General Biology Reviewer
General Biology Reviewer
General Biology Reviewer
From 3 Greek words:
Botanikos/Botane- Botanical
Boskein- To feed
● the scientific study of plants, including their physiology, structure distribution,
classification, and economic importance.
The reason that Sets Plants Apart
● Multicellular Eukaryotic and sessile
● Their development of tissues into specialized tissues like roots and stems
● Mostly autotrophic and surrounded by cell wall
Cuticle- reduce loss of water through transpiration
Xylem- the vascular tissue that carries water throughout the plant
Dermal- plant tissue covers the outer surface of the plant and acts as a protective layer
The reproductive system of plants consists of Flower and Fruit
Autotrophic is an organism that can produce its own food from raw materials and light.
Hetotrograpic- can’t make their own food and they’re the consumers like fish
Stem- supports the leaves and the storage of food and transportation and produce food
andStems transport water and solutes between roots and leaves.
Leaves- food chain
Flowers- may attract Pollinators and Drive Plant Fertilization to attract pollinating insects
and protect the essential organs.
Plant cells- are eukaryotic cells that vary in fundamental factors from other eukaryotic
● Plant cell walls are composed of cellulose, which sets them apart from other
organisms with cell walls, such as bacteria (peptidoglycan) and fungi (chitin). Algal
cell walls are similar to those of plants, and many contain specific polysaccharides
that are useful for taxonomy.
● It can also be seen by the other cells in the presence of chloroplasts, which are also
found in certain algae. Also, plant moves because of the direction of sunlight.
Chloroplast- Chloroplasts contain the pigment chlorophyll to absorb light energy(green
pigment) and produce energy through photosynthesis and oxygen-release processes, which
sustain plant growth. The chloroplast organelle's main function is to convert light energy into
chemical energy through photosynthesis.
Chromosomes- carriers of the genetic material
Cuticle- Leaf structure that prevents water loss
● the process by which cells break down glucose into energy.
Sexual Reproduction- the fusion of haploid female gamete (egg cell) and haploid male
gamete (sperm cell). The fusion of these gametes occurs at fertilisation resulting in the
formation of a diploid.
Asexual Reproduction- no gametes involved.
Mitochondria- a membrane-bound organelle found in the cytoplasm, produce the energy
necessary for the cell's survival and functioning and synthesis of ATP.
Pollination -transfer of pollen grains from the stamens, the flower parts that produce them
produce them
Product of photosynthesis •Glucose and carbon dioxide
Robert Rooke
-Discover the cell,
looking at the dead plant cell as an experiment of genes
Raw materials that produce photosynthesis
•Carbon dioxide, water
Two types of tissue in plant
1. Meristematic tissue
2. Permanent Tissue
Meristematic tissue •A tissue in which the cell division and growth continue.
Three types of Meristematic tissue
1. Apical Meristems- found at the tip of roots and shoots. extension
2. Lateral Meristems- responsible for secondary growth.
3. Intercalary- found in grasses and give more strength to the plant
Root cap- protect the young root tip as it Region Of elongation- cell becomes wider than their
pushes through the soil particles original length
Region Of cell division- capable of cell Region Of differentiation- when a cell becomes
division mature. The root hair zone
● Apex -water droplets accumulate
● Margin -hard surface and reduce water loss
● Veins -support the leaf in an upright position
● Midrib during the wind.