance 06 Report to the shareholders 10 Company 19 Sustainability 48 Corporate Governance 80 Compensation Report 99 Financial Report
This living and breathing corporate culture and our new Be it flexible working models, creating education and
Strategy 200 – which alludes to our company anniversary training opportunities, or leadership training: At Bossard,
in 2031 – will embody an even stronger focus on sustain- empowering our employees is paramount. All activities
ability issues. By honoring its corporate responsibility, and initiatives revolve around strengthening our employ-
and in line with our four focus areas (page 24), Bossard ees’ sense of belonging and giving them opportunities
intends to contribute to the company’s sustainable devel- and space to leverage their full potential within Bossard’s
opment. corporate culture.
In the revised Business Strategy 200, our corporate cul- lines, professional criteria and job descriptions. This is
ture, and the relationship with our employees that is how we ensure transparent communication. Our mar-
based on it, are of primary significance. The professional ket-oriented compensation consists of a fixed salary
development and the advancement of our employees are component and various performance-related compensa-
extremely important to us. Thanks to their performance tion systems that allow employees to participate in the
and resilience, we have succeeded and mastered many Group’s success.
business challenges, including those presented by the
COVID-19 pandemic. In the current reporting year, we
created a new group-wide function, VP of People and
Organization, to provide even more support to our em-
ployees. Susan Salzbrenner therefore joined Bossard in
June 2021. She is particularly engaged in the change
agents movement (page 39) that is part of the ongoing
participatory initiatives.
Guiding Principles
Bossard employees symbolically planted trees.
04 At a glance 06 Report to the shareholders 10 Company 19 Sustainability 48 Corporate Governance 80 Compensation Report 99 Financial Report
tunities, but they also involve risks. We carefully weigh our customers, a total of 16 certified testing laboratories cover approximately 80 percent of our purchasing volume
these risks while following clear principles. That is why worldwide vouch for the products and solutions from from signatories of the Supplier Code of Conduct. At the
we carefully select our suppliers on the basis of our Code Bossard. Furthermore, our own quality management sys- same time, we are expanding the code to reflect the new
of Conduct. Apart from the quality of their products, we tems are ISO 9001-certified. structure of our supplier network and further strengthen
are also interested in their contribution to a healthy soci- sustainability aspects. The new Supplier Code of Conduct
ety and environment. Social and environmental standards as the norm will take effect at the end of 2022. Already today, we ex-
We want to exercise and strengthen our corporate re- pect our partner companies to monitor and ensure com-
Fair and powerful partnerships sponsibility for humankind and the environment – includ- pliance with the values in the Supplier Code of Conduct.
We source more than a million items from specialized in- ing and especially through our suppliers. We expect all Bossard reserves the right to conduct reviews without
dustrial companies. Through a broad procurement net- our suppliers to comply with binding environmental regu- prior notice. Should (potential) business partners not
work, we ensure that our customers have access to inno- lations and social standards, particularly in dealing with comply with mandatory social and environmental stan-
vative solutions. Our relationships are fair and based on their employees. Our Supplier Code of Conduct includes dards, we will refrain from working with them or we will
partnerships, ensuring that all parties benefit from the mandatory requirements with regard to corruption and dissolve the relationship.
cooperation. We consistently align our supplier manage- bribery, environmental protection, as well as fundamen-
ment with high-quality fastening solutions because this is tal human and labor rights, such as safety standards and
the only way we can honor the quality promise we make the prohibition of child labor and forced labor. The code
to our customers. Acceptance into our network is based follows the 10 principles of the UNGC (page 26). In terms
on strict quality criteria. A new supplier is subject to mul- of sustainability, Bossard is also committed to continu-
tiple selection steps. The selection process includes fac- ously optimizing transport logistics. If several suppliers
tory audits to gather information on the production envi- are under consideration, we take environmental criteria
ronment, manufacturing processes, machinery, and into account in the selection process.
04 At a glance 06 Report to the shareholders 10 Company 19 Sustainability 48 Corporate Governance 80 Compensation Report 99 Financial Report
A solid foundation
Integrity, respect, and fairness have always national company, we value the multicultural diversity of A part of society
formed our set of basic values. These principles our employees and treat each other with respect at all Like every company, Bossard not only maintains business
pervade all our relationships and activities and times. Equal work should be remunerated with equal pay. relationships but is also engaged with local communities
represent the foundation of our partnerships Bossard analyses compliance with such equal pay. For and civil organizations. Such social involvement is largely
worldwide. That is how, for decades, we have example, in the reporting year an equal pay analysis was organized and pursued on a local level. Every unit is free
won the trust of our customers, employees, and carried out at the headquarters in Zug, Switzerland. The to champion social issues and sustainability projects in
other stakeholders. external review of this analysis by an independent and the given context. There are individual initiatives at the
certified auditor confirmed that the applicable rules re- Group level as well. At the annual general meeting of
The values and operating principles of Bossard are set garding equal pay between men and women are being shareholders in April 2021, for example, Bossard Holding
out in our Code of Conduct. It is a proven ethical com- complied with (Gender Equality Act). AG decided to contribute to a charitable organization in-
pass. Yet because our world and ways of working are stead of handing out give-aways to the shareholders. The
changing rapidly, we have decided to modernize our Code Seamless implementation Kindness Corporation in South Africa was the chosen re-
of Conduct (page 43). Among other things, the new Code It is the responsibility and duty of all employees to uphold cipient. This organization led by courageous women helps
of Conduct integrates the guiding principles as Bossard’s the Code of Conduct at all times. Bossard is planning a disadvantaged groups, especially children and youth,
central operating principles. We see ourselves as a learn- variety of training events to ensure its correct and seam- women and seniors by providing everyday consumer
ing Group that fosters innovation, welcomes experiments, less implementation. These are designed to support the items and warm meals.
and sees problems and mistakes as opportunities for management teams in their role model and enforcement
continuous improvement. In addition, the updated code function and to train them on sharing the code with their
explicitly mentions Bossard’s sustainability efforts and employees. Violations against the Code of Conduct are
the respect of human rights in all business activities. Im- reviewed internally and sanctioned if necessary. In the
portant aspects of our connected digital society were also event of suspected misconduct, employees can contact
added to the code. It articulates rules on handling new the supervisors in charge, local management, or the ex-
information and communication technologies, addresses ecutive committee. In addition, there is a new way for em-
data protection issues, and sets forth basic usage rules ployees to share their concerns with a specialized report-
for internal and external communication on social media ing office. All reports can be made anonymously and will
in connection with Bossard. Of course, the established be kept confidential.
central principles and rules of behavior continue to apply.
Bossard engages in fair competition and does not toler-
ate any form of bribery, corruption, or insider trading. We
always act in accordance with the valid laws. As an inter-
04 At a glance 06 Report to the shareholders 10 Company 19 Sustainability 48 Corporate Governance 80 Compensation Report 99 Financial Report
the code during two intensive sprints. Based on existing tively as possible.
best practice examples from industry, the team deter- the Bossard Group. This was only
mined the core content and identified other topics rele- After all, the Code of Conduct comes to life only when possible thanks to the empower-
vant to Bossard. each individual employee internalizes it. The revised ment by the management.”
Code of Conduct was adopted by the Bossard board of
They received ongoing support from the leadership team directors in the reporting year and will take effect in the Daniela Wälchli, Sprint Participant
of the sustainability initiative as well as assistance in first quarter of 2022. (Senior Legal Counsel at Bossard)
agile project management from an external coach. The
change agents not only participated strategically and
thematically, they also learned new working methods.
04 At a glance 06 Report to the shareholders 10 Company 19 Sustainability 48 Corporate Governance 80 Compensation Report 99 Financial Report
17 Principles we adhere to
We do business in a professional We promote a safe and healthy We do not tolerate any form of
and ethical manner. work environment. bribery.
We talk real. We protect ours and respect others Each Bossard employee is the
intellectual property rights. first line of defense against cyber-
security attacks.
Only sustainable success is suc- Avoid conflicts of interest. If there No insider information may be
cess. is any, solve it. used for trading.
See something, say something! We play fair in the market. Data privacy is key.
We respect human rights and ex- Only with continuous improve- We promote diversity and inclu-
pect the same from our suppliers. ment we can strive to excellence. sion at Bossard.
the required volume and quality of fastening parts are continuously analyzed, documented and discussed with
available in order to avoid production shutdowns at our our suppliers, thereby minimizing quality-relevant risks
In annual meetings, we examine all business activities customers. Steel, chrome, nickel and different alloys are from the very beginning.
and balance sheet items for potential risks, using a stan- the most important raw materials for fasteners. Because
dardized process. Each identified risk is assessed in we purchase finished products, we can not hedge against
terms of the possible loss that would be incurred should price increases. We have an extensive supply portfolio of
the damaging event occur. From the results, we then de- more than 4,500 manufacturers worldwide and rely on
rive targets and effective steps to be taken to mitigate the long-term relationships with various suppliers in Europe,
risks. The results of the risk process are summarized in a America and Asia. Our large network of suppliers enables
report to the board of directors and executive committee. us to minimize supply risks. Diversification also reduces
The Group’s risk management process is continuously the risk of negative consequences resulting from political
documented and checked for effectiveness. The Group upheavals or currency fluctuations.
finance department coordinates the revision of the risk
documentation from a central location.
04 At a glance 06 Report to the shareholders 10 Company 19 Sustainability 48 Corporate Governance 80 Compensation Report 99 Financial Report
Corporate Governance
Switzerland (79 %)
Great Britain (11 %)
USA (4 %)
Other countries (6 %)
Independent/non-executive (50 %)
Independent/non-executive/proposed by
Women (25 %) majority voting rights shareholder (37.5 %)
Men (75 %) Not independent/executive < 3 years (12.5 %)
04 At a glance 06 Report to the shareholders 10 Company 19 Sustainability 48 Corporate Governance 80 Compensation Report 99 Financial Report
based on clear delimitation of tasks, competencies and AG (Swiss securities no. 23862714, ISIN CH0238627142/ Infrastructures and Market Conduct in Securities and
responsibilities between the board of directors and the BOSN) is listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange. Its stock mar- Derivatives Trading (FMIA) – consisting of Kolin Holding
executive committee. The functions of the chair of the ket capitalization as of December 31, 2021 was CHF AG, Zug, and Bossard Unternehmensstiftung, Zug, owns
board of directors and the chief executive officer (CEO) 2,529.2 million (2020: CHF 1,372.1 million). The Group’s 56.3 percent (2020: 56.3 percent) of total voting rights
are held by two different persons, so that the separation structure aims to provide the best possible support for its and 27.8 percent (2020: 27.9 percent) of capital entitled to
of powers is guaranteed. This report is prepared accord- business activities within an efficient legal, financial and dividend (with notification on September 17, 2021 due to
ing to the Directive on Information relating to Corporate strategic framework. This means that the structure change in the information subject to the obligation to no-
Governance (DCG) of SIX Swiss Exchange. Unless other- should be as simple as possible and also transparent to tify). Kolin Holding AG is wholly controlled by the Bossard
wise indicated, all information applies as of December 31, anyone outside the Group. The Bossard Group operates families. The individual members (shareholders) of the
2021. The principles and rules on corporate governance in industrial fastening technology and generates its entire Bossard families are published on the electronic publica-
are set out in the rules and regulations of Bossard revenue in this market segment. Further information tion platform of SIX Swiss Exchange.
Holding AG, namely in the articles of association of regarding the Group structure are set out in the notes to
Bossard Holding AG (articles of association), in the orga- the financial report, namely on pages 107 and 114.
nizational and business regulations of Bossard Holding
AG (OBR), in the regulations of the board’s committees, in Significant shareholders
the code of conduct and in the resolutions of the board of The disclosure notifications in relation to shareholdings
directors. The rules are regularly reviewed by the board in Bossard Holding AG are published on the electronic
of directors and adapted to current requirements (arti- publication platform of SIX Swiss Exchange and can be
cles of association most recently in 2020, OBR most re- accessed via the search function of the disclosure office
cently in 2021 and regulations of the board’s committees via the following link:
most recently in 2015).
04 At a glance 06 Report to the shareholders 10 Company 19 Sustainability 48 Corporate Governance 80 Compensation Report 99 Financial Report
This shareholder group does not include shares without CHF 33,250,000 share capital relates to registered A SIX Swiss Exchange under the Swiss Reporting Standard
pooled voting rights, which are held by individual mem- shares and CHF 6,750,000 to registered B shares. (formerly Domestic Standard). Registered B shares are
bers of the Bossard families outside this shareholder wholly owned by Kolin Holding AG. As of December 31,
group. Authorized and conditional capital 2021, Bossard Holding AG held 300,904 own registered A
Bossard Holding AG holds 291,867 registered A shares shares (including the 291,867 reserve shares mentioned
Bossard Holding AG is not aware of any other sharehold- (2020: 298,162) in reserve. These reserve shares can be under authorized and conditional capital) that represent
ers or groups of shareholders that held 3 percent or used for management participation plans, acquisitions or 2.246 percent of the total shares of Bossard Holding AG.
more of the total voting rights of Bossard Holding AG as other purposes in the interest of the company and carry 9,037 (0.067 percent) of these shares are held by Bossard
of December 31, 2021. no voting rights and are not entitled to dividends. Other Holding AG as sales positions related to grants made un-
than this, Bossard Holding AG does not hold any autho- der its management participation plan. For further de-
Cross-shareholdings rized or conditional capital. tails, please refer to the compensation report and notes
There are no cross-shareholdings with other companies. 11 and 15 of the financial report.
Changes in capital in the last three years
Changes in the articles of association There were no changes in capital in the last three years. Number of registered A shares at December 31, 2021:
The board of directors proposes a revision of the articles
of association to the annual general meeting of share- Shares Number of registered Registered A shares
Number of registered A shares shareholders in %
holders on April 11, 2022. The detailed information re- The share capital of Bossard Holding AG is CHF 40,000,000.
1-100 3,518 2.5
garding the changes are outlined in the invitation to the It is divided into 6,650,000 registered A shares with a 101-1,000 2,425 11.5
annual general meeting of shareholders. The invitation nominal value of CHF 5 per share and 6,750,000 regis- 1,001-10,000 324 13.8
can be accessed via the following link: tered B shares with a nominal value of CHF 1 per share 10,001-100,000 46 15.4 (voting right shares). The share capital is fully paid in. > 100,000 7 19.1
al-shareholders-meeting/ With the exception of the own registered A shares held by Total registered
Bossard Holding AG, (i) each registered share entered in shareholders/shares 6,320 62.3
the share register with voting rights is entitled to one vote Non-registered shares 37.7
Total 100.0
Capital structure (see also limitations on transferability and nominee reg-
istrations) and (ii) each registered share is entitled to a
Share capital dividend. The measurement of voting rights by the num-
As of December 31, 2021 the ordinary share capital of ber of registered voting right shares is not applicable for
Bossard Holding AG totaled CHF 40,000,000, of which individual decisions specified in article 16 of the articles
of association. Only registered A shares are listed on the
04 At a glance 06 Report to the shareholders 10 Company 19 Sustainability 48 Corporate Governance 80 Compensation Report 99 Financial Report
Number of holders of registered A shares at December 31, in which these shares were issued. The board of directors Nominee registrations
2021: may reject such a request for good reason – primarily to According to article 6 of the articles of association, the
protect the purpose of the company and to maintain its acquirer of a registered A share is entered in the share
Shareholders in % Shares in % economic independence (article 9 of the articles of asso- register with voting rights provided that she or he con-
Individual entities 92.6 34.0 ciation). In particular, this includes the transfer of regis- firms that this share is held in her or his own name and
Legal entities 7.4 66.0 tered B shares to a competitor and a fiduciary transfer if for her or his own account.
Total 100.0 100.0
the acquirer does not inform the board of directors in
writing at its first request that she or he is acquiring the Up to a registration limit of 0.5 percent of the total num-
Registered A shares by country at December 31, 2021: shares concerned in her or his own name and for her or ber of registered A shares entered in the commercial
his own account. Furthermore, the board of directors may register, anyone who does not expressly state that she or
Shareholders in % Shares in % refuse its approval if it offers to the seller or acquirer of he is acting on her or his own account shall be acknowl-
Switzerland 95.5 78.8 the registered B shares that it will acquire these shares edged as being a nominee with voting rights. Beyond this
Great Britain 0.2 11.1 for the account of the company, other shareholders or registration limit, anyone who makes known to Bossard
USA 0.5 4.1
third parties for at least their actual value at the time the Holding AG the name, address and/or registered office of
Germany 2.0 1.7
request was made (article 8 of the articles of association). the person for whose account she or he holds more than
Other countries 1.8 4.3
If there is good reason to do so, the board of directors 0.5 percent of the total number of registered A shares
Total 100.0 100.0
may grant exceptions to these rules (no exceptions have entered in the commercial register, shall be acknowl-
been granted in the reporting year 2021). However, edged as being a nominee with voting rights. Otherwise
Participation and profit-sharing certificates transfer requests containing incorrect information must the acquirers of registered A shares shall be acknowl-
Bossard Holding AG has not issued any participation or always be rejected; a new, corrected request may edged or registered as shareholders without voting
profit-sharing certificates. subsequently be submitted (article 9 of the articles of rights. The board of directors makes the necessary ar-
association). For the incorporation or tightening of trans- rangements for the acknowledgement and registration
ferability restrictions, at least two-thirds of the votes rep- of acquirers of registered A shares, and particularly also
Limitations on transferability and nominee resented and an absolute majority of the represented of nominees. These provisions also apply to registered A
registrations nominal share value are required a decision. The provi- shares that have been acquired by exercising subscrip-
sions also apply for registered B shares, which are ac- tion, option or conversion rights as well as to the cre-
Limitations on share transferability quired (subscribed) by the exercise of subscription, option ation of rights of usufruct to registered A shares.
According to article 7 of the articles of association, the or conversion rights, and for the establishment of usu-
transfer of registered B shares is always subject to the fruct of registered B shares.
approval of the board of directors, irrespective of the form
04 At a glance 06 Report to the shareholders 10 Company 19 Sustainability 48 Corporate Governance 80 Compensation Report 99 Financial Report
Other activities and vested interests entity is exercised. The actual number of additional man- The following table shows the year in which each mem-
Dr. Thomas Schmuckli, Patricia Heidtman and Martin dates are listed on pages 59 to 64. ber was first elected to the board of directors as well as
Kühn were proposed for election by the majority voting their function as of December 31, 2021:
rights shareholder, Kolin Holding AG, Zug, and were Elections and terms of office
elected to the board of directors of Bossard Holding AG. According to the articles of association, the board of di- Name Function First elected
Dr. Thomas Schmuckli is a member of the Bossard family, rectors consists of five to nine members. The chair of the Dr. Thomas Schmuckli Chair 1) 2000
which has 100 percent control over Kolin Holding AG. The board of directors and the other members of the board of Prof. Dr. Stefan Michel Member 2) 2011
Dr. René Cotting Member 3) 2015
members of the board of directors do not perform any directors are elected by the annual general meeting of
Martin Kühn Member 4) 2018
activities outside of the Bossard Group other than the shareholders for a period of one year (until the next ordi-
Repr. of registered
mandates listed on pages 59 to 64 and therefore do not nary annual general meeting of shareholders). Members
David Dean A shares 5) 2019
have any significant business relationships with Bossard are elected on an individual basis. The annual general Patricia Heidtman Vice Chair 6) 2019
Holding AG or one of the subsidiaries. Furthermore, they meeting of shareholders also elects the chair of the Petra Maria Ehmann Member 7) 2021
do not have any other significant external interests. board of directors. There are no statutory limits to the Marcel Keller Member 8) 2021
term of office; members may be re-elected. According to
1) Chair of the nomination committee (NC), member of the audit, risk & compliance
Allowed number of mandates the OBR, however, a member of the board of directors committee (ARCC)
2) Member of the compensation committee (CC), member of the NC
According to article 44 of the articles of association, a shall offer to step down at the annual general meeting of 3) Chair of the ARCC
member of the board of directors may, including his func- shareholders following her or his 70th birthday. Each cat- 4) Member of the ARCC
5) Chair of the CC
tion for the company, at the same time take on a maxi- egory of shareholders, namely the holders of registered A 6) Member of the CC, member of the NC
7) Member of the NC, member of the ARCC
mum of ten mandates, whereby chairmanships count as shares as a group are entitled to one seat on the board of 8) Member of the CC
two mandates. A maximum of four mandates may be in directors. In 2021, David Dean was re-elected as the rep-
listed companies. If the mandates assumed relate to le- resentative of the holders of registered A shares; holders
gal entities that belong to the same group or are similarly of registered B shares with voting rights did not take part Until April 12, 2021, Maria Teresa Vacalli (first elected
related in terms of management, these mandates are in this election. As a rule, the majority of the board mem- 2013) was member of the audit, risk & compliance com-
considered a single mandate. There are no restrictions on bers should be external members with no executive func- mittee (ARCC) and Anton Lauber (first elected 2006)
the number of mandates (i) for mandates assumed in le- tions in the company. None of the members of the board member of the compensation committee (CC) as well as
gal entities that are directly or indirectly controlled by of directors exercised any executive functions in the member of the nomination committee (NC).
Bossard Holding AG or that directly or indirectly control Bossard Group in the reporting year 2021.
Bossard Holding AG, or (ii) if, in exercising the function for
the Bossard Group, a mandate in another, related legal
04 At a glance 06 Report to the shareholders 10 Company 19 Sustainability 48 Corporate Governance 80 Compensation Report 99 Financial Report
Internal organization – drawing up the annual report and the compensation rectors by the latter. With exception to the CC, the board
report, preparing the annual general meeting of of directors may dismiss any of the committees it has ap-
Allocation of duties within the board of directors shareholders and implementing its resolutions pointed at any time.
The board of directors of the Bossard Group is ultimately – notifying the judge in the event of excessive indebted-
responsible for the Group’s business policy and manage- ness Certain duties and competencies are assigned to the
ment. It is the company’s highest management body and – adopting resolutions on subsequent payment of capital chair of the board of directors alone.
is entitled to make decisions on all matters which, by law, with respect to not fully paid-up shares
through the articles of association and/or under the regu- – adopting resolutions regarding the approval of capital The board of directors has additionally delegated opera-
lations of Bossard Holding AG, are not the responsibility increases and the resulting amendments to the arti- tional management and overall leadership of the Bossard
of the annual general meeting of shareholders, or which cles of association Group as well as the related duties and competencies to
it has not transferred to other bodies through regulation the CEO. In turn, the CEO is authorized to arrange further
or decision. Committees delegation.
To assist it in its duties, the board of directors has estab-
The board of directors has the following non-transferable lished three permanent committees: Detailed information on the division of duties within the
and inalienable main tasks (article 23 of the articles of – the audit, risk & compliance committee (ARCC) board of directors can be found in the OBR, which is avail-
association): – the nomination committee (NC) able via the following link:
– ultimate direction of the company, namely establishing – the compensation committee (CC)
the goals and policy, defining the resources available porate-governance/organization-regulations/
for same and the priorities, and issuing the instruc- These committees prepare specific issues for discussion
tions required for implementation by the board of directors. The overall integral responsibil- Continued on page 65
– determining the organizational structure ity of the board of directors is not affected by the activities
– defining finance and accounting as well as financial of these committees or by any delegation of tasks to
planning and control them. Ad hoc committees can be formed to deal with spe-
– appointing and dismissing the CEO and other mem- cific or time-limited projects or issues. Unless otherwise
bers of the executive committee and adopting provi- stipulated by the articles of association, the board of di-
sions governing authorized signatories rectors defines the composition, duties, competencies
– maintaining ultimate supervision of the CEO and other and compensation for these committees in the relevant
members of the executive committee regulations, which are periodically reviewed by the re-
– exercising rights of participation from and to share- spective committee and are amended in accordance with
holdings/investments any proposed amendments submitted to the board of di-
04 At a glance 06 Report to the shareholders 10 Company 19 Sustainability 48 Corporate Governance 80 Compensation Report 99 Financial Report
Board of directors
Dr. Thomas Schmuckli-Grob (1963) − Further studies in the fields of strategy and strategy develop-
Swiss citizen ment, HSG, St. Gallen, Switzerland
− Further studies in the field of finance, University of
− Chair of the board of directors since 2007 Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
− Chair of the nomination committee since 2007
− Member of the audit, risk & compliance committee since 2002 Other activities and vested interests
− Chair of the board of directors, Credit Suisse Funds AG,
− Member of the board of directors since 2000
Zurich, Switzerland *)
− Secretary to the board of directors from 1997 to 2000
− Member of the board of directors, MultiConcept (Luxembourg)
S.A. (affiliate company Credit Suisse Funds AG), Luxembourg,
Professional background
Luxembourg *)
Dr. Thomas Schmuckli-Grob currently works as a professional
− Member of the board of directors, Hans Oetiker Holding AG,
board member. Between 1993 and 2013, he held various man-
Horgen, Switzerland
agement positions in the General Counsel division of Credit
Suisse Group, primarily for M&A, Corporate & Institutional − Chair of the board of directors, Patria Genossenschaft, Basel,
Clients and Asset Management, in Zurich. From 2000 to 2005, Switzerland
he was Head of Process and Product Management at Zuger − Vice chair of the board of directors, Helvetia Holding AG and
Kantonalbank. two subsidiaries, Basel/St. Gallen, Switzerland
Educational background *) waiver of re-election, resignation from function as per Annual General Meeting
− Degree in law (LLB and LLD), University of Fribourg, Fribourg, in April 2022.
− Accredited lawyer and notary, Zug, Switzerland
− Management studies, University of Zurich, Zurich,
− Further studies in the fields of strategy, leadership, board of
directors; and leading a family office, IMD, Lausanne,
04 At a glance 06 Report to the shareholders 10 Company 19 Sustainability 48 Corporate Governance 80 Compensation Report 99 Financial Report
Professional background
Patricia Heidtman is working for SIKA since her studies and is a
Educational background
− Master of Science, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
− Executive education, London Business School, Lucerne,
− Executive education, IMD, Lausanne, Switzerland
04 At a glance 06 Report to the shareholders 10 Company 19 Sustainability 48 Corporate Governance 80 Compensation Report 99 Financial Report
− Member of the board of directors since 2015 − Further studies in the fields of strategy, finance,
controlling and corporate management, IMD,
Lausanne, Switzerland
Professional background
Dr. René Cotting is since May 2021 CFO of Smartenergy Group, − Further studies in the field of driving corporate
an investor, developer and operator of large solar, wind and performance, Harvard Business School, Boston, USA
green hydrogen plants, and is acting in this function as mandat- − Further studies in the field of business marketing strategy,
ed CFO of the stocklisted (SIX) Edisun Power. From 1995 until
− Member of the board of directors since 2019 − Member of the board of directors, Haag-Streit
Holding AG, Köniz, Switzerland
Professional background − Member of the board of directors, Brugg Group AG, Brugg,
David Dean currently works as a professional board member. He Switzerland
was CEO of the Bossard Group from 2005 to 2019. From 1998 to
Educational background
− Swiss certified management accountant/controller, AKAD
Business, Zurich, Switzerland
− Swiss certified public accountant, Expertsuisse,
Zurich, Switzerland
− Executive education, Harvard Business School,
Boston, USA
− Executive education, IMD, Lausanne, Switzerland
04 At a glance 06 Report to the shareholders 10 Company 19 Sustainability 48 Corporate Governance 80 Compensation Report 99 Financial Report
− Member of the nomination committee since 2021 − Member of the compensation committee since 2021
− Member of the audit, risk & compliance committee since 2021 − Member of the board of directors since 2021
− Member of the board of directors since 2021
Professional background
Professional background Marcel Keller is a member of the executive board of Vorwerk
Petra Maria Ehmann has been working for Google since 2018 as International, Wollerau, since 2018 and responsible for digital
Global Lead for Product Partnerships for the innovation technol- transformation and Group IT as well as for the markets in North
America and Asia with a focus on China. From 2001 to 2018, he
ogy augmented reality. From 2016 to 2018, she drove new busi-
ness development for Google Advertising & Commerce in EMEA held various management positions at Hewlett Packard, most
and prior to that for Google Maps and Google Finance for EMEA recently as COO and VP Strategy, Planning and Operations at
and APAC. From 2012, Petra Maria Ehmann worked as Head of Hewlett Packard Enterprise Technology Services in Palo Alto,
Business Intelligence at the internet startup Kekanto in Sao USA.
Paulo, Brazil. Prior to that she worked as a Senior Business An-
alyst at A.T. Kearney. From 2008 to 2009 she gained her first Educational background
work experience at Bosch in steel supply in Toluca, Mexico, and − Business degree, KV Business School Zurich, Zurich,
at Hilti in lean warehouse logistics in Shanghai, China. Switzerland
− Member of the audit, risk & compliance committee since 2018 − Member of the compensation committee since 2021
− Member of the board of directors since 2018 − Member of the nomination committee since 2015
− Member of the board of directors since 2011
Professional background
Since 2010 Martin Kühn is working for the KIBAG Group in Professional background
Zurich, since 2014 as CFO and member of the executive commit- Prof. Dr. Stefan Michel is a professor for marketing and service
tee. He is responsible for finance, ICT, human resources, real management and director of the executive MBA at the IMD
estate, KIBAG Marina and the technical services of the construc-
vened by providing written justification to the chair of the Petra Maria Ehmann 1) Member 5/5 100
The chair, the CEO, the CFO and other representatives of
Marcel Keller 1) Member 5/5 100
board of directors. The duration of board and committee the executive committee meet regularly to discuss funda-
Martin Kühn Member 8/8 100
meetings depends on the respective agenda. In 2021, a mental corporate matters. These include the Group’s
Prof. Dr. Stefan Michel Member 8/8 100
total of six full-day board meetings were held (two of strategy, medium-term financial, operational and suc-
Anton Lauber 2) Vice Chair 3/3 100
these meetings were held virtually), as well as a two-day Maria Teresa Vacalli 2) Member 3/3 100 cession planning, organizational issues and market con-
retreat and one shorter conference call. The board of di- solidation. If there is a conflict of interests, the board or
1) Election to the board of directors in April 2021
rectors holds a retreat once a year, which lasts for several 2) Resignation from the board of directors in April 2021 executive committee members concerned abstain from
days and is used for analyzing the strategic risk/opportu- voting.
nities mix and for fundamentally reviewing the strategy. The chair invites the members to the meetings in writing,
In 2021, the retreat took place in Hamburg, Germany. enclosing the agenda and any relevant documents. The The board of directors evaluates and assesses its own
Thereby, the board of directors was intensively discussing invitations are sent out at least seven days before the performance at regular intervals (most recently in March
with representatives of the executive committee the meeting. Each member of the board of directors may re- 2021) – of each individual member as well as of the board
strategy regarding the aerospace industry as well as the quest the chair to add further items to the agenda. The as a whole – and determines, if necessary, actions to take
curent strategy cycle (“Bossard 200 Strategy”). meeting is presided by the chair of the board or, in his ab- to improve the in- and output.
sence, by the vice chair. The board of directors is quorate
if the majority of its members is present. The board of di-
rectors makes decisions based on an absolute majority of
the votes cast. Each member of the board of directors has
one vote. If a vote is tied, the chair has the casting vote.
Minutes must be taken detailing the negotiations and de-
cisions of the board of directors; these minutes must be
approved by the board of directors. In particularly urgent
cases the chair may require the board to reach a decision
04 At a glance 06 Report to the shareholders 10 Company 19 Sustainability 48 Corporate Governance 80 Compensation Report 99 Financial Report
Composition/working methods of the board’s and the CEO, as well as to those who attended the meet- regulatory provisions as well as corporate ethics.
committees ing. In addition, the ARCC regularly reports on its activi- Furthermore, the ARCC works closely together with
The functions of the three permanent board committees ties to the board of directors at meetings of the latter. In the external auditor and evaluates the performance,
are primarily analytical, advisory and supervisory. They 2021, the ARCC held four meetings (one of these meet- independence and remuneration of the external auditor.
also have decision-making a uthority in certain individual ings was held virtually). On average, the meetings lasted The board of directors has drawn up in the rules and
cases. half a day. In addition, two shorter conference calls were regulations of the audit, risk & compliance committee
held. the detailed regulations on the areas of activity and
Audit, risk & compliance committee (ARCC) competencies of the ARCC.
The ARCC consists of at least three members elected by Audit, risk & Participation Participation
compliance committee Function 2021 2021 in %
for the aforementioned group of persons of Bossard for two meetings (one of these meetings was held virtual- – ensuring succession planning for members of the
Group. A longer block out period applies from mid- ly); each of these meetings lasted on average three board of directors, the executive committee and, in
December until the publication of the annual report hours. In addition, a shorter conference call was held. collaboration with the CEO, the deputies on the execu-
(beginning of March). No exceptions were granted in tive committee
the reporting year. Participation Participation – developing annual objectives to be submitted to the
Nomination committee Function 2021 2021 in %
board of directors for the CEO (in collaboration with
Dr. Thomas Schmuckli Chair 3/3 100
Nomination committee (NC) the chair of the board of directors), defining the annual
Petra Maria Ehmann 1)
Member 2/2 100
The NC consists of at least three members elected by the objectives of the other members of the executive com-
Patricia Heidtman Member 3/3 100
board of directors from among its members, for a period Prof. Dr. Stefan Michel Member 3/3 100 mittee and assessing the performance of the CEO and
of office lasting from one ordinary annual general meet- Anton Lauber 2) Member 1/1 100 the other members of the executive committee (with
ing of shareholders until completion of the next ordinary the assistance of the chair of the board of directors and
1) Member since April 2021
annual general meeting of shareholders. A representa- 2) Member until April 2021 the CEO). If necessary, the NC requests from the board
tive of the A shareholder group on the board of directors of directors measures to improve performance
is entitled to a seat on the NC. As of December 31, 2021, The NC prepares all relevant business with regard to the – submitting applications concerning the election and
the members of the NC were Dr. Thomas Schmuckli nomination of members at strategic and operational dismissal of members of the board of directors of the
(chair), Petra Maria Ehmann, Patricia Heidtman and Prof. management levels of the Bossard Group for the meet- more important Group companies
Dr. Stefan Michel. The NC meets as required, but at least ings of the board of directors and has the following main
twice a year. Normally also the CEO and the chair of the tasks: The board of directors has drawn up in the nomination
board of directors (unless she or he is already a member – periodically reviewing the composition of the board of committee regulations the detailed regulations on the
of the NC) attend the meeting. Other members of the ex- directors areas of activity and competencies of the NC.
ecutive committee and other persons (internal or exter- – developing criteria and requirement profiles for elec-
nal) may be invited to attend the meetings, depending on tion/re-elections to the board of directors, the CEO
the agenda. and, in collaboration with the CEO, the other members
of the executive committee
The minutes of these meetings are circulated to all mem- – supporting the board of directors in implementing se-
bers of the board of directors and the CEO, as well as to lection processes for the nomination of candidates for
those who attended the meeting. The NC also regularly the board of directors and, in collaboration with the
reports to the board of directors at the latter’s meetings CEO, the executive committee
on its activities and, at least once a year, in detail on the – providing possible training to the board of directors in
progress of the nomination process. In 2021, the NC met relation to its duties
04 At a glance 06 Report to the shareholders 10 Company 19 Sustainability 48 Corporate Governance 80 Compensation Report 99 Financial Report
Patricia Heidtman (re-election), Marcel Keller (new elec- 2) Election to the CC in April 2021, participation in the first meeting as a guest with no
voting rights
– if the CC considers necessary, the assignment, the su-
tion) and Prof. Dr. Stefan Michel (re-election) were elect- 3) Resignation from the CC in April 2021 pervision and the critical evaluation of the results of
ed to the CC at the annual general meeting of sharehold- advisers or the comparison with third party companies
ers on April 12, 2021. The board of directors appointed The CC prepares all relevant business with regard to the regarding the compensation practices
David Dean as the chair of the CC. The CC meets as re- compensation of members at strategic and operational
quired, but at least twice a year. The members of the ex- management levels of the Bossard Group for the meet- The board of directors has drawn up in the compensation
ecutive committee and other persons (internal or exter- ings of the board of directors and has the following main committee regulations detailed regulations on the areas
nal) may be invited to attend the meetings, depending on tasks: of activity and competencies of the CC.
the agenda. Normally, the CEO attends the meetings of – developing the general remuneration principles and
the CC. The minutes of these meetings are circulated to the remuneration system for the board of directors, Division of responsibility
all members of the board of directors and the CEO, as the CEO and the other members of the executive com- The division of responsibility between the board of direc-
well as to those who attended the meeting. The CC also mittee for the board of directors to make a decision on tors and the executive committee is defined in the OBR in
regularly reports to the board of directors at the latter’s – developing the guidelines governing the structure of accordance with article 23, paragraph 2 and article 25 of
meetings on its activities and, at least once a year, in de- the occupational pension scheme for the CEO and the the articles of association. These describe the non-trans-
tail on the progress of the compensation process. In 2021, other members of the executive committee for the ferable and inalienable duties which are vested in the
the CC held two meetings (one of these meetings was board of directors to make a decision on board of directors by law, and also govern the duties and
held virtually), each lasted on average half a day. In addi- – periodically reviewing the compensation system and powers of the executive committee. The OBR define the
tion, a shorter conference call was held. proposing any necessary changes to the board of di- duties and competencies of the board of directors, the
rectors chair of the board of directors and the CEO. The CEO is
– preparing the annual compensation report to be sub- entitled to delegate tasks.
mitted to the board of directors for the annual general
04 At a glance 06 Report to the shareholders 10 Company 19 Sustainability 48 Corporate Governance 80 Compensation Report 99 Financial Report
Furthermore, the OBR lay down the procedures to be fol- Information and control instruments with regard This written report is supplemented at each board meet-
lowed in the event of a conflict of interests: a member of to the executive committee ing by verbal reports from the executive committee. In
the board of directors and/or executive committee must The board of directors ensures that the executive com- special cases the CEO informs the board of directors
abstain from voting if matters are discussed which touch mittee establishes and maintains an internal control sys- about the specific issue promptly in writing and/or ver-
on that member’s personal interests or the interests of tem (ICS), which is adapted to the dimensions of the bally. The chair of the board of directors also maintains
an individual or legal entity associated with the member. Bossard Group and the risks involved in its business ac- regular contact with the CEO and the CFO and is informed
tivities. The external auditors review the existence of the by them about all business transactions and matters of
Regulations on the division of responsibility are set out in ICS as part of its annual audit and submit an annual re- fundamental importance.
the OBR. These are available via the following link: port to the board of directors. The internal audit is func-
BOSSARD ANNUAL REPORT 2021 tionally integrated in Group Controlling and directly re- Outside the meetings of the board of directors, each
porate-governance/organization-regulations/ ports to the chair of the ARCC with regard to its activities. member can request information from persons responsi-
ble for management concerning the course of business
Each member of the board of directors may request in- and, with authorization from the chair, individual transac-
formation concerning all matters relating to Bossard tions.
Holding AG. The board of directors receives monthly up-
dates on the Group’s financial development. It receives a Continued on page 74
written monthly report consisting of the income state-
ment, various balance sheet items and the main key fig-
ures. The information is based on the internal manage-
ment information system and includes the current and
budget data as well as regular projections based on cur-
rent trends and expectations.
04 At a glance 06 Report to the shareholders 10 Company 19 Sustainability 48 Corporate Governance 80 Compensation Report 99 Financial Report
Executive committee
Dr. Daniel Bossard (1970) Stephan Zehnder (1965)
Swiss citizen Swiss citizen
he was CEO of Bossard Denmark. Dr. Daniel Bossard joined and controlling.
Bossard in 2000 as an e-business manager, after having worked
as a consultant for Accenture (formerly Andersen Educational background
Consulting). − MBA in Finance, Graduate School of Business
Administration and University of Wales, Zurich,
Educational background Switzerland
− Business administration degree and doctorate in technology
management, University of St. Gallen, St. Gallen, Switzerland
− CEO Central Europe since 2006 − CEO Northern & Eastern Europe since 2019
− Group CCO since 2015
Professional background
From 2005 to 2016 Beat Grob was managing director of Bossard
Professional background
Switzerland. He joined Bossard in 1995 as a project manager in
Dr. Frank Hilgers has been CEO Northern and Eastern Europe
logistics; the following year, he became head of logistics for
since May 2019. Since 2015, he has been responsible for the
Bossard Group.
group-wide management of branded products and high quality
fastening solutions (Chief Category Officer, CCO). He has also
Educational background headed the business units of KVT-Fastening since 2012. From
− Degree in law, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
2009 to 2012, he was a member of the KVT-Koenig management
− Postgraduate MBA, University of San Diego, team responsible for sales, product management and the fas-
San Diego, USA tening systems division. During his employment at Continental
between 2007 and 2009, he was in charge of all national organi-
Other activities and vested interests zations of the spare parts business and key account manage-
− Chair of the board of directors, Kolin Holding AG, Zug, ment in the Commercial & Special Vehicle area. From 2004 to
Switzerland 2007, Dr. Frank Hilgers headed Group Strategy and Corporate
Development at Siemens VDO Automotive and was instrumental
− Member of the board of directors, Aeschbach H
olding AG,
in the turnaround and sale of this Siemens segment. As senior
Zug, Switzerland
manager for strategy, Dr. Frank Hilgers headed major interna-
− Member of the foundation board, Bossard tional projects at Accenture (formerly Andersen Consulting)
Unternehmensstiftung, Zug, Switzerland from 1997 until 2004, and was responsible for automotive sup-
− Member of the board of directors, Imbach & Cie AG, Nebikon, pliers and the shareholder value initiative in the German speak-
Switzerland ing countries.
Educational background
− Degree in chemistry and doctorate, University of Stuttgart,
Stuttgart, Germany
− Executive MBA (Accenture Program), Kellogg School of
Management Northwestern University, Evanston, USA
the Vice President of Engineering for Sika Corporation. While prior as a product manager for Conner Peripherals and Optics
living in Switzerland, from 2000 to 2004, he was the Director of Storage Pte Ltd. in Singapore. Between 1986 and 1989 he
Engineering and Global Account Manager, supporting the inte- worked as a buyer at Printronix AG.
gration of newly acquired automotive based business for Sika
AG. Between 1995 and 2000, David Jones held positions as Educational background
Project Manager & Key Account Manager for Sika Corporation − Diploma in business administration, Thames
and was a Release Engineer for General Motors in 1994. Business School, S
ingapore, Singapore
− Diploma in mechanical engineering, Singapore Polytechnic,
Educational background Singapore, Singapore
− Bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering, Lawrence
Technological University, Southfield, USA − MBA, Lee Kong Chian School of Business, Singapore,
− MBA, Ross School of Business, University of Michigan,
Ann Arbor, USA
− Executive education, IMD, Lausanne, Switzerland
04 At a glance 06 Report to the shareholders 10 Company 19 Sustainability 48 Corporate Governance 80 Compensation Report 99 Financial Report
Professional background
Rolf Ritter joined Bossard in January 2020 as VP of M&A and
Business Development (Chief Strategy Officer). In 2014, he
founded his own consulting company in Miami, USA, and started
investing in tech startups and providing strategic M&A advice to
various companies. In addition, Rolf Ritter taught an EMBA in
Educational background
− Business administration degree, HSG, St. Gallen, Switzerland
04 At a glance 06 Report to the shareholders 10 Company 19 Sustainability 48 Corporate Governance 80 Compensation Report 99 Financial Report
Continued from page 69 The executive committee had the following members as
of December 31, 2021:
Executive committee Joined
Name Function company Appointed
Other activities and vested interests Management contracts holders may issue their powers of attorney and instruc-
The executive committee members do not perform any There are no management contracts between the Group tions to the independent proxy, including by electronic
other activities outside the Bossard Group apart from the and companies or persons to whom management tasks means. Shareholders can issue a special instruction to
mandates listed on pages 70 to 73. Furthermore, they do have been delegated. the independent proxy for each motion announced on the
not have any other significant vested interests. Beat Grob agenda sent out in the invitation.
and Dr. Daniel Bossard are members of the Bossard fam- Compensation, participations and loans
ilies, which have 100 percent control over Kolin Holding This information is provided in the compensation report. Shareholders may issue general instructions to the inde-
AG. Beat Grob is chair of the board of directors of Kolin pendent proxy for other motions on agenda items pro-
Holding AG. Individual members of the executive commit- Shareholders’ participation rights posed at the annual general meeting of shareholders as
tee carry out executive functions at Bossard Holding AG Shareholders’ participation rights are defined solely ac- well as for motions for convening extraordinary general
subsidiaries. cording to the Swiss Code of Obligations (OR) and the ar- meetings without any agenda and the performance of a
ticles of association. The articles of association are avail- special audit. The independent proxy is obliged to exer-
Allowed number of mandates able on the Bossard website via the following link: cise as instructed the voting rights that have been trans-
According to article 44 of the articles of association, a ferred to her or him by the shareholders. If she or he has
member of the executive committee may at the same porate-governance/articles-of-association/ not received any instructions, she or he shall abstain
time, alongside his function for the company, take on a from voting.
maximum of five material mandates, with a maximum of Voting right restrictions and representation
one chairmanship, which counts as two mandates. A (articles 16 to 18 of articles of association) The measurement of voting rights by the number of
maximum of two out of these five mandates may be in Registered B shares are voting right shares. At the annu- shares with voting rights is not applicable for:
listed companies. If the mandates assumed relate to le- al general meeting of shareholders each share registered – electing the external auditor
gal entities that belong to the same group or are similarly with voting rights is entitled to one vote. The voting rights – appointing experts to review the management of the
related in terms of management, these mandates are for registered A shares may be exercised by anyone en- business or individual parts thereof
considered a single mandate. There are no restrictions on tered in the share register as the owner or beneficiary. A – making decisions on the initiation of a special
the number of mandates (i) for mandates assumed in le- shareholder entitled to vote can have her- or himself rep- audit
gal entities that are directly or indirectly controlled by resented at the annual general meeting of shareholders – making decisions on the filing of a liability claim
Bossard Holding AG or that directly or indirectly control by the independent proxy, or – with written power of at-
Bossard Holding AG, or (ii) if, in exercising the function for torney – by any other person. Legal representatives do
the Bossard Group, a mandate in another, related legal not require a written power of attorney. In the invitation to
entity is exercised. The actual number of additional man- the annual general meeting of shareholders, the board of
dates are listed on pages 70 to 73. directors shall make known the date by which the share-
04 At a glance 06 Report to the shareholders 10 Company 19 Sustainability 48 Corporate Governance 80 Compensation Report 99 Financial Report
Statutory quorum (article 19 of articles of Convocation of the annual general meeting of of shareholders 2022 due to the COVID-19
association) shareholders (articles 12 and 13 of articles of situation. The shareholders will be informed in due time.
The annual general meeting of shareholders makes its association)
decisions and holds its elections with an absolute majori- The ordinary annual general meeting of shareholders is With the publication (SHAB) of the request for items to be
ty of the valid votes cast, provided there are no legal pro- held each year at the latest four months after the end of placed on the agenda as of January 25, 2022, the board of
visions or provisions in the articles of association to the the financial year. It is convened by the board of directors directors invites shareholders to submit any requests for
contrary. In a second ballot, the relative majority decides by announcing the venue, date and time of the meeting items to be included on the agenda, together with the
the outcome. and the invitation is published at least 20 calendar days proposals formulated, by February 18, 2022.
before the meeting, along with the agenda, motions and
At least two-thirds of the votes represented and an abso- the required form of proving share ownership. One or more shareholders who together represent at
lute majority of the represented nominal share value are least 10 percent of the share capital, can request the
required for decisions on: Due to the extraordinary situation related to the COVID-19 board of directors to convene a general meeting of share-
– a change to the corporate purpose pandemic, shareholders were not able to attend the 2021 holders.
– an increase in the voting power of existing voting annual general meeting of shareholders in person. Based
shares and the issue of new shares with more exten- on article 27 of the COVID-19 Ordinance 3, the board of Inclusion of items on the agenda
sive voting privileges than those of existing voting directors decided that shareholders may only exercise Shareholders themselves or collectively representing
shares their rights at the 2021 annual general meeting of share- shares with a nominal value of at least 0.75 percent of the
– the introduction of more stringent transferability re- holders through the independent proxy. The chair of the share capital are entitled to have an item placed on the
strictions board of directors, the independent proxy, a representa- agenda. By publication in the Swiss Official Gazette of
– an approved or conditional capital increase tive of Devigus Shareholder Services AG as well as the Commerce (Schweizerisches Handelsamtsblatt/SOGC) at
– a capital increase from equity, subscribed in kind or for General Counsel were physically present. In addition, the least 20 calendar days before the publication of the invita-
granting special privileges statutory auditors, the chair of the CC and the ARCC as tion for the ordinary annual general meeting of share-
– the restriction or withdrawal of subscription rights well as the CEO and the CFO of the Bossard Group were holders, the board of directors requests the sharehold-
– the relocation of the company domicile connected via video conference. In addition, the share- ers, that are fulfilling the mentioned requirements, to
– the dissolution of the company holders were kept informed with a video message from submit any items to be placed on the agenda with the re-
Dr. Thomas Schmuckli and Dr. Daniel Bossard on the day spective motions within the time stated.
Decisions and elections are generally settled by open bal- after the annual general meeting of shareholders.
lot. A secret ballot or election is held if required by the chair
or if one or more shareholders who together hold at least At the issuance of this report, the board of directors is
10 percent of the represented voting shares request it. considering how to conduct the annual general meeting
04 At a glance 06 Report to the shareholders 10 Company 19 Sustainability 48 Corporate Governance 80 Compensation Report 99 Financial Report
Entry in the share register (article 5 of articles of The voting right and the associated rights may only be ex- The period of notice for members of the executive com-
association) ercised by the person registered in the share register as mittee is between six and twelve months, during which
The company keeps a share register in which owners and having voting rights. time they are entitled to receive salary and bonus pay-
beneficiaries are inscribed with their names and ad- ments. If the company changes hands or goes into liqui-
dresses. The company must be notified of any change of The board of directors can delete entries made on the ba- dation, all share options (RSUs) held under the manage-
address. Until this notification is received, all information sis of false information by the acquirer. It will implement ment participation plan become due immediately.
for registered shareholders must be sent to the legally this measure within one year, backdated to the date of
valid address entered in the share register. the entry, after receiving definite information about the
error and hearing the person concerned. The person con-
In the invitation to the annual general meeting of share- cerned must be notified of the deletion immediately.
holders, the board of directors announces the date by
which an entry in the share register must be made in or-
der to attend the meeting and vote. Changes of control and defense measures
Entry in the share register is subject to advance proof Duty to make an offer
that ownership of the registered A shares was acquired According to FMIA, anyone, who directly or indirectly or
or that usufruct has been granted (the conditions for acting in concert with third parties, acquires shares and
transfer of ownership and the registration requirements thereby exceeds the threshold of 33 1/3 percent of the
for registered B shares are governed by articles 7 to 9 of voting rights of Bossard Holding AG must make a take-
the articles of association). Shareholders are entered over offer for all outstanding shares. Bossard Holding AG
with voting rights if they expressly declare that the shares has waived its opportunity to modify (opting-up) or dis-
in question are held in their own name and for their own pense (opting-out) with this regulation.
Clauses on changes of control
The company only recognizes a person as a shareholder The employment agreement for members of the execu-
or beneficiary if this person is registered as such in the tive committee does not contain any clauses on changes
share register. of control. The Group does not provide golden parachutes
for its senior management.
04 At a glance 06 Report to the shareholders 10 Company 19 Sustainability 48 Corporate Governance 80 Compensation Report 99 Financial Report
in-depth analysis by the ARCC, it was decided to propose supervision of the statutory auditors. The ARCC’s main
PricewaterhouseCoopers AG again for election as auditor responsibility is to propose the statutory auditors, to re-
to the shareholders at the 2022 annual general meeting view their qualifications, independence and performance
of shareholders. During this review, great importance annually, to approve the auditing fee and to review the
was set to both, the criteria for ensuring independent, accounting principles as well as the annual financial
competent, and critical auditing activities as well as open statements. The committee annually reviews the scope of
communication with the ARCC. The statutory auditors are the audit, the audit plans and the related procedures, and
elected by the annual general meeting of shareholders discusses the results of the audit with the auditors.
for a term of one year.
Information policy The Group publishes relevant information on its business Bossard maintains contact with representatives of the
operations using a number of channels, including the an- capital market via media conferences, meetings with an-
With its disclosure policy, the Bossard Group nual report, interim reports and press releases. The com- alysts and roadshows. The company also regularly holds
creates transparency for investors and finan- pany also keeps its stakeholders informed by means of individual and group meetings with institutional investors
cial markets and ensures a fair market price for press conferences and meetings with analysts and via the and analysts. All publications on business results and
Bossard shares. annual general meeting of shareholders. In the reporting press releases are available in English and in German
year, the Group also held a Capital Markets Day, which under the “Investor Relations” section of the Bossard
The Bossard management is convinced that the financial will most likely take place every two to three years. The website (
markets will honor a clear, consistent and informative consolidated financial statements are drawn up in accor- us/news-and-press-releases/).
disclosure policy in the long term with a fair valuation dance with Swiss GAAP FER.
of the company’s shares. Bossard therefore applies the Further, shareholders can subscribe on the Bossard web-
following principles in its financial reporting and related List of key dates in 2022: site (
disclosure: relations/subscription-press-releases/) to Bossard an-
– Transparency: the disclosure principle is intended to Meeting for financial analysts & media nouncements, press releases and ad hoc publications.
ensure a better understanding of the economic drivers conference All Bossard publications can be ordered by e-mailing
influencing the Group and the detailed operating re- Publication Annual Report 2021 March 2, 2022 [email protected] or from Bossard Holding AG,
Annual general meeting April 11, 2022
sults. Investor Relations, Steinhauserstrasse 70, 6300 Zug,
Publication of sales results
– Consistency: disclosure within each reporting period Switzerland.
1st quarter 2022 April 11, 2022
and between the individual periods is consistent and
Publication of Semi-Annual Report 2022 July 21, 2022
comparable. Publication of sales results
– Clarity: information is presented as clearly as possible 3rd quarter 2022 October 12, 2022
so that the company’s stakeholders can form an accu- Publication of sales results 2022 January 12, 2023
rate picture of how the business is developing.
– Relevance: to avoid a flood of information, Bossard fo-
cuses on data that is relevant for the company’s stake-
holders in terms of content and timing, is necessary
for supervisory purposes or is required by law.
04 At a glance 06 Report to the shareholders 10 Company 19 Sustainability 48 Corporate Governance 80 Compensation Report 99 Financial Report
(article 11.8): the annual general meeting of share- loans or credits up to a maximum of CHF 0.5 million and, if necessary, propose any changes to the board of
holders approves separately the maximum aggregate per person, pension benefits outside the occupational directors;
amounts of compensation payable to the board of di- pension scheme up to a maximum of CHF 0.5 million – propose to the board of directors the maximum aggre-
rectors and to the executive committee: (one-time) per person. gate amounts of compensation of the board of direc-
– for the board of directors: for the period until the tors and of the executive committee to be submitted to
next annual general meeting of shareholders More details available at: the shareholders’ vote at the annual general meeting
– for the executive committee: for the following finan- of shareholders;
cial year porate-governance/articles-of-association/ – propose to the board of directors the individual com-
– In addition, the annual general meeting of sharehold- pensation for the members of the board of directors,
2.2. Compensation committee
ers has the opportunity to express its opinion on the the CEO and the other members of the executive com-
compensation report in a consultative vote (article 43). In accordance with the articles of association, the organi- mittee, within the limits approved by the annual gener-
– Additional amount for payments to members of the zational and business regulations of Bossard Holding AG al meeting of shareholders;
executive committee appointed after the vote on and the compensation committee regulations, the com- – review and approve the employment contracts of the
compensation at the annual general meeting of share- pensation committee is composed of at least three mem- executive committee members;
holders (article 42): to the extent that the maximum bers of the board of directors that are elected individually – develop and regularly review the guidelines governing
aggregate compensation amount as approved by the by the annual general meeting of shareholders for a the structure of the occupational pension scheme for
annual general meeting of shareholders does not suf- period of one year. Subject to the approval of the annual the executive committee;
fice, an amount of up to 30 percent of the maximum general meeting of shareholders, the representative of – prepare the compensation report;
aggregate compensation amount approved for the ex- registered A shares is entitled to be a member of the – if the compensation committee considers necessary:
ecutive committee is available, without further approv- compensation committee. The 2021 annual general the assignment, the supervision and the critical evalu-
al, for the compensation of the members of the execu- meeting of shareholders re-elected David Dean (chair), ation of the results of advisers or the comparison with
tive committee who have been appointed after the Patricia Heidtman and Prof. Dr. Stefan Michel and newly third party companies regarding the compensation
annual general meeting of shareholders. elected Marcel Keller as members of the compensation practices.
– Loans, credit facilities and post-employment benefits committee.
for members of the executive committee (article 41): The levels of authority between the CEO, the compensa-
upon proposal of the compensation committee, the It is the responsibility of the compensation committee to: tion committee (CC), the board of directors (BoD) and the
board of directors may, in justified cases, grant to – develop and regularly review the compensation policy annual general meeting of shareholders (AGM) are sum-
members of the executive committee and persons re- and principles applicable to the board of directors and marized in the following table:
lated to them mortgage-backed loans or credits up to the executive committee, including the design of com-
a maximum of CHF 1 million per person, unsecured pensation programs and retirement benefits plans;
04 At a glance 06 Report to the shareholders 10 Company 19 Sustainability 48 Corporate Governance 80 Compensation Report 99 Financial Report
Compensation of the CEO Proposes Approves The compensation committee regularly compares com-
Individual compensation of members of the pensation levels with benchmarks, reviews Bossard’s
executive committee Proposes Reviews Approves compensation policies and conducts a self-assessment.
Compensation report Proposes Approves Consultative vote The compensation committee mandated the last time in
2019 Agnès Blust Consulting AG, which, in cooperation
with Mercer AG, conducted a benchmarking study on
The compensation committee meets as often as business compensation. These consulting companies do not hold
requires but at least twice a year. In 2021, it held two any other consulting mandates with the Bossard Group.
meetings, each lasted half a day (one of these meetings
was held virtually). In addition, a shorter conference call 2.3. Method of determination of compensation
was held. All members were present at these meetings. Benchmarking: in order to assess the market competi-
tiveness of compensation and to determine appropriate
As a general rule, the CEO participates in the meetings of compensation levels for the members of the board of
the compensation committee in an advisory capacity. directors and of the executive committee, the compen-
Other members of the board of directors may attend the sation committee periodically (i.e. every three to four
committee meetings (without voting rights) and other ex- years) reviews the compensation reports published by
ecutives may be invited in an advisory capacity as well. other international industrial companies that are listed in
However, the other members of the board of directors Switzerland and comparable to the Group in terms of size
and the executives abstain from a topic when their own (market capitalization, employees, revenues), geographic
performance and/or compensation are being discussed. scope and business complexity. In 2019, a benchmarking
After each meeting, the chair of the compensation com- analysis of the compensation of the board of directors
mittee reports to the board of directors the topics dis- was carried out based on a comparison group of 20 Swiss
04 At a glance 06 Report to the shareholders 10 Company 19 Sustainability 48 Corporate Governance 80 Compensation Report 99 Financial Report
industrial companies listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange, value drivers, which are decisive for the Group’s future
which are comparable in terms of market capitalization, results and profitability. The assessment is closely linked
employees and turnover. These included: Autoneum, to the value-oriented and sustainability-focused manage-
BELIMO, BOBST, Burckhardt Compression, Comet, ment approach implemented by the Bossard Group.
Huber+Suhner, INFICON, INTERROLL, Kardex, Komax, Qualitative criteria are derived from the company’s stra-
Landis+Gyr, LEM, Metall Zug, Phoenix Mecano, Rieter, tegic targets. Therefore, compensation reflects both the
Schweiter Technologies, Siegfried, Valora, Ypsomed and sustainable success of the company and the respective
Zur Rose. individual contributions.
Fixed compensation Attract & retain Position, skills and experience Monthly cash payments
Variable compensation – Pay for performance Annual performance EBIT Group respectively EBIT Annual bonus in cash
short-term incentive as well as gross profit of own
business area
Management participation Align to shareholders’ interests, Achieved strategic goals RSU with five-year staged vesting
plan – long-term incentive retain period
Occupational benefits Protect against risks, attract & Market practice and position Retirement plan, insurance,
retain perquisites
04 At a glance 06 Report to the shareholders 10 Company 19 Sustainability 48 Corporate Governance 80 Compensation Report 99 Financial Report
annual financial goals agreed within the annual objec- The variable compensation (short-term incentive) is
tive-setting process and evaluated at the end of a year. based on the financial performance of the Group as a
whole and/or its businesses as follows:
The fixed compensation and the expected variable com-
pensation, namely the short-term incentive, (assuming Other members
Component CEO CFO/CSO of the executive committee
100 percent achievement of all performance objectives)
form the so-called total cash compensation. The target Financial Group Group gross profit (1/3), Group gross profit (1/3), Group EBIT (1/3)
performance Group EBIT (2/3) Group EBIT (2/3)
value of the total cash compensation of the CEO and the
Own business area EBIT as well as gross profit of
other executive committee members is reviewed annually
own business area (2/3)
based on the scope of the role, competitive market prac-
tice, individual profile and performance, as well as the
company’s affordability. The financial objectives always include a measure of
profitability, such as business area and Group operating
For the CEO the fixed compensation amounts to 68 per- profit, because profitability is absolutely critical to the
cent of total cash compensation, while the variable com- long-term success of the company. In addition, gross
pensation amounts to 32 percent (or 48 percent of the profit development is used as a growth parameter. For
annual fixed compensation) (2020: 67 percent fixed com- each financial objective, an expected level of performance
pensation and 33 percent variable compensation). For is determined, either on the basis of the annual financial
the other executive committee members, the fixed com- plan or of the prior year’s results.
pensation ranges from 60 percent to 69 percent of total
cash compensation while the variable portion ranges
04 At a glance 06 Report to the shareholders 10 Company 19 Sustainability 48 Corporate Governance 80 Compensation Report 99 Financial Report
Due to the commercial sensitivity of financial objectives, 4.3. Management participation plan – long-term Each RSU is a conditional right to receive one registered
the board of directors abstains from such a disclosure in incentive A share of Bossard Holding AG after the vesting period.
the compensation report. However, the actual payout lev- The objectives of the management participation plan for The RSUs vest conditionally if she or he is employed at
el of the variable compensation in the reporting year is the executive committee are to strengthen the link be- the time of the vesting date and according to the following
explained and commented in section 5. tween management and shareholders’ interests, to foster vesting schedule: one third of the RSUs vest three years
the executive committee’s long-term motivation and after the grant date, one third vest four years after the
The CEO and other members of the executive committee identification with the Bossard Group, to let participants grant date and the last third vest five years after the grant
may draw up to 20 percent of their total cash compensa- directly participate in the long-term shareholder value date. At the respective vesting date, the vested RSUs are
tion in the form of registered A shares of Bossard Holding created through share price appreciation. converted into registered A shares of Bossard Holding AG.
AG. The shares are subject to a restriction period of three The shares are not subject to any further restrictions
years during which they can not be sold, transferred or The condition for a grant is linked to the implementation other than the general rules governing management
pledged. The restriction period also applies in cases of of Bossard Group’s strategic initiatives approved by the transactions. In circumstances where the allocation of
termination of employment and retirement. In case of board of directors. These objectives are qualitative in shares may be unsuitable or impractical, the award may
termination following death the restriction lapses imme- nature and relate primarily to innovation, market cultiva- be settled in cash instead of registered A shares of
diately. The shares are priced at their market value, de- tion, cultural transformation and sustainability criteria Bossard Holding AG.
termined at the end of February of each year, based on (ESG). For the CEO a maximum amount of CHF 100,000
the average share price over the previous ten trading and for the other members of the executive committee
days. The individual choice to draw shares by the CEO as a maximum amount of CHF 50,000 is foreseen. The con-
well as the other members of the executive committee is version is carried out at market value and is based on
made the day after the annual general meeting of share- the average share price of the last ten trading days in
holders. The shares required for the share plan are pro- December. The grant based on the achievement of objec-
vided by the Group’s treasury shares or by share purchas- tives takes place in the second quarter for the prior
es on the market. financial year and thus represents the beginning of the
vesting period.
04 At a glance 06 Report to the shareholders 10 Company 19 Sustainability 48 Corporate Governance 80 Compensation Report 99 Financial Report
Vesting period:
5. Compensation of the board of directors and the Compensation paid to members of the board of directors for the financial year 2021
executive committee
Expense Social Total Thereof in
5.1. Compensation paid to current members of the in CHF, gross Fixed allowance costs compensation shares 7)
board of directors for the financial years 2021 and Dr. Thomas Schmuckli Chair, Chair NC 1), ARCC 2) 344,167 8,000 50,303 402,470 29,918
Patricia Heidtman Vice Chair 3), NC, CC 4) 137,667 8,000 21,213 166,880 29,918
Dr. René Cotting Chair ARCC 137,667 8,000 21,213 166,880 29,918
In 2021, the members of the board of directors received a
David Dean Repr. of registered A shares, Chair CC 137,667 8,000 21,213 166,880 29,918
compensation in the amount shown in the following table.
Petra Maria Ehmann 5) NC, ARCC 93,333 5,333 14,382 113,048 -
Marcel Keller 5) CC 86,667 5,333 13,354 105,354 -
Compared to the prior year, the total compensation re- Martin Kühn ARCC 127,833 8,000 19,698 155,531 29,918
mains stable. Prof. Dr. Stefan Michel NC, CC 134,500 8,000 20,725 163,225 29,918
Anton Lauber 6)
Vice Chair, NC, CC 44,333 2,667 5,102 52,102 29,918
Maria Teresa Vacalli 6) ARCC 41,167 2,667 6,343 50,177 29,918
2021 1,285,001 64,000 193,546 1,542,547 239,344
Compensation paid to members of the board of directors for the financial year 2020 In 2021, the annual general meeting of shareholders ap-
proved a maximum compensation amount for the board
Social Total Thereof in
of directors of CHF 1,600,000 for the period from the an-
in CHF, gross Fixed Variable 5) costs compensation shares 6) nual general meeting of shareholders 2021 until the next
Dr. Thomas Schmuckli Chair, Chair NC 1), ARCC 2) 321,166 15,950 46,640 383,756 46,800 annual general meeting of shareholders 2022. As this
Anton Lauber Vice Chair, NC, CC 3) 121,666 15,950 14,647 152,263 29,952
compensation period has not yet ended, the final amount
Dr. René Cotting Chair ARCC 121,666 15,950 19,679 157,295 40,950
will be disclosed in the compensation report for financial
David Dean Repr. of registered A shares, Chair CC 121,666 15,950 19,679 157,295 29,952
year 2022.
Patricia Heidtman NC, CC 121,666 15,950 19,679 157,295 46,800
Martin Kühn ARCC 115,500 15,950 18,777 150,227 59,904
Prof. Dr. Stefan Michel NC 115,500 15,950 18,777 150,227 29,952 In 2020, the annual general meeting of shareholders ap-
Maria Teresa Vacalli ARCC 115,500 15,950 18,777 150,227 29,952 proved a maximum compensation amount for the board
2020 4)
1,154,330 127,600 176,655 1,458,585 314,262 of directors of CHF 1,600,000 for the period from the an-
nual general meeting of shareholders 2020 until the next
1) Nomination committee (NC)
2) Audit, risk & compliance committee (ARCC)
annual general meeting of shareholders 2021.The com-
3) Compensation committee (CC) pensation of the board of directors for this term of office
4) The compensation of the financial year 2020 includes a deduction of 20 percent for three months as solidarity contribution during short time work of the workforce due to
COVID-19. augmented to CHF 1,481,477 and remains therefore with-
5) For the period from January 1, 2020 to April 30, 2020, the variable remuneration of the Chair of the board of directors accounted for 16 percent of the fixed compensation. For
the other members of the board of directors, the share of variable compensation was 53 percent. As of May 1, 2021, the board of directors no longer received variable com- in the approved compensation payable to the board of di-
pensation due to the amendment of the articles of association.
6) Each member of the board of directors will get delivered CHF 30,000 of its total compensation in registered A shares of Bossard Holding AG. The shares are priced at market
value, less a reduction (tax) of approximately 16 percent for the three years lockup period. For the drawn shares in 2020 the price was CHF 117.00. The draw of the shares took
place one day after the annual general meeting of shareholders 2020. Since the draw of the shares relates to the compensation until the annual general meeting of share-
holders 2020 (before the revision of the articles of associations), the deduction of the tax-permissible reduction was still made here. Payments to former members of the board of
Anton Lauber and Maria Teresa Vacalli, who resigned
from their positions as member of the board of directors
at the annual general meeting of shareholders 2021,
received compensation in 2021. Anton Lauber received
shares in the amount of CHF 29,918 based on the total
compensation from the annual general meeting of
shareholders 2020 to the annual general meeting of
shareholders 2021. For his services as a member of the
board of directors for the period from January 1, 2021 to
04 At a glance 06 Report to the shareholders 10 Company 19 Sustainability 48 Corporate Governance 80 Compensation Report 99 Financial Report
April 12, 2021, the total compensation amounted to 5.2. Compensation paid to members of the execu-
CHF 52,102. Maria Teresa Vacalli received shares in the tive committee for the financial years 2021 and
amount of CHF 29,918 based on the total compensation 2020
from the annual general meeting of shareholders 2020 In 2021, the members of the executive committee re-
to the annual general meeting of shareholders 2021. For ceived the following compensation:
her services as a member of the board of directors for the
period from January 1, 2021 to April 12, 2021, the total Compensation paid to members of the executive committee
compensation amounted to CHF 50,177.
Executive committee total Dr. Daniel Bossard, CEO
In 2020, no compensation was paid to former members of in CHF 2021 5) 2020 6) 2021 2020
Fixed compensation Variable compensation – short-term incentive Management participation plan – long-term incentive Social costs and other benefits
The higher remuneration compared to prior year is due In 2020, the annual general meeting of shareholders amount of 30 percent of the total amount available to the
to the change in the CEO America function (double remu- approved a maximum compensation amount for the ex- board of directors for cases in which additional members
neration for the period of contractual overlap) and the ecutive committee of CHF 6,000,000 for the period from are appointed to the executive committee (article 42 of
expansion of the executive committee. January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021. The total compen- the articles of association).
sation 2021 of the executive committee of CHF 6,348,376
In 2021, the variable component, short-term incentive, is therefore higher than the approved maximum compen- In 2021, the annual general meeting of shareholders ap-
amounted to 63 percent of the fixed compensation for the sation. This increase is due to the expansion of the execu- proved a maximum compensation amount for the execu-
CEO Dr. Daniel Bossard (2020: 49 percent) and to 70 per- tive committee by an additional member after the maxi- tive committee of CHF 6,000,000 for the period from Jan-
cent on average for the other executive committee mem- mum compensation has already been approved by the uary 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022. Due to the expansion
bers (2020: 51 percent). The board of directors refrains annual general meeting of shareholders. The increase of of the executive committee, the board of directors has de-
from disclosing a maximum or a range with regard to the CHF 348,376 is within the statutorily permitted additional cided to increase the maximum total amount for the com-
ratio between the variable and the fixed compensation.
04 At a glance 06 Report to the shareholders 10 Company 19 Sustainability 48 Corporate Governance 80 Compensation Report 99 Financial Report
pensation of the executive committee for the period from 6. Participations of members of the board of direc-
January 1, 2022 to January 31, 2022 accordingly. The tors and the executive committee at December 31,
board of directors thus proposes to the annual general 2021 and 2020
meeting of shareholders on April 11, 2022 the approval of
a maximum of CHF 7,000,000 as total compensation for At December 31, the individual members of the board of
the financial year 2022. directors and the executive committee (including persons
closely associated with them) held the following numbers
Compensation paid to former members of the of registered A shares of Bossard Holding AG:
executive committee
In 2021, Steen Hansen, former CEO Bossard America, Board of directors 2021 Thereof blocked 2) 2020 Thereof blocked 2)
who left the Bossard Group due to a termination agree- Dr. Thomas Schmuckli Chair, Chair NC, ARCC 8,523 998 9,829 1,004
ment as of July 31, 2021, received a compensation to Patricia Heidtman Vice Chair, NC, CC 650 550 500 400
Dr. René Cotting Chair ARCC 2,400 900 2,250 950
which he was entitled. This compensation is included in
David Dean Repr. of registered A shares, Chair CC 1,150 406 1,456 256
the table under this section 5.2.
Petra Maria Ehmann 1) NC, ARCC - - - -
Marcel Keller 1) CC - - - -
In 2020, no compensation was paid to former members of Martin Kühn ARCC 1,312 1,102 1,162 952
the executive committee. Prof. Dr. Stefan Michel NC, CC 1,054 854 904 904
Total 15,089 4,810 16,101 4,466
Compensation paid to related parties of members
1) Election to the board of directors in April 2021
of the executive committee 2) These shares are subject to a restriction period of three years starting from the
grant date.
In 2021, as well as in 2020, no compensation was paid to
related parties of present or former members of the ex-
ecutive committee.
2) Takeover as CEO America in February 2021 – The CEO shall hold 150 percent of the equivalent value of
3) Appointment as CSO as of May 1, 2021
4) These shares are subject to a restriction period of three years starting from the grant date. the fixed compensation in registered A shares of Bossard
Holding AG.
– The members of the executive committee shall hold 100
At December 31, the individual members of the executive committee held the following numbers of percent of the equivalent value of the fixed compensation
awarded restricted stock units (RSUs): in registered A shares of Bossard Holding AG.
2021 3) 2020 – Newly elected members shall build up the required share-
Dr. Daniel Bossard CEO 1,243 1,544 holding within four years upon their election. Should the
Stephan Zehnder CFO 765 1,066 share price fall or rise significantly, the board of directors
Beat Grob CEO Central Europe 765 1,066 may, at its own discretion, adjust this period accordingly.
Dr. Frank Hilgers CEO Northern & Eastern Europe, CCO 765 1,066
David Jones 1)
CEO America - -
For the determination of the minimum shareholdings, all
Robert Ang CEO Asia 765 1,066
shares are considered, independent of restricted or not. The
Rolf Ritter 2) CSO 94 94
compensation committee annually assesses the alignment
4,397 5,902
of the shareholdings with the guideline of shareholding.
1) Takeover as CEO America in February 2021
2) Appointment as CSO as of May 1, 2021
3) RSU which will be granted in the second quarter of 2022 for the financial year 2021 are not included in the balance. According to the review of the compensation committee (last
review in 2021), all members of the board of directors and
the executive committee comply with the guideline of share-
holding; this also includes the transition period of the newly
elected or appointed members.
04 At a glance 06 Report to the shareholders 10 Company 19 Sustainability 48 Corporate Governance 80 Compensation Report 99 Financial Report
Report of
of the
In our opinion, the compensation report of Bossard Holding AG for the year ended December
to the General
HoldingAGAG 31, 2021 complies with Swiss law and articles 14–16 of the Ordinance.
Zug PricewaterhouseCoopers AG
We have audited the compensation report of Bossard Holding AG for the year ended December
We have audited the compensation report of Bossard Holding AG for the year ended December 31, 2021. The audit was
31, 2021. The audit was limited to the information according to articles 14–16 of the Ordinance
limited to the information according to articles 14–16 of the Ordinance against Excessive Compensation in Stock Exchange
against Excessive
Listed Companies Compensation
(Ordinance) contained ininthe
note Exchange Listed
5 on pages 77 to 81 ofCompanies (Ordinance)
the compensation report. contained in
the note 5 on pages 92 to 96 of the compensation report.
Our responsibility
An audit is to express
involves performing proceduresan to opinion onevidence
obtain audit the compensation report.
on the disclosures madeWe conducted
in the compensationour audit
report in
accordance with Swiss
regard to compensation, loansAuditing Standards.
and credits in accordanceThose standards
with articles 14–16 ofrequire that weThe
the Ordinance. comply withselected
procedures ethical
requirements and plan
depend on the auditor’s and perform
judgment, theassessment
including the audit to obtain reasonable
of the risks of material assurance
misstatementsabout whether there-
in the compensation
compensation report
port, whether due to fraud orcomplies
error. Thiswith
auditSwiss law and
also includes articles
evaluating the14–16 of the Ordinance.
reasonableness of the methods applied to value
components of compensation, as well as assessing the overall presentation of the compensation report.
An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence on the disclosures made in the
We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion.
compensation report with regard to compensation, loans and credits in accordance with articles
14–16 of the Ordinance. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including
the assessment of the risks of material misstatements in the compensation report, whether due to
fraud or error.
In our opinion, theThis audit also
compensation includes
report evaluating
of Bossard Holding AG the
for reasonableness of the31,
the year ended December methods applied
2021 complies with to
law andcomponents ofthe
articles 14–16 of compensation,
Ordinance. as well as assessing the overall presentation of the compen-
sation report.
PricewaterhouseCoopers AG
We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a PricewaterhouseCoopers AG, Birchstrasse 160, Postfach, CH-8050 Zürich, Switzerland
basis for our opinion. Telefon: +41 58 792 44 00, Telefax: +41 58 792 44 10,
PricewaterhouseCoopers AG is a member of the global PricewaterhouseCoopers network of firms, each of which is a separate and
independent legal entity.
101 Financial Review 2021
Bossard Holding AG
135 Balance Sheet
136 Income Statement
137 Notes to the Financial Statements
140 Appropriation of Available Earnings
141 Report of the Statutory Auditor on the Financial
12.4 %
in CHF
813 Mio.
98 million
in CHF in CHF
04 At a glance 06 Report to the shareholders 10 Company 19 Sustainability 48 Corporate Governance 80 Compensation Report 99 Financial Report
increased from CHF 14.5 million to CHF 23.3 million as a Despite high earnings, the equity ratio decreased from we will continue to focus on digitalization and increased
result of the significant increase in profit. The tax rate 50.3 percent in the prior year to 45.2 percent. The reason investments in growth initiatives in 2022. At the beginning
was 19.2 percent (prior year: 17.6 percent), mainly due to for this decline is that Bossard directly offsets the good- of the year, the purchasing manager indices continue to
the regional profit mix. will from acquisitions against equity. As a result of high point to expansive industry production, and from today’s
investment activity and accelerated growth, net debt in- perspective, procurement lead times will likely continue
Net income grew by 44.7 percent to a record CHF 98.0 creased from CHF 155.7 million in the prior year to to normalize in the course of the year.
million (prior year: CHF 67.8 million). At the annual gen- CHF 217.2 million. The gearing – the ratio of net debt to
eral meeting of shareholders, the board of directors will equity – rose slightly to 0.6 from 0.5 in the prior year. As communicated last year, Bossard is targeting an aver-
propose a dividend of CHF 5.10 per registered A share age organic growth rate of over 5 percent and an EBIT
(prior year: CHF 4.40), in line with our dividend policy of a While cash flow from operating activities before changes margin of 12 percent to 15 percent in the medium term
40 percent payout of net income. in net working capital increased by CHF 35.8 million to following a phase of increased investments. To achieve
CHF 126.0 million, cash flow from operating activities this, we will continue to rely on a strong balance sheet
Solid balance sheet in spite of higher net debt fell from CHF 91.6 million in the prior year to CHF 65.9 with an equity ratio of at least 40 percent and a payout ra-
Along with the Group’s investment activities, the above- million as a result of the strong increase in operating tio of approximately 40 percent of net income.
average growth let to an increase in total assets in 2021. net working capital. Cash flow from investment activities
Compared to the prior year, total assets increased by 20.5 increased from CHF 41.2 million in the prior year to CHF
percent to CHF 772.8 million. 92.3 million, mainly due to the acquisition of Jeveka B.V.
in October 2021 as well as higher investments in tangible
This increase is driven by higher customer receivables and intangible assets. While the Group had a positive free Stephan Zehnder
due to increased sales as well as higher inventory. While cash flow of CHF 50.4 million in the prior year, a negative CFO
the increase in receivables is in line with the sales growth, free cash flow of CHF 26.4 million resulted in 2021 be-
inventory grew at an above-average rate. Besides the cause of the significant growth and the investments Zug, February 25, 2022
higher sales volumes, this increase is due to higher raw made.
material prices and freight costs. Also, in light of the per-
sistent market uncertainties and longer delivery times, Outlook
we increased our inventory in order to ensure the best The uncertainties arising from the COVID-19 pandemic
possible delivery capability to our customers. Last but not continue to impact business development. Supply chain
least, the acquisition of Jeveka B.V. contributed to the in- challenges remain a major issue. Nonetheless, we are
crease in total assets as well. optimistic about the future. In addition to the market de-
velopment and the implementation of the Strategy 200,
04 At a glance 06 Report to the shareholders 10 Company 19 Sustainability 48 Corporate Governance 80 Compensation Report 99 Financial Report
Shareholders’ equity
Share capital 11 40,000 40,000
Treasury shares 11 –4,242 –3,171
Capital reserves 75,165 72,860
Retained earnings 234,332 210,266
345,255 319,955
Non-controlling interest 4,293 2,385
Total shareholders’ equity 349,548 322,340
Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity 772,776 641,308
The notes on pages 107 to 130 are an integral part of the consolidated financial
04 At a glance 06 Report to the shareholders 10 Company 19 Sustainability 48 Corporate Governance 80 Compensation Report 99 Financial Report
Attributable to:
Shareholders of Bossard Holding AG 96,374 67,055
Non-controlling interest 1,643 696
1) Earnings per share is based on the net income of the shareholders of Bossard Holding AG and the annual average number of out-
standing shares entitled to dividend. There is no dilution effect.
The notes on pages 107 to 130 are an integral part of the consolidated financial
04 At a glance 06 Report to the shareholders 10 Company 19 Sustainability 48 Corporate Governance 80 Compensation Report 99 Financial Report
Balance at January 1, 2021 40,000 –3,171 72,860 666,714 –350,536 –105,912 319,955 2,385 322,340
Dividend –33,866 –33,866 –367 –34,233
Net income for the period 96,374 96,374 1,643 98,017
Management participation plan 1,141 1,141 1,141
Change in treasury shares –1,102 –718 –1,820 –1,820
Usage unissued treasury shares 31 1,882 1,913 1,913
Offset goodwill from acquisitions –34,777 –34,777 –34,777
Non-controlling interest from acquisitions –1,111 –1,111 636 –475
Translation differences –2,554 –2,554 –4 –2,558
Balance at December 31, 2021 40,000 –4,242 75,165 728,111 –385,313 –108,466 345,255 4,293 349,548
For details regarding share capital, please refer to note 11 on page 113 and
regarding the goodwill offset from acquisitions to note 21 on pages 117 to 118.
The notes on pages 107 to 130 are an integral part of the consolidated financial
04 At a glance 06 Report to the shareholders 10 Company 19 Sustainability 48 Corporate Governance 80 Compensation Report 99 Financial Report
Scope of operations
Bossard Holding AG, Zug, Switzerland, a limited company subject to Swiss law, is the
parent company of all entities within the Bossard Group (hereinafter Bossard or Group).
Bossard is a leading distributor of fasteners of every kind and a provider of related engi-
neering and logistics services. The Group operates in three geographic regions, Europe,
America and Asia, and is one of the market leaders in its sector of industry.
The consolidated financial statements of the Group are based on the financial state-
ments of the individual Group companies at December 31, 2021, prepared in accordance
with uniform accounting policies. The consolidated financial statements have been pre-
pared under the historical cost convention except for the revaluation of certain financial
assets and liabilities at market value, in accordance with full Swiss GAAP FER. They are
consistent with Swiss law and the listing rules of the SIX Swiss Exchange.
The main principles of consolidation and valuation are detailed at the end of the notes to
the consolidated financial statements.
04 At a glance 06 Report to the shareholders 10 Company 19 Sustainability 48 Corporate Governance 80 Compensation Report 99 Financial Report
Facilities under Land and Machinery Facilities under Land and Machinery
in CHF 1,000 construction buildings and equipment Others Total in CHF 1,000 construction buildings and equipment Others Total
Cost Cost
Balance at Jan. 1, 2021 18,889 129,546 124,476 9,150 282,061 Balance at Jan. 1, 2020 9,325 131,112 123,443 9,723 273,603
Additions 5,924 5,497 11,607 1,237 24,265 Additions 9,700 773 8,239 542 19,254
Changes in the scope of consolidation ‑ 5,900 1,346 382 7,628 Changes in the scope of consolidation - - - - -
Disposals ‑ –2,103 –10,491 –1,343 –13,937 Disposals - –538 –4,383 –919 –5,840
Reclass –18,972 16,610 2,362 ‑ ‑ Reclass - - - - -
Translation differences 276 –791 –503 –153 –1,171 Translation differences –136 –1,801 –2,823 –196 –4,956
Balance at Dec. 31, 2021 6,117 154,659 128,797 9,273 298,846 Balance at Dec. 31, 2020 18,889 129,546 124,476 9,150 282,061
5. Intangible assets
Software in Software in
in CHF 1,000 development Software Others Total in CHF 1,000 development Software Others Total
Cost Cost
Balance at Jan. 1, 2021 2,036 58,345 220 60,601 Balance at Jan. 1, 2020 24,643 32,102 427 57,172
Additions 9,018 2,006 ‑ 11,024 Additions 2,076 2,377 220 4,673
Changes in the scope of consolidation ‑ 1,965 ‑ 1,965 Changes in the scope of consolidation - - - -
Disposals ‑ –871 ‑ –871 Disposals - –746 –427 –1,173
Reclass –781 781 ‑ ‑ Reclass –24,683 24,683 - -
Translation differences –2 –307 ‑ –309 Translation differences - –71 - –71
Balance at Dec. 31, 2021 10,271 61,919 220 72,410 Balance at Dec. 31, 2020 2,036 58,345 220 60,601
6. Financial assets The Group’s average tax rate is the weighted average based on the various individual
Interest Interest results and the local tax rates.
in CHF 1,000 2021 rates in % 2020 rates in %
Loans and deposits to third parties 5,966 0.0–5.0 3,074 0.0–5.0
The deferred taxes consist of the following:
Investments in associated companies 1,670 2,295
Other financial assets 35 35 in CHF 1,000 Assets 2021 Liabilities 2021 Assets 2020 Liabilities 2020
Total 7,671 5,404 Accounts receivable 468 245 439 260
Inventories 7,343 2,909 6,358 2,726
Property, plant and equipment 337 2,377 332 1,668
7. Income taxes Intangible assets 8,446 1,303 10,211 1,012
8. Provisions
Pension and Management Pension and Management
other termination participation other termination participation
in CHF 1,000 benefits plan Others Total in CHF 1,000 benefits plan Others Total
Balance at Jan. 1, 2021 4,770 446 4,942 10,158 Balance at Jan. 1, 2020 4,666 456 4,929 10,051
Additions 708 595 852 2,155 Additions 287 267 1,699 2,253
Changes in the scope of consolidation ‑ ‑ 177 177 Changes in the scope of consolidation - - - -
Usage –81 –268 –1,619 –1,968 Usage –123 –255 –1,493 –1,871
Reversals –151 ‑ –1,980 –2,131 Reversals –14 - –88 –102
Translation differences –230 9 7 –214 Translation differences –46 –22 –105 –173
Balance at Dec. 31, 2021 5,016 782 2,379 8,177 Balance at Dec. 31, 2020 4,770 446 4,942 10,158
Pension and other termination benefits include liabilities for pension and granted legal
benefits based on affiliation to the Group. 9. Short-term debts
Interest Interest
The provision management participation plan pertains to a long-term orientated pro- in CHF 1,000 2021 rates in % 2020 rates in %
gram which is offered by the Group to specified middle and top management person- Bank overdrafts 4,895 0.6–4.5 2,859 0.6–5.0
Bank loans 50,140 0.7–5.1 35,660 0.7–6.4
nel. The manager annually receives a defined sum which is converted into restricted
Personnel savings accounts 24,869 0.8 22,858 0.8–1.0
stock units of Bossard Holding AG registered A shares. This additional compensation
Others 1) 6,650 0.6–0.8 6,275 0.6–2.0
is locked up for three to five years.
Total 86,554 67,652
At the upcoming annual general meeting of shareholders on April 11, 2022, the board
of directors of Bossard Holding AG will propose a dividend for the financial year 2021 of
CHF 5.10 (2020: CHF 4.40) per registered A share and CHF 1.02 (2020: CHF 0.88) per
registered B share.
04 At a glance 06 Report to the shareholders 10 Company 19 Sustainability 48 Corporate Governance 80 Compensation Report 99 Financial Report
The Group and all its regional companies are operating internationally in the field of in CHF 1,000 2021 2020
industrial fastening technology. There are no separate segments as per Swiss GAAP Salaries and variable compensation 158,320 130,441
Social security expenses 23,797 21,422
FER 31. All the regional companies are managed based on a uniform business strategy.
Pension expenses 11,300 9,330
The core of Bossard’s strategy is a uniform business model with the same customer
Other personnel expenses 6,315 4,535
and product focus in the world’s major industrial regions. Bossard supplies industrial
Total 199,732 165,728
companies at their worldwide production sites with fastening technology products
and related services based on uniform quality standards using uniform operational
systems and processes. The board of directors and executive committee manage the The expense recognized for share-based compensation in the result for the period is
Group on the basis of the financial statements of the individual regional companies and CHF 1.7 million (2020: CHF 1.4 million).
the Group’s consolidated financial statement. Based on the number of regional compa-
nies, the CEO delegates the monitoring of the goals and their implementation in daily In 2021, the personnel expenses contain reductions due to governmental support in
operations to the remaining members of the executive committee, each of whom is one country in the amount of CHF 1.3 million (2020: CHF 6.9 million).
responsible for a different number of companies in the various regions.
Europe America Asia Group Balance at Jan. 1: Number of RSUs outstanding 33,263 35,094
in CHF million 2021 2020 2021 2020 2021 2020 2021 2020 Deliveries –8,986 –9,309
Sales 575.5 467.8 226.9 201.7 194.9 146.1 997.3 815.6 Allocations 4,377 8,320
Sales deductions –1.5 –1.6 –0.7 –0.5 –0.0 –0.7 –2.2 –2.8 Other changes –720 –842
Net sales 574.0 466.2 226.2 201.2 194.9 145.4 995.1 812.8 Balance at Dec. 31: Number of RSUs outstanding 27,934 33,263
04 At a glance 06 Report to the shareholders 10 Company 19 Sustainability 48 Corporate Governance 80 Compensation Report 99 Financial Report
Earnings per share are calculated by dividing the net income attributable to Shareholders
in CHF 1,000 2021 2020 of Bossard Holding AG by the weighted average number of shares entitled to dividend
Financial income during the year. There is no dilution effect as there are no options or convertible bonds
Income from interests and securities 246 190
Income from non-consolidated investments 144 129
Exchange gains 5,141 4,426
Total 5,531 4,745
Financial expenses
Interest expenses 3,605 3,624
Exchange losses 3,274 4,991
Total 6,879 8,615
Total financial result 1,348 3,870
04 At a glance 06 Report to the shareholders 10 Company 19 Sustainability 48 Corporate Governance 80 Compensation Report 99 Financial Report
19. Acquisitions and disposals of subsidiaries and businesses In March and August 2021, purchase price adjustments were made for transactions
from 2019 in China and Germany. These adjustments resulted in a cumulative reduc-
Acquisitions 2021 tion of goodwill by CHF 0.3 million.
The following table shows the acquired assets and liabilities at their market value at
the acquisition date and the resulting goodwill. Disposals 2021
Market value
In October 2021, business and asset components from KVT-Fastening, Branch of
in CHF 1,000 at acquisition date Bossard AG, Switzerland, were sold cash neutral as part of an asset deal.
Cash and cash equivalents 1,001
Accounts receivable, trade 5,687
Other changes in the scope of consolidation 2021
Inventories 8,337
Accumulated amortization
Balance at Jan. 1 301,177 285,589
Amortization 17,486 15,588
Disposals –2,885 -
Balance at Dec. 31 315,778 301,177
Goodwill from acquisitions is converted into Swiss francs using the closing rate and
offset against equity at the acquisition date. As a result, no exchange differences arise
22. Pension benefit obligations Economic benefit/economic obligation and pension plan expenses:
The Group has various pension plans to which most of its Surplus/Deficit Change or
according to Economic share capitalized in Contributions Pension plan expenses
employees contribute. With the exception of companies in pension plans of the company financial year accrued in personnel expenses
in CHF 1,000 31.12.2021 31.12.2021 31.12.2020 2021 2021 2021 2020
Switzerland, the pension institution is responsible for
Patronage funds/pension institutions 3,376 - - - 594 594 275
providing coverage for retirement, survivors’ and disabili-
Pension institutions without surplus/deficit - - - - - - 5,276
ty benefits. The pension plan institution for the Swiss
Pension institutions with surplus 606 - - - 5,682 5,682 -
companies is an independent pension plan in accordance
Pension institutions with deficit - - - - - - -
with the Swiss federal law on occupational retirement, Pension institutions abroad - - - - 5,024 5,024 3,779
survivors’ and disability pension plans (BVG). The pension Total 3,982 - - - 11,300 11,300 9,330
plan institution uses the fundamentals BVG 2020 / gener-
ation table (2020: BVG 2015 / periodic table 2016). The ac-
tuarial interest rate is 1.50 percent (2020: 1.50 percent). The surplus in the patronage fund corresponds to the non-committed funds. The patronage fund may, at its own
In accordance with Swiss GAAP FER 26, the last available discretion, make contributions to the pension plan institution.
financial statements of the pension plan institution,
which has a balance sheet date not older than 12 months, Financing is through employer and employee contributions. The contributions are calculated as a percentage of the
serve as a basis for calculation. insured compensation.
There were no employer contribution reserves as of December 31, 2021 (2020: none).
04 At a glance 06 Report to the shareholders 10 Company 19 Sustainability 48 Corporate Governance 80 Compensation Report 99 Financial Report
23. Participations by the board of directors and the executive committee At December 31, the individual members of the executive committee held the following
numbers of awarded restricted stock units (RSUs):
At December 31, the individual members of the board of directors and of the executive
committee (including persons closely associated with them) held the following regis- 2021 3) 2020
tered A shares of Bossard Holding AG: Dr. Daniel Bossard CEO 1,243 1,544
Stephan Zehnder CFO 765 1,066
2021 2020
Beat Grob CEO Central Europe 765 1,066
Board of directors Dr. Frank Hilgers CEO Northern & Eastern Europe, CCO 765 1,066
Dr. René Cotting Chair ARCC 2,400 2,250 Rolf Ritter 2) CSO 94 94
David Dean Representative of registered A shares, Chair CC 1,150 1,456 Total 4,397 5,902
1) Nomination committee
2) Audit, risk & compliance committee
3) Compensation committee
4) Election to the board of directors in April 2021
Executive committee
Dr. Daniel Bossard CEO 5,363 7,062
Stephan Zehnder CFO 10,349 14,048
Beat Grob CEO Central Europe 12,701 37,400
Dr. Frank Hilgers CEO Northern & Eastern Europe, CCO 2,301 3,419
David Jones 1) CEO America - -
Robert Ang CEO Asia 12,793 13,492
Rolf Ritter 2) CSO - -
Total 43,507 75,421
Kolin Holding AG, Zug, Switzerland, and Bossard Unternehmensstiftung, Zug, At December 31, future operating lease payments not recorded in the balance sheet
Switzerland, form a group of shareholders as defined in article 120seq. of Swiss amounted to:
Federal Act on Financial Market Infrastructures and Market Conduct in Securities
and Derivatives Trading (FMIA). They hold 56.3 percent (2020: 56.3 percent) of total Operating lease
commitments Due within Due within Due within Due within Due after
voting rights or 27.8 percent (2020: 27.9 percent) of the capital entitled to dividend. in CHF 1,000 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years 4 years Total
Kolin Holding AG is wholly owned by the Bossard families. 2021 1,105 688 289 68 5 2,155
2020 1,186 738 454 70 4 2,452
In 2020, transactions took place during the year with Bossard Unternehmensstiftung,
Zug, Bossard Personalstiftung, Zug, and Bossard Finanzierungsstiftung, Zug, with an
interest expense of CHF 115,448.
04 At a glance 06 Report to the shareholders 10 Company 19 Sustainability 48 Corporate Governance 80 Compensation Report 99 Financial Report
The pledged or restricted assets are used as collateral for outstanding bank and mort-
gage loans, which are not encumbered with any special conditions. After the repayment
of the credits, the assets are again freely available.
Between December 31, 2021 and the approval of the consolidated financial statements
by the board of directors, no major events occurred which would require additional dis-
closures or changes in the consolidated financial statements 2021.
04 At a glance 06 Report to the shareholders 10 Company 19 Sustainability 48 Corporate Governance 80 Compensation Report 99 Financial Report
30. Principles of consolidation Transactions with non-controlling interest which do not result in a change of the con-
The consolidated financial statements include the financial statements of Bossard solidation method are recognized directly in equity. The difference between the consid-
Holding AG as well as the domestic and foreign Group companies over which Bossard eration transferred and the corresponding non-controlling interest is recognized as
Holding AG exercises control. Group companies acquired during the year are included goodwill and is offset against the retained earnings in equity.
in the consolidated financial statements from the date on which control is obtained by
Bossard. Group companies are deconsolidated on the date Bossard ceases to have Associated companies
control. The uniform closing date for all Group companies included in the consolidated Associated companies are those in which Bossard Holding AG directly or indirectly
financial statements is December 31. holds an interest between 20 percent to 50 percent and exercises significant influence.
Capital consolidation is based on the purchase method. Intercompany receivables and Associated companies are accounted for using the equity method. Under the equity
liabilities as well as transactions and intercompany profits not yet realized through method, investments in associated companies are recognized at the proportionate
sales to third parties are eliminated. share of equity at the date of acquisition. The difference to the consideration trans-
ferred is recognized as goodwill and is offset against the retained earnings in equity at
Investments in subsidiaries the date of acquisition. Subsequently, the book value is adjusted to reflect the compa-
Subsidiaries are fully consolidated. These are companies over which Bossard Holding ny’s proportionate equity.
AG directly or indirectly exercises control. Control is the power to govern the financial
and operating policies of an entity so as to obtain benefits from its activities. Control is Non-controlling interest
presumed to exist when Bossard Holding AG directly or indirectly holds more than half Non-controlling interest of less than 20 percent and without any other form of control
of the voting rights of a company or is able to exercise control in another way. This does or significant influence is recognized at acquisition cost less any economically neces-
not apply if in exceptional circumstances it can be clearly demonstrated that such own- sary impairment.
ership does not constitute control. Under the full consolidation method, 100 percent of
assets, liabilities, income and expenses are included. The interests of minority share- Foreign currency translation
holders in equity and net income or loss are shown separately in the balance sheet and The consolidated financial statements are presented in Swiss francs (CHF). The finan-
income statement. cial statements of the Group companies are prepared in their respective local currency.
Transactions in foreign currencies are translated at the exchange rate on the day of the
In accordance with Swiss GAAP FER 30 “Consolidated financial statements,” goodwill transaction. Exchange differences resulting from adjustments of foreign exchange bal-
from acquisitions is converted into Swiss francs using the closing rate and is offset ances at the balance sheet date are recognized as exchange gains or losses in the in-
against equity at the date of acquisition. Goodwill represents the excess of the consid- come statements of the Group companies and are included in the consolidated net in-
eration transferred over the proportionate share of the revalued net assets of an ac- come.
quired company at the date of acquisition.
04 At a glance 06 Report to the shareholders 10 Company 19 Sustainability 48 Corporate Governance 80 Compensation Report 99 Financial Report
For the consolidated financial statements, the financial statements of the Group com- Inventories
panies that report in a foreign currency are translated into Swiss francs as follows: bal- Goods for trading are recognized at average acquisition cost. Should the net realizable
ance sheet items at year-end exchange rates, equity at historical rates, and items of value be lower, a corresponding value adjustment is made. Acquisition cost include the
the income statement at the average exchange rate for the year. Any translation differ- product purchase price and delivery cost (freight, customs duties, etc.). Cash discounts
ences and exchange differences arising from intercompany loans with equity character are treated as reductions of the acquisition cost. Inventories that lack marketability or
are recognized in the Group’s consolidated equity. have low turnover, are written down to the estimated market value less cost to sell.
The following principal exchange rates were applied: Property, plant and equipment
Land is stated at cost and generally not depreciated. Buildings, machinery and equip-
31.12.2021 01.01.2021– 31.12.2020 01.01.2020– ment, office machines and furniture as well as vehicles are stated at cost less econom-
Year-end 31.12.2021 Year-end 31.12.2020
exchange rate Average exchange rate exchange rate Average exchange rate ically necessary depreciation and impairment. Assets are depreciated on a straight-
1 EUR 1.04 1.08 1.08 1.07 line basis over their estimated useful lives:
1 USD 0.91 0.91 0.88 0.94
100 DKK 13.93 14.54 14.53 14.36
Buildings 30–40 years
100 RMB 14.30 14.17 13.55 13.60
Machinery and equipment 5–20 years
100 INR 1.23 1.24 1.21 1.27
Office machines and furniture 3–10 years
Vehicles 4–10 years
Leasing recognized under current liabilities. Derivative financial instruments held for hedging
Leases of assets under which significant risks and rewards of ownership are effectively purposes are valued at the same valuation principles as the underlying hedged item.
retained by the lessor are classified as operating leases, and payments are recognized
as an expense on a straight-line basis over the lease term. Liabilities
Liabilities are recognized at nominal value.
Intangible assets – Software
Costs arising from the development of computer software (purchased or self-generat- Provisions
ed) are capitalized, provided such costs are clearly associated with an identifiable and A provision is recognized if the Group has a probable obligation that is based on a past
business-related computer program, can be reliably determined, and lead to measur- event and its amount and/or its due date is uncertain but can be estimated.
ket value and is based on the average closing price over the last ten trading days in No- tions to its pension plans. An economic obligation is recognized if the criteria for recog-
vember. The stock options (RSUs) are subject to a vesting period of three to five years. nizing a provision are met. Contributions by Group companies to pension plans are rec-
After three years, yearly one-third of the allocated RSUs is passed on to the manager ognized in the income statement in the year in which they occur.
provided as long as she or he is employed at the time of the vesting. After the last con-
tractual working day, all remaining stock options (RSUs) forfeit immediately. Net sales and revenue recognition
There is an equivalent restricted stock unit plan (RSU) in place for the members of the Revenue is recognized at fair value and represents the amount receivable for goods
executive committee. However, the condition for grant is linked to the implementation sold and services provided, net of sales-related taxes and revenue deductions. Revenue
of the Group’s strategic initiatives of the prior financial year. This evaluation takes place deductions include all positions that are directly related to the corresponding sales,
in the second quarter and thus represents the beginning of the vesting period. The con- such as discounts, losses on receivables and exchange rate differences. Revenue is
version is carried out at market value and is based on the average share price over the recognized when the goods and services have been supplied or provided.
last ten trading days in December.
The share-based compensation is valued at present value when granted and is recog- Income taxes
nized over the vesting period as personnel costs and as equity (instruments with equity All taxes are accrued irrespective of when such taxes are due. Deferred income taxes
compensation) or liability (instruments with cash compensation). If no cash settlement are recognized according to the “liability method” for temporary differences arising be-
is planned, no subsequent valuation is made unless the terms of exercise and purchase tween the tax base of assets and liabilities and their carrying values determined in ac-
are amended. The subsequent valuation is based on the closing price for the share of cordance with Swiss GAAP FER.
the last trading day of the financial year. No dilution effect results because no addition- Deferred tax assets on temporary differences are only capitalized if it is probable that
al shares have been issued. they can be realized in the future through sufficient taxable profits. Deferred taxes are
calculated using the expected applicable local tax rates. Bossard does not recognize
deferred tax assets on tax losses carried forward. The value of such tax assets is rec-
ognized only when realized.
04 At a glance 06 Report to the shareholders 10 Company 19 Sustainability 48 Corporate Governance 80 Compensation Report 99 Financial Report
No deferred taxes are recognized for taxes on future distributions of profits of subsid- 32. Risk management
iaries, provided that no distribution is intended in the foreseeable future and Bossard is Risk management is used to analyze and evaluate all the processes for identifying and
able to control its timing. assessing the Group’s risks. The results are summarized in a report to the board of di-
rectors and the executive committee.
Related parties
A party is related to the Group if it directly or indirectly controls, is controlled by, or is Financial risk management
under common control with Bossard, has an interest in Bossard that gives it significant Within the scope of its international operations, Bossard is exposed to various financial
influence over the Group, has joint control over the Group (board of directors and exec- risks arising from its business activities, but also from the Group’s financial activities.
utive committee) or is an associate or a joint venture of the Group. In addition, mem- The Group’s main financial risks include foreign exchange and interest rate fluctua-
bers of the key management personnel of Bossard as well as pension plans are also tions as well as the credit worthiness and solvency of the Group’s counter parties.
considered related parties. The board of directors and the executive committee define the principles governing the
Group’s financial risk management with regard to exchange rate, interest rate, credit,
Accounting estimates and assumptions liquidity and capital risks. The aim is, where necessary, to hedge against the financial
Preparing the financial statements in accordance with Swiss GAAP FER requires the risks listed previously and thus to minimize any negative impact on the consolidated
board of directors and the executive committee to make estimates and assumptions result as well as on the Group’s performance.
which can have an impact on the recognized assets, liabilities, contingent liabilities and The Group may, where appropriate, hedge individual financial risks using financial in-
contingent assets at the time of preparation as well as income and expenses for the re- struments such as derivatives. However, these must be linked to the Group’s opera-
porting period. These estimates are based on the board of directors’ and the executive tions. The Group has comprehensive insurance coverage to protect itself against other
committee’s best knowledge and belief of current and future activities of the Group. risks.
The actual results may deviate from these estimates.
04 At a glance 06 Report to the shareholders 10 Company 19 Sustainability 48 Corporate Governance 80 Compensation Report 99 Financial Report
Foreign currency risk limited due to the fact that the Group’s customer base is composed of numerous cus-
Given its international operations, the Group is exposed to exchange rate fluctuations tomers with a wide geographical distribution. Short-term bank accounts and deposits
which have an impact on the Group’s financial position and result of operations pre- are held at banks with high credit ratings.
sented in Swiss francs. The Group continuously monitors its currency risks and, if nec-
essary, hedges against them. The Group’s currency risks are essentially limited to the Liquidity risk
Euro and the US dollar. Transactions in the individual Group companies are predomi- One aspect of judicious risk management is ensuring that an appropriate amount of
nantly conducted in their respective local currencies. Consequently, the currency risks committed credit facilities as well as the possibility of refinancing are available. To
for ongoing operations can be considered as low. In some Group companies, however, ensure that the company is invariably solvent and financially flexible, a liquidity reserve
foreign currency risks exist in connection with payments outside their local currency, has been established in the form of credit limits and cash on hand. Optimal liquidity
mainly with regard to payments to suppliers. Where necessary, parts of these foreign control is achieved through cash pooling.
currency risks are hedged through foreign exchange contracts. The net assets of for-
eign subsidiaries are exposed to exchange rate risk. Such risks are partly hedged by Capital risk
financing in the respective foreign currency and, where necessary, through foreign To minimize its capital risk, the Group ensures that the continuation of its operating
exchange contracts of up to a maximum of twelve months. activities is guaranteed and that an appropriate return can be generated for its share-
holders. To achieve this, the Group may, if necessary, adjust dividend payments, pay
Interest rate risk back capital to shareholders, issue new shares or sell assets.
Changes in interest rates can negatively affect the Group’s financial position and result The Group monitors its capital structure on the basis of its equity ratio. The equity ratio
of operations and thus lead to changes in interest income and expense. Financing and measures equity as a percentage of total assets.
related interest rate conditions are handled centrally by the Group’s corporate treasury.
In certain market situations, the Group can employ interest hedge transactions to pro-
tect itself against interest rate fluctuations, or it can convert part of the financing re-
quirements into loans with fixed interest rates.
Credit risk
Credit risks can arise if, in a transaction, the counter party is either not willing or not
able to meet its payment obligations. The credit loss risk for accounts receivable is
minimized through credit limits, credit worthiness checks, where possible, and by an
efficient system for managing receivables. Given the Group’s monthly reporting system,
continual monitoring of overdue payments is ensured. Accounts receivable are recog-
nized after deduction of allowances for bad debts. The danger of risk concentration is
In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements (pages 100 to 130) give a true and fair view of the consolidated
04 At a glance 06 Report to the shareholders 10 Company 19 Sustainability 48 financial position 80
Corporate Governance of the Group as at December
Compensation 31, 2021
Report and its consolidated
99 Financial Report financial performance and its consolidated
cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with Swiss GAAP FER and comply with Swiss law.
We are independent of the Group in accordance with the provisions of Swiss law and the requirements of the Swiss au-
dit profession and we have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with these requirements. We believe
that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion.
Report of
of the
Our audit approach
Our audit approach
to the General
HoldingAGAG Overview Overall Group materiality: CHF 4,100,000
Overall Group materiality: CHF 6,000,000
Zug We concluded full scope audit work at twelve Group companies in six coun-
tries. Our audit
We concluded scope addressed
full scope audit work76%atoften
sales and 87% of the assets
companies in six of the
countries. Our audit scope addressed 74% of the sales and 88% of
the assets of the Group.
Additionally, we concluded a review at a further Group company in one coun-
Report on the
We have audited the audit ofreport
compensation theof consolidated
Bossard Holding AG forfinancial
the year endedstatements
December 31, 2021. The audit was try, which addressed an additional 3% of the sales and 3% of the assets of the
limited to the information according to articles 14–16 of the Ordinance against Excessive Compensation in Stock Exchange Group. we concluded reviews at a further four Group compa-
Listed Companies (Ordinance) contained in the note 5 on pages 77 to 81 of the compensation report.
nies in two countries, which addressed an additional 3% of the sales
and 1%Asofkey
theaudit matter
assets ofthe
Group.area of focus has been identified:
Report on key audit matters based on the circular 1/2015 of the Federal Audit Oversight
Overall Group materiality CHF 6,000,000
Benchmark applied Profit before tax
Rationale for the materiality We chose profit before tax as the benchmark because, in Key audit matters are those matters that, in our professional judgement, were of most signifi-
benchmark applied our view, it is the benchmark against which the performance cance in our audit of the consolidated financial statements of the current period. These matters
of the Group is most commonly measured, and it is a gene- were addressed in the context of our audit of the consolidated financial statements as a whole,
rally accepted benchmark for materiality considerations and in forming our opinion thereon, and we do not provide a separate opinion on these matters.
We agreed with the Audit, Risk & Compliance Committee that we would report to them misstate-
ments above CHF 600,000 identified during our audit as well as any misstatements below that
amount which, in our view, warranted reporting for qualitative reasons.
Audit scope
We tailored the scope of our audit in order to perform sufficient work to enable us to provide an
opinion on the consolidated financial statements as a whole, taking into account the structure of
the Group, the accounting processes and controls, and the industry in which the Group oper-
The audit strategy for the audit of the consolidated financial statements was determined consid-
ering the work performed by the Group auditor and the component auditors in the PwC network.
All significant subsidiaries of the Group were audited by PwC. Where audits were performed by
component auditors, we ensured that, as Group auditor, we were sufficiently involved in the audit
in order to assess whether sufficient appropriate audit evidence was obtained from the work of
the component auditors to provide a basis for our opinion. The involvement of the Group auditor
included video call conferences with the component auditors, an investigation of the risk analysis
and participating in the audit discussions of group companies subject to full scope audits, at
which the local management, the local auditor and Group representatives took part.
04 At a glance 06 Report to the shareholders 10 Company 19 Sustainability 48 Corporate Governance 80 Compensation Report 99 Financial Report
Valuation of inventorie
Key audit matter How our audit addressed the key audit matter
Inventories amount to CHF 338.3 million (after deduction We performed the following audit procedures to assess the appropriateness of the valuation of the inventories:
of a value adjustment of CHF 44.8 million) as of Decem-
ber 31, 2021 and are thus the largest asset category, • We gathered an understanding of the process of the valuation of inventories and tested selected internal controls in that
representing around 44% of total assets. process cycle.
Inventories are stated at the lower of acquisition cost and • We checked on a sample basis the acquisition costs used for valuation purposes against the latest purchase prices. Addition-
net realisable value (lower of cost or market principle). ally, by reference to sales prices achieved in the year, we checked on a sample basis compliance with the lower of cost or
market principle.
• We discussed with Management and the Audit, Risk & Compliance Committee the results of our work and any movements in
the writedowns.
On the basis of the audit procedures performed, we have addressed the risk of an incorrect valuation of the inventories. We have
no findings to report.
04 At a glance 06 Report to the shareholders 10 Company 19 Sustainability 48 Corporate Governance 80 Compensation Report 99 Financial Report
Auditor’s responsibilities for the audit of the consolidated financial statements Thomas Wallmer Remo Waldispühl
Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the consolidated financial Audit expert Audit expert
statements as a whole are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to Auditor in charge
issue an auditor’s report that includes our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of as-
surance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with Swiss law and Swiss
Auditing Standards will always detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can Zurich, February 25, 2022
arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they
could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of
these consolidated financial statements.
A further description of our responsibilities for the audit of the consolidated financial statements
is located at the website of EXPERTsuisse:
panies. This description forms part of our auditor’s report.
Balance sheet
Income statement
Personnel expenses 8 –1,577,649 –1,527,399
Other operating expenses –531,604 – 555,884
Financial assets
Financial assets include non-current loans. Loans in foreign currency are translated Information and explanations relating to items in the balance sheet and in the income
into Swiss francs at year-end rate. Unrealized translation losses are recognized in the statement
income statement, whereas unrealized translation gains remain unrecognized (princi-
ple of imparity). 1. Other receivables
Investments are measured at cost at the time of recognition. Investments are valued To subsidiaries 1,637,867 1,067,734
Total 1,637,867 1,067,734
individually if they are material and are not usually grouped together because of their
similarity for the valuation.
treasury shares are recognized in the income statement as financial income or finan- To subsidiaries 36,342,668 40,609,304
3. Investments
2021 2020 2021 2020
Name, legal form, registered office Capital Votes Capital Votes Name, legal form, registered office Capital Votes Capital Votes
Direct investments Bossard Poland Sp. z o.o., Radom 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 %
Bossard Finance AG, Zug 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % KVT-Fastening Sp. z o.o., Radom 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 %
KVT-Fastening S.R.L., Bucharest 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 %
Indirect investments KVT-Fastening d.o.o. Beograd, Belgrade 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 %
bigHead Fasteners Ltd, Verwood 42 % 42 % 42 % 42 % KVT-Fastening spol. s.r.o., Bratislava 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 %
Bossard-KVT Beteiligungs GmbH, Illerrieden 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % KVT-Fastening d.o.o., Ljubljana 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 %
Boysen Verwaltungs GmbH, Munich 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % Bossard South Africa (Pty) Ltd, Kempton Park 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 %
Normscrews Beheer B.V., Almere 100 % 100 % - - Bossard Spain SA, Sant Cugat del Vallès 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 %
Bossard U.S. Holdings, Inc., Phoenix 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % Bossard Sweden AB, Malmö 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 %
Bossard AG, Zug 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % Bossard Canada, Inc., Montreal 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 %
3d-prototyp GmbH, Dietikon 100 % 100 % 49 % 49 % Bossard de México, S.A. de C.V., Monterrey 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 %
Effilio AG, Zug (merger with Bossard Finance AG, Zug) - - 100 % 100 % Aero-Space Southwest Mexico, S. de R.L. de C.V., Guadalajara 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 %
Interfast AG, Zug 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % Bossard Aerospace, Inc., Phoenix 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 %
KKV AG, Zug 35 % 35 % 35 % 35 % Bossard, Inc., Cedar Falls 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 %
Bossard Austria Ges.m.b.H., Schwechat 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % Bossard, LLC, Canton 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 %
KVT-Fastening GmbH, Linz 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % Boysen Aerospace U.S., Inc., Irving 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 %
Bossard CZ s.r.o., Brno 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % Bossard Australia Pty. Ltd, Melbourne 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 %
KVT-Fastening s.r.o., Brno 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % Bossard Industrial Fasteners Int. Trading 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 %
Bossard Denmark A/S, Hvidovre 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % (Shanghai) Co. Ltd, Shanghai
bigHead Bonding Fasteners Ltd, Verwood 42 % 42 % 42 % 42 % Bossard Fastening Solutions (Shanghai) Co. Ltd, Shanghai 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 %
Bossard France SAS, Souffelweyersheim 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % Bossard Fastening Solutions (Tianjin) Co. Ltd, Tianjin 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 %
Bossard Deutschland GmbH, Illerrieden 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % LPS Bossard Pvt. Ltd, Rohtak 51 % 51 % 51 % 51 %
Boysen GmbH, Munich 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % LPS B
ossard Information System Pvt., Rohtak 51 % 51 % 51 % 51 %
BRUMA Schraub- und Drehtechnik GmbH, Velbert 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % Bossard (M) Sdn. Bhd., Penang 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 %
KVT-Fastening GmbH, Illerrieden 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % Bossard Pte. Ltd, Singapur 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 %
KVT-Fastening Kft., Budapest 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % Bossard (Korea) Ltd, Cheonan 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 %
Arnold Industries Cork DAC, Cork 95 % 95 % 95 % 95 % Bossard (Thailand) Ltd, Bangkok 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 %
Bossard Italia S.r.l., Legnano 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % Ecoparts AG, Hinwil 30 % 30 % 30 % 30 %
Jeveka B.V., Almere 100 % 100 % - - MultiMaterial-Welding AG, Biel/Bienne 41 % 41 % 40 % 40 %
Bossard Norway AS, Oslo 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % PDi Digital GmbH, Fernitz-Mellach 30 % 30 % 30 % 30 %
04 At a glance 06 Report to the shareholders 10 Company 19 Sustainability 48 Corporate Governance 80 Compensation Report 99 Financial Report
4. Treasury shares, incl. shares held by subsidiaries 6. Shares and options on shares held by management and related parties
in CHF 2021 2020 The disclosure of shareholdings of the board of directors and the executive committee
Number Value Number Value
as per Swiss Code of Obligation article 959c, section 2, paragraph 11 and article 663c
Balance at January 1 308,691 3,170,816 304,640 2,571,271
can be found in the notes to the consolidated financial statements (note 23 page 120).
Additions 93,408 24,382,760 104,950 14,857,586
Use of treasury stock - 1,901,090 - -
Disposals –101,195 –25,212,830 –100,899 –14,258,041
Balance at December 31 300,904 4,241,836 308,691 3,170,816
7. Significant shareholders
Kolin Holding AG, Zug, and Bossard Unternehmensstiftung, Zug, form a shareholder
Group companies do not hold any registered A shares. In 2021, 8,561 registered A group in accordance with article 120seq. of Swiss Federal Act on Financial Market In-
shares were used for the share option programs, thereof 6,295 treasury stocks. In frastructures and Market Conduct in Securities and Derivatives Trading (FMIA). They
2020, 10,521 registered A shares were used for the share option programs and acquisi- hold 56.3 percent (2020: 56.3 percent) of the voting rights. Kolin Holding AG is wholly
tions. owned by the Bossard families.
2) The figure is based on the issued share capital as of December 31, 2021 eligible for dividends.
It may change due to movements on treasury shares after the balance sheet date.
Report of
of the
Our audit approach
Report Materiality
to the General Meeting of Bossard Holding AG
to the General Meeting of Bossard Holding AG The scope of our audit was influenced by our application of materiality. Our audit opinion aims to
Zug provide reasonable assurance that the financial statements are free from material misstatement.
Misstatements may arise due to fraud or error. They are considered material if, individually or
in aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users
taken on the basis of the financial statements.
We have audited the compensation report of Bossard Holding AG for the year ended December 31, 2021. The audit was
Report on the audit of the financial statements
limited to the information according to articles 14–16 of the Ordinance against Excessive Compensation in Stock Exchange Based on our professional judgement, we determined certain quantitative thresholds for mate-
Listed Companies (Ordinance) contained in the note 5 on pages 77 to 81 of the compensation report.
riality, including the overall materiality for the financial statements as a whole as set out in the
Opinion table below. These, together with qualitative considerations, helped us to determine the scope of
Board of Directors’ responsibility our audit and the nature, timing and extent of our audit procedures and to evaluate the effect of
The Board
We have of Directors
audited is responsible
the for the preparation
financial statements and overall
of Bossard fair presentation
Holding AG, whichof thecomprise
thereport in accord-
balance misstatements, both individually and in aggregate, on the financial statements as a whole.
ance with Swiss law and the Ordinance against Excessive Compensation in Stock Exchange Listed Companies (Ordi-
sheet as at December 31, 2021, income statement and notes for the year then ended, including
nance). The Board of Directors is also responsible for designing the compensation system and defining individual compen-
summary of significant accounting policies.
Overall materiality CHF 1,570,000
In our opinion, the financial statements (pages 135 to 139) as at December 31, 2021 comply with
Auditor’s responsibility Benchmark applied Shareholders‘ equity
Swiss law and the company’s articles of incorporation.
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the compensation report. We conducted our audit in accordance with Swiss Rationale for the materiality We chose shareholders‘ equity as the benchmark because it
Auditing Standards. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to benchmark applied is a relevant and generally accepted benchmark for materiali-
obtain reasonable assurance about whether the compensation report complies with Swiss law and articles 14–16 of the Or-
Basis for opinion ty considerations relating to a holding company.
We conducted
An audit our auditprocedures
involves performing in accordance
to obtainwith
on and Swiss Auditing
the disclosures Standards.
made in the Ourreport with
compensation We agreed with the Audit, Risk & Compliance Committee that we would report to them missta-
responsibilities under
regard to compensation, those
loans and provisions and standards
credits in accordance are
with articles further
14–16 of thedescribed in the
Ordinance. The “Auditor’s
procedures selected tements above CHF 157,000 identified during our audit as well as any misstatements below that
responsibilities for the
depend on the auditor’s audit including
judgment, of the financial statements”
the assessment section
of the risks of our
of material report. in the compensation re-
amount which, in our view, warranted reporting for qualitative reasons.
port, whether due to fraud or error. This audit also includes evaluating the reasonableness of the methods applied to value
We of compensation,
are independent as well
of the as assessing
entity the overall
in accordance withpresentation of the compensation
the provisions report.
of Swiss law and the requi-
rements of the Swiss audit profession and we have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in
We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion.
accordance with these requirements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is
sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion.
In our opinion, the compensation report of Bossard Holding AG for the year ended December 31, 2021 complies with Swiss
law and articles 14–16 of the Ordinance.
PricewaterhouseCoopers AG
Audit scope from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could
reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these
We designed our audit by determining materiality and assessing the risks of material misstate- financial statements.
ment in the financial statements. In particular, we considered where subjective judgements were
made; for example, in respect of significant accounting estimates that involved making assump- A further description of our responsibilities for the audit of the financial statements is located at
tions and considering future events that are inherently uncertain. As in all of our audits, we also the website of EXPERTsuisse: This
addressed the risk of management override of internal controls, including among other matters description forms part of our auditor’s report.
consideration of whether there was evidence of bias that represented a risk of material misstate-
ment due to fraud.
Report on other legal and regulatory requirements
We tailored the scope of our audit in order to perform sufficient work to enable us to provide an
opinion on the financial statements as a whole, taking into account the structure of the entity, the In accordance with article 728a paragraph 1 item 3 CO and Swiss Auditing Standard 890, we con-
accounting processes and controls, and the industry in which the entity operates. firm that an internal control system exists which has been designed for the preparation of financial
Report on key audit matters based on the circular 1/2015 of the Federal Audit Oversight We further confirm that the proposed appropriation of available earnings complies with Swiss law
Authority and the company’s articles of incorporation. We recommend that the financial statements submit-
ted to you be approved.
We have determined that there are no key audit matters to communicate in our report.
PricewaterhouseCoopers AG
The Board of Directors is responsible for the preparation of the financial statements in accor-
dance with the provisions of Swiss law and the company’s articles of incorporation, and for such
internal control as the Board of Directors determines is necessary to enable the preparation of
financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.
Thomas Wallmer Remo Waldispühl
In preparing the financial statements, the Board of Directors is responsible for assessing the
entity’s ability to continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going Audit expert Audit expert
concern and using the going concern basis of accounting unless the Board of Directors either Auditor in charge
intends to liquidate the entity or to cease operations, or has no realistic alternative but to do so.
Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements as
a whole are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an
PricewaterhouseCoopers AG, Birchstrasse 160, Postfach, CH-8050 Zürich, Switzerland
auditor’s report that includes our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance,
Telefon: +41 58 792 44 00, Telefax: +41 58 792 44 10,
but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with Swiss law and Swiss Auditing
Standards will always detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise PricewaterhouseCoopers AG is a member of the global PricewaterhouseCoopers network of firms, each of which is a separate and in-
dependent legal entity.
04 At a glance 06 Report to the shareholders 10 Company 19 Sustainability 48 Corporate Governance 80 Compensation Report 99 Financial Report
in CHF million 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 in CHF million 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017
Share capital Cash flow per share 2) 4)
Registered A shares at CHF 5 par Registered A share in CHF 15.68 11.36 12.30 13.32 12.52
Capital stock in CHF 1,000 33,250 33,250 33,250 33,250 33,250 Registered B share in CHF 3.14 2.27 2.46 2.66 2.5
Number of shares issued 6,650,000 6,650,000 6,650,000 6,650,000 6,650,000
Number of shares entitled to dividend 6,349,096 6,341,309 6,345,360 6,272,567 6,264,709 Price/Earnings ratio (Basis: price at Dec. 31) 26.2 20.4 18.0 12.8 22.3
Registered B shares at CHF 1 par
Capital stock in CHF 1,000 6,750 6,750 6,750 6,750 6,750 Net worth per share 3)
Number of shares issued 6,750,000 6,750,000 6,750,000 6,750,000 6,750,000 Registered A share in CHF 45.4 41.9 39.6 40.6 34.7
Number of shares entitled to dividend 6,750,000 6,750,000 6,750,000 6,750,000 6,750,000 Registered B share in CHF 9.1 8.4 7.9 8.1 6.9
Registered A shares equivalents,
entitled to dividend at Dec. 31 7,699,096 7,691,309 7,695,360 7,622,567 7,614,709 Market capitalization
(Basis: price at Dec. 31)
Market price in CHF million 3) 2,529.2 1,372.1 1,344.4 1,065.6 1,751.4
Ticker symbol (BOSN) in % of shareholders’ equity 723.6 425.7 441.5 344.1 663.5
Volume traded (daily average) 13,466 20,805 19,036 17,113 14,887
Closing price at Dec. 31 in CHF 328.5 178.4 174.7 139.8 230.0 1) Proposal to annual general meeting of shareholders
2) Basis: Average number of outstanding shares entitled to dividend
Registered A share high in CHF 362.0 179.4 180.8 252.0 242.3
3) Basis: Number of outstanding shares entitled to dividend at year end
Registered A share low in CHF 172.6 90.0 123.9 132.1 142.0 4) Net income + depreciation and amortization
5) Share attributable to shareholders of Bossard Holding AG
Dividend yield in %
(Basis: price at Dec. 31) 1.6 2.5 1.1 3.2 1.8
in CHF million 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 in CHF million 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017
Economic value added analysis Cost of financial debt in %
Net sales 995.1 812.8 876.2 871.1 786.2 Average cost of financial debt 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.4
Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) 123.3 86.4 95.7 108.8 97.0 Less effective tax 19.2 17.6 18.3 18.1 19.2
Effective tax rate in % 19.2 17.6 18.3 18.1 19.2 Cost of financial debt after tax 0.9 0.9 1.0 1.0 1.1
Net operating profit after tax (NOPAT) 99.6 71.2 78.2 89.2 78.4
Cost of equity in %
Equity 349.5 322.3 304.5 309.7 264.0 Risk free rate
Gross financial debt 251.3 196.4 220.4 162.8 144.6 (Basis: yearly average of yield
Less cash and cash equivalents 34.1 40.7 32.7 32.6 20.6 Swiss government bond) –0.2 –0.5 –0.5 0.0 –0.1
Capital employed (year-end) 566.7 478.0 492.2 439.9 388.0 Risk premium 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5
Average annual capital employed (A) 522.4 485.1 466.1 414.0 377.2 Cost of equity 5.3 5.0 5.0 5.5 5.4
Equity ratio 45.2 50.3 46.7 51.3 48.9
Return on average
capital employed in % (ROCE) 19.1 14.7 16.8 21.5 20.8 Weighted average cost of capital in % (WACC) 2.9 3.0 2.9 3.3 3.2
Economic profit in % (ROCE – WACC) (B) 16.2 11.7 13.9 18.2 17.6
Economic profit in CHF million (A) * (B) 84.6 57.0 65.0 75.3 66.3
The articles of association do not include any provisions for opting-out or opting-up.
04 At a glance 06 Report to the shareholders 10 Company 19 Sustainability 48 Corporate Governance 80 Compensation Report 99 Financial Report
Market capitalization 2,529.2 1,372.1 1,344.4 1,065.6 1,751.4
Net financial debt 217.2 155.7 187.7 130.2 124.0
Enterprise value (EV) 2,746.4 1,527.8 1,532.1 1,195.8 1,875.4 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
July 21, 2022
Publisher: Bossard Holding AG, Zug
Concept and Design: Keim Identity GmbH, Zurich Publication of sales results, 3rd quarter 2022
© Bossard Holding AG
October 12, 2022
This Annual Report 2021 is also available in German. Publication of sales results 2022
The German Annual Report 2021 is binding.
Dieser Jahresbericht 2021 ist auch in deutscher Sprache erhältlich. January 12, 2023
Der deutsche Jahresbericht 2021 ist massgebend.