Ancon EdjPro Lifting Systems
Ancon EdjPro Lifting Systems
Ancon EdjPro Lifting Systems
higher quality
precast conc
constructi n
AS 3850.1:2015
July 2022
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Under the Leviat brand, supply chain and better, Our product brands include:
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EdjPro anchors have a removable plug to prevent concrete entering the lifting hole
Recess formers fit like a glove, providing a gap between the anchor and concrete
The clutch is clear of the concrete edge and has a safer locking ring design
Clutches are compatible with previous anchor versions
EdjPro systems are compliant with AS 3850.1:2015
Our aim:
No cracking, no spalling, no patching.
Faster, safer manufacture,
handling and installation
Detailed design specifications are provided in the EdjPro Design Guide, including dimensions for all components and tension bars.
Ancon EdjPro Lifting Systems
Ancon EdjPro EPA04 Edge Lifting System
The EdjPro EPA04 Edge Lifting System is the smallest anchor in the EdjPro range. The narrow system
components provide a Working Load (WLL) of 4 tonnes in tension for panels as thin as 100mm.
All components are designed around the thin EPA04 anchor to provide the maximum possible concrete
cover while ensuring the required clearance to the surrounding concrete. This avoids concrete spalling
during the introduction of shear loads. For light precast panels
from 100mm thickness
3 A
ll the benefits of the established EdjPro system with AS 3850.1:2015
a narrow 4T WLL anchor & recess for thin panels EdjPro Clutch
from 100mm EPLC04
EdjPro Anchor
Strong EPA04
Up to 4T WLL when used with a 12mm tension bar
3 T
he EdjPro clutch and EPA04 provide high performance
for edge lifting in the factory, during transportation
and erection
3 A
nchor code, WLL and batch number
are clearly visible when cast into concrete
EdjPro Recess
Complies with the requirements
Former EPRF04
of AS 3850.1:2015
EdjPro W-bar
Anchor code, WLL and batch number are clearly visible
when cast into concrete
Complies with the requirements
3 EdjPro Narrow
of AS 3850.1:2015 Anchor
EdjPro Narrow
Former EPNRF10
AS 3850.1:2015
Ultra-slim, high working loads I-beam shear foot EdjPro EPLCMini Clutch
3 Easily fits into double layer congested 3 No need for shear bars in most applications The EdjPro EPHIMini Anchor works in
reinforcement conjunction with the EdjPro EPLCMini Clutch
Patented Unique I-beam heads Easily identifiable Clutch clearance even in step-joints
3 Exceptional stiffness & load transfer 3 I-beam head is unmistakeable -
3 Prevents head distortion or shear failure identification is easy for clutch compatibility.
3 Interlocks with the clutch to limit rotation Integrated plug prevents concrete ingress
3 Prevents bearing, concrete cracking into clutch holes.
and spalling
Ultra tough forged alloy steel Optimised tension bar WLLs Fast lifting off the bed
3 Hot dip galvanised high strength alloy steel 3 New anchor shape maximises tension bar 3 No need to creep the crane when
WLL and reliability lifting off the bed
Ancon EdjPro Lifting Systems
How EdjPro Systems Prevent Cracks
Conventional flat-head systems can spall edges. Ancon EdjPro lifting systems provide fast, clean, safe connections in all directions including clutch
and anchor concrete clearance.
Conventional Conventional clutch has a round locking ring Rotation causes the side of the clutch to
flat-head anchor so the clutch is free to rotate around the bear against the top of the anchor causing
anchor under shear load. a shearing force to the side.
Ancon EdjPro
I-beam anchor
The locking ring is not round EPNA systems have more distance
therefore restricts rotation. between the clutch and anchor sides
which increases shear resistance.
Clutch bears on
the anchor flanges,
avoiding shear failure.
1.4.37 EdjPro Anchors are plate style inserts, essentially planar in form.
2.2 The Working Load Limit (WLL) has a factor of Safety of 2.25 against the critical
characteristic strength Ru (effectively the minimum breaking strength), determined
by testing according to Appendix A. EdjPro EPHI Anchors are forged from fully killed steel with grain size less than 6
(AS 1733), elongation not less than 15% for martensitic or 20% for pearlitic steels,
and a 100% fibrous failure surface consistent with ductile failure when loaded in
EdjPro Anchors are tested in and out of concrete in accordance with Appendix A
and are marked for visible confirmation of compatibility.
EdjPro Anchors and Recess Formers are marked for compatibility. Plate style inserts must have a tension bar (component reinforcement).
EdjPro Anchors are designed to always be used with a tension bar. An edge lift insert must be tested in accordance with Appendix A, with and without
C2.5.2.2 its tension bar to determine the characteristic strength Ru and WLL.
The tension bar is one component of the lifting insert system, the other component
is the plate style insert. The WLL for the system is based on the minimum
characteristic strength of the system.
The critical mode of failure of tension bars is “double shear” at the anchor aperture.
Ru of tension bars is limited to the tested shear strength of AS 4671 N class bars
manufactured with the minimum tensile strength (540MPa).
When tested in concrete of the design lifting strength, the Ru of the anchor without
the tension bar is not less than the anchor WLL.
Appendix A Anchor testing must conform with Appendix A, parts A1, A2, A3, A4, A6 & A7.
Appendix A1.5 Ru is the critical characteristic strength which has a 95% probability of being
exceeded at a confidence of 90%, of a component or system.
Appendix A3.1 Each component and the insert system (plate style insert + tension bar) to determine
Appendix A6 the critical mode of failure and critical characteristic strength.
AS 3850.1:2015
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