(A.Y. 2023-2024)
IV. Course The course deals with the need for traffic operation and management,
Description: the method of traffics control and the application of traffic accident
investigation. It also discusses the specific responsibilities in traffic
operation and management and the background of traffic law
V. Module No. 1
D. Introduction: This module will use formal and informal type of lectures which focus
on the active participation of students during classroom dynamics. It
will also include the perception and observation to augment the
learning of the students with on-the- spot experience of prelim topics.
E. Intended At the end of the activities, the future criminologist shall be able to learn
Learning the following:
Outcome/ILO: 1. To know how to register and renew motor vehicles.
2. To identify the kinds of Driver license and renewal
3. To distinguish traffic lights and other control devices.
4. By familiarizing with the situations and implementing rules by
carrying out the lessons.
5. To be active and pursuing about the Theoretical Driving Course
and function.
1. Private (Not fire hire) These are motor vehicle used for the
personal use of their owners.
2. Public Utility vehicle- (PUV a.k.a. for hire)- These are registered
primarily for the conveyance of passengers and other
commercial goods, i.e., passenger jeepneys, taxi cabs, etc.
3. Government- These are motor vehicle owned by government
offices and are used for official purposes only.
5. Plate Numbers
1. Private or not for hire Mvs- (Green with white background
in series 2014 at present Black symbols on white background
with holograms and Bar code)
E. Drivers Examination.
1. The Written Examination.
a. Non- Professional License- 40 questions
b. Professional License- 60 questions
c. Non- Professional- 30 passing out of 40 questions.
d. Professional- 45 passing out of 60 questions.
Under Republic Act 10930, prospective drivers must first pass the
Theoretical Driving Course (TDC) and Practical Driving Course (PDC)
from an LTO-accredited driving school before they can apply for a
driver’s license.
Traffic Signs, like traffic signals lights and road markings are used to
convey quickly and accurately the wide range of information needed by
a road user, particularly vehicle drivers, and to promote a safe and
efficient use of the road systems.
a. Is to inform the road users of certain laws and regulations.
b. Special obligations, instructions, or prohibitions which they must
comply with and violations of which constitute misdemeanor.
About the terms of DPWH, pavement markings are also called ‘’Road
Markers’’ which means to guide or warn the road users.
On the other hand, in the United Convention on road signs and signals,
markings on road surface are called either ‘’ road surface markings,
‘’carriageway markings’’ or ‘’ road markings’’. (DPWH, 2012, & Article
United Nation Convention on road signs and signals UNCRSS, 1968)
2. Overtaking is extremely dangerous.
3. Stay in lane until you pass the end of the solid lines.
4. Bus and PUJ lane line- this line is an unbroken yellow line
used to separate other vehicles from buses and PUJ’s. This
road markings can be supplemented by raised pavement
markers on concrete pavements. The line is tapered at the
approach to signalized intersection (see figure 48) and is
copied and pasted from DPWH 2012 manual.
B. Driver’s License-
5. The color code for the professional driver’s license must be.
a. Blue
b. Red
c. Green
d. Yellow
23 | P a g e CDI-4 TMAAIWD Legal Provisions and Management (Prelim) (M o d u l e N o . 1 )
Post-test 2. For items number 6-10 based your answers from the
situation below:
If you are the driver Martin Magiting driven the said vehicle, what
should you do after you unintentionally bumped the young Pedestrian.?