Dynam 4 2023-24

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8/25/23, 5:37 PM pt.kar.nic.in/Form4?


[See Rules 4(4)]
Certificate of Enrolment issued under Karnataka Tax on Professions, Trades, Callings and Employments Act, 1976.

Enrolment No.: 1044744146

Date of Enrolment.: 25/08/2023
Financial Year.:2023-2024

This is to certify that DYNAMIC IT SOLUTION PVT LTD engaged in the Profession/Trade/Calling DYNAMIC IT SOLUTION
PVT LTD located at S K ComplexShop No. 1, 149/2, New Thippasandra Post has been enrolled with effect from 25/08/2023
under the above mentioned Act.

The holder of this Certificate has additional place of work, at the following addresses in the State :
Name Locality Contact No Date Of Commencement

Bengaluru 01/01/0001

Bengaluru 01/01/0001

Bengaluru 01/01/0001

Malur Industrial Area 01/01/0001

The holder of the certificate shall pay the tax at the rates specified in the schedule to the Karnataka Tax on Professions,
Trades, Callings and Employments Act,1976 or at such rates as may be revised from time to time on or before the 30th April of every
year/on or before thirty days from the date of commencement of profession in the manner prescribed under Rule 19 of the
Karnataka Tax on Professions, Trades, Callings and Employments Rule,1976.

Payment Ref. No Payment Date Tax Amount Interest Amount Penalty Amount Total Amount

CT0823002885286833 25/08/2023 12500 0 0 12500

Date: 25/08/2023

Digitally Signed by CTD

on: 25/08/2023

This certificate does not require the signature of the Professional Tax Officer as one can verify the authenticity of the
certificate by checking the Department website.

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