Types of Cybercrime
Types of Cybercrime
Types of Cybercrime
2. Illegal interception
Unauthorized interception of any non-public transmission of – same as above
computer data to, from, or within a computer system.
3. Data Interference
Unauthorized alteration, damaging, deletion or deterioration
of computer data, electronic document, or electronic data
message, and including the introduction or transmission of – same as above
viruses.Authorized action can also be covered by this
provision if the action of the person went beyond agreed
scope resulting to damages stated in this provision.
4. System Interference
Unauthorized hindering or interference with the functioning
of a computer or computer network by inputting, transmitting,
damaging, deleting, deteriorating, altering or suppressing
computer data or program, electronic document, or electronic – same as above
data messages, and including the introduction or transmission
of viruses.Authorized action can also be covered by this
provision if the action of the person went beyond agreed
scope resulting to damages stated in this provision.
5. Misuse of devices
The unauthorized use, possession, production, sale,
procurement, importation, distribution, or otherwise making
available, of devices, computer program designed or adapted
for the purpose of committing any of the offenses stated in – same as above except fine should be no more than Five
Republic Act 10175.Unauthorized use of computer password, hundred thousand pesos (P500,000).
access code, or similar data by which the whole or any part of
a computer system is capable of being accessed with intent
that it be used for the purpose of committing any of the
offenses under Republic Act 10175.
6. Cyber-squatting
Acquisition of domain name over the Internet in bad faith to
profit, mislead, destroy reputation, and deprive others from
the registering the same. This includes those existing
trademark at the time of registration; names of persons other
than the registrant; and acquired with intellectual property
interests in it.Those who get domain names of prominent – same as above
brands and individuals which in turn is used to damage their
reputation – can be sued under this provision.Note that
freedom of expression and infringement on trademarks or
names of person are usually treated separately. A party can
exercise freedom of expression without necessarily violating
the trademarks of a brand or names of persons.
8. Computer-related Fraud
– same as aboveProvided, That if no damage has yet been
Unauthorized input, alteration, or deletion of computer data or
caused, the penalty imposed shall be one (1) degree
program or interference in the functioning of a computer
system, causing damage thereby with fraudulent intent.
10. Cybersex
Willful engagement, maintenance, control, or operation,
directly or indirectly, of any lascivious exhibition of sexual
organs or sexual activity, with the aid of a computer system, Prision mayor (imprisonment of six years and 1 day up to
for favor or consideration.There is a discussion on this matter 12 years) or a fine of at least Two hundred thousand
if it involves “couples” or “people in relationship” who engage pesos (P200,000) but not exceeding One million pesos
in cybersex. For as long it is not done for favor or (P1,000,000) or BOTH.
consideration, I don’t think it will be covered. However, if one
party (in a couple or relationship) sues claiming to be forced to
do cybersex, then it can be covered.
11. Child Pornography
Penalty to be imposed shall be one (1) degree higher than
Unlawful or prohibited acts defined and punishable
that provided for in Republic Act 9775, if committed
by Republic Act No. 9775 or the Anti-Child Pornography Act
through a computer system.
of 2009, committed through a computer system.
Although not exactly a cybercrime, I am including this here as For sanctioned actions, Juridical person shall be held
penalties are also imposed by the law. liable for a fine equivalent to at least double the fines
16. Corporate Liability. (Section 9)
When any of the punishable acts herein defined are knowingly
committed on behalf of or for the benefit of a juridical person, imposable in Section 7 up to a maximum of Ten million
by a natural person acting either individually or as part of an pesos (P10,000,000).For neglect such as misuse of
organ of the juridical person, who has a leading position computer resources that resulted to cybercrime
within, based on:(a) a power of representation of the juridical committed in organization physical or virtual premises or
person provided the act committed falls within the scope of resources, juridical person shall be held liable for a fine
such authority;(b) an authority to take decisions on behalf of equivalent to at least double the fines imposable in
the juridical person. Provided, That the act committed falls Section 7 up to a maximum of Five million pesos
within the scope of such authority; or(c) an authority to (P5,000,000).Criminal liability may still apply to the
exercise control within the juridical person,It also includes natural person.
commission of any of the punishable acts made possible due
to the lack of supervision or control.