containment of the animals in the facility social group so that the facility could
and restrict other animals from entering. monitor “to see if a primary aggressor could
There were gaps underneath the fence. be identified.” Three days later, Rascal was
out of the pool and “bleeding quite a bit,”
January 26, 2023/Orlando, Florida: lying on his side with “many deep rake
SeaWorld received a critical citation for marks on his face, ventrum, fluke blades,
failing to furnish requested records in a pectoral flippers and dorsal and ventral
reasonable time, which impeded the peduncles.”
USDA’s ability to enforce the AWA. An
official requested water quality records, April 4, 2017/Orlando, Florida: The USDA
medical records, and daily logs on certain cited SeaWorld for failing to maintain one of
animals on December 9, 2022, and gave the pool areas in good repair. Cracks in the
until close of business on December 13 for walls couldn’t facilitate sanitation, and
compliance. The facility provided only a pieces of concrete and/or paint could have
portion of the requested documents at that fallen into the pool.
December 16, 2015/San Antonio, Texas:
December 5, 2022/Orlando, Florida: The The USDA cited SeaWorld for failing to
USDA cited SeaWorld for allowing too-high maintain the holding area for an exhibit
chlorine levels in several dolphin primary displaying clawed otters and failing to
enclosures, which “can cause marine maintain the flooring in the area used to
mammals skin, respiratory, and eye issues.” prepare food for orcas. It was eroding,
At the time of the inspection, at least one making it difficult to clean properly.
animal was receiving treatment for varying
states of eye conditions. Roxy, a 24-year- July 21, 2015/Orlando, Florida: The USDA
old female bottlenose dolphin, was under cited SeaWorld for failing to take all required
active treatment for an ocular condition. In water samples and conduct water tests on a
addition, Calli, a 24-year-old female daily basis.
bottlenose dolphin, received treatment in
October 2022 after trainers noted that she January 13, 2014/Orlando, Florida: The
was squinting with her left eye. USDA cited SeaWorld for failing to dispose
of expired suture materials and failing to
A critical citation was issued to SeaWorld maintain a portion of the Sea Lion and Otter
for failing to separate Rascal, a 25-year-old Stadium stage flooring. It had loose
male bottlenose dolphin, in a timely manner rubberized pieces and paint flakes that
after he sustained increasingly serious posed a danger to the animals if they
injuries from other dolphins. Veterinary ingested them.
notes indicated that after SeaWorld
changed the social group, other dolphins January 22, 2013/San Antonio, Texas:
displaced him and raked about 30% of his The USDA cited SeaWorld for failing to
body—including his face—with their teeth to maintain the exhibit tank used by dolphins.
the point that he bled and “had been It had several cracks in the concrete at the
trembling and unwilling to lift his flukes.” The edge of the rock ledge along one corner of
inspector added, “It should be noted that the tank.
Rascal's dental arcade is worn away, and
he was unable to defend himself from these December 3, 2012/Orlando, Florida: The
interactions.” He was prescribed pain USDA cited SeaWorld for stocking expired
medication and allowed to stay with the surgical materials, some almost a decade
old, and having structures that were in April 12, 2007/San Antonio, Texas: The
disrepair. A tank for dolphins had cracked USDA cited SeaWorld for failing to dispose
and crumbling concrete as well as rusty of expired medication.
beams overhead, and the areas
surrounding the performance tank for orcas April 2, 2007/Orlando, Florida: The USDA
had loose, worn, and chipped flooring and cited SeaWorld for failing to provide
worn paint that could pose a threat to the sufficient barriers between animals and the
health and safety of both the animals and public. At the time of the inspection, there
workers. was only one employee to monitor the
Pacific Point exhibit, and the public had
June 7, 2012/San Antonio, Texas: The dropped three “paper feeding trays” and a
USDA cited SeaWorld for failing to maintain hat into the exhibit within reach of the
the dry resting area in the “North Pinniped pinnipeds, which could cause an injury if
pool.” Its rock surface was cracking, and the ingested. SeaWorld was also cited for
loosened material could pose a risk to the allowing the Sea Lion and Otter Stadium
animals if it fell into the tank and was stage areas to deteriorate, as the wooden
ingested. stairs used by the otters had peeling
wood/resin material, several areas in the
January 11, 2012/San Antonio, Texas: exhibit had peeling paint, and the “pelleted
The USDA issued SeaWorld an official rubberized flooring material” had eroded in
warning for the October 26, 2010, death of several areas.
Singer, a female sea lion, which was
caused by SeaWorld’s repeated failure to August 29, 2006/Orlando, Florida: The
provide drain covers. Singer got stuck and USDA cited SeaWorld for failing to handle
drowned in the drain of a holding tank. animals properly. There had been several
incidents in which people had been scraped
May 4, 2010/San Antonio, Texas: The or bitten at the “Key West exhibit,” where
USDA cited SeaWorld for failing to maintain the public is allowed to feed the dolphins.
safe enclosures and having structures in SeaWorld was also cited for failing to
disrepair. The pipe frame of the enclosure provide 15 California sea lions, who were
housing lemurs had rusted so much that it being held in two enclosures, with sufficient
was almost breaking in several places. tank space.
Orcas were kept in a show tank in which an
area of the wall adjacent to the viewing August 9, 2006/San Diego, California:
window had broken off. And the tank used The USDA cited SeaWorld for failing to
to hold cetaceans contained peeling and maintain the floor in the Wild Arctic food-
flaking paint. preparation area in a manner that would
allow for adequate cleaning and sanitizing—
July 22, 2009/San Antonio, Texas: The the paint was chipping. SeaWorld was also
USDA cited SeaWorld for failing to maintain cited for failing to clean the tank housing the
the freshwater trough, which had chipping polar bears. An abundant growth of algae
paint on the bottom and sides, in an off- was on the ledge at the back of the tank.
exhibit holding area for two monk seals, and
failing to keep in good repair the ceiling in July 5, 2005/Orlando, Florida: The USDA
the “Shamu Prep Kitchen.” There was a cited SeaWorld for failing to maintain
hole with exposed insulation, which could several surface areas that were in contact
contaminate the food. with sea lions, walruses, and harp seals.
There were large areas of peeling paint,
making it difficult to clean and sanitize those March 25, 2004/San Diego, California:
areas adequately. The USDA cited SeaWorld for failing to
have a safe tank in the Sea Lion and Otter
May 17, 2005/Orlando, Florida: The USDA Stadium. Several metal viewing panel
cited SeaWorld for failing to handle a sea supports had rust, some with severe flaking,
lion properly. The animal died from which could be a potential health hazard.
overheating while being loaded onto a SeaWorld was also cited for failing to
transport trailer with two other sea lions. maintain a food receptacle properly in the
The facility was also cited for failing to have Dolphin Stadium. Paint was peeling on the
a safe enclosure to transport a sea lion feed box insert, which could contaminate
named Pocus, who was in a wooden the food.
transport crate that had been previously
chewed on, resulting in splintering and June 25, 2003/Orlando, Florida: The
sharp protrusions. Pocus also chewed on a USDA cited SeaWorld for failing to handle
square section of wire mesh, which also animals properly in the “Key West
resulted in sharp protrusions as well as a interactive” tank area. A few members of the
hole large enough for the sea lion’s head to public were touching some of the dolphins
fit through. SeaWorld was also cited for not around the blow hole and the mouth, and
having a veterinarian-approved travel plan small children were straddling the tank wall
available. with both feet off the ground and without
any adults holding them.
March 16, 2005/San Diego, California:
The USDA cited SeaWorld for failing to April 7, 2003/Orlando, Florida: The USDA
label a squeeze bottle that was sitting on cited SeaWorld for failing to either perform
the counter with two other medications in weekly water-quality tests or not recording
the Sea Lion and Otter food-preparation them and for failing to maintain accurate
area. This could lead to a mistake during medical records.
the administration of drugs. SeaWorld was
also cited for failing to maintain the food- June 3, 2002/San Diego, California: The
preparation area properly. Sections of walls USDA cited SeaWorld for failing to maintain
had peeling paint, making it difficult to clean the Sea Lion and Otter Stadium exhibit. It
and sanitize. had cracks and small gaps at the junction of
the wall and floor of the staging tank and
January 12, 2005/Orlando, Florida: The peeling paint on several sections of a tank
USDA cited SeaWorld for failing to use enclosure, making it impossible to clean and
some form of identification for two dogs and sanitize these areas properly. The paint
having insufficient housing for one dog flakes also posed a health hazard, as the
whose shelter consisted of slatted metal animals could swallow them. SeaWorld was
bars, which wouldn’t provide protection from also cited for having rotted door jams in the
cold weather. The enclosed den also wasn’t main food-preparation area, which couldn’t
tall enough for the dog to stand up. be adequately cleaned or sterilized, and
SeaWorld was also cited for failing to having a bank of unprotected fluorescent
provide two polar bears with tanks that met bulbs in the ceiling back stage at the Sea
the minimum space required by the AWA. Lion and Otter Stadium, which could be a
The animals were being rotated between potential cause of injury if the bulbs were to
compliant and noncompliant enclosures with shatter.
tanks, which isn’t permitted.
previous April after spending 20 years at the August 6, 1991/Orlando, Florida: Kenau,
Vancouver Aquarium. a 17-year-old orca, and her unborn calf died
of bacterial pneumonia, which may have
August 1, 2001/San Antonio, Texas: been caused by an infected tooth. Kenau
Haida, a 21-year-old orca, died from what had been caught off the coast of Iceland in
was later determined to be a brain abscess 1976.
caused by a fungal infection. She had been
taken from the wild in 1980. May 15, 1991/San Antonio, Texas:
Kahana, an orca estimated to be between
May 5, 1999/San Antonio, Texas: 14 and 16 years old, died from severe
Katerina, a 10-year-old orca, died of severe trauma after she collided with the side of a
bacterial pneumonia. tank and sustained multiple skull fractures,
cerebral contusions, and blood loss. She
April 1, 1996/Orlando, Florida: Nyar, a 2- had been caught off the coast of Iceland in
year-old orca, died from a severe infection 1978.
of the brain tissues.
September 20, 1990/Orlando, Florida:
February 25, 1996/Orlando, Florida: Orca Kanduke, an orca believed to be in his mid-
Gudrun died from a uterine infection that 20s, died from inflammation of the brain
resulted in the invasion of bacteria into her from a viral infection. He had been taken
bloodstream only days after a stillborn calf from Pedder Bay, British Columbia, in 1975.
was pulled from her with a metal hook,
cable, and winch. March 13, 1990/San Diego, California:
Knootka, an orca believed to have been in
April 3, 1995/San Antonio, Texas: Kotar, a her mid- to late 20s, died of pneumonia.
20-year-old orca, died after a tank gate She had been taken from Pedder Bay,
closed on his head, crushing his skull. He British Columbia, in 1970.
had been caught off the coast of Iceland in
1978. August 23, 1989/San Diego, California:
Kandu V, a 14-year-old orca, died after
December 28, 1994/San Antonio, Texas: colliding with Corky, a 25-year-old orca who
A 1-month-old female orca calf died of outweighed him by 2,000 pounds. Kandu V
pneumonia. sustained a fracture, which triggered a
massive hemorrhage in her nasal passages.
September 14, 1994/Orlando: Nootka, a She bled to death in front of spectators
13-year-old orca, died nearly a month after within 45 minutes. Corky sustained minor
giving birth to a dead calf. She had quit rake marks from Kandu V’s teeth. The two
eating earlier that day and become sluggish. orcas had had several skirmishes in the
past. Kandu V had been caught off the
March 14, 1992/San Antonio, Texas: coast of Iceland in 1977.
Samoa, a 14-year-old orca, died while trying
to give birth. The calf also died. It was later September 26, 1988/San Diego,
determined that they both died from California: Orky II, a 30-year-old orca, died
inflammation of the brain tissues from an of acute pneumonia. He had been caught
unknown cause. Samoa had been caught off the coast of British Columbia and held at
off the coast of Iceland in 1983. Marineland of the Pacific until he was
bought by SeaWorld in 1987.
October 15, 1987/Orlando, Florida: Kona infection of the uterus and a subsequent
II, a 12-year-old orca, died from a lung invasion of bacteria into her bloodstream
abscess, along with her fetus. She had less than six years after being taken from
been caught off the coast of Iceland in the wild to be a companion for another
1977. captive orca.
July 24, 2011/San Diego, California: A October 31, 2007/San Diego, California:
Pacific white-sided dolphin died from a An 11-year-old saddleback dolphin died
sudden onset of a severe fungal infection from a bacterial invasion into his
affecting the heart. She had been taken bloodstream and sudden, severe
from the wild in 1981. hemorrhaging into the lungs.
January 3, 2011/Orlando, Florida: A 16- June 20, 2007/San Antonio, Texas: A 38-
month-old male bottlenose dolphin died year-old bottlenose dolphin died from a
from a sudden onset of pancreatitis, perforated stomach, resulting in the release
resulting in the death of the pancreatic of bacteria and toxins into the abdomen and
tissues. bloodstream.
June 21, 2009/Orlando, Florida: A 29- January 30, 2007/San Diego, California: A
year-old bottlenose dolphin died from a 9-month-old bottlenose dolphin died from a
ruptured uterus and a subsequent infection sudden twisting of the intestines, causing
of the abdomen. obstruction, perforation, and/or death of the
intestinal tissues.
March 22, 2009/Orlando, Florida: A 13-
year-old male bottlenose dolphin died from November 6, 2006/Orlando, Florida: A 4-
an endocrine disease characterized by an year-old bottlenose dolphin died from
inability to modulate and respond to stress. severe acute trauma that resulted in
hemorrhaging into the abdomen and chest.
December 22, 2008/San Diego,
California: A 24-year-old female false killer October 17, 2006/Orlando, Florida: A 17-
whale died of severe acute pneumonia. month-old bottlenose dolphin died from a
sudden inflammation of blood vessels and August 12, 2004/San Diego, California: A
surrounding tissues of the brain. 23-year-old bottlenose dolphin died from
severe inflammation of the tissues
July 4, 2006/San Antonio, Texas: A 5- surrounding her heart.
year-old male bottlenose dolphin died from
a sudden inflammation of the brain tissues May 30, 2004/San Antonio, Texas: A 5-
accompanied by hemorrhaging and cell year-old bottlenose dolphin died of severe,
death. acute pneumonia.
May 10, 2006/San Antonio, Texas: A 16- January 18, 2004/San Diego, California:
month-old bottlenose dolphin died from An 8-year-old male Commerson’s dolphin
severe oxygen deprivation after developing died of severe liver disease.
acute respiratory disease syndrome.
December 28, 2003/San Diego,
October 15, 2005/Orlando, Florida: A 9- California: An 8-year-old female
year-old bottlenose dolphin died of severe, Commerson’s dolphin died from a sudden
chronic respiratory disease. onset of liver disease.
November 29, 2004/San Antonio, Texas: October 19, 2002/San Diego, California: A
A 14-month-old Pacific white-sided dolphin 6-week-old bottlenose dolphin died of fungal
died from a sudden twisting of the pneumonia.
intestines, causing obstruction, perforation,
and/or death of the intestinal tissues. July 25, 2002/San Diego, California: A 21-
year-old false killer whale died of
November 3, 2004/San Diego, California: pneumonia with subsequent hemorrhaging
A bottlenose dolphin died from inflammation into his lungs.
and/or an infection in her abdomen. She
had been taken from the wild in 1975. July 24, 2002/San Diego, California:
Stormy, a 3-year-old saddleback dolphin,
September 12, 2004/Orlando, Florida: A died from inflammation of the brain.
15-year-old bottlenose dolphin died from
acute pneumonia. March 31, 2002/San Antonio, Texas: A
20-month-old female Pacific white-sided
August 26, 2004/San Antonio, Texas: A 1- dolphin died from a systemic fungal
year-old female bottlenose dolphin died infection.
from severe, chronic upper airway
inflammation. January 3, 2002/San Antonio, Texas: A 2-
year-old Pacific white-sided dolphin died
from a bacterial infection throughout the caused by a virus. She had been taken from
entire body. the wild in 1980.
age, died after suffering from an internal October 20, 2022/San Diego, California: A
infection for at least three weeks. 26-year-old male California sea lion died.
July 20, 2021/San Diego, California: A 21- February 13, 2020/Orlando, Florida: A 26-
year-old female California sea lion was year-old male California sea lion died of
euthanized due to cancer. cancer.
July 14, 2021/San Antonio, Texas: A 31- November 15, 2019/Orlando, Florida: A 4-
year-old male harbor seal died of cancer. month-old female California sea lion died of
heart disease.
May 22, 2021/Orlando, Florida: An 11-
month-old male California sea lion died of September 25, 2019/San Diego,
gastrointestinal disease. California: A 28-year-old female California
sea lion died of a diaphragmatic hernia.
April 1, 2021/San Antonio, Texas: A
nearly 3-year-old male California sea lion September 23, 2019/Orlando, Florida: A
died under anesthesia. 2-week-old male California sea lion died.
October 31, 2020/San Diego, California: A June 14, 2019/Orlando, Florida: A 30-
15-month-old female California sea lion was year-old male California sea lion died.
euthanized due to a congenital disorder.
April 6, 2019/Orlando, Florida: A female
October 30, 2020/Orlando, Florida: A 30- short-finned pilot whale died from a
year-old female California sea lion died of systemic infection.
April 3, 2019/Orlando, Florida: A 2-year-
September 10, 2020/Orlando, Florida: A old harbor seal died of neurologic disease.
30-year-old male California sea lion was
euthanized due to kidney disease. March 7, 2019/San Diego, California: A
25-year-old female California sea lion died
September 9, 2020/San Diego, California: from a systemic infection.
A male Guadalupe fur seal was euthanized
in an “age-related death.” December 27, 2018/Orlando, Florida: A
14-year-old male California sea lion was
August 21, 2020/San Diego, California: A euthanized due to cancer.
22-year-old harbor seal died of kidney
disease. September 25, 2018/San Diego,
California: A male beluga whale was
September 12, 2018/San Antonio, Texas: July 31, 2016/San Antonio, Texas: A 9-
A male sea lion died from a systemic year-old male harbor seal died of
infection. gastrointestinal disease.
July 16, 2018/Orlando, Florida: An 8-year- July 19, 2016/San Antonio, Texas: A 2-
old female California sea lion died of year-old female California sea lion died of a
cancer. parasitic disease.
April 10, 2018/Orlando, Florida: A 28- June 28, 2016/Orlando, Florida: A 1-year-
year-old California sea lion was euthanized old male California sea lion died of a
due to cancer. congenital disease.
July 27, 2015/San Antonio, Texas: A 28- October 26, 2010/San Antonio, Texas:
year-old male California sea lion died due to Singer, a female sea lion, got stuck and
gastrointestinal disease. drowned in the drain of a holding tank. The
USDA later cited SeaWorld and issued it an
July 12, 2015/San Antonio, Texas: A official warning for repeatedly failing to
newborn beluga whale died three weeks install drain covers.
after being born prematurely.
November 2, 2009/San Antonio, Texas:
July 4, 2015/Orlando, Florida: A 1-year- Nico, a 25-year-old beluga whale, died while
old male California sea lion died due to lung temporarily being held at SeaWorld San
disease. Antonio while the Georgia Aquarium made
renovations to its tanks.
June 29, 2015/Orlando, Florida: An 11-
year-old male California sea lion died of August 27, 2008/San Antonio, Texas: A 1-
gastrointestinal disease. month-old female beluga whale died of
acute bacterial pneumonia.
May 22, 2015/San Diego, California: A 24-
year-old male California sea lion died due to November 9, 2007/Orlando, Florida: A
kidney disease. beluga whale died from an acute fungal
infection of her brain tissue.
April 2, 2015/San Diego, California: A 23-
year-old female California sea lion died due April 20, 2005/San Antonio, Texas: A 7-
to cancer. year-old beluga whale died from severe
acute trauma to her neck and head.
March 23, 2015/San Diego, California: A
23-year-old female California sea lion died October 7, 2003/Orlando, Florida: A 4-
due to kidney disease. year-old beluga whale died from a sudden
twisting of the intestines, followed by
excessive clotting of the blood, obstruction February 16, 1995/San Antonio, Texas: A
of the vascular system, and subsequent 17-month-old beluga whale died from a
shock. chronic infection of the bones of his spine.
May 17, 2001/San Antonio, Texas: A 9- November 16, 1993/San Antonio, Texas:
day-old Pacific walrus died. SeaWorld A 2-month-old beluga whale died. He was
stated that his mother may have rolled on being treated for pneumonia.
top of him.
June 14, 1989/San Diego, California: Little
December 1, 2000/San Antonio, Texas: A Girl, a 15-year-old beluga whale on a
beluga whale died from neurological breeding loan from the Minnesota Zoo, died
disease. He had been acquired by unexpectedly. She had been in San Diego
SeaWorld in 1987. since 1987.
mother was unable to free her and a years old, bit and dragged him underwater,
SeaWorld employee had to intervene. “rag-dolling” him violently back and forth
under the water during a performance. He
November 21, 2012/Orlando, Florida: An suffered puncture wounds to both feet and a
8-year-old girl sustained three puncture broken bone in his left foot, which required
wounds to her hand when a dolphin she surgery. Kasatka had made at least two
was feeding grabbed it with his mouth. other attempts to injure this trainer during
past shows. (See the 1993 and June 12,
February 24, 2010/Orlando, Florida: Dawn 1999, incidents.)
Brancheau, a senior trainer, was grabbed
by a 6-ton orca, Tilikum, and pulled November 15, 2006/San Diego,
underwater while park guests observed California: A trainer sustained a torn
what the park called a “relationship ligament in his left ankle after an orca
session.” Tilikum repeatedly struck and grabbed him by the ankle during a show
thrashed the trainer and refused to allow her and dragged him underwater.
to leave the tank. The autopsy report lists
Brancheau’s cause of death as drowning August 21, 2006/Orlando, Florida: A 7-
and traumatic injuries. One of her arms was year-old boy, who was bitten by a dolphin
torn from her body, and her scalp was he was petting, sustained a bruised and
almost completely removed from her head. swollen thumb.
June 14, 2009/San Diego, California: A July 31, 2002/San Diego, California: Two
trainer was hospitalized after a sea lion bit orcas pulled a trainer into the water. She
her during a performance. sustained a broken arm that required the
insertion of a pin.
April 10, 2007/San Diego, California:
Orkid, a 5,900-pound orca, knocked a July 6, 1999/Orlando, Florida: An
trainer off a retaining wall while the orca employee found the body of a nude 27-
was undergoing a sonogram. The trainer fell year-old man draped over the orca Tilikum.
and hit her head and side, and she was It was assumed that the man had hid in the
taken to the hospital for an examination. park until closing and then evaded the 24-
hour security at the facility.
November 29, 2006/San Diego,
California: A trainer was seriously injured June 12, 1999/San Diego, California: Orca
when Kasatka, an orca who was then 23 Kasatka tried to bite a trainer in front of
hundreds of spectators. This was the August 12, 1984/San Diego, California: A
second of three noted acts of aggression to trainer sustained bruising after two orcas
the same trainer. (See the 1993 and grabbed his legs and pinned him against a
November 29, 2006, incidents.) glass retaining wall during a performance.
1993/San Diego, California: Orca Kasatka February 23, 1984/San Diego, California:
attempted to bite a trainer during a show. Orca Kandu grabbed a trainer with her
This was the first of three noted acts of mouth and pinned him against the wall
aggression to the same trainer. (See the during a performance.
June 12, 1999, and November 29, 2006,
incidents.) 1971/San Diego, California: A SeaWorld
secretary riding the original Shamu as part
November 21, 1987/San Diego, of a publicity stunt was tossed into the water
California: A trainer was seriously injured and seized by her legs. She sustained
when Orky, a 12,000-pound orca, landed on lacerations and puncture wounds.
him during a show. He sustained a fractured
femur, pelvis, and ribs. OTHER INJURIES
November 5, 2022/Orlando, Florida:
September 30, 1987/San Diego, Video taken by a visitor shows what was
California: A trainer was rammed by an described as the aftermath of an attack in
orca during a performance while he was which numerous dolphins repeatedly
working with another orca. attacked another dolphin during a show,
leaving the animal bleeding.
September 28, 1987/San Diego,
California: An orca bit a trainer’s hand August 5, 2022/San Diego, California:
during training. Video taken by a visitor showed an orca
seemingly being aggressively pursued to
June 15, 1987/Orlando, Florida: Kandu, a the side of a tank by other orcas. The visitor
6,000-pound orca, landed on a trainer reported that the orca had been bitten and
during rehearsal. The trainer sustained a was bleeding “all over” one side.
fractured bone in her neck, a bruised skull,
and a permanent loss of head movement. September 27, 2012/Orlando, Florida:
Photos emerged from a park visitor of a
March 4, 1987/San Diego, California: A serious injury to 11-year-old orca Nakai,
trainer was attacked by two orcas during a who was missing a large chunk from his
performance. The orcas grabbed him in chin, exposing bone and underlying tissue.
their jaws and repeatedly dragged him to The injury was reportedly a result of his
the bottom of the tank and smashed him coming into contact with the tracts of the
against the floor. He spent nine days in the tank gates.
hospital with bruised ribs and kidneys,
heavy internal bleeding, and a 6-inch July 19, 2012/San Antonio, Texas: PETA
laceration on his liver. obtained video footage from a whistleblower
of an injured and bleeding dolphin lying on
November 2, 1984/San Diego, California: the concrete outside a tank. An eyewitness
Kandu, a 4,500-pound orca, briefly grabbed said that the dolphin had been performing a
a trainer’s legs in her mouth. trick, collided with another dolphin, and
been thrown from the tank onto the
June 2010/Orlando, Florida: Orca Kayla October 8, 2015: The California Coastal
collided with orca Kalina in the center of the Commission approved a permit for
pool, causing a gash above one of Kalina’s SeaWorld to build new tanks for the orcas at
eyes. the San Diego location but under the
condition that SeaWorld San Diego end its
June 22, 1987/San Diego, California: In a orca-breeding program and no longer sell or
complaint written to the National Marine trade captive orcas or transfer them to or
Fisheries Service, witnesses reported from the facility.
observing aggressive behavior by orca
Kandu V toward orca Corky. The April 24, 2015: Mattel announced that it
complainants said the following: “[T]he two wouldn’t sell any more SeaWorld-themed
killer whales collided violently. In but a Barbie dolls or accessories.
couple of seconds, we witnessed blood
boiling from a 2½ to 3 foot slash along the December 2014: SeaWorld announced that
lower abdomen ... of the whale.” Kandu V CEO and President Jim Atchison was
died two years later after colliding with departing with an exit package valued at
Corky again. (See the August 23, 1989, roughly $10.8 million. The next day,
entry under Deaths: Orcas.) SeaWorld announced the layoffs off 311
1987/Orlando, Florida: Orca Kotar bit orca
Kanduke’s penis, severely injuring him. July 20, 2013: According to The Huffington
Kotar was then shipped to the San Antonio Post, an audience watched in horror and
location. became increasingly angered when a
distressed pilot whale was left stuck and
MISCELLANEOUS struggling on a ledge of a tank for at least
July 24, 2020: SeaWorld agreed to pay $65 25 minutes. During this time, other pilot
million to settle a class-action lawsuit whales came up and tried to help the animal
alleging that the company had deceived while members of the audience screamed
stockholders about the damaging impact for trainers to help. Two trainers eventually
that the documentary film Blackfish had on came and pushed the whale back into the
park attendance. water.
September 18, 2018: SeaWorld and one of March 28, 2011: SeaWorld veterinary
its former CEOs agreed to pay more than records submitted as an exhibit to the
$5 million to settle fraud charges for Ontario Superior Court of Justice in a
misleading investors about the impact that dispute over an orca on loan to the
the documentary film Blackfish had on the notorious Canadian facility Marineland
company’s reputation and business. revealed that as recently as 2006, diazepam
was used as a way to control orca behavior.
March 17, 2016: SeaWorld announced that In one example listed, it was given to orca
it would end its orca-breeding program and Ikaika as a way to “try to mellow him” when
phase out its theatrical orca shows at all of he was attempting to breed with a days-old
its marine parks. It planned to keep the calf. It was also given to the calf’s still-
remaining orcas at the parks until they die. nursing mother whose “swimming speed
and attitude toward the calf [were] not
February 25, 2016: SeaWorld admitted that favorable.”
it had employees pose as animal rights
activists to spy on PETA.