How To Secure Your Phone

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1. Don't give your real name when you buy a new phone and pay in cash in order not to leave any
2. Second, don't give your real name when you buy a SIM.
3. DO NOT put any SIM in the phone for now, DO NOT connect to the internet through WIFI, and put
your phone in airplane mode.
4. Flash a custom recovery, Root and install Busybox.
5. Uninstall as many stock apps as you can! Installing a custom ROM like AOSP or CM won't be any
better than your stock ROM privacywise, custom ROMs don't have OEM bloatware but when it
comes to privacy, data mining and outrageous system apps permissions they are exactly the same
than stock ROMs.
In case you get a bootloop, you can push back from recovery the files you removed that caused the
bootloop, instead of restoring your backup and loosing all the work you did.
TWRP has a built in file manager, just make sure you have /system and /data mounted in the
Uninstall gradually. Start with the google apps and the OEM bloatware, reboot and see how it goes.
If everything is ok then uninstall more stuff and reboot, etc.
You'll be wise, everytime you uninstall a bunch of apps, to copy them first on your SD and label it
something like apps1, apps2 etc.
Now read carefully the folowing about safe to remove apps, in order you to know more precisely
what can be done, and you will see that my phone works with only 10 system apps left. I removed
more than 150 system apks.
You will notice that the google apks are missing, and that the contacts, video player, music player,
file manager are missing as well, I removed them because I don't like the way they spy on us and
suck our private data.


1. Before deleting any app do a Nandroid back up, and do a back up of your system/app folder
(where all the system apps are) in case you want to reinstall a specific app later.
2. If you decide to uninstall the filemanager apk, install first an alternative file manager, like let's say
Ghost Commander, because if you don't then you won't have any app anymore to navigate to your
files after having uninstalled the file manager. Same story with the launcher, or you will get a
3. After you uninstalled all the apps do a cache and a dalvik cache wipe.
4. Reboot and enjoy full speed and no lags, and 1% battery decrease every 10-12 hours when in
stand by!!!
5. Go to the data/data folder and erase the folders from the removed apps, or use SD Maid or similar
app to do it for you (you don't need to do it if you are on JB 4.2 or later since the system will take
care of it for you when you reboot).

Do not mess with system apps if you don't know what you are doing and if you don't know how to
get back to the beginning in case things go wrong.


Rather than giving a list of removed apps I will list here the apps I didn't remove, so that you can
assume that any app that is not on the list is safe to remove.
So, here are the apps I kept (I have to admit that it's a bit extreme, and you are of course not obliged
to keep so few apps).

-Default Container Service

-Fused Location
-Hybrid Radio (removable if radio is not your thing)
-Job Manager (the task manager)
-Package Access Helper
-Sec Phone
-Sec Settings
-Sec Settings Provider
-Sec Telephony Provider
-System UI

- Note -

If you delete the Media Provider apk you won't be able to change your ringtone and your
notification tone anymore. To change them manually you'll have to open the res/raw folder in
framework-res.apk and replace the default tones with your own, not a big deal.
If you delete the camera then some third part cameras won't work, but A Better Camera does.
If you delete the MTP apk your device won't be detected by your computer anymore, use SG USB
Mass Storage Enabler or something similar (only works on the external SD).
You can delete VPN Dialogs but then you won't have VPN access anymore.


- Play Store: F-Droid offers open source apps and you'll find almost all what you need there. If you
can't live without apps from the pay store download them on your computer using Raccoon (found
in XDA's games and apps section).

- Launcher: Holo Launcher HD (very low RAM consumption and plenty of customisation), or ADW
(open source up to v 1.3.6 standalone, found on F-Droid).

- Keyboard: install it as a /system app otherwise you may have problems if you encrypt your phone.
Beware of Swift and Touch Pad, they have many outrageous permissions and are difficult to restrict.

- SMS: Text Secure (open source), up to v 1.0.6.

- Bluetooth: if you use it for speakers or headphones keep it, but if you use it only to transfer files
then uninstall it and use Fast File Transfer (it works without WIFI connection and it's MUCH faster
than the Bluethooth) and/or any open source FTP app (like Swiftp for example, but such apps
require an active internet connection) instead.

- Contacts: before to uninstall it back up your contacts, then install any contacts app. As for me, I
made a file with all my contacts in alphabetical order and copied it as a note in Clipnote apk (a
clipboard manager), and when I need to call someone I just have to click on the phone number
within the file and it opens in the dialer.

- Dialer: since Logs Provider has been uninstalled you probably don't have any more dialer, just
install any third part dialer that you like.
- Video: VLC (open source)

- File manager: Ghost Commander (open source, dual panel mode, root browser and more).

- Music player: I like Gone Mad Music Player but VLC does the trick too.

- Browser: Pale Moon for full desktop experience (it's open source and based on Firefox, but it has
less permissions and no adds), Atlas or Lightning (open source) when I want to browse without
leaving any cookies (I have changed its data/data/nextapp.atlas/databases' permissions to rx, rx, x
(5, 5, 1) and I erased everything inside the folder, that way no cookies or history are recorded),
Naked Browser to access my email.

- Gallery: Quick Pic.

- PDF reader: Mantano or PDFReader (open source, found on F-Droid).

- Edit documents (doc, docx, etc): Office Suite or Kingsoft Office. Those apps need to be toroughly
restricted, otherwise use a text editor like 920 Text Editor (open source, found on F-Droid).

- Gmail: any email app will do, otherwise access gmail from Naked Browser or Atlas or Lightning, it's
faster. Still, you'd better leave gmail and go for another email, just my two cents...

- Alarm: Alarm Klock (open source, found on F-Droid).

- Google maps: Rmaps (open source, found on F-Droid).

- Clipboard: Clipnote.

- Calculator: Arity (open source, found on F-Droid).

- Quick Notes: Floating Stickies (open source, found on F-Droid).

- Html Viewer: replacable by a third part html viewer or by most browsers as they can read html.

- Camera: Open Cam (open source, found on F-Droid)

- Bonus: Greenify (try it, it hybernates apps and saves juice, I'll explain about it later).

- Note 2 -

On KK there are more apps that can't be uninstalled, about 30 or something, pretty annoying and I
guess that it doesn't get any better with Lollipop, thanks to google's efforts to strenghten its grip on
Android and on us.
As for me I came back to JB and you have to ask yourself whether you want to compromise your
privacy to get the latest gimmick and the latest fancy color (that have anyway been made available
on JB with Xposed modules) or whether you want to be safe.
There are small sacrifices to make and I think the game is worth the candle, but it's up to you...

Now you need some tools, namely:

- Xposed Installer:
- Xprivacy:
- App Settings:
- AF+ Firewall:
- Network Log:
- Greenify:
- Blue Box Security Scanner (apps and vulnerabilities scanner)
- SQ Editor
- Rom Toolbox Lite (free) or Pro (paid)
- Privacy Blocker (paid)

- First

Open Privacy Blocker.

Scan all your third part apks one by one, and see their dirty little secrets. Then mod the ones you
don't like, it's easy, just follow the onscreen instructions.

- Second

Open Rom Toolbox.

Block adds, prevent apps from auto starting and disable any receiver you don't like, and try some
build.prop and kernel tweaks while you're at it (be careful).

- Third

Open Greenify.
Greenify everything, except the launcher, the System UI, the Package Access Helper (you could
greenify it but it does nothing since that app is ungreenifiable) and the Keyboard. You can greenify
Settings and Settings Storage too, but it will slow down Settings when you lauch it.
DO NOT greenify Xprivacy and AF+ Firewall since you need them to run in the background (don't
worry, those apps have a very low RAM footprint).
Create a “hibernate now” shortcut on your home screen, and don't forget to use it regularly to
hibernate your apps.
Note that you'll need the donate version to greenify system apps, but it doesn't cost much and it's a
nice way to support the dev.

- Fourth

Install Xposed, Xprivacy and App Settings.

Enable Xprivacy and App Settings in Xposed's menu (under modules), reboot, and make a new
backup cuz from now chances to get in a bootloop will increase and depending what you've done it
may not be Aroma File manager recoverable.
Open App Settings and disable the apps perms you don't like (be careful with System UI as it may
result in constant force close).
To give you an idea I have attached some examples of what can be restricted. You will notice that
stock apps (like contacts, phone, CSC, settings etc.) are the most restricted, that's because they have
the most outrageous perms. The apps in the list don't use the name they have in the play store but
the packages' names (to find them go to data/app and check there).
Done? Now, open App Settings' menu and make a backup of your current settings.

Open Xprivacy and do the same, but first have a read at its documentation here:
and at the following tutorial I wrote some months ago (it was for an old version of Xprivacy, but
you'll get the idea):

This page is about generic settings that work with more or less any app.


After a new app is installed restrict everything in Xprivacy. Open the app and check if it crashes or
If it doesn't it's fine, you're all set.
If it does, go back to Xprivacy and look for which data the app has tried to access by looking for
categories that have a triangle next to them, and subcategories written in bold with numbers on the
right (the first number is today's date, the four digits after the slash mean the last time the app tried
to access that data). Unrestrict the data it has tried to access and see what happens, it should most
likely bring your app back to life.


Some apps try to access data even if they don't really need it to work, which means that restricting it
shouldn't be a problem (it's not because an app has tried to access this or that data that it needs it to
function, and that's what Xprivacy is about).
Try selectively: restrict one subcategory, launch the app and see what happens. If it crashes or forces
close it means that you shouldn't have restricted that subcategory, so just allow it again and go for
the next one. If once opened the app doesn't crash and seems to have its basic functions working
normally then you can go for more restrictions, but close the app first (not by hitting the back
button, you need to really close/kill it, with a task killer or anything similar).
Back to Xprivacy, restrict one new subcategory's data access, launch the app again, see what
happens and so on...

Usually, and as a rule of thumb, what causes apps to crash is restricting some subcategories in the
Shell section (like "loadLibrary", "load", and sometimes "exec"), the Storage section (mainly
"getExternalStorage", but it could be "sdcard" as well), and the System (installed apps) section. So
look for the triangles and the subcategories in bold, because if it's ok to restrict a subcategory in let's
say Accounts or Contacts even though you see it in bold, most of the time restricting such a
subcategory in the Shell, Storage, and System sections will make the app force close, or at least
prevent it from working normally.
Don't take my word for it though, in some cases it's possible to restrict even subcategories in bold in
those three sections. But it's on a case by case basis, thus making it impossible to give a general rule.
The only way to find out is to test by yourself...
Now let's see section by section.
The below settings are the ones I use for my phone and my tab, and you will probably notice that I'm
a bit extreme and that I don't use some very popular apps. You are of course not obliged to be as
restrictive as I am, but at least you will see what can be restricted and what can't be.

Accounts (Google, Facebook, etc) :

I don't want ANY app to know which accounts are registered on my phone so it's all restricted for all
apps, even for the ones that try to access this data like Firefox (remember the triangle and the
subcategories in bold?). Feel free to add whatever you think is relevant for people that use
Facebook, Gmail, Google play, Yahoo or whatever similar app, as for me I can't since I don't use
those apps.

Browser (bookmarks/history), Calendar, Calling (phone, SMS, MMS), Contacts, Dictionary (user),
Email, Identification (device) :
those sections can be completely restricted (with all their subcategories), except for specific apps
that need to access such data (but once more, always try to restrict first). Since I don't use such apps
I can't tell anything about it, feel free to add some lines if you do.

Internet :

an app that needs internet shouldn't have it restricted, for obvious reasons. Most apps that need
internet will work with only "inet" allowed, although some may need "isConnected" to be allowed as
Since version 1.7 more restrictions have been added, and I found out that besides "inet" some
browsers may need "getAllByName", and/or “getbyName”, and/or “getActiveNetworkInfo” allowed.

Location (fine/coarse) :
I don't want ANY app to get my location so by me it's all restricted for all apps. Feel free to add
whatever settings you have if you use apps that need to know one's location.

Media (audio, photo, video) :

the subcategories are pretty self explanatory, allow or restrict based on your apps. Restrict all for an
app that doesn't need media access, allow "startRecording" and/or "setOutputFile" for a voice
recorder, "takePicture" and/or "" for the camera etc., easy.

Messages (SMS, MMS) :

pretty self explanatory as well, all restricted for all apps, except SMS app.
On mine only "getAllMessagesFromIcc" and "VoiceMailContentProvider" have been restricted, I had
to leave the three other ones allowed as my SMS app (Go SMS) crashes otherwise.

Network (addresses) :

all restricted, for all apps, except apps like FTP or Fast File Transfer (file transfer through WIFI). For
those apps I left "getInetAddresses" and "getInterfaceAdresses" allowed. Some other similar apps
may need "getScanResults" as well.

all restricted, for all apps. If you use NFC you will have to find by yourself which one (s) can or can't
be restricted but no biggie, there are only three subcategories.

Phone (ID, numbers, calls) :

all restricted, for all apps.

Shell (commands, superuser) :

root apps may or may not need "sh" and "su" allowed, look if they are in bold if an app crash. Same
thing for "exec", "load", "loadLibrary" and "start" (root and non root apps alike), look if they are in
bold but bear in mind that in some rare cases you still can restrict those subcategories even if you
see them in bold (as said above).
Try selectively if like me you like to restrict just for the sake of it.

Storage (media, SD card) :

all restricted for all apps, except the ones that need to access data on the sdcard like media player,
pdf reader etc.

Once more look for the subcategories in bold, and once more remember that this bold text doesn't
necessarily mean that the app needs access to that data to be able to work. Generally apps that
need sdcard access will need "getExternalStorageState", and/or "sdcard", and/or “media”, and/or
“open” allowed, but surprinsigly sometimes they work even with some of those subcategories
restricted. The "media" restriction is to prevent writing on the external sdcard, leaving it read only.

System (installed apps) :

all restricted, for all apps, except apps like Sidebar or Launcher that really need to know which apps
are on the device. Those ones need some subcategories to be allowed and the bold text is
sometimes your friend, but as usual, the fact that it's there doesn't mean that data access for this
subcategory is really needed.

View (browser) :

restricted, for all apps. If you restrict it you have to know that it won't work anymore when you click
on a link inside an app and want it to be opened in your favorite browser, and for this reason if you
want to report an issue in Xprivacy you will need to have it unrestricted. You may have to enable
“android.intent.action.View” to open files from your file manager


We are talking about user (installed) apps. For those apps, wrongly restricting something in Shell,
Storage or System is not a big disaster, since at the most it will force close repetitively but still leave
you enough time between two force closes to get back to Xprivacy.
When it comes to system (stock) apps it's another story, and restricting the wrong one (s) could
result in a bootloop.

As said above, restricting those apps is potentially dangerous and you need some tools beforehand,
in case something gets out of control. Most people do a Nandroid backup but hey, it takes forever to
restore, and if your backup is a bit old the latest changes you made in your ROM will be lost.
Use Aroma File Manager instead (look for it in XDA, all credits to its developer amarullz), a very nice
little zip that enables you to copy, paste, delete and change files' permissions from within CWMR.
TWRP can do the same, without Aroma FM.
If you get in a bootloop, all you have to do is to boot into recovery and install Aroma File Manager.
Once done it will open by itself and then you can navigate to the folder where Xprivacy is installed
(/data/app if it's installed as an user app, /system/app if it's installed as a system app) and delete it.
Just to be on the safe side delete as well the Xprivacy .dex in /data/dalvik-cache. I'm not sure
whether it's really needed or not, if you have a definitive answer about it you are welcome to edit
this article.
Now you can reboot. Of course Xprivacy is gone, and so are its settings, but if you had backed it up
(hopefully you had) using the pro key or Titanium Backup you are good.
I have tested the following settings on Samsung Galaxy Grand I9082, Galaxy Tab 7 Plus P6210 and
Galaxy Mega I9200, but I don't see any reason why it shouldn't work on other Samsung ROMs.
My ROMs are skinned to the extreme and to the extent that I only have a few system apps left,
which implies that I only can talk about those apps. My settings are a bit extreme as well, and you
may want to allow more subcategories than I did depending on what you want to do with your
device in terms of sharing, social networks, location access, contacts and the like, this article has only
been meant as a guideline to show what can be restricted under extreme conditions.

Android System, Settings Storage, Settings, Wlan Test :

Particular care must be taken here, it's the most dangerous package and the most prone to cause

Remember that the following settings work for sure on Samsung Galaxy Grand I9082, Galaxy Tab 7
Plus P6210 and galaxy Mega I9200, but on other devices no one knows before one tries. Have your
Aroma File Manager ready, and go for it...

All categories and subcategories are restricted, except :

"getDetailedState", and "isConnected" in Internet (on my devices restricting "getDetailedState"

ended up in a bootloop),
update as for Xprivacy version 3.5, allowed:
“Connectivity.getActiveNetworkInfo”, “Connectivity.getNetworkInfo”, “InetAddress.getByAddress”,
“InetAddress.getByName”, “NetworkInfo.getDetailedState”, “NetworkInfo.getState”,
“NetworkInfo.isConnected”, “NetworkInfo.isConnectedOrConnecting”, “Wifi.getConnectionInfo”,

"getScanResults" in Location (if I restrict it my devices can't see new WIFI networks anymore, but on
other devices it can be restricted without that annoying side effect. In any case it won't cause a
bootloop so just try),

"getConfiguredNetworks" in Network,
update as for Xprivacy version 3.5, allowed:
“NetworkInfo.getExtraInfo”, “Wifi.get.ConfiguredNetworks”, “Wifi.get.ConfiguredInfo”,
all the Shell subcategories. It worked with "sh" and "su" restricted but I decided to allow them again
by fear that it could lead to instability. Android System is one of the core app in your device and
AFAIK it can bypass such restrictions, so there's no point restricting them, plus that doing so could
cause instabilities (but I may be wrong, if anyone knows better please correct me). Regarding "exec",
"load", "loadLibrary" and "start", I didn't even try to restrict them, for the same reasons as above,

all the Storage subcategories. I used to have them restricted and everything was still working, except
that it erased most of my /data/data folders' contents,

"getInstalledApplications", "getInstalledPackages", "getRunningAppProcesses",

"queryIntentActivities", "queryIntentActivitiesOptions" and "queryIntentServices" in System.
You can restrict those subcategories though, but if you do so the Application Manager in your
device's Settings won't show your apps, and your keyboard (s) may not pop up.
If you use a Lock Screen that requires Device Administrator to be enabled you may have to allow

Update as for Xprivacy version 3.5:

Overlay and Sensors categories, I let them all alowed.

Camera :

All categories and subcategories restricted, except :

"loadLibrary" in Shell,

"getExternalStorageState" and "sdcard" in Storage.

Certificate Installer :

All categories and subcategories restricted.

*''' (Multi Windows Bar) :'''

All categories and subcategories restricted, except :

"queryIntentActivities" in System.

Contacts, Contacts Storage, Logs Provider :

All categories and subcategories restricted, except :

the whole Contacts section,

"loadLibrary" in Shell.

If you want to import/export your contacts list you will have to allow "sdcard" in Storage, but once
it's done you can restrict it again.

Package Access Helper :

All categories and subcategories restricted, except :

"sdcard" in Storage.

Package Installer :
All categories and subcategories restricted, except :

"sdcard" in Storage.

Phone, Dialer Storage, Sim Toolkit, CSC :

All categories and subcategories restricted.

If the Phone app crashes the first time you run it after you restricted everything, just allow the bold
subcategories in the Phone (ID, Numbers, Calls) section. In my case it was "getSubscriberID" and
"TelephonyProvider", and the app actually crashed when I disabled plane mode for the first time (I
had installed Xprivacy while in plane mode). Once everything was back to normal I restricted again
the two above mentioned subcategories and everything has been fine ever since.

System UI :

All categories and subcategories restricted, except :

"isConnected" in Internet (this one is actually restrictable, but if you do so the WIFI icon won't show
up anymore when you are connected), Inet.Address.getByAddress,

"getExternalStorageState" in Storage,

"getRecentTasks", "getRunningTasks" and "queryIntentActivities" in System.

Task Manager :

All categories and subcategories restricted, except :

"getRunningAppProcesses" and "getRunningTasks" in System.

Done with Xprivacy? Now, open its menu and backup its settings.

- Fifth

Open Blue Box Security scanner and let it scan for vulerabilities.
Most likely it will find some, patch them with Master Key and Fake ID Fix:

- Sixth

Get init.d support.

Make a script to disable some folders that are otherwise recreated each time the phone boots.
I give you the following as an example that works on Samsung 4.2.2 but you may have to edit it
depending which phone you have and which ROM version you are on:
rm -r /data/anr/*
rm -r /data/backup/*
rm -r /data/clipboard/*
rm -r /data/connectivity/*
rm -r /data/local/tmp/*
rm -r /data/log/*
rm -r /data/system/container/*
rm -r /data/system/dropbox/*
rm -r /data/system/netstats/*
rm -r /data/system/shared_prefs/*
rm -r /data/system/usagestats/*
rm -r /data/system/throttle/*
rm -r /data/tombstones/*
if [ -e dev/log ] ; then rm -r dev/log ; fi
busybox chmod 000 /data/anr/
busybox chmod 000 /data/log/
busybox chmod 000 /data/system/dropbox/
busybox chmod 000 /data/system/throttle/
busybox chmod 000 /data/system/usagestats/
busybox chmod 000 /data/tombstones/

If you decide to use this script paste it in a good editor like Note Pad Plus. Then edit it if needed and
don't forget to set the EOL conversion (found in the edit menu on the toolbar) to Unix/OSX format.
You want to do it directly from your phone?
Try 920 Text Editor app, it does the job fine (when you save a file set "Convert Line Break" to
Unix/Android) :

Here's another init.d script, done with Pimp My Rom app (credits, to protect your
phone from various MIM (Man In The Middle) attacks:

### Pimp my Rom : Block Redirects
busybox sysctl -e -w net.ipv4.conf.all.accept_redirects=0; ###ICMP broadcast
busybox sysctl -e -w net.ipv4.conf.default.accept_redirects=0;
busybox sysctl -e -w net.ipv4.conf.all.secure_redirects=0;
busybox sysctl -e -w net.ipv4.conf.default.secure_redirects=0;
### Pimp my Rom : Block Source-Routing
busybox sysctl -e -w net.ipv4.conf.default.accept_source_route=0; ### ICMP redirects
busybox sysctl -e -w net.ipv4.conf.all.accept_source_route=0;
### Pimp my Rom : IPv4 Tweaks
busybox sysctl -e -w net.ipv4.tcp_timestamps=0;
busybox sysctl -e -w net.ipv4.tcp_sack=1;
busybox sysctl -e -w net.ipv4.tcp_fack=1;
busybox sysctl -e -w net.ipv4.tcp_congestion_control=cubic;
busybox sysctl -e -w net.ipv4.tcp_window_scaling=1;
### Pimp my Rom : Avoid Time-Wait
busybox sysctl -e -w net.ipv4.tcp_tw_recycle=1;
busybox sysctl -e -w net.ipv4.tcp_tw_reuse=1;
### Pimp my Rom : Protection against SYN Attacks
busybox sysctl -e -w net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies=1;
busybox sysctl -e -w net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter=1; ###Forwarding traffic
busybox sysctl -e -w net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter=1;
busybox sysctl -e -w net.ipv4.tcp_synack_retries=2;
busybox sysctl -e -w net.ipv4.tcp_syn_retries=2;
busybox sysctl -e -w net.ipv4.tcp_max_tw_buckets=16384;
busybox sysctl -e -w net.ipv4.icmp_echo_ignore_all=1;
###Turn on protection for bad icmp error messages
busybox sysctl -e -w net.ipv4.icmp_ignore_bogus_error_responses=1;
busybox sysctl -e -w net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog=1024;
busybox sysctl -e -w net.ipv4.tcp_no_metrics_save=1;
busybox sysctl -e -w net.ipv4.tcp_fin_timeout=15;
busybox sysctl -e -w net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_intvl=30;
busybox sysctl -e -w net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_probes=5;
busybox sysctl -e -w net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time=1800;
busybox sysctl -e -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=0;

One more (credits @bazz77 – , do visit

the thread as you will find infos about how to harden your system):

###Avoid a smurf attack

sysctl -w net.ipv4.icmp_echo_ignore_broadcasts=1;
###ICMP redirects ipv4
busybox sysctl -e -w net.ipv6.conf.all.accept_redirects=0;
###ICMP redirects ipv6
busybox sysctl -e -w net.ipv4.conf.all.send_redirects=0;
### ICMP redirects
busybox sysctl -e -w net.ipv4.conf.all.forwarding=0;
###Forwarding traffic
busybox sysctl -e -w net.ipv4.conf.all.log_martians=1;
###filter martians
busybox sysctl -e -w net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog=1280;
###TCP syn half-opened
sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=0;
###Tune IPv6 and disable lol
busybox sysctl -e -w net.ipv6.conf.default.router_solicitations=0;
busybox sysctl -e -w net.ipv6.conf.default.accept_ra_rtr_pref=0;
busybox sysctl -e -w net.ipv6.conf.default.accept_ra_pinfo=0;
busybox sysctl -e -w net.ipv6.conf.default.accept_ra_defrtr=0;
busybox sysctl -e -w net.ipv6.conf.default.autoconf=0;
busybox sysctl -e -w net.ipv6.conf.default.dad_transmits=0;
busybox sysctl -e -w net.ipv6.conf.default.max_addresses=1;
busybox sysctl -e -w net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1;
busybox sysctl -e -w net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6=1;
busybox sysctl -e -w net.ipv6.conf.lo.disable_ipv6=1;
### Don't act as a router
busybox sysctl -e -w net.ipv4.conf.all.send_redirects=0;
busybox sysctl -e -w net.ipv4.conf.default.send_redirects=0;
- Seventh

Open AF+ and set it for WIFI, data, VPN and roaming.
I think using white list option (allow selected) is better than black list since newly installed apps are
blocked by default.
Restrict all apps, including system apps, that don't need to have internet access, and restrict Linux
kernel, Linux shell, Internet time servers, DHCP+DNS services, GPS and Media server.
Enable IPV6 support.
Now, make a script to block inbound and outbound unwanted connections, call it whatever you
want (but don't forget to end it with the .sh extension, and to give it RWX, RX, RX (755) permissions),
and put it in data/local or in data/data/dev.ukanth.ufirewall/app_bin.
Here's an example of such script:

# Necessary at the beginning of each script!


## Force DNS (in this Case [OpenDNS](

$IPTABLES -t nat -D OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 53 -j DNAT --to-destination || true
$IPTABLES -t nat -D OUTPUT -p udp --dport 53 -j DNAT --to-destination || true
$IPTABLES -t nat -I OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 53 -j DNAT --to-destination
$IPTABLES -t nat -I OUTPUT -p udp --dport 53 -j DNAT --to-destination

# Deny IPv6 only connections


# Google
$IPTABLES -A "afwall" --destination "" -j "afwall-reject" || exit
$IPTABLES -A "afwall" --destination "" -j "afwall-reject" || exit
$IPTABLES -A "afwall" --destination "" -j "afwall-reject" || exit
$IPTABLES -A "afwall" --destination "" -j "afwall-reject" || exit
$IPTABLES -A "afwall" --destination "" -j "afwall-reject" || exit
$IPTABLES -A "afwall" --destination "" -j "afwall-reject" || exit
$IPTABLES -A "afwall" --destination "" -j "afwall-reject" || exit
$IPTABLES -A "afwall" --destination "" -j "afwall-reject" || exit
$IPTABLES -A "afwall" --destination "" -j "afwall-reject" || exit
$IPTABLES -A "afwall" --destination "" -j "afwall-reject" || exit

# Others
$IPTABLES -A "afwall" --destination "" -j "afwall-reject" || exit
$IPTABLES -A "afwall" --destination "" -j "afwall-reject" || exit
$IPTABLES -A "afwall" --destination "" -j "afwall-reject" || exit
$IPTABLES -A "afwall" --destination "" -j "afwall-reject" || exit
$IPTABLES -A "afwall" --destination "" -j "afwall-reject" || exit
$IPTABLES -A "afwall" --destination "" -j "afwall-reject" || exit
$IPTABLES -A "afwall" --destination "" -j "afwall-reject" || exit
$IPTABLES -A "afwall" --destination "" -j "afwall-reject" || exit
$IPTABLES -A "afwall" --destination "" -j "afwall-reject" || exit
$IPTABLES -A "afwall" --destination "" -j "afwall-reject" || exit
$IPTABLES -A "afwall" --destination "" -j "afwall-reject" || exit
$IPTABLES -A "afwall" --destination "" -j "afwall-reject" || exit

# Turla
$IPTABLES -A "afwall" --destination "" -j "afwall-reject" || exit

# Google
$IPTABLES -I INPUT -s -j DROP || exit
$IPTABLES -I INPUT -s -j DROP || exit
$IPTABLES -I INPUT -s -j DROP || exit
$IPTABLES -I INPUT -s -j DROP || exit
$IPTABLES -I INPUT -s -j DROP || exit
$IPTABLES -I INPUT -s -j DROP || exit
$IPTABLES -I INPUT -s -j DROP || exit
$IPTABLES -I INPUT -s -j DROP || exit
$IPTABLES -I INPUT -s -j DROP || exit
$IPTABLES -I INPUT -s -j DROP || exit

# Others
$IPTABLES -I INPUT -s -j DROP || exit
$IPTABLES -I INPUT -s -j DROP || exit
$IPTABLES -I INPUT -s -j DROP || exit
$IPTABLES -I INPUT -s -j DROP || exit
$IPTABLES -I INPUT -s -j DROP || exit
$IPTABLES -I INPUT -s -j DROP || exit
$IPTABLES -I INPUT -s -j DROP || exit
$IPTABLES -I INPUT -s -j DROP || exit
$IPTABLES -I INPUT -s -j DROP || exit
$IPTABLES -I INPUT -s -j DROP || exit
$IPTABLES -I INPUT -s -j DROP || exit
$IPTABLES -I INPUT -s -j DROP || exit

# Turla
$IPTABLES -I INPUT -s -j DROP || exit

If you decide to use this script paste it in a good editor like Note Pad Plus. Then add you own values
and don't forget to set the EOL conversion (found in the edit menu on the toolbar) to Unix/OSX
If you want to do it directly from your device look back at part six, I've put a link to a Text Editor app.
Bear in mind that by using it you will prevent google from accessing your phone, so google related
web sites (youtube, blogspot, google search, play store etc.) won't work anymore.
Now it's up to you, if you want google access you'll have to erase the lines under #google (both
inbound and outbound).
If you want to check where an IP adress belongs go to : (I like this one the most cuz it shows you the IP range to block)
Want more?
Check here (credits @ukanth and @CHEF-KOCH ) :
While you're at it change the DNS in the system/etc/resolv.config file to Open DNS or whatever you
wish (if you don't use Open DNS then edit the beginning of this script accordingly), and do the same
for system/etc/dhcpd/dhcpd-hooks/20-dns.conf.

Note to Kit Kat users, credits @Primokorn :

On Nexus 5 - Kitkat 4.4.4 - I do not have the first file (resolv.config). At the end, I downloaded an app
called DNS forwarder by Evan He (read the description for more details especially the information
for KitKat users).
OpenDNS has been successfully tested through this URL:
To check whether you are using Open DNS or not you'll have to enable cookies.

If you still see unwanted connections despite the Firewall check posts #71 and #72, big thanks to
@optimumpro for the tip!

To stop the DNS resolve of, and HTTP request to on every connection to any
Wifi Access Point open your android terminal and type :
su -c "settings put global captive_portal_server"
su -c "settings put global captive_portal_detection_enabled 0"
To stop the resolve/request for on every boot (even with network time
disabled) type :
su -c "settings put global ntp_server"

- Eighth

Install a good host file in system/etc, it will block adds and unwanted web sites.
Check this link about MoaAB (Mother of All Ad Blocking), credits to @BSDgeek_Jake :
You can add the following web adresses to whatever host file you decide to use, I have hand picked
them one by one (but as above, don't forget to set the EOL conversion to Unix/OSX format): localhost
::1 localhost [url] [url] [url] [url] [url] [url] [url] [url] [url] [url] [url] [url] [url] [url] [url]

If you restrict all those adresses you won't be able to connect to facebook, twitter and any google
service (including youtube, blogspot, google search, play store) anymore, so filter first and remove
the web sites you want to be able to access.

- Ninth

Open Network Log and connect to the internet.

Check all your connections (long press on an IP to know which web site it refers to, or check with the
web sites I mentionned in part 7), some are legit, some are not.
Block the unwanted stuff using either the host file, or the firewall script, or both.
There's an apk called Blockit! that can help you find host names for some stubborn web sites that
can't be blocked using their IP, and whose host name can't be found otherwise (like,,,, google-public-dns-, just to name a few that I found thanks to BlockIt!).
About one year ago I found out that my kernel was connecting to some google related IPs and to
google's DNS (eventhough I had set the phone to use Open DNS in the resolv.conf file, eventhough I
had removed over 150 system apps and eventhough I was already using AF+Firewall, App Settings
and Xprivacy), and that my android system was calling home (read "at google's central office in
Mountain View, California") everytime I connected (note that my phone had never been linked to
any google account whatsoever).
From that day that I started to gather informations about host files and firewall scripts...

- Tenth

Open SQ Editor, and have a look at your apps' databases.

If you find anythig you dislike, erase it (it's located in data/data/yourappname/databases).
Some files, like google analytics or gaClientid, reappear once the app is reopened again, in this case
you have to set their perms to 000 and fully erase their content (like this the files are still there and
don't get recreated, but they are inactive).
You may have to suppress the write permissions on the folder that contains those files (use you file
manager), ie something like rx, rx, x (5, 5, 1).
Some other potentially unwanted files could be in data/data/yourappname/files or in
data/data/yourappname/shared_prefs, if that's the case do as above.


- I'll deliberately stay vague on those matters, only people that know what they are doing should
mess with that kind of stuff. -

1- Decompile some of your system apps and some of your jars, and track lines refering to specific
websites and DNS.
For a starter have a look at SecSystem.apk, framework.jar and framework2.jar...

2 - Xprivacy is a fantastic tool, but due to android limitations it can't restrict ids for the android
Have tou ever heard of, build.serial, ro.boot.serialno, ro.serialno etc.?
And what about the serial_no and the mac in the efs folder? And the cpu info in proc? And the
serial_number in sys?
Those are ids specific to your device and of course they identify you, that's what they are meant for!
An example, have a look at the wpa_supplicant.conf localised in data/misc/wifi. You'll see that it has
your serial_number which means, and experts please correct me if I am wrong, that everytime you
connect on the WIFI your serial_number gets sent.
You want to change it manually?
Yeah sure, edit it directly from the file. Now start you wifi and check again the serial_number, you
are back to the original value.
I'm not sure whether, if your firewall script is well done and if Xprivacy has been well configured
(read "VERY restrictively configured"), those ids leaks or not, but since I like to have more than one
protection layer I've edited all of them.
Some ids are easily changed using the setprop command (with an android terminal) or the setpropex
command (I've attached it at the end of this post, unzip it and depending your configuration put it in
system/bin or system/xbin, and chmod it rwx, rx, rx or 7, 5, 5. Credits @goroh_kun -- ). Then make an init.d script like:

/system/xbin/setpropex ro.boot.serialno 1
/system/xbin/setpropex ro.serialno 1
echo 1 > /sys/devices/virtual/android_usb/android0/iSerial
echo 1 > /sys/devices/cpaccess/cpaccess0/cp_rw
echo 00000001 > /sys/devices/platform/wcnss_wlan.0/serial_number

(the last one will take care of the WIFI's serial_number I spoke about few lines above),
some will require editing in the efs folder (potentially dangerous, so back it up first!), and some will
require boot.img tweaks, but I won't explain any further since as written above only people knowing
what they do should play with that stuff.


That's an important subject and here's an interesting link to start with :
You can uninstall STK.apk, LogsProvider.apk, CSC.apk, SecContacts.apk, SecContactsProvider.apk,
SecPhone.apk and SecTelephonyProvider.apk altogether, problem solved, your phone isn't a phone
anymore (obviously) but a WIFI only device.
Or, you can buy a WIFI only device and save some money compared to a GSM device.
As for me I solved the matter by uninstalling STK.apk, LogsProvider.apk, CSC.apk, SecContacts.apk
and SecContactsProvider.apk, and by chmoding SecPhone.apk's and SecTelephonyProvider.apk's
permissions to 000 in order to completely disables them (which is not the case when one freeze
them, or when one uses the pm command, the apps are ineffective in the way that the user can't use
them but they are on nevertheless). Then, I made a chmod 644/000 script to enable/disable them,
Of course it's not very practical, and if one only uses one's phone to call one's mum or one's
girlfriend/boyfriend there's no need to turn to such extreme safety measures.
But if one lives in a rogue country and if one could be put in danger because of one's phone then it's
something that one has to consider.
Otherwise, if you don't want anyone to know that you are using that phone then use a public phone,
because whatever we do our provider allways knows who we are calling, for how long etc.,
everytime we use the phone functions, and AFAIK there's no way to prevent that. Except maybe by
using those apps that encrypt communications but I can't comment on that since I don't use my
phone to call or to text.
Well, the thing is that if security really matters you shouldn't have a GSM device but a WIFi only
device, or a GSM device where STK.apk, LogsProvider.apk, CSC.apk, SecContacts.apk,
SecContactsProvider.apk, SecPhone.apk and SecTelephonyProvider.apk have been uninstalled, the
above link leading to Tor project's blog explains well why.
One more thing, have you ever heard about IMSI catcher AKA fake cell towers? Here's a very
interesting project that deals with it :
Oh yeah, you may like that one too :

ANDROID 5.0 (Lollipop)

Xposed is not yet compatible with ART, so no Xprivacy and no App Settings.
App Settings can be replaced by Permissions Denied Pro (paid), but make sure it's Lollipop
compatible :
Sorry for the play store link but that's the only non warez site I found about that app. If you want to
purchase it you don't need to go through the play store though, just contact its dev and pay him with
Pay Pal :
[email protected]
It's a powerfull app so before to start using it read its FAQ (when in the app swipe to the right until
you get to it) and remember that you have to unlock permissions before you flash a new OS.
Otherwise you may have a powerful bootloop, it happened to me once and believe me it wasn't
You can use the settings examples I put for App Settings (in the second chapter part 4) since
Permissions Denied works more or less the same way.
It's a bit more tricky, if doable at all, to replace Xprivacy. Have a look at Donkey Guard, its dev said
that he will make it Cydia substrate compatible but I'm not sure he managed :
Alternatively, see if Pdroid is Lollipop compatible but AFAIK it isn't.
As for me I'll stay away from Lollipop, at least for now...


Stick to older Android versions, like 4.1 or 4.2.
From 4.2 google has strengthned its grip on Android, and added some very unpleasant stuff.
In 4.2 it added FusedLocation.apk, to know better where you are, basically a spying app eventhough
google calls it an “enhancement”.
That apk can neither be uninstalled nor be frozen (or well, it actually can but then the phone doesn't
boot), but fortunately its receivers can be desactivated with Rom Toolbox and it can be greenified.
In Kit Kat it got worse, you will understand by yourself when you start uninstalling system apps
and/or when you have a look at what's inside the system folder.
As I already said in the first chapter, you have to ask yourself whether you want to compromise your
privacy to get the latest gimmick and the latest fancy color (that have anyway been made available
on JB with Xposed modules) or whether you want to be safe.
Forget about Kit Kat, I think the game is worth the candle but it's up to you...

Do not trust too much encryption and do not store sensitive data in your phone. If you have sensitive
data keep it on an usb stick, or a hard disk, the idea is to have it on a support that is not web

Do not link your phone with any account, and don't use apps like facebook, twitter etc... Access
those web sites from your browser , and greenify your browser once done.

Use Tor to secure your IP, your operator will know that you use Tor but it won't know anything else.
Depending what you do, where you live or travel and who you are you may consider to have two
phones, a secured one for your sensitive activities, and an insecure one to call mum.

Do not update your apps blindly, not all updates bring improvements. Sometimes they add more
permissions and/or adds, sometimes the app got sold to a company and policies have changed, you
see what I mean. So before you update make a backup of the current app's version, in case you want
to get back to it later.


@rovo89 for Xposed, respect!

@M66B for the Xprivacy, respect!
@Tungstwenty for App Settings, Master Key Dual Fix, Fake ID Fix, respect!
@Chainfire for Super Su, respect!
@ukanth for AF+Firewall, respect!
@oasisfeng for Greenify, respect!
@THE Tor Project Team, respect!
@f-droid, respect!
@all the XDA people writing tutorials and sharing their knowledge, respect!

Did I forget anyone? If that's the case be insured that it was absolutely unintentionnal, send me a
PM and I'll fix it

Last but not least, all those devs and groups have spent days, if not weeks or even months, coding,
writing, tweaking, modding, in a word working, for us to enjoy better security on our devices.
They did it for free, in a materialistic, greedy and selfish world where gratuitousness and altruism are
an oddity, so the least we can do is to support them.
Please consider sending them a donation, or buying the pro version/license of their app (s), we are
talking about a few dollars which is not much compared to what they have given, are giving, and will
give to us.
Remember that we are nothing, or let's say not much, without them!!!
Thanks in advance for them...



That's all what I can remember for now and that's it, my phone works fine...
An additional plus is that while in standby battery decrease is only 1% every 10-12 hours, it doesn't
If all of the above has been done I don't think that anyone can get much data out of your phone, but
I'm no security expert and I'd like to hear what the big guys on this forum have to say on that
Feel free to add any settings, tips and tricks you have, thanks in advance

(Continued from the end of 'Safe To remove Apps" in Chapter I)

Before to proceed copy your system/etc/permissions, system/framework and system/lib

somewhere safe, make sure you have aroma file manager ready at hand, and that you have a backup
of your system.

Safe to remove jars in system/framework:

bmgr.jar (backup manager)
cneapiclient.jar (if you remove this jar then FusedLocation.apk will force close
when the phone boots, greenify once the apk and click on the "hibernate all" widget everytime after
booting to get rid of the annoyance)
ime.jar (stock keyboard)

After you're done don't forget to wipe the dalvik-cache.

Bear in mind that it works for me cuz I removed nearly all the stock apps, but depending on your
phone configuration you may have to keep more jars.
For example, the stock keyboard would probably not work anymore if ime.jar is gone, same story
with the stock camera if seccamera.jar has been deleted.
The same applies to other apps and functionalities, but the good news is that most jars are self

Safe to remove xmls in system/etc/permissions:

android.hardware.nfc.xml (warning, to remove this xml you'll need to mod
FusedLocation.apk in order to force it not to need the xml anymore)
com.sec.feature.hovering_ui (accelorometer sensor)
com.sec.feature.yosemite.xml (accelorometer sensor)
sec_feature.xml (may break the stock FM radio, dunno about third part radios like Spirit)
secmediarecorder.xml (may break the stock FM radio, dunno about third part radios like Spirit)

Bear in mind that it works for me cuz I removed nearly all the stock apps, but depending on your
phone configuration you may have to keep more xml.
For example, the nfc would probably not work anymore if one of the xmls that have "nfc" in the title
is gone, same story for stock camera if seccamera.xml has been deleted (but some third part
cameras will still work).
The same applies to other functions, but fear not since most xmls are self explanatory.

Safe to remove files in system/lib:

the whole drm folder
all files that have "google" in it
More files can be removed (about 60 that I tested up to now), but risks to break this or that
functionality increase, and since I don't think that many people use such a barebone phone like me
I'll pass for now.
If you want to know which libs just tell me and I'll add them.


- The system/etc/cmds folder.

- The system/etc/secure_storage folder.
- The system/etc/videotelephony folder.
- The system/tts folder (unless you use text to speech features).
- The system/usr/srec/en_US folder (unless you use google now's english offline typing features).
- The system/voicebargeindata folder.
- The system/wakeupdata folder

Special cases

Am.jar (Activity Manager)

It can be removed, and then something interesting happens:

newly installed root apps can't get super user rights, but root apps that had previously been installed
and are in the super su list work as usual.
I'm not 100 % sure, but that could prevent privilege escalation by malicious apps or processes.
Still, be careful and test it only with root apps that you know for sure are safe.
Actually this am.jar works as an activity manager that can be used remotely to start an activity or an
app, force stop apps, kill processes, debug, broadcast an intent and more, through adb or directly
from within your phone by using a terminal app.
To get an idea about what it can do type in your terminal:
and see by yourself.
If you are not into playing with such activities and if you don't use adb you won't feel any difference
once you disabled am.jar, not to mention that preventing adb operations is one more step towards
better security.
There's another am file in system/bin and it works as a trigger to activate am.jar, so
disabling/chmoding 000 that system/bin/am prevents am.jar from starting/working without the
need to remove am.jar.
Still, I rather take care of both, just to be on the safe side.
I made two scripts.
One to erase/disable the am functionalities (but before to proceed, copy system/framework/am.jar
somewhere safe):

mount -o remount,rw /system
rm /system/framework/am.jar
chmod 000 /system/bin/am
rm /data/dalvik-cache/system@[email protected]@classes.dex

One to restore/enable am (make a folder called scripts in your sd, and put am.jar inside):

mount -o remount,rw /system
cp /sdcard/scripts/am.jar /system/framework
chmod 0644 /system/framework/am.jar
chmod 0755 /system/bin/am

Pm.jar (Package Manager)

Pm.jar can be removed too, and just like am.jar it has a triggering file located in system/bin.
Disabling them will disable the package manager.
This package manager enables apps to be installed/uninstalled, apps' data to be cleared, apps'
components to be enabled /disabled, apps' permissions to be granted/revoked and more, through
adb or with an Android terminal app.
To know what it can do type :
and see by yourself if you think it's worth keeping it or not.
If you don't use adb you won't feel any difference after you disabled pm.jar (you will still be able to
install, uninstall and clear data manually) not to mention that preventing adb operations and
specially remote installation/uninstallation of apps is pretty important security wise.
Still, you have to bear in mind that apps like Titanium backup, Rom Toolbox or App Settings use pm
to freeze apps or disable apps' components and permissions, and for example when pm is
desactivated it prevents me from disabling apps receivers/components (like start on boot, factory
reset, etc.) with Rom Toolbox.
Not a big deal cuz pm can easily be enabled and disabled, but I report the issue nevertheless in case
it happens to somebody else....
In theory, removing pm could enable one to install unsigned apps, which can be useful in some
situations (particularly when one needs to edit the android manifest on system apps).
Remember that doing so is dangerous, since any dodggy app could be installed, so be cautious and
test it only with system apps and/or apps that you trust.
As said above there's another pm file in system/bin and it works as a trigger to activate pm.jar, so
disabling/chmoding 000 that system/bin/pm prevents pm.jar from starting/working without the
need to remove pm.jar.
Still, I rather take care of both, just to be on the safe side.
Now, two scripts.
One to erase/disable pm (but before to proceed, copy system/framework/pm.jar somewhere safe):

mount -o remount,rw /system
rm /system/framework/pm.jar
chmod 000 /system/bin/pm
rm /data/dalvik-cache/system@[email protected]@classes.dex

One to restore/enable pm (make a folder called scripts in your sd, and put pm.jar inside):

busybox mount -o remount,rw /system
cp /sdcard/scripts/pm.jar /system/framework
chmod 0644 /system/framework/pm.jar
chmod 0755 /system/bin/pm

Disabling adb

This should do the trick :

mount -o rw,remount -t rootfs rootfs /
chmod 000 /sbin/adbd
mount -o ro,remount -t rootfs rootfs /

If it doesn't work try this :

mount -o remount,rw /system
chmod 000 /system/bin/adb

Safe to remove applets

Applets are like small programms or commands that can be performed by the system, sometimes
with root permissions. They are located in system/bin and system/xbin, and this is where the heart
of your root beats (su and sh). Some came preinstalled on your phone, others are installed along
busybox (those ones are usually symlinked, and bear a different installation date than the stock
We all have different interests and different needs, so here's some documentation in order to help
you decide which applets you want to keep and which applets you want to remove (don't forget to
make a backup) :
To start, you can delete the ones that are nothing but a trigger for framework jars (like am or pm
they bear the same name than their framework counterpart, and they are very light, like 100-200 b,
since all what's inside is a short command to trigger the jar).
Then, watch out for the ones that have internet access.
I will write more about it, and give some examples, in a few days when I have time...

Disable NFC and Bluetooth

mount -o rw,remount -t rootfs rootfs /
chown 0.0 /dev/bcm2079x
chmod 000 /dev/bcm2079x
mount -o ro,remount -t rootfs rootfs /
That will disable NFC (it has to be ran as an init.d script cuz files recreate at each boot), but before to
run this script bear in mind that it may be different on your phone. So, go to the /dev folder, see
which files have nfc as owner, and edit the script accordingly.
The same applies to the following init.d script that disables bluetooth :
mount -o rw,remount -t rootfs rootfs /
chown 0.0 /dev/smd2
chmod 000 /dev/smd2
chown 0.0 /dev/smd3
chmod 000 /dev/smd3
chown 0.0 /dev/smd7
chmod 000 /dev/smd7
chown 0.0 /dev/ttyHS0
chmod 000 /dev/ttyHS0
chown 0.0 /dev/uhid
chmod 000 /dev/uhid
chown 0.0 /dev/uinput
chmod 000 /dev/uinput
rm -r dev/socket/qmux_bluetooth
rm -f persist/.bt_nv.bin
mount -o ro,remount -t rootfs rootfs /

Alternatively, you can run the following once (but again, check that your files match the script and
edit if needed):
mount -o remount,rw /system
chmod 000 /system/app/Bluetooth.apk
chmod 000 /system/app/BluetoothTest.apk
chmod 000 /system/etc/bluetooth
chmod 000 /system/etc/bluetooth/audio.conf
chmod 000 /system/etc/bluetooth/auto_pair_devlist.conf
chmod 000 /system/etc/bluetooth/auto_pairing.conf
chmod 000 /system/etc/bluetooth/blacklist.conf
chmod 000 /system/etc/bluetooth/bt_did.conf
chmod 000 /system/etc/bluetooth/bt_secure_manager_app_pub_key
chmod 000 /system/etc/bluetooth/bt_stack.conf
chmod 000 /system/etc/bluetooth/input.conf
chmod 000 /system/etc/bluetooth/iop_bt.db
chmod 000 /system/etc/bluetooth/main.conf
chmod 000 /system/etc/bluetooth/network.conf
chmod 000 /system/etc/permissions/
chmod 000 /system/framework/
chmod 000 /system/framework/
chmod 000 /system/framework/sec_feature.jar
chmod 000 /system/lib/
rm /data/dalvik-cache/system@[email protected]@classes.dex
rm /data/dalvik-cache/system@[email protected]@classes.dex
rm /data/dalvik-cache/system@[email protected]@classes.dex
rm /data/dalvik-cache/system@[email protected]@cl asses.dex
rm /data/dalvik-cache/system@framework@[email protected]
rm -r /data/data/
rm -r /data/data/
mount -o remount,ro /system

Disable auto start on boot and receivers

Edit as per your needs:
/system/bin/pm disable android/
/system/bin/pm disable android/
/system/bin/pm disable android/
/system/bin/pm disable android/android.accounts.ChooseAccountActivity
/system/bin/pm disable android/android.accounts.ChooseAccountTypeActivity
/system/bin/pm disable android/android.accounts.ChooseTypeAndAccountActivity
/system/bin/pm disable android/android.accounts.GrantCredentialsPermissionActivit y
/system/bin/pm disable android/android.content.SyncActivityTooManyDeletes
/system/bin/pm disable android/
/system/bin/pm disable android/
/system/bin/pm disable android/ ty
/system/bin/pm disable android/
/system/bin/pm disable android/
/system/bin/pm disable android/
/system/bin/pm disable android/ matter
/system/bin/pm disable android/
/system/bin/pm disable android/
/system/bin/pm disable android/
/system/bin/pm disable android/
/system/bin/pm disable android/
/system/bin/pm disable android/ eiver
/system/bin/pm disable android/ log
/system/bin/pm disable android/com.carrieriq.iqagent.service.IQService
/system/bin/pm disable android/com.carrieriq.iqagent.service.receivers.EnableTogg leImpl
/system/bin/pm disable android/com.carrieriq.iqagent.service.ui.ShowMessage
/system/bin/pm disable android/com.carrieriq.iqagent.service.ui.UserPage
/system/bin/pm disable android/
/system/bin/pm disable android/
/system/bin/pm disable
/system/bin/pm disable
/system/bin/pm disable
/system/bin/pm disable
/system/bin/pm disable r
/system/bin/pm disable
/system/bin/pm disable er
/system/bin/pm disable com.jb.mms/com.jb.mms.transaction.MmsSystemEventReceiver
/system/bin/pm disable com.jb.mms/com.jb.mms.transaction.SmsReceiver
/system/bin/pm disable com.jb.mms/com.jb.mms.transaction.MmsSystemEventReceiver
/system/bin/pm disable com.jb.mms/
/system/bin/pm disable
/system/bin/pm disable com.oasisfeng.greenify/com.oasisfeng.greenify.Startup
/system/bin/pm disable android/com.carrieriq.iqagent.service.receivers.BootComple tedReceiver
/system/bin/pm disable
/system/bin/pm disable
/system/bin/pm disable
/system/bin/pm disable
/system/bin/pm disable
/system/bin/pm disable eu.chainfire.pryfi/eu.chainfire.pryfi.BackgroundServiceReceiver
/system/bin/pm disable
/system/bin/pm disable
/system/bin/pm disable
/system/bin/pm disable
/system/bin/pm disable
/system/bin/pm disable
/system/bin/pm disable
/system/bin/pm disable iver
/system/bin/pm disable
/system/bin/pm disable ceiver
/system/bin/pm disable
/system/bin/pm disable
/system/bin/pm disable
/system/bin/pm disable
/system/bin/pm disable
/system/bin/pm disable
/system/bin/pm disable
/system/bin/pm disable
/system/bin/pm disable
/system/bin/pm disable
/system/bin/pm disable
/system/bin/pm disable
/system/bin/pm disable
/system/bin/pm disable
/system/bin/pm disable
/system/bin/pm disable
/system/bin/pm disable iver
/system/bin/pm disable
com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup/com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup.schedules.BootReceive r
/system/bin/pm disable
com.vipercn.viper4android_v2/com.vipercn.viper4android_v2.receiver.BootComplete dReceiver
/system/bin/pm disable
com.vipercn.viper4android.xhifi/com.vipercn.viper4android.xhifi.receiver.BootCompl etedReceiver

Upgrading to later Android versions?

Some people say that later Android versions are "safer" cuz vulnerabilities have been patched?
Nice one, that's what google and his friends want you to believe.
Like this you will jump on new versions as soon as you can, and they will tighten the knot.
Most vulnerabilities (except one or two) only work if one has installed a doddgy app, or has had a
nasty app installed remotely hence the importance to disable pm, or opened a nasty sms through
WAP push (WAP is anyway uninstalled if one has followed OP).
If you are the type of guy that installs apps from shaddy sources, and that clicks on any link on any
sms that promises to increase your d...k's size to 25 inches then I agree, you should stick to later
Android versions.
But as for me I'm not that type of guy, and anyway, what are those bad apps using those
vulnerabilities we are talking about?
They are a few nasty bits, flooded amongst millions of Android apps on board over one billion
Android devices, and those nasty bits account for something like 0.01% (even less if you only installs
from trusted sources and don't click on 25 inches offer sms').
OTOH, google's tracking on Android is on 100 % of newly bought smartphones and wifi tablets, and
its tracking becomes more and more sophisticated and harder and harder to remove as the Android
version rises (it started with 4.2 and got much worse with 4.4).
Now think a bit, what kind of risk are you willy to take with your phone?
Still undecise? I don't have too much time to search the net about it, but since I'm a good uncle
here's a link to start with:


Wanna read more? Here are two interesting projects you may like (thanks @Froschohnenamen for
reminding me of those).
Pri-Fy from @Chainfire, the great master of root:
NOGAPPS, or how to replace google proprietary stuff with some open source equivalents:

- safe to remove system/framework jars (done),
- safe to remove system/etc/permissions xmls (done),
- safe to remove system/libs (done),
- safe to remove stuff in system/bin and system/xbin (done),
- annihilate bluethooth and nfc (done),
- search the baseband/modem for privacy leaks (started, but still a long way to go). That one will be
a hard task, I'm new in that field and most of it is closed. Any help will be very much appreciated,
thanks in advance!!!
- 2-3 things more

Just one thought to add, instead of a boot script to delete files, I have a Tasker task which deletes
them as soon as the screen turns of
After much testing, I have found that the firewall cannot prevent kernel from contacting Google and
several other "security" companies in the US, UK, Canada and Australia when your phone is active.
Initially, afwall did not work either. Neither did multiple scripts, various entries in hosts file or
adaway. They all were fine blocking regular apps, but not the kernel. Only when I went into afwall
settings and chose builtin iptables, as opposed to system ones, I got the result.
I have replaced Android iptables with those from afwall and now kernel's activites are completely
blocked with additional scripts. I took afwall's 2 files from root directory of the phone -
/data/data/dev.ukanth.ufirewall/app_bin/ and put them into /system/bin/ with 755 permissions.

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