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a GE Industrial Control Systems SPEEDTRONIC ~ Mark V : Turbine Control Maintenance Manual SPEEDTRONIC ™ Mark V Turbine Control Maintenance Manual GEH-5980E Issue Date: June 25, 1993 Revision A: July 21, 1993 These instructions do not purport to cover all details or variations in equipment, nor to provide for every possible contingency to be met during installation, operation, and maintenance. If further information is desired or if particular problems arise that are not covered sufficiently for the purchaser's purpose, the matter should be referred to GE Industrial Control Systems. This document contains proprietary information of General Electric Company, USA and is furnished to its cu stomer solely to assist that customer in the installation, testing, operation, and/or maintenance of the equipment described. This document shall not be reproduced in whole or in part nor shall its contents be disclosed to any third party without the written approval of GE Industrial Control Systems. Copyright® 1993 by General Electric Company, U.S.A. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Print date February 20, 1998, ARCNET is a registered trademark of Datapoint Corporation. Ethernet is a trademark of Xerox Corporation. HP is a trademark of Hewlett Packard Company. IBM is a trademark of International Business Machines. ‘MODBUS is a trademark of Gould Inc. PKWARE is a registered trademark of PKWARE Inc. ‘Speedtronic is a trademark of General Electric Company, USA. SAFETY SYMBOL LEGEND Indicates a procedure, practice, condition, or statement that, if not strictly observed, could result in, personal injury or death. Indicates a procedure, practice, condition, or statement which, if not strictly observed, could result in damage to or destruction of equipment. NOTE Indicates an essential operation or important procedure, practice, condition, or statement. ‘This equipment contains a potential hazard of electric shock or burn. Only personnel who are adequately trained and thoroughly familiar with the equipment and the instructions should install, operate, or maintain this equipment. Isolation of test equipment from the equipment under test presents potential electrical hazards. If the test equipment cannot be grounded to the equipment under test, the test equipment’s case must be shielded to prevent contact by personnel. ‘To minimize hazard of electrical shock or burn, approved grounding practices and procedures must be strictly followed. ‘To prevent personal injury or equipment damage caused by equipment malfunction, only adequately ‘trained personnel should modify any programmable device. Safety Symbol Legend (cont.) 1EC 417, No. 6031 IEC 417, No. 6032 IEC 417, No. $033 IEC 617-2, No. 02.02.06 IEG 417, No, 5017 IEC 417, No. 5019 IEC 417, No. 5020 IEC 417, No. 5021 IEC 417, No. 5007 NEC 417, No. 5008 IEC 417, No. 5172 ISO 3864, No. B3.6 ISO 9864, No. B.3.1 Direct current Alternating current Both direct and attemating current ‘Three-phase alternating current Earth (ground) TERMINAL PROTECTIVE CONDUCTOR TERMINAL Frame or chassis TERMINAL Equipotentialty On (Supply) Off (Supply) Equipmert protected throughout by DOUBLE INSULATION or REINFORCED INSULATION (equivalent to Class Il of IEC 536) Caution, risk of electric shock Caution ‘Maintenance Manual GEH-5980E TABLE OF CONTENTS ‘Section/Subject CHAPTER | INTRODUCTION 1-1. ORGANIZATION OF DOCUMENTATION... 1-L.1. Requisition Specific Drawings. 1-1.2, Instruction Books... 1-1.2.1. USER'S MANUAL. .. 1-1.22. MAINTENANCE MANUAL. 1-1.23. APPLICATION MANUAL... 1-2. MARK V TURBINE CONTROL PRODUCT 01 1-2.1, Primary Operator Interface, ... 1-22. Backup Operator Interface Panel - 1-23. Control Panel Configurations 1-24, Location of Turbine Control. CHAPTER2 CONTROL SYSTEM HARDWARE 2:1. MARK V DATA COMMUNICATION NETWORKS ... 2-2, STAGELINK. 2.3, DATA EXCHANGE NETWORK. 2-4, IONET, 2.5.1. Hardware Configuration. 2.6. ALERT BOX FUNCTION 26.1. Adding an Alert Box to the Processor. 2.6.2. Modifications To F\MO_PORTS.DAT 2-63. Using the Alert Box. CHAPTER3 SOFTWARE STRUCTURE 3.1. INTRODUCTION. — 3.2. IDOS—THE 's COMPUTER OPERATING SYSTEM. 3-21. Root Directory DRIVE F: FILES.. DRIVEF: SUBDIRECTORIES .. DRIVE G: SUBDIRECTORIES.. 33, <> HARD DISK BACKUP... CHAPTER4 SOFTWARE TOOLS 4-1, INTRODUCTION. 4:2, DYNAMIC RUNG DISPLAY. 42.1. BBL (Sequencing/Non-sequencing). 42.1.1. PRIMITIVE. PARAMETERS -PASSED/AUTOMATIC. 4.2.13. PARAMETERS -ANALOG/LOGIC... LOGIC STATES 4-22, Position Indicator. 4-23, User Status Box. 4-24, Positioning Targets 4-25, Parameter/Picture Targets. GEH.S980E. Maintenance Manual ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS - continued 426, Ereuing/Esing Dai Rang Die “4.2611. FINDING BEL. 4262. SELECTING AUTO. 4263, SELECTING MORE. 4.2.7. Segments, Rungs, and Sub-rungs. 4.27.1. SEGMENTS. 4272. 42.73,, SELECTING SRC IN A SEQUENCING BBL. 4215, PICFILBIN ANON SEQUENCING BEL... 4.2.16. TEXT MESSAGE. 4.27.7. RLD RUN 4.28, Using "Find All" wo Find Parameters 4.2.9, Files Used by the Dynamic Rung Display.. DIAGNOSTIC DATA DISPLAY (DIAGC).. 43, 43.2.2. POSITIONING TARGETS. SELECTING A DISPLAY ... 442. EEPROM Downloader Command

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