Mil STD 11991a

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The key takeaways are that this standard outlines requirements and procedures for parts, materials, and processes used in Department of Defense systems.

The purpose of this standard is to establish uniform requirements for selecting, developing, producing, and using parts, materials, and processes in Department of Defense systems.

This standard applies to electrical, electronic, and electromechanical parts as well as mechanical parts and materials used in Department of Defense systems.

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26 AUGUST 2015

26 JULY 1983


Reinstated after 26 AUGUST 2015 and may be used for

new and existing designs and acquisitions.

AMSC A9456 FSC 1430

DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.

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1. This standard is approved for use by all Departments and Agencies of the Department of

2. Comments, suggestions, or questions on this document should be addressed to:

Department of the Army, United States Army Research, Development, and Engineering
Command, ATTN: RDMR-SET, Redstone Arsenal, AL 35898-5000 or emailed to
[email protected]. Since contact information can change, you may want to verify the
currency of this address information using the ASSIST Online database at

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FOREWORD ............................................................................................................................ii
1 SCOPE .......................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Scope .................................................................................................................. 1

2 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS .................................................................................... 1

2.1 General ............................................................................................................... 1
2.2 Government Documents ..................................................................................... 1
2.2.1 Specifications, Standards, and Handbooks .......................................................1
2.2.2 Other Government Documents, Drawings, and Publications ...........................17
2.3 Non-Government Publications ........................................................................... 18
2.4 Order of Precedence ........................................................................................... 38

3 DEFINITIONS .............................................................................................................. 38
3.1 Abbreviations and acronyms. ............................................................................. 38
3.2 Approved supplier .............................................................................................. 44
3.3 Authenticity ........................................................................................................ 44
3.4 Authorized supplier ............................................................................................ 44
3.5 Broker ................................................................................................................. 44
3.6 Certificate of conformance (C of C)................................................................... 44
3.7 Commercial item (PM&P) ................................................................................. 44
3.8 Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware ..................................................... 44
3.9 Component ......................................................................................................... 44
3.10 Component obsolescence management .............................................................. 45
3.11 Component qualification .................................................................................... 45
3.12 Component quality assurance ............................................................................. 45
3.13 Component selection .......................................................................................... 45
3.14 Component standardization ................................................................................ 45
3.15 Configuration item ............................................................................................. 45
3.16 Contracting activity ............................................................................................ 45
3.17 Contracting officer ............................................................................................. 45
3.18 Contractor ........................................................................................................... 45
3.19 Corrosion prevention and control (CPC)............................................................ 45
3.20 COTS component ............................................................................................... 45
3.21 Counterfeit parts and materials........................................................................... 46
3.22 Defect/defective.................................................................................................. 46

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3.23 Derating .............................................................................................................. 46

3.24 Design activity.................................................................................................... 46
3.25 Disposition.......................................................................................................... 46
3.26 Distributor .......................................................................................................... 47
3.27 Documents .......................................................................................................... 47
3.28 Drawings (engineering) ...................................................................................... 47
3.29 Electrostatic discharge (ESD) ............................................................................ 47
3.30 End item ............................................................................................................. 47
3.31 Equipment .......................................................................................................... 47
3.32 Firmware ............................................................................................................ 47
3.33 Government-Industry Data Exchange Program (GIDEP) .................................. 47
3.34 High reliability parts ........................................................................................... 47
3.35 Inspection ........................................................................................................... 47
3.36 Life cycle ............................................................................................................ 47
3.36.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................48
3.36.2 Growth ..............................................................................................................48
3.36.3 Maturity.............................................................................................................48
3.36.4 Decline ..............................................................................................................48
3.36.5 Phase out ...........................................................................................................48
3.37 Line replaceable unit (LRU)............................................................................... 48
3.38 Lot (Materials) .................................................................................................... 48
3.39 Lot (Parts) ........................................................................................................... 48
3.40 Material .............................................................................................................. 48
3.41 May..................................................................................................................... 49
3.42 Mission critical item ........................................................................................... 49
3.43 Modified ............................................................................................................. 49
3.44 Non-conforming Items ....................................................................................... 49
3.45 Nonstandard application ..................................................................................... 49
3.46 Obsolete/obsolescence........................................................................................ 49
3.47 Original component manufacturer (OCM) ......................................................... 49
3.48 Original equipment manufacturer (OEM) .......................................................... 49
3.49 Outgassing/offgassing ........................................................................................ 49
3.50 Packaging, handling, storage, and transportation (PHST) ................................. 50
3.51 Part...................................................................................................................... 50
3.51.1 Electrical, electronic and electromechanical (EEE) part ..................................50
3.51.2 Mechanical part .................................................................................................50
3.52 Part/material qualification .................................................................................. 50
3.53 Integrated product team (IPT) ............................................................................ 50
3.54 PM&P Management Plan (PMP) ....................................................................... 51
3.55 Piece part ............................................................................................................ 51

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3.56 Plastic encapsulated/encased part ....................................................................... 51

3.57 PM&P technical requirements............................................................................ 51
3.58 Prime Contractor /“Prime” ................................................................................. 51
3.59 Printed wiring assembly (PWA)......................................................................... 51
3.60 Printed wiring board (PWB)............................................................................... 51
3.60.1 Printed circuit ....................................................................................................52
3.60.2 Printed wiring....................................................................................................52
3.61 Process ................................................................................................................ 52
3.62 Procuring activity ............................................................................................... 52
3.63 Program technical requirements ......................................................................... 52
3.64 Prohibited PM&P items...................................................................................... 52
3.65 Qualification tests ............................................................................................... 52
3.66 Reliability safety critical .................................................................................... 52
3.67 Repair ................................................................................................................. 52
3.68 Repairable item................................................................................................... 52
3.69 Rework ............................................................................................................... 53
3.70 Screening ............................................................................................................ 53
3.71 Shall .................................................................................................................... 53
3.72 Should................................................................................................................. 53
3.73 Standard part or material .................................................................................... 53
3.74 Storage ................................................................................................................ 53
3.75 Subcontractor /“Sub” .......................................................................................... 53
3.76 Supplier .............................................................................................................. 53
3.77 Supply chain (manufacturing or production) ..................................................... 53
3.78 Supply chain traceability .................................................................................... 53
3.79 Suspect counterfeit part or material.................................................................... 53
3.80 Unauthorized supplier ........................................................................................ 53
3.81 Uprating/uprated part ......................................................................................... 54
3.82 Will ..................................................................................................................... 54

4 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................... 54

4.1 General ............................................................................................................... 54
4.1.1 PM&P Management..........................................................................................54
4.1.2 Equipment Categories .......................................................................................54
4.2 Parts, Materials, and Processes (PM&P) ............................................................ 55
4.2.1 Life Cycle Stresses ............................................................................................55
4.3 PM&P Selection ................................................................................................. 57
4.3.1 PM&P Specification .........................................................................................57
4.3.2 PM&P Availability ...........................................................................................57
4.3.3 Standardization .................................................................................................57

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4.3.4 Qualification .....................................................................................................57

4.3.5 Qualification by Similarity ...............................................................................57
4.3.6 Reliability..........................................................................................................57
4.3.7 Quality System for Part and Material Manufacturers .......................................58
4.3.8 Part and Material Manufacturer Process Management .....................................58
4.3.9 Compatibility with Assembly/Manufacturing Processes ..................................58
4.3.10 Maintainability and Testability .........................................................................59
4.3.11 Prohibited Parts, Materials, and Processes .......................................................59
4.4 Life Cycle Management ..................................................................................... 59
4.4.1 Procurement ......................................................................................................59
4.4.2 Counterfeit Prevention ......................................................................................59
4.4.3 Continuous Monitoring .....................................................................................59
4.4.4 Non-Conforming Materials and Parts ...............................................................59
4.4.5 Change Monitoring ...........................................................................................59
4.4.6 Obsolescence.....................................................................................................59
4.4.7 Design, Construction, and Use Data .................................................................59
4.4.8 Data and Record Retention ...............................................................................60
4.4.9 Configuration Management ..............................................................................60
4.4.10 Reuse of Parts and Materials.............................................................................60
4.5 Commercial Off-The-Shelf Management .......................................................... 60
4.6 Subcontractor Management ................................................................................ 60

5 DETAILED REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................... 60

5.1 General ............................................................................................................... 60
5.2 Parts Requirements ............................................................................................. 60
5.2.1 Printed Wiring Boards ......................................................................................60
5.2.2 Capacitors .........................................................................................................61
5.2.3 Connectors ........................................................................................................62
5.2.1 Resonators and Oscillators ................................................................................62 Quartz Crystals ................................................................................................... 62 Crystal Oscillators and Crystal Filters................................................................ 62
5.2.2 Microcircuits and Semiconductors ...................................................................62 Plastic Encapsulated Microcircuits and Semiconductors ................................... 63 Surface Acoustic Wave Devices ........................................................................ 64
5.2.3 EMI and RFI Filters ..........................................................................................64 Electrical Filters ................................................................................................. 64 Discoidal Capacitor Filters ................................................................................. 64
5.2.4 Fuses .................................................................................................................64 Circuit Breakers .................................................................................................. 65
5.2.5 Magnetic Devices..............................................................................................66

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5.2.6 Electron Tubes ..................................................................................................66

5.2.7 Relays ................................................................................................................66
5.2.8 Resistors and Thermistors .................................................................................66
5.2.9 Switches ............................................................................................................67
5.2.10 Waveguides and Related Devices .....................................................................69
5.2.11 Motors, Dynamotors and Rotary Power Converters .........................................70 Rotary Servo Devices ......................................................................................... 70 Electromagnetic Counters .................................................................................. 70
5.2.12 Wire and Cable .................................................................................................70 Hookup Wire ...................................................................................................... 70 Magnet Wire ....................................................................................................... 71 Wiring and Cabling ............................................................................................ 71 Radio Frequency Cables and Transmission Lines ............................................. 71 Multi-Conductor Cables ..................................................................................... 72
5.2.13 Optics and Photonics.........................................................................................78 Indicator Lights and Lampholders ..................................................................... 78 Light Emitting Diodes ........................................................................................ 78 Fiber Optics ........................................................................................................ 78
5.2.14 Mechanical Piece Parts .....................................................................................79 Bearings .............................................................................................................. 80 Gaskets ............................................................................................................... 81 Gears ................................................................................................................... 81 Rivets .................................................................................................................. 82 Shock and Vibration Isolators ............................................................................ 82 Springs ................................................................................................................ 83 Fastener Hardware .............................................................................................. 83
5.2.15 Electrical-Indicating Meters and Accessories ...................................................89 Electrical-Indicating Meters, Ruggedized .......................................................... 89 Shunts ................................................................................................................. 89 Iron and Direct Current Fields............................................................................ 89 Shielding............................................................................................................. 89 Scales, Dials and Pointers .................................................................................. 89
5.2.16 Other Parts ........................................................................................................89 Controls .............................................................................................................. 89 Batteries .............................................................................................................. 90 Tuning Dial Mechanisms ................................................................................... 91 Readouts ............................................................................................................. 92
5.3 Materials Requirements ...................................................................................... 92
5.3.1 Metals ................................................................................................................92 Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys ...................................................................... 93

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MIL-STD-11991A Beryllium ............................................................................................................ 94 Magnesium ......................................................................................................... 94 Ferrous Alloys (Steels) ....................................................................................... 95 Titanium ............................................................................................................. 96 Solder.................................................................................................................. 99 Other Metals and Alloys..................................................................................... 99 Brass ................................................................................................................... 100 Bronze ................................................................................................................ 100 Copper ................................................................................................................ 101 Nickel Alloys ...................................................................................................... 102 Finishes for Metals ............................................................................................. 103 Castings .............................................................................................................. 103
5.3.2 Polymeric Materials ..........................................................................................104 Elastomers .......................................................................................................... 104 Synthetic Rubber ................................................................................................ 105 Cellular Rubber .................................................................................................. 105 Plastics ................................................................................................................ 105 Foamed Plastics .................................................................................................. 105 Anti-Electrostatic Plastic Materials .................................................................... 105 Plastic Materials for High-Frequency Applications ........................................... 105 Laminated Thermosetting Plastics ..................................................................... 106 Lubricants ........................................................................................................... 106 Anti-Seize Compound ........................................................................................ 107 Adhesives, Sealants, Coatings and Encapsulants ............................................... 107 Adhesives ........................................................................................................... 107 Encapsulants and Embedment Materials ............................................................ 108 Paint Finishes ..................................................................................................... 108 Non-Slip Coating................................................................................................ 108
5.3.3 Composites........................................................................................................108
5.3.4 Ceramic Materials .............................................................................................109
5.3.5 Glass ..................................................................................................................110 Glass Insulators and Glass-Bonded Mica Insulation .......................................... 110 Glass Fiber .......................................................................................................... 110 Optical Glass and Optical Components.............................................................. 110 Non-Optical Glass .............................................................................................. 111 Glass Coating ..................................................................................................... 111
5.3.6 Sandwich Assemblies .......................................................................................111
5.3.7 Fabric Base Materials .......................................................................................111 Fabric and Thread ............................................................................................... 111 Felt ...................................................................................................................... 111

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MIL-STD-11991A Webbing ............................................................................................................. 111 Thread ................................................................................................................. 111 Lacing Twine, Tape and Straps .......................................................................... 112 Rope.................................................................................................................... 112 Cotton and Linen ................................................................................................ 112
5.3.8 Other Materials .................................................................................................112 Cork .................................................................................................................... 112 Wood .................................................................................................................. 112 Flux ..................................................................................................................... 113 Flammable Materials .......................................................................................... 113 Fungus-Inert Materials ....................................................................................... 113 Insulating Materials, Electrical........................................................................... 115 Arc-Resistant Materials ...................................................................................... 116 Electrical Breakdown Prevention ....................................................................... 117 Electrical Tape .................................................................................................... 118
5.4 Processes Requirements ..................................................................................... 119
5.4.1 Adhesive Bonding .............................................................................................119
5.4.2 Welding .............................................................................................................120 Structural Welding ............................................................................................. 121 Resistance Welds for Electrical Interconnections .............................................. 122
5.4.3 Brazing ..............................................................................................................122
5.4.4 Fastener Installation ..........................................................................................123
5.4.5 Printed Wiring Assemblies ...............................................................................123 Soldering ............................................................................................................ 124 Electrostatic Discharge Control.......................................................................... 124 Storage and Handling ......................................................................................... 124 Moisture Sensitivity Levels ................................................................................ 126 Conformal Coat .................................................................................................. 126 Rework and Repair ............................................................................................. 126 Wiring Harness Assembly .................................................................................. 126
5.4.6 Environmental Stress Screening .......................................................................126
5.5 Prohibited PM&P ............................................................................................... 127

6 NOTES .......................................................................................................................... 127

6.1 Intended use ........................................................................................................ 127
6.2 Acquisition requirements ................................................................................... 127
6.3 Associated Data Item Descriptions (DIDs) ........................................................ 127
6.4 Tailoring guidance for contractual application .................................................. 127
6.5 Subject term (key word) listing .......................................................................... 127
6.6 International standardization agreement implementation .................................. 128

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6.7 Changes from previous issue .............................................................................. 129

Appendix A DERATING ........................................................................................................ 130

A.1. Scope ............................................................................................................................. 130
A.1.1 Scope .................................................................................................................. 130

A.2. Requirements ................................................................................................................ 130

A.2.1 Derating Requirements ....................................................................................... 130

A.3. Derating Criteria ........................................................................................................... 130

A.3.1 Derating Criteria ................................................................................................. 130
A.3.2 Capacitors ........................................................................................................... 131
A.3.2.1 Solid Tantalum Capacitors ................................................................................132
A.3.3 Crystals and Crystal Oscillators ......................................................................... 132
A.3.3.1 Crystals .............................................................................................................132
A.3.3.2 Crystal Oscillators .............................................................................................132
A.3.4 Diodes ................................................................................................................. 133
A.3.5 EMI Filters ......................................................................................................... 133
A.3.6 Hybrids and Multi-Chip Modules ...................................................................... 134
A.3.7 Magnetic Devices ............................................................................................... 134
A.3.8 Microcircuits ...................................................................................................... 134
A.3.9 Optoelectronic Devices ...................................................................................... 135
A.3.10 Protective Devices .............................................................................................. 136
A.3.10.1 Fuses .................................................................................................................136
A.3.10.2 Circuit Breakers ................................................................................................137
A.3.11 RF and Microwave Devices ............................................................................... 137
A.3.12 Relays and Switches ........................................................................................... 138
A.3.13 Resistors ............................................................................................................. 138
A.3.14 Thermistors ......................................................................................................... 139
A.3.15 Transistors .......................................................................................................... 139
A.3.16 Connectors, Wire, and Cable .............................................................................. 140
A.3.17 Mechanical Parts ................................................................................................ 140

Appendix B COTS MANAGEMENT ..................................................................................... 141

B.1. Scope ............................................................................................................................. 141
B.1.1 Scope .................................................................................................................. 141

B.2. Requirements ................................................................................................................ 141

B.2.1 Requirements ...................................................................................................... 141
B.2.2 COTS Requirements Definition ......................................................................... 142

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B.2.2.1 Requirements Documentation ...........................................................................142

B.2.2.2 Life Cycle Application Stress Requirements ....................................................143
B.2.2.3 Obsolescence Management ...............................................................................143
B.2.2.4 Counterfeit Prevention ......................................................................................143
B.2.3 COTS Candidate Identification and Selection ................................................... 143
B.2.3.1 COTS Candidate Design Evaluation ................................................................143
B.2.4 COTS Qualification ............................................................................................ 146
B.2.4.1 Use of COTS Evaluation Results......................................................................146
B.2.4.2 Corrective Action ..............................................................................................147
B.2.4.3 Physical Configuration Audit............................................................................147
B.2.4.4 Functional Tests ................................................................................................147
B.2.4.5 Mechanical Tests ..............................................................................................148
B.2.4.6 Qualification Verification Methods ..................................................................148
B.2.5 COTS Approval and Production Management .................................................. 149
B.2.5.1 COTS Production Procurement ........................................................................149
B.2.5.2 Incoming Inspection..........................................................................................150
B.2.5.3 COTS Performance Acceptance Testing ..........................................................150
B.2.5.4 Environmental Stress Screening .......................................................................151
B.2.5.5 COTS Product Assurance and Life Cycle Management...................................151
B.2.6 COTS Documentation ........................................................................................ 151
B.2.6.1 COTS Product Specification .............................................................................151
B.2.6.2 COTS Product Qualification Plan.....................................................................151
B.2.6.3 Product Qualification Report ............................................................................152
B.2.6.4 Production Acceptance Procedure ....................................................................152

B.3. COTS Accelerated Life Testing Requirements ............................................................ 152

B.3.1 Accelerated Life Testing .................................................................................... 152

Appendix C PROHIBITED PM&P ......................................................................................... 153

C.1. Scope ............................................................................................................................. 153
C.1.1 Scope .................................................................................................................. 153
C.1.2 Intended Use ....................................................................................................... 153
C.1.3 General Notes ..................................................................................................... 153
C.1.3.1 Part/component .................................................................................................153
C.1.3.2 Government/customer .......................................................................................153
C.1.3.3 Rationale ...........................................................................................................153

C.2. Prohibited Parts Requirements ...................................................................................... 153

C.2.1 Prohibited Part Specifications and Pedigree ...................................................... 153
C.2.1.1 Use of Prohibited Materials ..............................................................................154

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C.2.1.2 Outside Vendor’s Specifications.......................................................................154

C.2.1.3 Unqualified Parts ..............................................................................................154
C.2.1.4 Non-OEM/OCM/Franchised Distributor Parts .................................................154
C.2.1.5 Reused, Reinstalled, Recycled, Reattached, or Salvaged Parts .........................155
C.2.1.6 Parts with Date Codes Over 5 Years Old ..........................................................155
C.2.2 Prohibited Microcircuits and Semiconductors ................................................... 155
C.2.2.1 Microcircuits .....................................................................................................155
C.2.2.2 Non-Hermetic Microcircuits and Semiconductors ...........................................155
C.2.2.3 Discrete Semiconductors...................................................................................155
C.2.2.4 Selenium Rectifiers ...........................................................................................156
C.2.2.5 Discrete Diodes .................................................................................................156
C.2.3 Prohibited Passive Electrical Components ......................................................... 156
C.2.3.1 Non-High Reliability Passive Components ......................................................156
C.2.3.2 Silver Case Wet Slug Tantalum Capacitors ......................................................156
C.2.3.3 Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors ...................................................................156
C.2.3.4 Plastic Film Capacitors......................................................................................157
C.2.3.5 Polyester Capacitors..........................................................................................157
C.2.3.6 Carbon Composition Resistors .........................................................................157
C.2.3.7 Resistors using Nichrome Film Elements .........................................................157
C.2.4 Prohibited General Parts ..................................................................................... 157
C.2.4.1 Circuit Protection Fuses ....................................................................................157
C.2.4.2 Vacuum Tubes ..................................................................................................157
C.2.4.3 Disc Crystals .....................................................................................................158
C.2.4.4 Relays ................................................................................................................158
C.2.4.5 Mechanically Adjustable Devices .....................................................................158
C.2.5 Prohibited Electromechanical and Mechanical Components ............................. 158
C.2.5.1 Slide-On or Snap-On BNC Connectors.............................................................158
C.2.5.2 Locking Devices ...............................................................................................158
C.2.5.3 Lock Washers ....................................................................................................158
C.2.5.4 Miniature Switches or Connectors ....................................................................159
C.2.5.5 Mechanized Switches ........................................................................................159
C.2.5.6 Cinch, Compression, or Spring Style Connectors .............................................159
C.2.5.7 Unkeyed Multi-Pin Connectors .........................................................................159
C.2.5.8 Non-Gold Plated Contact Electrical Connectors ..............................................159
C.2.6 Prohibited Component Package Types ............................................................... 159
C.2.6.1 Open Type Magnetic Devices ...........................................................................159
C.2.6.2 Sockets and Socketed Devices ..........................................................................160

C.3. Prohibited Materials Requirements............................................................................... 160

C.3.1 Prohibited Material Specification Specifications and Pedigree. ........................ 160

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C.3.1.1 Outside Vendor’s Specifications.......................................................................160

C.3.1.2 Unqualified Materials .......................................................................................160
C.3.1.3 Non-OEM/OCM/Franchised Distributor Materials ..........................................160
C.3.1.4 Reused, Reinstalled, Recycled, Reattached, or Salvaged Parts and Materials ..161
C.3.1.5 Expired Materials ..............................................................................................161
C.3.2 Non-Compliant Materials ................................................................................... 161
C.3.2.1 MIL-STD-186 Non-Compliant .........................................................................161
C.3.2.2 MIL-HDBK-1250 Non-Compliant ...................................................................161
C.3.2.3 CPC Guidebook Non-Compliant ......................................................................162
C.3.2.4 Inadequate Corrosion/Deterioration Protection ................................................162
C.3.3 Hazardous Materials ........................................................................................... 162
C.3.3.1 Mercury and Compounds Containing Mercury .................................................162
C.3.3.2 Flammable Materials ........................................................................................162
C.3.3.3 Radioisotopes/Radioactive Materials ................................................................163
C.3.3.4 ODCs and Highly Toxic Chemicals ..................................................................163
C.3.3.5 Pentachlorophenol.............................................................................................163
C.3.4 Prohibited Metals ............................................................................................... 163
C.3.4.1 Lead-free Tin Alloy ..........................................................................................163
C.3.4.2 Copper Wire Bonds...........................................................................................164
C.3.4.3 Aluminum Alloys 2024-T3 or T4 .....................................................................164
C.3.4.4 Aluminum Alloys 7001-T6, 7278-T6, 7050-T6, and 7075-T6 .........................164
C.3.4.5 Magnesium and Magnesium Alloys ..................................................................164
C.3.4.6 Precipitation Hardening Stainless Steels ...........................................................164
C.3.4.7 Silver-Plated Wire .............................................................................................165
C.3.4.8 Bare Hook-Up Wire ..........................................................................................165
C.3.4.9 Aluminum without Chromate Conversion Coating...........................................165
C.3.4.10 SAE AMS-QQ-P-416 Type II Non-Compliant Cadmium Plating ...................166
C.3.4.11 Zinc or Zinc Alloys ...........................................................................................166
C.3.4.12 ASTM B488 Non-Compliant Gold Plated Electrical Contacts/Pins ................166
C.3.4.13 Silver or Silver Alloys .......................................................................................166
C.3.4.14 Bare Corrodible Metal Surfaces and Galvanic Metal Couples..........................167
C.3.4.15 Nickel-Plated Aluminum Construction .............................................................167
C.3.4.16 Nickel-Plated Aluminum Connectors ...............................................................167
C.3.4.17 Electroless Nickel/Immersion Gold ..................................................................168
C.3.4.18 Black Metal Oxide Coating ...............................................................................168
C.3.5 Prohibited Polymeric Materials .......................................................................... 168
C.3.5.1 PVC Plastics and PVC Electrical Insulation .....................................................168
C.3.5.2 Corrosive Type RTV Adhesives/Sealants .........................................................168
C.3.5.3 Polymer Materials Susceptible to Reversion.....................................................168
C.3.5.4 Susceptible Rubber and Plastics .......................................................................168

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C.3.5.5 PTFE Insulated Wire.........................................................................................169

C.3.5.6 Fluoropolymer Insulated Wire ..........................................................................169
C.3.5.7 Polyimide Tapes................................................................................................169
C.3.5.8 Polyimide as an Electrical Insulator ..................................................................169
C.3.5.9 Platinum Catalyzed Silicone Rubber ................................................................169
C.3.6 Prohibited General Materials.............................................................................. 170
C.3.6.1 High Activity Solder Flux .................................................................................170
C.3.6.2 Lubricants and Greases or Other Materials which Contain Graphite ................170
C.3.6.3 Non-Fungal Resistant Materials .......................................................................170
C.3.6.4 Desiccants, Organic or Polymeric Materials .....................................................170
C.3.6.5 Cotton and Linen ...............................................................................................170

C.4. Prohibited Processes Requirements .............................................................................. 171

C.4.1 Prohibited Processes ........................................................................................... 171
C.4.1.1 Solder Iron Mounting or Rework of Ceramic Parts ..........................................171
C.4.1.2 Unqualified Welding Operators ........................................................................171
C.4.1.3 Lead forming or Changes to Lead Finishes .......................................................171
C.4.1.4 PWA Repair ......................................................................................................171
C.4.1.5 Solderability ......................................................................................................171
C.4.2 Prohibited Design Practices ................................................................................ 172
C.4.2.1 Unapproved Derating Criteria...........................................................................172
C.4.2.2 Not Using IPC Design Standards ......................................................................172
C.4.2.3 Conformal Coating of PWAs ............................................................................172
C.4.2.4 Stacked Components on PWAs ........................................................................172
C.4.2.5 Jumper Wires ....................................................................................................172
C.4.2.6 Glass Bodied Components and Magnetic Elements..........................................172
C.4.2.7 Overhanging Parts or Components ...................................................................173
C.4.2.8 Dual-Sided PWA with Through-hole Components ..........................................173
C.4.2.9 Unsupported Large-Bodied Components ..........................................................173
C.4.2.10 Inadequate Dissipation for High Power Components.......................................173
C.4.2.11 Multiple Leads or Wires Mounted in a Single PTH .........................................173
C.4.2.12 Crimped Aluminum Electrical Aircraft Wire ....................................................173
C.4.2.13 Traps or Crevices Susceptible to Moisture Collection ......................................173
C.4.2.14 Unsealed Permanent Fasteners ..........................................................................174
C.4.2.15 Unprotected Bearings ........................................................................................174
C.4.2.16 Untested Adhesively Bonded Designs ..............................................................174
C.4.2.17 Maintenance Procedures for Corrosion Protection............................................174
C.4.2.18 Tantalum Capacitors .........................................................................................174

Appendix D RADIATION HARDNESS ASSURANCE ........................................................ 175

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D.1. Scope ............................................................................................................................. 175

D.1.1 Scope .................................................................................................................. 175

D.2. Procedure ...................................................................................................................... 175

D.2.1 RHA Program Plan ............................................................................................. 175
D.2.2 Specification of Radiation Environment ............................................................. 176
D.2.3 Radiation Transport Analysis ............................................................................. 176
D.2.4 RHA Testing....................................................................................................... 178
D.2.4.1 Total Ionizing Dose ...........................................................................................180
D.2.4.2 Dose Rate Effects ..............................................................................................181
D.2.4.3 Single Event Effects and Displacement Damage ..............................................181
D.2.5 Use of Hardness Non-Critical Parts and Materials ............................................ 181
D.2.5.1 Special Considerations ......................................................................................182

Appendix E OUTGASSING .................................................................................................... 183

E.1. Scope ............................................................................................................................. 183
E.1.1 Scope .................................................................................................................. 183

E.2. Requirements ................................................................................................................ 183

E.2.1 Material Outgassing Requirements .................................................................... 183
E.2.1.1 Corrosive/Reactive Products .............................................................................183
E.2.1.2 Non-Corrosive/Reactive Products ....................................................................183
E.2.2 Determination of Acceptable Levels of Outgassing........................................... 183

Appendix F COUNTERFEIT PARTS AND MATERIALS ................................................... 185

F.1. Scope ............................................................................................................................. 185
F.1.1 Scope .................................................................................................................. 185

F.2. Requirements ................................................................................................................ 185

F.2.1 Counterfeit Prevention ....................................................................................... 185
F.2.2 Authorized Sources ............................................................................................ 185
F.2.3 Preventing Counterfeit Parts and Materials........................................................ 185
F.2.4 Detecting Counterfeit Parts and Materials ......................................................... 186
F.2.5 Reporting Suspect Counterfeit Parts and Materials ........................................... 189
F.2.6 Containing Suspect Counterfeit Parts and Materials .......................................... 189

Appendix G OBSOLESCENCE .............................................................................................. 191

G.1. Scope ............................................................................................................................. 191
G.1.1 Scope .................................................................................................................. 191

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G.2. Requirements ................................................................................................................ 191

G.2.1 Obsolescence Requirements ............................................................................... 191

Appendix H INCOMING INSPECTION ................................................................................ 193

H.1. Scope ............................................................................................................................. 193
H.1.1 Scope .................................................................................................................. 193

H.2. Requirements ................................................................................................................ 193

H.2.1 Incoming Inspection Requirements .................................................................... 193
H.2.2 Destructive Physical Analysis ............................................................................ 194

CONCLUDING MATERIAL .................................................................................................. 195

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FIGURE B-1. COTS management process. .............................................................................142
FIGURE B-2. Example of system life cycle. ............................................................................152



TABLE I. Equipment categories and definitions. .....................................................................55
TABLE II. Life cycle stresses. ..................................................................................................56
TABLE III. Capacitor styles reference documents. ..................................................................61
TABLE IV. Hermetic microcircuit and semiconductor requirements. .....................................63
TABLE V. Plastic encapsulated microcircuit and semiconductor requirements. .....................63
TABLE VI Relay specifications. ..............................................................................................66
TABLE VII. Resistor and thermistor specifications. ................................................................67
TABLE VIII. Switch specifications. .........................................................................................68
TABLE IX. Waveguide reference documents. .........................................................................69
TABLE X. Rotary servo devices reference documents. ............................................................70
TABLE XI. Electrical wire reference documents. ....................................................................71
TABLE XII. RF cables and transmission line specifications. ...................................................72
TABLE XIII. Multi-conductor cable specifications. ................................................................72
TABLE XIV. Electrical interconnection wire specifications. ..................................................73
TABLE XV. Electrical interconnection wire, multiconnector. ................................................74
TABLE XVI. Indicator lights specifications. ...........................................................................78
TABLE XVII. Bearings specifications. ....................................................................................81
TABLE XVIII. Fastener hardware reference documents. ........................................................88
TABLE XIX. Electrical-indicating meter specifications. .........................................................89
TABLE XX. Aluminum reference documents. .........................................................................94
TABLE XXI. Titanium reference documents. ..........................................................................98
TABLE XXII. Titanium alloys selection. .................................................................................99
TABLE XXIII. Solder reference documents. ............................................................................99
TABLE XXIV. Brass reference documents. .............................................................................100
TABLE XXV. Bronze parts and assemblies reference documents. .........................................101
TABLE XXVI. Copper reference documents. ..........................................................................102
TABLE XXVII. Nickel alloy reference documents. .................................................................103
TABLE XXVIII. Metal finish reference documents. ................................................................103
TABLE XXIX. Lubricants reference documents. .....................................................................106
TABLE XXX. Adhesives reference documents. .......................................................................108

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TABLE XXXI. Fungi susceptibility of materials. ....................................................................115

TABLE XXXII. Arc-resistant materials. ..................................................................................117
TABLE XXXIII. Electrical tape reference documents. ............................................................118

TABLE A-I. Capacitor derating factors....................................................................................131

TABLE A-II. Crystal oscillator derating factors. .....................................................................132
TABLE A-III. Diode Derating Factors.....................................................................................133
TABLE A-IV. EMI filter derating factors. ................................................................................134
TABLE A-V. Magnetic device derating factors. ......................................................................134
TABLE A-VI. Microcircuit derating factors. ...........................................................................135
TABLE A-VII. Optoelectronic device derating factors. ...........................................................136
TABLE A-VIII. Fuse derating factors. ....................................................................................137
TABLE A-IX. Circuit breaker derating factors. .......................................................................137
TABLE A-X. RF and microwave devices derating factors. .....................................................137
TABLE A-XI. Relays and switches derating factors. ...............................................................138
TABLE A-XII. Resistor derating factors. ................................................................................139
TABLE A-XIII. Transistor derating factors. ............................................................................140
TABLE A-XIV. Connector derating factors. ............................................................................140

TABLE B-I. Recommended verification methods for qualification tests. ................................149

TABLE D-I. Radiation hardness assurance testing requirements for semiconductors. ............179

TABLE F-I. Inspection and test of electronic components. .....................................................187

TABLE H-I. PM&P incoming inspection requirements...........................................................194

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1.1 Scope. This standard establishes the requirements for parts, materials, and processes
(PM&P) for use during the development, production, and sustainment of military systems. These
requirements directly apply to the design, manufacture, and support of military systems. This standard also
provides criteria to evaluate the suitability of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) items for incorporation into
military systems.


2.1 General. The documents listed in this section are specified in sections 3, 4, or 5 of this
standard. This section does not include documents cited in other sections of this standard or recommended
for additional information or as examples. While every effort has been made to ensure the completeness of
this list, document users are cautioned that they must meet all specified requirements of documents cited in
sections 3, 4, or 5 of this standard, whether or not they are listed.

2.2 Government Documents.

2.2.1 Specifications, Standards, and Handbooks. The following specifications, standards, and
handbooks form a part of this document to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise specified, the
issues of these documents are those cited in the solicitation or contract.


C-F-206 - Felt Sheet: Cloth, Felt, Wool, Pressed

FF-N-836 - Nut: Square, Hexagon, Cap, Slotted, Castle, Knurled, Welding

and Single Ball Seat

FF-R-556 - Rivet, Solid, Small; Rivet, Split, Small; Rivet, Tubular, Small
Flat Washer (Burr); and Cap, Rivet, General Purpose

FF-S-85 - Screw, Cap, Slotted and Hexagon Head

FF-S-86 - Screw, Cap, Socket-Head

FF-S-92 - Screw, Machine, Slotted, Cross-Recessed or Hexagon Head

FF-S-200 - Setscrews: Hexagon Socket and Spline Socket, Headless

FF-S-210 - Setscrews: Square Head (Inch) and Slotted Headless (Inch and

FF-W-84 - Washers, Lock (Spring)

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FF-W-92 - Washer, Flat (Plain)

FF-W-100 - Washer, Lock (Tooth)

L-P-516 - Plastic Sheet and Plastic Rod, Thermosetting, Cast

MMM-A-121 - Adhesive, Bonding Vulcanized Synthetic Rubber to Steel

MMM-A-132 - Adhesives, Heat Resistant, Airframe Structural, Metal to


MMM-A-134 - Adhesive, Epoxy Resin, Metal to Metal Structural Bonding

MMM-A-138 - Adhesive, Metal to Wood, Structural

MMM-A-181 - Adhesives, Phenol, Resorcinol or Melamine Base

MMM-A-189 - Adhesive, Synthetic-Rubber, Thermoplastic, General-Purpose

T-R-605 - Rope, Manila and Sisal

QQ-A-1876 - Aluminum Foil

QQ-C-450 - Copper-Aluminum Alloy (Aluminum Bronze) Plate, Sheet,

Strip, and Bar (Copper Alloy Numbers 606, 610, 613, 614,
and 630)

QQ-N-281 - Nickel-Copper Alloy Bar, Rod, Plate, Sheet, Strip, Wire,

Forgings, and Structural and Special Shaped Sections

QQ-N-286 - Aluminum Foil

Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR)

(Copies of these documents are available online at

Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS)

(Copies of these documents are available online at

National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)

(Copies of these documents are available online at

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FED-STD-595 - Colors Used in Government Procurement

(Copies of these documents are available online at


A-A-1936 - Adhesives, Contact, Neoprene Rubber

A-A-3097 - Adhesives, Cyanoacrylate, Rapid Room Temperature-Curing,


A-A-50057 - Rope, Fibrous, Tent-Lay

A-A-50197 - Thread, Linen

A-A-52080 - Tape, Lacing and Tying, Nylon

A-A-52084 - Tape, Lacing and Tying, Aramid

A-A-52094 - Thread, Cotton

A-A-52401 - Bearing, Sleeve (Steel-Backed)

A-A-52414 - Bearing, Roller, Thrust

A-A-55057 - Panels, Wood/Wood Based; Construction and Decorative

A-A-55524 - Shunt, Instrument (External, 50 Millivolt, Lightweight Type)

A-A-59126 - Terminals, Feedthru (Insulated) and Terminals, Stud

(Insulated and Noninsulated)

A-A-59166 - Coating Compound, Nonslip (for Walkways)

A-A-59313 - Thread, Compound; Antiseize, Zinc Dust-Petrolatum

A-A-59551 - Wire, Electrical, Copper (Uninsulated)

A-A-59588 - Rubber, Silicone

A-A-59770 - Insulation Tape, Electrical, Pressure Sensitive Adhesive and

Pressure Sensitive Thermosetting Adhesive

A-A-59826 - Thread, Nylon

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A-A-59877 - Insulating Compound, Electrical, Embedding

(Copies of these documents are available online at


DA PAM 385-24 - Army Radiation Safety Program

(Copies of these documents are available online at


MIL-DTL-17 - Cables, Radio Frequency, Flexible and Semirigid, General

Specification for

MIL-DTL-85 - Waveguides, Rigid, Rectangular General Specification for

MIL-DTL-287 - Waveguide Assemblies, Flexible, Twistable and Non-

Twistable, General Specification for

MIL-DTL-713 - Twine, Fibrous: Impregnated, Lacing and Tying

MIL-DTL-1222 - Studs, Bolts, Screws and Nuts for Applications where a High
Degree of Reliability is Required; General Specification for

MIL-DTL-3432 - Cables, (Power and Special Purpose) and Wire, Electrical (300
and 600 Volts)

MIL-DTL-3661 - Lampholders, Indicator Lights, Indicator Light Housing, and

Indicator Light Lenses, General Specification for

MIL-DTL-3890 - Lines, Radio Frequency Transmission (Coaxial, Air

Dielectric), General Specification for

MIL-DTL-3922 - Flanges, Waveguide, General Purpose, General Specification


MIL-DTL-3928 - Switches, Radio-Frequency Transmission Line (Coaxial and

Microstrip), General Specification for

MIL-DTL-3933 - Attenuators, Fixed, Space Level, Non-Space Level General

Specification for

MIL-DTL-3970 - Waveguide Assemblies, Rigid, General Specification for

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MIL-DTL-5541 - Chemical Conversion Coatings on Aluminum and Aluminum


MIL-DTL-6363 - Lamps, Incandescent, Aircraft Service, General Specification


MIL-DTL-7793 - Meter, Time Totalizing

MIL-DTL-7961 - Lights, Indicators, Press to Test

MIL-DTL-8777 - Wire, Electrical, Silicone-Insulated, Copper, 600-Volt, 200

Degrees C

MIL-DTL-9395 - Switches, Pressure, (Absolute, Gage, and Differential),

General Specification for

MIL-DTL-13777 - Cable, Special Purpose, Electrical, General Specification for

MIL-DTL-15098 - Lamps, Glow, General Specification for

MIL-DTL-15370 - Couplers, Directional General Specification for

MIL-DTL-16034 - Meters, Electrical-Indicating (Switchboard and Portable


MIL-DTL-16878 - Wire, Electrical, Insulated, General Specification for

MIL-DTL-17060 - Motors, Alternating Current, Integral-Horsepower, Shipboard


MIL-DTL-18240 - Fastener Element, Self-Locking, Threaded Fastener, 250

Degrees F Maximum

MIL-DTL-22641 - Adapter, Coaxial to Waveguide, General Specification for

MIL-DTL-22931 - Cables, Radio Frequency, Semirigid, Coaxial, Semi-Air-

Dielectric, General Specification for

MIL-DTL-23971 - Power Dividers, Power Combiners, and Power

Divider/Combiners, General Specification for

MIL-DTL-24044 - Flanges, Coaxial Line, Rigid, Air Dielectric, General

Specification for

MIL-DTL-24211 - Gaskets, Waveguide Flange General Specification for

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MIL-DTL-24640 - Cables, Lightweight, Low Smoke, Electric, for Shipboard Use,

General Specification for

MIL-DTL-25038 - Wire, Electrical, High Temperature, Fire Resistant, and Flight


MIL-DTL-25879 - Switch, Radio Frequency Transmission Line, Coaxial Type


MIL-DTL-27072 - Cable, Power, Electrical and Cable, Special Purpose,

Electrical, Multiconductor and Single Shielded, General
Specification for

MIL-DTL-28791 - Isolators and Circulators, Radio Frequency, General

Specification for

MIL-DTL-28803 - Display, Optoelectronic, Segmented Readouts, Backlighted,

General Specification for

MIL-DTL-28830 - Cable, Radio Frequency, Coaxial, Semirigid, Corrugated

Outer Conductor, General Specification for

MIL-DTL-28837 - Mixer Stages, Radio Frequency, General Specification for

MIL-DTL-28875 - Amplifiers, Radio-Frequency and Microwave, Solid-State

MIL-DTL-32072 - Thread, Polyester

MIL-DTL-39030 - Dummy Loads, Electrical, Coaxial and Stripline, General

Specification for

MIL-DTL-55021 - Cable, Electrical, Shielded Singles, Shielded and Jacketed

Singles, Twisted Pairs and Triples, Internal Hookup, General
Specification for

MIL-DTL-55041 - Switches, Waveguide, General Specification for

MIL-DTL-81381 - Wire, Electric, Polyimide-Insulated, Copper or Copper Alloy

MIL-DTL-81963 - Servocomponents, Precision Instrument, Rotating, Common

Requirements and Tests, General Specification for

MIL-DTL-83522 - Connectors, Fiber Optic, Single Ferrule, General Specification


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MIL-DTL-83526 - Connectors, Fiber Optic, Circular, Environmental Resistant,

Hermaphroditic, General Specification for

MIL-DTL-83528 - Gasketing Material, Conductive, Shielding Gasket, Electronic,

Elastomer, EMI/RFI, General Specification for

MIL-PRF-1 - Electron Tube General Specification for

MIL-PRF-27 - Transformers and Inductors (Audio, Power, and High-Power

Pulse), General Specification for

MIL-PRF-123 - Capacitors, Fixed, Ceramic Dielectric, (Temperature Stable

and General Purpose), High Reliability

MIL-PRF-907 - Antiseize Thread Compound, High Temperature

MIL-PRF-3098 - Crystal Units, Quartz General Specification for

MIL-PRF-3150 - Lubricating Oil, Preservative, Medium

MIL-PRF-6085 - Lubricating Oil Instrument, Aircraft, Low Volatility

MIL-PRF-6086 - Lubricating Oil, Gear, Petroleum Base (NATO O-153, O-155)

MIL-PRF-6106 - Relays, Electromagnetic, General Specification for

MIL-PRF-6855 - Rubber, Synthetic, Sheets, Strips, Molded or Extruded Shapes,

General Specification for

MIL-PRF-8516 - Sealing Compound, Synthetic Rubber, Electric Connectors

and Electric Systems, Chemically Cured

MIL-PRF-8565 - Battery Storage, Aircraft, General Specification for

MIL-PRF-8805 - Switches and Switch Assemblies, Sensitive, Snap Action

(Basic, Limit, Push Button and Toggle Switches), General
Specification for

MIL-PRF-10304 - Meters, Electrical Indicating, Panel Type, Ruggedized,

General Specification for

MIL-PRF-13830 - Optical Components for Fire Control Instruments; General

Specification Governing the Manufacture, Assembly, and
Inspection of

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MIL-PRF-15160 - Fuses, Instrument, Power, and Telephone, General

Specification for

MIL-PRF-15733 - Filters and Capacitors, Radio Frequency Interference, General

Specification for

MIL-PRF-17331 - Lubricating Oil, Steam Turbine and Gear, Moderate Service

MIL-PRF-17672 - Hydraulic Fluid, Petroleum, Inhibited

MIL-PRF-19207 - Fuseholders, Extractor Post Type, Blown Fuse, Indicating and

Nonindicating, General Specification for

MIL-PRF-19500 - Semiconductor Devices, General Specification for

MIL-PRF-22684 - Resistors, Fixed, Film (Insulated) General Specification for

MIL-PRF-23269 - Capacitors, Fixed, Glass Dielectric, Established Reliability,

General Specification for

MIL-PRF-23377 - Primer Coatings: Epoxy, High-Solids

MIL-PRF-23419 - Fuse: Cartridge, Instrument Type, General Specification for

MIL-PRF-23586 - Sealing Compound (With Accelerator), Silicone Rubber,


MIL-PRF-23648 - Resistor, Thermal (Thermistor) Insulated, General

Specification for

MIL-PRF-23827 - Grease, Aircraft and Instrument, Gear and Actuator Screw

MIL-PRF-24139 - Grease, Multipurpose, Water Resistant

MIL-PRF-24236 - Switches, Thermostatic, (Metallic and Bimetallic), General

Specification for

MIL-PRF-24623 - Splice, Fiber Optic Cable, General Specification for (Metric)

MIL-PRF-24792 - Adhesive, Epoxy, Two Part, Fiber Optics

MIL-PRF-24793 - Adhesive, UV Curable, One Part, Fiber Optics

MIL-PRF-24794 - Material, Index Matching, Fiber Optics

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MIL-PRF-28750 - Relays, Solid State, General Specification for

MIL-PRF-28776 - Relays, Hybrid, Established Reliability, General Specification


MIL-PRF-28861 - Filters and Capacitors, Radio Frequency/Electromagnetic

Interference Suppression, General Specification for

MIL-PRF-28876 - Connectors, Fiber Optic, Circular, Plug and Receptacle Style,

Multiple Removable Termini, General Specification for

MIL-PRF-29504 - Termini, Fiber Optic Connector, Removable, General

Specification for

MIL-PRF-29595 - Batteries and Cells, Lithium, Rechargeable, Aircraft, General

Specification for

MIL-PRF-31033 - Capacitors, Fixed, Ceramic Dielectric, High Reliability,

Discoidal, General Specification for

MIL-PRF-32192 - Resistors, Chip, Thermal (Thermistor), General Specification


MIL-PRF-38534 - Hybrid Microcircuits, General Specification for

MIL-PRF-38535 - Integrated Circuits (Microcircuits) Manufacturing, General

Specification for

MIL-PRF-39001 - Capacitors, Fixed, Mica Dielectric, High Reliability, General

Specification for

MIL-PRF-39003 - Capacitors, Fixed, Electrolytic (Solid Electrolyte), Tantalum,

Established Reliability, General Specification for

MIL-PRF-39005 - Performance Specification, Resistors, Fixed, Wire-Wound

(accurate), Nonestablished Reliability, Established Reliability,
General Specification for

MIL-PRF-39006 - Capacitor, Fixed, Electrolytic (Nonsolid Electrolyte),

Tantalum, Established Reliability, General Specification for

MIL-PRF-39007 - Performance Specification, Resistors, Fixed, Wire Wound

(Power Type), Nonestablished Reliability, Established
Reliability, and Space Level, General Specification for

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MIL-PRF-39009 - Performance Specification, Resistors, Fixed, Wire-Wound

(Power Type, Chassis Mounted), Nonestablished

MIL-PRF-39015 - Resistors, Variable, Wire Wound (Lead Screw Actuated),

Nonestablished Reliability and Established Reliability,
General Specification for

MIL-PRF-39016 - Relays, Electromagnetic, Established Reliability, General

Specification for

MIL-PRF-39017 - Resistors, Fixed, Film (Insulated), Nonestablished Reliability

and Established Reliability, General Specification for

MIL-PRF-39018 - Capacitors, Fixed, Electrolytic (Aluminum Oxide),

Established Reliability, and Non-Established Reliability,
General Specification for

MIL-PRF-46010 - Lubricant, Solid Film, Heat Cured, Corrosion Inhibiting

NATO Code - S-1738

MIL-PRF-49450 - Battery, Rechargeable, Nickel-Cadmium, Vented, Aircraft

MIL-PRF-49462 - Resistors, Fixed, Film, High Voltage, General Specification


MIL-PRF-49464 - Capacitors, Chip, Single Layer, Fixed, Parallel Plate, Ceramic

Dielectric, Established Reliability, General Specification for

MIL-PRF-49467 - Capacitor, Fixed, Ceramic, Multilayer, High Voltage (General

Purpose), General Specification for

MIL-PRF-49470 - Capacitor, Fixed, Ceramic Dielectric, Switch Mode Power

Supply (General Purpose and Temperature Stable), Standard
Reliability and High Reliability, General Specification for

MIL-PRF-49471 - Batteries, Non-Rechargeable, High Performance

MIL-PRF-55182 - Resistors, Fixed, Film, Nonestablished Reliability, Established

Reliability, and Space Level, General Specification for
(w/Amendment 1)

MIL-PRF-55310 - Oscillator, Crystal Controlled, General Specification for

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MIL-PRF-55342 - Performance Specification, Resistors, Fixed, Film, Chip,

Nonestablished Reliability, Established Reliability, Space
Level, General Specification for

MIL-PRF-55365 - Capacitor, Fixed, Electrolytic (Tantalum), Chip, Established

Reliability, Nonestablished Reliability, and High Reliability,
General Specification for

MIL-PRF-81322 - Grease, Aircraft, General Purpose, Wide Temperature Range,

NATO Code G-395

MIL-PRF-81329 - Lubricant, Solid Film, Extreme Environment, NATO Code

Number S-1737

MIL-PRF-81733 - Sealing and Coating Compound, Corrosion Inhibitive

MIL-PRF-83401 - Resistor Networks, Fixed, Film, and Capacitor-Resistor

Networks, Ceramic Capacitor and Fixed Film Resistors,
General Specification for

MIL-PRF-83421 - Capacitors, Fixed, Metallized, Plastic Film Dielectric, (DC,

AC, or DC and AC), Hermetically Sealed in Metal Cases or
Ceramic Cases, Established Reliability, General Specification

MIL-PRF-83536 - Relays, Electromagnetic, Established Reliability 5 amperes

and Below

MIL-PRF-83726 - Relays, Hybrid and Solid State, Time Delay, General

Specification for

MIL-PRF-85045 - Cables, Fiber Optic, General Specification for

(Copies of these documents are available online at


DOD-STD-1578 - Nickel-Cadmium Battery Usage Practices for Space Vehicles

DOD-G-24508 - Grease, High Performance, Multipurpose (Metric)

MIL-A-3920 - Adhesive, Optical, Thermosetting

MIL-A-8625 - Anodic Coatings for Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys

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MIL-A-24179 - Adhesive, Flexible Unicellular-Plastic Thermal Insulation

MIL-A-46146 - Adhesives-Sealants, Silicone, RTV, Noncorrosive (for use

with Sensitive Metals and Equipment)

MIL-B-23071 - Blowers, Miniature, for Cooling Electronic Equipment

General Specification for

MIL-B-81793 - Bearings, Ball, Annular, For Instruments and Precision

Rotating Components

MIL-C-572 - Cord, Yarns and Monofilaments Organic Synthetic Fiber

MIL-C-675 - Coating of Glass Optical Elements (Anti-Reflection)

MIL-C-9074 - Cloth, Laminated, Sateen, Rubberized

MIL-C-10578 - Corrosion Removing and Metal Conditioning Compound

(Phosphoric Acid Base)

MIL-C-22520/10 - Crimping Tool, Terminal, Hand Wire Termination, Large for

Coaxial, Shielded Contacts and Ferrules, Terminal Lugs,
Splices and End Caps

MIL-C-24723 - Castings, Nickel-Copper Alloy

MIL-D-3954 - Dummy Loads, Electrical, Waveguide, General Specification


MIL-E-85082 - Encoders, Shaft Angle to Digital, General Specification for

MIL-F-2312 - Felt, Hair or Wool: Mildew Resistant and Moisture Resistant

Treatment for

MIL-G-20098 - Gypsum, Calcined

MIL-G-81704 - Glass, Aircraft Instrument, Lighting Wedge and Cover

MIL-I-631 - Insulation, Electrical, Synthetic - Resin Composition,


MIL-I-1361 - Instrument Auxiliaries, Electrical Measuring: Shunts,

Resistors, and Transformers

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MIL-I-3158 - Insulation Tape, Electrical Glass-Fiber (Resin-Filled): and

Cord, Fibrous-Glass

MIL-I-3190 - Insulation Sleeving, Electrical, Flexible, Coated, General

Specification for

MIL-I-19166 - Insulation Tape, Electrical, High-Temperature, Glass Fiber,


MIL-I-22076 - Insulation Tubing, Electrical Nonrigid, Vinyl, Very Low

Temperature Grade

MIL-I-22129 - Insulation Tubing, Electrical, Polytetrafluoroethylene Resin,


MIL-I-23264 - Insulators, Ceramic, Electrical and Electronic, General

Specification for

MIL-I-24391 - Insulation Tape, Electrical, Plastic, Pressure-Sensitive

MIL-I-24728 - Interconnection Box, Fiber Optic, General Specification for

MIL-I-24092 - Insulating Varnishes and Solventless Resins for Application

by the Dip Process

MIL-I-24768 - Insulation, Plastics, Laminated, Thermosetting; General

Specification for

MIL-I-46058 - Insulating Compound, Electrical (for Coating Printed Circuit


MIL-L-15719 - Lubricating Grease (High-Temperature, Electric Motor, Ball

and Roller Bearings)

MIL-L-23398 - Lubricant, Solid Film, Air-Cured, Corrosion Inhibiting,

NATO Code Number S-749

MIL-M-13508 - Mirror, Front Surfaced Aluminized: for Optical Elements

MIL-M-16125 - Meters, Electrical, Frequency

MIL-M-17059 - Motor, 60 Cycle, Alternating Current, Fractional H.P.

(Shipboard Use)

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MIL-M-24041 - Molding And Potting Compound, Chemically Cured,


MIL-R-5757 - Relays, Electromagnetic, General Specification for

MIL-R-7885 - Rivets, Blind, Structural, Mechanically Locked Spindle And

Friction Locked Spindle, General Specification for

MIL-R-24243 - Rivets, Blind, Nonstructural, Retained Mandrel, General

Specification for

MIL-S-22432 - Servomotors, General Specification for

MIL-S-22820 - Servomotor-Tachometer Generator, AC; General

Specification for

MIL-T-3530 - Thread and Twine, Mildew Resistant or Water Repellent


MIL-T-22821 - Tachometer Generator, AC; General Specification for

MIL-T-81556 - Tachometer Generator, AC; General Specification for

MIL-V-3144 - Vials, Level

MIL-W-80 - Window, Observation, Acrylic Base, Antielectrostatic,

Transparent (For Indicating Instrument)

MIL-W-530 - Webbing, Textile, Cotton, General Purpose, Natural or In


MIL-W-4088 - Webbing, Textile, Woven Nylon

MIL-W-27265 - Webbing, Textile, Woven Nylon Impregnated

MIL-STD-22 - Welded Joint Design

MIL-STD-171 - Finishing of Metal and Wood Surfaces

MIL-STD-186 - Protective Finishing For Army Missile Weapon Systems

MIL-STD-188-125-1 - High-Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse (HEMP) Protection for

Ground-Based C41 Facilities Performing Critical, Time-
Urgent Missions Part 1 Fixed Facilities

Downloaded from


MIL-STD-188-125-2 - High-Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse (HEMP) Protection for

Ground-Based C4I Facilities Performing Critical, Time-
Urgent Missions - Part 2 - Transportable Systems

MIL-STD-188-200 - System Design and Engineering Standard for Tactical


MIL-STD-202 - Test Method Standard Electronic and Electrical Component


MIL-STD-276 - Impregnation of Porous Metal Castings and Powdered Metal


MIL-STD-403 - Preparation for and Installation of Rivets and Screws, Rocket,

Missile, and Airframe Structures

MIL-STD-710 - Synchros, 60 and 400 HZ, Selection and Application of

MIL-STD-750 - Test Methods for Semiconductor Devices

MIL-STD-810 - Environmental Engineering Considerations and Laboratory


MIL-STD-866 - Grinding of Chrome Plated Steel and Steel Parts Heat Treated
to 180,000 PSI or Over

MIL-STD-883 - Microcircuits

MIL-STD-889 - Dissimilar Metals

MIL-STD-981 - Design, Manufacturing and Quality Standards for Custom

Electromagnetic Devices for Space Applications

MIL-STD-1311 - Test Methods for Electron Tubes

MIL-STD-1334 - Process for Barrier Coating of Anti-Friction Bearings

MIL-STD-1353 - Electrical Connectors, Plug-in Sockets and Associated

Hardware, Selection and Use of

MIL-STD-1472 - Human Engineering

MIL-STD-1568 - Material and Processes for Corrosion Prevention and Control

in Aerospace Weapons Systems

Downloaded from


MIL-STD-1580 - Destructive Physical Analysis for Electronic, Electromagnetic,

and Electromechanical Parts

MIL-STD-1678-1 - Fiber Optic Cabling Systems Requirements and Measurements

(Part 1: Design, Installation and Maintenance Requirements)

MIL-STD-1678-2 - Fiber Optic Cabling Systems Requirements and Measurements

(Part 2: Optical Measurements)

MIL-STD-1678-3 - Fiber Optic Cabling Systems Requirements and Measurements

(Part 3: Physical, Mechanical, Environmental and Material

MIL-STD-1678-4 - Fiber Optic Cabling Systems Requirements and Measurements

(Part 4: Test Sample Configuration and Fabrication

MIL-STD-1678-5 - Fiber Optic Cabling Systems Requirements and Measurements

(Part 5: Design Phase, Supplemental and Legacy

MIL-STD-1678-6 - Fiber Optic Cabling Systems Requirements and Measurements

(Part 6: Parts and Support Equipment Commonality and
Standardization Requirements, Cable Harness Configurations)

(Copies of these documents are available online at


MIL-HDBK-17/4 - Composite Materials Handbook - Volume 4 Metal Matrix


MIL-HDBK-17/5 - Composite Materials Handbook Volume 5 Ceramic Matrix


MIL-HDBK-217 - Reliability Prediction of Electronic Equipment

MIL-HDBK-225 - Synchros Description and Operation

MIL-HDBK-231 - Encoders Shaft Angle to Digital

MIL-HDBK-275 - Guide for Selection of Lubricant Fluids and Compounds for

Use in Flight Vehicles and Components

Downloaded from


MIL-HDBK-338 - Electronic Reliability Design Handbook

MIL-HDBK-415 - Design Handbook for Fiber Optic Communications Systems

MIL-HDBK-454 - General Guidelines for Electronic Equipment

MIL-HDBK-660 - General Guidelines for Electronic E Fabrication of Rigid

Waveguide Assemblies (Sweep Bends and Twists)

MIL-HDBK-730 - Materials Joining

MIL-HDBK-1250 - Corrosion Prevention and Deterioration Control in Electronic

Components and Assemblies

MIL-HDBK-83377 - Adhesive Bonding (Structural) For Aerospace and Other

Systems, Requirements for

MIL-HDBK-83575 - General Handbook for Space Vehicle Wiring Harness Design

and Testing)

(Copies of these documents are available online at

2.2.2 Other Government Documents, Drawings, and Publications. The following other
Government documents, drawings, and publications form a part of this document to the extent specified
herein. Unless otherwise specified, the issues of these documents are those cited in the solicitation or


SD-22 - Diminishing Manufacturing Sources and Material Shortages

(Copies of these documents are available online at


DSCC 06013 - Capacitors, Fixed, Electrolytic (Nonsolid Electrolyte),


DSCC 06014 - Capacitors, Fixed, Electrolytic (Nonsolid Electrolyte),


DSCC 06015 - Capacitors, Fixed, Electrolytic (Nonsolid Electrolyte),


Downloaded from


DSCC 06016 - Capacitors, Fixed, Electrolytic (Nonsolid Electrolyte),


DSCC 06019 - Capacitors, Fixed, Ceramic, Chip, High Frequency

DSCC 06022 - Capacitors, Fixed, Ceramic, Chip, High Frequency

(Copies of these documents are available online at


NASA SP-8063 - Lubrication, Friction, and Wear

NASA-STD-6012 - Corrosion Protection for Space Flight Hardware

(Copies of these documents are available online at

NASA RP-1124 - Outgassing Data for Selecting Spacecraft Materials

(Copies of these documents are available online at


MSFC-STD-3029 - Guidelines for the Selection of Metallic Materials for Stress

Corrosion Cracking Resistance in Sodium Chloride

MSFC-SPEC-469 - Specification, Titanium and Titanium Alloys, Heat Treatment


NASA/TP—2003–212244 PEM-INST-001: Instructions for Plastic Encapsulated

Microcircuit (PEM) Selection, Screening, and Qualification.

(Copies of these documents are available online at

2.3 Non-Government Publications. The following documents form a part of this document to the
extent specified herein. Unless otherwise specified, the issues of these documents are those cited in the
solicitation or contract.


ASTM A325 - Standard Specification for Structural Bolts, Steel, Heat

Treated, 120/105 ksi Minimum Tensile Strength

Downloaded from


ASTM A354 - Standard Specification for Quenched and Tempered Alloy

Steel Bolts, Studs, and Other Externally Threaded Fasteners

ASTM A449 - Standard Specification for Hex Cap Screws, Bolts and Studs,
Steel, Heat Treated, 120/ 105/90 ksi Minimum Tensile
Strength, General Use

ASTM A490 - Standard Specification for High-Strength Steel Bolts, Classes

10.9 and 10.9.3, for Structural Steel Joints (Metric)

ASTM A494/494M - Standard Specification for Castings, Nickel and Nickel Alloy

ASTM B16/B16M - Standard Specification for Free-Cutting Brass Rod, Bar and
Shapes for Use in Screw Machines

ASTM B22/B22M - Bronze castings for Bridges and Turntables

ASTM B26/B26M - Standard Specification for Aluminum-Alloy Sand Castings

ASTM B30 - Copper-Base Alloys in Ingot Form

ASTM B36/B36M - Standard Specification for Brass Plate, Sheet, Strip, and
Rolled Bar

ASTM B61 - Steam or Valve Bronze Castings

ASTM B62 - Composition Bronze or Ounce Metal Castings

ASTM B66 - Bronze Castings for Steam Locomotive Wearing Parts

ASTM B67 - Car and Tender Journal Bearings, Lined

ASTM B85/B85M - Standard Specification for Aluminum-Alloy Die Castings

ASTM B98/B98M - Standard Specification for Copper-Silicon Alloy Rod, Bar and

ASTM B99/B99M - Standard Specification for Copper-Silicon Alloy Wire for

General Applications

ASTM B105 - Standard Specification for Hard-Drawn Copper Alloy Wires

for Electric Conductors

ASTM B108/B108M - Standard Specification for Aluminum-Alloy Permanent Mold


Downloaded from


ASTM B121/B121M - Standard Specification for Leaded Brass Plate, Sheet, Strip,
and Rolled Bar

ASTM B122/B122M - Standard Specification for Copper-Nickel-Tin Alloy, Copper-

Nickel-Zinc Alloy (Nickel Silver), and Copper-Nickel Alloy
Plate, Sheet, Strip, and Rolled Bar

ASTM B124/B124M - Standard Specification for Copper and Copper Alloy Forging
Rod, Bar, and Shapes

ASTM B148 - Aluminum-Bronze Sand Castings

ASTM B150/B150M - Standard Specification for Aluminum Bronze Rod, Bar, and

ASTM B152/B152M - Standard Specification for Copper Sheet, Strip, Plate, and
Rolled Bar

ASTM B166 - Standard Specification for Nickel-Chromium-Iron Alloys

(UNS N06600, N06601, N06603, N06690, N06693, N06025,
N06045, and N06696), Nickel- Chromium-Cobalt-
Molybdenum Alloy (UNS N06617), and Nickel-Iron-
Chromium-Tungsten Alloy (UNS N06674) Rod, Bar, and

ASTM B168 - Standard Specification for Nickel-Chromium-Iron Alloys

(UNS N06600, N06601, N06603, N06690, N06693, N06025,
N06045, and N06696), Nickel-Chromium-Cobalt-
Molybdenum Alloy (UNS N06617), and Nickel-Iron-
Chromium-Tungsten Alloy (UNS N06674) Plate, Sheet, and

ASTM B169/B169M - Standard Specification for Aluminum Bronze Sheet, Strip, and
Rolled Bar

ASTM B187/B187M - Standard Specification for Copper, Bus Bar, Rod, and Shapes
and General Purpose Rod, Bar, and Shapes

ASTM B196/B196M - Standard Specification for Copper-Beryllium Alloy Rod and


ASTM B206/B206M - Standard Specification for Copper-Nickel-Zinc (Nickel Silver)

Wire and Copper-Nickel Alloy Wire

Downloaded from


ASTM B271/B271M - Copper-Base Alloy Centrifugal Castings

ASTM B272 - Standard Specification for Copper Flat Products with Finished
(Rolled or Drawn) Edges (Flat Wire and Strip)

ASTM B283/B283M - Standard Specification for Copper and Copper-Alloy Die

Forgings (Hot-Pressed)

ASTM B298 - Standard Specification for Silver-Coated Soft or Annealed

Copper Wire

ASTM B369 - Copper-Nickel Alloy Castings

ASTM B427 - Gear Bronze Alloy Castings

ASTM B488 - Standard Specification for Electrodeposited Coatings of Gold

for Engineering Uses

ASTM B505/B505M - Copper-Base Alloy Continuous Castings

ASTM B584 - Copper Alloy Sand Castings for General Applications

ASTM B644 - Standard Specification for Copper Alloy Addition Agents

ASTM B763/B763M - Copper Alloy Sand Castings for Valve Application

ASTM B770 - Copper-Beryllium Alloy Sand Castings for General


ASTM B806 - Copper Alloy Permanent Mold Castings for General


ASTM B828 - Standard Practice for Making Capillary Joints by Soldering of

Copper and Copper Alloy Tube and Fittings

ASTM C1036 - Standard Specification for Flat Glass

ASTM D295 - Standard Test Methods for Varnished Cotton Fabrics Used for
Electrical Insulation

ASTM D495 - Standard Test Method for High-Voltage, Low-Current, Dry

Arc Resistance of Solid Electrical Insulation

ASTM D568 - Standard Test Method for Rate of Burning and/or Extent and
Time of Burning Of Flexible Plastics in A Vertical Position

Downloaded from


ASTM D635 - Standard Test Method for Rate of Burning and/or Extent and
Time of Burning of Plastics in a Horizontal Position

ASTM D1000 - Standard Test Methods for Pressure-Sensitive Adhesive-

Coated Tapes Used for Electrical and Electronic Applications

ASTM D1056 - Standard Specification for Flexible Cellular Materials-Sponge

or Expanded Rubber

ASTM D1667 - Standard Specification for Flexible Cellular Materials-Poly

(Vinyl Chloride) Foam (Closed-Cell)

ASTM D2000 - Standard Classification System for Rubber Products in

Automotive Applications

ASTM D2400 - Standard Specification for Varnished Glass-Polyester Cloth

Used for Electrical Insulation

ASTM D2754 - Standard Specification for High-Temperature Glass Cloth

Pressure-Sensitive Electrical Insulating Tape

ASTM D2863 - Standard Test Method for Measuring the Minimum Oxygen
Concentration to Support Candle-Like Combustion of Plastics
(Oxygen Index)

ASTM D3295 - Standard Specification for PTFE Tubing, Miniature Beading

and Spiral Cut Tubing

ASTM D3574 - Standard Test Methods for Flexible Cellular Materials—Slab,

Bonded, and Molded Urethane Foams

ASTM D3955 - Standard Specification for Electrical Insulating Varnishes

ASTM D4388 - Standard Specification for Nonmetallic Semi-Conducting and

Electrically Insulating Rubber Tapes

ASTM D5213 - Standard Specification for Polymeric Resin Film for Electrical
Insulation and Dielectric Applications

ASTM D5363 - Standard Specification for Anaerobic Single-Component

Adhesives (AN)

ASTM D5948 - Standard Specification for Molding Compounds,


Downloaded from


ASTM E595 - Standard Test Method for Total Mass Loss and Collected
Volatile Condensable Materials from Outgassing in a Vacuum

ASTM F448 - Standard Test Method for Measuring Steady-State Primary


ASTM F615M - Standard Practice for Determining Safe Current Pulse

Operating Regions for Metallization on Semiconductor
Components (Metric)

ASTM F744M - Standard Test Method for Measuring Dose Rate Threshold for
Upset of Digital Integrated Circuits (Metric)

ASTM F773M - Standard Practice for Measuring Dose Rate Response of

Linear Integrated Circuits (Metric)

ASTM F980 - Standard Guide for Measurement of Rapid Annealing of

Neutron-Induced Displacement Damage in Silicon
Semiconductor Devices

ASTM F996 - Standard Test Method for Separating an Ionizing Radiation-

Induced MOSFET Threshold Voltage Shift Into Components
Due to Oxide Trapped Holes and Interface States Using the
Subthreshold Current–Voltage Characteristics

ASTM F1190 - Standard Guide for Neutron Irradiation of Unbiased Electronic


ASTM F1192 - Standard Guide for the Measurement of Single Event

Phenomena (SEP) Induced by Heavy Ion Irradiation of
Semiconductor Devices

ASTM F1262M - Standard Guide for Transient Radiation Upset Threshold

Testing of Digital Integrated Circuits (Metric)

ASTM F1263 - Standard Guide for Analysis of Overtest Data in Radiation

Testing of Electronic Parts

ASTM F1467 - Standard Guide for Use of an X-Ray Tester (≈ 10 keV

Photons) in Ionizing Radiation Effects Testing of
Semiconductor Devices and Microcircuits

Downloaded from


ASTM F1892 - Standard Guide for Ionizing Radiation (Total Dose) Effects
Testing of Semiconductor Devices

ASTM F1893 - Guide for Measurement of Ionizing Dose-Rate Survivability

and Burnout of Semiconductor Devices

(Copies of these documents are available online at


MMPDS - Metallic Materials Properties Development and

Standardization Handbook

(Copies of these documents are available online at


AWS A2.4 - Standard Symbols for Welding, Brazing, and Nondestructive


AWS A3.0 - Standard Welding Terms and Definitions Including Terms for
Adhesive Bonding, Brazing, Soldering, Thermal Cutting, and
Thermal Spraying

AWS C3.4 - Specification for Torch Brazing

AWS C3.5 - Specification for Induction Brazing

AWS C3.6 - Specification for Furnace Brazing

AWS C3.7M/C3.7 - Specification for Aluminum Brazing

AWS C6.2 - Specification for Friction Welding of Metals

AWS D1.1 - Structural Welding Code - Steel

AWS D1.2 - Structural Welding Code-Aluminum

AWS D17.1/D17.1M:2010 Specification for Fusion Welding for Aerospace Applications

AWS D17.2/D17.2M:2013 Specification for Resistance Welding for Aerospace


(Copies of these documents are available online at

Downloaded from



CMH-17 - Composite Materials Handbook

(Copies of these documents are available online at


ASME B18.2.1 - Square, Hex, Heavy Hex, and Askew Head Bolts and Hex,
Heavy Hex, Hex Flange, Lobed Head, and Lag Screws (Inch
Series) - Includes Errata July 2013

ASME B18.6.3 - Machine Screws, Tapping Screws, and Metallic Drive Screws
(Inch Series)

ASME B18.6.7M - Metric Machine Screws - Supersedes IFI 513: 1981

ASME B18.3 - Socket Cap, Shoulder, Set Screws, and Hex Keys (Inch Series)

ASME B18.18 - Quality Assurance for Fasteners

ASME B18.21.1 - Washers: Helical Spring-Lock, Tooth Lock, and Plain

Washers (Inch Series)

ASME B18.29.1 - Helical Coil Screw Thread Inserts - Free Running and Screw
Locking (Inch Series)

(Copies of these documents are available online at


AIA/NAS NAS547 - Fastener, Rotary, Quick-Operating, High Strength

AIA/NAS NAS498 - Fasteners, Alloy Steel Externally Threaded, 95 ksi Fsu, 450°F

AIA/NAS NASM1312 - Fastener Test Methods

AIA/NAS NASM1515 - Fastener Systems for Aerospace Applications

AIA/NAS NAS1686 - Rivet, Blind, Aluminum Sleeve, Mechanically Locked

Spindle, Bulbed

AIA/NAS NAS1687 - Rivet, Blind, Nickel-Copper And Nickel Alloy, Mechanically

Locked Spindle, Bulbed

Downloaded from


AIA/NAS NASM5591 - Fasteners, Panel, Nonstructural

AIA/NAS NASM5674 - Rivets, Structural, Aluminum Alloy, Titanium Columbium

Alloy, General Specification For

AIA/NAS NASM6812 - Fasteners, Externally Threaded, Alloy Steel, Corrosion

Resistant Steel, Aluminum, 60,000 PSI to 125,000 PSI

AIA/NAS NASM7838 - Bolt, Internal Wrenching, 160 ksi Ftu

AIA/NAS NASM8814 - Rivets, Blind, Nonstructural Type

AIA/NAS NASM22978- Fastener, Rotary, Quick-Operating, High-Strength

AIA/NAS NASM25027- Nut, Self-Locking, 250 °F, 450 °F, and 800 °F

AIA/NAS NASM27384 Rivet, Blind, Drive Types

AIA/NAS NASM28728- Dial, Control, Multi-Turn Counters, General Specification For

AIA/NAS NASM33522- Rivets, Blind, Structural, Mechanically Locked and Friction

Retainer Spindle, (Reliability And Maintainability) Design
and Construction Requirement for

AIA/NAS NASM33540- Safety Wiring, Safety Cabling, Cotter Pinning, General

Practices For

AIA/NAS NASM33557- Nonstructural Rivets For Blind Attachment; Limitations for

Design and Usage

(Copies of these documents are available online at http://www.aia- aerospace standards/


ANSI/ESD S20.20 For the Development of an Electrostatic Discharge Control

Program for – Protection of Electrical and Electronic Parts,
Assemblies and Equipment (Excluding Electrically Initiated
Explosive Devices)

ANSI/NEMA C18.1M Portable Primary Cells and Batteries with Aqueous Electrolyte

ANSI/NEMA WC 27500 Standard for Aerospace and Industrial Electrical Cable

(Copies of these documents are available online at

Downloaded from



NEMA FI 3 - Calendared Aramid Papers Used For Electrical Insulation

NEMA MW 1000 - Magnet Wire

NEMA RE 2 - Electrical Insulating Varnish

(Copies of these documents are available online at


IPC 2220 - Design Standards Series

IPC 2221 - Generic Standard on PWB Design

IPC 2222 - Sectional Standard on Rigid PWB Design

IPC 2223 - Sectional Design Standard for Flexible Printed Boards

IPC 6010 - Family of Board Performance Documents

IPC 7711/7721 - Rework, Modification and Repair of Electronic Assemblies

IPC A-610 - Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies

IPC/WPHA-A-620 - Requirements and Acceptance for Cable and Wire Harness


IPC CC-830 - Qualification and Performance of Electrical Insulating

Compound for Printed Wiring Assemblies

IPC J-STD-001/001ES - Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic


IPC J-STD-002 - Solderability Tests for Component Leads, Terminations, Lugs,

Terminals and Wires

IPC J-STD-003 - Solderability for Printed Boards

IPC J-STD-004 - Requirements for Soldering Fluxes

IPC J-STD-005 - Requirements for Soldering Pastes

Downloaded from


IPC J-STD-006 - Requirements for Electronic Grade Solder Alloys and Fluxed
and Non-Fluxed Solid Solders for Electronic Soldering

IPC J-STD-020 - Moisture/Reflow Sensitivity Classification for Nonhermetic

Solid State Surface Mount Devices

IPC J-STD-033 - Handling, Packing, Shipping and Use of Moisture/Reflow

Sensitive Surface Mount Devices

IPC J-STD-075 - Classification of Non-IC Electronic Components for

Assembly Processes

IPC J-STD-609 - Marking and Labeling of Components, PCBs and PCBAs to

Identify Lead (Pb), Lead-Free (Pb-Free) and Other Attributes

(Copies of these documents are available online at


JEDEC JEP70 - Guide to Standards and Publications Relating to Quality and

Reliability of Electronic Hardware

JEDEC JEP149 - Application Thermal Derating Methodologies

JEDEC JEP122 - Failure Mechanisms and Models for Semiconductor Devices

JEDEC JEP133 - Guide for the Production and Acquisition of Radiation-

Hardness- Assured Multichip Modules and Hybrid

JEDEC JESD22-A100 - Cycled Temperature-Humidity-Bias Life Test

JEDEC JESD22-A103 - High Temperature Storage Life

JEDEC JESD22-A104 - Temperature Cycling

JEDEC JESD22-A108 - Temperature, Bias, and Operating Life

JEDEC JESD22-A119 - Low Temperature Storage Life

JEDEC JESD22-A120 - Test Method for the Measurement of Moisture Diffusivity and
Water Solubility in Organic Materials Used in Electronic

Downloaded from


JEDEC JESD22-A121 - Test Method for Measuring Whisker Growth on Tin and Tin
Alloy Surface Finishes

JEDEC JESD47 - Stress-Test-Driven Qualification of Integrated Circuits

JEDEC JESD57 - Test Procedures for the Measurement of Single-Event Effects

in Semiconductor Devices from Heavy Ion Irradiation

JEDEC JESD74 - Early Life Failure Rate Calculation Procedure for

Semiconductor Components

JEDEC JESD89 - Measurement and Reporting of Alpha Particle and Terrestrial

Cosmic Ray-Induced Soft Errors in Semiconductor Devices

JEDEC JESD201 - Environmental Acceptance Requirements for Tin Whisker

Susceptibility of Tin and Tin Alloy Surface Finishes

JEDEC JESD625 - Requirements for Handling Electrostatic-Discharge-Sensitive

(ESDS) Devices

(Copies of these documents are available online at


AEC Q100 - Failure Mechanism Based Stress Test Qualification for

Integrated Circuits

AEC Q101 - Failure Mechanism Based Stress Test Qualification for

Discrete Semiconductors

AEC Q200 - Stress Test Qualification for Passive Components

(Copies of these documents are available online at


IEC 61967 - Integrated Circuits - Measurement of Electromagnetic


IEC 62396-1 - Process management for avionics – Atmospheric radiation

effects – Part 1: Accommodation of atmospheric radiation
effects via single event effects within avionics electronic

Downloaded from


IEC TR 62240-1 - Process management for avionics – Electronic components

capability in operation – Part 1: Temperature uprating

IEC TS 62668-1 - Process management for avionics – Counterfeit prevention –

Part 1: Avoiding the use of counterfeit, fraudulent and
recycled electronic components

(Copies of these documents are available online at


RTCA DO-160 - Environmental Conditions and Test Procedures for Airborne


(Copies of these documents are available online at http://www.rtca.org


SAE AMS2175 - Castings, Classification and Inspection of

SAE AMS2430 - Shot Peening, Automatic

SAE AMS2770 - Heat Treatment of Wrought Aluminum Alloy Parts

SAE AMS2771 - Heat Treatment of Aluminum Alloy Castings

SAE AMS2772 - Heat Treatment of Aluminum Alloy Raw Materials

SAE AMS3276 - Sealing Compound, Integral Fuel Tanks and General Purpose,
Intermittent Use to 360°F (182°C)

SAE AMS3277 - Sealing Compound, Polythioether Rubber Fast Curing for

Integral Fuel Tanks and General Purpose, Intermittent Use to
360°F (182°C)

SAE AMS3638 - Tubing, Irradiated Polyolefin Plastic, Electrical Insulation

Pigmented, Semi-Rigid, Heat Shrinkable, 2 to 1 Shrink Ratio
(Stabilized Type)

SAE AMS3653 - Tubing, Electrical Insulation Standard Wall, Extruded

Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)

SAE AMS3654 - Tubing, Electrical Insulation Light Wall, Extruded

Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)

Downloaded from


SAE AMS3655 - Tubing, Electrical Insulation Thin Wall, Extruded

Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)

SAE AMS4842 - Castings, Leaded Bronze, Sand and Centrifugal 80Cu-10Sn-

9.5Pb as Cast

SAE AMS4845 - Tin Bronze Castings, Sand and Centrifugal 87.5Cu-10Sn-2Zn

as Cast

SAE AMS4855 - Leaded Red Brass, Sand and Centrifugal Castings 85Cu-
5.0Sn-5.0Pb- 5.0 Zn as Cast

SAE AMS4860 - Manganese Bronze, Sand and Centrifugal Castings 63Cu-24

Zn-6.2Al-3.8Mn as Cast

SAE AMS4862 - Manganese Bronze, Sand and Centrifugal Castings 63Cu-24

Zn-6.2Al-3.8Mn-3.0Fe High Strength, as Cast

SAE AMS4890 - Copper-Beryllium Alloy Castings 97Cu – 2.1Be – 0.52Co –

0.28Si Solution Heat Treated (TBOO)

SAE AMS4900 - Titanium Sheet, Strip, and Plate Commercially Pure Annealed,
55 ksi (379 MPa) Yield Strength - UNS R50550

SAE AMS4901 - Titanium Sheet, Strip, and Plate Commercially Pure Annealed,
70.0 ksi (485 MPa) - UNS R50700

SAE AMS4902 - Titanium Sheet, Strip, and Plate Commercially-Pure Annealed

40.0 ksi (276 MPa) Yield Strength - UNS R50400

SAE AMS4903 - Titanium Alloy Sheet, Strip, and Plate 6Al - 4V Solution Heat
Treated - UNS R56400

SAE AMS4904 - Titanium Alloy Sheet, Strip, and Plate 6Al - 4V Solution Heat
Treated and Aged - UNS R56400

SAE AMS4907 - Titanium Alloy, Sheet, Strip, and Plate 6.0Al - 4.0V, Extra
Low Interstitial Annealed - UNS R56401

SAE AMS4909 - Titanium Alloy, Sheet, Strip, and Plate 5Al - 2.5Sn, Extra
Low Interstitial Annealed - UNS R54521

SAE AMS4910 - Titanium Alloy, Sheet, Strip, and Plate 5Al - 2.5Sn Annealed -
UNS R54520

Downloaded from


SAE AMS4911 - Titanium Alloy, Sheet, Strip, and Plate 6Al - 4V Annealed -
UNS R56400

SAE AMS4915 - Titanium Alloy Sheet, Strip, and Plate 8Al - 1V - 1Mo Single
Annealed - UNS R54810

SAE AMS4916 - Titanium Alloy Sheet, Strip, and Plate 8Al - 1Mo - 1V Duplex
Annealed - UNS R54810

SAE AMS4917 - Titanium Alloy Sheet, Strip, and Plate 13.5V - 11Cr - 3.0Al
Solution Heat Treated - UNS R58010

SAE AMS4918 - Titanium Alloy, Sheet, Strip, and Plate 6AI - 6V - 2Sn
Annealed - UNS R56620

SAE AMS4919 - Titanium Alloy Sheet, Strip, and Plate 6AI - 2Sn - 4Zr - 2Mo -
0.08Si Duplex Annealed - UNS R54620

SAE AMS4921 - Titanium Bars, Wire, Forgings, and Rings Commercially Pure
70 ksi (483 MPa) Yield Strength - UNS R50700

SAE AMS4939 - Titanium Alloy Sheet, Strip, and Plate 3Al - 8V - 6Cr - 4Mo -
4Zr Solution Heat Treated - UNS R58640

SAE AMS4940 - Titanium Alloy Sheet, Strip, and Plate 6Al - 6V - 2Sn Solution
Heat Treated and Aged - UNS R56620

SAE AMS4970 - Titanium Alloy Bars, Wire, and Forgings 7Al - 4Mo Solution
and Precipitation Heat Treated - UNS R56740

SAE AMS4988 - Titanium Alloy Sheet, Strip, and Plate 6Al - 6V - 2Sn Solution
Heat Treated - UNS R56620

SAE AMS4989 - Titanium Alloy Sheet, Strip, and Plate 3Al - 2.5V Annealed -
UNS R56320

SAE AMS4990 - Titanium Alloy Sheet, Strip, and Plate 6Al - 6V - 2Sn Solution
Heat Treated and Aged - UNS R56620

SAE AMS5342 - Steel, Corrosion-Resistant, Investment Castings 16Cr - 4.1Ni -

0.28Cb (Nb) - 3.2Cu Homogenization, Solution, and
Precipitation Heat Treated (H1100) 130 ksi (896 MPa) Tensile
Strength (17-4) - UNS J91280 and UNS J92200

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SAE AMS5343 - Steel, Corrosion-Resistant, Investment Castings 16Cr - 4.1Ni -

0.28Cb - 3.2Cu Homogenization, Solution, and Precipitation
Heat Treated (H1000) 150 ksi (1034 MPa) Tensile Strength
(17-4) - UNS J92200; UNS J92180

SAE AMS6900 - Titanium Alloy Bars, Forgings and Forging Stock 5Al - 2.5Sn
Annealed - UNS R54520

SAE AMS6901 - Titanium Alloy Bars, Forgings and Forging Stock 5Al - 2.5Sn,
Extra Low Interstitial Annealed - UNS R54521

SAE AMS6905 - Titanium Alloy Bars, Forgings and Forging Stock 6.0Al -
2.0Sn - 4.0Zr - 2.0Mo Duplex Annealed - UNS R54620

SAE AMS6906 - Titanium Alloy Bars, Forgings, and Forging Stock 6.0Al -
2.0Sn - 4.0Zr - 6.0Mo Solution Heat Treated and Aged - UNS

SAE AMS6907 - Titanium Alloy Bars, Forgings and Forging Stock 6.0Al -
2.0Sn - 4.0Zr - 6.0Mo Duplex Annealed - UNS R56260

SAE AMS6910 - Titanium Alloy Bars, Forgings and Forging Stock 8Al - 1Mo -
1V Duplex Annealed - UNS R54810

SAE AMS6915 - Titanium Alloy Bars, Forgings and Forging Stock 7.0Al -
4.0Mo Annealed - UNS R56740

SAE AMS6920 - Titanium Alloy Bars, Forgings and Forging Stock 3Al - 8V -
6Cr - 4Mo - 4Zr Solution Heat Treated - UNS R58640

SAE AMS6921 - Titanium Alloy Bars, Forgings and Forging Stock 3Al - 8V -
6Cr - 4Mo - 4Zr Solution Heat Treated and Aged - UNS

SAE AMS6925 - Titanium Alloy Bars, Forgings and Forging Stock 13V - 11Cr
- 3Al Solution Heat Treated - UNS R58010

SAE AMS6926 - Titanium Alloy Bars, Forgings and Forging Stock 13V - 11Cr
- 3Al Solution Heat Treated and Aged - UNS R580105316

SAE AMS6930 - Titanium Alloy Bars, Forgings and Forging Stock 6.0Al -
4.0V Solution Heat Treated and Aged - UNS R56400

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SAE AMS6931 - Titanium Alloy Bars, Forgings and Forging Stock 6.0Al -
4.0V Annealed - UNS R56400

SAE AMS6932 - Titanium Alloy Bars, Forgings and Forging Stock 6.0Al –
4.0V Extra Low Interstitial Annealed - UNS R56401

SAE AMS6935 - Titanium Alloy Bars, Forgings and Forging Stock 6.0Al –
6.0V – 2.0Sn Solution Heat Treated and Aged - UNS R56620

SAE AMS6936 - Titanium Alloy Bars, Forgings and Forging Stock 6Al - 6V -
2Sn Annealed - UNS R56620

SAE AMS6940 - Titanium Alloy Bars, Forgings and Forging Stock 3.0Al -
2.5V Annealed - UNS R56320

SAE AMS-A-8576 - Adhesive, Acrylic Base, for Acrylic Plastic

SAE AMS-A-21180 - Aluminum-Alloy Castings, High Strength

SAE AMS-A-25463 - Adhesive, Film Form Metallic Structural Sandwich


SAE AMS-A-22771 - Aluminum Alloy Forgings, Heat Treated

SAE AMS-C-6183 - Cork and Rubber Composition Sheet; for Aromatic Fuel and
Oil Resistant Gaskets

SAE AMS-C-7438 - Core Material, Aluminum, for Sandwich Construction

SAE AMS-F-7190 - Forging, Steel, For Aircraft/Aerospace Equipment and Special

Ordnance Applications

SAE AMS-G-25871 - Glass, Laminated, Aircraft Glazing

SAE AMS-H-6875 - Heat Treatment of Steel Raw Materials

SAE AMS-H-81200 - Heat Treatment of Titanium and Titanium Alloys

SAE AMS-P-5315 - (R) Acrylonitrile-butadiene (NBR) Rubber for Fuel-Resistant

Seals 60 to 70

SAE AMS-QQ-N-290 - Nickel Plating (Electrodeposited)

SAE AMS-QQ-P-416 - Plating, Cadmium (Electrodeposited)

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SAE AMS-S-8802 - (R) Sealing Compound, Temperature Resistant, Integral Fuel

Tanks and Fuel Cell Cavities, High Adhesion

SAE AMS-STD-401 - Sandwich Constructions and Core Materials; General Test


SAE ARP1199 - (R) Selection, Application, and Inspection of Electric

Overcurrent Protective Devices

SAE ARP4754 - (R) Guidelines for Development of Civil Aircraft and Systems

SAE ARP5316 - Storage of Elastomer Seals and Seal Assemblies Which

Include an Elastomer Element Prior to Hardware Assembly

SAE ARP5890 - (R) Guidelines for Preparing Reliability Assessment Plans for
Electronic Engine Controls

SAE AS1933 - Age Controls for Hose Containing Age-Sensitive Elastomeric


SAE AS5372 - (R) Fuse, Current Limiter Type, Aircraft

SAE AS5553 - (R) Fraudulent/Counterfeit Electronic Parts; Avoidance,

Detection, Mitigation, and Disposition

SAE AS6174 - Counterfeit Materiel; Assuring Acquisition of Authentic and

Conforming Materiel

SAE AS8943 - Bearings, Sleeve, Plain and Flanged, Self-Lubricating -65 to

+250 degrees F

SAE AS9100 - Quality Management Systems - Requirements for Aviation,

Space and Defense Organizations

SAE AS13572 - Springs, Helical, Compression and Extension (Stabilized


SAE AS22759 - (R) Wire, Electrical, Fluoropolymer-Insulated, Copper or

Copper Alloy

SAE AS23190 - Wiring, Positioning, and Support Accessories.

SAE AS50861 - Wire, Electric, Polyvinyl Chloride Insulated, Copper or

Copper Alloy

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SAE AS50881 - (R) Wiring Aerospace Vehicle

SAE AS53731 - Fuse Holder, Block Type, Aircraft (Stabilized Type)

SAE AS81044 - Wire, Electrical, Crosslinked Polyalkene, Crosslinked Alkane-

Imide Polymer, or Polyarlyene Insulated, Copper or Copper

SAE AS81550 - (R) Insulating Compound, Electrical, Embedding, Reversion

Resistant Silicone

SAE AS81765 - Insulating Components, Molded, Electrical, Heat Shrinkable,

General Specification For

SAE AS81822 - Wire, Electrical, Solderless Wrap, Insulated and Uninsulated,

General Specification for (Stabilized Type)

SAE AS81934 - Bearings, Sleeve, Plain and Flanged, Self-Lubricating

SAE AS81935 - Bearings, Plain, Rod End, Self-Aligning, Self-Lubricating,

General Specification for

SAE AS81936 - Bearings, Plain, Self-Aligning (CuBe Ball, CRES Race),

General Specification for

SAE EIA 557 - Statistical Process Control Systems

SAE EIA-STD-4899 - (R) Requirements for an Electronic Components Management


SAE GEIA-HB-0005-1 Program Management/Systems Engineering Guidelines for

Managing the Transition to Lead-Free Electronics

SAE GEIA-STD-0005-1 Performance Standard for Aerospace and High Performance

Electronic Systems Containing Lead-free Solder

SAE GEIA-STD-0005-2 Standard for Mitigating the Effects of Tin Whiskers in

Aerospace and High Performance Electronic Systems

SAE GEIA-STD-0008 Derating of Electronic Components

SAE GEIA-STD-0009 Reliability Program Standard for Systems Design,

Development, and Manufacturing

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SAE J537 - Storage Batteries

SAE J2360 - (R) Automotive Gear Lubricants for Commercial and Military

SAE STD-0016 - Standard for Preparing a DMSMS Management Plan

SAE TB-0003 - Counterfeit Parts & Materials Risk Mitigation

SAE Z26.1 - Safety Glazing Materials for Glazing Motor Vehicles and
Motor Vehicle Equipment Operating on Land Highways -
Safety Standard

(Copies of these documents are available online at


ANSI/VITA 51.2-2011 - Physics of Failure Reliability Predictions

(Copies of these documents are available online at


ISO 9000 - Quality Management Systems - Fundamentals and Vocabulary

ISO 9211 - Optics and Optical Instruments - Optical Coatings

ISO 10110 - Optics and Optical Instruments - Preparation of Drawings for

Optical Elements and Systems

(Copies of these documents are available online at


TIA-440 - Fiber Optic Terminology

TIA-455-64 (FOTP-64)- Procedure for Measuring Radiation-Induced Attenuation in

Optical Fibers and Optical Cables

(Copies of these documents are available online at


IDEA-STD-1010 - Acceptability of Electronic Components Distributed in the

Open Market

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(Copies of these documents are available online at


GR-468-CORE - Generic Reliability Assurance Requirements for

Optoelectronic Devices Used in Telecommunications

(Copies of these documents are available online at



“Survey of Potential Data for Design Allowable MIL-Handbook Utilization for Structural
Silicon-Based Ceramics,” prepared by IIT Research Institute, Materials and Manufacturing
Technology Division, Chicago, IL 60616, December 1981, Final Report in Contract No.
DAAG 46-79-C-0078.

“Thermophysical Properties of Matter - the TPRC Data Series,” Volumes 2, 5, 8, 9, 11, and
13, IFI/Plenum, New York-Washington 1970.

“Engineering Properties of Selected Ceramic Materials,” published and distributed by the

American Ceramic Society, Inc., 4055 N. High Street, Columbus, Ohio 43214, 1966.

“Fracture Mechanics of Ceramics,” Volumes 1-6, Plenum Press, New York-London 1974
(Volumes 1 and 2), 1978 (Volumes 3 and 4), 1983 (Volumes 5 and 6).

2.4 Order of Precedence. Unless otherwise noted herein or in the contract, in the event of a
conflict between the text of this document and the references cited herein, the text of this document takes
precedence. Nothing in this document, however, supersedes applicable laws and regulations unless a
specific exemption has been obtained.


3.1 Abbreviations and acronyms. The following abbreviations and acronyms are used in this
standard or are commonly associated with parts, materials, and processes.

AC - alternating current

AFMC - Air Force Materiel Command

AGMA - American Gear Manufacturers Association

ASMC - acquisition management systems control

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AWG - American Wire Gauge

AWS - American Welding Society

BME - base metal electrode

CAIR - COTS Assembly Integration Report

CCA - circuit card assembly

CDR - critical design review

CECOM - Communications-Electronics Command

CEV - corona extinction voltage

CMOS - complimentary metal-oxide semiconductor

CoA - certificate of analysis

COB - chip-on-board

C of C - certificate of conformance

COTS - commercial off-the-shelf

CPC - corrosion prevention and control

CTE - coefficient of thermal expansion

CVCM - collected volatile condensable mass

DC - direct current

DEMP - dispersive electromagnetic pulse

DFARS - Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement

DID - data item descriptions

DMSMS - diminishing manufacturing sources and material shortages

DPA - destructive physical analysis

DRAM - dynamic random access memory

EDS - energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy

EDX - energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy

EEE - electrical, electronic and electromechanical

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EEEE - electrical, electromagnetic, electromechanical, and electro-optical

ELDRS - enhanced low dose rate sensitivity

EMI - electromagnetic interference

ENIG - Electroless Nickel/Immersion Gold

EPA - Environmental Protection Agency

ER - established reliability

ESD - electrostatic discharge

ESR - equivalent series resistance

ESS - environmental stress screening

ETFE - ethylene-tetrafluoroethylene

FAR - Federal Acquisition Regulation

FET - field-effect transistor

FOD - foreign object debris

FRB - failure review board

FTIR - fourier transform infrared

GIDEP - Government-Industry Data Exchange Program

HAST - highly accelerated stress testing

HEMP - high-altitude electromagnetic pulse

hi-rel - high reliability

HNC - hardness non-critical

HVAC - heating, ventilation and air conditioning

I/O - input/output

IC - integrated circuit

IEMP - internal electromagnetic pulse

IPT - integrated product team

ITAR - International Traffic in Arms Regulation

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JFET - junction field-effect transistor

LCD - liquid crystal display

LED - light-emitting diodes

LET - linear energy transfer

LRU - line replaceable unit

LS - logistics support

MAPTIS - Materials and Processes Technical Information Service

MCM - multi-chip module

MLCC - multilayer ceramic capacitor

MMPDS - Metallic Materials Properties Development and Standardization

MOSFET - metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor

MSDS - material safety data sheet

MSFC - Marshall Space Flight Center

MSL - moisture sensitivity level

NDA - non-disclosure agreement

NDAA - National Defense Authorization Act

NDI - nondestructive inspection

NSWC - Naval Surface Warfare Center

NTC - negative temperature coefficient

NVG - night vision goggle

OCM - original component manufacturer

ODC - ozone depleting chemical

OEM - original equipment manufacturer

OSHA - Occupational Safety and Health Administration

PAP - production acceptance procedure

PAT - performance acceptance testing

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PCA - physical configuration audit

PCB - printed circuit board

PDA - percent defective allowable

PDR - preliminary design review

PED - plastic encapsulated device

PEM - plastic encapsulated microcircuit

PETS - pre-irradiation elevated temperature stress

PHST - packaging, handling, storage, and transportation

PIND - particle impact noise detection

PLD - programmable logic device

PM&P - parts, materials, and processes

PM&PCP - PM&P Control Plan

PMP - PM&P Management Plan

PROM - programmable read-only memory

PS - product specification

PSA - pressure sensitive adhesive

PTC - positive temperature coefficient

PTFE - polytetrafluoroethene

PTH - plated-through hole

PVC - polyvinyl chloride

PWA - printed wiring assembly

PWB - printed wiring board

QA - quality assurance

QCI - quality conformance inspection

QML - Qualified Manufacturers List

QP - qualification plan

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QPL - Qualified Products List

QR - qualification report

RDM - radiation design margin

RF - radio frequency

RFI - radio frequency interference

RHA - radiation hardness assurance

RHR - roughness height reading

RMS - root mean square

RTV - room temperature vulcanization

SAM - scanning acoustic microscopy

SAW - surface acoustic wave

SCC - stress corrosion cracking

SCD - specification control drawing

SEE - single event effects

SGEMP - systems-generated electromagnetic pulse

SMD - standard microcircuit drawing

SOI - silicon-on-insulator

SPC - statistical process control

T&E - test and evaluation

TEMP - test and evaluation master plan

TID - total ionizing dose

TML - total mass loss

TMR - thermo-mechanical response

UL - underwriters laboratories

UTS - ultimate tensile strength

UV - ultraviolet

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XL-ETFE - ethylene-tetrafluoroethylene

XRF - x-ray fluorescence

3.2 Approved supplier. A supplier that has been formally assessed and determined by the buying
organization to have adequate procedures for providing parts and/or materials. The approval process
includes assessment of adequate counterfeit avoidance, detection, containment, and reporting procedures.

3.3 Authenticity. The process of using inspections, tests, or other methods to determine whether
a part or material has been knowingly misrepresented by a supplier and is therefore considered a counterfeit
part or material. Parts or materials which pass the authenticity process are considered likely to be authentic,
valid versions of the item intended to have been purchased.

3.4 Authorized supplier. A supplier that is authorized by the original component manufacturer to
buy parts or materials directly from the manufacturer. Parts provided from authorized suppliers typically
have never left the manufacturer’s authorized supply chain and are accompanied by full manufacturer
support and warranty. Also referred to as a franchise supplier or distributor.

3.5 Broker. A type of unauthorized supplier, typically an independent distributor, that buys and
sells parts or materials without maintaining stock and without OCM authorization.

3.6 Certificate of conformance (C of C). A document provided by a contractor or supplier to

formally declare that the furnished supplies or services called for by the contract are in accordance with all
applicable requirements.

3.7 Commercial item (PM&P). Any PM&P item/product not offered or sold compliant to a
Government controlled standard or specification. A commercial item includes items sold in substantial
quantities in the commercial marketplace and offered to the government under a contract, subcontract, or
purchase order at any tier, perhaps with minor modification, in the same form in which it was sold in the
marketplace. Includes items that (a) have been developed and produced to commercial designs and
specifications, (b) are readily available from a manufacturer as a catalog item and without additional
inspection/testing, (c) are typically intended for consumer electronics, and (d) are controlled solely by the
supplier of the item.

3.8 Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware. Commercial items that typically require no
unique government modifications or maintenance to meet the needs of the procuring agency during the life
cycle of the product. Examples include hard drives and computers. If a source control drawing has been
developed with specific requirements for an item, it is not considered COTS.

3.9 Component. For the purposes of this document, the words “component” and “part” are used
interchangeably. In the context of system acquisition, the word component may include subsystems,
assemblies, subassemblies, and other major elements of an end item; it does not include elements of
relatively small annual acquisition value.

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3.10 Component obsolescence management. The range of management actions taken to avoid or
resolve the effects of components not being procurable due to the manufacturer(s) ceasing production.
Component obsolescence management should be considered an element of risk management.

3.11 Component qualification. The process used to demonstrate that the component is capable of
meeting its application specification for all the required conditions and environments.

3.12 Component quality assurance. All activities and processes required to provide adequate
confidence that each individual component meets the performance and environmental requirements.

3.13 Component selection. The process of choosing a specific component for a specific

3.14 Component standardization. The process of developing and agreeing on (by consensus of
decision) uniform engineering criteria for products and methods for achieving compatibility,
interoperability, interchangeability, or commonality of material. Standardization is used to reduce
proliferation of parts in inventory.

3.15 Configuration item. An aggregation of hardware, firmware, computer software, or any of

their discrete portions, which satisfies an end use function and is designated by the government for separate
configuration management. Configuration items may vary widely in complexity, size, and type such as
from an aircraft, electronic, or ship system to an electronic piece part or limited life epoxy. Any item
required for Logistics Support (LS) and designated for separate procurement is a configuration item.

3.16 Contracting activity. An element of an agency designated by the agency head which has been
delegated contracting authority regarding acquisitions functions. The term is synonymous with the term
“procuring activity.”

3.17 Contracting officer. A contracting officer is a person with the authority to enter into,
administer, or terminate contracts and make related determinations and findings. The term includes
authorized representatives of the contracting officer, acting within the limits of delegated authority.

3.18 Contractor. A company retained under contract to develop and/or produce

hardware/equipment or related activities at any tier.

3.19 Corrosion prevention and control (CPC). The rigorous application of engineering design and
analysis, quality assurance (QA), nondestructive inspection (NDI), manufacturing, operations and support
technologies to prevent the initiation of corrosion, avoid functional impairment due to corrosion, and define
processes for the tracking and repair of corrosion problems.

3.20 COTS component. See Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware.

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3.21 Counterfeit parts and materials. A counterfeit part or material is an item that is an unlawful or
unauthorized reproduction, substitution, or alteration that has been knowingly mismarked, misidentified, or
otherwise misrepresented to be an authentic, unmodified electronic part from the original manufacturer, or
a source with the express written authority of the original manufacturer or current design activity, including
an authorized aftermarket manufacturer. Unlawful or unauthorized substitution includes used electronic
parts represented as new, or the false identification of grade, serial number, lot number, date code, or
performance characteristics (DFARS 202.101). Examples of counterfeit parts/materials include, but are not
limited to:

(1) Items which do not contain the proper internal construction (die, manufacturer, wire
bonding, etc.) consistent with the ordered item.

(2) Items which have been used, refurbished or reclaimed, but represented as new

(3) Items which have different package style, surface plating/finish, or

anodization/treatment than the ordered items.

(4) Items which have not successfully completed the Original Component
Manufacturer’s (OCM)’s full production and test flow but are represented as completed

(5) Items sold as upscreened , which have not successfully completed upscreening.

(6) Items sold with modified labeling or markings intended to misrepresent the item’s
form, fit, function, or grade.

Note: Some of the examples above may be more correctly defined as fraudulent parts. However, the term
‘counterfeit’ in this document applies to both fraudulent and counterfeit parts.

3.22 Defect/defective. Any condition or characteristic in any supply or service furnished by the
contractor under the contract that is not in compliance with the requirements of the contract.

3.23 Derating. Reliability derating of a part or material is the intentional reduction of its electrical,
mechanical, and thermal stresses to provide a safety margin between the applied stress and the actual
demonstrated limit of the part capabilities. As used herein, the term “derating” refers to “reliability
derating”, which is the reduction beyond the manufacturer’s specified derating.

3.24 Design activity. An activity that has, or has had, responsibility for the design of an item. The
activity may be Government, commercial, or nonprofit organization.

3.25 Disposition. The determination of how defective or nonconforming items should be treated.
Dispositions include rework, repair, return to vendor, use as is, or scrap.

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3.26 Distributor. An organization that stores, splits, repacks, and distributes completely finished
components that have been declared by the manufacturer as conforming to their specifications. Also, see
“authorized supplier” and “broker” definitions herein.

3.27 Documents. Document applies to the specifications, drawings, lists, standards, pamphlets,
reports and printed, typewritten or other information, relating to the design, procurement, manufacture, test
or acceptance inspection of items or services.

3.28 Drawings (engineering). An engineering document or digital data file(s) that discloses,
directly or by reference, by means of graphic or textual presentations, or combinations of both, the physical
and functional requirements of an item.

3.29 Electrostatic discharge (ESD). ESD is transfer of an electrostatic charge between bodies at
different electrostatic potentials caused by direct contact or induced by an electrostatic field. The level of
susceptibility of a device is found by ESD classification testing and is used as the basis for assigning an
ESD class.

3.30 End item. A production product assembled, completed, and ready for issue or deployment.

3.31 Equipment. See End Item.

3.32 Firmware. The combination of a hardware device and computer instructions or computer data
that reside as read-only software on the hardware device. The software cannot be readily modified under
program control.

3.33 Government-Industry Data Exchange Program (GIDEP). GIDEP is a data-sharing program

between government and industry that is financed by the Armed Services and managed by the Navy. It is a
repository of failure history, usage, and/or test reports on PM&P and other commodities. The data are
submitted by and distributed to member companies/agencies.

3.34 High reliability parts. Parts intended for high reliability (hi-rel) applications which are
procured to a manufacturer controlled test program as described in the manufacturer’s catalog. They are
controlled only by the manufacturer, who assigns them a special part number and provides a certificate of
conformance (C of C) that they have been tested as advertised. The manufacturer’s hi-rel program is
usually based on MIL-STD, MIL-SPEC, or industry standard equivalent approved test methods. However,
it is the responsibility of the user to verify that testing meets the requirements specified herein.

3.35 Inspection. Visual examination of the item (hardware) and in accordance with an associated
descriptive document that compares appropriate characteristics with predetermined standards to determine
conformance to requirements. May require optical aids.

3.36 Life cycle. The five basic technology phases (as follows) make up the product life cycle:

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3.36.1 Introduction. The first of five basic technology life cycle phases indicated by new product
announced in the marketplace, often with substantial advertising exposure, small but rapidly growing sales
volume, and small numbers of users.

3.36.2 Growth. The second of five basic technology life cycle phases indicated by growing sales
volumes, entry into the marketplace of additional manufacturers and third party offerors, and a growing
number of product users.

3.36.3 Maturity. The third of five basic technology life cycle phases indicated by steady product
sales, wide availability from manufacturers, and substantial supporting infrastructure from manufacturers
and third party offerors.

3.36.4 Decline. The fourth of five basic technology life cycle phases indicated by declining
product sales volumes, reduced prices, declining product user base, or announcements by manufacturers
that the product will no longer be manufactured in the near future.

3.36.5 Phase out. The final period of time in the five basic technology life cycle phases. Phase Out
is indicated by announcements from vendors that the product will no longer be manufactured, or the
absence of new product availability.

3.37 Line replaceable unit (LRU). A combination of components and/or modules installed in an
item of equipment or system that is replaceable in the operational environment. A LRU may be a printed
wiring board (PWB), black box, component, major component, alternator, carburetor, avionics, tank
engine, or road wheel assembly installed on a weapon system. This repair by replacement is normally
accomplished as far forward as possible by unit/organizational maintenance personnel.

3.38 Lot (Materials). Unless the procurement specification provides a more restrictive definition, a
lot (or batch) of materials is defined as the specific quantity of material produced in a continuous operation
or production cycle and offered for acceptance at any one time. All materials in the same lot have the same
lot date code, batch number, or equivalent identification.

3.39 Lot (Parts). See the definitions in the applicable part procurement standards/documents for
the definitions of production, inspection, and receiving lot/batch. Unless otherwise specified in the
applicable detail specification, a production lot of parts refers to a group of parts of a single part type;
defined by a single design and part number; and produced in a single production run by means of the same
production processes, the same tools and machinery, same raw material, and the same manufacturing and
quality controls. All parts in the same lot have the same lot date code, batch number, or equivalent

3.40 Material. For the purposes of this document, material is a metallic or nonmetallic element,
alloy, mixture, or compound used in a manufacturing operation that becomes a permanent portion of the
manufactured item, or which can leave a remnant, residue, coating, or other material that becomes or

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affects a permanent portion of a manufactured item. Environmental materials (moisture, oxygen in the air,
etc.) such as those used in tooling or equipment not intended to modify or leave residues are not meant to
be covered by this definition.

3.41 May. Expresses nonmandatory provisions.

3.42 Mission critical item. If defective, will prevent command and control, sensors, weapons,
combat, or flight systems from achieving mission primary objectives. A failure of the mission critical item
would affect system or personnel safety, mission success, or operational readiness. Examples of mission
critical items include, but are not limited to, items having limited operating life (controlled items), one shot
devices, items causing single points of failure, or items that cannot be tested before flight or use.

3.43 Modified. Changed sufficiently as to require additional qualification testing (i.e. delta qual)
to meet mission requirements. For the purposes of this document, basic part or material substitutions to
remedy obsolescence or procurement issues with production of an existing design, using components or
materials that are equivalent or better quality levels to those used in the original design, does not constitute
a modification.

3.44 Non-conforming Items. Parts and materials that do not meet all requirements of this
document. Non-conforming items are further defined as all parts and materials from manufacturing lots that
do not pass drawing and specification requirements, including radiation hardness when required.

3.45 Nonstandard application. The use of a EEE part, mechanical part, or material in an
application that is outside of the vendor’s or manufacturer's recommended usage application or in an
application outside of the intended design. For example, the use of parts outside the manufacturer’s
specified ratings.

3.46 Obsolete/obsolescence. A lack of availability of a part or material, including raw material,

resulting from a manufacturer or manufacturer authorized source due to discontinuance. Items considered
to be temporarily not available by a manufacturer or source or not available in time to meet a schedule
demand are not considered to be obsolete.

3.47 Original component manufacturer (OCM). An organization that specifies and/or

manufactures a part and has obtained the intellectual property rights to that part. The part and/or its
packaging are typically identified with the OCM’s trademark. An OCM may contract out the
manufacturing, test, and/or distribution of their product.

3.48 Original equipment manufacturer (OEM). A contractor that manufacturers

hardware/equipment for a given application, generally at a LRU level or higher integration.

3.49 Outgassing/offgassing. The emanation of volatile materials, organic or inorganic, under

vacuum or non-vacuum conditions resulting in a mass loss and/or material condensation on nearby

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surfaces. For the purposes of this document, material “outgassing” and “offgassing” are used

3.50 Packaging, handling, storage, and transportation (PHST). The resources, processes,
procedures, design considerations, and methods to ensure all system, equipment, and support items are
preserved, packaged, handled, and transported properly. This includes environmental considerations,
equipment preservation requirements for short- and long-term storage, and transportability. One of the
traditional logistics support (LS) elements.

3.51 Part. Any single unassembled hardware element of a major or minor component, accessory,
or attachment that is not normally subject to disassembly without the destruction or impairment of its
design use. Examples include but are not limited to elements inside custom devices, resistors, integrated
circuits, and connectors.

3.51.1 Electrical, electronic and electromechanical (EEE) part. The term “electronic” part is used
in a broad sense in this document and includes electrical, electromagnetic, electromechanical, and electro-
optical (EEEE) parts. This definition includes any part that can carry, store, or transmit electrical current,
and/or electromagnetic or optical waves in the intended application. Examples are semiconductors, wire,
connectors, oscillators, fiber optics, magnetics, etc. This definition also includes “embedded” software or
firmware (see DFARS 202.101) and accessory parts required for assembly and functionality in the intended
hardware application whether current carrying or not, such as insulation spacers/preforms, attachment

3.51.2 Mechanical part. The term mechanical piece parts (non-electrical parts) is used in a broad
sense in this document and includes such simple mechanical items as nuts, bolts, washers, pins, terminals,
and discrete parts (other than required as an EEEE accessory in EEE Parts herein), that cannot be
disassembled into their component sections without rendering them unfit for their intended use. Such
mechanical piece parts have a single, non-electrical function (other than electrical grounding) and contain
one or more necessary material items. Formed, machined, shaped or otherwise fabricated items such as
brackets, enclosures, etc., and processed portions of packages used by electronic assemblies, with no
electrical circuitry, ground plane, or thermal functions are considered as mechanical parts.

3.52 Part/material qualification. The entire process by which products are obtained from
manufacturers, examined and tested, and then identified on a list of qualified products, is known as
qualification. Testing of product compliance with specification requirements in advance of and independent
of any specific procurement action, is known as qualification testing.

3.53 Integrated product team (IPT). A multidisciplinary group of people who are collectively
responsible for delivering a defined product or process. The IPT is composed of people who plan, execute,
and implement life-cycle decisions for the system being acquired. It includes empowered representatives
(stakeholders) from all of the functional areas involved with the product—all who have a stake in the
success of the program, such as design, manufacturing, test and evaluation (T&E), and logistics personnel,

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and, especially, the customer. Because the activities relative to a system’s acquisition change and evolve
over its life cycle, the roles of various IPTs and IPT members evolve. When the team is dealing with an
area that requires a specific expertise, the role of the member with that expertise will predominate;
however, other team members’ input should be integrated into the overall life-cycle design of the product.
Some teams may assemble to address a specific problem and then become inactive or even disband after
accomplishing their tasks. Experience supports the continuation of IPTs throughout the entire program
acquisition. Having IPT members with experience on the program was a primary factor in providing
continuity, reducing the program’s overall schedule, and requiring minimal program training.

3.54 PM&P Management Plan (PMP). A plan that references or defines the processes and
practices for selecting and applying PM&P items for use in hardware/equipment. It addresses all relevant
aspects of managing/controlling PM&Ps during system design, development, production, and post-
production support. Also referred to as a PM&P Control Plan (PM&PCP).

3.55 Piece part. See the definition of “part” specified herein. The terms “piece part” and “part" are
interchangeable in this document.

3.56 Plastic encapsulated/encased part. Plastic encapsulated/encased parts include any non-
hermetically sealed EEE part. This includes any EEEE item such as, but not limited to, plastic encapsulated
microcircuit (PEM), plastic encapsulated device (PED), organic coated capacitors, or integrated circuit (IC)
die used for chip-on-board (COB) assemblies.

3.57 PM&P technical requirements. PM&P requirements stated or derived from requirements
documents. Examples are natural space environments, radiation hardness performance levels, reliability
requirements, quality levels, etc.

3.58 Prime Contractor /“Prime”. The company or corporation that has the direct contract with the
Government. The prime contractor is directly responsible to the procuring activity for ensuring compliance
with all the provisions of this document. The prime contractor is responsible for ensuring the flow down of
requirements to all subcontractors, suppliers and sub-tier providers and for managing the implementation of
the entire program’s PM&P activity to comply with this document.

3.59 Printed wiring assembly (PWA). The generic term for an assembly that uses a printed board
for component mounting and interconnecting purposes. The terms “circuit card assembly (CCA)”, “printed
board assembly (PBA)”, “printed circuit assembly (PCA)”, “printed circuit board assembly (PCBA)”,
“printed wiring assembly (PWA)”, and “printed wiring board assembly (PWBA)” are used synonymously
for the purposes of this document.

3.60 Printed wiring board (PWB). The general term for completely processed printed circuit and
printed wiring configurations in a predetermined arrangement on a common base. This includes single-
sided, double-sided and multilayer boards with rigid, flexible, and rigid-flex base materials. The terms

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“circuit card”, “printed board”, “printed circuit board (PCB)”, and “printed wiring board (PWB)” are used
synonymously for the purposes of this document.

3.60.1 Printed circuit. A conductive pattern that is composed of printed components, printed
wiring, discrete wiring, or a combination thereof, that is formed in a predetermined arrangement on a
common base. This is also a generic term that is used to describe a printed board that is produced by any of
a number of techniques.

3.60.2 Printed wiring. A conductive pattern that provides point-to-point connections but not
printed components in a predetermined arrangement on a common base.

3.61 Process. A process is an operation, treatment, or procedure used during fabrication of

materials, parts, subassemblies and/or assemblies that modifies an existing configuration, creates a new
configuration that alters the form/fit/function, and/or changes the chemical, physical, and/or the mechanical
properties of the parent item.

3.62 Procuring activity. A component of an executive agency having a significant acquisition

function and designated as such by the head of the agency. Unless agency regulations specify otherwise,
the term "procuring activity" is synonymous with the term "contracting activity."

3.63 Program technical requirements. These requirements are either stated directly or derived from
the system requirements document, technical requirements document, or listed as technical compliance
documents in the contract.

3.64 Prohibited PM&P items. Prohibited PM&P are those items that do not meet PM&P technical
requirements. Some items are not acceptable under any circumstances, while others may be acceptable for
a specific application or other special circumstance or with other mitigating factors.

3.65 Qualification tests. Tests defined by the applicable part or material standard and/or
procurement specification. For items above the part level, qualification testing is a formal contractual
requirement that demonstrates that the design, manufacturing, and assembly have resulted in hardware
conforming to specifications under all life cycle environments with margins suitable to account for
degradation during the intended application life and for design and manufacturer variability.

3.66 Reliability safety critical. A term applied to a condition, event, operation, process, or item
whose proper recognition, control, sequencing, performance or tolerance is essential for safe system
operation or use.

3.67 Repair. Repair is the act of restoring the functional capability of nonconforming materiel in a
manner that does not ensure compliance of the materiel with applicable drawings or specifications.

3.68 Repairable item. An item that can be restored to perform all of its required functions by
corrective maintenance.

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3.69 Rework. Rework is the act of reprocessing nonconforming materiel in a manner that ensures
full compliance of the material to applicable drawings or specifications.

3.70 Screening. Tests intended to remove nonconforming parts from an otherwise acceptable lot.

3.71 Shall. The emphatic form of the verb, shall be used throughout sections 4 and 5 of the standard
whenever a requirement is intended to express a provision that is binding. For example, in the requirements
section, state that “The gauge shall indicate . . . ” and in the test section, “The indicator shall be turned to zero,
and 220 volts of alternating current shall be applied.” For specific test procedures, the imperative form may be
used, provided the entire method is preceded by “The following test shall be performed” or similar wording.
Thus, “Turn the indicator to zero and apply 220 volts of alternating current.” “Shall” shall not appear in sections
1, 2, 3, or 6 of the standard..

3.72 Should. Expresses nonmandatory provisions.

3.73 Standard part or material. A part or material that complies with applicable federal, military,
or government adopted industry specifications and standards.

3.74 Storage. A non-transitory, semi-permanent or permanent holding, placement, or leaving of

parts or material.

3.75 Subcontractor /“Sub”. A company or corporation that has a contract with a prime contractor
or other lower tier contractor. Subcontractors and suppliers are subordinate contractors to the prime and are
required to meet the provisions of this document.

3.76 Supplier. An entity that provides a product or service, typically an OEM, OCM, or authorized
distributor. See the “OEM”, “OCM”, “distributor”, and “broker” definitions herein.

3.77 Supply chain (manufacturing or production). The linked network of all organizations,
resources, activities, and technology associated with the production of finished products. Encompasses the
tiers of subcontractors contributing their individual stages of manufacturing processing and manufactured
components or subassemblies to the final product as assembled and delivered to the customer.

3.78 Supply chain traceability. Documented evidence of a part’s or material’s supply chain
history. This refers to documentation of all supply chain intermediaries and handling transactions.

3.79 Suspect counterfeit part or material. A part or material in which there is an indication by
visual inspection, testing, or other information that it may have been misrepresented by a supplier, and
therefore may meet the definition of a counterfeit part and/or material.

3.80 Unauthorized supplier. A supplier that is not authorized by the original component
manufacturer to buy parts or materials directly from the manufacturer or has procured parts or materials
from outside the manufacturer’s authorized supply chain. Parts provided from unauthorized suppliers

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typically are not accompanied by manufacturer support and warranty. See the definitions for “broker” and
“distributor” specified herein.

3.81 Uprating/uprated part. A part that has been assessed for its capability to meet the
performance requirements of the application in which it is used, outside the manufacturer’s specified
requirements (voltage, temperature, frequency, etc.) and has been determined capable of meeting those
requirements as approved by the procuring activity.

3.82 Will. Used to express a declaration of purpose on the part of the Government. It may be
necessary to use “will” in cases when simple futurity is required.


4.1 General. All parts, materials, and processes used in the system shall reliably perform the
function(s) allocated to them by the application design throughout the system life cycle, using appropriate
risk mitigations when required. The requirements herein apply to all parts, materials, and processes,
including COTS, custom, and subcontracted components.

4.1.1 PM&P Management. Documented procedures shall provide management, such as through
an Integrated Product Team (IPT), of PM&P selection and implementation to ensure that the system meets
its requirements throughout its life cycle. The DoD Integrated Product and Process Development
Handbook defines an approach to apply an IPT to managing the PM&P elements of a system.

4.1.2 Equipment Categories. The PM&P requirements will depend on the application stresses
and performance requirements, which can generally be organized by equipment categories to support more
efficient flow down of requirements for the varied use conditions and requirements of military systems.
The implementation of the requirements as specified herein shall utilize the equipment categories defined

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TABLE I. Equipment categories and definitions.

Category Category Definition
Continuous use systems. Non-repairable systems under space environment
conditions such as satellite systems that encounter severe environment
conditions from launch, flight trajectory and orbit. System flow-down radiation
hardness requirements* (low dose rate, high total dose) must be satisfied.
Impulse (single shot) systems. Equipment encountering extreme conditions
related to launch (air, ground and sea), flight trajectory, and vehicle return. Can
B be subjected to periods of long-term storage. Once deployed, equipment is non-
repairable. System flow-down radiation hardness requirements (possible high
dose rate, low total dose) must be satisfied.
Aircraft systems. Equipment exposed to extreme turbulence, air temperature and
pressure fluctuations, and/or vibration.
Ground and Sea-based mobile systems. Repairable systems exposed to one or
D more of the following: temperature and humidity fluctuations, vibration, shock,
and Electromagnetic Environmental Effects.
Stationary ground systems. Repairable systems in temperature and humidity
E controlled environments readily accessible to maintenance. Equipment in this
category is typically in constant use.
Targets. Test-specific, non-deployable systems, sometimes encountering
T extreme conditions related to launch (air, ground and sea) and flight trajectory,
and test vehicle return.
*Refer to Appendix D for more information on Radiation Harness Assurance.

4.2 Parts, Materials, and Processes (PM&P). Documented procedures shall ensure that
requirements for PM&P are derived from the system level requirements to satisfy all the requirements for
the deliverable equipment, allocated to the part, material, and process level.

4.2.1 Life Cycle Stresses. Documented procedures shall ensure that the capabilities of all PM&P
are defined, uniquely identified, and documented to the extent required to ensure that they satisfy the
application life cycle conditions, including manufacturing, operating, storage, and transportation stresses.
TABLE II provides summaries of common life cycle stresses below.

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TABLE II. Life cycle stresses.

Stress Application Consideration Guidance Standards
Components usage outside the
temperature limits specified by the IEC TR 62240-1
component manufacturer is discouraged. GEIA-STD-0008
Damage can occur when specified RTCA DO-160
Temperature limits
maximum or minimum temperature JESD22-A103
limits are exceeded during JESD22-A108
manufacturing, operation, storage, or JESD22-A119
Temperature cycling over long periods of
time can cause damage due to
Temperature variations mismatches of coefficient of thermal JESD22-A104
expansion (CTE) between the component
and other materials in an assembly.
Proper heat dissipation and cooling
methods may be required to prevent
damage to the component assemblies.
The component is considered to be used
Heat dissipation and within the manufacturer’s rating when the
cooling manufacturing thermal profiles and the
application thermal and electrical stress
analysis are verified to be within the
manufacturer’s recommended
specifications by test and data collection.
Mechanical stress limits may be exceeded
when components are exposed to
mechanical shock. Variations in
Mechanical shock MIL-STD-810
mechanical fit from production or
temperature cycling may increase
susceptibility to mechanical shock.
Damage can occur due to long-term
exposure to certain mechanical vibration
profiles. Variations in mechanical fit
Mechanical vibration MIL-STD-810
from production or temperature cycling
may increase susceptibility to mechanical
TABLE II. Life cycle stresses. - Continued
Stress Application Consideration Guidance Standards
Radiation due to cosmic rays, neutrons,
IEC 62396 series
Natural radiation heavy ions, etc., may cause Single Event
Effects (SEE).
Damage can result from exposure to
Induced radiation
nuclear radiation and X-ray inspection.

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Damage can result from exposure to

moist and/or corrosive environments,
Moisture and corrosion JESD22-A120
particularly when elevated temperatures
are experienced.
Assemblies can produce electromagnetic
Electromagnetic noise through electrical transitions, and
IEC 61967 series
capability assemblies can be susceptible to
electromagnetic interference.
Handling of components can induce
Electrostatic discharge electrostatic discharge that can cause
JESD 625
component damage.
As applicable from system use
Other relevant stresses
environment or customer specifications.

4.3 PM&P Selection. Documented procedures shall ensure that PM&P selected for a system
meet all application requirements, including natural and induced stresses.

4.3.1 PM&P Specification. Documented procedures shall ensure that documented specifications
define all PM&P requirements necessary to meet system application requirements.

4.3.2 PM&P Availability. Documented procedures shall ensure that availability and level of
obsolescence risk are considered as major selection criteria for parts, materials, and processes.

4.3.3 Standardization. At each level of design authority, documented procedures shall minimize
distinct part numbers and part manufacturers to the extent practical to meet performance requirements, and
reduce logistics, sustainment, and production costs.

4.3.4 Qualification. Documented procedures shall define the part, material, and process
qualification approach, qualification plan, test procedures, sampling plan, criteria of acceptance, and test
results to ensure all components meet the application and/or customer requirements.

4.3.5 Qualification by Similarity. Parts and materials may be qualified by similarity when
supporting data are available. Supporting data should verify that the design, construction, performance,
operational environment, and manufacturing processes are equivalent to a previously qualified part or
material. The part or material shall also be manufactured at the same facility to the same baseline as
previously qualified PM&P.

4.3.6 Reliability. Documented procedures shall ensure the reliability of parts in the system, based
on; (1) credible data from testing the parts or from use of similar parts in similar environments, and (2)
analysis comparing the available data to the application. The following specifications, standards, and
handbooks are for reference purposes only. They can be used to aid in the development of the documented
procedures stated herein:

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MIL-HDBK-217 SAE GEIA-STD-0009 Derating. Derating shall be in accordance with Appendix A. Parts and Materials Outside Rated Stress Levels. Documented procedures shall describe
methods to limit, identify, and report the practice of using parts and materials outside the manufacturers’
specified conditions. This practice is commonly called uprating or upscreening. Recommendations and
guidelines on how to do it are contained in IEC TR 62240-1 and may be used in addition to the Plan
prepared according to this standard. Life-Limited PM&P. Documented procedures shall identify all the PM&P in a given
design that are susceptible to wear-out prior to the end of the design life of the application.

Documented procedures shall ensure that all relevant life-limiting or early wear-out failure mechanisms are
properly understood and verified to allow the system to meet all requirements. The following
specifications, standards, and handbooks are for reference purposes only. They can be used to aid in the
development of the documented procedures stated herein:

4.3.7 Quality System for Part and Material Manufacturers. Documented procedures shall ensure
that the part and material manufacturers and distributors have documented quality management systems
that satisfy the relevant parts of the ISO 9000 and SAE AS9100 family or equivalent, validated by suitably
trained auditors, and addressed any risks of the component manufacturer or distributor quality management

Additional information on quality and reliability standards for electronic hardware can be found in JEDEC

4.3.8 Part and Material Manufacturer Process Management. The documented processes shall
identify the methods used to qualify part manufacturers, including the part manufacturer's internal
manufacturing and quality processes, that demonstrate that the parts produced meet the part specifications
with demonstrable repeatability. Guidance regarding this requirement is contained in ISO 9000 and SAE

4.3.9 Compatibility with Assembly/Manufacturing Processes. Documented procedures shall

ensure that parts and materials are compatible with the equipment/manufacturing assembly processes,
including repair and rework.

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4.3.10 Maintainability and Testability. Documented procedures shall ensure that the
maintainability and testability of the part in the application are consistent with the application requirements.

4.3.11 Prohibited Parts, Materials, and Processes. Documented procedures shall ensure that
fielded systems do not include prohibited parts, materials, and processes defined in Appendix C without
procuring activity approval.

4.4 Life Cycle Management. Documented procedures shall ensure that all parts, materials, and
processes included in delivered equipment meet the system requirements for the application life cycle.

4.4.1 Procurement. Documented procedures shall ensure procurement of parts and materials that
meet the allocated system requirements.

4.4.2 Counterfeit Prevention. Documented procedures shall ensure avoidance of counterfeit parts
and materials, and that potential counterfeit parts and materials are controlled to not impact system
performance. Parts procured from sources other than the original manufacturer, or a source approved by
the original manufacturer, requires approval by the procuring activity. Counterfeit prevention requirements
are located in Appendix F.

4.4.3 Continuous Monitoring. The manufacture of parts and materials shall be accomplished in
accordance with documented processes and processing controls that ensure the reliability and quality
required. This documentation shall be in sufficient detail to provide a controlled manufacturing baseline for
the manufacturer, which ensures that subsequent production items can be manufactured which are
equivalent in performance, quality, dimensions, and reliability to initial production items used for
qualification. Documented procedures shall ensure investigation of parts, materials, and processes failure
issues, when those failures indicate a trend, to determine root cause and take appropriate corrective actions.

4.4.4 Non-Conforming Materials and Parts. Documented procedures shall ensure that non-
conforming materials and parts cannot be installed and/or fielded without procuring activity approval.

4.4.5 Change Monitoring. Documented procedures shall include detecting, tracking, monitoring,
and notification of supplier part, material, and process changes to the extent required by the application
criticality and/or sensitivity to change, to determine the effects of these changes on system performance and
any required appropriate corrective actions.

4.4.6 Obsolescence. Documented procedures shall establish and maintain a proactive

obsolescence management approach that meets the criteria of SAE STD-0016. Refer to Appendix G for
additional details on obsolescence.

4.4.7 Design, Construction, and Use Data. Documented procedures shall include collection,
storage, retrieval, analysis, and reporting of all relevant data for the design, manufacturing, and usage in
service for all parts, materials, and processes. Procedures and processes shall be implemented to ensure that

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when parts or materials, once installed in an assembly and then removed from the assembly for any reason,
are not re-installed in any fielded, qualification, or proto-qualification hardware item.

4.4.8 Data and Record Retention. Part attribute data, data files, incoming inspection test data, lot
qualification and acceptance test samples and data (coupons, DPA samples and/or slugs, etc.), DPA
samples, traceability data, and other data as determined by the procuring activity shall be retained for a
period specified by the procuring activity.

4.4.9 Configuration Management. Documented procedures shall ensure that the hardware
configuration is maintained in conjunction with the PM&P, including a controlled PM&P list for each
assembly and documentation of all changes.

4.4.10 Reuse of Parts and Materials. Documented procedures shall ensure that parts and materials
that have been permanently installed in an assembly and are removed from the assembly for any reason
shall not be reused without prior approval of the procuring activity.

4.5 Commercial Off-The-Shelf Management. Documented procedures shall establish and

maintain a commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) management approach that meets the criteria of EIA-933,
General Requirements (Section 4), COTS Management (Appendix B), and Prohibited PM&P (Appendix
C), and ensures meeting all system applications requirements.

4.6 Subcontractor Management. Documented procedures shall ensure the flow down of all
applicable requirements as specified herein to the lowest applicable tier so that all parts, materials, and
processes meet the application requirements and include verification of compliance.


5.1 General. The detailed requirements define baseline performance criteria for parts, materials,
and processes (PM&P). The PM&P management, application, selection, and life cycle management shall
comply with Section 4. The PM&P selected for a system application may depart from these detailed
requirements to the extent that they meet the general requirements identified herein, demonstrate acceptable
application performance, and are approved by the procuring activity.

5.2 Parts Requirements.

5.2.1 Printed Wiring Boards. Printed wiring boards (PWBs) shall be designed in accordance with
IPC 2220 Series Class 3 and fabricated in accordance with IPC 6010 Series Class 3 or Class 3/A. The use
of Class 3 versus Class 3A shall be governed by the end use of the PWB under consideration. All processes
used to design, qualify, manufacture, and test products shall be documented and shall meet all program
requirements. In case of conflict, the provisions of this document shall apply.

As technology changes, new design and performance specifications will be added to the IPC 2220 Series
and the IPC 6010 Series. For technologies not addressed by this document, refer to the applicable IPC 2220

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and IPC 6010 Series focus specifications. Technologies not addressed in this document or in an applicable
IPC 2220 and IPC 6010 Series focus specifications shall be approved by the procuring activity before use
or inclusion.

5.2.2 Capacitors. All capacitors selected for the system application shall meet the requirements
specified herein, unless otherwise approved by the procuring activity. Capacitors shall meet the
requirements for the applicable reference specification and address application considerations in design
reviews and change proposals as defined in TABLE III. For capacitor styles not identified, the
specifications shall be approved by the procuring activity.
TABLE III. Capacitor styles reference documents.
Capacitor Style / Style
Reference Specification Application Considerations
Dielectric Material Code
MIL-PRF-123 and DSCC CKS 3/, 4/, 5/, 6/
Ceramic, Multilayer
Dwgs 06019 and 06022
Ceramic, Single Layer MIL-PRF-49464 (Class I or II) CPCR 3/, 4/, 5/, 6/, 7/
Ceramic, High Voltage MIL-PRF-49467 HVR 3/, 4/, 5/, 6/, 7/
Ceramic, Stacked MIL-PRF-49470 SM 3/, 4/, 5/, 6/
Ceramic Capacitor Tailored use of MIL-PRF-123 -- 3/, 4/, 5/, 6/
Arrays for Filter
Metallized Film MIL-PRF-83421 CRH 8/, 9/
Glass MIL-PRF-23269 CYR 1/
Mica MIL-PRF-39001 CMS 1/
High Voltage MIL-PRF-39001 -- 1/
Reconstituted Mica
Tantalum Foil MIL-PRF-39006 CLR 1/
Solid Tantalum (Low MIL-PRF-39003/10 CSS 10/, 11/
Solid Tantalum Chip MIL-PRF-55365 CWR 10/, 11/
MIL-PRF-39006/22 & /25 and CLR79, 12/
Wet Tantalum- DSCC Dwgs 06013 and 06014 CLR81
Tantalum Case MIL-PRF-39006/30 & /31 and CLR90, 12/
DSCC Dwgs 06015 and 06016 CLR91
Fixed Electrolytic MIL-PRF-39018 --
Types in AEC Q200 AEC Q200 13/
1/ Obsolete for new designs.
2/ Use of capacitors shall be in accordance with the requirements contained in the detailed sections of this document for
each capacitor type. For additional capacitor use and information, see MIL-HDBK-198.
3/ Piezoelectric induced changes in capacitance.
4/ Thermal expansion mismatch with substrate.
5/ Cracking from thermal shock and handling.

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6/ Base Metal Electrode (BME) capacitors require approval by the procuring activity.
7/ Dielectric protection (encapsulants) to preclude arcing.
8/ Short circuit clearing energy (500 mJ for metalized film).
9/ Use above 400 kHz requires verification that ESR meets application requirements.
10/ 1 ohm/volt series circuit impedance required. At less than 1 ohm/volt, applied voltage shall be less than 0.4 times rated
11/ Surge current screen and Weibull grading required.
12/ Account for ESR change with frequency.
13/ Additional assessment required for Hardware Categories A, B, C.

5.2.3 Connectors. Connectors shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-1353 and the requirements
contained herein. All connectors selected for the system application shall meet the requirements specified
herein, unless otherwise approved by the procuring activity. MIL-HDBK-454 provides connector
application information. Connectors shall meet the requirements for the most applicable reference
specification and address application considerations in design reviews and change proposals.

5.2.1 Resonators and Oscillators. Ceramic Resonators. Ceramic resonators shall meet the requirements of MIL-PRF-3098
as adjusted for ceramic resonator device technology. Quartz Crystals. Quartz crystals shall be in accordance with MIL-PRF-3098 and meet the
application life cycle requirements. Crystal Oscillators and Crystal Filters. Quartz crystal oscillators shall be in accordance
with MIL-PRF-55310 and meet the application life cycle requirements.

5.2.2 Microcircuits and Semiconductors. Microelectronic and semiconductor device stress

ratings and functional characteristics shall meet the application requirements. These devices include
monolithic, hybrid, radio frequency, and microwave microcircuits and semiconductors. Microcircuit
devices are listed in QML-38535, and standard microcircuit drawings (SMDs) are listed in MIL-HDBK-

Hermetic microelectronic and semiconductors shall meet the requirements of TABLE IV.

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TABLE IV. Hermetic microcircuit and semiconductor requirements.

Microcircuit 1/ Semiconductor 1/
A MIL-PRF-38535 (Class S) MIL-PRF-19500 (JANS)
MIL-PRF-38534 (Class K)
B MIL-PRF-38535 (Class S, B) MIL-PRF-19500 (JANS, JANTXV,
MIL-PRF-38534 (Class K, H) JANTX)
C MIL-PRF-38535 (Class S, B) MIL-PRF-19500 (JANS, JANTXV,
MIL-PRF-38534 (Class K, H) JANTX)
D AEC Q100, MIL-PRF-38535 (Class S, AEC Q101 or MIL-PRF-
B), or MIL-PRF-38534 (Class K, H) 19500(JANS, JANTXV, JANTX)
E AEC Q100, MIL-PRF-38535 (Class S, AEC Q101 or MIL-PRF-19500
B), or MIL-PRF-38534 (Class K, H) (JANS, JANTXV, JANTX, JAN)
T AEC Q100, MIL-PRF-38535, or MIL- AEC Q101 or MIL-PRF-19500
PRF-38534 consistent with application consistent with application
requirements requirements
1/ Plastic encapsulated microcircuits and semiconductors shall meet the requirements of Plastic Encapsulated Microcircuits and Semiconductors. All use of plastic encapsulated
microcircuits (PEMs) and plastic encapsulated semiconductors shall be reviewed and approved by the
procuring activity before use. Qualification of PEMs and PESs shall comply with TABLE V. Additionally,
PEMs shall be moisture sensitivity classified in accordance with J-STD-020. PEMs shall be handled in
accordance with J-STD-033 for their determined moisture sensitivity classification. PEMs shall have an
operating temperature range consistent with the application requirements. PEMs with a moisture sensitivity
level - MSL >4 shall not be approved without documented justification. PEMs mounted on a double sided
surface mount printed wiring assembly (PWA) shall have a MSL rating of <3 if the PEM will be exposed
to wave solder.

TABLE V. Plastic encapsulated microcircuit and semiconductor requirements.

Microcircuit Semiconductor 1/
B JESD47 with sequential environments JESD47 with sequential
2/ environments 2/
C AEC Q100, MIL-PRF-38535 (Class AEC Q101
N), or MIL-PRF-38534
D AEC Q100, MIL-PRF-38535 (Class AEC Q101
N), or MIL-PRF-38534
E AEC Q100, MIL-PRF-38535 (Class AEC Q101
N), or MIL-PRF-38534
T AEC Q100, MIL-PRF-38535, or MIL- AEC Q101 consistent with
PRF-38534 consistent with application application requirements
1/ Plastic encapsulated microcircuits requirements may need some adjustment for application to semiconductors

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2/ Sequential environments include Preconditioning followed by two cycles of Temperature Humidity (or HAST) and
Temperature Cycling Other Plastic Encapsulated Devices. Other plastic encapsulated devices (e.g., passive
devices in microcircuit style packages) shall be submitted on a case-by-case basis to the procuring activity
for evaluation in the application before disposition. Surface Acoustic Wave Devices. Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) device requirements
shall assure meeting system application requirements. SAW Devices shall comply with MIL-PRF-38535.

5.2.3 EMI and RFI Filters. Low-pass Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) and Radio Frequency
Interference (RFI) filters shall be in accordance with MIL-PRF-28861, MIL-PRF-15733, or AEC Q200.
Performance specifications MIL-PRF-28861 (Class S and Class B) and MIL-PRF-15733 provide the
general requirements for low-pass RFI and EMI filters and capacitors used to suppress EMI and RFI. Class
S is the highest product assurance level of the MIL-PRF-28861 specification and is intended for space
applications. Electrical Filters. Electrical filters shall be in accordance with MIL-PRF-15733 and MIL-
PRF-28861. Discoidal Capacitor Filters. Filters furnished to the requirements of MIL-PRF-28861

contain shunting ceramic discoidal capacitors and series inductors. Feed-through shunting discoidal
capacitor types (C circuit configuration) are also referred to as a filter and shall be in accordance with MIL-

5.2.4 Fuses. Fuses shall meet the requirements of SAE AS5372, MIL-PRF-15160 or MIL-PRF-
23419, as suitable for the application. Fuse holders shall comply with MIL-PRF-19207 or SAE AS53731.
SAE ARP1199 and MIL-HDBK-454 (Guidelines 8 and 39) provide application information. Solid body
construction shall be used in applications that expose the fuse to a vacuum, unless leak rate characterization
ensures meeting application requirements with a hollow body device. Alternate approaches to meeting
particular requirements shall be proven equivalent or more stringent than specified herein.

For Category A applications, the following in-process controls shall apply.

a. Solid Body Fuses. Fuse elements shall be visually inspected at 10X minimum magnification
prior to encapsulation of all items. Radiographic inspection shall be viewed at 7X minimum at a
minimum of 2 orthogonal views or 360° turn and meet the requirements of MIL-PRF-23419/12.

b. Hollow body, wire element, fuses. Fuse element attachment shall be visually inspected on
all items at 10X magnification minimum, except that for fuses with opaque bodies, radiographic
inspection viewed at 7X minimum shall be acceptable at a minimum of 2 orthogonal views, or 360°
turn using real-time x-ray (preferred).

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c. Chip Fuse Radiographic inspection. The radiographic examination shall include the
following accept and reject criteria:

d. There shall be a minimum of two views. View 1 shall show the plan view of the part. View
2 shall show a side view of the part on an edge that does not contain terminations.

(1) The sensitivity of the radiograph shall be such that a lead particle .004 inch (0.10
mm) in diameter shall be visible. Use of double emulsion film is optional.

(2) Contact between internal fuse element and external termination shall be verified
(internal film-to-end termination interface).

(3) Internal element position shall be verified. Element material shall be completely
encapsulated by arc suppressive cover glass. There shall be no exposed element at the sides
of the part.

(4) There shall be no cracks in the arc suppressive cover glass or in the ceramic base.

(5) There shall be no voids in the arc suppressive glass greater than 0.010 inches in

(6) There shall be no voids in the end terminations greater than 0.005 inches in diameter.

(7) There shall be no foreign materials in the fuse greater than 0.005 inches in diameter. Circuit Breakers. Circuit breakers are available in various sizes and configurations
including thermal, magnetic, thermal-magnetic, and solid state types. Circuit breakers shall be selected and
applied in accordance with MIL-PRF-39019, MIL-PRF-55629, and MIL-PRF-83383.

Trip-free circuit breakers shall be used. Non-trip-free circuit breakers shall be used only when the
application requires overriding of the tripping mechanism for emergency use.

a. Manual operation. Circuit breakers shall operate manually to the ON and OFF positions.
Circuit breakers shall not be used as ON-OFF switches unless such breakers have been specifically
designed and tested for that type of service.

b. Position identification. Circuit breakers shall have easily identified ON, OFF, and TRIPPED
positions except that the TRIPPED position may be the same as the OFF position with no
differentiation between OFF and TRIPPED being required.

c. Orientation. Circuit breakers shall operate when permanently inclined from -30° to 30° from
the normal vertical or normal horizontal position. The trip point of an inclined unit shall not vary
more than +5% of the current specified for normal position mounting. Circuit breakers used on
flight equipment and portable test equipment shall operate within the limits of the detail
specification when the equipment is in any position or rotation about its three principal axes.

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5.2.5 Magnetic Devices Magnetic devices shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-981. Class S
shall apply to Hardware Categories A, B and C, and Class B shall apply to categories D, E, and T.
Magnetic devices compliant with AEC Q200 meet the requirements for Categories C, D, E, and T.

5.2.6 Electron Tubes. Electron tubes shall be in accordance with MIL-PRF-1. Methods for
testing the environmental, physical, and electrical characteristics of electron tubes as required by MIL-
PRF-1 are specified in MIL-STD-1311.

5.2.7 Relays. Relays shall be in accordance with the relevant specification in TABLE VI.

TABLE VI Relay specifications.

MIL-R-5757 Relays, Electromagnetic, General Specification for
MIL-PRF-6106 Relays, Electromagnetic, General Specification for
MIL-PRF-28776 Relays, Hybrid, Established Reliability, General Specification for
MIL-PRF-39016 Relays, Electromagnetic, Established Reliability, General Specification for
MIL-PRF-28750 Relays, Solid State, General Specification for
MIL-PRF-83726 Relays, Hybrid and Solid State, Time Delay, General Specification for
MIL-PRF-83536 Relays, Electromagnetic, Established Reliability 5 amperes and Below

5.2.8 Resistors and Thermistors. Resistors and thermistors shall be in accordance with the
appropriate specification in TABLE VII. MIL-HDBK-199 provides selection, design, and application
information for resistors and thermistors. Resistors shall be, as a minimum, established reliability (ER)
failure rate level “P” for missile and associated tactical mission essential equipment. When a resistor used
is not covered by a military specification and a new specification or drawing is prepared, the nearest
appropriate military specification for the type of resistor shall be used as a guide and the product assurance
requirements shall be provided as detail requirements to ensure a minimum life failure rate level of 0.1%
per 1,000 hours. Variable resistors shall not be used in new design without prior approval of the procuring

The reference documents in TABLE VII list the types covered and indicates the applicable specifications
where detailed requirements are set forth. Alternate approaches to meeting particular requirements shall be
proven equivalent or more stringent than specified herein.

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TABLE VII. Resistor and thermistor specifications.

MIL-PRF-23648 Resistor, Thermal (Thermistor) Insulated, General Specification for
MIL-PRF-32192 Resistors, Chip, Thermal (Thermistor), General Specification for
Performance Specification, Resistors, Fixed, Wire-Wound (accurate),
MIL-PRF-39005 Nonestablished Reliability, Established Reliability, General
Specification For
Performance Specification, Resistors, Fixed, Wire Wound (Power
MIL-PRF-39007 Type), Nonestablished Reliability, Established Reliability, and Space
Level, General Specification For
Performance Specification, Resistors, Fixed, Wire-Wound (Power Type,
Chassis Mounted), Nonestablished
Resistors, Variable, Wire Wound (Lead Screw Actuated),
MIL-PRF-39015 Nonestablished Reliability and Established Reliability, General
Specification For
Resistors, Fixed, Film (Insulated), Nonestablished Reliability and
Established Reliability, General Specification For
MIL-PRF-49462 Resistors, Fixed, Film, High Voltage, General Specification for
Resistors, Fixed, Film, Nonestablished Reliability, Established
MIL-PRF-55182 Reliability, and Space Level, General Specification for (w/Amendment
Performance Specification, Resistors, Fixed, Film, Chip, Nonestablished
MIL-PRF-55342 Reliability, Established Reliability, Space Level, General Specification
Resistor Networks, Fixed, Film, and Capacitor-Resistor Networks,
Ceramic Capacitor and Fixed Film Resistors, General Specification for

5.2.9 Switches. Electrical Switches shall meet the application requirements for rated current, load
type, operating cycles, and environmental conditions. Guideline 58 of MIL-HDBK-454 provides guidance
on switch application. Switches shall meet the qualification requirements of the most similar device
specification in TABLE VIII, and represent the type classification consistent with the application

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TABLE VIII. Switch specifications.

Reference document Description
Switches, Rotary (Circuit Selector, Low-Current Capacity), General
Specification for
MIL-DTL-3928 Switches, Radio Frequency Transmission Line (Coaxial)
Switches, Toggle, Environmentally Sealed, General Specification
MIL-DTL-6807 Switches, Rotary, Selector Power, General Specification for
MIL-DTL-8834 Switches, Toggle, Positive Break
Switches, Pressure, (Absolute, Gage, and Differential), General
Specification for
Switch, Toggle, Momentary, Four-Position On, Center Off, General
Specification for
MIL-DTL-12211 Switch, Pressure
MIL-DTL-12285 Switch, Thermostatic
MIL-DTL-13484 Switch, Sensitive: 30 Volts Direct Current Maximum, Waterproof
Switch, Pull, Switch, Push, Switch, Pull; Beam Selecting, Headlight,
Electrical (28 Volts Direct Current Maximum, for Military Vehicles)
MIL-DTL-13735 Switches, Toggle: 28 Volts Direct Current
Switches, Rotary, Snap Action and Detent/Spring Return Action,
General Specification for
MIL-DTL-15743 Switches, Rotary, Enclosed
MIL-DTL-21604 Switches, Rotary, Multipole and Selectors; General Specification for
Switches, Multistation, Pushbutton (Illuminated and Non-
MIL-DTL-28788 Switches, Air and Liquid Flow, Sensing
MIL-DTL-28827 Switches, Thermostatic (Volatile Liquid), Hermetically Sealed
MIL-DTL-83731 Switches, Toggle, Unsealed and Sealed, General Specification for
Switches, Code Indicating Wheel (Printed Circuit), Thumbwheel
and Pushbutton General
MIL-PRF-22885 Switches, Push Button, Illuminated, General Specification for
Switches, Thermostatic, (Metallic and Bimetallic), General
Specification for
MIL-PRF-83504 Switches, Dual In-line Package (DIP), General Specification for
Switches and Switch Assemblies, Sensitive, Snap Action (Basic,
Limit, Push Button and
MIL-S-16032 Switches and Detectors, Shipboard Alarm Systems

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TABLE VIII. Switch specifications. – Continued

Reference document Description
MIL-S-18396 Switches, Meter and Control, Naval Shipboard
Switches, Toggle (Toggle and Lock), Flush Mounted (General
Specification) for

5.2.10 Waveguides and Related Devices. Waveguides and related devices shall be in accordance
with the appropriate specification in TABLE IX and shall conform to a specification listed in the table or to
a specification imposed by the listed standard.

MIL-HDBK-660 shall be used as a guide to the fabrication of rigid waveguide assemblies where bends and
twists are required to satisfy a particular application. Other waveguides and related devices shall be in
accordance with the documents in TABLE IX.
TABLE IX. Waveguide reference documents.
Item Description Reference
Amplifier, RF and DIP, coaxial, TO, and flatpack MIL-DTL-28875
Attenuators Fixed and variable coaxial and waveguide MIL-DTL-3933
Circulators RF-SMA and waveguide MIL-DTL-28791
Couplers Directional coaxial waveguide and printed MIL-DTL-15370
Coupling assemblies Quick-disconnect for Subminiature MIL-D-3954
waveguide flanges
Dummy loads Waveguide, coaxial and stripline MIL-DTL-39030
Flanges Waveguide and coaxial MIL-DTL-3922
Gaskets Pressure sealing for use with cover flanges MIL-DTL-24211
and flat face
Isolators RF-SMA and stripline MIL-DTL-28791
Mixer stages RF-DIP, flatpack, TO and connector MIL-DTL-28837
Power dividers, combiners, Solder terminals, and divider/combiners MIL-DTL-23971
and divider/combiners plug-in, flatpack, TO and connector
Switches Waveguide to waveguide manual and MIL-DTL-55041
electro mechanically operated

RF coaxial MIL-DTL-25879
Waveguide assemblies Flexible and rigid MIL-DTL-287
Waveguides Rigid rectangular, rigid circular, single, and MIL-DTL-85
double ridge MIL-DTL-22641

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5.2.11 Motors, Dynamotors and Rotary Power Converters. Alternating current motors shall be in
accordance with MIL-M-17059 or MIL-DTL-17060, except that any motor used with a miniature blower
for cooling electronic equipment shall be in accordance with MIL-B-23071. Rotary Servo Devices. Rotary servo devices, including servomotors, synchros,
tachometer generators, encoders, and transolvers, shall be in accordance with MIL-DTL-81963. Additional
specification information can be found in TABLE X for the appropriate rotary servo device. MIL-HDBK-
225 and MIL-HDBK-231 contain additional information for system application.
TABLE X. Rotary servo devices reference documents.
Item Description Reference Document
Servomotor MIL-S-22432 Servomotor, General Specification
Synchros MIL-STD-710 Synchros, 60 and 400 Hz, Selection and Application of
Tachometer Tachometer Generator AC; General Specification for
Encoder Encoders, Shaft Angle to Digital, General Specification
Servomotor- Servomotor-Tachometer Generator, AC; General
tachometer MIL-S-22820 Specification for
Servtorqs MIL-S-81746 Servtorq, General Specification for Electromagnetic Counters. For electromagnetic counters, numbers shall snap into place
with an upward movement of the counter drum indicating a numerical increase. The height-to-width ratio
of numeral shall preferably be one-to-one. When the last digits have no operational and maintenance value,
they shall be read from left to right. Large horizontal spaces between number drums, when more than three
digits are displayed, shall be avoided. Mounting shall be as close to the panel surface as possible to provide
maximum viewing angle and minimum shadow effects from ambient lighting.

5.2.12 Wire and Cable. Hookup Wire. Internal hookup wire shall be selected from the types and classes specified
by the documents listed in TABLE XI. For solderless wrap applications, wires shall be in accordance with
SAE AS81822.

a. MIL-DTL-16878 shall not be used for Air Force or Navy aerospace applications.

b. SAE AS22759 wire with only single polytetrafluoroethylene insulation used in Air Force
space and missile applications shall require the approval of the procuring activity.

c. Wires with polyvinyl chloride insulation shall not be used in aerospace applications. Use of
these wires in any other application requires prior approval of the procuring activity.

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d. Silver plated copper wire shall not be used in applications involving Army missile systems
without certification by the wire manufacturer that it passes the sodium polysulfide test in
accordance with ASTM B298. Silver plated copper wire shall not be used in conjunction with
water-soluble solder fluxes. Wire shall be stored and handled in such a way so as to minimize
exposure to moisture.

TABLE XI. Electrical wire reference documents.

Reference Document Description
SAE-AS50861 Wire, Electric, Polyvinyl Chloride Insulated, Copper or Copper
MIL-DTL-16878 Wire, Electrical, Insulated, General Specification for
SAE-AS22759 Wire, Electrical, Fluoropolymer Insulated, Copper or Copper Alloy
SAE AS81044 Wire, Electrical, Crosslinked Polyalkene, Crosslinked Alkane-
Imide Polymer, or Polyarlyene Insulated, Copper or Copper Alloy
MIL-DTL-81381 Wire, Electric, Polyimide- Insulated, Copper or Copper Alloy Magnet Wire. Magnet wire shall be in accordance with NEMA MW 1000. Coaxial Cable Coaxial cable, both flexible and semi-rigid, shall be in accordance with
MIL-DTL-17. Wiring and Cabling. Wiring external to electronic enclosures shall be in accordance with
the requirements below. Additional guidance may be found in MIL-HDBK-83575. Wiring internal to
electronic enclosures should conform to the guidelines provided in MIL-HDBK-454, Guidelines 20 and 69.

a. Electrical and Handling Considerations – Insulations. The characteristics of the insulation

used on wire shall be used in the selection of the proper wire type for each application.

b. Electrical and Handling Considerations – Conductors. The characteristics of the conductors

used in the wire or cable shall be considered when selecting the proper wire type for each
application. Conductor strands shall be made of soft annealed copper (22 AWG or larger), high
strength copper alloy (24 AWG to 28 AWG), or beryllium-copper alloy (30 AWG or smaller). The
conductor strands shall be coated with silver or nickel. Electrical Connections. Electrical connections for cable and wire shall be in accordance
with IPC/WHMA-A-620 Class 3, IPC/WHMA-A-620-Space Addendum, or IPC J-STD-001, as applicable.
The use of Class 3 versus Space Addendum shall be governed by the end use of the electrical connection
under consideration. MIL-HDBK-454, Guideline 69, provides application guidance. Radio Frequency Cables and Transmission Lines. Radio frequency cables and
transmission lines shall be in accordance with the appropriate specification in TABLE XII. Other types of

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cable may be used provided they are selected from specifications acceptable for the specific application and
approved by the procuring activity.
TABLE XII. RF cables and transmission line specifications.
Reference Document Description
Cables, Radio Frequency, Flexible and Semirigid, General
Specification for
Lines, Radio Frequency Transmission (Coaxial, Air Dielectric),
General Specification for
Cables, Radio Frequency, Semirigid, Coaxial, Semi-Air-Dielectric,
General Specification for
Cable, Radio Frequency, Coaxial, Semirigid, Foam Dielectric,
General Specification
Cable, Radio Frequency, Coaxial, Semirigid, Corrugated Outer
Conductor, General Specification for Multi-Conductor Cables. Multi-conductor cable shall be in accordance with the

appropriate specification in TABLE XIII. Other types of cable may be used provided they are selected from
specifications acceptable for the specific application and approved by the procuring activity. MIL-HDBK-
454, Guideline 71, provides additional application information

TABLE XIII. Multi-conductor cable specifications.

Reference Document Description

MIL-DTL-3432 Cable (Power and Special Purpose) and Wire, Electrical (300 &
MIL-DTL-24640 Cables, Lightweight, Low Smoke, Electric, for Shipboard Use,
General Specification for
MIL-DTL-27072 Cable, Power, Electrical and Cable, Special Purpose, Electrical,
Multi-conductor and Single Shielded, General Specification for
MIL-DTL-55021 Cable, Electrical, Shielded Singles, Shielded and Jacketed Singles,
Twisted Pairs and Triples, Internal Hookup, General Specification
for Interconnection Cables. Selection of wire for interconnection between units shall be in
accordance with the appropriate specification in TABLE XIV. Selection of multi-conductor cable for
interconnection between units shall be in accordance with MIL-HDBK-454, Guideline 71, provides
additional application information (see TABLE XV).

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TABLE XIV. Electrical interconnection wire specifications.

Reference Document Description
SAE AS50861 Wire, Electric, PVC Insulated, Copper or Copper Alloy
MIL-DTL-8777 Wire, Electrical, Silicone-Insulated, Copper, 600-Volt, 200
Degrees C
MIL-DTL-16878 Wire, Electrical, Insulated, General Specification for
SAE AS22759 Wire, Electrical, Fluoropolymer-Insulated, Copper or Copper
MIL-DTL-25038 Wire, Electrical, High Temperature, Fire Resistant, and Flight
SAE AS81044 Wire, Electrical, Crosslinked Polyalkene, Crosslinked Alkane-
Imide Polymer, or Polyarlyene Insulated, Copper or Copper
MIL-DTL-81381 Wire, Electric, Polyimide-Insulated, Copper or Copper Alloy

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TABLE XV. Electrical interconnection wire, multiconnector.

Conductor Shield braid 3/ Jacket 3/

Specification Basic Wire
Basic Title Remarks
number Specifications Number of Volts Strand Strand %
Temp 2/ Material 1/ Type
conductors RMS material coating Coverage
MIL-DTL- Cable A-A-59551 & Unlimited 300 & -40°C to None or Tin 85 Styrene Extruded &
3432 (Power and Insulation and mixed 600 +65°C Copper butadiene Vulcanized
Special sizes or Rubber,
(Purpose) -55°C to chloroprene
and Wire, 4/ 5/ +75°C rubber,
Electrical ethylene-
(300& propylene
600V) rubber,
dienne rubber,
elestomer or
natural rubber
ANSI/NEM Cable, M5086/1 2-7 None Polyamide Extruded or (a) Fluorinated
A WC Electric M5086/2 1-7 600 105°C Copper Tin (Nylon) Impregbaird ethylene
27500 Aero Space M5086/3 1-7 Copper Tin propylene
Vehicle M22759/12 1-7 260°C Copper Nickel 85 (a) Extruded (b) Polytetra-
M22759-23 1-7 260°C Copper Nickel 85 (b) extruded or fluoroethylene
M81044/9 1-7 100°C Copper Tin 85 Polyvinylidene Extruded
M81381/8 2-7 200°C Copper Nickel 85 FEP/polyimide Film Tape
/10 and /14 1-7 200°C
M81381/11 2-7 200°C
M81381/12 1-7 150°C Copper Tin 85 FEP/polyimide Film Tape
M81381/13 1-7 200°C Copper Nickel 85

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TABLE XV. Electrical interconnection wire, multiconnector. - Continued

Conductor Shield braid 3/ Jacket 3/

Specification Basic Wire
Basic Title Remarks
number Specifications Number of Volts Strand Strand %
Temp 2/ Material 1/ Type
conductors RMS material coating Coverage
MIL-DTL- Cable MIL-C-17 2-78 600 -53°C to Copper Tin 80 Sheath Poly- Extruded & See Note 7
13777 Special A-A-59551 +71°C Chloroprene vulcanized
Purpose ASTM A580 6/ Primary Extruded
Electrical &Insulation Insulation
MIL-DTL- Cable, MIL-W-81044 2-77 pair 600 150°C Copper 85 Crosslinked Extruded
24640 Electrical, Tape Polyalkene,
Light weight Tinned Crosslinked
for ship Alkaneimide
board use polymer, or
MIL-DTL- Cable MIL-DTL-17 2-36 Various Not spec Copper Tin, 85 Sheath of PVC, Flexible
27072 Special M16878/1 600 105°C Silver polyethylene, multiconductor
Purpose, M16878/2 1000 105°C polychloroprene cable for use in
Electrical,M M16878/3 3000 105°C , polyamide, protected, wire
ulti- M16878/4 600 200°C TFE-Teflon, or ways, Instrument
conductor M16878/5 1000 200°C FEP-Teflon racks, and conduit,
M16878/6 250 200°C Polyethylene
M16878/10 600 75°C jacketed cable
M16878/13 250 200°C suitable for
Note: MIL-DTL-27072 applicable detail underwater or direct
specification sheets control materials for each burial applications
specific cable configuration. only. M16878 /6
and /13 not for

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TABLE XV. Electrical interconnection wire, multiconnector.- Continued

Conductor Shield braid 3/ Jacket 3/

Specification Basic Wire
Basic Title Remarks
number Specifications Number of Volts Strand Strand %
Temp 2/ Material 1/ Type
conductors RMS material coating Coverage
NEMA WC Cable, MIL-DTL- 1-7 600 200°C Various Various 85 Various Braided For general
27500 8777 aerospace flight
Electrical, SAE AS 22759 1-7 Various Various Various Various 85 Various Extruded or vehicle
Shielded and Braided applications
Aerospace MIL-DTL- 1-7 600 260°C Various Various 85 TFE coated Braided
25038 glass fiber
MIL-W-81044 1-7 600 150°C Various Various 85 Various Extruded
MIL-DTL- 1-7 600 Various Various Various 85 Various Tape
MIL-DTL- Cable, MIL-DTL- 2-3 600 -40°C to None or Tin, 90 None Extruded
55021 Twisted 16878 to +105°C Copper Silver or PVC, Extruded
Pairs & 1000 or Nickel Nylon or Tape
Triples, -65°C to TFE-Teflon
Internal +200°C
1/ Polyester - Polyethylene Terephthalate
TFE-Teflon - Polytetrafluoroethylene
PVC - Polyvinyl chloride (Not to be used in airborne applications)
KEL-F - Polymonochlorotribluoroethylene
FEP-Teflon - Fluorinated ethylene propylene
PVF - Polyvinylidene fluoride
2/ See applicable detail specification sheet for temperature limitations.

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3/ See applicable detail specification sheet for materials control of specific cable configurations impact bend, and twist.
4/ Although the specification does not limit the number of conductors in a cable, the size, weight, and flexibility are determining factors.
5/ Available in three classifications:
Class L - Light Duty - to withstand severe flexing and frequent manipulation
Class M - Medium Duty - to withstand severe flexing and mechanical abuse
Class H - Heavy Duty - to withstand severe flexing and mechanical abuse and ability to withstand severe service impacts such as to be run over by tanks
or trucks
6/ See applicable detail specification sheet for mechanical test requirements for cold bend torque.
7/ For use under abusive mechanical conditions and where resistance to weather, oil and ozone are

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5.2.13 Optics and Photonics. Optical Elements and Coatings. Optical elements and coatings shall be in
accordance with ISO 10110, ISO 9211, and MIL-PRF-13830, and as necessary to meet system
application requirements. Photonics. Photonics Devices shall be in accordance with MIL-PRF-38534

with functional performance defined by Telcordia GR-468-CORE, as required by the
application. For pigtailed devices, the fiber cable shall be in accordance with the requirements of
MIL-PRF-85045 for Category A applications. Indicator Lights and Lampholders. Indicator lights, indicator light housings,
lampholders, lenses, and lamps shall be in accordance with the appropriate specification in

a. Visual display and legend lights. Visual display and legend lights shall comply
with the requirements in MIL-STD-1472.

b. Night vision goggles. Night vision goggle (NVG) compatibility considerations for
cockpit indicator lights shall be considered where use of night vision goggles by cockpit
crews is possible.

TABLE XVI. Indicator lights specifications.

Reference Document Description
Lampholders, Indicator Lights, Indicator Light Housing, and
Indicator Light Lenses, General Specification for
MIL-DTL-6363 Lamps, Incandescent, Aircraft Service, General Specification for
MIL-DTL-7961 Lights, Indicators, Press to Test
MIL-DTL-15098 Lamps, Glow, General Specification for
MIL-PRF-19500 Semiconductor Devices, General Specification for Light Emitting Diodes. LEDs used as indicator lights shall conform to the
applicable specification sheets of MIL-PRF-19500. Fiber Optics. Fiber optics shall be in accordance with MIL-PRF-85045. Fiber
optic system design guide information is available in MIL-HDBK-415. Definitions of
terminology used in fiber optics technology shall be as specified in TIA-440. The following
criteria shall be considered for selection and application of fiber optics:

a. System and subsystem design. Fiber optic system and subsystem designs shall be
in accordance with the criteria specified in MIL-STD-188-200.

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b. Test procedures. Standardized test procedures for fiber optic components shall be
as specified in MIL-STD-1678-1, MIL-STD-1678-2, MIL-STD-1678-3, MIL-STD-1678-
4, MIL-STD-1678-5, and MIL-STD-1678-6.

c. Splices. Fiber optic splices shall conform to MIL-PRF-24623.

d. Cable assemblies. Cable assemblies shall conform to MIL-PRF-49292.

e. Connectors. Fiber optic connectors shall conform to MIL-PRF-28876, MIL-C-

83522,and MIL-DTL-83526. Insert arrangements for MIL-PRF-28876 connectors shall
conform to MIL-STD-2163. Removable terminals for fiber optic connectors shall
conform to MIL-PRF-29504.

f. Interconnection boxes. Fiber optic interconnection boxes shall conform to MIL-I-


g. Tools and inspection equipment. Fiber optic tools, inspection equipment, and
related kits shall conform to, MIL-K-83525 and MIL-C-22520/10.

h. Transmitters and receivers. Fiber optic transmitters and receivers shall conform to

i. Adhesives shall conform to the following:

(1) Two part epoxy adhesives shall conform to MIL-PRF-24792.

(2) Ultraviolet (UV) curable adhesives shall conform to MIL-PRF-24793.

(3) Materials. Index matching materials shall conform to MIL-PRF-24794.

5.2.14 Mechanical Piece Parts. Mechanical piece parts, such as screws, bolts, washers,
nuts, terminal, lugs, etc., shall be procured in accordance with the requirements contained within
this section, the part specification, and the system application. The following criteria shall be
considered for selection and application of mechanical piece parts:

a. For fasteners, ASME B18.18 shall be used. For terminals A-A-59126 shall be

b. Class 3 screw threaded products shall be procured and tested to the requirements
of NASM1515 and NASM1312

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All applications of mechanical piece parts shall be classified according to the potential impact of
a part failure on the system. Two application categories shall be identified and are defined as

a. Mission or Safety Critical. A mechanical piece part failure that can cause severe
injury, death, mission degradation, or system loss.

b. For these applications, the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) or its

authorized franchised distributor of the mechanical piece part shall be required to conduct
100% screening of all nondestructive quality conformance inspection (QCI) requirements
specified. All destructive QCI tests and screens shall be performed on a manufacturing
lot sampling basis as specified. The seller shall perform all testing required and shall
ensure that the product meets these requirements.

(1) Copies of certifications, chemical analyses, and test data shall be provided
with the mechanical piece parts.

(2) Fasteners shall be from the same manufacturing lot and traceability shall
be maintained to that lot.

(3) All mechanical piece parts used in Mission or Safety Critical Applications
shall be included on the critical items list.

(4) Engineering drawings shall identify all “Mission or Safety Critical”

mechanical piece part applications.. Physical Configuration Audit (PCA)
procedures or other government reviews of engineering drawings shall include
verification of this requirement.

c. Other. All other failure consequences. Bearings. Bearings shall be in accordance with the appropriate specification in

TABLE XVII. Replacement of the bearing shall be possible without use of special tools, unless
such provisions would adversely affect the proper functioning or service life of the bearing. The
following criteria shall be considered for selection and application of bearings:

a. Lubricant. Adequate lubricant shall be provided either within the bearing or

externally in the form of oil reservoirs or grease relubrication facilities, except as noted in
unlubricated bearings below. Where lubricant replenishment is required, precaution shall
be taken to prevent purged or lost lubricant from entering, and adversely affecting, the
operation of the electronic equipment. Where bearings coated with preservative are
installed in closed housings, the preservatives shall be compatible with the lubricant used
in the assembly.

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b. Barrier coating. Bearings requiring a barrier coating shall be coated in accordance

with MIL-STD-1334.

c. Electrical grounding. Ball and roller bearings used for rotating electrically
energized equipment shall be electrically shunted to avoid current flow through the

TABLE XVII. Bearings specifications.

Reference Document Description
Bearings, Ball, Annular, For Instruments and Precision Rotating
Bearings, Sleeve, Plain and Flanged, Self-Lubricating -65 to +250
SAE AS8943
degrees F
SAE AS81934 Bearings, Sleeve, Plain and Flanged, Self-Lubricating
Bearings, Plain, Rod End, Self-Aligning, Self-Lubricating, General
SAE AS81935
Specification for
Bearings, Plain, Self-Aligning (CuBe Ball, CRES Race), General
SAE AS81936
Specification for
A-A-52401 Bearing, Sleeve (Steel-Backed)
A-A-52414 Bearing, Roller, Thrust Gaskets. Rubber gaskets, intended to prevent leakage of petroleum products,

glycol, alcohol and water, shall be in accordance with SAE AMS-C-6183 or ASTM D2000.
Shielding gaskets intended to suppress EMI/RFI shall be in accordance with MIL-DTL-83528.
O-ring gaskets shall be in accordance with SAE AMS-P-5315. Gears. Gears not operating in a lubricant bath shall be made of corrosion
resistant materials. Gears operating in a lubricant bath containing a corrosion inhibiting additive
may be made of noncorrosion resistant materials. The following criteria shall be considered for
selection and application of gears:

a. Designation. Gears shall be designated, dimensioned, toleranced, and inspected in

accordance with the applicable specifications from the American Gear Manufacturers
Association (AGMA), Standards & Information Sheets.

b. Planetary or epicyclic gearing. Planetary or epicyclic gearing is preferred to worm


c. Nonmetallic gears. Nonmetallic gears may be used when they meet load, life, and
environmental requirements of the applicable specification.

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MIL-STD-11991A Level Vials. Level vials shall conform to MIL-V-3144 and shall be centrally
positioned in their holes and fastened with gypsum cement conforming to MIL-G-20098. Rivets. Nonstructural rivets shall be in accordance with FF-R-556 (Small solid,
split, tubular, and general purpose rivets), NASM8814 (Nonstructural blind rivets), or MIL-R-
24243 (Blind, nonstructural, retained mandrel type rivets). Structural rivets shall be in
accordance with NASM5674 (Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy solid rivets), MIL-R-7885 /
NAS1686 / or NAS1687 (Structural, blind, pull-stem rivets), or NASM27384 (Blind, drive type
rivets). The following criteria shall be considered for selection and application of rivets:

a. Rivets shall be used in preference to other hardware for securing parts not
requiring removal.

b. Wherever the thickness of metal which accepts the heads of flush rivets is less
than the height of the rivet heads, the material shall be dimpled rather than countersunk.
The distance from the center of rivet holes to the edges of the material, in which the rivets
are placed, shall not be less than one and a half times the rivet diameter.

c. Design and limitations of rivets shall be in accordance with NASM33522 and

NASM33557. Rivets for joining magnesium parts shall be composition 5056 anodized
aluminum alloy or an aluminum alloy having equal galvanic compatibility with the
magnesium being used. Shock and Vibration Isolators. Shock and vibration isolators shall not be used
unless it is impractical to design and construct the equipment to meet the shock and vibration
requirements specified in the detail equipment specification. The following criteria shall be
considered for selection and application of shock and vibration isolators:

a. Design of isolators. The isolators may be of resilient material or metallic type and
may employ viscous damping. The design of the isolators shall be such that failure of the
resilient material will not set the supported component free.

b. Installation of isolators. All isolators shall be readily replaceable without a major

disassembly of the equipment. All electrical connections between a resilient supported
component and its foundation shall be flexible. Sufficient clearance shall be provided
between parts to preclude the possibility of a cushioned part striking any other part.

c. Electrical bypass of shock mounts. All shock mounted assemblies shall be

electrically bypassed by a flexible bonding strap of copper at least one inch wide by 1/16
inch thick, except in such cases where a strap of this size would impair the action of the
shock mount. Deviations from this requirement are subject to the approval of the
procuring activity.

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d. Resilient materials for isolators. The resilient material used in isolators shall be
ozone resistant and meet the required performance when exposed to any temperature
within the range specified herein under the environment conditions. Springs. The following criteria shall be considered for selection and application
of springs:

a. Helical springs. Helical springs shall conform to SAE AS13572.

b. Carbon steel springs. Carbon steel springs shall be suitably plated or finished to
resist corrosion.

c. Corrosion resisting steel. Corrosion resisting steel springs are preferred where
electrical conductivity is not a consideration and where they are adequate for the purpose

d. Fatigue limits. Fatigue limits of the springs shall not be adversely affected by
corrosion, operating temperature, and other environmental conditions in service. Fatigue
limits shall be consistent with the maximum specified operating cycles for the respective
part or equipment or, if such is not specified, with the maximum duty cycle to be
expected during the equipment service life.

e. Electrical conductivity. Electrical conductivity of contact springs shall not be

adversely affected by corrosion, operating temperature, and other environmental
conditions in service.

f. Enclosure. Where practicable, springs shall be enclosed in housings, or otherwise

captivated, in order to prevent broken pieces from entering and adversely affecting the

g. Heat treatment. Springs made of materials that achieve their desired properties by
heat treatment, such as copper-beryllium alloys, annealed carbon steels, CRES steels, or
heat resisting alloys, shall be heat treated to the specified temper after forming.

h. Grain orientation. Flexure and forming of springs shall occur perpendicular to the
grain of the material. Deviation from the perpendicular shall not exceed 45°. Fastener Hardware. Fastener hardware shall be in accordance with the

appropriate specification in TABLE XVIII. The following criteria shall be considered for
selection and application of fastener hardware:

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a. Fastening of soft materials to soft materials. The mounting or assembly of parts

made of soft materials to soft materials shall be accomplished by one of the following

(1) A through-screw or bolt secured by a self-locking nut or plain nut.

(2) A through-screw or bolt secured by a plain nut with a thread locking

compound applied to the threads of the screw or bolt and nut.

(3) A screw or bolt in a threaded device such as a threaded bushing; a staked,

clinched or pressed-in nut; or a threaded insert. The bushing, nut, or insert shall
be secured to, or shall be installed in, the parent structure in accordance with the
applicable procedures. The engaged length of threaded inserts in the parent
material shall be at least one and a half times the nominal diameter of the internal
thread. Where the material thickness is insufficient to accommodate a one and a
half times thread diameter insert, a shorter insert may be used in applications
where maximum strength is not of primary importance; or a solid threaded
bushing (which provides equal strength with less length because of the greater
outside diameter of the bushing) shall be used. When the screw or bolt is to be
installed in an aluminum alloy part, the aluminum alloy part shall be provided
with threaded inserts of corrosion resistant steel or other suitable materials. When
the screw or bolt is to be installed in a plastic material part, the plastic part shall
be provided with threaded inserts. If lock washers or self-locking threaded inserts
are not used, a thread-locking compound in accordance with TABLE XVIII shall
be applied to the threads of the screw or bolt.

(4) A screw or bolt in a tapped hole, with a thread-locking compound in

accordance with TABLE XVIII applied to the threads of the screw or bolt.

(5) A stud in a tapped hole. Self-locking nuts shall be avoided on stud-

mounted components, unless the stud material is compatible with the strength and
material of the nut used.

b. Fastening of hard materials to soft materials. In addition to the methods outlined

above, a screw or bolt may be used in a threaded bushing, staked, clinched or pressed-in
nut, threaded insert or tapped hole.

c. Fastening of soft materials to hard materials. In addition to the methods outlined

above, a self-locking screw or bolt may be used in a hole tapped into the hard material.
Self-locking screws or bolts with nonmetallic locking devices shall not be used where the
specified service conditions or processing, such as baking of paints or soldering, might
deteriorate the locking device.

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d. Fastening of hard materials to hard materials. Any of the methods outlined above
may be used.

e. Fastening of brittle materials. Brittle castings or parts made of ceramic or other

brittle materials shall be properly cushioned when necessary to prevent breakage.
Washers or gaskets of suitable material and compressibility shall be used between the
facing surfaces of the brittle part and other brittle or metal parts, when practicable, to
prevent breakage or damage to the protected parts during assembly or from severe shock,
vibration, or temperature changes encountered under the specified service conditions.
Lead washers shall not be used. Parts that are secured with threaded devices and pliable
washers shall not use lock washers as the locking device and other appropriate locking
devices shall be considered.

f. Fastening with aluminum alloy or magnesium fasteners. The use of threaded

fasteners made of aluminum alloy or magnesium to mate with threaded parts of
aluminum alloy or magnesium shall be avoided wherever possible. Where such is
required, an antiseize compound in accordance with TABLE XVIII shall be used to
prevent seizing of the threads.

g. Flat washers. Flat washers shall be used for the following applications:

(1) Between screw heads and soft materials, unless a washer head screw, or
similar type that provides a bearing surface equivalent to the bearing surface of
the appropriate flat washer, is being used.

(2) Between a nut or washer and a soft material.

(3) Where lock washers are used for securing a soft material, a flat washer
shall be provided to prevent marring or chipping of the material or the applied
protective coating, except in areas where an electrical ground is required.

(4) Except where it conflicts with electromagnetic interference considerations,

a flat washer shall be used between an organically finished material and lock-
washers, bolt and screw heads, or nuts.

h. Thread engagement. The length of the screws and bolts installed with nuts shall
be such that the exposed portion is a minimum length equivalent to one and a half thread
pitches plus the chamber. Maximum length shall be limited by the nearest larger standard
screw length. For highly stressed applications, screws or bolts shall have a minimum
thread engagement of one and a half times their nominal diameter in tapped parts other
than nuts. In normal applications, screws or bolts shall have a minimum engagement
length equal to their nominal diameter in tapped parts other than nuts. When the

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assembly is not frequently disassembled and where maximum strength is not required,
less thread engagement may be used.

i. Set screws. One set screw may be used on a flatted shaft. Two set screws at 90° to
120° displacement shall be used when the shaft is not flatted. Cone-point set screws shall
not be used, except when the opposing metal has been properly countersunk to receive
the cone-point.

j. Access devices. Fasteners for use with access devices shall be readily removable
for replacement purposes without damaging the attached panel or access door.

(1) Nonstructural applications. Quarter-turn fasteners shall be used only to

retain nonstructural access to devices where quick access is required.

(2) Structural applications. Rotary, quick-operating, high strength panel

fasteners shall be used to retain structural access devices where quick access is

(3) Threaded fasteners. Threaded fasteners used with access devices shall be
self-aligning, captive type hardware.

k. Screws or bolts without nuts. Applications requiring the use of screws or bolts
without nuts shall use one of the following screw locking methods:

(1) Lock washers under the heads of the screws or bolts.

(2) Self-locking screws.

(3) Self-locking threaded inserts.

(4) A locking or retaining compound in accordance with the requirement

below applied to the threads.

(5) Safety wire through drilled heads in accordance with the requirement

l. Countersunk head screws. Countersunk head screws, when not secured by other
locking means, shall be secured by the application of a thread-locking compound in
accordance with the requirement below. Staking by means of upsetting metal is
acceptable for permanent assemblies with prior approval by the procuring activity when
other means are impracticable or unsatisfactory for design reasons.

m. Thread-forming, thread-cutting, and drive screws. Thread-forming, thread-cutting,

and drive screws shall not be used except for attaching identification plates.

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n. Safety wiring and cotter pins. Safety wiring and cotter pins shall not be used on
terminals such as screws and threaded studs that are required to function as electrical

o. Thread-locking and retaining compounds. Thread-locking and retaining

compounds shall not be used where required electrical conductivity is impaired or failure
of the compound would endanger personnel or damage the equipment.

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TABLE XVIII. Fastener hardware reference documents.

Fastener Type Material Specification
Machine screws ASME B18.6.3
ASME B18.6.7M
Cap screws FF-S-86
ASME B18.2.1
Set-screws FF-S-210
ASME B18.3
Self-locking screws MIL-DTL-18240
ASME B18.2.1
Hex bolts ASTM A325
Bolts ASTM A490
Bolt studs MIL-DTL-1222
Aircraft bolts AIA/NAS NASM6812
Internal wrenching bolts AIA/NAS NASM7838
Shear bolts NAS498
General purpose nuts FF-N-836
High temperature nuts MIL-DTL-1222
Self-locking nuts NASM25027
Sheet spring nuts Procuring Activity
Spring lock washers
ASME B18.21.1
Washers Tooth lock washers
ASME B18.21.1
Flat washers
ASME B18.22.1
Safety wiring and cotter pins NASM33540
Quarter turn fasteners NASM5591
Other Rotary quick operating high NASM22978
strength fasteners NAS547
Helical coil ASME B18.29.1
Thread-locking and retaining
ASTM D5363
Compounds compounds
Antiseize compounds A-A-59313

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5.2.15 Electrical-Indicating Meters and Accessories. Electrical-Indicating Meters, Ruggedized. Meters shall be in accordance with

the appropriate specification in TABLE XIX. For analog meters, the normal operating value of
the quantity to be indicated shall be between 0.3 and 0.8 of full-scale deflection, wherever

TABLE XIX. Electrical-indicating meter specifications.

Reference Document Description

MIL-DTL-7793 Meter, Time Totalizing
MIL-DTL-16034 Meters, Electrical-Indicating (Switchboard And Portable Types)
MIL-M-16125 Meters, Electrical, Frequency
Meters, Electrical Indicating, Panel Type, Ruggedized, General
Specification For Shunts. External meter shunts shall be in accordance with A-A-55524 or MIL-
I-1361, as indicated by hardware design. Iron and Direct Current Fields. Meters shall be so mounted that large masses of
iron and direct current fields will not affect their operation. Iron vane type meters shall be
mounted so that transformers or choke coils carrying current will not affect their operation.. Shielding. External thermocouple radio frequency meters, especially those

carrying currents above one ampere, and the leads thereto, shall be shielded as necessary to
protect the thermocouples from currents caused by stray radio frequency fields. For meters
operating at high radio frequency voltage above ground, shielding shall also be provided against
stray capacity currents through the meter to the panel of the equipment. Scales, Dials and Pointers. Unless otherwise specified in the detail
specification, scales, dials, and pointers shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-1472.

5.2.16 Other Parts Controls. Manually operated multiturn counters control dials shall be in

accordance with NASM28728. The following criteria shall be considered for selection and
application of controls:

a. Arrangement and location. Controls shall be arranged to facilitate smooth and

rapid operation. All controls which have sequential relations, which are related to a
particular function or operation or which are operated together, shall be grouped together
along with their associated displays. Controls shall be conveniently located with respect

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to associated visual displays. Controls shall be of such size and so spaced that the
manipulation of a given control does not interfere with the setting of an adjacent control.
Adjustment controls, with required test points, shall be grouped and so marked as to
provide for simplicity and ease of maintenance.

b. Mechanical operation. Infrequently required controls shall be screwdriver

adjusted. Play and backlash in controls shall be held to a minimum commensurate with
intended operational functions and shall not cause poor contact or inaccurate setting.
Controls shall operate freely and smoothly without binding, scraping, or cutting. Controls
may be lubricated when lubrication does not interfere with operation and is specified in
the detail equipment specification.

c. Shafts and couplings. Shafts subject to removal may have their couplings secured
by two setscrews 90° to 120° apart. Flexible couplings may be used for controls where
the use of rigid couplings would interfere with the satisfactory operation or mounting of
such controls. Batteries. Batteries shall not be used unless approved by the procuring activity.
The following criteria shall be considered for selection and application of batteries, if approved
for use:

a. Army applications. Battery power for Army equipment (development and non-
development type) and other service developed equipment adopted by the Army shall be
selected in accordance with guidance available from the Army Communications-
Electronics Command (CECOM).

b. Space applications. Batteries for space applications shall be selected and applied
in accordance with DOD-STD-1578.

c. Lithium batteries. When lithium batteries are to be used in an equipment,

direction on their use, transportation, storage, and disposal shall be requested through the
procuring activity from the following sources:

(1) For Army: US Army Communications-Electronics Command (CECOM)

(2) For Navy: Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC) - Crane Division

(3) For Air Force: Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC)

d. Rechargeable batteries. Rechargeable batteries shall be in accordance with MIL-

PRF-8565, DOD-B-24541, MIL-PRF-49450, DOD-STD-1578, W-B-133, or SAE J537.

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e. Nonrechargeable batteries. Nonrechargeable batteries shall be in accordance with

MIL-PRF-29595, MIL-PRF-49471, or ANSI/NEMA C18.1M.

f. Installation marking. Connections, polarity, minimum acceptable voltage for

equipment operation, nominal voltage, and type(s) of batteries required shall be marked
as applicable in a prominent place on, or adjacent to, the battery compartment.

g. Warning label. Battery-powered equipment, with the exception of equipment

requiring permanent battery installation, shall be labeled externally as follows. Examples
of equipment requiring permanent battery installation are sonobuoys, missiles, and fuses.

h. Battery compartment. The battery compartment shall be provided with devices to

firmly secure the batteries. Room shall be provided for battery installation, maintenance,
testing, and removal without disassembly of the equipment. The battery compartment
shall prevent pressure build-up from heat, gases, liquids, or chemicals released during
battery operation, charging, deterioration, or rupture, and shall also prevent such
materials from entering the electronic compartment.

i. Magnesium dry batteries. When magnesium dry batteries are used, extra
precautions shall be observed since these batteries give off heat at high rates of discharge
(less than 10 hours) and evolve hydrogen. Tuning Dial Mechanisms. The following criteria shall be considered for
selection and application of tuning dial mechanisms:

a. Dial. The division marking and lettering on tuning dials shall be suitably etched.
Dial markings shall be legible at a distance of 0.6 meter from all points within a solid
angle of 60° defined by a surface of revolution about a line through the center of the dial
and perpendicular to the panel. Minimum space between characters shall be one stroke
width. The width of the lubber line or pointer tip shall not exceed the width of the
graduation marks. Except for digital tuning indicators, for which only one calibration
number will be seen, dials shall be marked so that at least two calibration numbers on
each band can be seen at any dial setting.

b. Balance and friction. Weighted tuning knobs shall be counterbalanced. Friction in

tuning dial mechanism shall allow smooth and easy adjustment of the operating knob
over the entire operating range of the mechanism, but shall have sufficient resistance, or
shall incorporate a positive locking device to maintain the setting under all specified

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service conditions. Friction shall be achieved through dry or elastic resistance rather than
by fluid resistance.

c. Flexible control shafts. Flexible shaft assemblies shall be used when a flexible
mechanical connection is required between the tuning knob and the tuned device.

d. Tuning ratio. The tuning ratio used shall be the optimum which will permit both
rapid and precise setting. Readouts. The following criteria shall be considered for selection and
application of readouts:

a. Optoelectronic type readouts. Optoelectronic type readouts shall conform to MIL-


b. Light emitting diode displays. Visible light emitting diode displays shall conform
to MIL-PRF-19500/708.

c. Night vision goggles. Night vision goggle (NVG) compatibility considerations for
cockpit readouts and displays shall be considered where use of night vision goggles by
cockpit crews is possible.

5.3 Materials Requirements.

5.3.1 Metals. Metallic Materials Properties Development and Standardization

(MMPDS) Handbook shall be used as the basic document for defining strength allowables and
other mechanical and physical properties for metallic materials. When data are not contained in
the MMPDS Handbook, contractor allowables developed in accordance with the MMPDS
Handbook may be used with prior approval of the procuring activity. The following criteria shall
be considered for selection and application of metals:

a. Forging Design. Forgings shall be produced in accordance with SAE AMS-F-

7190, SAE AMS-A-22771, or SAE AMS4970. Recognized industrial association or
contractor specifications shall be used for alloys not covered by the above specifications.

b. Forging Surfaces. Surfaces of structural forgings in regions identified by analyses

as fatigue critical or in regions of major attachment shall be shot peened or placed in
compression by other means demonstrated to be equivalent. Those areas of forgings
requiring lapped, honed, or polished surface finishes for functional purposes shall be shot
peened prior to surface finishing operations.

c. Stress Corrosion Considerations. Alloys and heat treatments, which result in a

high resistance to stress corrosion cracking as defined in MSFC-STD-3029 Table 1, shall

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be utilized in all structural, load- carrying applications. Materials that are subject to stress
corrosion cracking conditions and do not have a high resistance to stress corrosion
cracking as defined in MSFC-STD-3029 Table 1. shall be considered a non-standard
material and shall require procuring activity approval.

d. Castings. Castings shall be classified and inspected in accordance with SAE

AMS2175. Structural castings shall be procured to SAE-AMS-A-21180, SAE AMS5343,
or other document in accordance with approval from the procuring activity.

e. Dissimilar Metals. Use of dissimilar metals in contact, as defined by MIL-STD-

889, shall be limited to applications where similar metals cannot be used due to design
requirements. When use is unavoidable, metals shall be protected against galvanic
corrosion by a method listed in MIL-STD-889. Composite materials containing graphite
fibers shall be treated as graphite in MIL-STD-889. Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys. Aluminum and aluminum alloys shall be in
accordance with the appropriate specification in TABLE XX. The following criteria shall be
considered for selection and application of aluminum and aluminum alloys:

a. Forging Design. Forgings shall be produced in accordance with SAE-AMS-A-

22771 for aluminum alloys.

b. Aluminum alloys. Structural parts that do not need to be grounded or electrically

bonded shall be anodized in accordance with MIL-A-8625 or upon procuring activity
approval be coated with a chemical film in accordance with MIL-DTL-5541.

c. Heat Treatment. Heat treatments not included in above specifications may be used
if sufficient test data are available to prove that the specific heat treatment improves the
mechanical and/or physical properties of the specific aluminum alloys without altering
susceptibility to degradation.

d. Forming and Straightening. Forming and straightening operations shall be limited

to processes that do not result in stress corrosion sensitivity of the part, or to detrimental
residual stresses, or losses in mechanical properties, or fracture toughness on structurally
critical parts.

e. Use of 7075-T6, 2024-T3, 2024-T4, and 2014-T6 sheet (<0.25 inches thick)
requires approval before use. Other forms of 7075 shall be heat-treated to the T73XX

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TABLE XX. Aluminum reference documents.

Reference Document Description
ASTM B85/B85M Standard Specification for Aluminum-Alloy Die Castings
ASTM B108/B108M Standard Specification for Aluminum-Alloy Permanent
Mold Castings
ASTM B26/B26M Standard Specification for Aluminum-Alloy Sand Castings
(alloy 43 temper F, alloy 356,
or alloy 195)
SAE-AMS-A-21180 Aluminum-Alloy Castings, High Strength
QQ-A-1876 Aluminum Foil
SAE AMS2770 Heat Treatment of Wrought Aluminum Alloy Parts
SAE AMS2771 Heat Treatment of Aluminum Alloy Castings
SAE AMS2772 Heat Treatment of Aluminum Alloy Raw Materials Beryllium. Beryllium and beryllium alloys shall be tested under simulated
service conditions and exhibit mission life, including any expected corrosive environments. This
restriction applies to alloys with greater than 5% beryllium. The following criteria shall be
considered for selection and application of beryllium:

a. Toxicity. The toxicity of beryllium dust and fumes is a critical problem and
minimization of exposure shall be a goal during fabrication, assembly, installation, and
usage of beryllium parts.

b. Storage. Beryllium products that may generate dust or particles shall be stored in
closed containers, which shall only be opened in a controlled environment.

c. Design. Design of beryllium parts shall include consideration of its low impact
resistance, and notch sensitivity, particularly at low temperatures, and its directional
material properties and sensitivity to surface finish requirements. Magnesium. Magnesium alloys shall not be used for structural applications, in
any area subject to wear, abrasion, erosion or where fluid entrapment is possible. Magnesium
alloys shall not be used except in areas where exposure to corrosive environments is prevented
and protection systems are maintained. The following criteria shall be considered for selection
and application of magnesium:

a. Stress Corrosion Cracking. Magnesium and magnesium alloy products shall be

treated after forming to avoid stress corrosion cracking.

b. Corrosion. Magnesium and magnesium alloy products shall not be used without a
corrosion protection system designed for its mission, manufacturing and storage

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c. Dissimilar Metals. Dissimilar metal protection shall be used regardless of the

environmental controls. Ferrous Alloys (Steels). The following criteria shall be considered for selection
and application of ferrous alloys:

a. Forging Design. Forgings shall be produced in accordance with SAE-AMS-F-


b. Heat Treatment of Steels. Steel parts shall be heat-treated as specified to meet the
requirements of SAE-AMS-H-6875. High strength steels heat-treated at or above 200 ksi
Ultimate Tensile Strength (UTS) shall not be used unless approved by the procuring
activity. Heat treatments not included in SAE-AMS-H-6875 may be used if test data
demonstrates that the heat treatment improves the mechanical and/or physical properties
of the specific steel without altering susceptibility to degradation and prior approval by
the procuring activity.

c. Drilling and Machining of High Strength Steels. The drilling of holes, including
beveling and spot facing, in martensitic steel hardened to 180 ksi UTS or above shall be
avoided. Microhardness and metallurgical examination of test specimens typical of the
part shall be used to determine if martensite areas are formed as a result of drilling or
machining operations. The surface roughness of finished holes shall not be greater than
63 RHR (Roughness Height Reading), and the ends of the holes shall be deburred by a
method which has been demonstrated not to cause untempered martensite. An etching
procedure may be used as an alternate to metallurgical testing to determine the presence
of untempered martensite.

d. Grinding of High Strength Steels. Grinding of martensitic steels hardened to 180

ksi UTS and above shall be performed in accordance with MIL-STD-866. Grinding of
chromium plated martensitic steels hardened to 180 ksi UTS and above shall also be
performed in accordance with MIL-STD-866.

e. Corrosion Resistant steels :

(1) Austenitic Stainless Steels. Free machining stainless steels intended for
fatigue critical applications shall not be performed. Sulfur or selenium additions
improve machinability but lower fatigue life.

(2) Precipitation Hardened Stainless Steels. These steels shall be aged at

temperatures not less than 1000ºF. Exception is made for castings which may be
aged at 935ºF ±15ºF, fasteners which may be used in the H950 condition and
springs which have optimum properties at the CH 900 condition.

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f. Forming or Straightening of Steel Parts. Procedures and tooling shall be used to

minimize warping during heat treatment of steel parts. Steel parts shall be formed or
straightened as follows:

(1) Parts hardened up to 165 ksi UTS may be straightened at room


(2) Parts hardened from 165 to 200 ksi UTS may be straightened at room
temperature provided they are given a stress relieving heat treatment subsequent
to straightening.

(3) Parts hardened over 200 ksi UTS shall be hot formed or straightened
within a temperature range from the tempering temperature to 50ºF below the
tempering temperature.

g. Shot Peening. After final machining, all surfaces of critical or highly stressed
parts which have been heat treated to or above 200 ksi UTS except for rolled threads,
inaccessible areas of holes, pneumatic or hydraulic seat contact areas, and thin sections or
parts which if shot peened could violate engineering and functional configuration, shall
be shot peened in accordance with SAE AMS2430. Areas requiring lapped, honed, or
polished surfaces shall be shot peened prior to finishing.

h. Stress Corrosion Cracking. The assembly stresses of low alloy steel heat treated
above 200 ksi UTS shall not exceed the stress corrosion threshold limitation for the
particular material and grain-flow orientation.

i. Low Alloy High Strength Steel Corrosion Prevention. All low alloy, high strength
steel parts heat treated at 180 ksi UTS and above, including fasteners, shall require
corrosion preventative metallic coatings by a process that is non-embrittling to the
alloy/heat treatment combination. Titanium. Titanium shall be in accordance with the appropriate specification in

TABLE XXI and TABLE XXII. The following criteria shall be considered for selection and
application of titanium:

a. Forging Design. Forgings shall be produced in accordance with SAE AM4970 for
titanium alloys.

b. Hardenability. Titanium alloys have limited hardenability with section size and
shall not be used in sections which exceed their specified limits.

c. Titanium Contamination. Care shall be exercised to ensure that contamination

from cleaning fluids and other chemicals used on titanium are not detrimental to

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performance. The following materials can induce stress corrosion, hydrogen

embrittlement, or reduce fracture toughness and shall be prohibited from the
manufacturing, assembly or contact with titanium or its alloys.

(1) Hydrochloric Acid

(2) Silver

(3) Halogenated solvents

(4) Methyl Alcohol

(5) Mercury and Mercuric Compounds

(6) Trichloroethylene/Trichloroethane

(7) Carbon Tetrachloride

(8) Halogenated Cutting Oils

(9) Halogenated Hydrocarbons

(10) Cadmium or silver plated clamps, tools, fixtures or jigs

d. Fretting of Titanium. Design of components manufactured with titanium and

titanium alloys shall prevent fretting.

e. Surface Corrosion Considerations. The surfaces of titanium and titanium alloy

mill products shall be 100% machined, chemically milled or pickled to a sufficient depth
to remove all contaminated zones and layers formed while the material was at elevated
temperature. This includes contamination as a result of mill processing, heat-treating and
elevated temperature forming operations.

f. Heat treatment. For titanium alloy products not covered in MSFC-SPEC-469, heat
treatment shall be in accordance with SAE-AMS-H-81200, or as specified in the
engineering design or approved by the procuring activity.

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TABLE XXI. Titanium reference documents.

Reference Document Description
MIL-T-81556 Titanium and Titanium Alloys, Extruded Bars and Shapes,
Aircraft Quality
MSFC-SPEC-469 Specification, Titanium and Titanium Alloys, Heat Treatment of
SAE AMS4901 Titanium Sheet, Strip, and Plate Commercially Pure Annealed,
70.0 ksi (485 MPa) - UNS R50700
SAE AMS4900 Titanium Sheet, Strip, and Plate Commercially Pure Annealed,
55 ksi (379 MPa) Yield Strength - UNS R50550
SAE AMS4902 Titanium Sheet, Strip, and Plate Commercially-Pure Annealed
40.0 ksi (276 MPa) Yield Strength - UNS R50400
SAE AMS4940 Titanium Sheet, Strip, and Plate Commercially Pure Annealed,
25.0 ksi (172 MPa) Yield Strength - UNS R50250
SAE AMS4910 Titanium Alloy, Sheet, Strip, and Plate 5Al - 2.5Sn Annealed -
UNS R54520
SAE AMS4909 Titanium Alloy, Sheet, Strip, and Plate 5Al - 2.5Sn, Extra Low
Interstitial Annealed - UNS R54521
SAE AMS4915 Titanium Alloy Sheet, Strip, and Plate 8Al - 1V - 1Mo Single
Annealed - UNS R54810
SAE AMS4916 Titanium Alloy Sheet, Strip, and Plate 8Al - 1Mo - 1V Duplex
Annealed - UNS R54810
SAE AMS4911 Titanium Alloy, Sheet, Strip, and Plate 6Al - 4V Annealed -
UNS R56400
SAE AMS4903 Titanium Alloy Sheet, Strip, and Plate 6Al - 4V Solution Heat
Treated - UNS R56400
SAE AMS4904 Titanium Alloy Sheet, Strip, and Plate 6Al - 4V Solution Heat
Treated and Aged - UNS R56400
SAE AMS4907 Titanium Alloy, Sheet, Strip, and Plate 6.0Al - 4.0V, Extra Low
Interstitial Annealed - UNS R56401
SAE AMS4918 Titanium Alloy, Sheet, Strip, and Plate 6AI - 6V - 2Sn Annealed
- UNS R56620
SAE AMS4988 Titanium Alloy Sheet, Strip, and Plate 6Al - 6V - 2Sn Solution
Heat Treated - UNS R56620
SAE AMS4990 Titanium Alloy Sheet, Strip, and Plate 6Al - 6V - 2Sn Solution
Heat Treated and Aged - UNS R56620
SAE AMS4919 Titanium Alloy Sheet, Strip, and Plate 6AI - 2Sn - 4Zr - 2Mo -
0.08Si Duplex Annealed - UNS R54620
SAE AMS4989 Titanium Alloy Sheet, Strip, and Plate 3Al - 2.5V Annealed -
UNS R56320
SAE AMS4917 Titanium Alloy Sheet, Strip, and Plate 13.5V - 11Cr - 3.0Al
Solution Heat Treated - UNS R58010
SAE AMS4939 Titanium Alloy Sheet, Strip, and Plate 3Al - 8V - 6Cr - 4Mo -
4Zr Solution Heat Treated - UNS R58640

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TABLE XXII. Titanium alloys selection.

Type Alloy Condition Specification
Commercially Pure CP-70 70 ksi Yield Strength AMS4921
Alpha Titanium 5AI-2.5Sn Annealed AMS6900
Alloys 5AI-2.5Sn (ELI) Annealed AMS6901
8AI-1Mo-1V Duplex Annealed AMS6910
Alpha-Beta Titanium 3AI-2.5V Annealed AMS6940
Alloys 6AI-4V Annealed AMS6931
6AI-4V (ELI) Annealed AMS6932
6AI-6V-2Sn Annealed AMS6936
6AI-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo Duplex Annealed AMS6905
6AI-2Sn-4Zr-6Mo Duplex Annealed AMS6907
7AI-4Mo Annealed AMS6915
Beta Titanium Alloys 3AI-8V-6Cr-4Mo- ST AMS6920
4Zr STA AMS6921
13V-11Cr-3AI ST AMS6925
STA AMS6926 Solder. Solder shall be in accordance with the appropriate specification in


TABLE XXIII. Solder reference documents.

Reference Document Description
J-STD-004 Class 3/3A Requirements for Soldering Fluxes
J-STD-005, Class 3/3A Requirements for Soldering Pastes
J-STD-006, Class 3/3A Requirements for Electronic Grade Solder Alloys and
Fluxed and Non-Fluxed Solid Solders for Electronic
Soldering Applications Other Metals and Alloys. Other metals, such as nickel and copper and their
alloys, which have common heritage in aerospace applications, may be used with prior approval
by the procuring activity. Other metals and alloys without this heritage shall not be used unless a
design trade study/testing is performed and maintained that (1) demonstrates the desirability over
commonly used materials, and (2) clearly demonstrates that no additional reliability risks or
hazards will be incurred by using these uncommon materials. The following criteria shall be
considered for selection and application of other metals and alloys:

a. Stress Corrosion Cracking. For those metals and alloys which are not covered in
the MMPDS Handbook or MSFC-STD-3029, or which have no available stress corrosion

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data or documented use history, testing in accordance with MSFC-STD-3029 shall be

performed to demonstrate that the metal or alloy is free from stress corrosion cracking
from the environment and stress level in its application.

b. Finishing. As necessary, other metals and alloys shall be finished in accordance

with MIL-STD-171 and MIL-STD-186 to meet the corrosion resistance requirements of
the detail specification. Brass. Brass parts and assemblies shall be in accordance with the appropriate
specification in TABLE XXIV.
TABLE XXIV. Brass reference documents.
Reference Document Description
ASTM B36/B36M Standard Specification for Brass Plate, Sheet, Strip, And
Rolled Bar
ASTM B121/B121M Standard Specification for Leaded Brass Plate, Sheet, Strip,
and Rolled Bar
ASTM B16/B16M Standard Specification for Free-Cutting Brass Rod, Bar and
Shapes for Use in Screw Machines
ASTM B124/B124M Standard Specification for Copper and Copper Alloy
Forging Rod, Bar, and Shapes Bronze. Bronze parts and assemblies shall be in accordance with the
appropriate specification in TABLE XXV, as indicated by hardware design and usage.

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TABLE XXV. Bronze parts and assemblies reference documents.

Reference Document Description
ASTM B22/B22M Bronze castings for Bridges and Turntables
ASTM B30 Copper-Base Alloys in Ingot Form
ASTM B61 Steam or Valve Bronze Castings
ASTM B62 Composition Bronze or Ounce Metal Castings
ASTM B66 Bronze Castings for Steam Locomotive Wearing Parts
ASTM B67 Car and Tender Journal Bearings, Lined
ASTM B124/B124M Standard Specification for Copper and Copper Alloy Forging Rod, Bar,
and Shapes
ASTM B148 Aluminum-Bronze Sand Castings
ASTM B150/B150M Standard Specification for Aluminum Bronze Rod, Bar, and Shapes
ASTM B169/B169M Standard Specification for Aluminum Bronze Sheet, Strip, and Rolled
ASTM B176 Copper-Alloy Die Castings
ASTM B271/B271M Copper-Base Alloy Centrifugal Castings
ASTM B283/B283M Standard Specification for Copper and Copper-Alloy Die Forgings (Hot-
ASTM B369 Copper-Nickel Alloy Castings
ASTM B427 Gear Bronze Alloy Castings
ASTM B505/B505M Copper-Base Alloy Continuous Castings
ASTM B584 Copper Alloy Sand Castings for General Applications
ASTM B763/B763M Copper Alloy Sand Castings for Valve Application
ASTM B770 Copper-Beryllium Alloy Sand Castings for General Applications
ASTM B806 Copper Alloy Permanent Mold Castings for General Applications
SAE AMS4842 Castings, Leaded Bronze, Sand and Centrifugal 80Cu-10Sn-9.5Pb as Cast
SAE AMS4845 Tin Bronze Castings, Sand and Centrifugal 87.5Cu-10Sn-2Zn as Cast
SAE AMS4855 Leaded Red Brass, Sand and Centrifugal Castings 85Cu-5.0Sn-5.0Pb- 5.0
Zn as Cast
SAE AMS4860 Manganese Bronze, Sand and Centrifugal Castings 63Cu-24 Zn-6.2Al-
3.8Mn as Cast
SAE AMS4862 Manganese Bronze, Sand and Centrifugal Castings 63Cu-24 Zn-6.2Al-
3.8Mn-3.0Fe High Strength, as Cast
SAE AMS4890 Copper-Beryllium Alloy Castings 97Cu – 2.1Be – 0.52Co – 0.28Si
Solution Heat Treated (TBOO)
QQ-C-450 Copper-Aluminum Alloy (Aluminum Bronze) Plate, Sheet, Strip, and Bar
(Copper Alloy Numbers 606, 610, 613, 614, and 630) Copper. Copper parts and assemblies, except copper wire, shall be in
accordance with the appropriate specification in TABLE XXVI.

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TABLE XXVI. Copper reference documents.

Reference Document Description
ASTM B187/B187M Standard Specification for Copper, Bus Bar, Rod, and
Shapes and General Purpose Rod, Bar, and Shapes
ASTM B272 Standard Specification for Copper Flat Products with
Finished (Rolled or Drawn) Edges (Flat Wire and Strip)
ASTM B644 Standard Specification for Copper Alloy Addition Agents
ASTM B152/B152M Standard Specification for Copper Sheet, Strip, Plate, and
Rolled Bar
ASTM B122/B122M Standard Specification for Copper-Nickel-Tin Alloy,
Copper-Nickel-Zinc Alloy (Nickel Silver), and Copper-
Nickel Alloy Plate, Sheet, Strip, and Rolled Bar
ASTM B206/B206M Standard Specification for Copper-Nickel-Zinc (Nickel
Silver) Wire and Copper-Nickel Alloy Wire
ASTM B98/B98M Standard Specification for Copper-Silicon Alloy Rod, Bar
and Shapes
ASTM B99/B99M Standard Specification for Copper-Silicon Alloy Wire for
General Applications
ASTM B105 Standard Specification for Hard-Drawn Copper Alloy Wires
for Electric Conductors
ASTM B124/B124M Standard Specification for Copper and Copper Alloy
Forging Rod, Bar, and Shapes
ASTM A494/A494M Standard Specification for Castings, Nickel and Nickel
MIL-C-24723 Castings, Nickel-Copper Alloy
ASTM B196/B196M Standard Specification for Copper-Beryllium Alloy Rod and
Bar Nickel Alloys. Nickel alloy parts and assemblies shall be in accordance with
the appropriate specification in TABLE XXVII.

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TABLE XXVII. Nickel alloy reference documents.

Reference Document Description
QQ-N-281 Nickel-Copper Alloy Bar, Rod, Plate, Sheet, Strip, Wire,
Forgings, and Structural And Special Shaped Sections
QQ-N-286 Nickel-Copper-Aluminum Alloy, Wrought (UNS N05500)
SAE AMS-QQ-N-290 Nickel Plating (Electrodeposited)
ASTM B166 Standard Specification for Nickel-Chromium-Iron Alloys (UNS
N06600, N06601, N06603, N06690, N06693, N06025,
N06045, and N06696), Nickel- Chromium-Cobalt-
Molybdenum Alloy (UNS N06617), and Nickel-Iron-
Chromium-Tungsten Alloy (UNS N06674) Rod, Bar, and Wire
ASTM B168 Standard Specification for Nickel-Chromium-Iron Alloys (UNS
N06600, N06601, N06603, N06690, N06693, N06025,
N06045, and N06696), Nickel-Chromium-Cobalt-Molybdenum
Alloy (UNS N06617), and Nickel-Iron-Chromium-Tungsten
Alloy (UNS N06674) Plate, Sheet, and Strip Finishes for Metals. Metals and alloys shall be finished in accordance with the
appropriate specification in TABLE XXVIII.

TABLE XXVIII. Metal finish reference documents.

Reference Document Description
MIL-STD-171 Finishing of Metal and Wood Surfaces
MIL-STD-186 Protective Finishing for Army Missile Weapon Systems
NASA STD 6012 Corrosion Protection for Space Flight Hardware Castings. Mission and safety critical castings shall be procured to SAE
AMS5342 or approved equivalent. The following criteria shall be considered for selection and
application of castings:

a. Die castings. Die castings shall not be used where the casting might be subject to
impact. Zinc alloy die castings shall not be used where dimensional changes of the
casting could affect use of equipment.

b. Porous castings. When required, castings shall be impregnated in accordance with


c. Castings shall be classified and inspected in accordance with SAE AMS 2175.

d. Repair of unmachined castings. Repair of minor discontinuities or defects in

unmachined or raw castings shall be permitted only when specific approval has been
granted by the procuring activity, or is specified on the engineering documentation

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e. Repair of machined castings. Repair of defects in machined castings shall be

permitted only when approval has been granted by the procuring activity.

5.3.2 Polymeric Materials. Specifications for composition and processing shall be used
to ensure a polymeric material meets all physical, chemical, and mechanical requirements of the
intended application. Polymeric materials shall be evaluated and tested or documented on the
basis of detailed history for compatibility with temperature, pressure, radiation and fluid or gas
environments. Tests for compatibility with hazardous fluids and gases such as oxygen or
hydrogen shall consider energy sources available in the proposed application that could initiate
adverse reactions. The following criteria shall be considered for selection and application of
polymeric materials:

a. Outgassing. All materials shall meet the outgassing requirements specified in

Appendix E.

b. Stability. The materials shall be hydrolytically stable and not subject to reversion
for their intended environments including manufacturing, testing, transportation and

c. Storage. Polymers that are procured in non-cured or partial cured states, such as
prepregs or frozen premixes, shall be held in controlled temperature storage. Reduced
temperatures or specific humidity storage conditions shall be implemented as
recommended by the manufacturer.

d. Hygroscopic Materials. The hygroscopic nature of materials shall be factored in

the contamination analysis.

e. Fluoropolymers. Fluoropolymers such as PTFE, Teflon(R), FEP and TFE may

creep or cold flow under pressure, or degrade when exposed to radiation environments.
These materials shall not be used in these applications. Elastomers. Elastomeric components shall be hydrolytically stable, not subject

to reversion, and possess resistance to aging, low temperature, ozone, heat aging, working fluids,
lubricants and propellants for the system for the mission life, manufacturing and storage life for
which they are designed. Elastomeric materials in contact with hydrazine shall be prohibited.
Rubber materials, except cellular rubber types, used for the absorption of noise, shock or
vibration, or for applications where resiliency is required, shall be in accordance with ASTM
D2000. The type, class, and grade (including suffixes) of rubber materials shall be chosen in
accordance with requirements of the applications. The following criteria shall be considered for
selection and application of elastomers:

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a. Cured Elastomers. Cured elastomers that are age sensitive shall be controlled by
SAE AS1933 and SAE ARP5316. All cured elastomeric materials shall be cure dated
either on the item itself or on the packaging. Cured elastomeric materials shall be
protected from sunlight, fuel, oil, water, dust, and ozone. A maximum storage
temperature 37.8ºC (100ºF) is recommended; the maximum storage temperature shall not
exceed 51.7ºC (125ºF).

b. Non-cured Elastomers. Materials that are procured in non-cured state such as

sealants and potting compounds shall be held in controlled temperature storage not to
exceed 26.7ºC (80ºF). Reduced temperature storage conditions shall be implemented as
recommended by the manufacturer. Synthetic Rubber. A general purpose synthetic rubber conforming to MIL-

PRF-6855 shall be used where resistance to oil and fuel is required. A high silicone conforming
to A-A-59588 shall be used where resistance to high and low temperature is required. Cellular Rubber. Cellular rubber used for the absorption of noise, shock and
vibration, or where resiliency is required, shall be in accordance with ASTM D1056, ASTM
D1667, or ASTM D3574. Plastics. Plastic materials that are determined to be “burning” when subjected
to Test Methods ASTM D635, ASTM D568, and ASTM D2863, shall be considered flammable
and shall not be used. Foamed Plastics. Foamed plastics used shall be hydrolytically stable and
shall not be subject to reversion. The following criteria shall be considered for selection and
application of foamed plastics:

a. Foamed plastics shall comply with the outgassing requirements specified in

Appendix E.

b. Foam plastics shall not be used for metal skin reinforcement, or as a core material
in sandwich structural components. Foam plastics may be used in plastic sandwich parts,
or as low density filler putties or syntactic foam. Anti-Electrostatic Plastic Materials. Anti-electrostatic plastic materials for

dials and other transparent/translucent anti-electrostatic applications shall conform to MIL-W-80. Plastic Materials for High-Frequency Applications. Where frequencies higher

than 100 kHz or circuit Q higher than 25 are involved or associated with circuits, the plastic
materials shall conform to ASTM D5948.

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MIL-STD-11991A Laminated Thermosetting Plastics. A silicone resin glass-cloth material

conforming to MIL-I-24768/17shall be used where thermosetting plastic sheets are used for
maintaining insulation of greater than one megohm or for temperatures > 43ºC. Lubricants. Lubricants shall be selected in accordance with the appropriate

specification in TABLE XXIX. The following criteria shall be considered for selection and
application of lubricants:

a. Silicones. Silicone compounds shall not be used as lubricants.

b. Graphite base lubricants. Graphite base lubricants shall not be used.

c. Volatility. Low volatility lubricants shall be used where practical.

d. Compatibility. The lubricant shall be chemically inert with regard to the materials
it contacts.

e. NASA SP-8063 shall be used as a guide in the design and application of

lubricants for space flight systems and components. Lubricants shall comply with the
outgassing requirements specified in Appendix E.
TABLE XXIX. Lubricants reference documents.
Reference Document Description
MIL-PRF-3150 Lubricating Oil, Preservative, Medium
MIL-PRF-6085 Lubricating Oil Instrument, Aircraft, Low Volatility
MIL-PRF-6086 Lubricating Oil, Gear, Petroleum Base (NATO O-153, O-155)
MIL-L-15719 Lubricating Grease (High-Temperature, Electric Motor, Ball and
Roller Bearings)
MIL-PRF-17331 Lubricating Oil, Steam Turbine and Gear, Moderate Service
MIL-PRF-17672 Hydraulic Fluid, Petroleum, Inhibited
MIL-L-23398 Lubricant, Solid Film, Air-Cured, Corrosion Inhibiting, NATO
Code Number S-749
MIL-PRF-23827 Grease, Aircraft and Instrument, Gear and Actuator Screw
MIL-PRF-24139 Grease, Multipurpose, Water Resistant
DOD-G-24508 Grease, High Performance, Multipurpose (Metric)
MIL-PRF-46010 Lubricant, Solid Film, Heat Cured, Corrosion Inhibiting NATO
Code - S-1738
MIL-PRF-81322 Grease, Aircraft, General Purpose, Wide Temperature Range,
NATO Code G-395
MIL-PRF-81329 Lubricant, Solid Film, Extreme Environment, NATO Code
Number S-1737
SAE J2360 (R) Automotive Gear Lubricants for Commercial and Military

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MIL-STD-11991A Anti-Seize Compound. Anti-seize compound shall be in accordance with

MIL-PRF-907 and the application guidance specified in MIL-HDBK-275. Adhesives, Sealants, Coatings and Encapsulants. The following criteria shall
be considered for selection and application of adhesives, sealants, coatings and encapsulants:

a. Coatings. Conformal coatings shall be qualified to IPC-CC-830, or MIL-I-46058.

b. Outgassing. All materials shall meet the outgassing requirements specified

Appendix E.

c. Glass Transition Temperature. The secondary or glass transition temperature of

silicone-based adhesives or sealants subjected to application to cryogenic temperatures
during test or usage shall be a minimum of 30ºF lower than the usage qualification
temperature. Adhesives. Adhesives shall be selected in accordance with the appropriate

specification in TABLE XXX. Adhesives not included in the following specifications may also
be selected from other commercial or military specifications with prior approval by the procuring
activity. The following criteria shall be considered for selection and application of adhesives:

a. Deleterious effects The adhesive selected shall have no deleterious effects on the
bonded assembly or nearby items when the bonded assembly is in storage, transit, or use
under the environmental conditions for which it was designed.

b. Thermoplastic All thermoplastic adhesives shall not be used in critical structural


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TABLE XXX. Adhesives reference documents.

Reference Document Description
MMM-A-121 Adhesive, Bonding Vulcanized Synthetic Rubber to Steel
MMM-A-132 Adhesives, Heat Resistant, Airframe Structural, Metal to Metal
MMM-A-134 Adhesive, Epoxy Resin, Metal to Metal Structural Bonding
MMM-A-138 Adhesive, Metal To Wood, Structural
MMM-A-181 Adhesives, Phenol, Resorcinol or Melamine Base
MMM-A-189 Adhesive, Synthetic-Rubber, Thermoplastic, General-Purpose
MIL-A-3920 Adhesive, Optical, Thermosetting
MIL-A-24179 Adhesive, Flexible Unicellular-Plastic Thermal Insulation
MIL-A-46146 Adhesives-Sealants, Silicone, RTV, Noncorrosive (for use with
Sensitive Metals and Equipment)
A-A-1936 Adhesives, Contact, Neoprene Rubber
A-A-3097 Adhesives, Cyanoacrylate, Rapid Room Temperature-Curing,
SAE AMS-A-8576 Adhesive, Acrylic Base, for Acrylic Plastic
SAE AMS-A-25463 Adhesive, Film Form Metallic Structural Sandwich Construction
MIL-HDBK-83377 Adhesive Bonding (Structural) For Aerospace And Other
Systems, Requirements for Encapsulants and Embedment Materials Encapsulants and embedment

materials shall be of a nonreversion type and shall be selected from the following specifications:
MIL-PRF-8516, A-A-59877, MIL-PRF-23586, MIL-M-24041, and SAE AS81550. For Air
Force applications, approval for use of any material other than transparent silicone, in
accordance with MIL-I-81550, shall be requested through the procuring activity. The
encapsulation or embedment of microelectronic modules and equipment modules shall be
avoided, except where specifically indicated by the requirements of a particular application Paint Finishes. Paint finishes shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-171. The
colors of paints shall be in accordance with FED-STD-595. Consideration shall be given to
human factors, camouflage, and standardization in the specification of paint colors in accordance
with applicable requirements in MIL-STD-1472. Non-Slip Coating. Platforms, steps, walkways, and other common working
surfaces shall have a nonslip surface coating applied. Such coatings, as well as their methods of
application, shall comply with A-A-59166, subject to approval of the procuring activity.

5.3.3 Composites. Composites are considered to be combinations of materials differing

in composition or form on a macroscale. The constituents retain their identities in the composite;
that is, they do not dissolve or otherwise merge completely into each other although they act in
concert. Normally, the components can be physically identified and exhibit an interface between
one another.

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a. Polymer Matrix Composites Polymer Matrix Composites consist of an organic

matrix reinforced by high modulus and/or high strength fibers. The fiber reinforcement
takes the form of continual unidirectional filaments (tape), woven fabric (cloth), chopped
fibers etc. The fiber materials are boron, carbon, aromatic polyamide etc. Guidance in the
processing and production of polymer matrix composite materials can be found in the
436124L DOD/NASA Structural Composites Fabrication Guide. Guidance in the
effective utilization of advanced composite materials and design concepts in aerospace
structures can be found in the 436125L DOD/NASA Advanced Composites Design
Guide, Vol I - Vol IV. Further guidance can be found in the Composite Materials
Handbook (CMH-17) Volumes 1 through 3.

b. Metal Matrix Composites. In a metal matrix composite, the metal serves the same
purpose as the organic binder of an organic matrix composite. Aluminum, magnesium
and titanium alloys are common metal matrices. Metal matrix composites shall be
designed using the guidelines of MIL-HDBK-17 Volume 4

c. Ceramic Matrix Composites. A material consisting of two or more constituents

where a ceramic matrix is normally the principal component and the additional
constituents are incorporated to strengthen, toughen, and/or enhance the thermo-physical
properties. Ceramic matrix composites shall be designed using the guidelines of MIL-
HDBK-17 Volume 5.

5.3.4 Ceramic Materials. Ceramic material not used for electrical purposes may be
glazed or unglazed and need not be treated. Ceramics used for electrical purposes shall be
glazed. The surface of glazed ceramics shall be smooth, uniform, and free from porosity.
Ceramics shall be treated in accordance with directions furnished by the manufacturer of the
material where glazing is impractical; such treatments shall be approved by the procuring
activity. The following criteria shall be considered for selection and application of other ceramic

a. Limitations on Material Use. Glasses and ceramics are limited in their use as
structural elements due to their brittleness at ambient temperatures and lack of suitable
nondestructive inspection techniques to ensure adequate strength and fracture resistance
for specific stress and environmental conditions. Mechanical properties and fracture
toughness information, as well as a plan to ensure adequate quality, shall be required to
demonstrate ability to use these materials in their intended application including
manufacturing, testing, storage and transportation.

b. Materials Design Information. There is no central source of materials design on

glasses and ceramics similar to the MMPDS Handbook for metals. The following sources
of information are useful:

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(1) Larsen, D. C., Adams, J. W., and S. A. Bortz, “Survey of Potential Data
for Design Allowable MIL-Handbook Utilization for Structural Silicon-Based
Ceramics,” prepared by IIT Research Institute, Materials and Manufacturing
Technology Division, Chicago, IL 60616, December 1981, Final Report in
Contract No. DAAG 46-79-C-0078.

(2) Touloukian, Y. S., Powell, R. W., Ho, C. Y., and P. G. Klemens,

“Thermophysical Properties of Matter - the TPRC Data Series,” Volumes
2,5,8,9,11, and 13, IFI/Plenum, New York-Washington 1970.

(3) Lynch, J. F., Ruderer, C. G., and W. H. Duckworth, “Engineering

Properties of Selected Ceramic Materials,” published and distributed by the
American Ceramic Society, Inc., 4055 N. High Street, Columbus, Ohio 43214,

(4) Bradt, R. C., D. Hasselman, P. H., and F. F. Lange, “Fracture Mechanics

of Ceramics,” Volumes 1-6, Plenum Press, New York-London 1974 (Volumes 1
and 2), 1978 (Volumes 3 and 4), 1983 (Volumes 5 and 6).

5.3.5 Glass. Glass shall be shatterproof in accordance with SAE Z26.1, unless
otherwise approved by the procuring activity. Glass used for the protection of instruments,
meters, cathode ray tube faces, and for viewing dials and indicators, shall be in accordance with
MIL-G-81704. Glare-proof glass shall be used when equipment to be viewed will be illuminated
from an outside source. Glass Insulators and Glass-Bonded Mica Insulation. Electrical tape shall be
selected from the types in MIL-I-3158, ASTM D2400, ASTM D2754, and MIL-I-19166.

a. Laminated Thermosetting Plastic Materials selected shall conform to MIL-I-

24768/2 and MIL-I-24768/3 . The preferred base is glass cloth. Electrical insulators
fabricated from laminated thermosetting-plastic sheets, plates, rods, and tubes (except
transparent plastics) shall be treated after all machining and punching operations with a
suitable moisture barrier unless the plastic has a moisture absorption of 1.0% or less, or is
used in a hermetically sealed container. Glass Fiber. Glass fiber materials shall not be used as the outer covering on
cables, wires or other components where they may cause skin irritation to operating or
maintenance personnel. Optical Glass and Optical Components. Optical glass used in the fabrication of
optical components shall comply with MIL-PRF-13830. Glass mirrors shall conform to MIL-M-

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MIL-STD-11991A Non-Optical Glass. Non-optical glass products shall conform to SAE AMS-G-
25871 or ASTM C1036. Glass Coating. All optical or non-optical glass requiring anti-reflective

coatings shall be treated in accordance with MIL-C-675.

5.3.6 Sandwich Assemblies. Design of all sandwich assemblies shall include venting
and prevent entrance and entrapment of water or other contaminants in the core structure.
Sandwich assemblies shall be tested in accordance with SAE AMS-STD-401. Aluminum
honeycomb core sandwich assemblies shall use SAE AMS-C-7438 perforated core. Non-metallic
cores may be used in structural applications where technically advantageous with prior approval
by the procuring activity. Nonmetallic structural sandwich assemblies shall be approved by the
procuring activity after qualification for specific applications by passing a test program
subjecting them to anticipated worst-case environments including mission, and ground testing.

5.3.7 Fabric Base Materials. Fabric and Thread. The following criteria shall be considered for selection and
application of fabric and thread:

a. Color. The color of the fabric and thread shall be in accordance with FED-STD-
595. For treated materials this requirement shall be met after treatment.

b. Shrinkage. Fabric and threaded shall be preshrunk or allowance shall be made for
the shrinkage in order to provide for satisfactory fit of the finished article after the article
is immersed in water and then dried. Felt. Wool felt shall be in accordance with C-F-206 and shall be given Type III
treatment in accordance with MIL-F-2312. Hair felt shall conform to MIL-F-2312 and shall be
mildew proof as specified therein. Webbing. Cotton webbing shall conform to MIL-W-530, class 4 or 7. Class 7

shall be used when webbing will come in contact with natural or synthetic rubber or class 4 when
prolonged contact with the skin may occur. Nylon webbing shall conform to MIL-W-4088 or
class R of MIL-W-27265. Thread. Thread shall conform to A-A-52094, MIL-DTL-32072, A-A-50197, or

A-A-59826. Cotton and linen thread shall be treated in accordance with MIL-T-3530. Type I,
class 2 mildew inhibiting agent shall be used when thread will come in contact with natural or
synthetic rubber or type I, class 1 when prolong contact with the skin may occur.

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MIL-STD-11991A Lacing Twine, Tape and Straps. Lacing twine, tape and straps for cable
harnesses and other applications shall conform to MIL-DTL-713, Type P (waxed), A-A-52080
through A-A-52084, and SAE AS23190, respectively. Rope. Rope shall be in accordance with T-R-605 or A-A-50057. For severe
outdoor use polyamide rope shall be used, subject to the approval of the procuring activity.
Cords, yarns, and monofilaments shall conform to MIL-C-572. Types PVCA, AR, VCR, and
CTA shall not be used where they may be exposed to fungus attack. Cotton and Linen. No cotton or linen-base materials shall be used except for
mechanical applications. Such parts shall be vacuum impregnated with a varnish in accordance
with ASTM D3955 and ASTM D295 and dried after machining operations are completed.

a. Cotton duck. Medium texture number 4 shall be used for heavy-duty service and
hard texture number 12 shall be used for services requiring light weight.

b. Sateen. Laminated, two-ply rubberized cotton sateen shall conform to MIL-C-

9074. This sateen shall not be used when prolonged contact with the skin may occur.

c. Fabric or tape. Cotton or linen shall not be used in the form of fabric or tape
except as follows:

(1) In construction of rotating electrical machinery where no other tape of

sufficient mechanical strength is available.

(2) On coils or parts such as inductors, transformers, and relays where the coil is
subsequently completely encapsulated and covered against moisture and

5.3.8 Other Materials. Cork. Cork shall be treated with a fungus-resistant agent containing water
reducible zinc naphthenate. Wood. Unless otherwise specified, wood shall not be used except in approved
component parts. When specified, solid wood shall be free from any defects that would adversely
affect use of parts made of wood. Plywood shall be Group A – (CS-35) Hardwood plywood or
Group B - (PS-1). Softwood plywood construction and industrial, in accordance with A-A-
55057. Plywood shall be treated with Type A preservative for moisture and fungus resistance for
interior or exterior usage, whichever is applicable.

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MIL-STD-11991A Flux. Flux used for the joining of parts to make a nonelectrical connection in
the process of soldering shall conform to J-STD-004, Class 3; J-STD-005, Class 3; and J-STD-
006, Class 3 as indicated by hardware design. Flammable Materials. Flammability is a complex characteristic which

combines ease of ignition, surface flammability, heat contribution, smoke production, fire gasses,
and fire endurance. Flammability is a function of chemical composition, physical configuration,
temperature, availability of oxygen, and retardants or additives. The following criteria shall be
considered for selection and application of flammable materials:

a. Materials. Materials used in military equipment shall, in the end item

configuration, be noncombustible or fire retardant in the most hazardous conditions of
atmosphere, pressure, and temperature to be expected in the application. Fire retardant
additives may be used provided they do not adversely affect the specified performance
guidelines of the basic materials. Fire retardance shall not be achieved by use of non-
permanent additives to the basic material.

b. Flammability test. The test used to determine the flammability of material shall be
the test specified in the material specification.

c. Other flammability test. If the specification does not have such a test, testing shall
be in accordance with ASTM D635, ASTM D1000, or MIL-STD-202, Method 111, as

d. Other materials. Materials not covered by the above tests shall be tested in
accordance with a procedure approved by the procuring activity. UL shall be used to
develop test methods and offers a comparative scale to define degree of flammability. Fungus-Inert Materials. For material which, in all modified states and grades,
is not a nutrient to fungi, the following criteria shall be considered for selection and application:

e. Preferred materials. Fungus-inert materials listed in group I of TABLE XXXI are

preferred for use. These materials need not be tested for fungus resistance prior to use.
The appearance of a particular material in TABLE XXXI does not constitute approval for
its use.

f. Acceptable materials. Those materials listed in group II of TABLE XXXI may be

used, provided it has been demonstrated that they meet the guidelines of (d) below. When
materials are compounded with a permanently effective fungicide in order to meet the
fungus test guideline, there shall be no loss of the original electronic or physical
properties required by the basic material specification. Fungicides containing mercury
shall not be used.

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g. Hermetically sealed applications. Fungus nutrient materials may be used untreated

within hermetically sealed enclosures.

h. Fungus testing. TABLE XXXI Group II materials shall be subjected to the fungus
test specified in method 508 of MIL-STD-810 for a period of 28 days. Certification by a
qualified laboratory or by the material producer, based on test data on record that the
material meets grade O or grade 1 guidelines of table 508-I, method 508 of MIL-STD-
810, shall be submitted to the procuring activity before use.

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TABLE XXXI. Fungi susceptibility of materials.

Group I - Fungus-inert materials
(Fungus-inert in all modified states and grades)
Acrylics Polyamide 1/
Acrylonitrile-styrene Polycarbonate
Acrylonitrile-vinyl-chloride copolymer Polyester-glass fiber laminates
Asbestos Polyethylene, high density (above 0.940)
Ceramics Polyethylene terephthalate
Chlorinated polyester Polyimide
Fluorinated ethylenepropylene copolymer (FEP) Polymonochlorotrifluoroethylene
Glass Polypropylene
Metals Polystyrene
Mica Polysulfone
Plastic laminates: Polytetrafluoroethylene
Silicone-glass fiber Polyvinylidene chloride
Phenolic-nylon fiber Silicone resin
Diallyl phthalate Siloxane-polyolefin polymer
Polyacrylonitrile Siloxane polystyrene
Group II - Fungus nutrient materials
(May require treatment to attain fungus resistance)
ABS (acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene) Polyethylene, low and medium
Acetal resins density (0.940 and below)
Cellulose acetate Polymethyl methacrylate
Cellulose acetate butyrate Polyurethane (the ester types
Epoxy-glass fiber laminates are particularly susceptible)
Epoxy-resin Polyricinoleates
Lubricants Polyvinyl chloride
Melamine-formaldehyde Polyvinyl chloride-acetate
Organic polysulphides Polyvinyl fluoride
Phenol-formaldehyde Rubbers, natural and synthetic
Polydichlorostyrene Urea-formaldehyde
1/ Literature shows that under certain conditions polyamides may be attacked by selective micro-organisms.
However, for military applications, they are considered Group I. Insulating Materials, Electrical. The following criteria shall be considered for
selection and application of electrical insulating materials. Insulating materials used for
encapsulation and embedment (potting) and for conformal coating are excluded the requirements
in this section.

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a. Ceramics. Ceramic insulators shall conform to MIL-I-23264.

b. Sleeving and tubing. Sleeving and tubing shall conform to MIL-I-631, MIL-I-
3190, MIL-I-22076, MIL-I- 22129, SAE AMS3638, SAE AMS3653, SAE AMS3654,
SAE AMS3655, or ASTM D3295. MIL-I-631 shall also apply to film, film tape, and
sheet and sheet tape forms of insulation.

c. Plastic, thermosetting, cast. When used for electrical insulation, parts fabricated
from cast thermosetting plastic materials shall be in accordance with L-P-516.

d. Plastic, thermosetting, laminated. Materials selected shall conform to MIL-I-

24768/2 and MIL-I-24768/3 or NEMA FI 3. The preferred base is glass cloth. Electrical
insulators fabricated from laminated thermosetting-plastic sheets, plates, rods, and tubes
(except transparent plastics) shall be treated after all machining and punching operations
with a suitable moisture barrier unless the plastic has a moisture absorption of 1.0% or
less, or is used in a hermetically sealed container.

e. Plastic, thermosetting, molded. Molded parts which undergo subsequent

machining shall be vacuum impregnated with a suitable moisture barrier material and
dried after all surface-breaking operations have been completed. Cotton and linen shall
not be used as filler material in any electrical insulator. Materials having moisture
absorption of 1.0% or less, and those used in hermetically sealed containers, need not be

f. Varnish, electrical insulating. Insulating varnish shall conform to NEMA RE 2 or


g. Heat shrinkable insulators. For applications requiring heat shrinkable insulators

other than sleeving, such as strain relief boots or enclosure feed-throughs, the material
shall conform to SAE AS81765.

h. Polyvinyl chloride. Polyvinyl chloride insulating materials shall not be used in

aerospace applications. Their use in other applications requires procuring activity
approval. Arc-Resistant Materials. The following criteria shall be considered for

selection and application of arc-resistant materials used for insulation of electrical power circuits:

a. Materials. Materials shall conform to TABLE XXXII. The materials listed have
passed the minimum guidelines of 115 seconds when subjected to the arc-resistance test
of ASTM D495 and are listed in approximate order of arc resistance.

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b. Applications. Materials may be masked, if necessary, during any treatment of the

equipment in which they are used which might result in degradation of the arc-resistant
properties of the material. For parts which may be exposed to other than high-voltage,
low-current arcing, the materials shall be evaluated for overall thermal and electrical
characteristics. Suitability for the specific application and the potential for satisfactory
performance in elevated humidity, as defined in the detail equipment specification, shall
also be considered.
TABLE XXXII. Arc-resistant materials.
Materials Specification Types
Plastic(s), CMI-5, GDI-30, GDI-30F, MAG, MAI-30, MAI-
thermosetting, molding 60, MAI-100, MAT-30, MDG,MME, MMI-5,
MMI-30, MSG MSI-30, SDG, SDG-F, SDI-30
Molding, epoxy ASTM D5948 MEE
Laminated rods and MIL-I-24768 GMG
tubes, Laminated sheets
Glass cloth, silicone MIL-I-24768 GSG
Sheet and rod, cast L-P-516 E-2
Sheet and strip, ASTM D5213 All
Silicone rubber A-A-59588 All Electrical Breakdown Prevention. The following criteria shall be considered

for prevention of corona and electrical breakdown:

a. Corona prevention. The corona extinction voltage (CEV) shall be at least 150% of
the peak circuit voltage, corresponding to the maximum specified steady-state rms supply
voltage. This guideline applies:

(1) When the equipment is terminated with the cabling, or other accessory
equipment, with which it is intended to be used and;

(2) When the equipment is operated under the specified environmental service
conditions and;

(3) When the equipment is supplied with the specified power source
frequencies and voltages including commonly recurring transients.

b. Electrical breakdown prevention. The equipment shall be designed and

manufactured with electrical clearance spacing, leakage (creepage) distances, and

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insulation characteristics adequate to prevent electrical breakdown. This guideline applies

under all specified environmental service conditions including service life and using the
specified operating voltages (including transients). Liquid dielectrics, gases other than
air, or pressurization to prevent electrical breakdown shall not be used unless approved
by the procuring activity.

c. Insulation systems. Corona can occur within cavities between an insulating

material and a metal surface which are in contact. Cavities at interfaces where high
voltages are encountered shall be avoided.

d. Metal parts. Sharp edges and points shall be avoided on metal parts included in
high intensity electric fields.

e. Corona testing. There are many factors which determine whether or not corona
will occur, including temperature, humidity, ambient pressure, test specimen shape, rate
of voltage change, and the previous history of the applied voltage. Test methods such as
ASTM D1868 may be used but the test results lack accuracy and repeatability and require
great care due to the personnel hazards involved.

f. Electrical breakdown testing. The insulating material shall be evaluated under the
actual environmental conditions which apply to the equipment. Test at power
frequencies, 25 to 800 Hz in accordance with ASTM D149. Electrical Tape. Electrical tape shall be selected in accordance with the
appropriate specification in TABLE XXXIII. Fabric or textile pressure sensitive (adhesive or
friction) tape shall not be used, except as specified herein. Moisture absorbing tape may be used
for mechanical purposes or when included in hermetically sealed assemblies as approved by the
procuring activity.

TABLE XXXIII. Electrical tape reference documents.

Reference Document Description
Insulation Tape, Electrical Glass-Fiber (Resin-Filled): and Cord,
Insulation Tape, Electrical, Pressure Sensitive Adhesive and
Pressure Sensitive Thermosetting
Standard Specification for High-Temperature Glass Cloth
ASTM D2754
Pressure-Sensitive Electrical Insulating Tape
Insulation Tape, Electrical, High-Temperature, Glass Fiber,
MIL-I-24391 Insulation Tape, Electrical, Plastic, Pressure-Sensitive
Standard Specification for Nonmetallic Semi-Conducting and
ASTM D4388
Electrically Insulating Rubber Tapes

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5.4 Processes Requirements. Processing specifications herein represent minimum

standards of quality required for military, space, and associated hardware. In most instances,
manufacturing, installation, and inspection processes are controlled by contractor specifications.
The use of these specifications is encouraged provided that the minimum standards of quality
and quality assurance required by the appropriate contractual specifications are achieved.

a. Corrosion Considerations. Precautions shall be taken during manufacturing,

testing, and installation operations to maintain corrosion prevention requirements and
environment control to prevent the introduction of contamination, corrosion, or corrosive

b. Statistical Process Control (SPC). Process quality controls shall be maintained

through a formal, documented, statistical process control program meeting the
requirements of SAE EIA 557.

c. Process Records. Written or computerized process records that demonstrate

successful application and completion of all required processes and related quality
assurance requirements shall be maintained for the life of the program. Certifications of
compliance shall not be considered acceptable proofs without associated results of
analyses or documentation showing successful processing or testing.

d. Cleaning Prior to Application. All processes involving adhesives, prepregs,

sealants, coatings and encapsulants shall require careful surface preparation to ensure
adequate adhesion. Each qualified material shall be associated with one or more
documents describing its application and usage. Each application document shall detail
the specific cleaning procedure for all surfaces to be coated or bonded and a maximum
time period between surface preparation and bonding or coating, after which surfaces
shall be reprocessed. Materials covered by this section shall be qualified with the specific
surface preparation procedure described.

e. Cleaning and Storage. All materials, parts, and assemblies that have been
subjected to processing shall be appropriately cleaned and maintained in a cleaned state
prior to the next process, test, use, or installation. Where appropriate, verification of
appropriate levels of cleanliness and freedom from contamination shall be required.

5.4.1 Adhesive Bonding. Structural bonding shall conform to the guidelines of MIL-
HDBK-83377. The following criteria shall be considered for adhesive bonding:

a. Bonding of structural components, except for high temperature nozzle bonds,

shall be tested under simulated service conditions using tag-end test specimens whenever
possible to demonstrate that the materials and processes selected will provide the desired
properties for the entire life of the component. When thermal cycle testing is required, the

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rate of temperature change shall not exceed the expected rate of temperature change in

b. Hardware qualifications and acceptance tests plus lap shear witness coupons
processed concurrently using the same material cleaning method and cure cycles can be
used in lieu of tag-end test specimens. As a minimum, structural bonds shall require lap
shear witness coupons processed concurrently using the same material cleaning method
and cure cycles.

5.4.2 Welding. The welding of aluminum alloys, steel alloys, corrosion resistant and
heat resistant alloys shall be in accordance with AWS D17.1/D17.1M:2010. For non-launch
critical welds, AWS D1.1 and AWS D1.2 are acceptable alternatives. All friction welding
processes shall be in accordance with AWS C6.2 or approved alternative by the procuring
activity. The following criteria shall be considered for welding:

a. Weld Design Selection. The design selection of parent materials and weld
methods shall be based on consideration of the weldments, including adjacent heat
affected zones. Welding procedures shall be selected to provide the required weld quality,
minimum weld energy input, and protection of the heated metal from contamination. The
suitability of the equipment, processes, welding supplies, and supplementary treatments
selected shall be demonstrated through qualification testing of welded specimens
representing the materials and joint configuration of production parts. As a minimum
requirement, welding operators shall be qualified in accordance with AWS
D17.1/D17.1M:2010. In addition, each operator shall be provided the necessary training
and qualification requirements for certification and the applicable welding equipment for
specific welding tasks.

b. Weld Filler Material. Weld rod or wire used as filler metal on hi-reliability critical
weldments shall be fully certified and documented for composition, type, heat number,
manufacturer, and supplier to provide traceability to the end use item. In addition,
qualitative analysis and nondestructive testing will be conducted on segments of each
filler rod or wire as necessary to ensure that the correct filler metal is used on each
critical welding task. Quantitative analyses of weld filler metal on a lot by lot basis will
be considered acceptable, provided that each structural weldment is subjected to
simulated service testing or proof loading prior to acceptance.

c. Weld Repair. To minimize weld repair, welding methods, procedures, and

specifications shall be carefully selected. Weld repair is limited to the rework of welding
defects in a production weld as revealed by inspection. Weld repair does not include the
correction of dimensional deficiencies by weld buildup or “buttering” of parts in areas
where the design did not provide a welded joint. All weld repairs shall be fully
documented to facilitate procuring activity review. Documentation as a minimum shall

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include weld procedures and schedules, location of the rework, nature of the problem and
appropriate inspection and qualification requirements for acceptance. The weld repair
process and inspection shall be qualified to the same level of assurance as the primary
process specification drawing requirement using the same inspection technique that found
the original defect and by all other methods of examination that were originally required
for the affected area. The results are subject to review by procuring activity.

d. Weld Rework. Weld rework shall be minimized by discriminating selection of

acceptable methods, procedures and specifications developed by the contractor. Weld
rework is limited to the rework of welding defects in a production weld as revealed by
inspection. Weld rework does not include the correction of dimensional deficiencies by
weld buildup or “buttering” of parts in areas where the design did not provide for a
welded joint. All weld rework shall be fully documented. Documentation as a minimum
shall include weld procedures and schedules, location of the rework, nature of the
problem and appropriate inspection and qualification requirements for acceptance. The
quality of reworked welds shall be confirmed by 100% inspection of both surface and
subsurface, using visual, dimensional and nondestructive techniques. Rework of welds in
high performance or critical parts shall not be permitted.

e. Cleaning After Welding. Welded assemblies shall be cleaned to remove rust,

scale, oxidation products, and excess flux by sandblasting, wire brushing, or other
suitable means. Prior to painting, steel parts that have been arc welded or acetylene
welded shall, in addition, be subjected to vat passivation or phosphoric acid etch in
accordance with MIL-C-10578. Acid used for cleaning shall be completely neutralized
and removed.

f. Welding Process. Preheating shall be employed where distortion is likely to result

from welding. Welds shall have thorough penetration and good fusion and shall be free
from scabs, blisters, abnormal pock marks, and other harmful defects. Where undesirable
internal stresses are likely to result from welding, welded items shall be stress-relieved.
Inert-gas shielded arc welding shall be used, when practical, for welding of aluminum
magnesium or stainless steel. Structural Welding. The joint areas of all parts to be welded shall be cleaned of
contaminants and materials which may be detrimental to obtaining satisfactory welds.
Degradation of material properties in the heat affected zone caused by welding shall be
considered. Weldments shall be stress relieved when induced stress resulting from welding,
design configuration, or materials welded may be harmful. See AWS A2.4 for welding symbols,
AWS A3.0 for welding terms and definitions, and MIL-STD-22 for welded joint designs. MIL-
HDBK-730 provides guidance in this field of materials joining and its related processes. The
following criteria shall be considered for structural welds:

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a. Arc and gas welding. Welding by arc and gas methods shall be performed by
operators who have passed the applicable certification tests and have a certificate of
proficiency in accordance with AWS D17.1/D17.1M:2010. Welding of aluminum,
magnesium, and steel alloys shall conform to AWS D17.1/D17.1M:2010.

b. Resistance welding. Resistance welding of joints shall conform to AWS

D17.2/D17.2M:2013. Resistance Welds for Electrical Interconnections. The following criteria shall
be considered for resistance welds of electrical and electronic interconnections and part leads:

a. Contaminants. All surfaces of leads, or parts, to be welded shall be free of

contaminants which would adversely affect forming of the welded joint.

b. Electrical connections. Except where needed to meet electromagnetic interference

or system compatibility guidelines, welded electrical connections shall not be used where
it may be necessary to disconnect, replace, or reconnect a part or module during

c. Excess conductor wire. Excess conductor wire shall be trimmed sufficiently close
to provide adequate clearance to prevent possible electrical shorting but not so close as to
cause damage to the welded joint.

d. Strain relief. Each part lead terminating at a connection point shall have allowance
for strain relief to minimize tensile or shear stress.

5.4.3 Brazing. Brazing shall be in accordance with the appropriate specifications listed
below. Metals not covered by AWS C3.4, AWS C3.5, AWS C3.6 and AWS C3.7 shall not be
brazed. Subsequent fusion welding operations in the vicinity of brazed joints or other operations
involving high temperatures which might affect the brazed joint are prohibited. Brazed joints
shall be designed for shear loading and shall not be used to provide strength in tension for
structural parts. Allowable shear strength and design limitations shall conform to those
recommended in the MMPDS Handbook. The following criteria shall be considered for brazing:

a. Stranded or insulated wire connections. Electrical connections of stranded or

insulated wire, or those having construction which may entrap fluxes, shall not be brazed.

b. Resistance brazing. The current and electrode size for resistance brazing shall be
selected so that the heat will be distributed over a large enough area to allow the brazing
alloy to flow freely, but not large enough to cause overheating. Torch Brazing. Torch brazing of steel, copper, copper alloys, and nickel alloys,
shall be in accordance with AWS C3.4.

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MIL-STD-11991A Induction Brazing. Induction brazing of steel, copper, copper alloys, and nickel
alloys, shall be in accordance with AWS C3.5. Furnace Brazing. Furnace brazing of steel, copper, copper alloys, and nickel
alloys, shall be in accordance with AWS C3.6. Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy Brazing. Brazing of aluminum and aluminum
alloys shall be in accordance with AWS C3.7M/C3.7.

5.4.4 Fastener Installation. The installation of mechanical fasteners and associated

parts, including cleaning prior to installation and application of protective finishes, shall meet the
requirements of NASA-STD-6012 and MIL-STD-403. The following criteria shall be considered
for fastener installation:

a. Lubrication on fasteners, corrosion inhibiting materials or locking materials shall

be tested for outgassing in accordance with ASTM E595. Non-compliant materials shall
be removed prior to installation, unless approved by the procuring activity.

b. Torque values and staking requirements shall be defined in the engineering

drawings for all fasteners.

c. Fasteners installed in dissimilar metals shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-


d. Anaerobic curing agents (i.e., Loctite®) typically do not pass outgassing and shall
be tested for outgassing in accordance with ASTM E595. Non-compliant materials shall
be removed prior to installation, unless approved by the procuring activity.

e. Fasteners attached to surfaces to which do not meet the requirements for galvanic
couples shall be wet stalled with MIL-PRF-23377 primer, or MIL-PRF-81733, SAE
AMS3277, or equivalent sealant. Neither primer nor sealant should be applied to the
threaded portion of fasteners for which torque requirements are established without the
coating. All non-aluminum fasteners installed in aluminum structure shall be over coated
with a minimum thickness of 0.006” of MIL-PRF-81733, SAE AMS3277, SAE AMS-S-
8802, SAE AMS3276, or equivalent sealant. After installation, all attaching parts shall be
coated with primer or primer and topcoat corresponding to the finish requirements of the
surrounding area. Exceptions must be approved by the procuring activity.

5.4.5 Printed Wiring Assemblies. Printed wiring assemblies (PWAs) shall be in

accordance with IPC A-610, IPC/WHMA-A-620 and IPC J-STD-001. IPC/WHMA-A-620-
Space Addendum and J-STD-001ES shall be used for space applications.

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MIL-STD-11991A Soldering. Soldering to make electrical and electronic connections to terminals,

wires, cables, connectors, PWBs and like parts shall conform to IPC J-STD-001, Class 3/3A. The
following criteria shall be considered for soldering:

a. When using the J-STD-001ES for surface mounted chip components, the
“minimum end overlap” shall be 50% of the end cap.

b. Mounting and soldering configurations not addressed in these standards shall be

qualified for the life and environments of the mission by testing, with the end product
requirements documented. Use of these configurations shall require customer approval.

c. Heat sensitive components, such as fuses, shall be protected by heat sinks or other

d. Solders shall meet the requirements of

e. Terminal Soldering. Step-soldering with a high temperature solder conforming to

J-STD-006 shall be used when it is necessary to solder terminals to the PWB.

f. Solder in the Bend Radius. For through-hole mounted components, the solder in
the bend radius shall only be acceptable for axial leaded components with a body
diameter of 0.125 inch or less, and with leads formed to a 90° bend.

g. Solder splice joints. Solder splice joints shall be made in accordance with
IPC/WHMA-A-620 Class 3 or IPC/WHMA-A-620-Space Addendum, as applicable. The
use of Class 3 versus Space Addendum shall be governed by the end use of the solder
splice join under consideration.

h. Nonelectrical joints. Mechanical soldering of nonelectrical (structural) joints shall

be in accordance with ASTM B828 for copper tubes and fittings. Electrostatic Discharge Control. ESD control shall be in accordance with the
requirements of MIL-STD-1686 or ANSI/ESD S20.20. Storage and Handling. Protection against electrostatic damage to electrostatic

sensitive devices shall be provided in accordance with Procedures shall be established
for handling parts and materials including receipt of parts and materials, inspections, interim
storage, cleaning, kitting, assembly, and test. The procedures used shall be identified on the
“build” documentation. The following criteria shall be used as a minimum for establishing
handling and storage procedures:

a. Control of environment, such as temperature, humidity, contamination, and


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b. Measures and facilities to segregate and protect parts and materials routed to
different locations such as to a materials review crib, to a laboratory for inspection, or
returned to the manufacturer for unacceptable shipments.

c. Measures to control and limit personnel access to parts and materials during
receiving inspection and storage.

d. Measures for protection against shock or vibration or both during transportation

and storage.

e. Measures to provide protection during transit to prevent packages from being

dropped or dislodged.

f. Protective work surfaces on which sensitive parts and materials are handled
during operations such as test, assembly, inspection, and kit organizing.

g. Measures to handle unique parts and materials, especially materials or parts for
which the manufacturer has specified special storage, shipping, or handling requirements. Contamination Prevention and Control. The contractor PMP shall address a
contamination control approach that describes the procedures that will be followed to control
Foreign Object Debris/Damage (FOD). It shall establish the implementation and describe the
methods that will be used to measure and maintain the levels of cleanliness required during each
of the various phases of the item’s lifetime. Possible contaminants include all materials of
molecular and particulate nature whose presence degrades hardware performance. Special areas
of concern are:

a. Assembly and Test Areas. Efforts to maintain clean assembly and test areas are
required. Extraneous paper, work tools, materials, chemicals, food, drinks, personal care
items, or other like materials are not permitted.

b. HVAC Systems. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems shall
be reviewed and, where necessary, controlled to meet the requirements of maintaining a
non-contaminating workspace. Particulate material, chemical fumes, and cross
contamination from other areas shall be considered.

c. Human Contact. When necessary, human contact with parts and materials shall
be controlled; finger contact, particulate materials, and body fluids shall be considered.

d. Clean Rooms. When clean rooms are required for the manufacturing of parts and
materials, the clean room facility shall be in accordance with the applicable clean room

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MIL-STD-11991A Part and Material Identification and Marking. Parts and materials shall be
clearly identified on the containers or the packaging. Part markings shall remain legible after
processing. The part marking information shall include all required traceability information.
Identification and markings shall clearly indicate contents and any other necessary information
such as safety warnings, ESD or moisture sensitivity. Components and PWBs shall be labeled in
accordance with IPC J-STD-609. Moisture Sensitivity Levels. Moisture or process sensitive components (as

classified by IPC J-STD-020, IPC J-STD-075 or other documented classification procedure)
shall be handled in conformance with IPC J-STD-033. Documented procedures shall track all
moisture sensitive components to ensure the floor life is not exceeded. Rework procedures
involving solder reflow shall not be performed on components with Moisture Sensitivity Level 4
(MSL 4) or higher. Conformal Coat. Conformal coat material shall conform to IPC-CC-830. All
PWAs, except RF applications in which performance is degraded by coating, shall be
conformally coated with materials specified in Section 2240 of J-STD-001ES. Coating
restrictions are noted in C.4.2.3. The coated assemblies shall exhibit no blisters, cracking,
crazing, peeling, wrinkles, measling, evidence of reversion or corrosion at 3-5X magnification. A
pinhole, bubble, or combination thereof, shall not bridge more than 50% of the distance between
non-common conductors Rework and Repair . Rework or repair of PWAs shall only be performed after
defects have been documented. Repair of PWAs shall only be performed upon approval of the
procuring activity. IPC 7711/7721 may be used as a guide for performing rework or repair.
Prohibited repairs methods from IPC 7711/7721 are listed in C.4.1.4 Wiring Harness Assembly. Wiring harness assembly shall conform to

IPC/WPHA-A-620 Class 3 or IPC/WHMA-A-620-Space Addendum, as applicable. The use of
Class 3 versus Space Addendum shall be governed by the end use of the solder splice join under

5.4.6 Environmental Stress Screening. Considerations will be made to perform

Environmental Stress Screening (ESS), according to MIL-STD-810, based on system
application, program requirements, and product history. ESS is performed to ensure product
quality, by precipitating defects introduced into the product by faulty components and the
manufacturing process. The equipment shall withstand any specified combination of
environmental conditions without mechanical or electrical damage or degradation which will
result in performance below the minimum specified by the procuring activity. These tests, where
applicable and considering any limitations, shall be used in materiel design, production and
throughout the equipment life cycle as a method of assuring performance reliability.

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5.5 Prohibited PM&P. Appendix C defines the PM&P that are considered to be
reliability suspect, have limited application, involve restricted or special controls, or are
otherwise unacceptable for use in DoD electronic hardware and associated mechanical hardware
unless otherwise approved by the procuring activity.


(This section contains information of a general or explanatory nature that may be helpful, but is
not mandatory.)

6.1 Intended use. This standard is intended for use in standardizing requirements for
the selection and application of parts, materials, and processes (PM&P) for use during the
development, production, and sustainment of military systems. This standard also provides
criteria to evaluate the suitability of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) items for incorporation
into military systems.

6.2 Acquisition requirements. Acquisition requirements should specify the following:

a. title, number, and date of this standard.

6.3 Associated Data Item Descriptions (DIDs). This standard has been assigned an
Acquisition Management Systems Control (ASMC) number authorizing it as the source
document for the following DIDs. When it is necessary to obtain the data, the applicable DIDs
must be listed on the Contract Data Requirements List (DD Form 1423).

DID Number DID Title

DI-STDZ-81993 Parts, Materials, and Processes (PM&P) Management Plan

The above DIDs were current as of the date of this standard. The ASSIST database should be
researched at to ensure that only current and approved DIDs are cited
on the DD Form 1423.

6.4 Tailoring guidance for contractual application. The requirements in section 4 and
section 5 of this standard should be tailored in each acquisition to the needs of that particular

6.5 Subject term (key word) listing.



Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS)

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Counterfeit parts and materials



Materials selection

Mechanical piece parts



Parts selection

Plastic encapsulated microcircuits (PEMs)

Polymeric materials

Printed wiring assembly (PWA)

Printed wiring board (PWB)

Prohibited parts, materials, and processes (PM&P)






Wire and cable

Wiring harness assembly

6.6 International standardization agreement implementation. Wherever inch/pound

dimensions are used in this document, metric equivalents in accordance with FED-STD-376 will
be acceptable.

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6.7 Changes from previous issue. Margin notations are not used in this revision to
identify changes with respect to the previous issue due to the extent of the changes.

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A.1.1 Scope. This appendix details the requirements for derating parts. Derating of a
part is the intentional reduction of its electrical, mechanical, and thermal stresses to provide a
safety margin between the applied stress and the actual demonstrated limit of the part
capabilities. The derating policy established herein is intended to reduce the occurrence of stress
related failures and help ensure long term reliability.

This appendix is a mandatory part of this standard. The information contained herein is intended
for compliance.

A.2.1 Derating Requirements. These requirements provide derating factors to be applied
as a percentage of maximum rated values for critical device parameters such as applied voltages,
operating currents, power dissipation, and operating temperatures (ambient, case, or junction).
The maximum rated values are typically obtained from the applicable procurement specification,
drawing, or manufacturer’s data sheets. Circuit designers and part users shall evaluate all part
applications and ensure adequate derating. The manufacturer’s maximum ratings shall never
be exceeded.

The derating level for each part in the system shall be documented by part or drawing number,
reference designator (if applicable), next higher assembly drawing number, rated stress
(determined by the part manufacturer), applied stress for the criteria identified in A.3.1, and
approval from the procuring activity for any part that exceeds the derating criteria.


A.3.1 Derating Criteria. The derating criteria contained herein apply to worst-case
values of electrical and environmental stresses expected for the part during equipment life,
including acceptance tests, qualification tests, storage, and field handling and use. Part tolerance
and part parameter degradation over the equipment shall also be included.

The recommended derating factors are based on the best information currently available and do
not preclude further derating. Parts not covered in these guidelines lack sufficient empirical data
and failure history. Consult with the procuring activity if derating information is needed for a
specific part not contained in this document.

Exceeding these criteria and criteria for parts not listed herein shall require approval from the
procuring activity.

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A.3.2 Capacitors. Critical stress parameters for capacitors are applied voltage and case
temperature. Voltage derating for capacitors is accomplished by multiplying the maximum
operating voltage by the appropriate derating factor shown in TABLE A-I.
TABLE A-I. Capacitor derating factors.
Type Voltage Derating Factor Maximum Case Temperature
1/ 2/ 3/ 4/
Aluminum Electrolytic Not allowed for use Not allowed for use
Ceramic 5/ 0.50 20°C below maximum rating
Glass 0.50 20°C below maximum rating
Plastic Film 0.50 20°C below maximum rating
Mica 0.50 20°C below maximum rating
Tantalum, Non-solid 0.50 20°C below maximum rating
0.50 70°C
Tantalum, Solid 7/ 0.30 110°C
Variable Not allowed for use Not allowed for use
1/ Consult with the procuring activity for applicable derating criteria for applications requiring the use of
devices with different construction than indicated in the Table.
2/ The derating factor applies to the sum of peak AC ripple and DC polarizing voltages.
3/ Maximum case temperature is defined as the prevailing temperature in the vicinity of the part or the medium
surrounding the part.
4/ Maximum case temperature applies to applications where capacitor is operating at or below maximum
derated voltage. For operation above this temperature, consult the procuring activity for correct derating factor.
5/ In low voltage applications (<10 Vdc), multilayer ceramic capacitors with thin dielectrics or other defects
may develop low and unstable insulation resistances. In these applications, the capacitor rated voltage shall be
at least 100 Vdc unless the dielectric thickness of the low voltage capacitor is determined to be equal to or
greater than 0.8 mils or the lot has been subjected to humidity and steady state, low voltage testing. Note that
capacitors procured to MIL-PRF-123 are screened for this failure mode and are recommended for low voltage
6/ Derate voltage linearly from 70°C to 110°C.
7/ Solid tantalum capacitors, especially when used in power supply filter applications, are subject to in-rush
current failures. In order to protect against this failure mechanism, only surge current tested capacitors shall be
used. In addition, the effective circuit resistance shall be a minimum of 0.1 ohm/Volt or 1.2 ohms, whichever
is greater. For applications where the capacitors have not been surge current tested, the effective capacitor
circuit resistance shall be at least 1 ohm/Volt or 3 ohms, whichever is greater. See A.3.2.1 for additional
derating guidelines pertaining to solid tantalum capacitors

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A.3.2.1 Solid Tantalum Capacitors. Additional derating notes for solid tantalum
capacitors are as follows:

a. For non-surge current tested capacitors only, charge and discharge currents shall be
limited to a maximum of 1 amp for each capacitor. Non-surge current tested
capacitors require approval of the procuring activity.

b. Surge Voltage. The applied surge voltage factor shall be 0.65. Surge voltage is
defined as any voltage increase lasting less than 1 millisecond with a duty factor less
than 10%.

c. Transient Voltage. Applied transient voltages factor shall be 0.8. Transient voltage is
defined as any voltage increase lasting less than 100 µs with a duty factor less than

d. Reverse Voltage. The applied reverse voltage shall not exceed 1.5% of the rated

e. RMS Current. RMS current shall be limited so that the power generated does not
exceed 80% of the rated power. Calculate power generated as follows:

(1) IRMS ≤ (P/ESR)0.8

(2) ESR is specified within the detail specification at 25°C, 100 kHz. To
adjust ESR for fundamental frequency, consult vendor technical data sheets for
ESR as a function of frequency or contact the procuring activity.

A.3.3 Crystals and Crystal Oscillators.

A.3.3.1 Crystals. Principal stress parameters are drive level, power dissipation, and
operating temperature. Drive level shall not exceed 50% of specified maximum rating. Operating
temperature shall be maintained within the manufacturer's specified operating temperature range.

A.3.3.2 Crystal Oscillators. Derating of crystal oscillators is accomplished by

multiplying the parameter by the appropriate derating factor specified below in TABLE A-II.
TABLE A-II. Crystal oscillator derating factors.
Critical Stress Parameters Derating Factors
Supply Voltage 1/ 0.80
Operating AC/DC Output Current or Fanout 0.80
Maximum Junction Temperature 40°C below the manufacturer’s
maximum rating
1/ Under no circumstances shall input voltage, if applicable, be allowed to exceed the supply voltage.

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A.3.4 Diodes. Derating for diodes is accomplished by multiplying the critical stress
parameter by the appropriate derating factor and by limiting junction temperatures as specified
below in TABLE A-III.
TABLE A-III. Diode Derating Factors.
Diode Type Critical Stress Derating Factor Maximum
Parameter 2/ Junction
Small Signal Switching, Reverse Voltage 0.60
40°C below the
Rectifier, Power Schottky, Forward Current 0.5
Thyristors Surge Current 0.5
Power 0.5
Varactor, Varicap Power 0.50 40°C below the
Reverse Voltage 0.75 manufacturer’s
Forward Current 0.75 rating
Voltage Regulators Power 0.50 40°C below the
Zener Current 0.75 rating
Voltage Reference Power 0.5 40°C below the
Zener Current 1/ rating
Transient Absorption Zener, Power Dissipation 0.50 40°C below the
Transient Voltage Suppressor manufacturer’s
Average Current 0.60 rating
FET Current Regulator 40°C below the
Peak Operating
0.75 manufacturer’s
RF/Microwave Diodes
PIN, multiplier, Schottky, Power 0.50 40°C below the
mixer, detector, Gunn, step Reverse Voltage 0.60 manufacturer’s
recovery, tunnel Forward Current 0.50 rating
1/ Operate at manufacturer’s specified IZT to optimize temperature compensation.
2/ Transient voltage and current rating in accordance with manufacturer’s guidance.

A.3.5 EMI Filters. Lumped element or potted EMI Filters are derated by multiplying the
critical stress parameter by the appropriate derating factor (see TABLE A-IV). Operating
temperatures shall not exceed the specified maximum value (see TABLE A-IV). See A.3.6
herein for hybrid-based filter deratings.

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TABLE A-IV. EMI filter derating factors.
Filter Critical Stress Derating Factor Maximum Operating
Type Parameter Temperature
Rated Current 0.75 30°C below the manufacturer’s
Rated Voltage 0.50 maximum rating

A.3.6 Hybrids and Multi-Chip Modules. Unlike traditionally packaged electronic

components, the hybrid or Multi-Chip Module (MCM) thermal environment for each application
must be considered separately on its own merit. With failure rates being an exponential function
of temperature for all electronic components, it is essential to perform an accurate thermal
analysis to predict reliability of each component constituting the hybrid or MCM. Package
density/mounting determines the thermal rise particular to the individual package design.

Derating of hybrid and MCM devices are accomplished by considering the most reliability-
limiting element contained within the packaged device. All internal passive and active devices
need to be considered separately by referring to the individual part sections within this document
and obtaining the parts and radiation specialists’ concurrences.
A.3.7 Magnetic Devices. Magnetic devices such as transformers, inductors and coils are
derated by reducing operating temperature based on the insulation class used and by reducing
maximum operating voltage, current, and temperature (see TABLE A-V).
TABLE A-V. Magnetic device derating factors.
Device Critical Stress Derating Factor Maximum Operating
Type Parameter Temperature 1/
Rated Current 0.60 35°C below the manufacturer’s
Rated Voltage 0.50 maximum rating
1/ Maximum operating temperature equals ambient temperature plus temperature rise plus 10°C allowance
for hot spots. This temperature should be below the derated operating temperature. Use MIL-PRF-27 for

A.3.8 Microcircuits. Derating of silicon microcircuits is accomplished by multiplying

the critical stress parameter by the appropriate derating factor as shown in TABLE A-VI.

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TABLE A-VI. Microcircuit derating factors.
Critical Stress Parameters Digital Linear
Maximum Supply Voltage
0.90 0.80
Recommended Supply
+/- 5%
Voltage 2/
Input Voltage Input voltage shall not be allowed to
exceed the supply voltage unless
specifically approved by the procuring
Operating AC/DC Output
Current or Fanout
Power Dissipation 0.80 0.75
Maximum Junction 40°C below the manufacturer’s maximum operating temperature
Temperature rating
Max. Operating Frequency 0.80
1/ Use manufacturer’s recommended operating conditions, but do not exceed 90% of maximum supply voltage
for digital devices and 80% of maximum supply voltage for linear devices. For voltage regulators, derate VIN
- VOUT to 0.9(VINmax – VOUT).
2/ For low voltage (< 5V) devices, use manufacturer’s recommended operating conditions.

A.3.9 Optoelectronic Devices. Derating is accomplished by multiplying the appropriate

stress parameter by its derating factor and by limiting temperatures (see TABLE A-VII), such as
junction for semiconductors.

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TABLE A-VII. Optoelectronic device derating factors.
Device Type Critical Stress Parameter Derating Factor
Light Emitting Power Dissipation 0.50 30°C below the
Diodes, Photo
Forward Current 0.70 manufacturer’s
Diodes, & Photo
Voltage 0.70 maximum rating
Power Dissipation 0.50 30°C below the
Laser Diodes manufacturer’s
Forward Current 0.70 maximum rating
Power Dissipation 0.50 30°C below the
Forward Current 0.70 manufacturer’s
Breakdown Voltage 0.70 maximum rating

Bend radius, min. 2.00

Fiber Optic Cable Cable tension 0.50
maximum rating
Fiber tension proof 0.20
1/ For optimum coupling efficiency, use manufacturers recommended operating conditions.

A.3.10 Protective Devices. Derating of protective devices such as fuses and circuit breaks
is accomplished by multiplying the current rating by the appropriate derating factors specified

A.3.10.1 Fuses. Fuses require approval from the procuring activity.

Fuses are derated by applying the appropriate factors as shown in the derating table for cavity-
style fuses (see TABLE A-VIII) and the derating curve for solid body styles. Fuse derating
factors are based on data from fuses mounted on printed wiring boards (PWBs) with conformal
coating and operating in a vacuum environment. For other types of mounting, consult the
procuring activity for recommendations.

Derating of cavity style fuses allows for the potential loss of air pressure within the cavity over
time. This reduces the filament cooling mechanism resulting in lower blow current ratings.

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TABLE A-VIII. Fuse derating factors.
Derating Factor
Temperature Derating Voltage Derating
To prevent the occurrence of
Apply additional
open circuit enduring arcs,
derating of 0.5%/°C for
0.5 open circuit voltage shall not
fuse body temperatures
exceed 50% of the fuse voltage
above 25°C

A.3.10.2 Circuit Breakers. Derate circuit breakers by multiplying the current rating by
the appropriate derating factor specified below in TABLE A-IX.
TABLE A-IX. Circuit breaker derating factors.
Contact Current
Contact Application Operating
Derating Factor
Resistive 0.75
Capacitive 0.75 1/ 20°C below
Inductive 0.40 maximum rated
Motor 0.20 temperature
Filament 0.10
1/ Use series resistance to ensure those circuits do not exceed the derated value.

A.3.11 RF and Microwave Devices. RF and microwave devices shall be derated by

multiplying the critical stress parameter by the appropriate derating factor as shown in TABLE
A-X, unless otherwise specified. Some parts contain internal active or passive elements. Derating
guidelines for internal elements shall be referred to within this document.

For "hybrid" (e.g., Microwave Integrated Circuit, Integrated Microwave Assembly) and “lumped
element” type RF devices, derating shall apply to the constituent individual element parts and a
table shall be produced detailing the derating of each item. Criteria shall be in accordance with
the respective section of this document.

RF switches are subject to burnout in RF hot switching applications of moderate to high power
levels. Hot switching is allowed only in low RF power applications (< +20dBm or 100mW) with
the procuring activity concurrence.
TABLE A-X. RF and microwave devices derating factors.
Critical Stress Parameter Derating Factor
RF Input Power 0.70
Junction/Channel Temperature 40°C below maximum rating

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A.3.12 Relays and Switches. Principal stress parameters for relays and switches are
continuous contact current and temperature. Derating is accomplished by reducing maximum
contact currents based on operating temperature, load conditions and power as shown in TABLE
TABLE A-XI. Relays and switches derating factors.
Critical Stress Parameter
Derating Factor
0.75 (for Resistive Load)
0.75 (for Capacitive Load
Contact Current
0.40 (for Inductive Load)
2/ 3/
0.20 (for Motor Load)
0.10 (for Lamp Filament Load)
Contact Power 0.50
Temperature 20°C below maximum rating
1/ Do not derate relay coil voltage or current. Operating at less than nominal coil voltage can result in
switching failures and reduced relay reliability.
2/ For transient current surges, during switching, that exceed the maximum derated contact current, use the
following derating criteria:
For t ≤10 µs: ISM ≤ 4 x IDM
For t > 10 µs: (ISM)2 x t ≤16 x (IDM)2 x 10-5 (A2s)
Where: t = Period of time during which transient current exceeds IDM
ISM = Maximum surge current allowed
IDM = Maximum derated contact current
3/ Derate the rated resistive load limit by the listed derating factor for the type of load being switched.

A.3.13 Resistors. Resistors are derated by multiplying the resistor’s maximum rated
power and voltage by the appropriate power factor. This factor is also a function of the resistor
maximum operating temperature as shown below in TABLE A-XII.

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TABLE A-XII. Resistor derating factors. 1/
Resistor Description Power Derating Voltage
Type 4/ Derating Temperatures Derating
Factor (°C) Factor 2/
T1 T2 3/
Fixed Film (MIL-PRF-22684), Fixed
RCR, RL 0.60 70 106 0.7
RNC, 0.7
Fixed Metal Film (MIL-PRF-55182) 0.60 125 155
RLR Fixed Film, Insulated (MIL-PRF-39017) 0.60 70 118 0.7
1.0% Fixed Wire Wound, Accurate 0.6 125 137 0.7
0.5% (MIL-PRF-39005) 0.35 125 132 0.7
0.1% 0.25 125 130 0.7
RTR Variable, Wire Wound (MIL-PRF-39015) 0.55 85 124 0.7
Fixed Wire Wound, Power 0.7
RWR 0.60 25 160
Fixed Wire Wound, Power, Chassis Mount 0.7
RER 0.50 25 160
RZO Fixed Film, Networks (MIL-PRF-83401) 0.55 70 103 0.7
RM Fixed Film, Chip (MIL-PRF-55342) 0.55 70 118 0.7
1/ For all resistor types at operating temperatures ≤ T1, multiply nominal power rating by the appropriate
power factor. For operation above T1, derate linearly from the T1 power level to the zero power level at T2.
2/ Maximum applied voltage shall not exceed 70% of maximum rated voltage. Where no maximum voltage is
specified, applied voltage shall be limited to 0.7√𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃 where P is the maximum rated power in Watts and R is
nominal resistance in ohms.
3/ This voltage derating applies to DC and regular waveform AC applications. For pulse and other irregular
waveforms consult the applicable the procuring activity.
4/ The derating criteria applies to capacitors with construction equivalent to the cited military specifications.
For applications requiring the use of devices with different construction consult with the procuring activity for
applicable derating criteria.

A.3.14 Thermistors. This derating criteria applies to positive temperature coefficient

(PTC) and negative temperature coefficient (NTC) thermistors. Critical stress parameters for
thermistors are power dissipation and operating temperature. Derate power to 50% of maximum
rated power at a given temperature. Note that maximum rated power is defined as the maximum
power the thermistor can dissipate for an extended period of time and still maintain acceptable
stability of its characteristics.
A.3.15 Transistors. Derating for transistors is accomplished by multiplying the critical
stress parameter by the appropriate derating factor and by limiting junction and channel
temperatures as shown below in TABLE A-XIII.

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TABLE A-XIII. Transistor derating factors.
Transistor Type Critical Stress Parameter Derating Factor Junction/Channel
Bipolar Power Dissipation 0.60 40°C below the
Breakdown Voltage 1/ 0.60 manufacturer’s maximum
Collector Current 0.60 rating
Field Effect Power Dissipation 0.60
40°C below the
Breakdown Voltage 1/ 0.60
manufacturer’s maximum
Metal-Oxide- Current 0.60
GaAs Power Dissipation 0.60
Voltage 1/ 0.60 30°C below the
manufacturer’s maximum
Reverse Current 0.60 rating
Forward Current 0.80
1/ Voltage derating factor applies to worst-case combination of DC, AC and transient voltages.

A.3.16 Connectors, Wire, and Cable. Derating for connectors, wire, and cable is
accomplished by reducing current, voltage, and temperature stress as shown in TABLE A-XIV.
For connectors, the design shall observe limits on the individual contacts and the entire
connector. For wire and cable, SAE AS50881 provides derating requirements.
TABLE A-XIV. Connector derating factors.
Critical Stress Parameter Derating Factor
Current 0.75
Voltage 0.75
30°C below maximum
1/ Use within manufacturer's ratings. Normally, only a percentage of individual contacts may be used at their
maximum current rating without exceeding the connector’s overall rating. Consult the part manufacturer for

A.3.17 Mechanical Parts. Mechanical parts shall not be exposed to stresses that exceed
25% of the yield strength. Fatigue life for the application stress and strain shall be four times the
expected life in the application consistent with the system reliability requirements.

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B.1.1 Scope. This appendix provides the processes to ensure that Commercial Off-The-
Shelf (COTS) assemblies meet system requirements. For the purposes of this document, COTS
assemblies include items such as printed wiring assemblies/circuit card assemblies (such as VME
cards), relays, disk drives, liquid crystal display (LCD) matrices, servers, printers, laptop
computers, etc.

The use of COTS assemblies includes the following steps, (1) review and understand the design,
internal parts, materials, configuration control, and qualification methods of all “as-received”
COTS assemblies, and their capabilities with respect to their application in the System; (2)
identify risks, and where necessary, (3) take additional action to mitigate the risks associated
with the performance and reliability of the COTS assembly in the system.

This appendix is a mandatory part of this standard. The information contained herein is intended
for compliance.

B.2.1 Requirements. The requirements of this appendix apply to all COTS assemblies
integrated into the system, whether the COTS assembly is obtained from the COTS assembly
manufacturer, a distributor, or other supplier or subcontractor. All COTS assemblies shall meet
the allocated functional performance and reliability requirements to meet the system
requirements. Any COTS selection and acceptance process shall address these four steps:

a. Define requirements for the COTS item allocated from system requirements for
each application.

(1) Identify and select candidate COTS items with potential to meet allocated
requirements based on analysis and test.

(2) Perform a qualification test to verify the products meet application


(3) Approve and procure only those products for system use that meet all
application requirements.

An overview of the COTS management process is shown in FIGURE B-1. The design activity
shall write the COTS product selection, evaluation, qualification, and production acceptance
plans and conduct product selection and testing. The procuring activity shall review the product

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qualification and production acceptance plans in addition to the selection and testing results to
determine acceptance status.

FIGURE B-1. COTS management process.

B.2.2 COTS Requirements Definition. The design activity shall define and document
the COTS product performance requirements consistent with the Performance Specification of
the system, other applicable specifications, requirements and management plans, and as specified

B.2.2.1 Requirements Documentation. The COTS product requirements shall be

documented in a Product Specification (PS) maintained under configuration control. The COTS
product requirements shall identify all the necessary attributes to ensure meeting system
requirements including operational, performance, environmental, reliability, maintenance,
support, configuration, and system effectiveness requirements for the given product application

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allocated from the Performance Specification of the system. Where necessary, the requirements
are expanded or derived to encompass the specifications provided by the COTS suppliers.

To meet the reliability and other performance requirements of the system requires sufficient
product design disclosure and configuration management to allow complete design verification
and product support. Determination of the amount of required disclosure shall be established
prior to the start of the product identification in B.2.3, and be based on the product type and
intended application.

B.2.2.2 Life Cycle Application Stress Requirements. The PS for COTS items shall
address the entire system life cycle and include suitable verification methods, including testing
that represents the life cycle for the particular application.

B.2.2.3 Obsolescence Management. The COTS product shall be managed in

accordance with the Obsolescence Management Plan.

B.2.2.4 Counterfeit Prevention. The COTS manufacturer and supplier shall meet the
requirements of the Counterfeit Prevention Plan.
B.2.3 COTS Candidate Identification and Selection. The supplier specification and data
for candidate COTS items shall be compared to the documented product requirements, including
the PS. Candidate COTS that do not meet all critical requirements shall not be considered for
selection. A final list of the most highly rated candidates is then generated based on requirement
compliance, cost, and schedule.

The COTS selection shall be supported by analysis and test. Compliance results obtained from
the supplier and design activity evaluation will be used to determine design margin and if
additional mitigation and/or requirement modifications are required for the selected product.
Testing beyond the requirements to determine the amount of design margin may be required due
the small number of units being tested to help reduce the risk of qualification failures performed
in B.2.4.

B.2.3.1 COTS Candidate Design Evaluation. The candidate design evaluation is

performed on the top candidates based on the initial evaluation results. The evaluation consists of
documentation analysis, data analysis, and testing to determine if the candidate product meets the
product requirements. Failure to meet the requirements may require additional design mitigation,
product modification, and/or requirement modification. The candidate product will be tested to
assess compliance to product requirements.

Design evaluation shall be performed on the candidate product prior to final selection to
determine the hardware's compliance to the product requirements. The evaluation shall use the
appropriate method for verification such as test, inspection, demonstration, and/or analysis.
Environmental testing during evaluation is recommended to minimize unforeseen product

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modifications and/or mitigation during the qualification effort. If design evaluation data are to be
used to fulfill qualification test requirements, then the procedures defined in B.2.4 shall be
followed. The design activity is responsible for developing an evaluation test plan and
conducting the evaluation testing.

The evaluation product shall be fabricated using methods and procedures used for the standard
production of the product that would be used in production.

B. Documentation Audit. An audit and review of COTS supplier application and
design documentation shall be performed to verify that product documentation is sufficient to
support subsystem development and integration of the products. Supplier documentation shall
include the hardware, software, and firmware documentation necessary to sufficiently allow for
design verification and product support. Non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) may be required to
obtain supplier data.

B. Hardware Documentation. Supplier documentation shall be provided for

hardware to allow for design verification and product support.

a. Functional overview which describes how the product meets requirements.

b. Functional block diagram and detailed description for the operation of the product
in the system.

c. Product electrical and mechanical interface description, including items such as

input/output (I/O) pin characteristics and signal description, unit loads, timing diagrams,
and signal source and destination, as well as mechanical interfaces.

d. Product application notes and restrictions.

e. Product power and thermal requirements.

f. Product physical description.

g. Schematics.

h. Parts list; The evaluation hardware can be used to generate a parts list if the
supplier's parts list is not initially available.

i. Product materials.

j. Assembly drawing.

k. Printed wiring board drawing.

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l. Reliability prediction.

m. Environmental conditions ratings.

n. Warranties.

B. Product Resident Software Program Documentation. Supplier

documentation shall be provided for software to allow for design verification and product

a. Source code.

b. Object codes.

c. Firmware. A complete design disclosure package for firmware including Built In

Test Executive (BITE)

B. Parts List Audit. An audit shall be held to review the supplier’s parts list for
component quality, to identify critical/problem parts, and to assess the level of adherence to the
PM&P Management Plan (PMP), including the problem and Prohibited PM&P list.

B. Product Construction Assessment. The product construction shall be

reviewed for capability to meet the system requirements. The COTS product shall comply with
the requirements of the Lead-Free Control Plan and the PMP, including the problem and
Prohibited PM&P list. The assessment will be used to determine the feasibility of compliance to
the specified environmental requirements prior to actual qualification testing.

B. Reliability Analysis. A reliability analysis of each product shall be performed

based on the application life cycle stresses. Actual field reliability data or accelerated life testing
data can also be used to determine the product reliability in the application. The COTS product
shall meet the derating requirements.

B. COTS Candidate Test Evaluation. The COTS product shall undergo suitable
testing to indicate minimal risk of failing the Qualification requirements of B.2.4, and to
determine any required risk mitigations for implementation on qualification products.

B. COTS Product Selection. The design evaluation results are graded for
compliance to the list of product specification requirements. Products that do not meet all of the
critical requirements during the evaluation are no longer considered. Remaining products are
then rated based on compliance to the requirements that are categorized as mitigatable. The
output is a list of candidate products that meet all critical product requirements. Using this list, a
top candidate is selected based on requirement conformance, evaluation test results, supplier
selection criteria, cost, and schedule. Only the top candidate proceeds to the Qualification Phase,

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unless qualification of alternate products or second sources is required. Selection to a single
product shall be completed during a review with the procuring activity. Product selection status
shall be reported at the Preliminary Design Review (PDR) and Critical Design Review (CDR).
B.2.4 COTS Qualification. Product qualification testing verifies that the selected
product, including the baseline configuration, all necessary modifications, and mitigation, meets
all the associated program requirements documented in the PS. The qualification approach
shall be documented in a Qualification Plan (QP), approved by the procuring activity, and in
accordance with B.2.6.2 that includes sufficient product verification tests and analyses to
confirm that the selected COTS product meets all requirements. Generally, only the selected
product will be qualified unless second sources are required or desired. Testing results obtained
during the COTS Evaluation of B.2.3 may be used to fulfill the qualification test requirements
provided that the requirements identified in the COTS Qualification of B.2.4 are met. The
product is approved for use after successful completion of the qualification testing and approval
of the Qualification Report (QR) by the procuring activity.

B.2.4.1 Use of COTS Evaluation Results. Product qualification testing shall use, to
the greatest extent possible, the testing and test results performed during the product design
evaluation of B.2.3, provided that the following test requirements shown below in (a)-(f) are

Qualification testing shall be required for the final configuration of the product that includes any
modifications. Mitigation designs shall be accepted at the next level of testing. The product does
not require qualification testing before modifications are made. The design activity is
responsible for developing the qualification test plan and conducting qualification testing. The
procuring activity shall review and approve the qualification test plan. Procuring activity
authorization shall be required to begin qualification testing.

Qualification test results shall be included in the Product QR. The procuring activity
concurrence shall be made by approval of the final Product QP and QR.

The following shall be performed to allow use of evaluation data to fulfill the qualification test

a. A copy of the program test plan is provided to the procuring activity prior to the
start of testing. This can be accomplished with the Test and Evaluation Master Plan
(TEMP) and the Hardware Configuration Item test plans. The intent is to define what
tests will be performed to what requirements. The procuring activity will review and
comment on the plan, but concurrence is not required to begin evaluation testing.

b. Test configuration shall be recorded with regard to hardware, software, and

firmware at the time of test.

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c. Qualification test levels, information, results, design, test setup, changes, and
conclusions shall be recorded in an Engineering log book or equivalent.

d. In the event of an environmental test failure, as defined by normal qualification

test rules, the procuring activity concurrence is required to continue with an evaluation
test and the information shall be reported to the procuring activity if the testing is desired
to be used for qualification requirement fulfillment. Incomplete data exchange or non-
concurrence at this point can be the single point for denial of data re-use.

e. Data and overall test results accumulated during evaluation testing shall be
discussed with the procuring activity at the conclusion of testing or prior to the start of
qualification testing if the data are to be used for qualification fulfillment. The data and
results shall then be documented in the qualification Test Plan/Report when the data are
used to fulfill the qualification requirements by means of analysis using the evaluation
data. The analysis shall also address any differences between the configuration as tested
and the production release baseline.

f. The procuring activity reserves the right to call for regression or repeat testing
within the program plan.

B.2.4.2 Corrective Action. In the event of a failure experienced during qualification

test or analysis, a detailed failure report shall be issued to a Failure Review Board (FRB)
documenting the findings and corrective action. The FRB shall consist of individuals from the
procuring activity and other required technical disciplines. Based on the nature of the failure, the
corrective action shall be implemented within an agreed upon period of time. All performing
organizations shall be notified. The FRB and the procuring activity have final approval for all
corrective actions.

B.2.4.3 Physical Configuration Audit. A Physical Configuration Audit (PCA) shall be

conducted prior to start of qualification testing to establish the configuration of the product and
that all the associated documentation is complete and correct. The audit shall verify, but not be
limited to, the correct identification, hardware and firmware revision, parts used, and quality
level as defined by the product's assembly and/or procurement drawing. In the case of non-
disclosed designs, the PCA conducted shall become the baseline configuration for the product.
All subsequent procurements of this product shall be compared to this configuration to determine
if qualification testing shall be repeated. For some COTS products, destructive assessment may
be required on a sample to verify the configuration.

B.2.4.4 Functional Tests. Product functional tests shall target two areas of concern: (1)
evaluation of supplier-specified capabilities and (2) relationships of external interfaces. The tests
of the following sections B. and B. shall be required.

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B. Supplier Specified Capabilities. The functional tests shall verify compliance
of all supplier specified capabilities.

B. External Interfaces. Qualification of the external interfaces shall consist of

verifying the critical electrical and timing relationships of all used external interfaces. Timing
will be measured compared to the applicable specifications to determine the extent of
compliance. Electrical characteristics (voltage levels, noise, reflections, crosstalk, etc.) shall be
measured and verified.

B.2.4.5 Mechanical Tests. Mechanical tests shall be in accordance with the applicable
requirements identified in the PS.

B.2.4.6 Qualification Verification Methods. Requirements can be verified by analysis,

demonstration, test, and inspection. TABLE B-I identifies the recommended method of
verification. The table contains a representation of the types of qualification test requirements
that may apply. The list of required qualification tests for a given product shall be derived from
the PS and documented in the Product QP.

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TABLE B-I. Recommended verification methods for qualification tests.
Requirement Verification Method
Physical Configuration Audit Inspection
Supplier Specified Capabilities Test
External Interfaces Test
Power Dissipation Test
Power Supply Margin Test
BITE Analysis
Durability Analysis, Demonstration
Life Test
Visual Inspection Inspection
Test, Analysis, Inspection,
Safety Inspection
Temperature, Operating Test
Temperature, Non-Operating Test
Humidity Test
Vibration Test
Mechanical Shock Test
Pressure/Altitude Test
Electromagnetic Interference and
Magnetic Fields
Ambient Acoustic Noise Inspection, Test
Structureborne Noise Inspection, Test
Thermal Shock Test
Inclination/Motion Analysis

B.2.5 COTS Approval and Production Management. Upon successful completion of the
QP and approval of the QR by the procuring activity, the COTS product is approved for
production use when the product meets the requirements of the Production Acceptance
Procedure (PAP). The COTS product configuration that successfully completed the QP
requirements represents the Production Qualified Baseline. The PAP shall include procurement
requirements, incoming inspection, performance testing, stress screening, and life cycle
management, and shall require the procuring activity approval.

B.2.5.1 COTS Production Procurement. The procurement requirements specified by

contract or purchase order shall ensure compliance with the PAP, and shall address Counterfeit
Prevention in accordance with the Counterfeit Prevention Plan.

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Products purchased as spares require the same level of acceptance testing prior to being
submitted to the supply system to provide assurance that the spares will function properly when
installed in the final application.

B.2.5.2 Incoming Inspection. Upon receipt of products the following shall be


a. Configuration verification shall be performed to ensure product has been

fabricated, tested, and inspected to the revision levels specified in the procurement
contract. Change monitoring may require destructive physical analysis (DPA) of a small
sample of units to ensure that the Qualification still applies to the delivered configuration.

b. Visual inspection shall be performed to verify product marking and keying in

accordance with the applicable PS. Visual inspection shall be performed on a sample
basis as defined in the contract or purchase order. Visual inspection shall not be required
until completion of all modifications to the product is made. Only the modifications to
the product approved by the procuring activity may be performed after the products are
received from the product supplier.

c. Programmable device verification shall be performed on all programmable

devices to ensure the devices are programmed to the specified revision. The verification
is accomplished by examining the device marking and the electrical contents.
Programmable read-only memory (PROM) shall be verified electrically by performing a
PROM verify check. PROM verify compares each memory location and compares the
data to the supplier disclosed data for the given device revision. Programmable logic
devices (PLDs) shall be verified electrically by performing functional testing at the
product level.

d. Final functional and DC parametric tests shall be performed to ensure the

products are functioning properly after completion of all required modifications to the
product. Testing is dependent upon the extent of the modifications.

Refer to Appendix H for more information on incoming inspection.

B.2.5.3 COTS Performance Acceptance Testing. The COTS Performance Acceptance

Testing (PAT) shall be performed on all of the products and consists of product testing
performed by the COTS manufacturer, and any additional product testing performed by the
design activity or third party test facility to ensure meeting system requirements.

When all performance testing is to be performed by the COTS manufacturer, Government

Source Inspection may be required to ensure system performance.

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B.2.5.4 Environmental Stress Screening. The requirement to perform environmental
stress screening (ESS) on all of the products purchased for production shall be based upon
program requirements, and product failure and change history, to ensure product quality, by
precipitating defects introduced into the product by faulty components and the manufacturing
process. ESS can be performed by the product supplier, the design activity, or another test
facility. The procuring activity shall approve the ESS requirements prior to testing. Electronic
COTS items typically require temperature cycling and vibration screens.

B.2.5.5 COTS Product Assurance and Life Cycle Management. The products shall
meet the requirements of the Quality Program Plan and Obsolescence Management Plan. The
PAP shall include change control imposed in the procurement requirements of B.2.5.1, or change
monitoring in B.2.5.2, to ensure that changes to the Qualified Production Baseline do not affect
system performance.
B.2.6 COTS Documentation. Upon completion of product qualification, a COTS
Assembly Integration Report (CAIR) shall be prepared for each COTS application and include
the PS, QP, QR, and PAP. The CAIR shall include application information including hardware
and software interfaces and shall be sufficient to allow the product to be incorporated into the
system. The CAIR shall also include user notes and restrictions as defined from the product
evaluation and qualification phases.

B.2.6.1 COTS Product Specification. A product Source Control Drawing or

Specification Control Drawing (SCD) shall be generated for each COTS product and application
type. Determination to generate a Source Control Drawing versus a SCD is dependent on product
type and product uniqueness. Products that can be interchanged without system impact will be
procured using a SCD. Products that are unique and cannot be exchanged will be procured using
a Source Control Drawing. The SCD shall reference the specific PS.

The SCD need not duplicate information and/or requirements defined in the PS but shall be
sufficient to verify delivered products are identical to those defined by the Product Procurement
Baseline including subsequent controlled changes. The appropriate supplier(s) along with the
commercial part/catalog number shall be defined. The SCD shall also define any
alterations/modifications to the catalog item that will be performed to the product by the supplier
prior to delivery. Modifications to the product made after receipt of the product shall be
documented in a separate modification drawing.

B.2.6.2 COTS Product Qualification Plan. A QP and Procedure shall be written for
each COTS product requiring qualification. The document shall include all test requirements and
procedures. The QP and Procedure shall be generated using the requirements specified in the PS,
which is generated from the product requirements list and any required subsequent changes.

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B.2.6.3 Product Qualification Report. A Product QR shall be prepared and issued for
each product type, which documents the qualification test results and compliance to the QP.
Corrective action for any qualification failures will be identified in the report and a follow-up
report of the closed-out action items shall be appended to the original Product QR upon
completion. The complete Product QR shall then be submitted to the procuring activity for
approval, which constitutes product acceptance for program use.

B.2.6.4 Production Acceptance Procedure. A PAP in accordance with B.2.5 shall be

prepared and implemented for each product, and address requirements differences for different
applications of the same COTS product.


B.3.1 Accelerated Life Testing. Accelerated life testing provides a methodology for
assessing product reliability within reasonable test times to ensure meeting system requirements
and identify needed design and process corrective actions. Accelerated testing includes exposure
to stresses that represent the life cycle stresses from manufacturing and integration, storage,
transportation, field handling, and use. The test stresses shall not exceed the system specification
environmental limits except where justified by physics of failure analysis.

Temperature cycling, temperature storage, vibration, shock, power cycling, and humidity
represent the most common stresses applicable to electronic equipment. Other COTS item
types may have other critical life cycle stresses, as addressed by the Performance
Specification of the system.

An accelerated test flow is shown in FIGURE B-2 to represent the life cycle profile for
electronics to serve as the baseline test to assess reliability.

FIGURE B-2. Example of system life cycle.

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C.1.1 Scope. This appendix defines the parts, materials, and processes (PM&P)
that are considered to be reliability suspect, have limited application, involve restricted or special
controls, or are otherwise unacceptable for use in aerospace and defense electronic hardware and
associated mechanical hardware.

This appendix is a mandatory part of this standard. The information contained herein is intended
for compliance.

C.1.2 Intended Use. This appendix establishes a baseline for suspect selection,
design, and application practices proposed for use within aerospace and defense electronic and
associated mechanical hardware. All PM&P shall meet the requirements herein unless otherwise
approved by the procuring activity or their designated representative prior to use in hardware
manufacture/assembly. Deviations (i.e. all PM&P that do not meet the requirements herein) shall
be identified in writing, and submitted for evaluation and approval in a manner as agreed to by
the Government, and may be granted specifically for the intended application only. Proposed
deviations will be evaluated in light of the current state of technology of the part, material, or
process and the intended system application. Evaluation and implementation shall be performed
to ensure all requirements are met.

C.1.3 General Notes.

C.1.3.1 Part/component. The term component is used interchangeably with

the term part.

C.1.3.2 Government/customer. Unless otherwise designated by contract, the

term customer is interchangeable with the term Government. The term customer used herein
refers to the Government procuring activity.

C.1.3.3 Rationale. The term rationale refers to the justification evolved from
lessons learned through actual application in DoD and other high reliability systems to identify a
part, material, or process as a Prohibited PM&P.


C.2.1 Prohibited Part Specifications and Pedigree. For the purposes of this
document the term part refers to any electronic part (includes electrical, electromagnetic,
electromechanical, and electro-optical (EEEE) parts) and associated mechanical parts.

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C.2.1.1 Use of Prohibited Materials. Any part with prohibited materials used
in their construction.

Rationale: Prohibited materials pose a significant risk of failing to meet the system requirements
without qualification data to support use in the intended system application.

C.2.1.2 Outside Vendor’s Specifications. Parts and materials used outside of

the vendor’s specifications for the specific part or material (minimum temperature, maximum
voltage, etc.).

Rationale: Parts used outside of a vendor’s specification can be a high reliability/performance

risk if not characterized properly. Use SAE EIA-STD-4899 for guidance. Complex devices may
be very difficult to characterize and manage due to manufacturer non-disclosure agreements

C.2.1.3 Unqualified Parts. Parts not qualified for intended system application
life cycle environmental stress and duty cycle requirements.

Rationale: Parts without qualification data to support use in the intended system application
pose a significant risk of failing to meet the system requirements.

C.2.1.4 Non-OEM/OCM/Franchised Distributor Parts. Parts procured from a

source other than the original equipment manufacturer (OEM), original component manufacturer
(OCM), or its franchised/authorized distributor without a Government approved process. The
Government approved process shall include an OEM certificate of conformance (C of C) and/or
certificate of analysis (CoA). The Government approved process shall include requirements for
participating in the Government-Industry Data Exchange Program (GIDEP) including
submission of counterfeit information to the customer and/or the GIDEP agency. The
Government approved process shall consider FAR clauses 27.201- 2(b), 32.1009, and 33.209,
DFAR 252.246-7003, FAR 52.203-13, FAR 52.211-5 and the FY12 National Defense
Authorization Act (NDAA). Any part whose identity or pedigree has been deliberately altered,
misrepresented, or offered as an unauthorized product substitution is considered a counterfeit
part/non-conforming product.

Rationale: Counterfeit items are widespread and difficult to detect, procuring from franchise
distributors minimizes counterfeit component and material procurement. Most counterfeit parts
have performance, workmanship, or reliability issues. Additionally, the potential exists for
receiving parts with unknown histories and/or storage or handling conditions such as failed,
rejected or scrapped parts, electrostatic discharge (ESD) damaged parts, or used parts.
References for counterfeit avoidance process developments include SAE AS5553, IDEA-STD-
1010, and SAE TB-0003 (Counterfeit Parts & Materials Risk Mitigation).

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C.2.1.5 Reused, Reinstalled, Recycled, Reattached, or Salvaged Parts. Reused,
reinstalled, recycled, reattached, or salvaged parts without a Government approved process. Parts
previously installed or otherwise attached to another assembly are considered used and not new.

Rationale: Reused, reinstalled, recycled, reattached, or salvaged parts can result in new failure
modes and/or latent failure conditions introduced, part/assembly life shortened, an unknown and
difficult to determine overall reliability. Mechanical fasteners pose a special risk due to the ease
of removal and reinstallation. The Government approved process shall consider FAR clause

C.2.1.6 Parts with Date Codes Over 5 Years Old. Parts with date codes more
than 5 years old at the time of assembly without a Government approved process.

Rationale: Depending on construction, handling, and storage, parts can become unsolderable,
contaminated, damaged, and otherwise degraded. Recertification can eliminate most concerns of
damage issues associated with long-term handling and storage. Recertification can provide
baseline properties for reliability forecasting.

C.2.2 Prohibited Microcircuits and Semiconductors.

C.2.2.1 Microcircuits. Microcircuits not equivalent to or better than MIL-

PRF-38535 Class M, B, or Q standard microcircuit drawing (SMD); MIL-PRF-38534 Class H
SMD; or AEC-Q100.

Rationale: Microcircuits shall utilize known standards as much as possible. Other industry
standards, such as aerospace or telecommunications, may be considered equivalent depending on
the application and subject to customer agreement.

C.2.2.2 Non-Hermetic Microcircuits and Semiconductors. Non-hermetic

microcircuits, semiconductors, RF devices, and microwave devices without a Government
approved selection, qualification, and control process. Non-hermetic devices include plastic
encapsulated microcircuits (PEMs) as well as vented component packages.

Rationale: Most non-hermetic parts are commercial/industrial grade and vary widely in
construction, quality, and reliability and change without notice. Many non-hermetic devices are
not intended for high reliability applications like aerospace, medical ,or military and can present
a reliability risk. PEMs devices with a moisture sensitivity level (MSL) of 4 or higher are
susceptible to moisture ingress during manufacturing and can lead to reduced reliability. Large
integrated circuit components with vented packages allow cleaning residue to enter the die cavity
leading to corrosion issues.

C.2.2.3 Discrete Semiconductors. Discrete semiconductors not equivalent to

or better than MIL-PRF-19500 JANTX quality level or AEC-Q101.

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Rationale: These components shall utilize known standards as much as possible. Other industry
standards, such as aerospace or telecommunications, may be considered equivalent depending on
the application and subject to customer agreement.

C.2.2.4 Selenium Rectifiers. Use of selenium rectifiers.

Rationale: These components have known degradation and reliability concerns.

C.2.2.5 Discrete Diodes. Discrete diodes that do not meet MIL-PRF-19500

Category I metallurgical bond or equivalent metallurgical bonded-thermally matched with
double plug construction; diodes that contain point-contact (whisker) wire conductors; or diodes
with plated silver button contacts.

Rationale: Metallurgical bonding is a more robust bonding method. Coefficient of thermal

expansion (CTE) issues may arise if not thermally matched.

C.2.3 Prohibited Passive Electrical Components.

C.2.3.1 Non-High Reliability Passive Components. Passive components with

failure rate level greater than 0.1% per 1000 hours or not manufactured for high reliability

Rationale: Supplier quality and device reliability are generally unacceptable. Passives intended
for medical, military, aerospace, and automotive applications are candidates when failure rate
data are not known, and are subject to Government approval.

C.2.3.2 Silver Case Wet Slug Tantalum Capacitors. Use of silver case wet
slug tantalum capacitors.

Rationale: Cannot tolerate reverse voltage very well. Silver electroplating from the case onto and
beneath the oxide layer increases current leakage paths, resulting in increased dissipation and
internal heat rise, liberation of gasses, and catastrophic failure. The formulation of hydrogen and
oxygen gasses at the electrodes creates excessive internal pressure, and can result in electrolyte
leakage or bursting of the case. Note: Tantalum cased capacitors may be used, but shall be per
MIL-PRF-39006/22 and MIL-PRF-39006/25.

C.2.3.3 Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors. Use of aluminum electrolytic


Rationale: Elastomer seal allows evaporation of electrolyte under long term storage or use
conditions resulting in degradation of part. Use at high altitude or in a vacuum accelerates
electrolyte evaporation. Non-hermetic construction makes parts susceptible to corrosion from

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some printed wiring board (PWB) cleaning agents. Excessive ripple current causes heating,
which accelerates evaporation of electrolyte.

C.2.3.4 Plastic Film Capacitors. Use of non-hermetically sealed plastic film


Rationale: Susceptible to insulation resistance failure from moisture introduced in humid

environments or by PWB cleaning processes.

C.2.3.5 Polyester Capacitors. Use of polyester capacitors.

Rationale: In extended charge and elevated temperatures, polyester capacitors have been shown
to be prone to material breakdown under steady state DC and at high temperatures (i.e. 80°C or

C.2.3.6 Carbon Composition Resistors. Use of carbon composition resistors.

Rationale: They readily absorb moisture and the value increase significantly. If the procuring
activity authorizes use, only use MIL-SPEC established failure rate levels R or S and in very dry

C.2.3.7 Resistors using Nichrome Film Elements. Use of resistors using

Nichrome film elements.

Rationale: They are susceptible to corrosion/dissolution when operated under humid conditions
causing large increases in resistance values or open circuit failures. If the procuring activity
authorizes use, care shall be taken during handling, storage, and PWB assembly so as not to
compromise the integrity of the outside coating.

C.2.4 Prohibited General Parts.

C.2.4.1 Circuit Protection Fuses.Use of circuit protection fuses.

Rationale: Circuit protection fuses pose reliability and maintenance concerns. Trip-free circuit
breakers (with arc/noise protection for semiconductor devices) and semiconductor/passive
protection schemes are preferred.

C.2.4.2 Vacuum Tubes. Use of vacuum tubes.

Rationale: Vacuum tubes pose reliability and maintenance concerns. In most applications,
semiconductors are more reliable. In some applications, exceptions can include cathode ray tubes
or application-specific qualified traveling-wave tubes with customer approval.

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C.2.4.3 Disc Crystals. Crystals without adequate mounting support. Disc
crystals, including those in oscillators, with fewer than four-point mounts.

Rationale: Two- and three-point mount disc crystals are inadequate for military vibration and
shock requirements. Cantilevered (“diving board”) rectangular crystals are discouraged.

C.2.4.4 Relays. Reed relays, relays that are not hermetically sealed, or relays
that are not solid state.

Rationale: Reed relays incur differentials of CTE in materials which may lead to fracturing of
the switches under temperature cycling inherent in military applications. Prohibition of reed
relays dates back to the early 1970’s due to the poor reliability reputation of these parts at that
time. Non-hermetic relays are not preferred for military applications due to the introduction of
contaminants and moisture. For non-solid state rationale, see mechanized switches.

C.2.4.5 Mechanically Adjustable Devices. Mechanically adjustable (variable)

devices including capacitors, resistors, and magnetic devices where the value is intended to be
fixed in the application.

Rationale: Mechanically adjustable parts are subject to contamination, oxidation, etc, resulting in
catastrophic failure or parametric changes such as resistance drift. Designs requiring variations
due to manufacturing or interface differences shall use fixed-value (select on test) parts when the
needed parameter is determined. Staking may reduce risk.

C.2.5 Prohibited Electromechanical and Mechanical Components.

C.2.5.1 Slide-On or Snap-On BNC Connectors. Use of slide-on and snap-on

BNC connectors.

Rationale: Slide-on and snap-on BNC connectors are at risk for coupling integrity during severe
environments in addition to concerns for moisture and mechanical wear. Twist lock BNC
connectors are acceptable for use.

C.2.5.2 Locking Devices. Fiber inserts, sheet spring nuts, and sheet spring
washers as locking devices (includes lock washers).

Rationale: These types of locking devices pose vibration risks and shape retention issues for
long-term reliability.

C.2.5.3 Lock Washers. Use of lock washers.

Rationale: Lock washers can generate metal shavings when secured. Reduce the possibility of
metal shavings being generated or distributed in the system. Split type or star type shall not be

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used as locking devices. By “biting” into the surface, they often damage it and create debris. In
addition, their overall effectiveness is poor.

C.2.5.4 Miniature Switches or Connectors. Miniature switches or connectors

not environmentally protected and/or encapsulated.

Rationale: Not environmentally protecting and/or encapsulating the device can lead to
introduction of contaminants during the PWB cleaning processes, coating procedures, storage,

C.2.5.5 Mechanized Switches. Use of mechanized switches.

Rationale: Mechanized switches are generally a high failure rate item. Many switch internal
mechanisms not proven for long-term reliable operation. These types of switches are subject to
moisture and contamination ingestion leading to failures (shorts, opens, high resistance, etc.).
Contact oxidation can cause intermittent operation. Hot spot heating, arcing, and mechanical
wear (fretting), all of which can lead to excessive oxidation, unreliable operation, and switch
failure. Note: For some applications, special lubricants may provide an acceptable mitigation.

C.2.5.6 Cinch, Compression, or Spring Style Connectors. Use of cinch,

compression, or spring style connectors.

Rationale: The use of these style connectors can result in contamination and foreign object
issues. There is concern with long-term robustness of spring and/or compression style materials
and contact function.

C.2.5.7 Unkeyed Multi-Pin Connectors. Use of unkeyed multi-pin connectors.

Rationale: Unkeyed multi-pin connectors can result in production issues and/or potential
hardware damage in assembly. Maintenance issues for external ground connections.

C.2.5.8 Non-Gold Plated Contact Electrical Connectors. Use of electrical

connectors with contacts/pins that are not gold plated.

Rationale: Other electrical connector contact/pin finishes are very susceptible to tarnish and
oxidation. See also the requirements for gold plating herein.

C.2.6 Prohibited Component Package Types.

C.2.6.1 Open Type Magnetic Devices. Open type magnetic devices such as
exposed core, coils, wire, and/or internal elements not environmentally protected or encapsulated
or both.

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Rationale: Open type magnetic devices are susceptible to possible introduction of corrosive
contamination during PWB cleaning operations, mechanical stresses during PWB assembly,
damage to windings and posts if not protected, and long-term moisture/contamination intrusion.

C.2.6.2 Sockets and Socketed Devices. Sockets and socketed devices for
electronic devices, such as relays, integrated circuits, and discrete semiconductors. Includes
printed wiring assembly (PWA) level slide-on or press-fit terminations.

Rationale: Sockets and socketed devices result in inadequate retention of parts leading to
possible intermittent contact in shock and vibration environments. Sockets in general are subject
to oxidation between the leads and socket contacts (“fretting”). For some ground applications,
lubricants may provide an acceptable mitigation. Not intended to cover PWB connectors or cable


C.3.1 Prohibited Material Specification Specifications and Pedigree.

C.3.1.1 Outside Vendor’s Specifications. Materials used outside of the

vendor’s specifications for the specific part or material (minimum temperature, coefficient of
thermal expansion, etc.).

Rationale: Materials used outside of the vendor’s specifications can be a high

reliability/performance risk if not characterized properly. Use SAE EIA-STD-4899 for guidance.
Materials may be very difficult to characterize and manage due to manufacturer non-disclosures.

C.3.1.2 Unqualified Materials. Materials not qualified for intended system

application life cycle environmental stress and duty cycle requirements.

Rationale: Materials without qualification data to support use in the intended system application
pose a significant risk of failing to meet the system requirements.

C.3.1.3 Non-OEM/OCM/Franchised Distributor Materials. Materials

procured from a source other than the OEM, OCM, or its franchised/authorized distributor
without a Government approved process. The Government approved process shall include an
OEM C of C or CoA. The Government approved process shall include requirements for
participating in the GIDEP including submission of counterfeit information to the customer and
the GIDEP agency. The Government approved process shall consider FAR clauses 27.201- 2(b),
32.1009, and 33.209, DFAR 252.246-7003, FAR 52.203-13, FAR 52.211-5 and the FY12
National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). Any material whose identity or pedigree has been
deliberately altered, misrepresented, or offered as an unauthorized product substitution is
considered a counterfeit material/non-conforming product.

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Rationale: Counterfeit items are widespread and difficult to detect. Procuring from franchise
distributors minimizes counterfeit material procurement. Most counterfeit materials have
performance, workmanship, or reliability issues. Additionally, the potential exists for receiving
materials with unknown histories, storage or handling conditions. References for counterfeit
avoidance process developments include SAE AS6174 and SAE TB-0003 (Counterfeit Parts &
Materials Risk Mitigation).

C.3.1.4 Reused, Reinstalled, Recycled, Reattached, or Salvaged Parts and

Materials. Reused, reinstalled, recycled, reattached, or salvaged parts and materials without a
specific process approved by the Program Office and the Government Contracting Officer or
Contracting Officer Technical Representative. Parts or materials previously installed or
otherwise attached to another assembly are considered used and not new.

Rationale: New failure modes and/or latent failure conditions are introduced, part/assembly life
can be shortened, overall reliability is unknown and can be difficult to determine. Mechanical
fasteners pose a special risk due to the ease of removal and reinstallation. Reference FAR clause

C.3.1.5 Expired Materials. Materials used beyond the shelf life without a
Government approved process.

Rationale: A material must be used within its shelf life (e.g., manufacturer’s expiration date) or
subjected to inspection, test, restoration, or disposal action. Use of a material beyond the shelf
life can result in a detrimental effect to the material’s properties and/or performance.

C.3.2 Non-Compliant Materials.

C.3.2.1 MIL-STD-186 Non-Compliant. Not compliant to MIL-STD-186,

except as noted herein.

Rationale: This standard contains general military best practice for protecting components and
for material selection for corrosion and deterioration control. Note some MIL-STD-186 items are
listed herein for emphasis and additional clarification; however, MIL-STD-186 shall be referred
to for additional specific design considerations.

C.3.2.2 MIL-HDBK-1250 Non-Compliant. Not compliant to MIL-HDBK-

1250, except as noted herein.

Rationale: This handbook contains missile system best practice for protecting components and
for material selection for corrosion and deterioration control. Note some MIL-STD-1250 items

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are listed herein for emphasis and additional clarification; however, now-obsolete MIL-STD-
1250 shall be referred to for additional specific design considerations.

C.3.2.3 CPC Guidebook Non-Compliant. Not utilizing applicable policy and

guidance from the DoD Corrosion Prevention and Control (CPC) Planning Guidebook.

Rationale: This document implements Public Law 10 U.S.C. 2228 and contains specific DoD
policy, guidance, and technical considerations for developing and implementing a corrosion
prevention and control program for DoD weapon systems and infrastructure. Guidance is in
accordance with the DoD Corrosion Prevention and Control policy letter, signed by the Acting
Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (USD[AT&L]), 12
November 2003, and the Facility Corrosion Prevention and Control memorandum, signed by the
Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Installations and Environment, 10 March 2005. Note
some items are listed herein for emphasis and additional clarification; however, this document
shall be referred to for additional specific technical and design considerations.

C.3.2.4 Inadequate Corrosion/Deterioration Protection. Paints, finishes,

coatings, and materials not adequate for corrosion/deterioration protection in the intended
application, and not utilizing MIL-STD-186, MIL-HDBK-1250, or an approved equivalent.

Rationale: These documents contain industry best practices for protecting components and
materials for corrosion and deterioration control, and shall be used.

C.3.3 Hazardous Materials.

C.3.3.1 Mercury and Compounds Containing Mercury. Use of mercury and

compounds containing mercury.

Rationale: Hazardous concerns .

C.3.3.2 Flammable Materials. Materials used in the end item configuration

that may demonstrate unintended flammable properties in item-specified worst case
environments.. Plastic/polymer materials exceeding Underwriters Laboratories (UL) 94, defined
levels V-0, VTM-0, 5VA, or HBF as applicable, or UL 1694 SC-0 or SC-TC 0. Flammable or
combustible liquids as defined in Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

Rationale: Fire hazard, "flammable" is subjective, refer to applicable UL (solids), and OSHA
(liquids) definition levels. Test methods and degrees of flammability for polymers are defined in
UL 94 and UL 1694. Flammable materials that may ignite in worst case environments are
undesirable in military applications. Systems using ordnance items intended to become
flammable generally require Government agency fuse and safety board type approvals.

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C.3.3.3 Radioisotopes/Radioactive Materials. Radioisotopes/radioactive
materials, except as allowed by DA PAM 385-24.

Rationale: Safety concerns and require extensive accountability. DA PAM 385-24, The Army
Radiation Safety Program, allows some specific exceptions. OSHA and export regulated.

C.3.3.4 ODCs and Highly Toxic Chemicals. Class 1 ozone depleting

chemicals (ODCs) and highly toxic chemicals.

Rationale: Environmental laws, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulated. Refer to

your contractual hazardous materials requirements and all applicable federal and state guidelines.

C.3.3.5 Pentachlorophenol. Pentachlorophenol, commonly referred to as

"Penta" or "PCP", as a wood product preservative.

Rationale: This generally applies to shipping and storage containers and is considered highly
reactive. Use one of the following wood preservatives in accordance with MIL-DTL-15011: (a)
Copper-8-quinolinolate reduced with water down to 1.8% Copper-8-quinolinolate as metal, (b)
Zinc Naphthenate reduced with water down to 3% Zinc as metal, or (c) Copper Naphthenate
reduced with water down to 2% Copper as metal.

C.3.4 Prohibited Metals.

C.3.4.1 Lead-free Tin Alloy. Tin alloy solders, coatings, and finishes with less
than 3% Pb by weight that are internal and external to EEEE parts/components, related hardware,
and mechanical surfaces. Plating over an existing pure tin or tin alloy coating or finish with less
than 3% lead. Exceptions are tin-plated insulated electrical wire compliant to applicable military
or ASTM standards. Other than parylene or urethane conformal coat for tin whisker risk
mitigation. Risk mitigation plans for use of pure tin or tin alloys with less than 3% Pb shall
require Government approval.

Rationale: Potential for tin whisker and tin pest. The finish and application shall be evaluated for
risk mitigation for EEEE applications especially terminals and leads. Surfaces with tin shall be
coated with a tin alloy containing not less than 3% Pb alloy. This applies to all piece parts,
internal and external. The restriction also includes plating over an existing pure tin finish, see
GIDEP ALERTs from 2003. Risk mitigation techniques shall be evaluated on a case-by-case
basis. Incoming lot inspection with X-ray fluorescence (XRF) or energy dispersive X-ray
spectroscopy (EDS or EDX) shall be utilized. GEIA-STD-0005-1, GEIA-STD-0005-2, SAE
GEIA-HB-0005-1, JEDEC JESD22-A121 and JEDEC JESD201 are available for guidance on tin
whisker testing and risk mitigation. Level 2C shall be the minimum, however, these documents
require tailoring with customer approval for detail requirements. The required conformal coating
for whisker mitigation is parylene or a verified minimum MIL-I-46058, type UR urethane (e.g.,

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Conathane®) thickness of 3-4 mil on leads. Other coatings are subject to customer approval. A
customer approved robotic process is required.

C.3.4.2 Copper Wire Bonds. Copper wires for microcircuit and semiconductor

Rationale: While copper wire has been demonstrated as a feasible bonding method, the process
control for copper wire bonding does not provide consistent interconnect reliability.

C.3.4.3 Aluminum Alloys 2024-T3 or T4. Use of Aluminum alloys 2024-T3

or T4.

Rationale: Subject to stress corrosion cracking. The 2024-T3 and 2024-T4 heat treat conditions
are susceptible to stress corrosion cracking (SCC) and exfoliation corrosion. Use the T6, T8, or
5000/6000 series instead.

C.3.4.4 Aluminum Alloys 7001-T6, 7278-T6, 7050-T6, and 7075-T6. Use of

Aluminum alloys 7001-T6, 7278-T6, 7050-T6, and 7075-T6.

Rationale: Subject to stress corrosion cracking. The 7xxx series alloys are susceptible to SCC
and exfoliation corrosion in the high strength T6 condition. Use these alloys in the over-aged
conditions (T7x, such as the T73 or T76 tempers) which have slightly lower properties but
improved corrosion resistance.

C.3.4.5 Magnesium and Magnesium Alloys. Use of magnesium and

magnesium alloys.

Rationale: Corrodes easily and difficult to protect from corrosion. Flammability risk. Uncoated
magnesium will readily corrode in many environments. Magnesium may also have severe
galvanic corrosion issues because of its voltage potential (extremely anodic to most other

C.3.4.6 Precipitation Hardening Stainless Steels. Precipitation hardening

stainless steels in the H900, H950, or H1000 tempers. CRES 400 series stainless steels, without
passivation and a top coating. Exceptions are fasteners in the CH950 condition, springs in the
CH 900 condition, 17-4 PH castings aged at 1000°F, and PH13-8Mo H1000.

Rationale: Stress corrosion concerns. See MIL-STD-1568 for 400 series requirements. These
high strength tempers are prohibited due to resulting low elongation, susceptibility to stress
corrosion cracking, and rapid crack growth properties. Use H1025 or higher temper in most
cases. The use of PH13-8Mo H1000 is commonly accepted for high strength/corrosion resistant
applications due to the elongation values.

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Precipitation hardening steels shall be aged at temperatures not less than 1025°F (i.e. H1025).
Exception is made for castings that may be aged at 1000°F ±15°F, for fasteners that may be used
in the CH950 condition, and for springs, which have optimum properties in the CH 900

C.3.4.7 Silver-Plated Wire. Silver-plated wire that has less than 40 micro
inches of silver and without manufacturer certification for passing deterioration control tests per
ASTM B298. Certification and shelf life of bulk material shall be controlled. Immediately after
wire samples are cut, open ends in the bulk material shall be sealed against moisture intrusion.
For long term storage (more than 1 year) wire shall be stored in dry pack bags that are sulfur and
chlorine free, pH neutral, at less than or equal to 30C and less than 50% moisture with indicators.
Before using wire samples that have been in storage for more than one year, the user shall verify
the manufacturers ASTM B298 certificate, the storage conditions, and perform solderability per
JSTD-003B or newer rev with specimens from each end of the sample wire taken from the bulk
material. In addition, wire stored longer than ten years shall be approved by the procuring

Rationale: Corrosion red plague. Mitigated if wire is compliant to ASTM B298 testing and
certification by the manufacturer. Wire with 80 microinches or more silver is preferred. It is
essential that platings be defect free and of uniform thickness. Imperfections ranging from
porosity to deep scrapes penetrate the silver plating and reveal the copper core of a wire strand.
Such damage may result from the use of defective wire-drawing dies, wear action between
strands during stranding and braiding operations or when conductor strands are wound and re-
wound from reels to bobbins. For confidence in wire to be used after two years of storage it shall
be recertified to ASTM B298 and data suggests it shall have more than 80 microinches silver to
pass more than 10 years of storage. Wire stock shall be handled with extreme care during storage
and use to prevent mechanical damage to the plating and shall be stored in a controlled
environment which minimizes exposure to humidity.

C.3.4.8 Bare Hook-Up Wire. Bare hook-up wire with the exception of
grounding straps.

Rationale: More susceptible to arcing, and handling/environment degradation if not coated.

C.3.4.9 Aluminum without Chromate Conversion Coating. Aluminum without

chromate conversion coating in accordance with MIL-DTL-5541 or equivalent. Surfaces
requiring low electrical resistance that are not Class 3 coated in accordance with MIL-DTL-

Rationale: Corrosion concern The low electrical resistance of MIL-DTL-5541 Class 3 chromate
conversion coating does not provide adequate protection for many aluminum alloys in
applications requiring handling or exposed climatic conditions. Use MIL-DTL-5541 Class 1A

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coating for most applications. The brand name “chem film”, or equivalent, as a the primary
single coating is not considered adequate for corrosion protection.

C.3.4.10 SAE AMS-QQ-P-416 Type II Non-Compliant Cadmium Plating.

Cadmium plating not in accordance with SAE AMS-QQ-P-416 Type II (supplementary
chromate treatment).

Rationale: Contamination concern, not an adequate corrosion resistance finish for most
applications without a treatment. Is considered an EPA toxic material. Cadmium will corrode, it
acts as the sacrificial anode for the base metal. It requires a supplementary treatment and shall
also be overcoated with at least a primer for exterior applications. The use of Cadmium shall
state the type II that involves the supplementary treatment.

C.3.4.11 Zinc or Zinc Alloys. Zinc or zinc alloys with greater than 20% zinc,
including plating. If approved by the Government for specific applications zinc plating shall have
a Type II supplementary treatment.

Rationale: Zinc plating without a Type II supplementary chromate treatment is a contamination

concern and not an adequate corrosion resistance finish for most applications without a
treatment. Zinc will corrode, it acts as the sacrificial anode for the base metal. It requires a
supplementary treatment and shall also be over coated with at least a primer for exterior
applications. Also see AMS 2417, AMS 2402 for cautions on corrosion rate, volume of
corrosion product, supplementary treatment and corrosion testing.

C.3.4.12 ASTM B488 Non-Compliant Gold Plated Electrical Contacts/Pins.

Gold plated electrical contacts/pins not equivalent to ASTM B488, Class 1.25 (50 microinches
thickness or more). Gold plated contacts/pins without 50 microinch or more nickel
underplating/undercoating in the contact area. Gold plated electrical contacts/pins with silver

Rationale: Lack of underplating can allow copper and gold to diffuse into each other, increasing
contact resistance and corrosion degradation. 50 microinches gold thickness and Ni underplate is
considered a minimum to prevent diffusion and durability issues in most applications. Silver
migrates easily and is not a very effective diffusion barrier.

C.3.4.13 Silver or Silver Alloys. Silver or silver alloys used for electrical
connections for example inside relays, pins on connectors, terminations on chip devices, leads on
electronic devices, balls on area array packages, traces on PWBs (for example immersion silver),
solder (including tin-silver-copper alloys, known as SAC alloys), etc.

Rationale: Silver gets a contaminated (dirty) surface from reacting to gases/contamination in the
air like sulfur.

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In the presence of moisture and an electric field, silver migrates and can create short circuits very
rapidly. Soldering of silver-plated lugs and contacts is frequently a delicate operation because of
the solubility (leaching) of silver in tin due to silver scavenging (see Microelectronic Packaging
Handbook, 1989, by Rao Tummala). Silver can create a dissimilar metal reaction if in contact
with exposed copper. SAC solder and solder balls can grow whiskers, SAC solder formulations
may not be as durable in some applications and vendors will change formulations without notice.
SAC solders/solder balls must be thoroughly tested for a given solder process and application
and closely monitored for alloy content.” High content silver is a reliability risk in tin-lead solder
processes (see IPC-HDBK-001). Chip devices with silver or silver and palladium have, in
general, greatly reduced resistance to solder leaching/dissolution but must have leach resistance
barriers such as nickel or copper between the termination and the solder. IPC 4553 does not
recommend immersion silver for high reliability applications including military systems.

C.3.4.14 Bare Corrodible Metal Surfaces and Galvanic Metal Couples. Bare
corrodible metal surfaces and galvanic metal couples with over 100mV potential difference.
Exceptions are allowed in accordance with MIL-STD-186.

Rationale: Galvanic corrosion concern. Mitigation techniques shall be approved by the

Government. MIL-STD-186, MIL-STD-889, and MIL-HDBK-1250 may be used as guidance.
Dissimilar metal couples up to 350 mV may be acceptable in desiccated moisture controlled
environment with visual indicators but shall have written Government approval for each specific

C.3.4.15 Nickel-Plated Aluminum Construction. Use of nickel-plated

aluminum construction.

Rationale: See MIL-STD-186. Nickel plated aluminum is a concern for use in corrosive
environments due to galvanic corrosion concerns from use of dissimilar metals. Other surface
treatments, including anodizing, chem film, and cadmium plating, are corrosion resistant and
more damage tolerant than nickel plating.

C.3.4.16 Nickel-Plated Aluminum Connectors. Use of nickel-plated aluminum


Rationale: See MIL-STD-186. For connectors, rough handling of nickel-plated aluminum

connectors may crack the hard nickel plating on the soft aluminum substrate in corrosive
environments, this can lead to pitting corrosion of the aluminum. If nickel plating is used a
double zincate coating shall proceed the nickel. Cadmium plating (or new approved cadmium
substitutes) is preferred and shall always have a supplemental chromate surface treatment (see
cadmium plating herein), SAE AMS-QQ-P-416 Cadmium Type II plating is the preferred plating
on aluminum connectors in corrosive environments. Mating of Nickel-plated aluminum
connectors with Cadmium plated connectors is prohibited.

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C.3.4.17 Electroless Nickel/Immersion Gold. Electroless Nickel/Immersion
Gold (ENIG) without a Government approved process and storage/handling controls.

Rationale: PWBs are very sensitive to plating bath control, handling and storage. Solderability
issues arise from “black pad,” gold porosity, and contamination from environment storage and
handling. See IPC-4552 for requirements and controls.

C.3.4.18 Black Metal Oxide Coating. Black metal oxide coating on metal parts
as defined by MIL-DTL-13924.

Rationale: Black oxide coating is primarily for decorative purposes and is not for corrosion

C.3.5 Prohibited Polymeric Materials.

C.3.5.1 PVC Plastics and PVC Electrical Insulation. Use of polyvinyl

chloride (PVC) plastics and PVC electrical insulation.

Rationale: PVC is subject to degradation from out-gassing and depletion of plasticizers, subject
to acceleration by vacuum and/or high ambient temperatures. Flammable and gives off toxic
fumes when burning. Plasticizer outgassing may also introduce contamination source.

C.3.5.2 Corrosive Type RTV Adhesives/Sealants. Use of corrosive type room

temperature vulcanization (RTV) adhesives/sealants that emit acetic acid during cure.

Rationale: Acetic acid is corrosive. Some RTVs revert under military use conditions. Suspect
RTVs include: Dow Corning DC 140, DC 731, DC 732, DC 734, DC 891, DC 1890, DC 20-
078, DC 30-079, DC 30-121, and DC 92-007; General Electric RTV 102, RTV 103, RTV 106,
RTV 108, RTV 109, RTV 112, RTV 116, RTV 118, RTV 192, and RTV 198.

C.3.5.3 Polymer Materials Susceptible to Reversion. Adhesives, sealants,

foam, and potting materials that are susceptible to reversion.

Rationale: Outgassing, corrosion, poor adhesion, and ineffective protection can be a result. The
tin-catalyzed family of silicones are susceptible to depolymerization (reversion) under high heat
and/or oxygen- starved environments (such as nitrogen purged electronic housings). Oxygen is
an inhibitor to silicone reversion. Use platinum or alcohol cured silicone systems in nitrogen
purged environments. See also C.3.5.2.

C.3.5.4 Susceptible Rubber and Plastics. Rubber and plastics not protected
from exposure that are susceptible to ozone damage or degrade with exposures to UV light.

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Rationale: Susceptible to cracking, becomes an ineffective seal or insulator. Certain rubbers and
plastics have very limited life expectancies in air with excessive ozone or with excessive UV

C.3.5.5 PTFE Insulated Wire. Wire with polytetrafluoroethene (PTFE)

insulation in applications with a high probability of producing cold flow of the insultion.

Rationale: Can be a much lower wear resistance. Insulation cold flow concerns which can lead
to shorting wherever the wire is routed over sharp corners or constrained. May be mitigated by
wire routing and protection against sharp edges and pressure points on insulation. MIL-W-16878
does not have a QPL and is not a preferred choice.

C.3.5.6 Fluoropolymer Insulated Wire. Wire with fluoropolymer insulation,

such as radiation cross-linked ethylene-tetrafluoroethylene (XL-ETFE).

Rationale: If stored in sealed plastic/metal bags or other enclosures for several months or longer
corrosion can occur on metal surfaces and optics. GIDEP ALERTS from 2003 show that baking
out is not enough to reduce risk. Hot-humid conditioning may be acceptable for some
applications. Long-term field storage affects are not well characterized but may be minimized by
allowing insulation to outgas in open air or dry gas environments prior to assembly. See NASA
historical information.

C.3.5.7 Polyimide Tapes. Polyimide tapes, such as Kapton®, with silicone

adhesives, fabric electrical (adhesive or friction type), or textile electrical (adhesive or friction
types), including temporary usage during assembly of electronic hardware .

Rationale: Susceptible to moisture absorption, sources of contamination due to outgassing and

surface migration of adhesives.

C.3.5.8 Polyimide as an Electrical Insulator. Use of polyimide, including

Kapton® and UPILEX®, as an electrical insulator.

Rationale: FN and HN grade Polyimide is susceptible to moisture degradation and subsequent

arcing problems. Copper alloy wire and flex circuits require a secondary protective layer or
adhesive overcoat, such as multilayer TFE/Polyimide/TFE. Polyimide insulation maybe used in
exoatmospheric applications with Government approval due to limited radiation resistant
insulating material.

C.3.5.9 Platinum Catalyzed Silicone Rubber. Platinum catalyzed silicone

rubber in contact with high sulfur content materials.

Rationale: Platinum catalyzed silicone rubber will not cure when used as coatings, thermal
barriers, or potting compounds on PWAs or when in contact with materials with high sulfur

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content such as black foam padding used for mechanical protection/damping, pressure sensitive
adhesive (PSA) tapes, etc. The sulfur reacts with the platinum catalyst and which precludes
catalyzation of the silicone rubber, i.e. it will not cure.

C.3.6 Prohibited General Materials.

C.3.6.1 High Activity Solder Flux. Solder fluxes with activity levels classified
as high.

Rationale: Must have demonstrated appropriate verification methods to ensure the removal of
residual contaminants. Ionic contamination is a concern.

C.3.6.2 Lubricants and Greases or Other Materials which Contain Graphite.

Use of lubricants and greases or other materials which contain graphite.

Rationale: Graphite is a concern for corrosion, i.e. galvanic incompatibility with a variety of

Graphite/carbon compounds when used as other than a lubricant may be acceptable in some

C.3.6.3 Non-Fungal Resistant Materials. Materials not inherently moisture

and fungus resistant.

Rationale: Materials are required to be non-nutritive to fungus. Contamination may be a

concern. Materials that are environmentally sensitive to moisture and fungus attack may degrade
and not perform as expected. Open-cell materials are a moisture concern. Organically filled
phenolic materials are a fungus concern.

C.3.6.4 Desiccants, Organic or Polymeric Materials. Desiccants, organic or

polymeric materials (e.g. lacquers, varnishes, coatings, adhesives, or greases) inside cavities of
packages/housings with bare microcircuit/semiconductor die, optics, or other elements. Materials
compliant with MIL-STD-883 Method 5011 or equivalent industry specification, are acceptable.

Rationale: Potential for outgassing and corrosion. Not effective for long term harsh
environments without adequate characterization. ASTM E595 maybe an acceptable test for
vacuum environments.

C.3.6.5 Cotton and Linen. Use of cotton and linen.

Rationale: Very flammable material. Degradation of insulating properties over time.

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C.4.1 Prohibited Processes.

C.4.1.1 Solder Iron Mounting or Rework of Ceramic Parts. Solder iron

mounting or rework of multilayer ceramic capacitors (MLCCs) or other ceramic parts without a
customer approved and validated procedure.

Rationale: MLCCs are easily damaged (microcracks, dielectric damage, etc.) by touch-up and
rework with soldering irons.

C.4.1.2 Unqualified Welding Operators. Welding operators not qualified in

accordance with AWS D17.1/D17.1M:2010, and without certification level II or III NDE/NDI.
Operators not provided the necessary training and qualifications requirements to certify each
operator and the applicable welding equipment for specific welding tasks.

Rationale: This area is critical with small “mom & pop” shops that support larger subcontractors.
They need to have certified operators in the areas of welding and brazing according to the
process specification identified on the drawing. The preferred welding specification shall be
AWS D17.1/D17.1M:2010 and brazing specification shall meet the requirements of the
applicable American Welding Society (AWS) specification replacement for MIL-B-7883.

C.4.1.3 Lead forming or Changes to Lead Finishes. Lead forming or changes

to lead finishes without inspections for component degradation.

Rationale: Devices are susceptible to breakage and degradation from fixtures, handling, and heat.
Need to follow military and industry specifications for inspections such as, seal testing, scanning
acoustic microscopy, solderability, and high power visuals, and electrical testing to qualify and
monitor processes. In appropriate fixture, handling, and processes will damage and degrade parts
affecting long term reliability.

C.4.1.4 PWA Repair. For PWA repair, the use of IPC 7711/7721, Methods
3.2, 3.5.2, 3.5.3, 4.2.5, 4.2.6, 4.2.7, 4.3.2, 4.3.3, 4.3.4, 5.2, 5.3, 6.2.1, 6.2.2, or 6.3.

Rationale: These repair methods introduce unacceptable risk into the repair/rework processes.

C.4.1.5 Solderability. Solderability not in accordance with MIL-STD-883, J-

STD-002, or J-STD-003, as applicable.

Rationale: Use industry accepted methods.

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C.4.2 Prohibited Design Practices.

C.4.2.1 Unapproved Derating Criteria. Not using Government approved

electronic derating criteria.

C.4.2.2 Not Using IPC Design Standards. Not using design standards IPC
2221, IPC 2222, IPC 2223, or additional design considerations in IPC documents listed herein.

C.4.2.3 Conformal Coating of PWAs. PWAs without 3-4 mil urethane coat
(see tin alloy restriction for type) or Parylene-C conformal coatings.

Rationale: Protection of PWAs from exterior contaminants and handling. Shown to reduce
component mounting fatigue during vibration and shock, must be compatible with rigid
components like glass body diodes. Parylene is preferred and shows superior performance in the
areas of protection for tin whisker, handling protection, prevention of moisture contamination,
prevention of arcing, low out gassing, and ease of rework.

C.4.2.4 Stacked Components on PWAs. PWAs with stacked (“piggybacked

mounted”) components, or with components/leads using other components/leads for support or
attachment, including butt joint connections.

Rationale: Difficulty with consistently mounting parts in "nonstandard" configurations leads to

collateral damage. Serviceability issue, all components shall be accessible for replacement
without disturbing other components. Reliability concerns with degrading parts and attachment
areas. When stacked capacitors are approved, use stacked capacitors in accordance with MIL-
PRF-49470 "T" level.

C.4.2.5 Jumper Wires. Jumper wires not detailed on the engineering drawing
and approved by the customer.

Rationale: If too dense, then reliability is an issue, can introduce EMI and noise into circuit, can
cause performance problems if operators do not follow exact routing. Mounting process can
easily degrade part and attach reliability.

C.4.2.6 Glass Bodied Components and Magnetic Elements. Glass bodied

components and magnetic elements not evaluated for coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE)
matching to mounting substrate and to coating/staking materials, and not protected by buffer
material when epoxy coatings are used.

Rationale: Breakage of components at low temperature, and temperature cycling in general. See
2003 GIDEP ALERTs for 1N4148 diodes. High modulus (greater than 0.5 X 106 psi)
encapsulants or coatings have been known to crack devices.

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C.4.2.7 Overhanging Parts or Components. Parts or components overhanging
the edge of a PWA.

Rationale: Damage to parts. Possible installation interference.

C.4.2.8 Dual-Sided PWA with Through-hole Components. Through-hole

components mounted on both sides of a PWA

Rationale: Susceptible to wave solder damage. Must be mounted by hand which is labor
intensive and operator sensitive.

C.4.2.9 Unsupported Large-Bodied Components. Large-bodied components

mounted without support and staking.

Rationale: Leads subject to damage or breakage under vibration environment.

C.4.2.10 Inadequate Dissipation for High Power Components

. High heat-dissipation components mounted without adequate heat sinks.

Rationale: Heat degrades surrounding components, creates hot spots and degrades reliability of
most EEE components. Need to pay attention to surrounding materials and temperature sensitive
parts and may require exotic cooling techniques. May be difficult to meet component derating
guidelines. Refer to manufacturers application notes for best heat sinking.

C.4.2.11 Multiple Leads or Wires Mounted in a Single PTH

. Use of multiple leads or wires mounted in a single plated through-hole (PTH).

Rationale: All components shall be accessible for replacement without disturbing other
components. Can be difficult to get a good solder joint and can easily degrade the integrity of the
joint and the hole.

C.4.2.12 Crimped Aluminum Electrical Aircraft Wire. Use of crimped

aluminum electrical aircraft wire.

Rationale: Due to high CTE of aluminum, thermal cycling causes loosing of crimps resulting in
increased electrical resistance. Possible fire hazard from overheating at wire junctions due to
corrosion of aluminum wire and increased junction resistance.

C.4.2.13 Traps or Crevices Susceptible to Moisture Collection. Use of traps or

crevices susceptible to moisture collection.

Rationale: These areas are overly prone to corrosion conditions.

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C.4.2.14 Unsealed Permanent Fasteners. Use of unsealed permanent fasteners.

Rationale: Extends life by helping to prevent accelerated corrosion. Recommend installing with
wet primer of polysulfide sealant.

C.4.2.15 Unprotected Bearings. Use of unprotected bearings.

Rationale: Helps prevent shortened life.

C.4.2.16 Untested Adhesively Bonded Designs. Untested adhesively bonded

designs, long term/accelerated environment testing such as temperature cycling, humidity and
vibration shall be considered.

Rationale: These connections/interfaces are difficult to model and characterization is not

adequately performed by the manufacturer for many applications.

C.4.2.17 Maintenance Procedures for Corrosion Protection. Maintenance

procedures for corrosion protection without customer logistics and product assurance program

Rationale: These procedures can become unacceptable cost and personnel burdens to the
Government and must be coordinated with the responsible agencies.

C.4.2.18 Tantalum Capacitors. Use of tantalum capacitors without surge testing

and the required series impedance.

Rationale: Tantalum capacitors are increasingly being used in low impedance circuits, and In
Circuit Test (ICT) machinery and fast rise time functional testers for PWA test purposes As a
result they are more likely to see a surge condition. Surge testing shall not be done in parallel
charge circuits. Surge testing on 100% of capacitors at the manufacture simulates worst case
conditions normally seen by the user. Extra derating in the application and series impedance can
reduce the concern The reason for including a separate resistance into the circuit is to act as
protection against voltage spikes and limit current surges to the capacitor. Additionally, in high
ripple applications, it acts as an external heat sink and limits thermal stress to the dielectric by
sharing the load. In practice, its inclusion may degrade the circuit performance in certain
applications, e.g., in power supply o/p filtering. Also, as PWBs become more densely packed and
inter-component track lengths are reduced, the capacitors are given greater visibility of any
surges or spikes.

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D.1.1 Scope. This appendix defines necessary infrastructure that is needed for
incorporation and implementation of Radiation Hardness Assurance (RHA) program tasks. The
contractor PMP shall include an RHA appendix that details the RHA Program Plan when RHA is
a program requirement.

This appendix is a mandatory part of this standard. The information contained herein is intended
for compliance.


D.2.1 RHA Program Plan. The RHA Program Plan shall include the program’s
organizational structure for observance and execution of hardness assurance tasks. The RHA
Program Plan shall address subcontractor flow down of parts hardness assurance requirements
and the methodology for validation of radiation specification levels and processes from all
suppliers. This shall include the role of the procuring activity in the overall RHA program.

The RHA Program Plan shall include detailed modeling of the mission environment(s), with
consideration of the overall system specifications, to allow for full system functionality before,
during, and after nuclear events, and specifically determine piece part radiation test levels (see
D.2.4). The expected natural radiation environment (trapped particle environment, galactic
cosmic ray environment, solar flare environment, etc.) and man-made radiation environment
(nuclear weapons, etc.) shall be characterized for the application and shall be defined in the
system specification. Atmospheric radiation environment effects shall be addressed in
accordance with IEC 62396.

The RHA Program Plan shall address all phases of hardware design, production, test, storage,
and surveillance. It shall define the radiation hardness assurance techniques to be used within
the initial design, parts selection, parts procurement, parts characterization, production,
validation, fielding, and maintenance of each system and subsystem.

The RHA Program Plan includes the RHA Test approach for all microelectronic assemblies,
semiconductors, and passive components including resistors, capacitors, cables, and printed
wiring boards (PWBs). The RHA Program Plan may consist of a combined test and analysis
program to verify the capability of the system to perform as intended in both natural and man-
made radiation environments. The plan shall further define the radiation environment at the piece
part level, to allow components and PWBs to be procured, tested, and screened to these required

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levels. When High-Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse (HEMP) is required in accordance with the
system specification, the RHA Program Plan shall identify required testing in accordance with
MIL-STD-188-125-1 and MIL-STD-188-125-2.

In addition, the RHA Program Plan shall identify Radiation Transport Analysis, laboratory
radiation sources, and design alternatives (e.g., shielding, circumvention, and other hardening
approaches). System level hardness shall be validated by radiation testing of samples from each
piece part production lot to validate survivability. RHA testing requirements for semiconductors
are described in TABLE D-I. Industry standard microelectronics screening techniques will be
used to ensure operation and survival of the fielded system in its application environment. The
procuring activity shall approve the contractor PMP containing the RHA Program Plan before
beginning the piece part selection process and the procuring activity disposition process.

D.2.2 Specification of Radiation Environment. The system specification defines the

expected environment. For example, during peacetime, a space-based asset (satellite) must
operate in a trapped particle environment, galactic cosmic ray (heavy ion) environment, and solar
flare environment while successfully performing its mission. In addition, for mission critical
space assets required to survive exposure to man-made nuclear events, the system design is
required to survive the nuclear event and remain operational after each nuclear event in
accordance with the National Space Security Office policy.

External radiation environment, system shielding and hardware/part shielding effects are
analyzed to determine the maximum radiation levels seen by each microcircuit.

D.2.3 Radiation Transport Analysis. The RHA Program Plan includes radiation
transport calculations to define the actual environment at the electronics subassembly and piece
part level. These calculations are the basis for defining detailed test requirements identified in the
device' source control drawing. Applicable contractor source control drawings shall be approved
by the procuring activity and shall include the following as a minimum:

a. Radiation test methods.

(1) MIL-STD-750, Test Methods for Semiconductor Devices (Methods 1017,

1019, 1032, 1080, 3478, 5001)

(2) MIL-STD-883, Test Methods and Procedures for Microelectronics

(Methods 1017, 1019, 1020, 1021, 1023, 5004, 5005, 5010)

(3) ASTM Subcommittee F01.11 on Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects

Methods F448, F615M, F744M, F773M, F980, F996, F1190, F1192, F1262M,
F1263, F1467, F1892, F1893

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(4) JESD57, Test Procedures for the Measurement of Single-Event Effects in
Semiconductor Devices from Heavy Ion Irradiation

(5) JESD89, Measurement and Reporting of Alpha Particle and Terrestrial

Cosmic Ray-Induced Soft Errors in Semiconductor Devices

(6) JEP133, Guide for the Production and Acquisition of Radiation-Hardness-

Assured Multichip Modules and Hybrid Microcircuits

(7) TIA-455-64 (FOTP-64), Procedure for Measuring Radiation-Induced

Attenuation in Optical Fibers and Optical Cables

b. Except for standard microcircuit drawing (SMD) specified RHA parts, contractor
prepared drawings shall call out sample size and sampling statistics used in lot

c. Radiation type, source and dose/exposure level.

d. End point test, pre- and post-radiation test requirements, and acceptance criteria.

e. Data reporting and analysis.

f. Special radiation tests such as electrical or radiation screening tests.

Where nuclear weapon radiation environments apply, system design specifications will include
transport models that best describe the threat, to include the operate/survive/recovery
requirements. Using these environments (total ionizing dose, particle energy fluences spectra,
etc.), dose transport codes are developed and used to create detailed dose-depth curves. This
information is used to estimate dose and fluence levels that apply inside each system box,
electronic piece part, and package. As the design process evolves, a more accurate mechanical
model of the system is developed and the radiation environment flow down to each location is
estimated with greater accuracy. Predicted radiation levels, as modeled for each piece part at
each PWB location, will be the basis for test requirements provided in device SCDs.

In addition, the radiation transport calculations shall model High-Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse
(HEMP)/Dispersive Electromagnetic Pulse (DEMP) effects for all exposed devices, solar arrays,
antennas, cables, and boxes as applicable. Input/output protection devices and hardware interface
circuits are evaluated for potential burnout. Hardening and shielding techniques are established
to protect from Internal Electromagnetic Pulse (IEMP), Systems-Generated Electromagnetic
Pulse (SGEMP), etc. The HEMP/DEMP hardening and testing plans are included as part of the
RHA Program Plan.

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Radiation transport models and calculations shall include Thermo-Mechanical Response (TMR)
for all exposed surfaces (i.e. structures, paints, mirror coatings) and components for systems in
categories A and B.

D.2.4 RHA Testing. RHA piece part test is performed in a number of separate radiation
environments, as defined in TABLE D-I. As dictated by mission requirements, other
environments and nuclear threats may be identified for specialized testing. The Radiation
Transport Analysis as described in D.2.3 determines each environment’s basic test level. A
single system test requirement, based on the worst-case location may be selected, but multiple
requirements for different locations are also acceptable.

The basic radiation test levels selected represent the worst-case environments for the particular
system. For the total ionizing dose, and all dose rate and displacement damage environments, the
basic test level is doubled (also called a 2x Radiation Design Margin, or 2x RDM) to account for
variability in part response and dosimetry error. Radiation Design Margin (RDM) guidance is
provided in MIL-STD-1766B Appendix E Table 2 (only). For the purpose of this document
RDM is defined as:



The basic test level with the 2x RDM is the actual test requirement imposed on the piece part for
these environments. Simple over test margin is not applicable for Single Event Effects (SEE)
testing, and the environment specified in the system specification applicable at the time of
contract start (for example it might be the “worst case day” specified in CRÈME-96) shall be
used to define the actual test levels for all SEE test.

Where denoted by a “(10)” in TABLE D-I, for parts where a 10x RDM can be proven by test
data, the procuring activity may allow one time test of this part, when vendor, design and process
does not change.

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TABLE D-I. Radiation hardness assurance testing requirements for semiconductors.
Equipment Category (as defined in 4.1.2,
Test Requirement 2/ Equipment Categories and Definitions)
A B C D E 1/
Total Ionizing Dose (TID) L (10) L (10) L (10) L (10)
Dose Rate Upset, Latchup,
L (10) L (10) L (10) L (10)
Survivability, and Operate-Through
Single Event Effects (SEE) and
Latchup from Heavy Ions and Protons
Single Event Effects (SEE) and
Latchup from Neutrons
Displacement Damage from Neutrons O(T) O(T)
Displacement Damage from Protons O(T)
L = Lot testing is required at 2x RDM.
O = One time testing is allowed at 2x RDM if vendor, design, and process do not change
10 = One time testing may be approved by the procuring activity, if radiation test results show 10x RDM and
vendor, design, and process do not change. A lesser margin may be approved by the procuring activity if
mission environments and system specifications allow a reduction.
T = Displacement damage testing need not be performed on process-proven technologies (i.e. non-DRAM
1/ Radiation hardness assurance testing is not required for Category E, if minimal radiation exposure is
predicted and system maintenance can be accomplished without loss of mission performance.
2/ Radiation testing is not required for hardness non-critical (HNC) items (see D.2.5).

The RHA Program Plan includes the generic test requirements for microelectronic devices and
integrated circuits. The plan identifies how each developer and their suppliers will control
electronic component selection and verify the radiation hardness level of each subsystem. The
plan will include the program’s approach for compliance with TABLE D-I, to ensure that all
mission critical microelectronics meet or exceed the following:

a. At least 2x RDM for total ionizing dose, dose rate effects, and displacement
damage requirements

b. Single Event Latchup immunity to a Linear Energy Transfer (LET) of at least 60


c. SEE performance to system specifications in all applicable environments (Single

Event Latch up, Single Event Functional Interrupt, Single Event Burnout, Single-Event
Gate Rupture, etc.) for all relevant particles (protons, neutrons, and heavy ions)

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d. For SEE heavy-ion tests, one part from each lot date code shall undergo angle
testing with no less than two angles in roll direction and no less than two angles in tilt

Recommended test sample sizes are 5-8 devices from each lot date code (plus two control) in
each radiation environment. For example, if one device lot requires testing in 7 unique radiation
environments, as many as 70 test samples (per lot) may be required to validate the performance.

A failure of one (1) critical electrical parameter during or after radiation testing requires rejection
of the entire lot. Hybrids and multi-chip modules are expensive; therefore, radiation testing at the
lowest level of assembly shall be considered. All failures that occur during radiation testing shall
be identified to the Program Failure Review Board (FRB) and procuring activity.

Functional and parametric operation of electronic piece parts is to be verified through electrical
testing before and after (pre- and post-) irradiations.

All radiation testing shall be performed after device burn-in, to reduce pre-irradiation elevated
temperature stress (PETS) effects from affecting the piece part response. Careful attention to the
production of and qualification of hybrid circuits is necessary to meet this requirement.

All radiation testing shall be performed at/near room/laboratory temperature with the exception
of latchup testing at elevated temperature. For designs that normally operate at extreme
temperatures (i.e. cryogenic), radiation testing shall be performed at those operating extremes.
Extreme temperatures are defined as component (case) temperatures that normally operate above
125°C or below -55°C.

The developer shall maintain a radiation effects database of electronic piece parts to allow for
tracking of all system electronics. Lot traceability shall be established from procurement, through
radiation testing, to actual placement in PWBs and subsystem. The database will verify testing
status for each procurement lot, radiation tests performed on each lot, actual radiation levels
verified on each lot, and approval for use.

If commercial parts are used that require qualification for radiation hardness, and the
manufacturer does not provide design change notification, the developer shall validate the
radiation performance with lot sample testing in each radiation environment.

In selecting semiconductors for use, off-the-shelf radiation hardened parts are recommended over
commercial parts that require qualification. Radiation qualified processes and vendors are also
recommended. Devices manufactured on insulating substrates (i.e. silicon-on-insulator, or SOI)
are recommended for use in high dose rate and operate-through applications.

D.2.4.1 Total Ionizing Dose. TID performance shall be verified with lot sample testing
on packaged devices from each production lot and/or date code using Co-60 or Cs-137 sources.

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Testing shall be performed in accordance with Test Method 1019 of MIL-STD-883 or MIL-
STD-750, as applicable.

For space-based missions exposed to total ionizing dose rates of less than 30 mrad(Si)/s, use
MIL-STD-883, Test Method 1019 for bipolar linear ICs with potential Enhanced Low Dose Rate
Sensitivity (ELDRS) effects.

D.2.4.2 Dose Rate Effects. Dose-rate effects shall be verified with lot sample testing
on each production lot and/or date code and performed in accordance with MIL-STD-883 Test
Methods 1021 and 1023.

Latchup effects shall be verified on each production lot and/or date code with lot sample testing
and performed per MIL-STD-883 Test Method 1020 at the highest junction temperature
predicted by the design. If initial latchup characterization and circuit modeling shows no
potential for radiation-induced latchup (i.e. the circuit contains no parasitic 4-layer elements),
latchup testing can be eliminated.

Several radiation test methods are required for evaluation of power MOSFET devices including
electrical dose rate testing to MIL-STD-750 Test Method 3478.

D.2.4.3 Single Event Effects and Displacement Damage. SEE testing shall be
performed in accordance with ASTM F1192 and EIA/JESD 57. Several radiation test methods
are required for evaluation of power MOSFET devices including single event burnout and gate
rupture testing to MIL-STD-750 Test Method 1080.

Single event effects and displacement damage effects shall be verified once per part type, during
initial part qualification and each time the vendor, design, layout (mask revision level), or
process changes.

D.2.5 Use of Hardness Non-Critical Parts and Materials. In order for a part or material
to be designated as a hardness non-critical (HNC) item, the part or material shall demonstrate a
large design margin, or absence of a critical radiation failure criterion, such that repeated
radiation testing is not needed. Active components shall demonstrate, through initial lot
screening, a radiation design margin greater than 10x in all environments to be designated for
HNC approval. Procuring activity approval is required for designation of any active component
(semiconductors, diodes, etc.) as a HNC part. Active components shall be HNC recertified (with
radiation testing) if the mask revision, manufacturing process, or vendor is changed. Destructive
physical analysis (DPA), lot traceability, and design change/revision certifications are required to
maintain HNC status and determine the need for retesting of HNC active components.

When passive component requirements, with appropriate shielding factors, are below the
International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR) Radiation Environment Export Control Levels

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for electronics {ITAR, Category XV, sub-paragraphs (d)(1), (d)(2), and (d)(3)}, then passive
components (including resistors, capacitors, inductors, connectors) and basic construction
materials (including optical components, epoxy, plastics, rubber, organics, etc.) can be
designated as a HNC part or material. HNC parts and materials are not required to undergo
screening for radiation effects. In this case, the radiation screening exemption for passive
components does not apply to active electronic components (including transistors, diodes,
integrated circuits, etc.).

D.2.5.1 Special Considerations. Extreme care shall be taken when choosing certain
types of passive components and construction materials for use in radiation environments.
Special attention shall be given to the following:

a. Prompt conductivity of capacitors used in high dose rate applications.

b. Darkening and prompt response of optical fibers and glass when exposed to high
total ionizing dose and dose rate environments.

c. Breakdown and embrittlement of insulating materials (e.g., Teflon®, potting

compounds, transformer potting materials, epoxy, Mylar®, oil, butyl, silicones, grease,
nylon, paper) and lubricating materials when exposed to high total ionizing dose

d. Changes to discrete resistor and quartz crystal properties when exposed to high
total ionizing dose and dose rate environments.

e. Changes to electrolytic, plastic, and paper capacitors used in neutron


f. Nuclear spallation products emitted from some high atomic number packaging
and shielding materials (i.e. total ionizing dose shields, package lids) which cause single-
event upsets in cosmic particle environments.

g. If a passive part or basic construction material has no known radiation data, it

shall be characterized (one-time test) to at least 10x RDM in critical environments, even
if the system meets the limits noted in D.2.5.

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E.1.1 Scope. This appendix defines the requirements for material outgassing. Material
outgassing is defined as the emanation of volatile materials, organic or inorganic, under vacuum
or non-vacuum conditions resulting in a mass loss and/or material condensation on nearby
surfaces. For the purpose of this document, outgassing and offgassing are terms often used
interchangeably. Outgassing refers to volatiles released under vacuum conditions, and offgassing
refers to volatiles released under near-atmospheric conditions. The procedures established herein
are intended to reduce the number of outgassing related failures and help ensure long term

This appendix is a mandatory part of this standard. The information contained herein is intended
for compliance.


E.2.1 Material Outgassing Requirements. When required by the procuring activity, all
polymeric and organic materials shall be tested for outgassing in accordance with ASTM E595
and the results documented on the approved materials lists. Extra attention shall be paid to
combinations of materials in closed compartments, where even a small amount of outgassing
may reach dangerous concentrations in time.

E.2.1.1 Corrosive/Reactive Products. Materials selected for use in hardware shall not
liberate corrosive or reactive fumes under any conditions encountered during storage, shipment
or service. Special consideration shall be given to materials, such as insulation on wire, which
may be exposed to overheating and resultant outgassing or breakdown. Some examples include
acid emitting liquid or vapor, room temperature vulcanizing (RTV) silicones, and Hydrogen
Fluoride emission from crosslinked ethylene-tetrafluoroethylene (ETFE) insulation.

E.2.1.2 Non-Corrosive/Reactive Products. Materials shall not emit non-

corrosive/reactive products where such products will affect the operation of equipment exposed
to these products (e.g., condensation on optics).

E.2.2 Determination of Acceptable Levels of Outgassing. Determination of acceptable

levels of outgassed product shall be based on contamination sensitivity of each subsystem. For
example, optic systems and guidance systems may have different requirements than external
containers. Materials used in EEEE and mechanical parts, shall be screened for outgassing based

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on operating conditions and impact on the mission. Established material outgassing data shall be
verified and made available to the procuring activity.

Material outgassing shall be in accordance with ASTM E595. Materials that have a Total Mass
Loss (TML) less than 1.00% and a Collected Volatile Condensable Mass (CVCM) less than
0.10% are considered acceptable. Materials not meeting this may be “baked out” in a thermal
vacuum chamber to achieve the desired limits if it is verified that such bakeout causes no
degradation of other properties or performance of the material or associated assembly.

Utilization of a material based on bakeout requires the approval of the procuring activity. For
common TML and CVCM material values, refer to the Materials and Processes Technical
Information Service (MAPTIS) of the Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC). Data listed in
NASA RP-1124, Outgassing Data for Selecting Spacecraft Materials, for applicable materials
may be used in lieu of actual testing. Use of outgassing rating systems that provide equivalent
characteristics to MAPTIS may be submitted to the procuring activity for approval.

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F.1.1 Scope. This appendix defines requirements for counterfeit parts and materials.
The procedures established herein are intended to prevent, detect, report, and contain suspect
counterfeit parts and materials.

This appendix is a mandatory part of this standard. The information contained herein is intended
for compliance.


F.2.1 Counterfeit Prevention. Documented procedures shall ensure that use of

counterfeit parts and materials is avoided, and that potential counterfeit parts and materials are
controlled to not impact system performance. See SAE AS5553 and SAE AS6174 for additional

F.2.2 Authorized Sources. All parts and materials shall only be procured from the
Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) or its franchised/authorized distributor, and shall
come with a Certificate of Conformance (C of C)and supply chain traceability for all purchases.

F.2.3 Preventing Counterfeit Parts and Materials. The procedures as defined below shall
be performed to minimize the risk of receiving counterfeit parts and materials:

a. Shall maximize availability of authentic, originally designed, and qualified parts

throughout the product’s life cycle, including management of parts obsolescence.

b. Shall assess potential sources of supply to minimize the risk of receiving

counterfeit parts or materials.

c. Shall maintain a listing of approved suppliers with documented criteria for

approval and removal of suppliers from the list.

d. Shall have purchasing procedures which require the selection of parts and
materials from Original Component Manufacturers (OCMs) or authorized suppliers.

e. Shall have purchasing procedures which confirm whether a selected supplier is

authorized for each purchase.

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f. Shall use government or industry services such as GIDEP and other commercially
available services to identify part or supplier quality or authenticity problems.

g. Shall define minimum inspection and test requirements for parts being procured
from unauthorized suppliers (see F.2.4), and shall ensure that in-house, third-party, and
supplier inspection and test procedures and facilities comply with these requirements.

h. Shall flow the requirements above to subcontractors.

i. Shall train personnel in these counterfeit avoidance and detection practices.

j. Shall have a counterfeit control plan to be approved by the customer that covers
these items.

k. Shall test components for authenticity through a government approved plan

commensurate with the risk level and component type.

l. Shall receive customer approval before use in hardware.

F.2.4 Detecting Counterfeit Parts and Materials. Appropriate test methods shall be used
to detect potential counterfeit parts and materials. TABLE F-I provides minimal requirements for
inspection and test of electronic components bought from unauthorized suppliers. Tailoring of
the tests or inspections must be noted in the unauthorized supplier purchase report. The Percent
Defective Allowable (PDA) shall be defined for screening and acceptance of parts and materials
from unauthorized suppliers that experience test failures during authenticity testing.

Mechanical components bought from unauthorized suppliers shall be inspected for indicators
that the parts may be counterfeit. Examples of counterfeit mechanical parts indicators are:

a. Logos or trademarks that do not match the manufacturer’s logo or trademark.

b. Documentation errors, misspellings, or inconsistencies.

c. Altered labels or tags.

d. Altered or unexplained markings, stamping, moldings, or engravings.

e. Improper surface treatment, or repainting/recoating..

f. Oil stains, overheated areas, wear, signs of disassembly, or other indicators of

usage on parts represented as new.

Suggested tests for counterfeit mechanical parts include, but are not limited to:

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a. Liquid penetrant inspection for surface defects (non-porous materials only).

b. Magnetic particle inspection for surface or below-surface defects (iron and

ferroelectric material parts only).

c. Ultrasonic inspection for internal defects.

d. Eddy current inspection for coating thickness, conductivity, or wear inspection on

used parts (metallic only).

e. Radiological inspection for internal defects.

f. Destructive tests such as shear, compression, cross-section, and corrosion.

TABLE F-I. Inspection and test of electronic components.
[Value] (6/,7/)


Test/Inspection Applies To… Indicators Comments (Notes)


Spelling and For detecting fake

Documentation No Low All parts. grammatical errors, documentation.
Check [High] inaccuracies, Refer to IDEA-STD-
omissions. 1010. (1/)
Discrepancy For detecting fake
Bar Code Check No Low All parts. between bar code packaging. Refer to
[Med] label and human- IDEA-STD-1010. (1/)
readable equivalent.
Inconsistencies in For detecting used,
Visual Med appearance, poor refurbished, or
Inspection No [High] All parts. quality, defects, remarked parts.
multiple lot date Refer to IDEA-STD-
codes. 1010. (2/)
Marking ICs and other For detecting
Permanency Low marked plastic, Removal of ink remarked parts. Refer
(Mineral Spirits No [High] ceramic, and marking. to MIL-STD-883,
and Alcohol) metal packaged Method 2015,
components. Solvent Solution a.

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TABLE F-I. Inspection and test of electronic components. - Continued

Test Difficulty
[Value] (6/,7/)
Test/Inspection Applies To… Indicators Comments (Notes)

ICs and other Removal of coating For detecting

Surface Finish Low marked plastic, from part, sanding blacktopped parts.
Permanency No [High] ceramic, and marks. Removal of Refer to IDEA-STD-
(Acetone) metal packaged ink marking is not 1010. (3/,5/,8/)
components. cause for rejection.
ICs and other Removal of coating For detecting
Surface Finish Med marked plastic, from part, sanding blacktopped parts
Permanency Yes [High] ceramic, and marks. Removal of (Heated Aggressive
(Other) metal packaged ink marking is not Solvent, e.g. Dyna-
components. cause for rejection. Solve 750). (3/,5/,8/)
X-Ray Components Finishes not For detecting retinned
Fluorescence No Med requiring tin- compliant with the or remarked parts.
(Radiological) [Med] lead plated part specification (3/,5/)
terminations. (primarily lead (Pb)
X-Ray Med with a die, Inconsistent die size For detecting
(Radiological) No [High] leadframe, or or leadframe. incorrect die or wrong
other internally parts. (3/,5/)
Scanning For detecting signs of
Acoustic High Plastic Evidence of thermal uncontrolled thermal
Microscopy No [High] encapsulated stress stress damage or
(SAM) components (delamination). partially sanded part
markings. (3/,5/)
Components Inconsistent die For detecting
Die Verification Yes High with a markings or incorrect die or wrong
(Decapsulation) [High] semiconductor disagreement with parts. (3/,5/)
die. known good part.
1/ This inspection or test, when applicable, shall be performed on all documentation sources (certificates of
conformance, reels, boxes, bags, etc.).
2/ This inspection or test, when applicable, shall be performed on all parts.

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3/ This inspection or test, when applicable, shall be performed on at least three parts from each lot date code if
feasible. If lot date code size is small (<10 parts), testing on one part per lot date code is acceptable.
4/ Parts shall be removed from random locations within the packaging. Sometimes authentic parts are placed
in the most easily accessible locations.
5/ Multiple tests can be performed on the same parts for efficiency. The order of testing can be varied.
6/ Test Difficulty notes:
a. Low – Test can be cheaply performed with minimally trained personnel.
b. Med – Test can be performed with equipment commonly found in a basic test laboratory. Some level of
expertise is required to perform the test or interpret the results.
c. High – Test requires equipment not commonly found in a basic test laboratory, or significant development
work may be required.
7/ Test Value notes:
a. Low – Test results are not a solid indicator of component authenticity.
b. Med – The test method is somewhat good at detecting counterfeit parts. The detection method is not easily
replaced by other less expensive tests.
c. High – The test method can frequently detect counterfeit parts that may not be readily detectable by other
methods. Failing results are a strong indicator of a potential counterfeit part.
8/ Extreme caution shall be exercised when using chemical solvents. These solvents may have a flash point
below the test temperature (e.g., acetone = -20°C, DynaSolve 750 = 41°C). Consult appropriate Material
Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) before use of chemical solvent.

F.2.5 Reporting Suspect Counterfeit Parts and Materials. The customer shall be notified
of a confirmed or suspect counterfeit part or material, and the actions taken to identify, contain,
and impound all product from the lot. The original manufacturer, and supplier if applicable, shall
also be contacted. An ALERT to the Government-Industry Data Exchange Program (GIDEP)
shall be initiated and submitted within 60 days of knowledge of the counterfeit part or material.
The appropriate parties shall be notified to document the case for legal action if required (e.g.,
contracting officer, DoD Office of Inspector General).

F.2.6 Containing Suspect Counterfeit Parts and Materials. Suspect counterfeit parts
shall be quarantined with all other items of the same lot. All potential users or hardware items
with the suspect part or material, and contain product which has this suspect product, pending
confirmation of the part or material’s authenticity shall be identified and located. Confirmed
counterfeit material shall be provided to investigative agencies for ongoing investigation or
prosecution. The counterfeit product shall not be scrapped or otherwise disposed of without
approval from investigative authorities. Confirmed counterfeit product shall not be returned or
handled in a way which would allow its resale or reuse. Further guidance may be found in the
following references:

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a. FAR Clauses 27.201-2(b), 32.1009, and 33.209, DFAR 252.246-7003, FAR
52.203-13, FAR 52.211-5 and the FY12 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).

b. IDEA-STD-1010, Acceptability of Electronic Components Distributed in the

Open Market, Independent Distributors of Electronics Association (IDEA).

c. SAE TB-0003, Counterfeit Parts & Materials Risk Mitigation, SAE International.

d. SAE AS5553, Fraudulent/Counterfeit Electronic Parts; Avoidance, Detection,

Mitigation, and Disposition, SAE International.

e. IEC TS 62668-1, Process Management for Avionics – Counterfeit Prevention –

Part 1, Avoiding the use of counterfeit, fraudulent and recycled electronic components,
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC).

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G.1.1 Scope. This appendix defines requirements for parts obsolescence. The
procedures established herein are intended to minimize a Diminishing Manufacturing Sources
and Material Shortages (DMSMS) issue. DMSMS issues are not confined to piece parts or
devices; obsolescence may occur at the part, module, component, equipment, or system level.
Ultimately, DMSMS issues affect materiel readiness and operational availability, which, in turn,
affect both combat operations and safety.

This appendix is a mandatory part of this standard. The information contained herein is intended
for compliance.


G.2.1 Obsolescence Requirements. Documented procedures shall ensure that a proactive

obsolescence management approach is established and maintained that meets the criteria of SAE
STD-0016. The obsolescence management plan shall be approved by the procuring activity and
shall address the following considerations:

a. Specify the infrastructure established for the obsolescence management process to

include data management, personnel resources, processes, management reports, and
financial resources.

b. Processes through which the production status of electronic (and other targeted
components) is monitored using Commercial Predictive Tools, direct manufacturer
contact, GIDEP, and other sources. Attention shall be applied to determining where to
focus obsolescence management efforts.

c. Methodologies as to how to measure and prioritize the operation impacts of the

obsolescence risks.

d. Methodologies for analyzing alternate approaches for resolving obsolescence

issues in order to find the preferred resolution.

e. Finally, considerations for obsolescence resolution implementation to include data

to track such as type of resolution, cost of resolution, and impact of resolution.

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Further guidance may be found in the following reference:

a. SD-22, Diminishing Manufacturing Sources and Material Shortages (DMSMS)

Guidebook, Defense Standardization Program Office

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H.1.1 Scope. This appendix defines requirements for incoming inspection and
associated documentation. The procedures established herein are intended to ensure the high
quality of parts and materials used.

This appendix is a mandatory part of this standard. The information contained herein is intended
for compliance.


H.2.1 Incoming Inspection Requirements. Requirements shall be established and

maintained for incoming inspections and associated documentation. Incoming tests and
inspections, including destructive physical analysis (DPA), of parts and materials shall be
performed to ensure that they meet the requirements of the procurement specification. For
categories A, B, C, and T, a database shall be developed and maintained that captures all relevant
data for received parts, to include, lot date code, purchase order requirements, and Certificate of
Conformance (C of C) data for the life of the program. The incoming inspection and testing of
parts and materials shall be conducted in accordance with documented procedures. The plan shall
address the following tests and inspections as shown in TABLE H-I. For parts procured from
Independent Distributors, see TABLE F-I.

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TABLE H-I. PM&P incoming inspection requirements.
PM&P Incoming Inspection Requirement EEE Mechanical Materials
Parts Parts
Part identification and packaging requirements X X X
Evidence of damage X X X
Supplier inspection, verification, and data requirements X X X
Certificate of Conformance (C of C) X X X
External Visual X X X
Destructive Physical Analysis (DPA) X
Particle Impact Noise Detection (PIND) Categories A-C X
and T only
X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) or equivalent, as part of the X
receiving inspection sampling plan, to identify coating or
material discrepancies such as pure tin plating
Material analysis, as part of the receiving inspection X X
sampling plan, to determine proper material
characteristics and to verify Certificate of Conformance,
(examples: Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR), XRF,
ASTM, SAE testing, and/or Rockwell hardness)

H.2.2 Destructive Physical Analysis. For Category A and B hardware, DPA shall be
performed on one device per received lot date code of non-standard microcircuits, hybrids,
multichip modules, semiconductors, stacked capacitors, and custom devices. For hardware
Categories A and B, three devices from each lot date code of received microcircuits, hybrids,
semiconductors, stacked capacitors, custom devices, and connectors shall be held for life of
fielded component. For hardware Category T, one device from each lot date code of EEEE
devices shall be held for life of fielded component. Variation of the DPA sample size
requirements shall be approved by the procuring activity. For Category D hardware, DPA may
be required by the procuring activity when failure history or other concerns warrant further
examination of the device. Standard parts do not require DPA unless they are purchased from an
unauthorized supplier. DPA shall be performed in accordance with MIL-STD-1580. Use of other
DPA procedures requires procuring activity approval. DPA per MIL-STD-1580 is not a
counterfeit detection test by itself.

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Custodian: Preparing activity:

Army - MI Army - MI

Air Force - 11 (Project 1430-2014-001)

Navy - SH

Review activities:

Army - AV

Air Force - 19

Air Force - 71

Air Force - 85


Missile Defense Agency - MDA

NOTE: The activities listed above were interested in this document as of the date of this
document. Since organizations and responsibilities can change, you shall verify the currency of
the information above using the ASSIST Online database at


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