Thought Leader Manifesto - 2

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OUGHT LEADERS. a consistent momentum and change in the lives of others, Dele a Ke 7 We choose to remain resolute and powerful - to live, breathe, and create ene on Meh iam ee eee eo) Tey ee mn eee Sa eR ee Te ee et a eRe To eee Re i eam Re message. o ‘We surround ourselves with like-minded individuals who are present, on CE ne nan Oe ao eat en Coe ee RU ce RU uae MCS ne CSR ua Eee a a a Ae ee ee UR es a ea FN eo er eR Ue a Oa cu UT Ree Nhe ue i Rete c ena Rca) Pete ge ou We oweit to ourselves and the world tocreate and use our position to make ificant difference every day. ViP(ede Peco ace eas

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