Proposal Event MSW Regional Edtech Summit 2023

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Regional EdTech Summit

Unleashing Innovation
"Edtech Solutions For
Future-Ready Education"

Event Proposal

01 - 02 September 2023
Renaissance Bali Nusa Dua Resort

In Partnership With:

The education industry in Indonesia is rapidly evolving, with an increasing focus on

innovation and technology to enhance the quality of education and make it more
accessible to stakeholders across the country. As professionals in the tech
industry, you are aware of the transformative power of technology in driving
efficiency, improving outcomes, and enhancing user experience. Our event, which
is in partnership with Amazon Web Services (AWS), the world's leading cloud
computing platform, will bring together Edtech companies from around the world to
share insights, explore new ideas, and showcase the latest technologies that are
driving this evolution in Indonesia's education industry.

The event aims to bring together over 150 decision-makers from schools,
campuses, and education foundations in major cities across Indonesia. This
presents an unparalleled opportunity to connect with key stakeholders in the
education industry and position your organization as a leader in the Indonesian
education space.

As a sponsor, you will be given prominent visibility throughout the event, including
during the keynote speeches, panel discussions, and networking sessions.
Additionally, your brand will be showcased on all promotional materials leading up
to the event, as well as on our website and social media channels.

We are pleased to invite you to participate as a sponsor for our upcoming Edtech
event in Bali, which is set to take place on September 01 and 02, 2023.

Inviting specially selected 150 decision makers from Medan, Jakarta, Bandung,
Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Makassar, Manado, Balikpapan, Semarang and others
across Indonesia to meet with Solution Providers.

School and Campus Leaders, Directors, Owners, and education foundation key
management people will be there to listen to you and study your solutions.

Do not miss this Must-Go Annual Sales-Focused Event!

Date, Venue and Time

Friday & Saturday
01 – 02 September 2023

Renaissance Bali Nusa Dua
Kawasan Pariwisata Lot SW 4 & 5, Jl. Nusa
Dua, Bali, 80363

09:00 – 17:00 (Both days)
Event Schedule

Date / Day Time Activity

Welcoming Cocktail for incoming audience

31st August 2023
19:00 – 21:00 Renaissance Bali Nusa Dua Resort

08:00 – 09:00 Registration Opens

Opening by AWS
09:00 – 10:30
And Keynote Speakers (3 sessions)

10:30 – 11:15 Coffee Break and Networking

11:15 – 11:45 Conference Sessions – Edtech (1 session)

11:45 – 13:00 Group Photo, Lunch and Networking

1st September 2023
13:00 – 14:30 Conference Sessions – Edtech (3 Sessions)

14:30 – 15:15 Coffee Break and Networking

15:15 – 16:45 Conference Sessions – Edtech (3 sessions)

16:45 – 17:30 Free Time - Discussion

Networking Dinner – Beach Club

19:00 – Ends
Event Schedule

Date / Day Time Activity

08:00 – 09:00 Registration Opens

09:00 – 10:00 Conference Sessions – Edtech (2 session)

10:00 – 10:45 Coffee Break and Networking

10:45 – 11:15 Conference Session – Edtech (1 sessions)

2nd September 2023

11:15 – 13:00 Lunch and Networking

13:00 – 14:30 Conference Sessions – Edtech (3 Sessions)

14:30 – 15:15 Coffee Break and Networking

15:15 – 16:45 Conference Sessions – Edtech (3 sessions)

Free Time - Discussion

16:45 – 17:30
Event End
Registration Form

Please Submit This Form via Email to Organizer:

Mr. Michael Tan
E-mail: [email protected]
Mobile Phone No: +62812 93 883 883

Company _________________________________________________________________________________

Country ________________________________________________________________________________

CONTACT PERSON (For Administrative Purposes)

First Name: _______________________________________Title: Mr. Mrs. Ms. Dr. Gender: M / F

Last Name:________________________________________Position:______________________________
Telephone: ________________________________________Fax:___________________________________
Sponsorship Packages
Please submit This Form Via Email To Organizer

1 speaker sessions (30 minutes each)
1 table for display for 2 days (2m x 2m space each)
Gold Sponsor
5 passes for the event including networking dinner.
US$8,000 1 Page Feature in Event Catalogue
Logo and Information displayed as Gold Sponsor at Event Catalogue and Venue
All participants’ consented contacts.

1 speaker session (30 minutes each)
1 table for display for 2 days (2m x 2m space each)
3 passes for the event including networking dinner.
Silver Sponsor 1 Page Feature in Event Catalogue
US$5,000 Logo and Information displayed as Silver Sponsor at Event Catalogue
and Venue
All participants’ consented emails.

Bronze Sponsor 1 table for display for 2 days (2m x 2m space each)
US$2,500 2 passes for the event including networking dinner.
1 Page Feature in Event Catalogue
Logo and Information displayed as Bronze Sponsor at Event Catalogue and Venue

*20% Discount for AWS Clients

*For Event Catalogue, please submit a solution brief, key product features, target
customer segment, and an image. MSW Global will contact participants for inputs
Term & Condition
1. The Event – refers to Edtech Summit Indonesia 2023, c) The Delegate shall not assign, sublet, or share the space
inclusive of all its accompanying activities within the allocated or use any space at the Event Venue other than that
event. Organizer – refers to MSW Global, owner and allocated without the prior written consent of the Organizer. d)
Organizer of The Event: Indonesia EdTech Summit 2023, All activities must be confined to the allocated space. e) No
and Delegates – Participants and Audience invited by the Delegate shall be permitted to exhibit unless he has paid all fees
prior to the Exhibition. f) Non-payment of fees will be deemed
Organizer to The Event.
voluntary withdrawal and Clause 5 of the terms and conditions
herein will apply to the remaining fees.
2. Application as a Delegate
The submission of the Registration Form (“Form”) shall be 5. Cancellation Policy
deemed acceptance of the terms and conditions herein a) The Exhibitor will also be responsible for paying any charges
by the Delegate. The application procedure is complete to third parties incurred because of the cancellation. Any
only when the Organizer receives both the Form and full violation will be enforceable under Indonesian law.
payment. The Organizer shall reserve the right to refuse b) If the Delegate does not make full payment when due under
any application and shall give the Delegate notice in the terms of this contract, the Organizer may terminate this
writing on the reason for the refusal of the application Event activity held for the Delegate and the Delegate shall be
within ten (10) days from the date of such refusal. The responsible for payment to Organizer for all amounts which
Delegate must name one contact that will be responsible does not exceed the Event fees and would have been due to the
for all event administration. Organizer under the terms of subsection above if the Delegate
had cancelled this activity of the Event as of the date of such
The Events Opening Hours Jakarta, 1 - 2 September default. All other provisions of the terms and conditions herein
will continue to be in force until they are cancelled by the
2023: 08:00-18:00
Seminar Session Operating Hours, 1 - 2 September 2023:
c) The Exhibition may be cancelled by the Organizer because of
09:00 – 17:00
any reason, which in the opinion of the Organizer makes it
Exhibition Booth Set up dates is on 31 August 2023 from commercially prudent to do so and/or due to circumstances
20:00 – 22:00 beyond its control. In such an event, all fees paid by the
Venue to open for Set up from 07:00 – 08:00 Please be at Delegate will be refunded. The Delegate agrees that under these
your booths at least 15 minutes before the start of the circumstances he will have no further claim against the
Exhibition. Booths must always be manned and easily Organizer.
accessible during these times. Each exhibitor must stay
within his or her booth space. 6. Transport of Exhibits
Seminar Session Seminar Speakers must inform the a) The Delegate shall bear the responsibility and expenses for
Organizer of the topic and time requested 30 days before the transport of exhibits to the Event Venue.
Seminar Session. Seminar Speaker must send the b) The Delegate shall make their own arrangement for storage
presentation materials in the form of USB to Organizer 3 and warehousing for their exhibits and packaging materials
days before Seminar session. The Organizer reserves the before, during and after the event.
c) The Delegate shall remove their exhibits and decorative items
right to change the Seminar date and/or time and the
from the Event Venue within the period stipulated by the
Seminar Venue that Seminar Speakers are scheduled.
Organizer and shall indemnify the Organizer for any loss by
Seminar Speaker will be notified of the changes.
reason of delay or damage to the Event Venue caused by the
Display Exhibitors of Display in Bali Conference must exhibits and/or decorative items.
inform the Organizer of the materials that will put on d) The Delegate shall abide by all customs formalities and bear
display. Exhibitors must take care of the materials and applicable taxes in respect of his exhibits and materials brought
the Organizer will not be liable of any loss or damage of into the country before and after the event.
7. Change of Seminar Dates, Speakers, Program Content and
3. Submission & Payment Deadline for submission of Venue
Application Form: July 15, 2023 Deadline for submission The Organizer reserves the right to change the Seminar Dates,
of payment (in full): July 30, 2023 speakers, program content and the Event Venue should
circumstances so require. The Organizer, its sub-contractors,
4. Allocations and Use of Exhibition Space agent and/or employees have the right to immediately alter or
The organizer reserves the right to determine the cancel the Exhibition or any arrangements, timetables, plans, or
other items relating directly or indirectly to the Conference.
allocation of exhibitor booths at venue.
Save for as set out in Clause 5(c) above, the Delegates shall not
a) The Delegate has the right to choose its booth location
be entitled to any compensation for damages that result from
on a first come first-serve basis. While all reasonable
such alteration or cancellation.
efforts will be made to accommodate the request of the
Delegate, the Organizer reserves the right to alter or 8. Force Majeure
change the booth allocation without prior notice. All The Organizer shall not be liable for any delay or failure to
Exhibitors are required to adhere to the organizer’s perform its obligations under the terms and conditions herein
regulations. caused by circumstances beyond the control and without the
fault or negligence of the Organizer including war (Declared or
b) The Organizer also reserves the right to change the undeclared), natural disaster, acts of God, fire, blockades,
space allocated when it is deemed necessary in the earthquakes, acts of terrorism and matters beyond the
general interest of the Exhibition. Organizer’s reasonable control. The Exhibitor agrees that under
these circumstances he will have no further claim against the
Term & Condition
16. Breach of Agreement
9. The Event – refers to Edtec1. Security
In cases where the Exhibitor fails to observe and perform any of
The Exhibitor warrants that nothing which he or his
the terms and conditions herein, the Organizer shall reserve the
servants shall do in or for the Event shall contravene any right to refuse performance of all its obligations towards the
law or regulations, encroach upon third parties’ rights, or Exhibitor and all fees paid by the Exhibitor to the Organizer will
pose any exceptional danger or risk which has not been be forfeited. Exhibitor shall furthermore indemnify the
previously disclosed to the Organizer with sufficient Organizer for all losses and damages resulting from such failure
precautionary measures taken. in observing or performing the terms and conditions herein.

10. Fire Prevention and other Regulations 17. Interpretation, Governing Law and Jurisdiction
All Exhibits, materials and fittings used or displayed in Interpretation of the terms and conditions herein lies solely with
the stand must be properly fire-proofed and be in the Organizer. The terms and conditions herein shall be
accordance with all applicable fire prevention and governed by and construed according to the law of Republic of
building regulations. Indonesia. The parties hereto hereby agree to submit to the
exclusive jurisdiction of the Indonesian courts.
11. Delegate Passes
Each Delegate will entitle the Delegate Pass to be worn by
the delegates. The badges will allow them access to
lunches, coffee breaks and drinks. Delegates must
always wear badges which will be provided by the
Organizer free of charge. The Delegate Company must
provide the names of representatives requiring badges
by July 30, 2023.

12. Noise Level and Display

Noisy or obstructive work and noisy operating displays or
exhibits are not permitted.

13. Indemnity and Limitations of Liability

a) Indemnity The Exhibitor shall indemnify the Organizer
against any loss, costs, damage, injury, expenses, and
liabilities whatsoever which the Organizer incurs in
respect of loss, destruction or damage to property which
arises directly or indirectly out of the participation in the
Exhibition by the Exhibitor or its agents, contractors,
employees, or any other person for whom the Exhibitor is
responsible. b) Limitation of Liability the Organizer and
its employees shall not be liable for any loss, theft,
damage or injury to any persons or any property during
the Exhibition howsoever arising. Information given by
the Organizer is accurate to the best of its knowledge and
any mistake or omission does not entitle the Exhibitor to
cancel his booking.

14. Venue and Venue Property

The Exhibitor shall take all necessary precautions to
prevent any harm done to the Event Venue and property
of the Event Venue. The Exhibitor is liable to compensate
the Organizer for any damage done to the Event Venue or
property of the Event Venue.

15. Refusal of Admission

The Organizer shall reserve the right to refuse any
person admission to the Event Venue or in the general
interest of the Event Venue and shall inform the
Exhibitors of the reason(s) of such refusal.
Organizer Information

MSW Global is a Marketing and Events company

since 2012, and the organizer of World Technology
Indonesia events and World Education Expos series.

Headquartered in Jakarta, Indonesia, we work with

clients ranging from large corporations to small
businesses and firms, non-profit organizations,
public figures, as well as governmental institutions.

MSW Global aims to be clients’ right partner to

achieve their needs in promotions, networking and
relationship building.

Contact us
Address Contact
The Vida Building 7th Floor MICHAEL
Jln Raya Perjuangan No.8 +62 81 293 883 883
Kebon Jeruk Jakarta Barat [email protected] /
11530 [email protected]
Tel: +6221.2977.8026
Fax: +6221.2977.8001

In Partnership With:

Amazon Web Services (AWS) powers education technology

companies (EdTechs) to provide powerful content delivery,
seamless experiences, and unmatched digital engagement
services, enabling them to build faster, better, and more
accessible solutions for educators. With AWS, these edtechs
leverage scalable infrastructure, data storage and analytics,
machine learning capabilities, and secure networking solutions to
develop innovative applications that enrich the learning
experience in environments that transcend the boundaries of
traditional classroom settings. By harnessing the advancements
offered by AWS, education institutions are now in a better
position than ever to revolutionize education, offering
personalized and interactive educational content that empowers
learners of all ages

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