Titulo Oklahoma
Titulo Oklahoma
Titulo Oklahoma
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lt is hereby certified thar according to the i•ecords of the Oktahoma Tax Commissioii, the pe,:�011 ,wmed hereo11 is ihe �wner of theyehJcle
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above which is subject lo a lien(s) as shown; however, the vehicle may be subjeci lo orher liens or security inrerests.
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S1238903 <IAAI SLD 211177587 SALEDOCG>
(This is nota tille number.)
Stock#: 000-33931331 3637N813H Sale Document (Backl
1 certify to the best of my knowledge that the ODOMETER n 'th�.Yé.i:lide's ·o�dm�te(.ar,djíS1ed below is the ACTUAL
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6,-L....C_..._.L-.....,,....::'------==----=c- Commissfon Expiration:
Notarizatíon required·only of sel/er's signature(s). Affix notary seal/stairlp to }iie' hgb/1 /
Signature of Buyer(s):
Fib erl an d it�fa tal requif!s th at the odo�eter readi�g ;n d 11� accuraé; be disclosed �poÁ e��fy •tra�sf�(6f 6wner�h ip of a motor vehidie Jritess
oÍh E!r»:.ise exempted. Fai l ure ..to C9!]P.l_ete º.f. proviciipg false informati9n mél.y re �u
. l t in fin�
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+t� br;J é nce of an y li$n Pr;gcG�éii�ée;O� t h i: t�h;cle is to be so �6;ed ��é�� i�b:catl� bn t�iB;tl6m of th is paá;
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State ·1aw requires a transfer of ownersh ip to·,te completed with in thirty (30) days ·of acquirihg: ow'l'ierSl'ffp. Failure to do so sübjeds the owner or possessor
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to the ""';pssmPm de!Jiqquent penalties, a. s provided by law.
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f1we h�reb; as;i�� and �arrant o the v��í�;� 8:sc�b:d6h Í�ifcertificate to th� idÚowi�� '. iJb] eci Ó�iy to the liens
9r encumbrance5.,_if any, prope(ly certificate.
:. PLAéEÜkLAHOMA .. :•·•· \
MütoA v��ic& �Áx/·· urchaser(s) Né:lme (Type or Pri .
\,tAMf.ME�� f ,·'·
urchaser(s) Complete Addr,
l•é�itity.tb tb�t�st bfir); kpowledge that thfó Q READING reflected on th e ve�Í6ié's odÓ;�;:; ánd ;:iteg bel ów is the ACTUAL M l ��A�Éof
. th9 véf)iSlf YNL!EqS 0:(:lépf-the accompanyihg stat nts is checked: · ·· ·· ··. · ·· · · ·
·· ·· ·· . .· · ·. ·
Subscribed and Sworn t?.;i�efore me this_�_______ Day of ___ ,_,..,...:,:�----,29 __ --. ftttix
Notary Seal/Stamp
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lcirtify lP the best of /r\y kriowtedge th at th{ODOMETER READING reflected6n .
1c.le's odometer and listed beioW i� th... e. . A<::JUA!'.: MILEAGf;: of
theVehiéle UNLESS orii=) ofthe 9ccompany\ng statements is ch ecked: . . . · .·
. ·. . . . . .
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;NOTg�THS) B . . ..
Odometer Discrepancy
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. ... SigpaJuffóf.Buy'�f(S):- .Printed Name óf Bgyer(st � -• •• .,_ -------------��
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s h : · ilecté d of füis certificate wil lúarry forwarq
LIENHOLDER NAME:_=--,-.--=,_,...-.....,..,,,---,-,-,....,......------------- �
--- DATE O.F LIE;N: ________ _
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