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WAEC Sample Questions and Schemes - Uploaded online by


There will be three papers, Papers 1, 2 and 3 all of which must be taken. Papers 1 and 2 will be a
composite paper to be taken at one sitting.
PAPER 1: will consist of fifty objective questions to be taken in 1 hour for 50 marks. The
questions will be drawn from topics in the syllabus that are common to all the member
countries. Candidates will be required to attempt all the questions.
PAPER 2: will contain nine essay-type questions out of which candidates will be required to
answer four in 2 hours for 80 marks.

It will be made up of two sections; Sections A and B for candidates in Nigeria and
three sections; Sections A, B and C for candidates in Ghana, Liberia, Sierra Leone and
The Gambia.

Candidates in Nigeria will be required to attempt four questions in all, choosing two
questions from each of Sections A and B. Candidates in Ghana, Liberia, Sierra Leone
and The Gambia will be required to attempt four questions in all, choosing at least one
question from each of Sections A, B and C.

The questions will be distributed in the sections as follows:

Section A: Economic and Human Geography

This will consist of three essay-type questions on Economic and Human Geography.
Candidates in Nigeria will be required to attempt any two of them while candidates in
Ghana, Liberia, Sierra Leone and The Gambia are to attempt at least one of the

Section B: Regional Geography of Candidate’s Home Country

There will be a set of three essay-type questions on Regional Geography on each of
Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria Sierra Leone and The Gambia. Candidates in Nigeria will be
required to answer two of the questions on their country while those in the other
countries will answer at least one out of the sets for their countries.
Section C: Regional Geography of Africa
There will be three essay-type questions drawn from Africa for candidates in Ghana,
Sierra Leone, Liberia and The Gambia out of which candidates are expected to answer
at least one.
WAEC Sample Questions and Schemes - Uploaded online by

PAPER 3: Element of Practical and Physical Geography

Will consist of eight essay-type questions out of which candidates are to answer four
in 1 hour 50 minutes for 70 marks. Question 1, on map reading and interpretation, will
be compulsory for all candidates and will carry 25 marks while the other questions
will carry 15 marks each. Candidates are advised not to spend more than 35 minutes
on Question 1. Candidates will be expected to bring graduated rulers (both metric and
imperial), a complete mathematical set, a piece of string and a simple non-
programmable calculator for use during the writing of the paper.
WAEC Sample Questions and Schemes - Uploaded online by



Use the map of DOWELL DISTRICT below to answer Questions 1 to 10.

WAEC Sample Questions and Schemes - Uploaded online by

1. The scale of the map expressed in statement form is: one centimetre on the map
A. five kilometres on the ground.
B. four kilometres on the ground.
C. one kilometre on the ground.
D. half kilometre on the ground.

2. In which part of the map is farming commonly practised? The

A. north western part
B. north eastern part
C. south western part
D. south eastern part

3. What is the direction of flow of the lower part of River Sorche?

A. East
B. Southeast
C. Southwest
D. North

4. What is the name of the point at which River Kala meets River Sorche?
A. Gorge
B. Plateau
C. Confluence
D. Lagoon

5. What is the contour interval on the map?

A. 50 metres
B. 100 metres
C. 150 metres
D. 200 metres
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6. What will be the new scale of the map, if the map is reduced to half of its original size?

A. 1:25,000
B. 1:50,000
C. 1:100,000
D. 1:200,000

7. What is the most common mode of transportation in the mapped area?

A. Road
B. Railway
C. Footpath
D. Ropeway

8. What is the distance as the crow flies from DOWELL to Adanu?

A. 2.0km
B. 4.0km
C. 8.0km
D. 10.0km

9. DOWELL is the most important settlement in the mapped area because it is

A. located in the eastern part of the map.

B. the administrative capital.
C. a mining town.
D. a port town.
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10. What is the highest point in the mapped area?

A. 250m
B. 400m
C. 550m
D. 650m

11. In which section of rivers are ox- bow lakes formed?

A. Upper course
B. Lower course
C. Middle course
D. Torrent course

12. Weathering is the process by which rocks are

A. transported.
B. dissolved.
C. broken down.
D. formed.

13. Which of the following is least considered in the location of industries?

A. Nearness to source of raw materials

B. Nearness to market
C. Availability of cheap labour
D. Nearness to banks and financial institutions
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14. If you stand facing the north, the east is

A. in front of you.
B. on your right.
C. on your left.
D. behind you.

15. Which of the following areas has the highest population density?

A. Senegambia region
B. Nile Basin
C. Niger Basin
D. Eastern Highlands


[Regional Geography Of Candidates’ Home Country]

For candidates in Nigeria only

1. (a) Draw a sketch map of Nigeria. (1 mark)

On the map, show and name:
(i) the three savanna vegetation belts; (6 marks)
(ii) a confluence town. (1 mark)

(b) Highlight four ways in which savanna vegetation contributes to the economy
of Nigeria. (8 marks)

(c) State two problems that hinder the exploitation of the forest resources of
Nigeria. (4 marks)
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For candidates in Ghana only

2. (a) Draw a sketch map of Ghana. (1 mark)

On the map, show and name:

(i) the three savanna vegetation belts; (6 marks)
(ii) a port town. (1 mark)

(b) Highlight four ways in which savanna vegetation contributes to the economy
of Ghana. (8 marks)

(c) State two problems that hinder the exploitation of the forest resources of
Ghana. (4 marks)

For candidates in Liberia only

3. (a) Draw a sketch map of Liberia. (1 mark)

On the map, show and name:
(i) the three savanna vegetation belts; (6 marks)
a port town. (1 mark)

(b) Highlight four ways in which savanna vegetation contributes to the economy
of Liberia. (8 marks)
(c) State two problems that hinder the exploitation of the forest resources of
Liberia. (4 marks)

For candidates in Sierra Leone only

4. (a) Draw a sketch map of Sierra Leone. (1 mark)

On the map, show and name:
(i) the three savanna vegetation belts; (6 marks)
(ii) a port town. (1 mark)

(b) Highlight four ways in which savanna vegetation contributes to the economy
of Sierra Leone. (8 marks)

(c) State two problems that hinder the exploitation of the forest resources of
Sierra Leone. (4 marks)
WAEC Sample Questions and Schemes - Uploaded online by

For candidates in The Gambia only

5. (a) Draw a sketch map of The Gambia. (1 mark)

On the map, show and name:
(i) the three savanna vegetation belts; (6 marks)
(ii) a port town. (1 mark)

(b) Highlight four ways in which savanna vegetation contributes to the economy
of The Gambia. (8 marks)
(c) State two problems that hinder the exploitation of the forest resources of
The Gambia. (4 marks)



1. Study the map extract provided on a scale of 1:50,000 and answer the questions that follow.

(a) Draw the map outline on a scale of 1:200,000. (4 marks)

(b) On the new outline, insert and name:
(i) an area that is 10ft above sea level; (2 marks)
(ii) a conical hill; (2 marks)
(iii) a marshy area; (2 marks)
(iv) Kumka settlement. (2 marks)

(c) Calculate the gradient of River Bum from its source to the point where
it joins River Bako. (6 marks)
(d) State two drainage characteristics of River Boti. (4 Marks)

2. (a) Describe four characteristics of volcanic rocks. (8 marks)

(b) Using specific examples, state four ways in which volcanic rocks are useful to man.
(8 marks)

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