Annotated-Copy 20of 20mock 20child 20study 20blank 20form
Annotated-Copy 20of 20mock 20child 20study 20blank 20form
Annotated-Copy 20of 20mock 20child 20study 20blank 20form
Virtual Format
Answer the questions in the table for each Mock Case Study you attended as a
Group Members:
Round 1
Reading Specialist: Jessica Lee
School Psychologist: Carmen
Classroom Teacher: Dani Crawford
Parent: Miranda Davis
1. What was the decision reached To continue to RTI one on one and monitor
by your Mock Child Study Team and adjust as needed. The student has made
progress and showing growth with short vowel
regarding this student? Referral identification. She started to read more
for evaluation? Additional RtI? fluently.
More data collection? What
evidence led your team to this
2. What instructional Continue to do short vowel attacks on the
recommendations could you short vowels because she is confusing her e’s
with her i’s still.
make for the Reading Specialist
working with this student?
3. How did your team address the The reading specialist chimed in and asked the
“foil” during the meeting? admin to turn her screen on and then also
asked for her input.
Round 2
Reading Specialist: Miranda Davis
Classroom Teacher: Carmen Wilson
Principal: Jessica Lee
Parent: Danni Nicole Crawford
1. What was the decision reached Continue RTI one and one and adjust when
by your Mock Child Study Team needed. The student is making progress with
her instructional goals.
regarding this student? Referral
for evaluation? Additional RtI?
More data collection? What
evidence led your team to this
2. What instructional Meeting with the student one hour once a
recommendations could you week to continue working on her instructional
goals with long vowels.
make for the Reading Specialist
working with this student?
3. How did your team address the We offered her options to meet in person,
“foil” during the meeting? show her work and recommendations and
made sure that her daughter was in good
hands. Very friendly.
Round 3
Reading Specialist: Danni Crawford
School Psychologist: Miranda Davis
Classroom Teacher: Jessica Lee
Parent: Carmen Wilson
1. What was the decision reached Continue RTI once a week and monitor
by your Mock Child Study Team progress. She is showing growth in long
vowel and long vowel progression.
regarding this student? Referral
for evaluation? Additional RtI?
More data collection? What
evidence led your team to this
2. What instructional The reading specialist and the classroom
recommendations could you teacher will meet to discuss strategies that can
be used in the classroom to help with her
make for the Reading Specialist progress that does not include bribery.
working with this student?
3. How did your team address the Admin had to step in to redirect the teacher-
“foil” during the meeting? Admin rocked. The parent requested a meeting
with Admin to discuss the behavior of the
teacher in the meeting.
Round 4
Reading Specialist: Carmen
Parent: Jessica Lee
Principal: Dani Crawford
Classroom Teacher: Miranda Davis
1. What was the decision reached Continue with RTI once a week and monitor
by your Mock Child Study Team progress. She is showing growth in her
digraphs and will continue to work on the
regarding this student? Referral ch/sh/th/wh digraphs to distinguish the
for evaluation? Additional RtI? difference between the two.
More data collection? What
evidence led your team to this
2. What instructional Provide hands-on activities to help reinforce
recommendations could you the digraphs that she is learning. Articulate
slower when utilizing digraph words.
make for the Reading Specialist
working with this student?
3. How did your team address the Refer to speech therapist to set up a speech
“foil” during the meeting? meeting to see if she qualifies for speech