MBP Lab Reviewer
MBP Lab Reviewer
MBP Lab Reviewer
- Prevented through adequate boiling of water.
- Good personal; washing hands, especially for food
- Regular disinfection of contact lenses is also advised.
- Contact lens wearers are also advised to avoid using
- Proper waste disposal to avoid fecal contamination of
homemade non-sterile saline solutions.
water sources.
- Avoid the use of ‘night soil’ (human feces) for
fertilization of crops.
- Adequate washing and cooking of vegetables should
be observed
1. Infection in immunocompetent individuals
(usually asymptomatic)
● Acute infection (chills, fever, headache, and
fatigue) lymphadenitis
● Chronic infection may manifest lymphadenitis,
hepatitis, myocarditis, and encephalomyelitis
● Infection of the eye may manifest
Chorioretinitis and may lead to blindness
2. Congenital Infection
● Infection in the first trimester may lead to
miscarriage and stillbirth.
● Encephalitis, microcephaly, hydrocephalus,
mental retardation, pneumonia
● Chorioretinitis
● Infection in the last trimester may manifest
months after birth
3. Infection in an immunocompromised host
● Neurologic symptoms
● Reactivation of latent toxoplasma
Diagnostic Tests:
● Demonstration of high antibody titers through
immunofluorescence assay
● Microscopic examination of Giemsa-stained
preparations will show the crescent-shaped
trophozoites during the acute infection.
● Cysts may be seen in the tissues.
● Prenatal diagnosis can be done through
ultrasonography and amniocentesis with PCR
analysis of the amniotic fluid.
Treatment: Drugs
● Pyrimethamine plus sulfadiazine for
Immunocompromised individual
● Clindamycin plus Pyrimethamine for people who
develop drug toxicity
● Clindamycin or Spiramycin for pregnant women
● Thorough cooking of meat
● Proper handling of cat litters
Common Name: Pork tapeworm TAPEWORM
Classification: Cestodes Common Name: beef tapeworm
Morphologic Form: Adult worm Classification: Cestodes
Infective Stage: Embryonated Egg and Larvae Morphologic Form: Adult worm
Pathogenic stage: Encysted larvae and Adult worm Infective Stage: Embryonated Egg and Larvae
Source of Infection: Contaminated water or food, and Pathogenic stage: Encysted larvae and Adult worm
undercooked meat Source of Infection: Contaminated water or food, and
Mode of Transmission: Ingestion of contaminated food undercooked meat
or water; undercooked pork meat Mode of Transmission: Ingestion of contaminated food
Site of Infection: Skeletal muscle, Eyes, and Brain or water; undercooked pork meat
(cysticercosis); Intestines (larva and adult worm) Site of Infection: Skeletal muscle, Eyes, and Brain
(cysticercosis); Intestines (larva and adult worm)
1. Taeniasis Disease: TAENIASIS
● produced by adult worms, asymptomatic but 5. Taeniasis
may manifest symptoms in high worm burden. ● produced by adult worms, asymptomatic but
2. Cysticercosis may manifest symptoms in high worm burden.
● Encystation to various tissues of the body most 6. Cysticercosis
commonly on skeletal muscles ● Encystation to various tissues of the body most
● Manifest pain commonly on skeletal muscles
3. Neurocysticercosis ● Manifest pain
● Increased intracranial pressure manifests 7. Neurocysticercosis
through seizures, headaches, and vomiting. ● Increased intracranial pressure manifests
4. Ocular cysticercosis through seizures, headaches, and vomiting.
● uvea (uveitis) and retina (retinitis) 8. Ocular cysticercosis
● uvea (uveitis) and retina (retinitis)
Diagnostic Test:
● Microscopic examination of stool specimens Diagnostic Test:
● Demonstration of ova or proglottids may help ● Microscopic examination of stool specimens
establish the diagnosis. The demonstration of the ● Demonstration of ova or proglottids may help
typical morphology of the scolex can differentiate establish the diagnosis. The demonstration of the
pork tapeworm from beef tapeworm. typical morphology of the scolex can differentiate
● For cysticercosis, demonstration of the cyst in pork tapeworm from beef tapeworm.
tissue, through biopsy or CT scan. ● For cysticercosis, demonstration of the cyst in
tissue, through biopsy or CT scan.
Treatment: Drugs
The drug of choice is praziquantel. Treatment: Drugs
Praziquantel may also be effective for cysticercosis The drug of choice is praziquantel.
but is usually not recommended for ocular and CNS Praziquantel may also be effective for cysticercosis
involvement. but is usually not recommended for ocular and CNS
Alternative drugs include albendazole, involvement.
paromomycin, and quinacrine hydrochloride. Alternative drugs include albendazole,
Anticonvulsants may be given in cases of paromomycin, and quinacrine hydrochloride.
neurocysticercosis. Anticonvulsants may be given in cases of
Surgical removal of the larvae may be necessary neurocysticercosis.
Surgical removal of the larvae may be necessary
- proper waste disposal and sanitary measures. Prevention:
- thorough cooking of pork meat; and - proper waste disposal and sanitary measures.
- the prompt treatment of infected persons to prevent - thorough cooking of pork meat; and
the spread of the parasite - the prompt treatment of infected persons to prevent
the spread of the parasite
● Most patients are asymptomatic during the 1. Asymptomatic infection
early stages of the disease. 2. Early acute
● However, as the cysts enlarge, necrosis of ● Characterized by pruritic papules seen at the
the infected tissues occurs. Involvement of site of entry of the parasite. This is called
the liver may result in obstructive jaundice. “swimmer’s itch” or “clam digger’s itch.” -
● Patients with lung involvement may manifest ● This is followed after 2-3 weeks by fever and
with cough, chest pain, and shortness of chills, abdominal pain, cough, bloody
breath. diarrhea, and weight loss
● Other organs that may be infected include the 3. Associated condition: Infection with S. mansoni or
spleen, kidneys, heart, bone, and central S. japonicum may predispose to repeated
nervous system, including the brain and eyes Salmonella infections
● Cyst rupture may lead to anaphylactic shock
leading to the death of the patient. Diagnostic Test:
● Diagnosis relies on the demonstration of
Diagnostic Test: characteristic eggs in the feces or rectal biopsy
● (1) examination of biopsy specimen; specimen for S. mansoni or S. japonicum
● (2) serologic tests (e.g. ELISA or indirect
hemagglutination test) ; and Treatment: Drugs
● (3) radiography to demonstrate the hydatid cysts ● The recommended drug for all three species is
(e.g. CT scan or ultrasound. praziquantel.
● An alternative drug for S. mansoni is oxamniquine.
Treatment: Drugs ● Anti-malaria drugs such as artemether and
● Surgery: removal of cysts has been considered as artemisinins have also been proven effective.
the treatment of choice.
● Medical management: if the cyst is located in Prevention:
inaccessible areas, drugs proven effective include ● Control transmission through snail control, health
mebendazole, albendazole, and praziquantel. education, and provision of sanitary facilities and
water supply; and
Prevention: ● Control of disease.
- Improvement of personal hygiene practices, ● Chemotherapy using praziquantel is the main thrust of
prevention of contamination of food and water with the Philippine program for schistosomiasis control
dog feces, avoidance of feeding pet dogs with (Department of Health).
contaminated viscera, and the prompt treatment of ● In order to prevent infection, swimming in endemic
infected canines and humans are some measures to areas should be avoided.
prevent the spread of the parasite.
- Chemoprophylaxis should be given to dogs in
endemic areas.
- Health education is essential
Treatment: Drugs
● The recommended drug for all three species is
● Anti-malaria drugs such as artemether and artemisinins
have also been proven effective.
● Control transmission through snail control, health
education, and provision of sanitary facilities and water
supply; and control of disease
● Chemotherapy using praziquantel is the main thrust of the
Philippine program for schistosomiasis control (Department
of Health).
● In order to prevent infection, swimming in endemic areas
should be avoided.
Diagnostic Test:
- Definitive diagnosis is done by demonstrating the
encysted larvae in muscle biopsy specimens.
- Blood examination results include eosinophilia,
leukocytosis, and elevated serum muscle enzyme
levels (lactate
Diagnostic Test:
- Diagnosis is confirmed by demonstration of the
characteristic eggs in stool specimens.
- In high worm burden, larvae, as well as adult worms,
may also be demonstrated in the stool.