Shadowing and Surveillance

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The document discusses various surveillance techniques that can be used by both law enforcement and private citizens, such as tailing, stakeouts, and electronic surveillance.

Techniques discussed include tailing on foot or by vehicle, stakeouts, photographic and electronic surveillance.

Examples given include a man staking out his own home to catch his wife's suspected infidelity and a store owner catching an employee stealing merchandise.



A Complete Guidebook
by Burt Rapp


1986 by Loompanics Unlimited All Rights Reserved Printed in the USA

Publlrhed by: Loompanics Unlimited PO Box 1197 Port Townsend, WA 98368

ISBN: 0-915179-33-4 Llbrary ol Gongrers Card Catalog Number 85-082012


lntroduction Fact and Fiction

...... '1 '''5 Police Techniques of .."'8 Surveillance What Can the Private Citizen Do? .. " '15 ' ' '19 Tailing on Foot " "29 Automobile Tailing Automobile Surveillance, Part 2.." ' ' ' '40 """51 Eluding a Tail.... Decoys, Disguise and ..""65 Dec6ption. "'69 Physical Search Stakeouts: Observation Posts and .""78 Fixed Surveillance '101 Photographic Surveillance . ""'119 Electronic Surveillance


and shadowing aren't techniques police profession. Private citizens have r"itii.tlO to the need for them, too: A man suspects his wife is cheating on him. go to work iaily, which gives her the opPortunity'.To Ionfirm his suspicion, he places a.microphone leading to a voice-operated tape recorder in the bedroom' he checki the tape. Over several weeks, ii.n "u"ning, male acquaintance of hers comes every he finds thaia Thursdav, which is when the infidelity occurs' He doesn't iino* the name, or recognize the voice, so he itring"t to take a Thursday ofl from work without telling his wife. Borrowing the van of a fiiend who is unknown to his wife, he par-ks it down the street and stakes out his own

consoicuous, and watches his stieet carefully. sees'a car pull up in front of his house, he observes it ihroueh 6inocrilats and writes down the license numb"er, in case he should need this information later. He gets a good look at the man who enters his house, but"doesnYt tecognize him. When the man leaves,

noui". ife parks far enough away .lo! lo be When he

rndividuar waits for him to leave the store on an errand, then slips o-ut the back door *iitr ror" merchandise to his car parked in the alley.
ernploy.ees that he'll bi gone for several hours, he reaves the store.. He walks around the block to the mouth of the alley, and takes up a position wheie he can't be seen by passers-by on-th"-;;;;i;'uut'-*ii.r, permits him to wat'ch the batk-door of Lirii"i".nJir," employee's parking lot. After an hour's wait he sees one of his emptoyees box, f9t" out thewhich he puts in the tiurit of hrs car. Going back store, he'calls tt e e.ploy"" into the office and confronts 6im. _W9'll interrupt the.sto_ry at this point, because the

three hours later, the husband foilows his car, being careful not to be spotted, and in thii *iy Jii.ou"o where the guy lives. We'll leave our-hypothetical husband now. What he does with the infoiination ii his own busin"iilou.. main interest is how he got it. Let's examine another need: A store owner becomes aware that one of his g_Tplgy"gs is. rippins him off. He tn"oiires'inii tnis

All of these incidents have something in common: The intelligent use of surveillance, shadowing, .and

counter-inielligence techniques without the need for elaborate, sophisticated, and expensive equipment.

This book will deal with practical, everyday techniques of shadowing and surveillance,

concenirating on methods within reach of the average

Many such books concentrate on elaborate and expensive electronic equipment, which is plainly out 'reach of anyone wh6 lias to live on a budget. This of

He decides gn...a. plan. One d^y, telling


story. Suspicion confirmedt

emptoyer has several choices, and exploring them would take us beyond .the .scope "i ir,-ir".'h.j"r, although we'll get into theft taiei;;;n' ;;Jk. Let's take another example: An employee suspects a feilow worker of beins company spy-. lt's jus.t a suspicion, but he *inir-the to cnecK rt out. He decides to teil his suspect a storv that will reflea h:4tv on anothe, rne ooss will have to act. Later in the day, """ri,rii.r, ".fty"J, he hears n y s ra p ev i n e t h.i'i ll:.Jgl. ll,: _*.T.0. conrrontation between the boss and the subjea or inir ^ir,v

makes such bboks next to useless for most people. lnstead, this book will concentrate on simple, practical, and eaiily applicable techniques. While there will be some discussion of exotic hardware, this will be to show that often the utility does not iustify the expense, and the equipment is over-sold. tn the author's experience, many of the new gadgets, exotic or not, simily don't live up to expectations. Thev're almost n6vlr cost-effective, whatever the pricL, and most are priced out of the reach of the majority of people. The emphasis will be on tactics rather than hardware. We'll etpiote both overt and covert surveillance, with only brilf aftention to the first,- because it's not very complex or interesting. The emphasis will be on covert surviillance, because in some ways this is the more useful technique and the dne most likely to produce dramatic results. electronic observation' noie the techniques and surveillance, "bugging," and tactics of each. Well look at various technical aids, with the emphasis on simple and inexpensive means within the reach of Joe Citizen. As foe Citizen doesn't have the resources of an investigative agency behind him, and often can't even

We'll explore physical -

ihadowing, and

surveillance, which


i;'; J.


without it, and the lucky individuar may be iui" iJiina an ally. Most of the techniques and tactics that follow have had the aura of deef secrets shared onlv ir"n* it privileged few who staff our porice .nJ -prTuit" " investigative agencies. rn fact, ttre techniquis are simple enough for a high-school student to unclerstand, and this leads to a suspicion that most of the-secrecy has been to con.eai ho* rittre-'ir,"r" professionals really know. While the techniques are basically simple, putting tl',pr into practice requires some deiicati5" IriJi'rrri. While simple in concept, as is riding a bicycle, it's something thit requires concentration and practice to learn.

count on the hqlp of a sympathetic friend, most of what follows will- be geaied toward the one-rn.n operation. There will be some discussion of team tactics, because this book would be incompiete


Many of us pick up what we know about surveillance from the movies, ielevision, and detective novels' Unfortunately, few of the novels and screenplays are written by pbllcemen and professional investigators, and the siriptwriters who crink them out usually don't bother to iheck their facts. They're more concerned with dramatic impact, and attraciing a.large audience, and this shows iri the conspicuous lack of accuracy in their work. It's easy to note some of the more obvious errors, such as i reference to a safety on a revolver, ot a sitencer that fits on a revolver barrel and lets out only a "poof' when the gun discharges. Less obvious are the errors'in regard to techniques of surveillance and shadowinS.We see the hero, often in a trench coat, following tte suspect for a few yards, then a gunfight erupti and the-story takes another directioi. A fictionat iurveillance has the hero ducking into doorways and looking around furtively, but the real-life version is much more banal. One of the few exceptions was the film The French Connection. "Popeye"'Doyle, the narcotics detective,

tailed his.suspect through the streets of New york into a subwav sta_tion, Iinaily rosinj hir L"" and tt," suspect "made" it iiiL it;J r"!u"n.e would make

by 11"",:y:1"!t subway made fiirn ooarotng a -filarry train, entering just as the Joors closed. Anvone seling ttrit-t"tr"nce wirr rearize the difficulties'inherent in. using a one-man tair with a subjea.who suspeas thii tE riir'io" i.ri"*"ii"a regularly takes precautions to Jil.ou"r' the tail. "Tails" sometimes fail, and this film showed one that did, and why and how'ii f,ipp"""A. rl,.ii-r;;i;;.

We saw pooeye follow the suspect through the crowds in the itriets-of to keep ,l :!gft yet stayin g tar Mrnniit.n, trying as not tohim so be conspicuous. popeye at "n"ugf,-iway one foint bi"l; ni, piJri[ uv taking off. his. hai and .o.t. Aitr"'*., arone, and courd not drop back tolet a new r.." 6t"ti"'iii"lilrl', -;nd -ait.iili-'[i,i

3,?.?t,,,ilii'll ,.tlgiry !,l"ui"


i, 'ho;;;-


;';;i"", virdi jlJS;.lii,i,i.,onT.",'nT,'T:,JJ#J:i,.*H1l fi 3ifi 3i1tr

.large many days is not as. easy as it seems, euen-thou;h lo, ,h" subject is large and ,taiionary.-., ln reality, it's sometimes easier to tail a person for a thousand miles for a thorsina If i,

A film which sh.owed some of the problems of a stake-out with rearism .is c"rTriit on'ciiriy-sti""t. Keeping

j,.in #" in"*,', ;"j -;.; b;";ry uncomfortabre. There isn't mucnlhi"J"r "pivri..r danger, but at times . firtf6i,il] snootout would be welcome to break up the t""di;.
take place in
warehous" und"r, oUr"*.iiJn

fi 3"[",,,?:i,, :I :: i'Jk ": ;Til:, H -r,irr, sweet. Anyone embarks upon a siaLe_ori -who pr.epare. himserf to.struggr" to i.y .*.[".-n iiii'..n



::n* :

until they arrive at their destination. ln the city streets, the task is much more demanding. Another film which was very realistic was Death Wish, in which a middle-class man turned vigilante to avenge the death of his wife and the rape of his daughter. This film did not concentrate on non-stop action, but instead showed the practical difficulties faced by a man who has to go to work every day, and find thetime to set himself up as a decoy during his offhours. While the film had to compress the time scale, we nevertheless got the impression that he spent many hours walking through dangerous areas, waiting for a mugter to strike. We often see the fictional hero as a master of disguise, changing his appearance radically to help him in his task. The Sherlock Holmes stories and films are good examples. tn reality, disguise is very limited, and usually for the purpose of "breaking the profile" rather than radically changing appearance. Another gimmick that has no place in real life is the mechanical license-plate bracket, as shown on James Bond's Aston-Martin, which flips up at the touch of a button to be replaced by one with a different number. lf the subject sees an Aston-Martin sticking close to him in his rear-view mirror, he's not likely to be fooled by a change of license plate number. Such a car is as conspicuous on the street aS a clown suit at a funeral. With some of the fiaional versions out of the way, let's turn to how it is in real life.

the knowledge that his subiect will be within




drivers license records and motor vehicle registrations are all open to them. The police can also obtain a warrant to use a wiretap. Formeily, wiretaps were in more common use, as far as publicly'disclosdd information shows, but it's now a Federaicrime to install a wiretap without a court order, and supposedly their use has declined, if we can betieve'the staiistics that law enforcement agencies release infrequently. What is clear is that it's necessary to have a court

order to use wiretap information as evidence-

"snitch,". or other investigation. Serving j seii.t, warrant, however, brings th-e investigatio; out ln-if," open, and is not a surreptitious actiiity The. police also have access to public and private records, although -it -may be necessary to get i court order for some of them. Bank and hospitll records,

decisions. ,^,9n: such power is a search warrant, although today it's not as easy to obtain one as formerly. There-must b6 an affidavit,. supported by probable ciuse, which can be the result of direct observation, information from a

unotticaat powers. ln conducting interrogations of for example,. the pofce office"r,s Uiag; enables him to get a degree'of cooperation-from citizens that, say, a journalist would n6t. ln the case of recalcitrant witnesses, the police have official powers that a private.investigitor foulJ"niy, a.lthough the police themselves coistantty comotafn their. powers are being eroded by capriiious court

_.The.police have-powers that ordinary citizens lack. First,,they have theii status as raw enforc6ment;flic;rs, which .is. important because it gives them certain

otherwise, it's "tainted," and not admissible. There's no way to know how many p.olice. wiretaps are in Dlace, with or without a court order. The police ..n, tiv flaihing a badge, get the cooperation of telephone company employees, apartment managers, and'others who can help them install a wiretap or give them access to a place where they can. Granted that a wiretap without a court order is illegal, but who's going toarrest the police? When they feei tlre need, tliey install a wiretap, secure in- the -they're almost immune from knowledge that
prosecution. Even without a court order, a wiretap is useful for developing information, or "" An intercepted conversati6n can provide the police with a fact that can oDen up a fruitfui avenue in an investigation, and the r&ulting evidence can rirake it unnecessary. to introduEe the wiretapped conversation in court. Thus, manv wiretaps can be'useful even if it's clear from the start they will be inadmissable. Another advantage the police have is an- unequalled capacity to develop informants and informers. An "informant" is someone, not necessarily a criminal but oerhaos a simple witness to a crime, who provides information to the police willingly, without coercion or

reward. An "informer" is either in the pav of the police, or is a criminal working out a ,,diaF;in *t,i.t he supplies information in "return for- not being prosecuted.
. ryit! the paid informer, the police usually have a stush tund from which they get the money to buy information. This fund, a tecleione budiet"Z,-d"r. title such as "contingency fund,,, is m"ore ifrin tn" private citizen can afford

they're often criminals themselves, they have no. qlalmi about concocting ,;iniorrn.iion,, they can sell. is why criminal iivestigators feel uneasy. with paid informers, because they",ve found through hard experience that what they,re buying is often garbage. ,,twist', on their informers. A .. Tlt")f prefer to have a "twast" is a means of coercion. A criminal who is caught often has the choice of .,cooperating,, with the police or facing a . trial and 'heiuy ","ni"n.". "Cooperating" can get him a reduction ev.en co.mplete immunity. Much depends on *h"n it "ir"nt"n.i o, criminal decides to cooperate. lf he'caves in $fo;; ihe " police make out the ariest paperwork,-h;;; ;;j. . deal in which he, gets. off corirpretery. ir rtl;i .i*"ai been arrested and irraigned, any aeiiaep.nd; h-;;;ili on how far the prosecuior is.inciineo t" ib"p"i.l". n" may agree to drop the charges, or to ask the iudee for a reduced senrence. tf he,s-a dedicat"O ..i!"iil'ina for re-election, he may want to prosecute to l,unni,nq. tullest, whatever the potential value of the !h9 information the defendant milht provide t"iL" potice. . This- is often a point of contention between ciiminar anvestatators and public prosecutors. The investieator is usually quite willing.tb ret a smail offendei i"-in order. to.get the big fish. The prosecutor, unless"he,s very intelligent andunderstanding, is typically ili

problem with paid informers: bad . There's a As rntormation.


orosecutinc the people he has in hand, and is unlikely more [o--i.."pt the'deierred gratification of afuture' in the i;r;r;rii defendant at so-me time control over i;[;it; ih"-ptot".rtor has no. day-to-day a criminal investigation, and no influence on the outcome except 5y acceding to the wishes of the i"""tti'itoi *tio keeps all thJcards in his hands. This i;;'i-tiah incentive to cooperate, and is one source of organ izational ineff iciencY. ih" inu"ttigator, on the other hand, is likely-to feel frustrated by-an uncooperative prosecutor. Being a he's naturally suspicious, and reluctant to ""t;i",.,...n, ul"ld anv controlwhatsoever to the prosecutor. lt otten ';;-rl"'r.t.rt.t the investigator wiil withhold as much "leaks"' i"f;;;;ii;n .i h" can, feirful of who are Experience a the more people his-shown that the grbater the chance of a leak. .onfla"ntial matter, There are other means of coercion available to the ooii.", methods which would be illegal if a private of at [ii;;; ;*d them. lt's worth a look to ihe.meaningthis E;liiy;;nO itt practical application, understand fully. Cjfferinc money for information is bribery. A citizen who offeis a briSe to a public official or to another ;iii;"; i;t an itl"g.t purpose is committing a crime' lf the police do it to i criminal, it's legal. obtaining compliance by threats is extortion. lf the oolii"16r"it"n a'criminal witn prosecution unless he i'aoop"tates," it doesn't create any waves' Another means of gaining cooperation. from inioi,n"ri involves drugs. X4any individirals involved in if," Jrrg traffic are add-icts theinselves, and a detective ;;","it irig" ih" case willsupply his informer with drugs, 'r6turn for information' The for his ,is" ot to sell, in illegal dlugs for. evidence, poti." normally confiscate [ut to."times'hold back a part of the use in piil"S informers. ln some instances, as when they


catch a small dealer, and decide to ,,work,, him to gain information, there ;ili;"-;;13r", and no paperwork, ena.bling the police t, t*pihi supply for later "ntir" This is the same method the illegal or unregisr"i"Jir"llrilr"police use to obtain have been instances of "atibi gunrtur"Jtii#;;ii.",o justify a mistaken

#Fj: ;rl;ii*h#? l'h :: *l'ffiT:l ffil*1'ni;i;i"It,i'" ;;;;i fll ,r,;

to *J. il"t"lri ?##iiil;it

i iff ?: I 3 ; I r^ officer who catche.s- a rni.ri 'tirrinar on "Tweapons a jr,l*r:


:i&::#'."#,i.tTi,::ff Jfi B:Jt;?:in"".f,l practice among police admii'istrators ,,poor mouth,, . .iiair]"".ii,r,ng to crythey,re that
HBLi' .'n3,

a",- r"

['"4i6ltritllir;Txr#n'.{;,rjj*lli{#ii manpower to do a fuli-scale surveillance.

of detecti""t

tt ii"iask, dependingtncan its


the police are clun n s us pected murder found r,imreii-un-Jii .7.i1, i1rl5:Ul[';:,i ii_i.r; oy the police' The pt.i"ldiilJr"'l-.rsigned to the case
^_Oftentimes, o n e in sta.n ce, a m.a

;;;;t#." I



T_hey can, for example, assign rotating teams to do 24-hour-a-day surveillance on- a subject. These teams are equipped with cars and radios. Often, the police atency has a stock of unmarked cars, seized and confiscated, to use for surveillance. lf the surveillance team needs binoculars, they need only.dr-aw them from the supply room. lf they need a low-light scope, chances are the department has some in stock, or can borrow one from another agency. The devices a private citizen must go out of his way io get are commonly available to a police agensy. lf there's a need for photographic surveillance, the police have not only the cameras and the film, but trained specialists to do the actual photography if the detectives working the case can't do it themielves. lf a detective takes some photographs, he never needs to go inside a darkroom, and he can have the photographs processed on a rush basis, even at night in some agencies. Of course, he doesn't pay for this-from his own pocket. The police can man a wiretap on the same 24-houra-day- basis, and sometimes still do, despite the availability of automatic recording equipment which reduces the need for manpower. The police have file systems to keep track of suspects and of people even tangentially- connected'with

?:nT:H',X'f,;f .1i.*.1*t;n:tr11,,

for many the potice are ,grfiJ.- ilr'i;;i decades to say that methods are ottJn-';;;;'";L: qurte true, as their stupidiiv.,ii-in""rri9i"n.yii'',-."ili",ifr

It's been fashionable

"iJ:i[11tfr"jj H*:1"',:g:'Ti n ani' ;;;il;il"q s"i}," t;;;;", o tw Bi#.;; " h i r,;' a l ;i t ili: Tii:,: *:,"# ;i'

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c.omputers into which local agencies can tap to aid their investigations. The Depariment of Justic6 has the National Crime lnformation Computer, available to all agencies wired in to it. To aid in undercover work, the police can call on the cooperation of other, non-police agencies, to provide false documentation for their agents. Private citizens have no such resources. Some industries have organized their own proprietary information services. The insurance industry, for

investigations. State pol[ce organizations


example, has been victimized

by con

iil:l"i:lH,'.8!iii,'i1'I.ii,o,l;I:ffi1:"ii computer, to find out if the craimant t.r ,ia" ,-.r.i, before. Thus we see that the police have powers beyond the reach of Joe Citizen: We see that private "lr; .organizations, by_employing huge .it"ffr';;; E;;;"g very expensive equipment, ian Fuild ,".oia_t";i;"t facilities that aid ihem gt".tiy i^ iii"ir;;;;,l}l;i:;r. What, then, can the average citizen do? A iorking mal doesn't have the lavish -expense account or sophisticated equipment ihur"'oiri.i.l-i"Jr"riofficial agencies. tri. the idi ;h.pier, we,ll take "r a look at a.dvantages that the privaiS citizen h;;;;;;;h" 1.he - Y' rr police, if he's astute enough to use them.-- Sources



The ordinary citizen lacks the resources of the police and other agehcies. He usually has to-work a job,.and can onty d-o surveillance in his off-hours, such as eveningi, weekends, and vacations. He also must. pay all of his expenses out of his own pocket, lacking

No Second place Winner, privately printed, copyright 1965, pp. !V_i llm ordan, 15-17.

taxpayers' d6llars to foot the bill. This limits his methods and schedules. The picture is not entirely discouraging, because the privati citizen has open to-him certain advantages that
agencies lack: Familiarlty

territory is an asset. The private citizen often knows his neighbilrhood and workplace much better than any outiider, even a police officer. He knows where every window and dooi is, who lives where, who is home and at what times, which is useful background information for planning a surveillance.

ln surveillance and stake-outs, familiarity with the


Special Knowledge

judgements because the-caseloia i, pr"rii"g private citizen can pursue the matt6, Lii

Often, he has more knowledge of his subiect than flf nolice. investigator coura. ihe r"ui"a -rir., u" . teuow worker, arl..epplgyee, or a relative. rhe 6rivite citizen has a "teel" foi th6 subject aeniea io;;i;;;r. This comes about throuFh' bd-i;;-r.,,,iii.;"i,v, denied to an investigaror. Tf,e profirri"nil eil'i;."a gets out, because hC has a caseload to *oit,-"oi iurt one individual. He can't take the ti-" t"-u"i"irili.,a every facet of the case, and often must ,.i" in.p

While loe Citizen doesn't have quite the coercive Dower of the police, as he can't put a "twist" on so.eone he wants as an accomplice or informer, the high quality of the help more than makes up for lack of q,i.ntlty. He gets willing h.elpers, not--sullen qnd r'esentful ones as do the-police when they develop

The Law
Both the police and the private citizen are subject to the same laws governing illegal entry, wiretapping, invasion of privacy, etc., but the citizen has more





opportunity. At least, he won,t arouie suspiciJn Uy ni, presence.

Enlisting Willing Help

him to do a surreptitiour

Also in certain instances, the private citizen norr.ily has access to the place he need!-io This enabres

- ln certain cases, the private citizen rives in the same home, as in the case of an -unfaithfujil;;-L" doesn't need a search *.rrint to ;6;;,;inJii"iiir"r, as the police do, or a court order i; p[;i ; -d;;:
"nt"r. ,".iil,, li'n""!"il;ir"

tatitude. His' actions are not subjea to the same scrutiny as police investigations, and he does not have to file i refort on everyihing he does. This frees him from the rieed to falsify official documents, as some police officers do to cover up illegal aspects of an
investigation. The police run their surveillance with the-p.urpose of buildirig towards a prosecution. Unde.r thg "discovery" rule, th6y must, in i criminal case, make their evidence availableto the defense, and in any event, it comes out in court. Any illegally obtained evidence is subject to "exclusion,"'whi-h means the police must be very circumspect about what they do, or at least be able to cook ui another explanation for the evidence they obtaineh by illegal means, in order for the case to stand up in couri. Often, they -must.periure themselves to appear to be on the straight and narrow, covering up a lead obtained illegally. The citizen usually does not aim towards a climax in court. lnformal evidence is enough for his purposes, and he does not have the court watchdog peering over his shoulder. While he can still run into bad luck, and be caught and prosecuted if he does something illegal,

The private _ citizen can atso enlist the informal cooperation of others, in instances where r," n., ir," l:i:j5",_ !or. 91ample, an "rplly", worried about rnen or rndustrial espionage can eniist an employee to spy {gt him, or out of com-pany bt;ity.l;r&,ili,*i.,, possib.le to enlist aid out or,y.p*ht; .; i;,i;" ..rl'"r surveillance of a spouse. Fri6ndi *iir'ror"tir"i r,irp.

and he must be watchful. Uniortunaiely, if !'"t, caught, he can be prosecuted. Joe Citizen can do a lot. Everything depends on how well he uses the advantages-h'e has.

he's under no obligation to prepare for a pres.entation, and, consequentry' his onri courtroom io"."i"- i, the normat course of aff;ir;. riuiei.rv ano certarn other surveillance techniqugs are illESaL -n"



This is the most demanding form of surveillance. lt's more an art than a science, because it depends on skill, not on equipment. lt's hard to follow a subject for many hours without arousing his suspicion. The subject may also board a bus, train, or aircraft, which will place a severe demand on the resourcefulness of the tailer. Preparations

There are several essential steps to take before starting on any tailing. The first step is to have a clear idea of the type of tail. A loose tail is following from a distance, with the emphasis on remaining unseen. There's the risk of losing the subject, but the priority is that he remains unaware of the tail. A close tail runs the risk of detection and is used when it is essential not to lose the subject. A rough tail is one without any precautions against detection. The subject may be aware that you're in the area, and may even be cooperative, as in the case of an undercover agent followed by backup observers.

Practical planning includes the following: . (1) lt's. essential to know the geography of the area thoroughly. .This. is easier to say"tha"n i5 io. e'i.Ir'..n start in one locale and finish in anothet, *othir city across the country. "u"n map. lt means knowing bus depots, restaurants, iirlTne terminals, the subway system if there is one, ind'irso n::|-1dpq, o1, danger. ipots, where tt,"-rl-U;".t' rose the tair. These include hotels. and other 6uildings with more than. one exit through itr"luui".t may duck while his tair is outsideiwaitinj roi t-i.-t6'reemerte. A . personal _ reconnaissance of the area before startint the tail is essential, in ordet to r"l".t uinlig" points for observation. lt's often necessary to stay Dut while the indoors, and lurking i;r ia"Jr*"y

Knowing the area involves more than studying




addresses of hii relatives and friendi,-l,li"ni6itr, hangours, and other information whiihiin rueg"lihi, whereabouts at a certain time. This is impoit-anili..r" of. loss of contact, as it may be possiSle i"'J"A-u." wlrere he's going, to pick him up again there. AnJ of course, everv member of the team ihould know what the subjea looks like. Physical preparations include having the right _,1^31 . . clothing to fit in.with the locale. A shadoweiin a thrEe-

is (2) Kno*ing everything possible about the subiect is rmportant. Among the facts needed are the names and

for lack of ptinning


radios, if available.l (7) A backup system will help, if available. This can be additional shadowers following in a car some distance to the rear. These can relieve the tailers periodically, both to give them rest and minimize the chances 6f detection. The Technigues and Tactics

other public transport. A supply of coins helps if it's necessary to make a call from a pay phone. (5) lt there's more than one shadower, they should plan the tail in advance, to decide such queitions as who follows whom if the subject makes contact with another person. Designating a team leader is vital, because there may be a need to make an impromptu decision, such as breaking off the tail if there's ioo great a risk of detection. . (6) Deciding on a means of communication will help during the operation. This may be hand signals or

of Tailing


shadow another should have a commonplace appearance, and not stand out in a crowd because of height, weight, or any conspicuous physical characteristics. He should also dress inconspici6usly, avoiding bright colors, among other things.

Physical appearance plays a role. Anyone who plans

neighborhood. tt's also vital to plan for i.l,a,ic;'of profile, a primitive but effective aisgrf; to 'neanrof recosnition if the subject watches behind

suit will stand out in a working-il.r,

this stage, bqt don't look away suddenly. Following from across the street helps to avoid thii problem.

. Avoiding eye contact with ihe subject is important at Boarding pqblic transport imposes a severe problem


. (4) Having money and credit cards on hand is important, in case the subject takes a taxi, iirplani or.

for the lone shadower. lf the subject's taking-a bus or train just to get where he's going, it's not too bad. lf you s-ee him waiting for a bus, you may choose to board ahead of him, to avoid givin! the imiression that you're behind him. Taking a seat at the rear will keep

you out- of his sight. This is a situation where having money for the exact fare is helpful. A common trick to detect or ditch surveillance is for the subject !o board a bus, wait near the door, and a! th9 last second, leaving any tailstranded on board. lf this happens, the only ttingto do is to go to the next stop, and wait for the next bus or train. The su.bjeg may. be on board. Scrambling to get off along with the subject will blow the tail. This, . Entering a building with several exits.yo, too, can be innocent, or a tactic to ditch you. lf i.n find a place from which to cover all ihe exits, you mighi choose to stay outside. lf not, following trim in is yiur only choice. This situation places you in a dilemma. The subiect Tay q-ntel, then turn around and go back out immediately, to see who follows him oit. .The building may be a hotel, store, or restaurant. lf it's necessary to enter, watch for what the subiect does. lf it's a restaurant and he orders a meil, order somethint that you can have served more quickly, and leave before he does, breaking your proiile ouiside before. picking him up again. Yoir do run the risk of losing him, if you can't watch allthe exits. This is where having a team is very helpful. The ability to cover allthe exits can ensure success without risk. Elevators. We've already taken a quick look at this one, but there's an addiiional poini to note. lf you \noy enough about_ the subject, you may know'his destination. He may have an 6ffice'on a cirtain floor, or his stockbroker or doctor may be there. Unless vou k1,ow this, you migh.t wanj to board with him, getiing off on the same floor but going in the ofposit6 direction and entering anothel offlce. This is where a slight ability to fake people out is useful. Upon entering the other office, y6u cin ask for

someone, making up a name. The receptionist will tell you there's nobody there by that name, you'll excuse yourself politely and leave, perhaps in time to see ivhere your subject goes. Use the time in the office to break your profile, taking off a hat or coat. lf it's an apartment house, ringing a bell and pretending to be a salesman will consume a few seconds. Changing pace. The subject may speed up and slow down alternately, to see who keeps pace with him. The worst thing to do is to match his pace. Cross the street and try to keep an eye on him from there. A team can bracket him, defeating this tactic. A variant on this theme is that the subject may start running quickly. This makes it impossible for the lone shadowerto follow without detection. A back-up team with a car can easily cope with this, though. Confrontation. lt occasionally happens that the subject will turn and accuse his shadower. This won't happen if he doesn't detect you. lf it does happen, all yoi.r-can do is deny it, and break off the tail. lf you have a team, another member can take up the tail. The convoy. This is the subject's own loose tail, a confederate who follows him to see if there are any additonal shadowers. This puts the lone shadower at a severe disadvantage, lt's necessary to remain very alert to detect a convoy. The proper response is to shadow the convoy instead

of the subject. However, the subject may have an arrangement with his convoy to break in different

directions at some point, which makes the possibility of losing the subject very great. Making a contact. This puts the trailer in a dilemma if he's alone. He might want to know who the contact is, but he can't follow them both when they split. lt's important to set priorities in advance. This is where a team is helpful. A compromise solution is to take a

photograph of the two, if it's possible to do so without being noticed. Sometimes a subjea will drop a piece of paper to see if anyone picks it up. A lone shadower mustn't fall for this tactic. The rear man of a team can retrieve that paper without being seen. Taking a route down an empty street or across an uncrowded open area is a common tactic to check for a tail. This is a difficult situation, because it means far back that you might lose sight of the subject. The subject may remain concealed at the other side, to see if anyone follows him across. On-e- way to handle this is to go around the area, if possible. Taking a parallel streetbr a route around the gpen.field may. let you close in with the subject and keep t intin will probably be necessary to run, though. This is where a back-up team with a car can

ambush. Having a team helps here, too. Some forewarning is possible, if you know that your subjea has a history of violence.

unavoidable risk, as sometimes it's necessary to follow a subject closely enough to open yourseli up to an

doorway and ambush

cope. Ambush. Some subjects will stop around a corner or

shadower. This



Team Tailing

This is by lar the better method if you have the manpower. This enables someone else to take over to avoid the risk that the subject will notice the same person behind him all the time. Usually, the team operates in a loose formation. A two-person team will use the A and B formation . " A"
24 25


stays farther kegping ':1" th sight but out of silht of the subject. Periodically, they rotate. Another A and B formation is to work opposite sides of the street, with "8" on the opposite sidU and a little ahead or behind. See Figure 1.The formations must be loose and flexible, to enable the members to ch.ange places smoothly if the subject stops or changes direction. three-person team offers more advantages. There's one more relief to minimize the chancei of detection. This team also walks in formation, with ,,A,, closest to the subject, "B" across the street; and ,,C,, further behind "A." Jhey will have rehearsed ways to kggp close to the subject and rotate places regufarly, without becoming conspicuous. lf the subject changes direction, ,,A,, crosses the street and takes the place occupied by,,B.',,,C,, closes in, and "8" takes "9t"t place. See Figure 2. The point is to enable a smooth transition, witEout any member having either to stop or break into a run. A female member of the team helps immeasurably, as.this is a very effective method'of avoiJine-itie subject's becoming aware of a tail. lf the subject makes several turns around cornersto see if .anyone's following, a team that can change formations will avoid belng spotted. n team;s -alio more useful if there's- a._convoy. The lead person, ,.A,. can concentrate on following the subjea, while ,,d,, can look out for the convoyl A team's also incomparably superior in case of a confrontation or an ambush. in a'confrontatoi,ii|,, can simply break off, leavin g ,,8,' and ,,C,' to follow, and in an ambush, iaving the additional fighting power can save "A" from serious injury.

:tay! behind be.h.ind,

the_ s-ubject,

while ..8,'




Radio contact gives.additional flexibility, as one or more members can walk on parallet st eeisibiitiv'J"ry far back so as to be utterty



Following by even greater flexibility, and we'll cover this in th-e next cha;rter:Sources
1.. lnexpensive radios-are very helpful. One such is the "Easy.Talker," availabre by miit ori"r i" sporting .and survivalist.riragazines. n moie po*"ir"r "no-.-o""iiir"i walkie-talkie is the Radio sf,ack inc-zlz, a five-watt, forty-channel pocket set with option.fhii.,J earpnone, which are.important. Holding the radio up to talk or listen can be'conspicu"rr. ii;i pril" i,





Surveillance by automobile is more difficult for the lone operator than foot tailing. The action happens faster, and there are more opportunites for losing the subject because the shadower must both pay attention to his driving and the demands of keeping close contad. Preparation

or break it. Knowing all you can find out about your subjea and the area is important. The make and license number of his car will be necessary. His driving habits and ability will make a difference. tf, for example, your subject takes short trips to the same places at sedate speeds every day, your job will be easier than if he's a fast, erratic, and unpredictable driver who never visits the same place twice.
You should be a good driver, equipped with a good car. This doesn't mean a car suited for high-speed chases, because if your subject detects you and tries to flee, you've failed at half the job. Rather, your car

As in foot tailing, adequate preparation can make it


* f'

-.ri, numbers untraceable to you, if your subject ,,mtes,, the car.z This isn't necesiariiy s:o, b";;;l;-ir,e'ri^tar -.irJr,r" will have your name and addreii, usually.required to provide this infoirnation ;;i;;"* your drivers license. tt's, possibre to- fak"- it ii,' uv appropriate falsification of 'documents, bui tn"n it,[l also be necessary to set up a cover ideirtitv-to o-o"n . bank account to get . .r", ."a init'.."v"d""i"" much trouble. , ArJg,fr"r , suggestion has been to use special heacllightg for night driving. These "blackout liehir,, are.shielded, so they don't-prolect . u"ir-i"r*.?i to theside, and onrf iiluminiteihe road in rroni tn" ", fhe problem with these is instalting it "r .., 531r] "; ;n . l.h1t.r not yours. The same goes for siitches to iurn trthts on and off, to mask the appearance of the car at night.
the Stlnouqf b.e3T !h"y p.roject downwards suddenly becomes vtsrbte in smoke or fog. Many of these gadgets don,t work as well as some- peopl'e trrint<, iriJ-,i-"i"1"n" substitute for skill and iuck.

a serious.probtem if youi subject Knows .T3.y you and your car. ln this case, you can conside, renting or borrowing another one. One supposed advantage to renting car is that-this tl'"'J.,"

area. Buckwalterr suggests thit an nmeriiin..r'i,6"r., but this isn't necessaiily so. lt a"p"na, o;ih" in some areas there are many for'eign onlr,"-il"t. A foreign .car is m-or.e nimrire, s."ailei, .na il,ii"ror" tess conspicuous if the area has many foreign cirs.

should be mechanically reliable, so you won,t be forced to discontinue a tait because of'a breakao*n. Your car should ,b" inconspicuous, which usually means a car of a make and agd that's common in vou,




preblem with btackout lights is that, ^,. 13![T, they're.invisible from the front Ind sides,

An important piece of equipment to have is a pair of binoculars, be<iause you may have to make a temporary stationary surveillance while keeping at a distince. Almost any will do, but some are better than others. A good compromise between quality and price. il the Simrions 7 x 42, which sells for between $135 and $150, and gives good low-light performance. . They're compict, whlch means less conspicuous when you raise them to your eyes. Another good type, at more than twice the price, is the Bausch and Lomb Discoveret, 7 x 50, which gives even better low-light performance. Both of these have enough eye relief to irermit use with eyeglasses by folding.baS\ the rubber taps, and the Bau-sct and Lombs are slightly better for this purpose than the Simmons. Binoculars become doudly useful when you have a partner to use them. lf possible, have a partner in the car with you. This is more important than when on foot, because -there's more to watch, and your attention will be divided. Your partner gives you an additional capacity if your subieit parks ahd enters a building, as he can jump out and follbw, while you'd have to find a parking spot first if vou were alone. Another advantage is if the subject taftes a public conveyance. Your partner can board with him, while you follow with the car. lf the subject plays games, suth as jumping on -and then quickly jumping off, you won't be thrown off as easily as if you were alone. The choice of partner can affea your success. K-eep in mind that a two-man team is conspicuous, and fits perfectly with the movie stereotypes people are iccustomed to seeing. A male-female team is better.


3. l.t I

Starting Up

., How you begin a moving surveillance can determine the success or failure-of the project. Real life is not like the movies, where the folldwing car is pa** the street and starts up as ,oon"., the slbieJ ,ilu., out. This is too c.o.nspiiuoul, ald only-a-sri6i*'*i",, deaf, dumb, and blihd might fail to notice a car with two occupants parked near his premises. ,Parking down the block, or farther, with a good oair
street, he's not .lik-ely, to !o any*her" Out-tf,"-f"g;l direction, especially if he"starts'up with n"-oorrlUf" surveillant,in sight..witrr luck, you ritnt-b"-.I1" to parK.out ot sight and even around a corner if it's long, a curving street. Moving With The Subjea

ildp,:llffi ,!",U:::ifi,;.:',t;,1i"""1"is1:[al:i

lt ry

K.eeping one or rwo cars interposed will n"fp iT"l. 3"u Figur"e..3. Positions ',X,,' ,,yr,,' or ,,2', are sliiaOli j"t. surveillance.

two cars behind. him, neither overtakint hi; ;", falling. too.far behind.'rt's important never to apoear fully in his rear-view mirroi to .uoia-ili"*.i-iii"'..

The main effort


to keep


with the subjea, one or

The distance will vary, depending on the traffic, and whether the area is urbin orrural. ti.iritlu, bl v e h i c es,, t p I i r, i ; ; ;i' ;; ;_'w a y srreers. :r l:: makes t. easier for you to lose contact " hrs T ? " it with the zubject, even inadvertently.- keeping oi i*o cars behind will mean an oveiail diiian8e "n" forty feet. "fplrhlp,

*: f



6 a LJ
Figure 3



and on streets and roal-, aL.,"r,Jul"rtr" than one tane. The,".-toi," ir," i, usuallv the one in which L" r,.r t6e reasi'uiiiiiitv, because it is not .ou"r"d-by'his rJarview mirror or refthand sideview mirror.-[ ht i;;l rearuiew mirror on both sides, as some u"rri.r"ti", -n"'u be abre to see into this quadrant. subject-is alone or has a companion ,_I?:ilq.if the is is rmportant, as il1",'.i-ir," -careful observation companion does. lf he or she turns tris fre-aa;;;;;;* "i seconds, there,s no.doubt tl,ii r,";, ;h";ii""g=f;'l llil. That doesn't mean hE, J"t"ili"v"r, Lul ii%J"r'giuu warning to be carefut. --- '

you. KggninS in the subject,s ,.blind:p.ot,, is usually good practice, if the situatircn permits. This can only work in city traffic

llj:j.l:r9_1s, w{h few cars on the road, you,il have to kcep an intervai ot ;;dd;'Jil..l#11 rr, f,cGp tnrerva.t "f-p";;;;;'i_hundreds of yards to rvold. b: being spotted.'you;li-h"u" snna rricihiri+., iil:|d", .nd'yol' ,uu;"a iiii ri"ji, .r"".d,ii iidiiity L, .,:?:,::.i, ^ I", ji ..n.i: n"iil,. !.lg.rgt', ;J'i,jllJ"



Crouching down and changing positions works even better if you have more than one partner in the car. Having a male-female team in the front seat at one point, and two males at another, will change the appearance of your car in the subject's rearview mirror. You can use any necessary stops for this game of musical chairs. Iactics

t I


Breaking the profile


whire on a surveiiiinci, some subtle actibns that can i"ari"','i,J tr,ir" .r" ,!iJ" familiar.ity il the.sublect s"*'ii several "r times in his rearview mirror. Apait from n"uu,

While it's impossibte to change a appearance totally



lf the car's a convertible, raisin top at intervaG wiil herp break ,f"Tril?J"rtilf il5 your partners can put on and remove caps or hits. Your partner can ciouch d;;; intr," make it seem that youtr" ;i;;;'il ih; seat at times to ;;[d;I;l?, . casual look in his mirror


paitners, a,

can change the

*elii, ih; ;;;;;v-,LijJlililr"


You'll have to have various pre-planned moves to be able to keep up with your subject, as there are many ways of losing contact in traffic. Good tactics will help to minimize your problems, but they're not the whole answer. There's also luck, which every authority on the subject chooses to ignore. A large vehicle can break down immediately in front of you on a narrow street, cars backed up behind you prevent your moving out and taking another street, and your subject becomes lost. An accident can put you out of action. Your car can break down. It's true that careful preparation can minimize the chances of something unlucky happening, and enable you to recover more quickly in case it does, but in some instances something will go wrong in spite of everythint you can do. Coping with the moves the subject makes, though, is mainly good tactics, as well as careful observation. Getting a "(eel" of how he drives, and learning to anticipate his moves will make a big difference in the minute-by-minute task of following him. lf your subject turns a corner, he might simply be changing direction. At the outset, you might want to pull over before reaching the corner while your partner jumps out to see if the subject has continued, or parked and is waiting for a shadower to turn the

across property avoid il," conven ien ce of. red. r ighti- n itott er probrem-is'thai or a congested parking lot-, where the risk of in...iJu"t rs much treater than on the street.


There are two, ways for a singte-car shadow to cope subject.who stops after fth lbeyond him, find a place tlrning a .o-"r. bi.," i, to go to pulf in, and stop. This ql"t,..go.?d Qpportunity to chinge t[r" porition peopte tn the The second way is "r to go into the intersection sroiry, and if iil;;r.nli..ilr-or, that he sees the subject ,i6pp-".0, itr.isti, ma.king the turn on ihe neit'brott.ifiii'n"inr'rlling :isl:,-o,f jlg ::rtj"ct for a.minute, bri ;; h";Jrilpl"o, :l_"^Tlgt 19sit'lg contact is not.great. From ttre pirailei srreet rt's simpre to make another turn to park'on the cross-street ahead of the subject car, picliing t irn again when he starts to move. "p Occasionally, there,s a conveniencg market or gas station on the corner, which wiil enabr" v", i" cross private property to the cross-street, emergine behind the subject' without having visibry maieit eiurn. rr you're.rucky enough to have such-a feature your subject makes a turn, by all means use it.when a parking lot to make a turn is illegal ,_ some rn -C:Irlq_lhrouS! areas, as businessmen have complained of cars

tnr corner ?tqil. the subject and tike your chances. behind

Smil wlth him. This delay is possible only when the flc: of traffic permits catching up to itr" iiui"a'afrer llt_ntng up ln most
instances, you,ll havl to turn

lf the subject makes a left turn as the light turns red, trying to follow him can be both conspicuous and
possible. Another possibility is to cut through a shopping center parking lot or that of a gas station, if one happens to be conveniently on your left as you come to the red light. Following a subject who crosses the intersection, while keeping in a straight line, as the light turns red can be a problem. Much depends on whether he is able to keep going, or has to stop at the next intersection for a red light himself. lf you're on a street with staggered lights, he may be caught on the next block, and the light will flash green again for you before it does for him, enabling you to take a station behind him at your leisure. lf not, you many have to make a quick right, then a U-turn, and then another quick right to get back on the street behind him. lf your subject enters a parking lot, what you do will depend heavily on the local situation. One possible tactic is to go in by another entrance, taking up a position from which you can observe him and start up on his track quickly. lf the parking lot is small, and you can see it all from the street, there's no need to go in after him. You can simply park down the block, or even pull into another parking lcit across the street, if there is one. lf your subjea runs a red light, and there's heavy traffic preventing you from followingr /ou may have to admit he's spotted you and give up the tail. There are few situations which require sticking with him at all

dangerous. lt's much better to make a right turn, blend in with the traffic, and make a U-turn as soon as



. l,f ,hg.subjea. turns up a one-way street, tryins to rouow nrm up the-one-way will definitely expose-vou to detection. you'il have to go t" tn" h"ii o.iiil"r street to continue the shadow. When you 'do-so, remember there's a 50o/o chance the sub;eci *itt your direction after reaving that broii, *ii;h tu-rrrin ,.r.", picking him up again muc-h easiei.

You'll also have to admit there are some situations which you won't be able to handle with a one-car tail.

Working Hard

ordinarily do.

on both. you and your partner, if you tave one. you have to be very. alert, to avoid losing your subject. you also have to do some things which you would not
Your partner

Shadowing is h.ard work, and makes great demands


ult keep his eyes glued to the subject, actions. yofu,re watching t-h9.r.oad, and cln't giie your fuil attention to the task of following. ln effect, you'll be taking orders from your partner,-and you jhbuld be ror.

to qiye ){ou leads regarding liis


intention. Your attention will Ue distractef, .nd"uo, may.easily miss the moment when the subiect doJses his lights. only your partner's close attintion will prevent losing the subject. . lf you stop because your subject has stopped, vou should tet out of the car and check your tiies, gijing them a quick eyeball. This is usually eicessive atiintion in normal drivlng, but when you:can,t.ft"ra-i"'ior" your subject because of a flat, it,s very importini. fl,,i, also gives you an ostensible reason fo, stopfing,-if-th" subject.happens to look your way. lf you'neei- more time, check under the hood. fhis ii good geneial practice, as you must keep the car in tof shap6 every
moment. have to park for a short while, observing your subject is not enough. your partner can keep his'eyes on your subject, but as you are momentarily free fr6m navtnt attention to the road, you should be scanning the entire area. your subject-niay have pulled

- Your partner's observations are even more important at night, when the subject may ,.k" . sudden turn without signalling and inay eveh turn his lights off, to avoid giv-ing yo-u a .rud tleiiiin* rri,

into a parking lot to meet someone, and if that someone approaches from your direction and passes you, while you and your partner are intently surveilling the subject with binoculars, that will give it away. lf there's a meeting planned, there may be a signal between the two to break off the meeting, or the second party may simply break away on his own and without informing the subject, to avoid being spotted. lf someone approaches your parked car, it's important not to be seen making an obvious surveillance. As a last resort, get out of the car, lock up, and walk away. lf you can, park at a gas station. While it goes without saying that you should begin a shadow with a fulltank, topping up during the trip is important. You don't always know how far the tail will take you, and it's possible the subject's vehicle has greater range than yours. Many campers and pick-up trucks, for example, have auxiliary tanks which give them far greater range than most passenger cars. As noted later in the section on stake-outs, this is also a good time to use the toilet, which can become an almost unbearable problem on long surveillances.

1. Surveillance and Undercover lnvestigation, Art Buckwalter, Woburn, MA, Butterworth Publishers, 1983, p. 58. 2. lbid., p. 58. 3. lbid., p. 59.



Multiple Car Surveillance

,. !_:aSmore than one car solves many problems, but

of the lybjea's noticing tl," iir" .., U"hlni f,i, ,il" after mile, and the abiliiy to k-efotl","i i.i, streets avoids his being 6ut of sijnt foi mo;;;h;;;;"* "n'o.r.ll"f seconds when he males . turi. lucky enough to have a few friends who are .. ,llloy"e



make it a smooth operation, .nd to.uoiai;ipil;;';;", each other. There are several areas to coordinate, and one new problem. tt's neceslav to as the compositibn of tn" i"., rn the cars. The 1v_9ll new probtem is communication between the cirs.


not later on the road.. you,ll on the task, sharing ail of youiinrormation regarding



arrange schedules, if possible. . n lgt of the planning involves operationally marginal 9etails, such as arranging for meeting times, lunch breaks, having enough money and- credit cards available to meet immediate expenses, and the other primarily administrative matters that can snowball into serious problems if neglected. Arranging a rendevous point is simple, in principle, and.setting a time requires leaving a-margin of saiety for latecomers. There must be enolgh time for a lastminute briefing, to coordinate all the activities. Everybody.must understand that everything must be subordinated to the task of keeping ine iublect in sight. This can be extremely demahding if there-'s only one car available, but with several the pressure ii greatly alleviated. Even assuming, for example, that the subjea starts out on a tong trip, not stopping for lunch or.even for fuel, the shadowers can arrange to stop in relays. One car can stop to,pick up sandwiches, and catch up with the others. It's also possible to handle the problems of fuel and toilet. stops by anticipating tliem and planning. Carrying jerricans of gas in the trunk is one possible solution.. The problem of coordinating ' widely separated cars requires radio contact, and planning for this is essential.

the subject with them. Often, you make or break the operation at the briefing, and many basically simple operations have become hopelessly snarled bicause of poor briefing. The briefing provides the opportunity to hand out Taps. of the. area, find out from your pebple how well they know the area, decide who will b'e th'e drivers and who the riders,- distribute necessary equipment, and




There are basically.two ways of communicating between vehicles: visible signils, and radio. VisiUlE signals. are the cheap way to d.o it, but this requires that the vehicles be within ligltt of each other. nahd silnats are harder to see in daikness. lf you plan to usJ the very .effective methods of keeping one or more vehicles on parallel streets, you,li ha-ve to use radio. CB is very.popular., and many people have CB sets, . either portable walkie-talkies,-or iirstalled in their vehjcles. lf y9y and your team already have CBs, you,il be familiar with the equipment's limit'ations. lf noi, and you plan t-o buy some, you can spend a lot of rnon"y on unneeded eq-uipment, and even buy radios that are not the best for the task. Let's run d6wn the oualities that CB equipment must have for this purf"l", It must be affordable. Goverment agencies can buy portabl.e radios that cost two thousa,id doll"r, but individuals have a harder time of it. "*( It should cover all forty channels. The lower twentythree channels of the ilriginal CB standard are the crowded ongs, and you'lf probably find the upper channels with less traffic. The radios should tune by means of phase-locked -crystals Ioo.p circuitry, not crystars. are .rr ii*r.ri ro,' radios that accept only one or two channeTs, but buying crystals for all foity CB channels wiil cosimore than the radio itself. The po.we1 supply should be both ptug-in to the car's sys.te{n via the cigarette lighter, and iniernal batteries. It helps, but is not always essential, to have the set portable, in case it's neceisary to take it out of the car as when doing a foot reconnaissance. The internal batteries should be easily replaceable. Running out of juice during an operation cin cause a

serious problem. The batteries may be nicad, as these are more economical during the long run because they're rechargable. However, you should be aware of the fact that nicads deliver both lower voltage and less life per charge than ordinary dry cells. An average figure is 40"/" of the life of standard dry cells. Unfortunately, nicads have been oversold by intense advertisinS, which never mentions that they have short intervals between recharges. Alkaline and other longlife cells last much longer than zinc-carbon dry cells. lf you have nicads, you can get away with using them by running off the car's power supply to save draining them, and having a set of conventional spares in case you need to be out of the car for a long time. Keep in mind that transmitting drains the batteries much more quickly than receiving.
Some specific equipment you might consider, if you don't already have the CB sets you need, are the

following: The KRACO "Mayday ll" sells for between sixty and ninety dollars, depehdiirg on the store and whether or not there's a sale on. This is an emergency radio set that comes in a fitted plastic carrying case. lt's a light, portable unit that contains its own batteries and has a plug for the cigarette lighter, to save the batteries when operating in the car. There are two antennas, a rubber duck and an outside antenna that clamps magnetically to the car roof. Either one works, but the outside antenna gives greater range, up to two miles under good conditions. The tuning is phase-locked loop, for all forty channels. lt takes ten "A" cells. The Radio Shack TRC-412 is similar in price and weight, but it operates only on the car's power supply and the roof antenna. This makes it less versatile. At a higher price, there's the Radio Shack TRC-212, a five-watt portable with phase-locked loop tuning for

listening. Transmissions must be short and discreet. Discretion means not giving away information to anyone who may be listeninglDon,i ,r" .ny n.r"r, just designations such as "Cai A,,' ,.Cai-B-,,-ei.. Iuoia using the subject's name. Refei to ni, ;"it;;';it" subject," or "Mr. A.,, lt,s also helpful not to be too explicit in _passing on messages or instructions. Keterring to ''pran B" instead of spelling it out will keep ' listeners in the dark.

Mole important than the equipment is method of use. Anyone who uses a radio niust understinJin.t T':ll"j}i:l_g_lgr the wortd to hear, and that "rp".i.i[ on rne uB there are many ears

A cB that's designed for permanent installation is the $139.95. ir,i, ii'- tt,e conventional cB layout, and it's necessary to buy a roof antenna at extra cost for this unit. lt requires drilling some holes and hooking up wires.

ftl IqrE channels. This has more options than the KRAco, at extra cost. one of the opiions is i bittery charger, for use with nicads. Rnotheiir ih; r,".

Radio shack TRC-423,


avoiding having to compete with other traffic. There are several channels to avoid: Channel 9, the emergency channel. Channel 14, the walkie-talkie channel. Every kid with a toy radio is shouting on this one. Channels 17 and 19, the trucker's channels. These are in almost constant use, twenty-four hours a day. Channel 23, an alternate trucker's channel in some parts of the country. This channel is also the upper end of the old standard, and there are still many CBs that can't go higher than this one. The channels between 23 and 40 will usually have far less traffic than the lower ones. This means it'll be easier to find one that's free, and less likelihood of running into a "motormouth" who monopolizes the channel. This last part can be a serious problem, and anyone who's listened to the CB knows that some users show extremely bad manners, and often spoil it for the

fngyn locations, such as the subject,s home, to them only as "point A," ,point 8,,, etc.

Sometimes mentioning place names will be unavoidable. You may fin-d-it necessary to announce: "S.upie.ct is.turning onto Ash Avenr",;,'oith" iit".io minimize the problem this .an cauie, 1,.u" i--iiri or
and refer

When you or ?!y of.your group are on the air, keep an eye on the subject. ti he siartsiurning his treid iiclit after one of you mentions a prace-n.'nE, ltritii,**&t, very strongly that he's listening in, and thai i"u;u"""lrrt blown it.

Part .of . being discreet is avoiding heavily-used . channets. Not only does .this help b/ reducing the number of listeneis, it aids your communicatiois by

It will be necessary to change channels regularly, both to find a quiet one, and to evade detection if the subject's a CB user. lf he is, the chances are he'll be on channel 19, the most widely used road channel. When calling for a change of channel, have a prepared list, with all the channels designated by letters, not numbers. Anyone listening in won't be able to follow you easily, and will have to search for your traffic. Avoiding useless chit-chat is another important point. Make sure your people understand the priority of leaving the channel clear for urgent transmissions. This includes not answering anyone not in the group. Sometimes, there's a request for a "radio check" or the like, and ignoring these will help keep the channel clear. The caller will simply assume nobody heard him, and try another channel.

Iacfics for Multi-Car Tails Tailing with more than one car involves the same principles as single-car surveiilance, britneie'.i"i rot more choices open to the tail. There;r; ;i;;irio* tactics to keep contact and minimire a"t".tionl' The basic tactic is to rotate the lead car regurarly to -Jr?-rlu"r.t

avoid recognitiol by the subject.-ih;;; wayl of .dolng rhis.-One, useful if th;;,;'no Laio contact,.is simpJy to drop back and wave on. I aktng a freeway. exit, coming on .noth"i.", again, and assuming the tail position is yet .n&t ;;y.-"' "i at which to change poiitions is .. l-_q"_"d.,point whenever the subject turns a corner. ni piy U! J"ing lhF to check foi a. tail, Jnd-io ,"" th"'ri."-.., following himaround eaih tu'n *iil .r;riilir.ft"Jping several cars behind him may ;.i-i;;i ii.,"i"a changing positions is a much i"tt", *.y. an. ailey, it may be to park or -r,j-1l".lybryT ll,rl:.irlto cneck tor a tail. W_ith only one car, it woirld be necessary either- to take a chance and follow'ni,n'in, o.' stop ald make a foot reconnaissance before proceeding. with severar cars, it's po*iute t" t"nJon" to circte around and watch the exit on the next,ir""t, without risking being spotted. subjegt stops around a corner or curve, the ,^j1,!_"_ tead car can simpll pass him, meanwhire ateitin-e ihe others

:?l:_:ii:lt ooservation.

by radio s6 ihat they may siil;il;;f ,h;3r;"" and wait. The.lead..r'.onlinu", until there,s a place to park, and keeps the subl"ct


b",possible to find a convenient parking "^l..T1V,ig spot, and the subject be watching for this, iny*.y, if he's sophisticafed. 1a.y i, Thi'i
reconnaissance is very herpfur. rt enabres the

the car with a portable

;ft;;-h:;i;;;h:;J*", 'a
radio- for



park well out of sight, a.nd the partner on foot can keep in contact with all of them wiih the radio. He doesntt have to worry about making it back to the caiiithe subject starts moving again, because the lead car will be last in line this time,lo avoid recognition. ln Fisure 4, we see that the lead cat, 1, has palked around-the corner, while cars 2 and 3 are stoppdd before the curve in the road. Someone from cai i can jump out ind watch from concealment at point A or'point B.

Tailing at Night

t!r"y.split up. Dividing forces to follow'ih;;-.ff i, simpler than trying to-face the dilemma of *1,o, to
follow when there aren't enough people avaitable.

vehicle. ., Th" multiple-car technique realty comes into its own rt there are two or more people in the subiect car, and

lf the subject tries to detect a tail by makine a quick U-turn, the lead car continues until'it,s out"of light before making its U-turn. lf there,, int"i"u.l between the cars on a multi-car tail, oie of the "nough following cars can make a left turn before theiubiea's car. arrives, make a quick U-turn in the block olt of sight, then pull out and behind him as if it were making a normal right turn. and foot tailing gives great versatility. .-,9o.9iling car the subject It's usetut when is on foot, and when he parks and leaves his car. Having one or two cars as backup for a foot tail helps if theiubject boardt pulli. tra.nsport, or meets and is picked up by someone in a

Nightfall brings with it some problems, as well as some relief from other problems. The lower visibility works both ways, as it's harder for the subject to see who's following and the tail has more trouble keeping track of the subject's car. One thing that helps a lot is to smash one of the subject's tail lights. This works better than a piece of reflective tape,l because if the subject notices the broken light, the most logical assumption is that it was broken by someone who was careless in parking behind him. One problem with tailing at night is that your headlights will be very visible for a long way off. This isn't serious if there's other traffic, as headlights look even more alike than tail lights, but in a rural area they'll give you away. Driving without lights is one way out, but it may attract the attention of the police. Gadgets such as "blackout lights" have the same
problem. ln one instance, a police officer drove without lights to catch a speeder, who didn't notice him until the officer lit the rotating beacon on top of his car and

pulled him over.z


projea out of action.

you, such as the street between you and ydur sublea blocked. with another carbn . p"rjli"l ,ir"dt, it will still be possible to maintain contact. A traffic accident or a breakdown of your car won,t put the

lsing more than one car for tailing is a very powerful if you do it properly. it helps'ol"r.o." some ot the problems that bad luck can lmpose uDon


1983, p. 96. 2. The author witnessed this event, which occurred on the New Jersey Turnpike at about four A.M. one spring morning. There was a large Mercury station wagon, bombing down the road at well over the speed limit, its

Surveillance and Undercover lnvestigation, Art Buckwalter, Woburn, MA, Butterworth Publishers,

driver complacently unaware that the



occtrlonally enforced the speed laws. Suddenlv, a lTge black shadow sped by the author,s car on thefeft slde, doing at least ninety miles per hour. The shadow slipped into the saddle behind the station wacon, its bulk blotting out the wagon,s tail lights, ."nJ-ih" g.ooper. stayed in place long enough td,,ciock,, him. car lit. Ill"t thecherry-top, andup_ like a merry_go_round, blinkers, .patrol all, and the stalidn wason slowed and pulled over, the trooper right behind h'im.



that can be very serious for you. lf you're

and perhaps elude the tail. There are many reasons you may be followed, from fairly harmless ones to some

lf you're being followed, you will want to find out,


people around you is helpful. You can take some specific steps, without wasting too much time or seeming paranoid. One good rule is not to take the same route eech day, if itis a regular trip, and-to start at different times.'This will help to throw off shadowers. Another is to stop occasionally, looking at the faces of the people behind you, not their clolhing. lf you notice that you keep seeing the sanre face, ma-ke a iew turns around corners, to see who's following. Walking across a park or down an isolated street will show up a tail. There's a risk in this, if you fear a criminal attack.

on the street. When you leave, being aware-of ihe

businessman who takes the day's cash to the night drop at the bank, you are prey for a criminal attack. One obvious way to find out if you're being followed is to look outside before leaving, and notice ihe people

Don't make it obvious, though. Taking an elevator or escalator will often disclose a shadow if he gets on with you. Goint to a specific floor, then coming down gg?in immediately makes it very hard for anyone to follow you unnoticed. you have to decide what to do about it. you may decide that it's safer to pretend you're unaware and allow the shadower to foilow you, while you lead him

. Having. someone follow you in turn, a convoy, as discussed earlier, is a very eflective method of showing up a tail. . Going into a building and coming out again quickly is another way of discovering a tail. yet another is t6 take a bus or subway, to see if anyone boards with you and gets off at the same stop. Changing your pace, stopping and dawdling, and reversing direction are all ways of checking foia tail.

Use building with multiple exits, even if they're not - public aones. Coing into a restaurant, dashing into the

disclose anyone following and perhaps lose him if he's not right behind you. * Set up an ambush. This is extreme, but justifiable if you're sure of a criminal attack. Be aware that if you're wrong, you won't have a leg to stand on, legally. ln setting up an ambush, the intent is surprise, which can compensate for not having a weapon. You'll want to find a spot where you can have privacy for a few seconds, to dispose of the tail and not have witnesses

kitchen, and leaving through the alley



identifying you

you've discovered that you're being followed,

critically important, because even if you're certain the shadower is a mr-rgger, until he attacks you he's just another innocent citizen, and you'll be liable for assault and

to the police. This is

on a wild goose chase. On the other hand, the urgency of the situation may force you to evade him, and'ihere are several good ways of doing this. Eluding a Tail

on Foot

faking ou1 and inducing him to jump off while you remain behind. Do this severaltimesanci you'll loseihe tail. * Take the last taxi in a line. Unless you have a team with a car on your tail, you'll shake-the shadow.

a public conveyance, remain near the door, jump off just before it starts. This method offers and you two choices, really. lf your tail jumps off with you, you may be able to board again at the last second without his being able to follow you as the doors close. Another way is to make a lunge towards the door,

The second important point about an ambush is attaining surprise. You must be out of sight of your tail for a few seconds while you take a hiding place. This means going into a building, around a corner, or a bend in the road. Set up the ambush around the cornet, ot in an elevator, or parking garage. Any place that enables you to surprise the shadower will do. A public restroom is another choice, if he follows you in. A good idea is to select a $pot where the light will throw his shadow as he approaches, giving you warning to get set. Don't give your shadower an even break. Use a weapon. He may be armed, and your best chance is to
put him down quickly. lf you carry a briefcase, that may be your weapon. Otherwise, improvise. A tire iron, a two-by-four, or piece of heavy pipe will be excellent. lf you're skilled at unarmed combatr fou may feel you don't need a weapon.

A gun isn't the best choice. you may not own one, or may not be carrying it if you do. A lun is noisv. and silencers are both in-effeaive and groisly illegal, ii well as hard to get. - Choosing where to strike depends on your purpose. lf .you have. an urgent need to.'disable the tail, and get where you're going, staying low and striking for Tris knees will put him do-w.n and keep him from f6llowing )rg!{. Th.e advantage of this method is that you don,t risf killing him. lf you're.certain the shadower is out to harm you, strike for the face or solar plexus, putting all your weight behind the blow. As' he staits to "go down, another blow to the back of the head will hElp assure that he stays down. . Tear gas -sprays are unreliable. Spraying your shactower's tace may incapacitate him, or 'tt he,s resistant, it may make him mad, and you,ll have to fight him. A staircase is an excellent locale for an ambush, especially- if it's an enclosed fire stair. pushing someone down a flight of stairs is simple, and can ,esuTt in severe injury to the person taking the fall. Best of all, it can look like an "accid9nt," and your shadow,s not likely to press charges if he survives.
possible. in some situationi. li you know ihe-area, and can lead your shadow through'a building which has an exit ygu can.- lock from the outside-after passing through, you'll stop him cold. Sometimes, it,s possiblE

Blocking an exit is one way,il you can be sure that one hasn't circled around to be able to follow you.

Confrontation is the other way, and usually requires


"Drawing down" on a group of muggers is effective, can catch them bunched up, to avoid being attacked from the rear or side. Showing a weapon, especially if you can give the impression that you're willing and able to use it, will discourage them, and let you out of the situation.

if you


an Automobile Tail

A non-violent way of physically stopping a tail is

simply to shove a chair under the doorknob. lf there's more than one shadower, as in the case of a gloqp of muggers, trying to fight or disable them isn,t succeed. There are then only two choices: blocking and confrontation, if you canit get to safety.

Generally, it's easier to detect and evade a tail by a car than it is on foot. The reason is that vehicles are much more limited in their actions, and you can take advantage of this very easily, as we shall see. The simplest way to detect a tail is to avoid going directly to your destination. Take several furns, watching for cars that follow you. Going through four right-angle turns will usually be enough to show a tail, as people normally don't drive in circles. It's very helpful to have another person in the car when seeking tg detect a tail. You have to keep your eyes and mlnd on your driving, and dividing your attention will reduce your effectiveness. This is why an observer is helpful. r - Another way is to vary your speed. Speed up, then slow down. Watch for cars that don't pass you when you're going slowly. This will show up vehiclbs that are keeping pace with you. Yet another way is to drive at a very low speed, forcing other cars to pass you and watching foi cars that either stay behind you or park and start up again.


lights off,.and lying down on the seat may enable you to avoid discovery. This works best if you'ie driving fast and the follower has to drive at highipeed to keep up with you. lf you park and douse-your lights, unieen around a corner, and if there's other traffic, he'll

with you. This is also a good way of-eluding a tail, especially at night. Parking, turning the engine and

Turn a corner and park. Watch for anyone who stops


traveling so fast, that he'll probably miss you. Going the wrong way up a one-way street is a sure way of exposing anyone who follows you. Unfortunately, you can only do this when there's very little

probably be so intent

on looking forward,


accidental. Time the lights, adjusting ybur spee? so you arrive at.a light just when it's flashin! yelldw. fhis will make it harder for your tail to go throJgh, especially if he's a few cars back. Mqn), surveillants will keep one or more cars back to avoid being. prominent in-their subject's rear-view mirror. This helps concealment, but makes it harder for them to follow the subjea's maneuvers. At a red light, the shadower may wan! to take a chance and-go through, but the car in front will block him. showing up a tail, but the drawback is that if he,s aliout to attack you, you'll be boxed in. ln any event, the moment you come out of the cul-de-sac, he'll pick you up again, if he's done the smart thing and wiited'for you outside. someone might have stuck one on your car, permitting

Y..kjng a sudden U-turn is another way of detecting a tail. Anyone who turns and follows you will be visiblE in your rear-view mirror. ln any locale where there are traffic lights, you can not- only letect, but "shake" a tail by making it look

tailing without keeping as close as with a visual tail. lf yo.u have tpod reason to believe you're going to be followed,. it's worth the trouble to go over your car for one of these. While . you're doing that, look for a bro.ken tail light, or other signs that"can rnake youi car easier to follow. ln searching your car for a bug, don't do it where you can be seen. Do it inside a garlge or courtyard. lf a watcher sees you searching,-he'll be alert to the prospect of your finding the transmitter, and will be more cautious in shadowing you. Kg"p j1 m!nd. that they'rg not always obvious. They can be disguised as part of the car. The weak point, and usually the giveaway,. is that a bumper beeper requires an antenna. This can be a thin piece of wire up to i foot long, and the sight of one of these hanging uhder your -"bugged.'t car is a stront clue that you've


Driving into a dead-end street is another wav of

What do you do with it if you find it? The instinctive reaction is to destroy it, but there's a better way. Remember that a transmitter enables a tail to follow you while keeping.far enough back as to be out of your sight. A directional receiver-in his car will tell him your location. lf he's out of your -sight, you're out of his, and you can take advantage of this fact. Go out into traffic, ind plant the device on another car. Since many of these beepers. are attache{ by a magnet, it is easy ior you to attach them to another car, even one beside you at a stoplight. lf there's no magnet, throw it into the back of a. pick-up truck. This will lead your tail in another direction. The Cfiase
On-gg you're sure you're being tailed, it's no longer a surveillance, but becomes a cliase. The dividing"line 57

There are "bumper beepers" avaitable, and

isn't clear-cut, and some of the actions you take to detect a tail also work to evade a chase, as we've already seen. From this point oD, though, we'll consider overt actions that you can take to "ditch" a tail or chase. These will show your tail that you're aware of him, and may even provoke a violent reaction. Some of them are dangerous, and it's impossible to make a blanket suggestion that will work in all cases. We'll start out with the less drastic actions. This one's possible only on a freeway, with light to moderate traffic. Stay in the left lane, and drive until an exit comes up. Your tail, with a little luck, will be somewhere behind you in the left lane. lf you have a clear shot at the exit, cut across the traffic lanes and take it. Don't use your turn signal, as this would alert your tail. Your tail, by the time he reacts, will have missed the exit. lf he's close behind you, you'll have a good chance of ditching him. lf he's been laying back, as he would with light traffic, your chances are much less, as he'll have a chance to react. This will work in heavy traffic, too, because it often
happens that cars bunch up, leaving intervals between groups, and you can use such gaps to make your break. The higher your speed, the better the odds in your favor, because your tail will be likely to be sticking to you more closely, and the speed will give him less time to react. What works in your favor, even if the traffic is heavy, is that a gap next to you means that there witl be cars next to him, blocking his movement. You can exploit this when you make your break. He might, if he's really desperate, choose to break from the traffic violently and come across the grass to make the exit. This isn't always possible, as many

superhighways have low retaining walls or fences to set off. you see your tail coming after you nevertheless, your backup plan is to take the on-ramp again, as you'll have gotten a lead on him and a highspeed run will give you a chance of losing him in ihe traffic. At night, several quick turns will help you lose a tail. ln this case, you want to get a lead of at least a block on him. One way !o do this is to slow down, as if checking for a tail. He'll drop back somewhat, to reduce the chances of your seeing him. At a corner, turn quickly without signalling your intention. This should be easy, because in driving slowly, you'll probably be in the right-hand lane, anii taking a quick right will be safe and easy. Don't increase your speed at all until you're completely out of sight, to avoid alerting your tail. As soon as you're around the corner, accelerate as quickly as you can and douse your lights. lf you can make it to the next intersection before he comes around behind you, he won't know in which direction you've turned, and he'll have to think fast when he gets there. At the next corner, turn again, still with ybur lights out, in case he's in sight. lf you don't have enough of a lead to get to the corner before he comes around behind you, look for an alley. T.his is where know"ing the geography will help you greatly. An alley that lets out ontothe next street will give you a free run. A dead-end alley is a trap. So far, we've looked at passive measures, techniques of ditching rather than stopping. tf these don't work, there are more forceful methods available. Stoppilg a car by gunfire can work, but it's usually not justifiable, so let's dispose of it here. lt's hard to shoot and hit a target from a car, despite what we see on television. ln fact, many police agencies forbid their




of hitting innocent people is too

officers from opening fire from a moving car. The risk high. Gunfire will only work well if the scene is an isolated road, where there's no danger of hitting innocent people, and when someone other than the driver can do the shooting. Driving a car while shooting backwards is strictly "mission impossible." lf shooting is necessary, the passenger should do it, but keep in mind that opening fire may provoke return fire from the other car. lf it's a high-speed chase, shooting for the radiator, rather than the driver, is more likely to get a hit. lncreasing speed will force the other to follow suit, thereby putting more of a load on his cooling system. Disabling the following vehicle by various methods is

to evade him. Some drug traffickers and moonshiners have oil spray systems in their cars. These consist of an oil reservoir and electric pump controlled by a switch located conveniently on the dashboard, and a set of spray nozzles under the rear bumper. This permits spraying a slick film on the road behind them very quickly to discourage pursuit. Without such a system, it's necessary to pour the oil by hand, which is not as

following you around corners, and you'll find it easier

equipment, some of which can be improvised. One way is to pour oil on the pavement while g.oilg around a corner. The passenger can do this and the following car will skid out of control, if all goes well. For this to work, it's necessary to be going fast enough so that a slight loss in tire adhesion will cause a disastrous skid. The road surface is important. Asphalt, with its less porous surface, is better than rough concrete or giavel, which will absorb the oil quickly. It's essential to turn a corner, because a car is much less likely to skid when traveling in a straight line. The nature of the terrain is not as important as it might seem. While sending a pursuer off a cliff is spectacular and final, a much less drastic mishap will stop him. Crashing into a retaining wall can break an axle, or bend the front bumper and fender in far enough to blow a tire or prevent steerint. A high-speed crash into a tree or building is usually the end of the road for him. ln the event the pursuer doesn't crash, you'll still cramp his style, as he'll be much more careful in

next. Some of these methods require


A slower and less certain method of discouraging pursuit is to use a tear gas spray. Unless the following car is closed up, this will drift into the open window or air intake and affect the driver. lt isn't necessary to disable the driver totally, as even some tearing or coughing will impair his ability to keep closely on your

At high speed, a slight bump in the road can impede control of a car, and hitting an object can cause total loss of control and a crash. A relatively small object will do, such as a rock, a metal can, or a piece of wood. Dropping some of these out of a rear door will impede pursuit. The chances are greater of causing a crash at night, but even in daylight when the driver can see the obstacles in the road, he'll have to swerve or slow down to avoid them. This will increase your chances of


lf you keep several two-by-fours in your back seat, your passenger can throw them out so they land across the road, making it difficult for the pursuer to avoid them. Objects with sharp edges or corners can cause a blowout. A brick, sharp rock, or a speciallymanufactured device will work if the tire hits it. One such special device, called a "caltrop," consists of a

tetrahedron, a four-pointed affair made of two pieces of steel tubing, each about four inches long, with sharpened ends and bent to about 120 degrees, then welded together. See Figure 5. This always lands with one point up when it comes to rest. The point will puncture any tire that runs over it, and the tube will let the air out.

delay him slightly. lf he's forced to steer into something else to avoid the obstacle, he'll crash. A desperate but effective measure is to leave your car parked across the road around a corner. This will be impossible to avoid if the road's narrow, and there will oe orsaoilnt crasn. tr be a disabling crash. lf you reet you've got a reasonable feelyou've reasonabte hope of disabling the pursuer and injuring the occupants in the crash, you will be able to toleraie the loss of your transportation. Even if the occupants escape injury, they'll be on foot, too, with their vehicle vehicle disabled, and you may not be any worse off than on
Figure 5

gasoline bomb, much easier to obtain, isn't practical for two reasons: the danger of lighting one inside a moving car is prohibitive; and the pursuing car can easily drive through the flames, escaping damage because of the short exposure to fire. A form of ambush you can set up without weapons or special equipment is to provoke a crash by driving around a corner on a narrow road or street, and leaving your car's back seat in the road. You need enough of a lead so you have time to stop for the few seconds this will take. ln so doing, you have to be sure of placing the seat close enough to the turn so that the driver of the following car doesn't have room to react effectively. lf he can brake before hitting it, your action will only

Some of the more spectacular methods, grenades and gasoline bombs, are just not practical, despite what we see on television. Grenades are not commonly available, and using one to stop a car is almost impossible. lt's necessary that the car be right over it when it goes off, and this is extremely hard to time

alone. You don't need help in stopping and turning your car to block the road, and fleeing on foot without having to worry about a companion- is easier. Another point in favor of it comes when there are the inevitable complications with the police. Bullet holes are hard to explain away, but abandoning your vehicle because you fear for your life is plausible

wheels. The advantage of this technique is that you can do it



rnsurance company.


avoid serious trouble, except from the

Ditching one pursuer is much easier than evading lf you feel there are other cars following you, the normal methods won't work, as one or more cars will be on a parallel street or farther behind, to defeat your evasive actions. The only hope is to drive on an isolated road, and to block the road. This will dam them all up behind the block, which can be a disabled vehicle as hoted above.



"The police are never there when you need them." The police role is reactive, arriving after the crime's over, and the result is low clearante and conviction

in the act. ln decoy operations, there's little need for elaborate physical disguise, but role-playing is essential. There,s no need to resemble a particular individual, as criminals are usually unacquhinted with their victims.

The chances of arrest and conviction increase greatly *-hSl the.police catch the criminal in the aa. Oie way of doing this is by "pro-active" measures-undercover and decoy operations. Decoys are suitable targets laid in front of potential criminals. They ca1 b9 people or inanimate objects. An expensive car parked on a side street at night can be a decoy. Live decoys, police agents playing the role of vulnerable targets, are the most interesting part of this subject. The police use thgse in response to recent crime patterni. lf, for eramfle, busineismen have been robbed while making nighl deposits at banks, a police agent playing this role is likely to attract such a crime, giving the police the chance to apprehend the criminal

. lt's.important to match the decoy to the need.r lf there's been a rash of taxi hold-ups, dressing decoys as nuns would be pointless. -Playing. the role is the biggest problem. police officers behave in certain w?ys, *hich will alert potential criminals.if the decoy d6.-esn't learn to change his behavior. A decoy who'walks down the street alertly and confidently, looking into every doorway he passes., will give himself away... lf.he_plays an elderly man, he'll have to learn to walk slowly and hesitantly, perhaps with a slight stoop, his eyes on the ground in front of him. lf the victims have been women, this poses a special problem. lt's very difficult to disguise a two huirdred pound officer ls qn eighty-year-old grandmother or a teenage. schoolgirl. There have been-much publicized police to disguise themselves as women, highlighted by the press for their entertainment value because the officers looked ridiculous in their high heels and short skirts over hairy legs. It's better to use policewomen. Even a male with a slight build will have a hard time mimicking the way a woman moves and walks. Except for transvestites, who practice im.itating women extensively, men usually can't play the role well. Like her male counterpart, the decoy policewoman must play the role. She must not show alertness by scanning everyone as a possible threat. The decoy .must appear as a vulnerable target, by using role-playing anq . disguise. Not apfearing and.powerful is an art. Long sle'eves and looseclothing will con-ceal bulging muscles. Choosing an officer who is small but wiiy is another solution. . Th9 physical _disguise can be simple, depending on the situation. lf mutgers have been hitting insurfnce agents recently, it's only necessary to dresi as most of the victims do, with a three-piece suit and a briefcase.

outside,r or eyeglasses, with their connotation of vulnerability, to aid the illusion. Attacks on derelicts, such as the ,,bum-burning,, epidemics that occured in New york and Boston during the last two decades, call for equally simple disguises. Old, worn .clothing and ah unkempt, unshaven appearance will do. Tlie prop can be a paper bag containing a wine bottle. Face make-up, a crehe that gives a sallow complexion, will help. Sb-will false whiskers, but it's easier to let the whiskers grow out naturally. Five days' growth is adequate, and t6ere,s no need to comb or shape the beard. .. Physical bulk is only part of the effect. lt aids the illusion of vulnerabilili tb seem tired, not alert. Taking short steps and walklng slowly with downcast eves helps thii illusion. Showlng lack of coordination adds this Showing to this and can even :uggest intoxication. Fumbling thts su with or dropping a brielcase or keys, adds to an unsteadv unsteady walk to simulate vulnerability. vulnerahilitv Getting down on hands and knees to search for dropped objects is extreme, but it's convincine. This presents an extremely vulnerable state, and can precipitate an attack.

papgr. cut to size with a few real, high-value bills on the

of a police officer, such as a bulge ori ind nip. Props can be more than a briefcase, such as a "Michigan Bankroll," a stack of one-dollar bills or

It's also.important to avoid the giveaway physical signs

Carrying something that's an obvious burden enhances the illusion-of vulnerability. Grocery bags look cumbersome, although. they may be very light. A grocery bag can also conceal a gun. Acane or'crritches also help. A wheelchair may be useful. Physical disguise is not as important as acting the role. Face make-up does not- produce victir;-like behavior, but role-playing will.

The decoy must fit in with the locale.r He must not seem out of place. Facing the danger of imminent attack requires selfcontrol. lt helps to have faith in the alertness and competence of the back-up officers. The backups are really doing a sort of surveillance duty. They, too, must play roles, and fit in with the locale. They must have one additional quality, being inconspicuous or invisible. The decoy must be out in the open. The backups must fade into the background


until the moment to act.


1. Police Marksman, March/April, 1980. p. 2. lbid., Mayflune, 1982, p. 41. 3. lbid., March/April, 1980. p. 6.


The phrase "bag iobi'covers entering premises for a physical search. The police can do this with a search warrant, or with the owner's consent, but a private citizen can't get a search warrant. Nevertheless, there are searches, although illegal. Watergate was an example of such a search. There are different degrees of illegality. Trespassing is the lowest grade of offense. Usually, this means going onto someone's property, but not into a building. Breaking and entering is the next level. This means just that, entering by breaking in, but not necessarily stealing anything. . Burglary is the highest level. This may be simply B&E at night, as in some states, or it may involve stealing. Penalties vary, depending on the jurisdiction, the

judge, and other factors. The offense mav be dge, factorr may misdemeanor or a felony.

The citizen has an advantage over the police in some situations. lf, for example, you suspect your wife's loyalty is not all it could be, you can search her effects
68 69

or evidence you can prefent in court. ln such a case, you'll usually be able to keep your illegally obtained iead deeply'buried.
obtain legally, information

action. You- may, on the other hand, just need a,,lead,,' something which will tell you wheie you can find, and

keys to the plant. This eliminates the piobiem of getting in. lf you leave traces of the search,'you may be on the suspect list because of these keys.You may want to gain access to someone else,s premises to get information. This puts you squarelv on the wrong side of the law, and'you'risk arrest'and prosecution if caught. The basic question you have to answer before starting to plan a search or a covert entry is whether you. need evidence that will stand up in court. lf you do, keep in mind that you'll not only have to present the evidence, but explain where an8 how you got it. This requirement rulds out any illegal

without fear of legal reprisal. You'll want to do it when she's not home, to avoid an artument. - Sim.ilarly, there are other areas open to you. Searching on the job iq more a matter of doirig it unseen than avojding the law. You may suspect an employee of theft, in which case you cin seirch his w-ort station, and,possibly his locker, without running afoul of the law. Searching his car is another problem, and generally you won't be able to do this'legally. lf you're an employee, your situation is less solid. You don't own the premiies, and this sharply limits your authority. lf you suspect someone's irying to "trame" you, you'll have to take the risk of searihi;s in full kn.owledge that you might, if caught, be letting yourself in for suspicion of more serious acts. . An advantage you may have as an employee, is the

Breaking In

lf you have a compelling reason, you many want to take the risk. lf so, the first step is to know the premises-the physical layout: doors, windows, locks, and alarm systems, if any. You must also know the schedule-the hours when the building is occupied. Professional criminals call this "casing the joint." This will help you judge whether or not you can do it, and what your chances of getting away with it are.
Once you choose the time and place, gaining access the next step. There are roughly two ways of getting in: brute force and finesse. Brute force means just smashing a door or window. This is practical in some areas, as fhere's nobody close enough to hear the noise at night. ln others, ?hy commotion will attract attention, and perhaps the

police. For a br.ute force entry, you'll need a few tools. A hammer, a crowbar, or perhaps as little as a rock, if you can gain access by breaking a window. Before breaking anything, examine the area closely. ldeally, you should do this while "casing" your target. Fumbling in the dark is the worst way to do it. Knowlng your mode of entry in advance will enable you to bring only the tools you'll need. You might be able to release a window latch with a knife blade. A knife blade will also release a spring-bolt door latch. You might be able to get in do-or by removing the hinge pins. Try to do the least damage, because this makes the least noise. Breaking a window is a fairly straightforward way of gaining entry. ln so doing, you can avoid the noise of shattering glass by putting masking tape on the window before you break it. Several sheets of wet newspaper will work as wetl.


Using finesse means lockpicking and circumventing any intrusion alarms. Picking the locks can be easy or hard, depending on your skill and the condition of the lock. Developing skill at lockpicking takes time and effort. There are some books on the subject,t but it takes practice to become proficient.


while others take a lot of specialized knowledge.

One problem you may face is an alarm system. There are allsorts, from simple metaltapes on the windows to magnetic detectors, sonic alarms, induction detectors, and infra-red sensors. Some are easy to overcome,

One huge advantage you have is that, if you do your homework, all the necessary information on alarm systems will be available to you openly. Manufacturers and distributors send product literature to anyone who wants it. This enables you, once you know what sort of intrusion detection device is in use, to get brochures in four colors on the devices. You'll know whether the system operates with wires or by radio. You'll learn if you can disable it by cutting the power supply, or whether it has a built-in battery as backup power. . Surprisingly, many alarms only flash lights and ring bells, not being connected to any central office. The result is that if there's nobody in the area to note the signals, the system will be iineffective. Also. it's a simole signals, lso, Also, simple matter to cover a flashing light or to muffle the sound

yellow pages and, if there's a dealer in town, going to the showroom and examining the units. Posing as a possible buyer will get you answers to detailed questions, such as, "What protection does this have against cutting the wires?" Generally, a manufacturer makes more than one piece of hardware. He has a "llne," an assortment of modules to fit the needs of different customers. At the showroomr /ou can see what these modules look like, and learn what they do.z One useful trick to lessen the effeaiveness of a "silent alarm" is to trip it repeatedly if you can. Some of them are easy to trip from outside. lf there's a sonic or seismic sensor, a heavy blow against an outside wall might be enough to set it off. lf the system has metallic tape on the windows, cracking the glass lightly, just enough to break the tape, will set off the alarm. A magnetic sensor on a door or a window can be tripped by pounding on or shaking the door, if it's loose. Repeated false alarms will convince the central office that the system is malfunctioning, and any subsequent reaction will be slowed down. Once you know what the alarm system on the premises does, and whether or not you'll be able to pick the locks, you can plan your entry. You have two

(1) An entry by stealth,. picking the lock bypassing the alarm, if there is one.


have the manufacturer's name and the model number. Getting the literature can be as easy as looking in the

of a bell or gong. To start doping out the alarm system, it's only necessary to look for the label on the main unit. lt will

what you're facing before you go in. You'llavoid being surprised, and a surprise can be disastrous. lf you're going to have to make a quick entry and exit, you'll have to plan even more carefully. You'll

A "smash and grab," in which you know you're going to make noise and set off an alarm, and hope to escape before the police arrive. lf you do your homework properly, you'll know


need to plan your getaway, allowing yourself a margin of safety before anyone shows up. There won't be any time to waste, and you'll have to know what you're looking for. A detailed and leisurely search will be a luxury. What you're seeking may be hidden. There are all sorts of clever, imaginative ways to hide things.r This can involve a long search, but you may not have the

One good example is a metal detector, which detects both ferrous and nonferrous metals. This can help in locating a hidden strongbox, or a weapon.r
Postal lnterception may want to get a look at someone's mail. Doing this can be easy or hard, legal or illegal. lf your tartet is a relative or employer, this might be very easy, as it's often possible to wander by and scan opened mail on a desk or table. Without such "inside" access, an illegal method will be necessary. This is a serious crime, as even Postal lnspectors cannot open first-class mail without a court order, and diverting any mail from the addressee is illegal. It can be done as simply as taking the mail from the mailbox after the mailman has dropped it in. This requires coming out in the open, with the risk of being


lf you already know where what you want is

save you hours

ln some instances, you



Cover-ing the intent can be critical for you, as an entry

The next decision involves disguising your intent.

aimed at the evidence you seek might narrow the suspect list to one person: yourself.

Unless the physical security is very poor, you may not be able to avoid leaving traces of your entry. You may have good reason for not wanting your target to know that someone's been seeking certain evidence, in which case you'll want to disguise the entry as a simple burglary. Taking valuables along with your real objective helps to mislead the owner of the premises. tf there's a safe, leaving some tool marks around the door will suggest an attempt at burglary.

Some don't take many precautions against burglary or search. Others are so concerned that they might be described as "paranoid," and they are constantly preoccupied with means of detecting a covert search. They may leave a match stick in the door jamb, to detect if their door's been opened in their absence, or leave objects arranged in a set pattern, to see if anything's been moved upon their return. These "fames Bond" techniques are simple, and they work very well. It's possible to enhance the effectiveness and speed of your search by some inexpensive technical means.

personality of your target is always . Knowing thepeople helpful.

There's a safer, "remote control" method, with less risk of detection. lt involves engaging the services of a "mail drop,"s under an alias and paying cash, and sending in a change-of-address card on the target's mail. The mail will come to the mail drop, where it'll be easy to pick up. There's one serious problem with this method. lt can't work for very long. After the first day or two, the target will notice that his mail deliveries have stopped, and when he inquires as to why, the Postal lnspector will get into it. Anyone using this method and trying to push his luck may find a Postal lnspector waiting for him when he goes to the mail

drop on the third or fourth day. We see from this that there are several legal and illegal methods of seeking evidence, and that their

success depends on individual circumstances. There are definite risks to the illegal means, but at times it may seem worthwhile to take those risks. Sources

operation can be important in a covert action. 5. Directory of Mail Drops in the tJnited States and

85282, for twelve dollars, battery included. This device also detects electric currents, and signals by means of a red light-emitting diode, not a Suzzer.- This silent

Canada, Michael

modules were installed and working, and it was possible to see their effectiveness. One infra-red 4etector, for example, would pick up human body heat in an arc that extended to seventy feet. This sort of direct experience is valuable for learning realistically what are the limits and possibilities of defeating or bypassing an alarm system. This manufacturer offered a central alarm unit, which when set off by a sensor, would send a tape recorded message to the police. This was an option which not every customer selected, and knowing what the hardware looks like helps greatly in assessing a system's capabilities. 3, How To Hide Almost Anything, David Krotz, New York, Macmillan Publishing Co., 1975, is aimed at hiding small valuables, including perhaps a drug "stash," and gives very explicit instructions on how to construct a variety of hiding places in a house or apartment. With the information gotten from such a book, and enough time, it's possible to find almost anything, no matter how cleverly the material is
hidden. 4. Such a device is available from U.S. Ballistics and Armor Manufacturing Co., PO Box 24623, Tempe, AZ

1. Locks, Picks, and Clicks, Anonymous, Diamondback Press, Phoenix, AZ, 1975. This is one of many, and it covers forced entry from simple locks to safes. You can't learn lockpicking only from a book, and many hours of practice will be necessary before you develop some skill. 2. ln one showroom which the author visited, some

Loompanics Unlimited,

Hoy, Port Townsend, WA,





crowd to "make" yor, which is much harder than spotting a lone figure in a doorway. Behavior is as important as physical surroundings. Your behavior must be appropriate to the situation.
This is why standing in a doorway or sitting in a parked car are so conspicuous. People don't normally stand in doorways, unless it's raining or snowing, and they're waiting for a bus. People normally park their cars, lock them up, and leave. Anyone who sits in a car for more than a couple of minutes will stand out because he's stand out if they sit in a car together. Anyone who sees them will interpret their behavior as that of lovers, especially if they're talking. At night, on a dark street, they can avoid seeming out of place by hugging and kissing. We can easily understand that in the same situation, a team of two men hugging and kissing


not doing the normal thing. One exception is a male-female team. They don't

The Hollywood or television version of a stake out is t.ryo men in a car parked some yards away from the

subject premises, keeping it in sight through the windshield. ln real life, two men in a car might as well hang out a sign saying "STAKE OUT" because they'd be that obvious. ln some instances, a nervous resident might call the police. Using an automobile as a fixed observation post is very amateurish, and is a method of last resort. So is standing in a doorway, although it may be usefulwhen following a subject who goes into a building, and it becomes necessary to take up a position from which to observe the exits of the building and wait for him to come out.
The Hasty Stake Out There must be a better way, and there isl A hasty stake out works much better if you can blend in with the other people in the area, and one way of doing so is to go into a nearby cafe, store, or restaurant. When you do this, the subject has to pick you out from a

would attract attention. Setting up a hasty observation post is a matter of quick improvisation. Often, there are props available. A shoeshine stand or a stand-up lunch counter is often nearby in a city. A telephone booth is another prop. A gas station is yet another opportunity. This is of special value if the shadowing is likely to cover many miles, as it's wise to keep the gas tank as full as possible. Behavior is as important as the prop. Normally, buying a tankful of gasolinb doesn't take more than a couple of minutes. lf it's necessary to stay in place longer, lifting the hood to check the oil, water, and battery is a way to stretch it out. Another way is to use the toilet, if there is more than one surveillant and they can take turns keeping the subject under observation. Toilet needs can become very important in a protracted surveillance, and taking advantage of the opportunity serves two purposes.

Going into a store, if nothing else is qvailable, is anothei way of blending in and staying off the street. It's important to choose the appropriate store. A man would seem out of place in a cosmetics or lingerie shop, but not in a hardware or sporting. goods store. A supermarket is "unisex" in this regard.
The ideal store is a self-service store, where you can linger and seem to study the merchandise without attiacting attention. This is why a K-Mart or supermarket is the first choice. lt's not hard to take u.p a position from which you can watch the street while seeming to be shopping. This also allows you to make a quick exit, without buying anything and getting tied up in a checkout line. Bookstores are ideal for observation. The normal behavior is to browse, and some customers pore over books for hours without buying, and without even soeakins with the clerk. lf there's a bookstore with a lirge frint window, this will be better than most other choices. Unfortunately, there aren't as many bookstores as there are supermarkets and bars. A store without self-service is a second choice. ln such a case, do a little window shopping first. Look for one that allows you to face the front of the store while talking with the clerk. Otherwise, ygu'tl turn your head every few seconds, and this will attract

quick- 199k. Seleciing a tabte or place at the counter from which it's possibte-to observe'the street is essential. Be prepared io p"y quickly and get out.- lt's important to.have endujtr money out inlront of you to cover the check, becaulse if you have to leave suddenly, forgetting to pay can cause a stir. Using a phone booth for a few minutes' cover is more than just picking up the handset and pretending to talk. lt helps to have a notebook open, and -to pretend to be writing. A a useful prop for ihis. tt the phone booth is occupied, this is even better. Simply stand next to it, as if you'1e waiting to.use the phon6. This will enable you to look around and remain normal and inconspicuous. A last resort, if nothing else is available, is to stop the car, lift the hood, and seem to be working under it. A staited motorist won't usually arouse suspicion, butthis improvised cover can't last for very long.

Any place that sells food is worth


The Semi-Fixed Post

attention. A little planning can avoid the need for clumsy improvisation later. ln the case of a bar, where it's customary to pay for drinks at the time the bartender pours them, there won't be any problem with getting out fast. Not all bars have windows that permit a view of the street, however, which impedes observation. lf the stake out
takes longer than a few minutes, alcohol consu-m-ption can cause a problem. Some people have the ability to

"nurse" a beer for a long time, which is a definite advantage in such a situation.

already seen that a car is one of the worst choices, but other hotor vehicles can be much better. Any vehicle which doesn't permit easy observation of the inside will do, as longi as it blends in with the locale. The otd TV cliche about a telephone company truck and two men in jumpsuits is so well-known that it doesn't work very weli. ln any event, it would be hard to justify two "teiephone company" employees taking atl'day io check otit the wiring at the top of the pole. "City workers" digging up thestreet while observing a building is anotheiHollywood cliche that is hard to

it's possible to establish a somewhat more permanent position for a stake out. we've

pavement if- the subject they're observing suddenly decides to leave. Unless you're really a -telephone company employee or a city worker, you'll have'a hard time getting a suitable truck. lf you decide to buy a similar truck, pa-int it to suit, and buy the auxiliiry equipment, you'll probably attract attention from reil telephone company employees, city workers, and certainly from the police if you try to dig up the street. Vans and campers are very common, and they're almost ideal. lf you own one, or can borrow one, you already have an advantage. lf you must rent one, you'll be able to exploit it, although it will cost you iome money. It may be that your subject knows your vehicle. This gives you two choices: having it repainted or borrowing or renting another, io avoici his easily spotting you. Whether you need to do this or not also depends on how distinctive your vehicle is. lf you have a plain blue van, in a locale where there are many vans and blue is a popular color, only the license plaie will set you off. You can park far enough away so the plate is not easy to read, or is hidden by the vehicle in front of you. - T.h" ideal set-up is one with curtains. Curtains permit looking out, but impede anyone's looking in. lri using such a set-up, it's important to avoid being seen if you have to move the curtains to get a better view. lt's ilso important not to be silhouetted, as when there are two windows on opposite sides of the van, and someone can see you moving between them. One way to avoid this is to block one off with a piece of cardboard behind the curtain, or tape a cardboard partition from the roof between the two windows if you need to observe from both sides.

put into practice. The "city workers" would be embarrassed taking off and leaving a hole in the

will see you.

The windshield will remain clear, of course, and a curtain or partition between the front seats and the back is essential, or anyone looking in the windshield

It's critical to remain back from the windows when observing, just as it is in a room. The interior of the van should be darker than the outside, to impede being seen. This is where curtains serve two functions, keeping excess light out and blocking direct view into the van. tf the stake-out takes place overnight, it's important to be able to get out in darkness inside the vehicle, as the slightest glimmer of light will betray you. The windows should be clean, not only for direct observation but to enable you to take photographs. When using a camera or binoculars, be sure to ierirain far enough inside to avoid direct sunli nlight on the lenses. A iav of sunli ray sunlight can reflect very brightly, if the angle is right, and this can blow your cover. lf you have to take photographs, be sure to turn off the engine. The vibration will make it hard to get sharp

prepare for it in advance. You should provide for food and drink, and for toilet facilities. li your van isn't equipped as a camper, you'll have to improvise. ln a pinch, some granola bars and a canteen of water will do for a short while. A rnilk carton can serve for urination, but if you need to stay in the van for twentyfour hours or longer, a portable camper's toilet will help a lot. You may not be able to leive the van for calls of nature, and being properly equipped will help. lf you have a camper, you can set up your stake out in style. Presumably, you'll have a refrigerator or icebox, a stove, and even toilet and showel facilities. This enables you, if you're properly stockpiled, to


you foresee a prolonged stake out, it helps to

maintain the observation post for a week or more. A motor home, if one is available, is an absolute luxury.

Parking can be a problem. First, the vehicle must ,.fit in," and appear normal in the area. A lavish motor home would seem out of place in a barrio, where the norm is junkers and stripped cars. A garish "hippie van" won't fit in a middle oi upper-ciass neighborhood. One point almost nobody considers is that the vehicle should not be of the make and year of the local police department's detective vehiclei. Criminals are not the only ones aware of the unmarked cars that the police use, which are often plain four-door sedans of a popular make. Narcotics and undercover officers, aware of this, typically choose vehicles that are not at all like police cars, sometimes using vans, sports cars, and even luxury cars. lf you own a vehicle ihat could



something else.

for an unmarked police car, use

Figure 6 A motor home parked in a block where its presence doesn't

seern unusual gives all the comforts of home to the stake-out team. lts size and weight serye to mask movement inside, and to muf f le the sound of yoices somewhat. Curtains on the windows are normal, unlike a car, and serve to concealsigns



anyone passes by and notices movement or talking, it can Sive you away.

ln such a case, the problems will be staying awake and avoiding any visible signs of occupancy. You'll have to be careful about noise, and be aware that moving around inside the vehicle may make it rock. lf

There may be local parking regulations that will impglg your operation. lf you haveio park at a meter, you'll be forced to move the vehicie periodically. There may even be "No Parking" on the street. -A.parking lot is the best choice, if one is within sight of the place you're observing. lf it's a commercial iot, you.'ll have to pay a fee. [f it's a shopping center parking l.o!, you'll be able to park free -and go unnoticed if you park away from the entrances to the stores. Another advantagp of a shopping center parking lot is that movemeht within the v'ehiile won,t seem out of place, nor will entering and leaving. tt's especially wise to choose a parking-lot, even if lome distance away, because the proper vehicle will enable you to use binoculars for observation, and the distance will aid in avoiding discovery. Distance is important. People are likely to pay less attention to vehicles parked a block or two away than within a few yards of them. lf the parking plaie is a

logical one, such as a shopping center parking lot, the vehicle will psychbiogitally invisible, iltt ough it may be quite large. Another.problem is .leaving the vehicte. Normaily, people park and leave their vehicles. A car or truck thii parks on the street with the driver remaining inside is conspicuous. lf the subjea and/or his fr-iends are watchful, and they. see a vehicle pull in but nobody getting out, they'll pay close attention to it. This is where a two-man team is useful. lf. your friend drives the vehicle, and gets out and walks away after he parks, this will seem-normal, and you can remain concealed inside for the stake out. ln such a cqiq, it helps to have a portable CB, to enable you to call him back in a hurry if you have to move out. Having a two. or three man team for prolonged stake outs is essential. lt's impossible to stay awakelnd alert -in around the clock, and observing shifts is one solution. A.n ideal set-up is a motor home in a shopping center parking lot. ln some-parts of the country, suih iveh:cle won't attract undue attention, even it parked overnight. tf the vehicle is parked so that thb door faces away fto.r thesubject piemises, it will be possible to enter and leave it without being seen, blending in with other shoppers. The watchers Ean periodically"get out to stretch their legs, shop for food, or even reiieie each other if this is a large operation and they operate


Ffo;ed Sta&e




Good judgement will dictate the choice of food. lt would be outlandish to try to barbecue steaks, but if in a shopping center it's eaiy to procure sandwiches, or even to take turns eating in a local restaurant.

The basic prerequisite for a fixed observation post is know the territory. lf the stake-out is in your neighborhood, you'll have a head start in this regard. Knowing the layout is essential, because it enables you to choose the best observation post. Knowing the subject building, and all of its exits, enables you to cover it best. lt may be necessary to set up more than one observation point, if you need to cover all sides of a building. Having help from a friend will enable you to do this. lf you can't cover all the exits, you can cover the more likely ones. You have to know every street, building, and alley. Knowing the surrounding area is important, because if your subject starts moving, you'll have to get moving yourself if you want to follow him. Knowing where you can pick him up after coming out of your stake out is vital or you'll lose him. ln certain instances, a fixed, or semi-permanent stake out is possible. This usually means a room in a ouilorn8. rr building. lf you own or rent the premises, you can premtses, easily set up a stake out. lf you're a businessman concerned with employee theft, you can camp out in your office at night if you normally leave after the others, or let yourself in again after the others leave. The onlv p only oroblem micht be that a dishonest emolovee might tbat employee might himself have your building staked oui, ind discover your effort. lf there's more than one entrance, you can make a big show of leaving at the normal time, then park your car a few blocks away and return through an alley and enter unseen through a back door.t One good quality of an observation post is having an entrance not visible from the subject building, so you can't be seen entering and leavint your siake out


86 87

lf the entrance is visible, you,ll have to minimize the chances of being seen bi cutting down your trips. lf it's necessary to rent a room, you'll want to keep your reason- secret from the landlord or rental agent, as talk, even !r,".r.yyou're or police be a friend of your su-b;ect,s. Unless a officer, you won,t be atile to approach a stranger and ask for the use of his premises. Another danger is having the landlord suspect that you're doing something illegal. you know that you,re {ging a. surveillance,- bui he might petceiue it differently, and conclude that you,re ; narcotics trafficker. ln such a case, you might come under surveillance from the police, or evln have to face questioning. Probably the greatest danger is if your surveillance is connected with ..something illegil. lf you,re also wiretapping, you'll naturally be-very cireful while installing the.tap, but you inignt relix your caution while doing the legal par!. Any attention which brings investitatign oj your activities can lead to the illegil part. This is why you should be vigilant througholt. You will have to move in some equipment, even for the most austere stake out. Some of t6e items can be:


o Drink.

o Binoculars or telescope. o Electronic equipment.


noises of occupancy. There's a special probletn connected with renting stake outs. The hours of apparent occupancy must seem normal. An apartment in which two men sit alt day will attract attilntion. So will an office which is occupied.twenty-four hours a day. This is where a male and female stake out team is useful. lt's not unusualfor the "husband" to go to work in the morning, leaving the "wife" home. -With an office or other business premises, there can be "normal,' activity during

people often do get up during the night, but in a commercial area it will be a giveawayt Another, but less important problem is noise. lt,s unnecessary to_ kg"p total silence. This will depend on the location of the observation post. One in'an attic which is normally unoccupied tiill require silence if there are peopl on the flbor below who might hear voices or footsteps. Using an office will permiinormal office noises during normal business hours, and using an apartment or furnished room gives an even greater block of time during which you dan allow the iormal

While Il" sight of a man carrying a cooler or cardboard box doesn't attract undue aitention, a pair of binoculars might. Keep any optical or- oiher specialized equipment in a bol oi b.g, to avoid orscrostng your purpose. Avoiding detection while in the observation post is essential. One of the first things you should do'when you get in is to draw all the blinds, curtains and drapes almost shut, and to turn out any lights. Set up your post so you can see your target from back in the room. A giveaway is to put your face close to the window, or to dl.ry back drapes to get a better view. Select your field of view, and leave it that wayt Bring a small-flashlight with you for use at.night. Turiring on the room lightiin a residential neighborhood can ieem normal, bdcause

business hours, but it will help if neighbors see someone lock up and leave at normal closing time. lf there's electronic surveillance, headphones are


conspicuous at night. A last resort is a rooftop or outdoor observation post. Any rooftop post leaves you vulnerable, because it's hard to avoid being silhoutted against the sky when making an observation. An outdoor post will do, if it's possible to make an improvisation that lets you fit in with the neighborhood. lf there's a nearby tennis court, and a line of people waiting to play, you can join the end of the line if you're properly dressed. Rural Obseruation Posb Wide open spaces give you more freedom, but they also expose you more to observation, by your subject or others. When selecting an observation post, you may choose a gully, rock formation, or shrubbery. An important point is that you should choose a spot that gives you all-round cover. Someone else might come along, see you before you can hide, and blow your cover. Rural people usually know their neighbors, and spot immediately anyone who doesn't "belong." Thick woods usually give good all-round cover. lt may be necessary to approach the post at night, to reduce the chances of meeting someone. This means that warm clothing is necessary, and as the observation's likely to be until the next evening, food and drink. Finding a place to leave a vehicle can be a serious problem. lf there are no state campgrounds nearby, it might be necessary to have a friend drive you to a point near your cover and drop you off.

The noise of a loudspeaker will


It would be going too far to wear camouflage clothing and camo colors on your face, as meeting someone would certainly arouse suspicion. Dark clothing is helpful, and removing or covering anything shiny, such as a belt buckle, will help you stay unseen.
Noise carries far on a quiet night, and leaving behind ins obiects betray vou coins and other objects that can rattle and betrav you is a good step. Choice of clothing material is important too, because some fabrics, such as nylon, are noisy when rubbing against brush. Dacron or cotton, and even wool, are far better. ln an extreme situation, you may be obliged to dig a foxhole, and cover it with branches. lf this becomes necessary, do your digging at night, and have all loose

soil and other evidence scattered by first light.

of digging

covered up or

The Edge ol The Sword

robberies, or if you work in a gas station or pharmacy, both of which are favorite targets for stick-up artists, you may be tempted to prepare yourself for a robbery, and plan to resist it. There are good reasons for doing this. The police can't protect you. Usually,.they arrive only after the crime is over, to interview the victims and write their reports. Their rate of clearance of robberies is nowhere near 100%, and they certainly won't put a policeman in front of your door to protect you. Occasionally, some departments have "stake out squads," or "street crime units," groups of specialists who stake out possible targets in high-risk areas, but this is rare. The basic fact is that the armed citizen is the first line of defense against crime. He's the cutting edge of the

a shopkeeper in an area that has had a wave of

Some situations suggest an armed stake out. lf you're


employees or. even. have armed. guards any more. They know that a lawsuit can cost them far more than th6 amount of money a robber may take. .important to know the law in your locate, so you'll have some legal guidelines foi action. Some defenders have. pR-ened fire situations they considered self-defense, only to find out when th6 police arrived that they were the guilty parties, and

competent defense is another. .Carrying a gun is not enough. Knowing how and when to use it is essential. Using propel tactics is critical. There are several steps reqriired before you can consider yourself competent, and ignoring them can bring you trouble. First, select a handgu_n and learn to use it. you may need instruction at a "shooting school," or you may take. naturally. to the low gride of markjmanship required and.learn on your own. Whatever the case, you must be able to hit a man-size target at close range, no greater than the longest dimension of your business. You must be able to hit consistently, without missing, because a wild shot can endanger'innocent pgq,plg and expose you to a lawsuit. This-is why many high-risk targets, such as banks, don't arm their

sword, and the police, in -reality, are only backups. When they arrive, they depend on the'citizen to provide descriptions, identify the suspects, and later testify in court. Throughout, even if the criminal is caught and convicted, ihe citizen is the central figure in the process. . ln most states, it's legal to use deadly force in selfdefense. ln most states, it's legal to own a firearm, and to carry it while on one's own property, even if concealed. This gives the opportuirity-to'set up an -irospect' armed defense against the of a robbery. Having the . opportunity is one- thing-planning a

cover from any bullets fired at you. Reinforcing the back of a counter with a sheet of half-inch steel will stop any pistol bullet, and most rifle shots. Wearing body armor will help a lot. Generally, soft body armor that's light and comfortable enough to wear all day will not cover the whole body, nor even the entire torso, but will cover the vital areas in the torso. There are three problems with body armor:

businessman, you probably have a lawyer. Otherwise, a good source of free information is the county attorney. A member of his staff will probably be willing to discuss the law as it relates to self-defense and deadly force. You must protect yourself physically, too. This means planning spots in your store where you can jump for

liable to civil and criminal prosecution.



(1) Many body armor manufacturers won't sell it to civilians, stating self-righteously that they sell only to police to avoid its falling into the hands of criminals. This is like the gun control argument, ignoring the fact that many civilians have legitimate uses for body armor, and that many more civilians are feloniously killed than police officers. At least one body armor manufacturer recognizes the need of civilians for body armor, and will sell to them.z (2) Body armor gives only partialprotection. lt's not a "bullet-proof" vest, won't stop all bullets, and doesn't protect every vulnerable drea of the body, such as the

head. This

overconfident, and

is why it's important not to

make good use

of cover and



uncomfortable to wear all day. There are many body armor manufacturers with many different designs, and some of them are atrocious, as well as expensive. A vest that gives a very high level of protection, but is too

(3) Some body armor is too heavy or



heavy or bulky to wear, is worse than a lighter one that you can wear all day. partial protection ill the time is better than perfect proteaioh none of the tir". Tactics are all-important-. you should plan, and rehearse, what ,you'will do in case of a ,"UUery. Running through a dummy exercise will show up in" wg?k po.ints in your plan, and point out instanies in which it's better to do nothing. Plan how you'll get to your covered firing position. A gqgd place for thiiis neit to the cash regisi"r, i, this is a likely area for you to be if the robbEr t"fl, vou to hand over your money. you should also plln-for another position, in case the robber orderj you to move clear of the register while he removes the iron"y


armor. Customers pose a special problem. you don,t want to hit innocent people in the- cross-fire, and having customers in the store is one of the cases in which vou might decide it's better to hand over the monev than to risk a shootout. Fortunately, robbers usuallv'strike

.lf ygy have employees, they should be part of the lf they wani to carry a-handgun, set ,p firing positions for them. lf not, tell thei where to arcl when the action starts. They should also, if vo, ol.n armed resistance, have the'choice of wearing f,"Ji

they're usually aware of the possibility that one of the customers may be an off-duty cop. A backroom stake out is the best, but it consumes manpower. lt involves staying in a back room, with an open doorway or a two-w-ay mirror giving a view of the store, and.being prepared'to interienJwith a heavy weapon. Having a shotgun is practical when it,s not necessary to conceal it.

when there are no other people on the frLrnirur, because it g.ives them fewir people to *itch, ind

A shotgun is a good choice.r lt's powerful enough for the job, and buckshot doesn't carry as far as a rifle or pistol bullet, which is very important in a built-up area. Considering the short range involved, light buckshot, such as #4, is a good choice. The lighter pellets will give a dense pattern at short rante, and will lose velocity faster than heavier ones, such as #00. lf the range is very short, thirty feet or less, #8 birdshot is better. Even with a cylindrical, (unchoked) barrel it will produce a very dense pattern at ranges up to twenty feet, yet will scatter enough beyond thirty feet so the charge will not go through both sides of an interior wall. This is important, as you want to restrict the firepower to avoid endangering innocent people. Figure 7 is a diagram of a typical business, and shows ght one plan of armed defense that might apply. The cash register, A, has a sheet of steel built into the counter ilt below it. The two employees, B and C, have preassigned stauons wnere tney assrSneo stations where they can go if a gunfight 8o !t SunnSnt erupts. Again, there's 1/2 tnch sheet steel built into the counters where they are. D is the customer area, with a couple of product displays in the middle of the floor. An essential point is that these displays should not offer any cover to a gunman. Stacks of cans are out of the question, as they'll stop many bullets. Cereal boxes are better, as part of the plan is to provide maximum protection for yourself and your employees and deny it to a gunman. ' Assuming the employees will take active roles in defense, their locations become critical. Note that they can engage a gunman with cross-fire wherever he might be in the customer area. There's no place to hide that will keep him out of sight of all of the store

ln laying out cross-fire, it's important for the defenders to avoid firing toward each other. Planning this in advance will avoid accidental injuries.

The back room, E, gives yet another prospect for the businessman in a high-risk area. Armed with a shotgun,

he can observe the store through the partly opened door, revealing himself only when a robbery occurs.
The drawback is that standing guard this way prevents him from taking care of business up front. The advantage is that this simplifies the plan. He can emerge at the right moment, taking the gunman by surprise, without requiring the employees to be armed. This is an important point. Not everyone longs to be a gunfighter, and not everyone is familiar with weapons. Some people are even afraid of weapons. lf some of the employees don't want to be armed, their task is simply to take cover. ldeally, of course, the stickup artist should have to face gunfire from several directions at once, but it doesn't always work out this well. Whatever the case, there should be a clear plan before the action starts. ln this regard, it's important to note that in many states, a robber who shows a weapon in effect gives the defender a license to kill. With this in mind, the best plan is to open fire and keep shooting until the gunman goes down. This reduces the chances of his firing back, and perhaps hitting one of the defenders or an innocent person with a ricochet. There's no moral obligation to shoot to wound only. lf the gunman lives, there',ll be a trial, which means taking time off from work to testify. lf the shootout is fatal to the gunman, there will be no need for a trial.


Finding the time to carry out a surveillance is hard enough for someone who has to hold a job, but the
Figure 7
96 97

possibly missed opportunities while your post is unmanned can spoil your whole effort. Unfortunately, this is what comes with the territory. Even the police, with their manpower and other resources, don't score 1N7", and you should be prepared for failure. The fact is that you're more likely to fail than to succeed, and you need the emotional stamina to cope with this. As a -start, you should expect to spend many nonproductivg hours in surveillance, as significant events aren't likely to happen to suit your schedule. A lot depends on how far you're prepared to go, and how important to you results are. lf your reason is critically important, you'll have the motivation to work and accept the loss in pay involved. You miy spend a lot of money if you're wellmotivated, and the prospect of seeing it wasted because nothing turned up can be discouriging. This is
a very real risk, and you should understanA

spend some sleepless nights, or even take time off from

you start. lf you're alone in your effort, it will be harder. The emotional support that members of a team give each other is significant, and without this you'll neCd a lot of determination to carry you through.

tnii before

1. ln one instance, this is exactly what ha hat happened. A business had been plagued by an ep epidemic of possibly by disgrunt sabotage, possiblv bv a discruntled emol disgruntled employee. The foreman enlisted the aid of two loyal employees and -differeht staked out the place, using several methods. For several weeks, the three would leave at the normal time, pick up some sandwiches and thermos bottles of coffee, and return after dark, parking their cars in a shopping center parking lot across the street.

They'd leave their cars, and go through the back streets to enter by the alley door, which the foreman had left unlocked and unbolted. Keeping well away from the windows, they would make themselves comfortable and wait for something to happen. ln some ways, they were sloppy. They smoked while sitting at desks that were visible from the street, which might have given them away to anyone passing by. Bored, they chitchatted, although in low voices. Suspecting they might have been seen entering the building, or perhaps leaving it after a stake out, they changed their tactics. lnstead, they returned after dark to the shopping center across the street, parking behind a row of cars and keeping the building under observation with binoculars. Again, nothing happened. This shows some of the uncertainties of a stake out. The guilty pafty, if a fellow employee, might have driven by and recognized one of the cars. They might have been seen by chance entering the building surreptitiously. lt only takes one mistake to give the game away. One of the suspects happened to live across the street. lf indeed he was guilty, his house gave him a perfect place for observation to detect a stake out. Another problem was that there were a couple of false alarms while they wege staking out the premises from across the road. ln one case, a drunk fumbling at the back door brought the watchers screeching up in their cars, headlights on and piling out to apprehend the "suspect." This very visible action would have given it away to anyone watching. 2. Silent Partner, lnc., 512-1S Third Street, Gretna, LA 70053. Toll-free # 1-800-321-5741. Their lightest model weighs 1.3 pounds with armor insert, is made like a mesh T-shirt, and is comfortable enough to wear all

day. lt takes soft armor inserts, the lightest of which will stop.38 Special, and will accept heavier inserts to stop heavier calibers. The prices start at about $125.00 for a vest and armor insert. Silent Partner makes both male and female models. 3. Ihe Shotgun in Combat, Tony Lesce, Paladin press


_,[et's start by defining photographic surveillance: Photograph.ic surveillance is photographing the subject without his awareness. Ttris leaies brt itoi or unnecessary material, such as passport photos, and potrce mug shots. lt excludes cameras in banks and shops, placed openly to record holdups. There are several reasons why you might need photographs of your subject: (1) As evidence. lt, tor example, you,re the owner of a business, and you know someone is stealine from you, photographs might serve .r. prosecution. Unless you're prepared to make an arrest "uiA-"n.""foi on the sp9t, you'll-prefer'to'take ttre ptrotoeiaohs covertly. This excludes flash ilhotography. ' (2) For future reference and comparison. you might want a record of the cars parked in'a certain place."or you might need a- photograph of a subject to'show to another person, for posiibie identificition. For-both cases, you'll probably prefer that the subject not know you're photographirig him.



The Environment

the light might be dim. You'll have to adapt your techniques to the situation.

You may have to take pictures in broad daylight, or

You may be able to get close, photographing your subject from across a room or street, or the range may be great. Again, you'll have to tailor your methods to the needs. You may be able to take the pictures yourself, or you may have to have an automatic camera, tripped by a remote release. This can come about when you need to cover an area for a long period of time, as in the case of thefts from a store, and can't man the post for 24 hours a day. ln such a case, you'll have to jury-rig a device to trip the shutter when someone opens the door or window, or devise another expedient.
Equipment This is a nuts-and-bolts book, and this discussion of equipment will be a short, no-nonsense one, with specific recommendations drawn from the author's experience. Any discussion of equipment is likely to offend someone who doesn't find his favorite hardware included, or who disagrees with the choices. Unfortunately, there's no easy way to resolve such conflicts. Different people have different needs, and will prefer different equipment. There's also more photographic equipment on the market than it's possible to cover in a short chapter, and so most will remain uncovered. lf you have a favorite camera, and it works well for you, by all means try to work with it before buying anything else.

Cameras The 35mm camera is here to stay, for several reasons, some of which make it a good choice for surveillance: (1) lt's light and compact, compared to larger format cameras. (21 lt's commonly available, and takes commonly available film of many types. (3) lt gives negatives of excellent quality, enough to make 16 x 20 prints and larger, assuming the right film

and competent use. (4) lt accepts a variety of accessories, such as telephoto lenses, and remote releases. (5) Most 35mm single-lens reflex cameras have behind-the-lens metering, which is important when using different lenses of different efficiency, and for getting a reading without getting close to the subject. (6) The price is right. lt's possible to buy a 35mm camera of excellent quality for under $200. Larger format cameras cost a lot more, and the accessories are much more expensive.
Price is important. The CIA and other government agencies can afford exotic and expensive equipment, but usually the private citizen has to work on a budget, and a discussion of equipment that's priced out of sight

isn't helpful. Fortunately, modestly-priced equipment is also very good quality gquipment, and top-notch cameras are available in the $200 bracket, although the purists and snobs who own Leicas and Nikons willturn up their noses. One aspect of price which none of the photography experts discuss is that it's as easy to drop or lose an expensive camera as it is a cheap one. Accidents happen. As this isn't a photography magazine, and does not contain advertisements for cameras, the

high-priced equipment by pointing this out. An expensive camera will cost you more to repair or replace. Think about this carefully.

author doesn't care if he offends the manufacturer of

there's a variety of lenses available at-diflerent'prices. This is not to say that other brands aren't as good. Many are. Minolta, Canon, and Pentax are some-other brands with good reputations because they work well for other people. Lens quality is not as important as the advertisements claim. Excellent resolution (sharpness) on the optical test bench doesn't necessariiy mian that a super-lharp image will record on the film. There are severil problems which can degrade sharpness, no matter how good the lens: (1).Camera vibration. This can came about through a rough mirror and shutter mechanism, or through camera shake, caused by using too low a shutter speed for the conditions. (2) lmproper use. This can come from choosing the wrong film, or improper bracing of the camera ihen using low shutter spe.eds, or just clumsy handling. This can also come about through overexposure and overdevelopment, which increales grain and burns out fine detail.

to use it. This set of skills is impossible to learrifrom reading one chapter. lt's necessary to learn more, and to practice. There are many good books available in libraries, and Kodak publishes a number of practical guides on photography. The author's favorite brand is Olympus. These cameras, whether the relatively simple OM-1, or the more sophisticated OM-G, are very well made, with sharp lenses and smooth shutter and mirror mechanisms. The behind-the-lens metering and bayonet-mount lenses make changing easf, and

More important than the equipment


knowing how

(3) Film.limitations. Most 35mm lenses made today millimeter. Unfortunately, even the best films can't do that. We'll look at films later.

can resolve about 300 lines per



What lens do you need? That depends on the situation. A "normal" 50mm lens is-fine for most purposes, but if you have to set up a stake-out at a distance, you may need a telephoto lens. Roughly, the more power (magnification), the higher the cost. lf you're not sure of how much magnification you'll need or if you need to photograph in diff'erent situations, a zoom lens is a good investment. One zoom lens replaces a number of different fixed-focal length ones. lt's cheaper to buy one zoom tens, and easier to carry only one lens than an assortment of

While it's true that zoom lenses aren't as sharo as fixed lenses, in practice this doesn't matter. Thel-ood modern zooms, costing between two and ihree hundred dollars, are moie than adequate for the task, mainly because of camera and film limitations, which prevent getting the full benefit from a super-sharp

It's harder to hold a zoom or telephoto lens steady. This is because the lens magnifies not only the subject, but camera movement. You'll have to experimerit to find the shutter spggd you need for best iharpness in the conditions you'll be facing. .A good, all-round zoom lens for the Olympus is the Vivitar Auto-Zoom, F4.5 75-260mm. lt's not too heavy, is very sharp, and is rugged and easy to use. tts built-in lens hood is convenient when shooting against bright light, and it's mechanically reliable.

There are special purpose telescopes which will adapt to cameras, such as the Celestron. Usually, these are heavy bulky affairs, and are very expensive. While they permit photographing the license plate of a car at
a distance of several miles, this is a rare requirement. A special problem associated with such extreme lenses is

o Tri-X: 8x10 enlargements. o Plus-X: 11x14. o Panatomic-X: 16x20.

Why would anyone want a print that measures 16x20 inches? Actually, 8x10 is a good practicalsize, but often it's necessary to blow the negative up further, cropping out some of the background, to get a good sized, clear print of the subject. This is when film resolution and good technique pay off. lt might be necessary to blow up a photo of a car enough to read the license plate, or a house to read the addiess. lt might be necdssary to

atmospheric turbulence. "Heat waves" usually spoil a photograph, because the high magnification also amplifies the effect of heat waves. A tripod or other solid mount is a must with these lenses. Some of the larger lenses need two tripods, or a combination of tripod and special brace.

There are many types of film, and many brands. For brevity, it's necessary to limit the discussion to Kodak films. As with cameras, there are other good brands, and some which the author can recommend with a clear conscience are Agfa-Gevaert, llford, GAF, and Fuji. The author prefers Kodak because these films are commonly available, and have good latitude, which means that they forgive minor mistakes. Depending on exposure and processing, this is a rough guide to film resolving power: . Kodak Tri-X: 70 lines per millimeter. o Kodak Plus-X: 90 lines. o Kodak Panatomic-X: 110 lines. practical sharpness? Let's look at the maximum enlargement size possible. Assuming proper exposure and development, adequate darkroom skills, and a good

How do these figures translate into


we can get the following full-frame


enlargements consistently:

see what someone is holding in his hand. lt might happen that it was impossible io approach the subjLct enough to fill the frame, making a blow-up necessary. ln some instances, where an extreme blow-up is necessary, it might be helpfulto use a special film, such as llford Pan-F or Agfa lsopan F. The problem comes because these films ire both very slow (exposure index between 10 and 25) and have Jittle latitdde. ln other words, they're temperamental, and careful exposure and processing are necessary for best results. For large blow-ups, Panatomic-X will do most of the time, without the problem that the special films bring with them. Sending film off for processing isn't practical, unless you're willing to settle for mediocre results, or willing to pay the price for custom processing. Doing ii yourself, if you're careful, will give you better results at lower cost. One exception is color film. Kodachrome, the sharpest of the bunch, is not designed for userprocessing. The various Ektachromes, with moderate to very high -speeds, are designed for home processing, but the chemicals don't have good storage life, an-d unless you plan to process half a dozen rolls at once, ' it'll be too costly.

. Regarding color films for home processing, it's been the author's experience that the GAF coloi films are easier to use and process, as the system has more latitude, forgiving mistakes more thah other brands. Another reason for home processing is that it's possible to "push" film by extended development, to get higher sensitivity for dim-light photogriphy. One additional reason for home processing, black and white or color, is secrecy. This might be important to you, especially if the photographs have a sexual

There's a common fallacy that a "super" developer will enable great speed from normal filrhs. For the most part, this is untrue. lt is true that some developers will give slightly. more. speed, about half a stop, but any more at the expense of excessive-grain and contrast. lt's more practical, if you need iore film speed, to choose the next fastei film.

Legal Aspects

Every camera hobbyist or professional has his favorite film and developer combination. For what they're worth, the author's choices are Kodak plus-X and Edwal FG-7. These are the reasons: (1) This is a good, all-round combination, enough to give an 11x14 enlargement.
(2) Plus-X is sensitive enough to permit using in a bus station, store, manufacturing plant, or sports arena with an exposure of approximately 1/30th sec. at F4. (3) This combination has latitude, to compensate for minor mistakes, and is easy to use. Qtfer people prefer other developers, such as Kodak D-76 or Ethol UFG, both of which are excellent, and both of which the author has used extensively at


"Pushing" film has its limits. There's an increase in contrast and grain, thetiny silver crystals that make up the.image.. These both degrade sharpness. Usually, doubling the developmeni time wili increase the effective ipeed of the film by four, depending on the -is film-developer combination. Pushing also possible with Ektachrome and the GAF color films, although the technique is more complex.

or copyright . of the photogiiphs, problems. What will concern ybu'is avoidins vibiation of the criminal code, or getting caught at -it. . lf you plan to .use the photographs in court, however,. you must be careful-to oblain them legally. The "exclusionary rule" supported both by state"laws and court decisions, obligei'a iudge to tnilrt" out iny

them simply won't apply-to you. you won,t be concerned with model releases, living permission for publication

. This Tay n9! matter for most purposes, but there can be legal problems in some instanies. State laws vary, but some general guidelines follow. It's legal to photograph anyone in a public place, but !g! on unless you own the property. I his means that shooting someone through the window of his dwelling isn{ legat. lf you have io enter without the owner's permission, that is breaking and entering, or burglary, depending on how the law-reads rn your state. It may be legal to photograph someone on private property if it's outdoors, and normally visible fr6m the street or an alley. lf it's necessary to'climb a fence or otherwise penetrate a barrier, there may be a problem. Under most conditions, y9u won't have to worry a.bout the legalities of the photos you take. Most of

evidence that's "tainted," that is, illegalty obtained. lf you think you'll need photos for evidence, check with your lawyer first.

up the Sta&e Out

Finding a place from which to take photographs can be easy or difficult, depending on thd situat-iori. tf you own the premises, or you're tiking photos in daylilht, it's easier than if yod have to slioot at nieht bi on someone else's p.roperty. The advantages 6f owning the property are thai you can set up the camera almost anywhere you wish, and take exposure readinss at your leisure, even shooting a test roll to check out-your

hard on the camera. This willgive more steadiness than hand-holding, and it's cheap- and light. lf you're using a telephoto lens in dim light, you,re up against it. Telephoto lenses usually ha-ve shaller maximum F-stops than normal lenses, and thls requires a slower shutter.speed. As a telephoto lens uiually requires a.high shutter speed for iharpness, because th magnification increases the effda of camera vibration, your choice often is between a fastei film which is less sharp., or using a tripod or brace, permitting a lower shutter spe-d.

Photographing lrom a Vehide This is necessary in some situations. One is using a for surveillance, and taking pictures "of everyon approaching the suspect premis6s. ln such a !a:e, using a camera surreptitiously can be a problem. Bringing the camera up io maki the exposure can attract attention. One solution photograph from (ar away,using a telephoto lens. Another ls to use a vehicle ttti".n permits movement inside without attracting attention. A van or motor home with curtained wind6ws will do the trick. Make sure the windows are ctean ln some instances, it's necesary to take a ,,grab shot,, rolling up. near the suspect . jnd shootin! t i, UV snapping the camer? up quickly to take the ihot, then 9o*l again before he can see it. ln such a case, don,t let the camera touch any part of the vehicle when making the exposure, as thb vibration of the engine, transmitted through the body, will induce cairera vibration and lose sharpness. ' Sometimes it's necessary to take a photograph of a building for reference, such as plairning";-i.iJ", surreptitious entry. ln such a case, it helps Io know the

permit, and if the light is too low for a fast shutter speed. Lac.king a. tripod., bracing the camera solidly against a firm obiect will allow iharp photographs at low shutter speeds in many cases. lf a hasty.set-up is needed, it's possible to steady the camera with an improvisation: Tike a1/4-20 bolt, and attach a six-foot long string to it. Screw the bolt into the ltip"d socket on tha camera, and let the string dangle. When ready to shoot, step on the string, ani puliup

observe the same precautions as for visiral observation, gucfr a; keeping the room lights low, and standing weli back from the window to avoid being seen. You may want to use a tripod, if time and space

A plqcg of concealment can be very similar to that needed for a visual stake out. Generallil, if you can see, you can take pictures. you'll have to hide yourself, yet leave an opening for the camera lens. Common sense is a good guide to finding a hiding place. Take care when shooting through glass, whether it be a one-way mirror or a window.ltrj Uesi lens in the world won't help if the glass is dirty. you have to



exact number and location of doors, windows, and other details which need careful study.t The technique o( "(ly-by" photography isn't wellknown, and is worth setting out heri, because it's simple and financially within reach of most people. lt requires a medium-speed film, such as Plus-X,-and a motor drive. The need comes when it's necessarv to record a building's many physical details, for planning a raid or other action. A fly-by is less conspicuous than parking down the street with a sketch pad, and making drawings and taking notes.
Depe-ndint on the camera, and whether bought new an-d three hundred dollars. The rate at which it fires-varies from one per second to three per second. The technique is to use the maximum shutter speed, usually t/1000th of a second, and to drive by slowly, holding the camera up and shooting through ihe open

or used, a motor drive costs between fifty

insufficient to permit photographs. One is using a very high speed film, such as Kodak 2475 Recording Film. With I minutes in Kodak DK-50, this film will permit an gxposure index (ASA) of 4000. lt's very grainy, however, and this will limit the size of the enlargements possible. Lower on the scale, Tri-X willyield an exposure index of 1250 if processed for 11 minutes in D-76. Several other developers, such as Ethol UFG and Baumann Acufine will give even better results, the same speed with somewhat less grain and contrast. Tri-X at normal speed, (400), processed in D-76 or UFG will give a good compromise between quality and

One technique that will help is to "bracket," to

make another exposure one stop over and another one stop under the correct one as indicated by the meter. This will increase the chances of getting a usable negative. Determining the exposure when you can't show

camera only high enough to clear the car door. Taking a burst of exposures will usually yield several good ones with one pass.Of course, it's necessaryto choose a moment when nobody is on the street, or observing the street, to avoid warning the subject that there's any unusual activity. A fly-by rgquires daylight for success. This normally fits in with the needs of the situation. Plus-X film wiil allow an exposure of 1/1000th of a second at F 5.6 or F 8, enough to freeze the movement and allow enough

window, without careful aiming and hblding-the

yourself can be a problem. With a behind-the-lens

meter, part

Unfortunately, many situations won't permit accurate use of such a meter, as when the subject is strongly illuminated under a street light and the background is

of the


is in your hand.

depth of field.

Dim Ltght Photography

One way of getting around this is to point the meter towards the light source, and give about two stops more exposure. This works because the subject, on the average, reflects about 18 or 20o/o ol the light falling on him. The limitation is that you have to be the same distance from the light source as the subject, to get a fairly accurate reading.


There are special techniques to enable you to take


low-light that normally would



lnha-Red Photography . lnfra-red light is invisible to the human eye, but there are special films made to use it. This iermits



photography with supplementary illumination without the subject's becoming aware-of it. Unfortunately, there are some problems, which is why infra-red photography is not in widespread use. The first is that the light source, an infra-red bulb or sometimes is visible. No filter is 1OO% cfficient, and most leak a small amount of unwanted light. An infrared bulb or filter will show up as a dull rJd glow if the subject looks directly at it. The filter required is a Kodak Wratten #872 over the light source- This will illuminate the subject without creatint a dazzling flash. lt's still visible, however. Another problem comes from the need to load and unload the camera in total darkness, because the film cassette doesn't block infra-red.r Special precautions during the processing are also necessary. Yet another problem is that infra-red light does not come to the same point of focus as visiblel-ight, and it,s necessary to change the setting on the cameia. This can be done by calculation or by using the reference mark if. the focusing rin.g has one. - Because dim light photography .normally requires a fairly wide F-st6p, which gives shallow depth-of-field, there's not much room for error. Summing up, it's clear that using conventionalfilm is usually more practical. Using a faiter film or a slower shutter speed will give more reliable and consistent

"Starlight" scopes, first made famous bv use in Vietnam, have their advantages and som'e severe
electronically amplifying the e-xisting light]r The first problem is that they are very costly. Even a second-hand scope of Vietnam viniage, in good condition, will cost over $3,000. A modein icopejwith second-generation electronics, can easily coit iwice

limitations. They permit -both viewing and photographing in. extremely low light - levels,

an ordinary one with an infra-red filter over it,

that. The next problem is quality of the image. While it,s true that you can see an image iri verv Door illumination, it often happens that tte image isn,t bear enough to be useful. Whbn you look into 5ne of these scopes, ryltat you. see is a green image, lacking in contrast. You see light, but sometimes obiects wiii be invisible because th-ey blend in with the Sacksround. This is the part the minufacturers don,t tell youl ln one !gsl, a target.wi!h a colored figure appeared simply as a li.ght rectangle.5 ln another test, a person standing in an alley only twenty yards away, without trying to c6nceal himself, blended in so weli with the bicklround that he was invisible through the scope. Electronic sc.opes are bulky, usually about a foot lgng, and weigh from four to seven pounds. This makes them hard to conceal for sirrreptitious use, and the only hope is that the light will'be too dim for the suspect to see them.

RemoteCon trol photogtaphy

ln order to leave..''the camera unattended, for surveillance over a long period of time, some sort of

Olympus camera, and fit a remote control unit. This is a switch with a long wire and a jack which plugs into the motor drive, and is available from Radio Shack for about three dollars. You have to jury-rig a switch so that opening the door closes the circuit, firing the camera. There's enough light in your warehouse to permit using conventional film. One possible problem is camera noise. This varies from one camera to another. Some click off quietly, while others have so much mirror slap that it sounds like a door slamming. You'll have to judge for yourself whether or not the camera noise will blend in with background noise.

the loading dock. You mount a motor drive on

remote control is necessary. One way to do it is to have an electric switch trip a motor drive, if adaptable. Let's lay out one problem, and one possible solution. You own a warehouse, and suspect that an employee has been letting himself in at night and stealing material. There's one door usually used for access to

livings by their cameras, they find that mistakes are to be very conservative. They;re not willint ro try every new fiim and developer ihat coms- out, and certainly won,t use one operitionally until they've checked it out thoroughly. ' This is a good policy to follow, because the stark fact is that you.can't rely on manufacturers, advertisements, nor on the write-ups .in . photography magazines. you'll see 9{"n, the best an aiticle that touis a n6* prjUuct as being thing since the invention oi whiooed cream. When you use it, you'll often find this *lj.n exaggeration, partly because the writer was trvins to produce and interesting article, and partly becius6 he tested it in special circumstances that showea up its features well. Often, he'll ,,totgel', to mention some drawbacks that will be serious f6r you, and often[e,ll use unrealistic standards for comfariion.
costly,..a.nd they tend

1. ln one instance, the author accompanied police on a narcotics raid in which they went to the wr6ng house.

Tutlng tfte System

equipment or a new film. Often, there are unpleasant surprises, and it seems to be the rule that the more exotic and expensive the equipment, the more chance of a problem arising. Set up to shoot in a situation similar to the one you'll be facing when photographing your subject, and shoot and process a roll of film. Checking the results will give you warning of any problems you'll have on the operation. Professional photographers usually go one step further: They choose one camera, one film and developer combination, and stick to it, unless forced to change by circumstances. Because they earn their

This is essential, especially


using unfamiliar

The detective responsible ior surveillance hai aii""n by several times the day before the raid, unabie to,iop and take notes beciuse of concein over being observed by the suspect. He didn,t remembei lt E location of the front door, or if there even was a front door. The house faced a freeway, and a,,fly-by,, on this road,.u.sing a camera to take a series of'phbtolrafhs would have been one way to avoid the embarl.*Ing results. At least, it would-have been possible to iead the house numbers from the photog;.ph.2. Fundamentals of physical Surveillance, Raymond p. Siljander, 8.A., Springfield, lL, C.C. fhomas,irUiirn"r,

p. 205.


3. 4.

lbid., p. 205. Ibid., pp. 169-176. Police Marksman, September/October 1982, p.


Additional Sources
Siljander, Springfield, lL, C.C. Thomas, Publisher, 1975.

Applied Surveillance Photography, Raymond



Surveillance and Undercover lnvestigation, Art Buckwalter, Woburn, MA, Butterworth Publishers, 1983, pp.117-126. Kodak lnfrared Films, Publication M-78, Eastman

Applied lnfrared Photography, Publication

Eastman Kodak.


Photographic Surveillance Techniques for Law Enforcement Agencies, Publication M-8, Eastman


other electronic cofrponents. This means that an agent who places a bug that,s battery-operated must return at int6rvals to chaige the

Possibly the most distorted and romanticized asDect of surveillance is the electronic field. We read of eiotic u-se{ !y scret government agencies, based on "unclassified" releases, but what wddon,t iee are the drawbacks. Electronic bugs tend to be expensive and unreliable. We see many examples of their use in fiction, and in motion pictures and TV series, but in real life there are some serious problems associated with their use. One is access to the premises to bug. ln many instances, official fgents do "black bag jots" to gain stances, j lgents do -"black access, but they take a risk when thev db but_ they d-oihis. Witliout a court order, their careers are hangihg out a mile, and can get chopped off summarily iflhdy're caughi. Another is the everyday and annoying problem of battery life.-Even with-modern etectronii dechnology, is short.t Batteries haven't improved .,.ich in the last few decades, and we're stitl'far frorn the point where batteries are as long-lived and reliable as

are some bugging devices that operate off house current, but their installation is more elaborate, and

batteries, which increases his exposure and risk. There

sometimes requires cutting through a wall to reach the wires. There are other devices that are ready-made to plug-in, bugs disguised as electronic clocks, radios, and lamps, but they have their problems too. Anyone would be suspicious if he came home and fouhd a lamp or radio that he'd never seen before. Some of the more exotic and spectacular methods written up by popular writers have certain problems, too. An example is the contact, or "spike mike," which the eavesdropper drives into a wall to pick up sounds from the next room. The usual scenario has the agent
suspects, listening avidly while they indiscreetly discuss

in a hotel room next to the one occupied by-the

earphones, a tape recorder is taking down every word. The reality is quite different. A wall will not oily pick up the sound in a room, it will conduct sound.-lf the room is anywhere near an elevator shaft, the mike will pick up the rumble of the elevator. lf there's an air conditioner in the room, the wall will conduct the sound of the mechanism, obliterating any speech picked up from the air. Another exotic device, supposedly used by the CIA and other arcane government agencies, is the microwave or laser eavesdropper. Supposedly, by beaming this device at a window from a'l6ng wiy oti, you can pick up speech in the room. The souhd makes the window-glass vibrate, and the laser or microwave beam reflects back to the agent, who has a receiver,

an incriminating subject. While he listens with the

, lf an agent installs a.!ap.g recorder on the premises, he has to return periodically to change the tapes. Even with voice-aaiva.ied recordbrs ryon; tape liiS i,,[on, and it's not possible to get moie tnin aSoui Gn t or* on a tape. why the trend is to install a bug transmitter, which sends. a signal that an agent, locatei nearby, can pick g.p and tapi record righi there. Such an arrangement eliminates the need to dnter to change lapes. Tfrele are problems with this approach, ioo. Most of these subminiature transmitters have very :hgrt ranges, and finding a convenient place n".ib, to hide while recording their signals can-be difficuli. with all that, there are some projects that the civitian can undertake if he needs to nbrg', soreon", inO in many instances he can do so wiihout the riiks that government agents take. Contrary 1o. wlal some people believe, it,s both posstbte anct tegal for you to install a bug, in many cases. The chances are you're not looking fo-i evidence in court, $1 wjJt stand upmore but merely to7 i;fo;;;i;n. This allows you latitude. The chances are, too, that you don't need j9 gain access to the premijes by illegal means, and this tlears the way foi Vou, Uottr legally and practically. _ iqt example, someone worried about a spouse,s fidelity need not break in to bug his own bedrobm. lt,s very easy to conceal a microphone and VOX tape recorder to monitor the ro<im ivtrile away .t *oit . nn emp.loyer concerne_d about employee tlt"rt n.t ih" legal right to install closed-circuit tv in his place of
tew decades. while batteries are still tempeiamentat and -unreliable, the equipment is rnr.h U"tt"i. e simple portablg_,.radio receiver used to weigh several pounds, and "require another several p6unJs - of

amplifier, and tape recorder

unfortunate facts about this method are that a window is mounted in a windowframe, in the wall, and that the window has two sides. Building noises will also make the glass vibrate, as will noise-from the street.

to capture it all. The

business. - Thq practicalities have improved, too, during the last

batteries to operate. The current drain, with tubes, was so heavy that hardly any receiver could operate for more than ten hours from one set of batteries. Today, with solid-state circuitry, it's common to have small,

shirt-pocket sized radios that operate for several dozen hours with one nine-volt battery that weighs only a couple of ounces. Similarly, we find other equipment, such as tape recorders, in which battery life is extended because of

There are transmitters, electric motors, and loudspeakers. Even here, there are design

low current drain. Microphones, amplifiers, and recording devices don't use much current. There are some devices that do, because of inherent limitations.

compromises available which reduce battery drain. Tape recorders, for example, that use cassettes have much smaller motors for tape transport than do the large reel-to-reel types. The electronic revolution has made available equipment that is low-priced and fairly reliable for the private individual who wants to bug someone else. Formerly, such equipment was available only to those who had large budgets, such as law-enforcement agencies, but today it's within reach of almost anyone. Let's look at specific equipment and techniques.

Telephone Tapping equipment. The simplest way to do it is to tap directly into the telephone wires, and connect headphones or an earphone. Figure I shows ways to connect the tap. lnstallation "A" shows headphones connected in parallel. This has the advantage of not lowering the volume in the user's phone, but it also means it's

This is the easiest project, requiring the


Figure 8

disconnect the headphones when the conversation is finished, to allow the automatic telephone system to hang up. This can produce a click in the line, when connecting or disconnecting. One way to avoid this is set-up "B," putting a rheostat in the line between one connection and the headphone. This allows a slow and gradual connection, and avoids any suspicious sounding clicks. Another way of using system "8" is to have a capacitor instead of a rheostat in the lines to the headphones. This will not permit current to pass when the phone is hung up, thereby allowing the switching system to disconnect. One problem is that the ringing voltage may burn out the headphones. Keeping the rheostat connected in series with the capacitor will help prevent this. Turning the rheostat to low will cut down the voltage that hits the headphone, low enough to avoid burning them out, yet high enough to permit you to hear the ring. System "Cl' a wiring in series, allows a permanent connection, but it may reduce the current to the phone, and this may arouse suspicion. Wiring in series means making your connections and cutting the wire in between. This also increases the chances of detection if anyone checks the line with sophisticated equipment, such as an induction meter. The last method, "D," uses an induction coil to pick up the telephone transmission. This requires no cutting of the line, no physical connection to it, and is much easier to install and much harder to detect. lt works because the pulsating current in the telephone line induces a current in the nearby coil, which the headphones can pick up. lt sometimes requires an amplifier to increase the power from the coil. One conveniently available package is the Radio Shack *42-231, combining the induction pick-up with


an amplifier. lt costs $9.95, runs off a nine-volt battery, and if you're near the telephone line it will pick up tlie conversation, amplify it, and play it through a built-in loudspeaker. The problem with it is that you must be listening in another room, and the sound may carry. Another device, for the person who has convenient access, is the Multi-extension Recording Control, made by Radio Shack to sell for 924.95. this device, catalog_ number 43-236, plugs right into the wall jack and allows connecting a VOX- tape recorder. This allow.s you to install it and leave dhe premises. Any telephone conversations will be on the t'ape when you return. The only problem with this is that you must find a place to conceal it. lf there are many phone outlets, and some of them are behind curtains, furniture, or in unused rooms, concealment will be much easier. -lf you're even slightly handy at wiring, you can strip off the phone plug of these units and-c6nnect them anyplace you have access to the telephone line.

One caution regarding hooking anything up to a telephone line is to do it when the-phoire is notin use. Any cutting will make clicks in the receiver, and this may alert the person you're trying to bug. An induction coil, however, doesn't pose thia problem. With some skill in electronics, it's possible to combine some off-the-shelf components into custom installations. While having the wire-tapping device on the premises is very helpful and convenienf if you have legitimate and regular access, you'll have a pioblem if you can't gain such access. ln such a case, you'll need to have a remote unit. lnstalling a wiretap hooked up to a transmitter, conventional or CB, will let you pick up and record conversations from outside. A way to-tap into a telephone line at a remote point is to trace the wire visually to a junction box, and inake the connections there. The junction box is a piece of

connection between you and the tap, and itts much harder to find you and establish a case for prosecution. This advantage is enough to overcome the other problems connected with taps that operate by radio. lf you have access to-the premises, connecting the tap to.a VOI tape recorder is one way to do it. you may be able to do this very easily, if youriap has a jack that plugs into the tape recorder, but if not, it's easy to altq_ch a suitable jack. These are readily available for a dollar or two from Radio Shack, and many other electronic outlets.3

with a wireless installation. There's n6

wired one, and you're at the other end of ihe wire, you can expect trouble. This is why the best way to do-it is

telephone company equipment,that holds pairs of wires from a number of subscribers, and it'may be located in the basement of an apartment or office building, insid.e a metal box in an atley, or up on a telelphone pole. C.onnecting to it requiies using your eyes and ears, and common sense. You have to follow the line until you find the convenient iunction box. The next step is to find the right pair.of wires. This can be done through a direct trace, or by trial and error. lf your target iJ using the phone, tapping pairs until you hear a familiar voice will do..lf not, having a friend ring his line steadily while you're searching will disclose the correct line to you. A detailed and somewhat technical discussion 6f the procedure is publicly available.z Connecting to a junction box has its risks. There,s a goqd chance that a telephone company employee will find your tap. ln- such a case, you'can expect'him to disconnect it and report the incident. lf your tap is a

Bugging This requires a microphone and wires to connect to headphones or a tape recorder. A small, ftat microphone is the Radio Shack #33-1089, for 912.95, made for recording in a room. Hiding this microphone

close to it. the - Running.leave wires is usually the biggest problem. You can't them out in the open. One way is to run them under a carpet. Another'way is to run them behind the molding and through a holi drilled into the wall. . As with telephone taps, the biggest drawback is that there are wires that can lead right to you. lf you lt.ppgn to own the premises, this will be no problbm, but if you've entered illegally, you're in trouble. You. can gain partial protection by using a VOX tape lg vLrx recorder, returning rejular to change the tapes and regularly batteries. A tape retorder which has VbX and is cheap and easily available is the Radio Shack CTR-75, for $59.95. A miniature one, pocket-size, is the Radio Shack.Micro-15, at $59.95. this reduces your exposure time, but it won't be much help if someone iletects your bug, follows the wires, and stakes out the tape recorder. You may choose to gain greater safety by using a wireless system.

then for the wires. Finding a nearby listening post that y.!.!. cqn occupy, or at least visit at intervals, may be difficult. .ln. placint Jhe microphone, look carefully at the whole room before making your decision. Look for anything that makes noise, lie6ping in mind that an air conditioner or refrigerator that sounds like a whisper in the room will make a roar into a microphone plaied

and leading the wires to a remoG listening point definitely requires access for a couple of ho-uri. lt,s necessary to find a hiding place for the microphone,


Wi,reless Bugging

you a problem, as you have to find a listening post

exclusive. The short ranges of these transmitters cause

outdoors is the Radio Shack #33-1076,- for

This requires a microphone and small transmitter. A microphone small e.ngugh to hide can pick up the sound in a room, and feed it into a transmitter thit will beam it to you, if you're within range. Hiding a microphone from casual search is not a serious problem most rooms. Some possible locations are behind a curtain, fastened the underside furniture, and behind furniture. Concealing a bugging device against a skilled and determined search is almost impossible. The main requirement, therefore, is that your target have no suspicion..lf you take some care installing the device, he won't become suspicious. A wireless microphone that transmits up to 250 feet




nearby, but they also reduce the chances of accidental pickup. The short range may mean that you have to operate from your car, parked nearby. ln this sense, electronic bugging becomes much like a stake out, and you have to observe the same precautions. You'll probably find that a pick-up truck or camper is more suitable for your purpose than a passenger car, and a motor home best



transmission. One problem with this mioophonetransmitter combination is that it transmits on the FM band, which means that anyone within range can pick up the signal if the radio happens to be tined to the same frequency. This unit is battery-operated, which maKes concealment very easy. A somewhat larger unit is the Radio Shack #32-1221, which is a two-palt unit with its own receiver and a subminiature microphone. This sells for 969.95, and has a range_of up to 2fl) feet. lts main advantage is that it's a high-fidelity unit, which delivers cleanlr sound. A serious limitation is that it requires plugging into the household power supply. The . big weaknesses of wireless bugs are the possibility of someone picking up the transmissions accidently, their short ranges, and interference. To some extent, these disadvantages are mutually

use an ordinary FM

lndoors, you can expect

much shorter range. you can receiver pic[< up the


lnterference is hard to predict. There may be a power line nearby, or another source of electromagnetic radiation, which may override your signal. Sometimes it's possible to get rid of interference by changing frequencies, but this requires access to the transmitter. This is why it's a good idea to do a quick
test of the equipment right in the area before installing it.


Checking Out Your Equipment

While it's possible today to buy at very low cost what used to be within the budget only of large agencies years ago, some of the equipment is iunk. This is why it's important to check out any such material before putting it to use. You'll want to know how well it transmits, how clear the sound reproduction is, how long the rante, and its susceptibility to interference. A practical test of battery life may be important, too. Checking it out has two stages, testing each piece individually, to verify that it works before the warranty runs out, and testing it as part of the system. You'll want to make sure that the combination holds together, and gives you the results you want. When combininS components, too, there's always room for

error. You simply may not have the pieces wired together right. With'wireless systems, you'll need to adiust the transmitter to operate on the same frequency as vour receiver. With the FM typq, you'll need to fiird aipot on the FM band between loial stations, so that yol,ll be able to pick up the transmissions withoui the stronger commercial signals overriding yours.
Outdoor Eavudropping
The "Bionic Ear" is a device that uses a directional microphone and an amplifier topick up sounds at long range. lt works off a nine-volt battery, and is a sooJ outdoor eavesdropping device. With'ii, you can"pick up .conversations at several hundred yards. - lt,s available mail-order from Parallex Corporition, 12g5 Mark St, Bensenville, lL 60106. The toll-free number is

of them more

regularly carry advertisements for similar device-s, most expensive.

There are other models available along the same lines. Hunting, . sporting, and survivat -magazines

Protecting Yourcell Against Eavedropping

While you're. thinking of doing it to someone, someone may be doing it to you. This section will outline some protective measures, both for your direct use, give you an insight into how your target may work to counteract youl bugging. . Ol" way to overcome a room bug is to create interference. Holding a conversation in-the bathroom or kitchen, with the water running, is a way of creating

another way of obscuring i conversation. There are sophisticated electronic filters that can screen out much of this interfering noise, but they,re very expensive and usually only within the reach of government agencies. Most buggers will be stymied by tne tnterterence you create. It used to be that going tor a walk outdoors was protection against eavesdropping, but parabolic microphones, directional miiiop6ones, ana small light-weight amplifiers have now made ihe outdoors open to eavesdroppers. Thg first step in finding a telephone bug is to examine very closely every inch of ihe phone-and its wiring. While some devices. pick up wiihout tapping into the wires, they have to b'e very close to wort,'anJ they're too big to-hide. Look for'a small cyllnJeio, cube an inch or smaller. This is an induaion coil. The search must extend outside your premises, to the junction box, where your wires are connected to the main cable. This will detect unofficial efforts at wiretapping. You should be aware, however, that if a government agency is tapping your line, the agents don't need to connect at the junction box. lf they-have a court order, or if they have good contacts it the, thgi can tap-your line rigl",tit ine central office, and there'i no way for you to ditect this. Some precautions against wiretapping are to lnduCt conduct all sensitive con-versations fro-m piy phones, convcr(efinnc frnrn nt., pf,on"r, ^h^^o. which are unlikely to be tapped. Beware'of .hy-n"., police stations,. courts, or government facilities. They may be tapped as a precaltion. . Another, more expensive way is to use a scrambler device. These are not commohly availabie, -.nalre expensive. The simple ones are easy to unscramble,

"white noise" that makes it almost impossible to distinguish speech. Turning on the radib or TV is

at least against the rudimentary A weli-made and well-disguised bug can pass unnoticed in a search, however. There are devices that fit inside wall sockets, have tiny microphones, and transmit over the house wiring. This sort of device is impossible to find without a very detailed search. For transmitters, there areseveralways of countering !hem. On.e way is to search for them electronicallyl Every radio transmitter gives off electromagnetic radiation, and this is easy to locate with a sFecial instrument. A field-strength meter will pick up radio transmissions, and is a low cost way to tell if vou're leing bugged. One such is the Radio Shack *i'l-SZS, for $18.95, which is small enough to hold in one hand. This allows you to sweep it around the room to pick up suspicious transmissions. Once you find a bug, what do you do with it? The obvious answer is to deactivate it, but there might be a

while the more scure digital systems are extremely expensive, virtually priced out of sight. Searching a room physically gives some protection, -bugs.

false information.

operation. With the right tactics, you can lead the eavesdropper on a wild toose chaie by feeding him

Advanced Technical Methods

This chapter has been a guide for someone with little or no technical skill. Some people, however, have the

better way.

creating the sounds of search, the person bugging you might be unaware that his device lias been dillovEied, ?n-d you have the prospect of using it to feed him false information. . This is really the best method. lf you deactivate the 9evice, your opponent may well plant another. ln fact, he might. already have done so, leaving one easy to find, in_ the hope that you'll stop youi search once you've found it, and he can continue to eavesdrop with you unaware. . Thq only safe assumption if you find a bug is that there's another, or perhaps many more. This will put you in the right frame of mind to play a deception

lf you've been able to find it ilithout

education and the eagernesi to branch out to use more sophisticated methods. For those interested in more sophisticated applications, there are some books that give the technical background and practical advice to use complex eavesdropping methods: Methods of Electronic Audio Surveillance David A. Polloc!, Springfield, lL, Charles C. Thomas, publisher, 1979. This is a book that takes you from A io Z, with a section on basic electrical theory, and the rest devoted to the equipment and its praaical applications. The Big Brothgr Game, Scott French, Secaucus, NJ, Lyle Stuart, 1976. This is a simplified and popularized bobk on many aspects of investigation. The section on wtretapptng and eavesdroppi wiretapping anq eavesdropping is a start in und.erstanding this subjea,- and will serve as background for a more serious study. How To Avoid Electronic Eavesdropping and privacy lnvasion, William Turner, Boulder, CO, Faladin press, 1975. This is a nuts-and-bolts manual on how to counteract eavesdropping, whether on the telephone or. by Torg involved'bugging techniques. lt,s I gold mine of information, although poorly organizedlnd relativ.ely hard to read. tt doesnt even haie an index, but it's worth reading because it's short and sweet.



1. Covert Surveillance & E/ectronic Penetration, edited by William B. Moran, Port Townsend, WA, Loompanics Unlimited, 1983, p. 11. 2. lbid., p. 34. 3. Radio Shack is but one source of supply. lt's included here because it's a nationwide company with many convenient outlets, but there are other electronic suppliers, including hobby shops, with suitable equipment. The prices quoted here are from the catalog, and some of these items are less costly when they go on sale. Other suppliers make equipmint that costs even less, depending on the item and the source.





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